crop can grow with out Potash. Ever blade of of Cor;:, :M Tniits and Wr-i-uMcs nu; i:.iv: ;:. !f cnou'r'.i i . Allied you ca;i count nil a full crop if too little, ilic growth will be " scrubby." Sen.) !ir InMik ullia a" about composition ol fertilisers lt adapted lr iJ crop. They cost you nothing. GERMAN KAM WORKS, 9: Nusiu 5t.. New York. Mr. Geo Cbarleton, a machinist at the A. & N. shops w bile al work repalr iug an engine, jostcrday was scveiely scalded about the fnce by a valve break ing. A new engine, Number 17, the foi.rth receuily received, and the largest, ar rived here yesterday for the A. fc N. C. railroad. It came from the 1'iitsburg Locomotive Works, at Pittsburg, Pa. Night Sweats, loss of appetite, weak and impoverished blood, colds, In grippe and general weakness are frequent re. suits of malaria. UoberU'Taileless Chill Tonic eliminates the malaria, puiibes your blood, restores your appetite nud tonej up your liver. per bottle. Jn sist on your having Roberts'. No other "as good." C L Ifradhani. Ife Clin Suit. When it conies to courting a girl, the tailor is not always a successful sui tor. A (iiiiut Nerve Ilultiler. The Myotic Life Uenewer is the most Powerful Nerve Builder know n. Il abso lutely cures all forms of Nervous Dis eases and tienknestes no matteer how aggravated or how long duration, such us Neuralgia, Nervous Prostration, Ner vous Paroiyauis, St. Vitus' Dunce, Pal pitation ol the Heart, Physical and Men tal Weakness, Debility of Old Auc, etc. fSold by T A Henry, du ggist; New Hern Spring Harbinger. We cun'l be icilly sure that spring has coma until we hear of the annual failure of the peach i t op. 'Yielding to the persuasion of my dealer, 1 changed chi.l tonic r.nd tried Roberts', and found il the best 1 ever used, aud shi.ll in fuiutc continue its use." W. 11. Oorprew, Jamesville, N. C, to The Roberts Drug Ce , Hulfolk, Vu., August 14, lcDO 2ic per bottle. Look for the the red cross. C D Uradham, K. 8. Dully & Co., and D. H. Davis. M lio Ilorrowa .Umbrcllaa. Some men arc so will known that they can't eveu borrow an umbrella. Now Is t lie Season when the small boy filla himself with green fruit, which in variably leads to cramps, diarrhu'n or dysentery. If parents are prudent, they will have a bottle of, ready for such summer emergencies. Avoid substitutes, there Is out one Pain-Killer. Perry Davis'. Price 25c sdd 60o. It fulls Short. Il seems queer, says the Maoayunk Philosopher, that tho more a man has bis leg pulled the shorter lie gels. Chills, fever and malaria yield to Roberts' Chill Tonic, If you get the gen uine, wllu a red cross on label. 25c. No cure, mo pay. C D liradham, V. 8. Duffy & Co , aud D. It. Davis. Tlie Kaater Kfg limit. - Isn't It lime for the country corres pondent to send In (he story a bo. a the hen who !) dyed Easier eggs? In almost every neighborhood theie Is some one whore life has Leen saved by Chamberlain's Colic Cholera aud Diar rhoea Iiemedy, or who has been cured ol chronic diarrhoea by the use of that medicine. Bucti persons make a point of Idling of It whenever opportunity offers, hoping I list it may be (he means saving other lives. Fur sale by F 8 Duf fy Co. .aphauilaUe. Msrgirrl Is jul in Biltl.h style. What do you mean? 8be hat a khaki complex loo. JUlief la It II Mrs, Dlsrteasittf Kidney end1 riliildir DIs mm relieved In til hour by "Mew Orsal tooth Ajoerlcea Kldne, Core." It U f reel surprise oa eooouulof Ju tioeed lof promptness In relieving pain In blad Ur, kidney and Uck, In malt or female Kelleve retention of wafer almost lov aaedlatety. If yno tui tjolch relief and -ere ibis la lb remedy, gold by 0. D B.adharo, draggle!. New been, K. 0. - SW.a la. tBaia. Homo sluggards are too laiy svea to ; to the eat Tbry wonld rather have I be tale Come lo Uwm. ' IIU Oaly free. Beaeroleal Old Oekt-Ara yon not afraid yea 0I DU drunkard 't grattf '-. Witty Thingumbob-Hot m ef life. Do fear vol dream Is dat ) d sober, Vf ., -i 1 4 " II I'm St i aV .tf tr fretf'" DOVER. T Ealartt Saw MUX Track b Lite Tai faying, fcover and Trtaioa Ta Unite. April 6th. The 1st I neeting of our While Su premacy Club was well atlendrd. Mr. Levi Kerrell made a very good speech. We understand ibil the Golds' oro Lumber (Jo, is making the nectstary prepaiallen to put in a baud mul In ad dition lo Its already extensive plant. Our truckers claim lliis mid esllier c are ha lug aid coe the t nirk crops to be late anil production thrtt Mr. L. H. Harper ( Fort Ham well and Vr. I) Lane uf the same city wete hetc l'nedy. Mr. Lane weul on through to Ntw Bei n. Vr. L. IS. Humphrey went in New Itrrn this morning on busiuesv Mr It A Richardson returned this morning The trains are running very convenient for our folks. Mr. Albert Thompson's little gitl Mar garetle, nearly two years old, died Tue; -day morning anil buried yeterday even ing near here. While eh) had been lingering lor several days still her parents did not think she was seriously sick. Mr. Thompson that morning thought ho wu considerably better and had started to his work but hardly had gotten to his place of business before the summons came announcing the little one's dealh. We extend our condolence to the bereaved ones and point them to "Him who doeth all things well " Mr. Dauenbnrg, lax collector, is here today. He says, excepting No 'J, No li Township is ahead in settling taxei That is tho way we do business ahead or near them Mrs. Carrie Hest and Mrs. (i V Uichardsoti went lo Kiuston this morn nir to have srmie dental work done. The- marriage bells will mrely jingle next Sunday. One of our most popular and best looking young will wind his direction towards Jones County next Sunday evening and select within its borders, one of the fairest that old Joiicm has.- We return thanks for an invitation and extend our very best wishes for a happy and contented life. Mr W M Tyndal and Miss LonU liilh it will 1 e the contracting parties ON THE HIGHWAY. Shot While Returning Home l ioin a Wcddliif. I'ollocksville, April (ith. Last night, the 5th of Amp, Ito.-s and Rudolph Kulcher (coloied), two brothvis, were lidiug In a buggy on their n; home from a wedding on the planta:iou of Col. Whilford li mile from this place, when called upon to halt by time nu n, they did not stop at unci-, when one of the men ran up behind Koss tiring a caliber pistol ball in his back which went in lo the shoulder blade ai.d cni'v d 'en itself there The doctor piobul and found il two-thirds through the shoulder blade. Kulcher said they cursed him for not having any money about himself. There seems to be a b.tnd of these robliers in that neighborhood as this is the fourth person held up by Ihese three men within two months. First Excursion of Season. We take pleasure in announcing that on May Duy there will be an excursion lo Morchead and return, $1 for grow n persons, and 50 ceuls for children. A band of music will be in attendance and biats at the wharf toconvey passen gers to Beaufort, Hankers Island, the Light House and Port Macon which Is being put In beautiful order for picnic grounds, and other points of interest. This will bo the first aud most delight ful excursions of the season, come one and all, and have, not only a day ol pleasure for yourselves, but asi-ist the King's Daughters lu their praiseworthy efforts to establish a permanent library in this city.Ja want felt by both rcsidenl and stranger. For further Information apply to Mrs Seymour. Maj London's Graceful Acknowl- edgement. This is tho last Issue of the Itrcoril Ih -fore the Democratic Siato Convention will nominate Hi candidates Whoever they may be this paper ami its editor will support them, as slwsjs heretofore, most zealously and willingly and use all honorable means to sccuro tbelr ele tloD. , - This writer cannot refrain from here expressing bis raleful appreciation to bis brethren of the press, and other too partial friends In all parts of the Stale, of IbHr very kind advocacy of his nomi nation for Htate Treasurer. Their food opinion and friendship are valued nuek mora highly than office, for the letter would be worthless without the former, Aad especially do we appreciate the reeolu lions adopted by our countmen at tbelrcoovenllon of last Monday, amoDf whom wa bave always lived. And If Ike wblte men of North Carolina should gram tbelr request and give a klgh office lo a clllien of Chatham (for Ike Aral time alnoe toe organization of Ikeeunetjr (a 1771) we would esteem It ea boaor dne to the county and not to the Imdleidaal receiving II Chatham newrd," ' , . theKlfM Climb. ' Aaimblllon to climb lo tie top Is all rirkt I" oa am t sleep la an upper Unk. " ' . A bwikU TMts. t Wkea a wife klnu at Easter bos. fteia may look for a loach of tprlaf. . r . ' MjtMrte. , ', . '. ", A women begins taow kef se wkea ke doesn't ear wko lookt evsbi fav 11 Bible.- - , ; I A Wife Says: ! " Tt have bur children. Trth the Em j three 1 euttcrad Almost unbearable pains from 12 to 14 hours, anJ had to be placed under . the inCueare of chioroiurm. I used three bottles ol Mother's Frtend beiore our last , child am, which ' is a strong, hi arrl heathy boy, doing my itousework up to within two hours cf birth, ind suf fered but a lew hard ( pints. This lini ment is the grjjii est remedy ever Mother's Friend will do tor every woman whit it did for the Miar-tsct: mother who writes the above let ter. Not to use it during pregnancy is a mistake to be paid for in pain and suffering. Mother's Fnend equip tiie patient with a strong body and ckar intellect, which in turn are imparted to the child. It relaxes the rrusclcs and allows tliem to expand. It relieves mornirg sickness and nervousness. It puis all the organs concerned in perfect onoition for the final hour, so that the actual labor is short and practically painless. Dan ger of rising or hard breasts is altogether avoided, and recovery is merely a matter ol a few days. Druggists rell Mother's Friend lor $1 a bottle. The Bradfkld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. SeuJ fur uur free itludtrateU book. Fair Time Getting- Near. One more week in which to ake full preparations for tho Fair, and there is much lo be done yet, although work is going on in all departments. The entries for the Iiace Meet will be closed next Saturday at 11 p. m. Mr. Mitteldorfer was busy all day.yes leidiy gelling up s-toie decorations, and already there is an appearance of colors which indicates that the decorating will be pretty general among the mer idian! s. " There is no rcson why private r; si denccs should not be decorated, at lea-d .villi Higs, for tho city will he full of visitors and decorations will receive no tir e on any and every street, for the vis itors will certainly ride about the city and no'e everything. Season tickets are now on pale at Hib bard's Jewelry store, Hradham's Henry's and '):ivis' Pharmacys. Let every one get leady and rest after ward-, and no! delay getting ready at once. Tin- line band of Klizabcth City has been engaged lo play during Fair week and the remembrance of its playing last vein, is a guarantee that the music will be enjoyable. 11 ii'chinson, the balloon man is on bis nay to this city, lit! gives exhibits, daily, iln i ing the Fair. Author of Poem. New York, March Will. I'd. Jot hxai.: I havejnt had sent me a r opy of your paper, The Weekly Jot iinai, March 21)1 li , that contains a poem entitled, "Also the Holy Chust, the Couifoner" As the author was notgiven, I thought you would like to know by whom it was w ritten. My father, Hev. Dr. I. T. Wheat for some years Prof, of Logic, and Rhetoric at Chapel Hill was the author. Il was w ritten during the war, just after two of my brothers hail been killed in battle The second veri-e refers in these two lines. With our best Branch in tenth-real Iu faut Leaf, lo a son who died in in fancy. The last two lines of same verse, "And rearly for the linal Harvest home. Ills reapers bind our full eared, ripest sheaf," refer to Maj. Wheal, Commander ef the Louisiana Tigers who fell while leading his Battalion at the battle nf Gaines' Mill, near Richmond June 27lh, 1H02 and also to Capt. I. T. Wheat who was killed at tho battle of Shlloh Tenn., April Gib, 18(12, while In command of a Company in the First Louisiana Infan try under (Jen. Hragg. Very Ifespect fully, Mav Wukat Siioiikii. Jiiftt Eaay lo Htl. The girl who uses Invisible Ink csn usually write a letter that's out of sight. No Lack. lllobbs I'm the most unlucky fellow In the world Hlobhs Why don't you nail a horse shoe over the door. Ulobbs I tried that once, and It tum bled down on my head anil nearly cracked my skull. Only lalalM Wm k. Dugglns-Oreat Soot 1 1 Listen to the yelling next door. It soonds as though murder was being committed Muggins-Ob that's nothing. One of those painless dentists moved In last week, that's all. Oolds are eeuit Uken and often 4e, relop into bronchitis or consumption. You should mire a cold prompt) t with Dr. John W. BuD'e Conga irrnjK Thla MlebratM remedy la noai e4B Hit aad Will rra e cold at onwa. , . 7,5, COUCH SYRUP Promptly cum Stubborn Cold. fina ar ttttatl eM bImmmI to 1st. tWtwe rcuwtMd It, ITfc n tta. t all drwcjww. ?v 1 IE. t9V . . S A STORY CF DAN RiCE.. Tke Cr-at lnm Uil Hoi l urgtl lb I rul Uaa'a Dill. Oiiv ry id lao Utre. !. .i.-..u clri tis lo - n. ill est r a tea hia s' r : s :. of houeMv and emtrtude t t . i OU.-v t.- u I I ..i .led ill ...r llic r. t . i . ui. j us uu:. . : - . , : s show on tlie n ad t-eaie : tent and cv,,:ld not raise rn. '. t :,.. OQC The IA IT. 11! ' '.. .! worth ;. '1 I,. . '. . conn-in m'1 ' for the ciuun i in :m ! ' :rg hlr;r lo I - '.i : r hov(-.l a i .- r i 1 1 1 that u J - :.t. til. K: r 1 -.I at It with 1 . : , . He it.) :i. 1 a . w ith a Fig "I'l!.. tent, d.-n't you thu . I the o;i i .i- i r U:.v 1 h.I. 1 ba. k at It ove! : - s!. i:' der. ith another deep sigh "It's Vi-ii.t. ' said the t. lit : :,n I!l.e was like n playful ; 5 t t ':i lustnnr. "1 beliexe there Is n let ' i.. i.. v you yet." mi id the rnntas t. ..: ..;, take tl.ut t,-ft and still t nod if you nn get money . i. 1 .;. ;.. i:ry me for it the price is "" i 1 1 1 i li two weeks Hire ., tin road with a show nnd beu-...: :i -ful cai'eer. 1'or lo years he t:i .ri ferred to the tent, although h.- .lien met the man wliu made It. 'n. ; . J" t . i -noon he ashed the tent n:m to . ,i i ptiest nt one of his shows. i:-. ti in i';n cinnnti The two snt looking on. and Itiee remarked : "Fine show, don't yon think?" The carn:is ninn declared that It cor tnlnly was. "l'-y the w.-iv." :nh!.d Ith-e. "lore's Hint J'J.otit) I owe yon." He took u roll of bills out of pork (-t .-ind hat!.! m :t to the ti'iitin.-iker. wlio m rkrtr.l it with out unrollim; it. 'I'l Id trt't in;ni lov oil to t'ehite this story and alwnys 'h' flared that the great n:. n ( f this inn: try were I. T. Hanmni. .luhti Robinson nnd Dan Itiee. New York Mail and Express. THE BABY'S LITTLE JOKE. It Worried the l-'nl Mini, lint He Tried lo i:iiJdj it. It happened in one of the hrtp (rains I'veryiiody was trjini; to jjet to sleep, and when the voire ot' ,i baby was m,. (lenly lifted tip In n ro!.it a il it was not inel Willi r . e-rs.-i. .s of joy. li cri. d li dii i Sprint; (ianlrti Kll'cot lo i '. In;: Ida nr.-:. h-ninlit :., , it had A r; . si.. til very a:..i: !e i ian stooped heavily a.i i The child Mopped iiM inie. Then il a i'li-;. -board I ion :iii I. like his kind, arios-; th.e aisle irkod il up. . r y int; as it took it and promptly dropped it aj;aiii. The man. thinkinu' i! nn arrident. idelLi'd it up cure nidi'' This lime the baby :;) as he tniew it I '.' .ih ; i -1 : r 1 1 1 The aetitaliy sinile!. a:; down audibly re ..- ! man looked d: :. and heeanu' int. n outside I he window at tin1 box a inniiiei and. seeini; iiothiriL; en t'ti.ide i.i s 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 i i i n l' he child k.okril -il at the man. e. icsuuied his d w ind. The Willi. Willi in lie look of llrspair Irsetllrd oil l Hie woman with the headache i;iive a eiiiiMil: i shudder ns fare ol and sin she fell her head liejr'tinint; to jump. She lmvo one awltil liuirr at iN baby and then leaned over to the stout num. bark of whom she win siltdn.;. "My dear sir," said she, "I have a vh lent headache, nud I am in misery. Won't you please pick i:; lhal box HltainV" Ali.l with a hifjhly arlilirial smile he eomplicil. Out i f purr emir (esy he heenmc a box lil'tine aiitom iiloti. his piles of adipose luuhiiic. earh stoop cmiii. harder. I 111 t when hr wip ed the peispiral Ion from bis blow and stiiUK'rreil out of the car at lo iiiiau town he ol a 'raleful smile lioin the lltllictc.l woman, as well as rw other piisseiiicer. that lie felt paid him. Philadelphia In.pllier. Nnciiv l-'lenn. One of the .straiiKest of nil spn ks on suow Is the snow Ilea - no ii.i.uir lira, but nil nettnil llvlnj; and ny liel iiiiiti,'!'!. w hose swarms s inietinn s c. it er the snow In piitehes as Ida. k as ink or convert hii'Kc spiices of its surface to n dnik i;rav color. They an- . ;i :i Hires of the t ha w. I have seen palrh. s. says William Hamilton tlii.rou. two feet In diameter moving Ilk.- n drul; shadow' urross the iiie.'lilow. and I ie nieniher once when u boy waii in on the snow crust over il Held ol si t ncres that was everywhere peppered with their millions. The hooka tell ns that the inserts live 111 moss mul licheiiR nud the roeks nnd bark of trees, from which liny rim-ici' for exercise In mild weather 'lids theory la probably wnrninled bt the facts, bill It w ill be no easy task so lo convince ninny n rustle philosopher whom I know nnd to whom these Mens are ns much a eeleatlnl aliowm as the snow Itself. I'.oston Transcript I. In. Il In Ilia Oratllu.le. "1 feel Hint I ought to make some ac knowlodcjneiit to the people who were so kind to us during my late wife's last sickness." said Mr. Through', "and I would like lo have you Insert this card of Ihrrnks In a prominent place In this week's paper." "We nre oldlc'd to make n chnri;e for these notices." replied tho editor of The Weekly Itlizard looking over the manuscript, "and thl. will cost you II" "Then you needn't publish II." re Joined Mr I'liroocle "I mm not unite aa Rinlefad nr. all Hint comes to." Chi cago Tribune II. -r llenaon. "Why did Mrs l-'rlrrdiiKton. the rich Widow who furnished all tlw money for the business she nnd roil have started, vrnnl Hie nnme of the firm to be Itoolle A Krix7.lni;toir Inateeil nf 'Krlrjilnirtou & ftooib .' ns It otiuht to be, rpvIuk Hint she Is much more heav 11 Intereelml than ynuT "She didn't wsnl lo lie referml lo as tlie senior pnrtner.' "-r:hlcago Tlinpe flerald. Pietteeef f lUaiaca Diaeaae Permanenlljr eared by the masterly now er of Booth Amertosn Nervlaa Took laTallda Bead Mfe no lorifer, because this remedy eaa care tbem all. It is a wra , for the . whole world of stomach weakness and tndlMtlon. The tare beflni with the II ret dnae. The re lief Il hrtnn to marveloui and enrnrla Inf. It makee ao fallorai a ever ill sen point, Ma metier bow lone; yosj sve nffered, yoeriare leertaln nader the of thla vree health jlnP 'orca, fleaaaRt aad always safe. Bold Vy 0. 0. Bred ban. rl-vgiUt, Hew Bern, HO, ShMFBIRflflTHiSn 1 .rje t . ory !'. l t Vl-t ..lve-:. :u the a :d '..n I .! all r-ih, . : . . . . ,, CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Fail "KM of t lie propc-cJ Change In Ilic N'.nl! C.milina CunMtlutlLn. That a i I I i i V ; irie 'I of ihc con irotii a hr. and t hi oj hi t d, and in lien -i't' the foll.uv- n. '. of IihK A t. I 1. I 1. I. I l.liihilin lo Ollirc. (Jiuilili ill'iii "I I.lrrlur. l'-v-iy male person horn in I tio I the 1 iiilid Matrs, nnd evi rv male per son who has been mil u r al i .ill . twenH oiie M ars of nixe. and :ossessitii; : he ipncili. alioiis m t out in this article. -had he in) it ii .1 to vote a' any election by I he people in the State, .except as herein H hci w ie pn ided. S. clioti lie : hail have re-ided in tiie Si aie ol Nor ; h t a; olimi f-.r 1 .m. ears in Ike comity six mouths, snd in the j ic- i met, w in wllirh In- Ili'M pierr thai H inov lein I' cle sanie coin prive 1 ' r ; t her ek ct ion ilMr't! in dfets l i t , four months leccii.m; provided. . precirret, ward oi . ' nno! her in the noi operate lo tie-In- i ir. hi to vote in i tin r election ili.-, :d :i 1 ne p 1 1 i !: trie! lion 1 1. d . rh he h .s icniovcd, unlil four mot li , a.T.-r -. n w ho hit , li. i rl. reiuoal. No pel oiivieiid, or who has confe,-ei! I illdielnient ruiii in rl i'l) co'irl upon of anv in", the punish- nu nt, ..f w hiei is, .. ,, v hi-uallir he, initu isoiimi in ::i liieStal.- piison, shall he i i n i i : 1 1 d I.. .;.., ur.less the said pel -.on shrill be li i ft Kioi.d to citizen ship in I he manner n -i idud by law. S.etion d Kveiv pin-on Iferirj; lo vole si,,,!! I M I 1 it legally rcgi; - 'llh.d nnd in provided by law ti led toll l as lii-n ti ! lie ill:; trm l h 1 1 c i 11 a ' I and lie- (.. ncral nnhiy ,.f North Cai oh 11 a riell enai 1 ct 1 ei al 1 eeisl 1 ni ion law s to ran -. intn elite: the piovir-i-ms of 1 his ail n !e. Sect ion -I K-. ery person pri-M-nling liini-ell foi ie:-it; lal ion : ,u ,(. alii,, p, j read and w 1 iie any section of the con ! stilntioii in the Kntiiish Unionise; and he j fore he shall he entitled lo vote, have paid, 0:1 or hi Ion- ti e lirM day of March j "f the year in w hirh he proposes to, I his poll tax as pie-ciibed In law, for lire j pi e vious year. Toll taxis shall he a lien j niiiy nn ars(M-.d properly , mid no pn. N-ess shall issue to cnlotce the collection ' of l!ic r-anir i-xcept nc'rii .1 -si I'd prop i et t v. l-ielioti o. No niale peisou who was oii.lali'lHly 1. Iu7 or, a! ant lime prior j thereto, rnlillrd to tolr llli.h r the law I ol 1:1: Male in the I'mteil Stales where ill he then le-idid, and no lineal desen ihinl ol any sin h pcimn, shiill he denied j 1 he 1 ihl to rcijisler and tote at any I eleclion in this Slate l y ii ason of hi, I nihil e 1 0 possr.-s 1 he . 1 11 atu uial ipiali i la it tuns pn set 1 ,i , i in -. . : nm 4 of thia article; pi ot ided he Khali hate n ri - irred ! in accordance with the li 1 111 - of 1 hi cc- tton priot to December 1, liars. I lie (ien eiHl A-scmb!y shall pioti I 1 a per III a 11 en I reeold of all pel no n . w ho 1 1 dia ler under I hi i-ection on or Nn. veuilier 1, IIHIH. and all siu li e-is n, shall let 1 ntil led to ole lit U.I cb-i I ion- ly I he pi ..pie in this S a'e, 11 11 li s- di-iiinlilied under seeiinn 2 of this ariicie, pn.iided -iich persons hsll hate paid poll lx as rei!iire I by bitv Seclb.11 li AM 1 IcliI .ns ,y the people shall be by ballot, and all 1 leel ions by the iii ncr.H.1 A-semh'v shall l etiva vine Hectlon 7. Kveiy voter In Ninth Car olina, exci pt as In this silicic dicpuli lieil, shiill be ellKlhle lo ollice, but la-fore cntcrlnK' upon Ihc dunes of the nfliee he shall take and siibjcrlhe the following oath: " , do sol"mnly swear (or sfllrrnl Hint I will support and maintain llie c. nnlit'itlon and Inns of the I'nlled Ststrs, and tho connlMllon and laasof North Carolina nut InrnnsUienl Hirrc w ltd, and lhal I will fnit'.fully discharge the dnllcs of my ollice as . So help me tiod." Section H. Tho following classes of persons shall Ik- disqualified for office: First, all persona who (ball (leuy the lielng of Almighty Ood. Heoond, all per sons who shall have been convicted or confessed their tullton Indictment pend ing, sod bother sentenced or noi, under judgment suspended, of soy treason or felony, or any other crime for which tbe (ittnlsbmeol may be Imprisonment In tbe penitentiary, since becoming cltltene of tbe United Hi ales, of cor rapt Ion aad mal practice In office, an lees toch person shall be restored to tbe rlgbta of elileear ship In a manner prescribed by law. BeotloaO 1 ale eel eball beta force from and after lu rstlllcatloa. Awd Ribta. Wben h reaches the age or M the vsiiaDf trie lo conceal Ibe family pho tofrapb alboBs. ' , n I'M . accciis to 'he blujd t trough failure ol the proper - tin clear r oil moiled eftcte m.ter Thu ooraor . - nrtal cirval:wi. i -ic..tcd in t joints, and neree. cauaing the moat iatenmenain. may atUca wrtn .jch suddenness and aevcrrty s to make within a few daw, healthT n ..e.pie and ld-:uldtn. with distortetl limbs and .h-ticrcd uervis or it mav be aloo in .. Migut wandering Iu.-s just severe enough lo make une fl uncomfortable tteten. .. r t ) grow worse, and liuallv become chronic ' d,.. Knrum:.lisrn ,s often inhrntcl. ar.d eipoeare to dampor cold, want of proper ... , lotaing. or .i.ything calcuUted to iinpatr the licahh. vnll frequently cause it to dfveU riore often not u'ltil noddle age or later In whatever form, whether acute or chronic Rheumatism is Strictly a Blood Disease, , ..'. ..r oi.rcr external treatment can reach the trouble. Neither do the pre, aretion, t f poUa.1 the various mineral salts, which the doctor, always present, cure KlieumalunT but :i .n ..nd break down the constitution .nu, w ,, .. h l-iidds up the general health and at the same time lids the si stem of the poison is ltral!1 curL' ,for Kheumatisin. b. S. S., made of roots, herbs and barks of womUrful U." '"' "K1!1 . rnd "' thc r'K" VUee- the blood -and quickly neutntltte. .:- .i.i-Mib. stimulates and i Enforces the overworked, worn-out organs, aad cleaii the avatnu rt?. rt niUtninlN aiiil anA 1. . r ""fr"',' , D'U gicvps lis Iiu! ; : . ; -Her ti i....ntli -ut avi tet riti afliicicd said his cnar wi h.;.-iCai Mr had in the xhtrMcst itlirf A (t v 1 sot tics of i'.k pai i bin. tr i his waa t vr cars bho !lllli-lf 1 h ii, which should te m the hands usr Om p: yM.'ians ac made blood and skin 'v i i w.alio!: ix advice wanted, so write them 'V " ' 'i.-f r i hi--, f-erv-ce. STATE CONVENTION. Tlmcror Calling: lo Order. Where Delc-g-alions Will Sit. ' The Democratic S a'e Convention wi I be tailed to order at ll'-lo o'clock a. in , sharp, April lllh, 1'JIK). in 1 he Academy : of Music. The doors will not he opened j to the public unlil the delegates are j r -vided with scats liclee'Ucs will be admitted by cards of , ii'liiii-sion which w.ll be furnished by the Secretary, at the llistrict meetings Members of the Slate Executive Com mittee will be admitted to the platform w hen piesenling a card which will be furnished by the Secretary. The District delegations are hereby called lo meet at the following places at il o'clock a, m , sharp, viz.: Fust District at county court house. Second District, at Academy of Music, 1 ihl side. Third Distiicl, at Academy of Music, Ml side. Ko'iHh District, at Metropolitan Hail right sale Kifih Dir-trict, at Metropolian Mall, left si. I .-. Six h Disliiet, at Mator's idli- e. Seventh District, i l House of Kcpre senta i.e-, ril.t side. lve,t District, in House of Representative-, left side. .Ninth District in Senate Chamber. Km- the purpose of selecting Commit lecinen on Credentials; (1 mmilteenien " I'l rinanent Orejs.iii.ations and Kules; 'oininilteeii en on l'la'fo:in a. id Kcsoln- tiollS. One Vice I'resi-.lent from each District; four members of tho Stale Democratic Ktcciilivc Committee fiomeiich District; two delenaies and two altcruales from cneh disti ii t, to be sent to the National Detnociatic ( onvenlion to be held at Kansas City, July -1. WOO. Jm W. TnotirsoN, Sec'y , S 1 alt- Democralic Kxe. Com The (1 til nil and State Democratic K,x ecutive Comniittec is hereby called to meet at Senate Chamber on Tuesday, April in, I'lOO, al H o'clock p m. K. M. SitixioNs, Chairman. Ino W. Tiio.mi'son, Secretary, General F. H. Cameron Dead. (ioneral Fiancis llawkcs Cameron, a well known citizen of Italeigh, N. C , wlio recently came to this city, died at the residence of Mrs. V. H. Cameron, No. lilTi West Eranslln Street, at 1 1:37 o'clock last night, after a lingering ill ness of several days. The immediate cause of his death was Hrighl's dis ease. General Krhncis Ilawkes Cameron was born in Nonh Carolina June 1, 1HH7, and until leeetnly was general agent for North Carolina for the Idle Insurance Company of Virgin's, wit h headquarters at Ksh ieh He came lo Richmond in IHfly to a-Miine an ollice at the hea.lquar lers heie. Uencnil Cameron Is survived by a widow and six children Francis X. Cameron, Jr., an idllcri nf the volunteer army and Is now in ti e Philippine; Duncan H. ( amerou, of Yokohama, Jupan, who was with him at the time of his death, and the following daughters: Misses Frances II, I-ctirand, Natalie ami Eugenia Oeneral Cnm.-ron was AdJutanl.Oen eral of North Carolina under the last Democralic administration. Ho was a veteran nnd served with distinction, lien .Cameron was also a thirty-second degree Mason and prominent In Masonic circles - Ulchnavnd Times. The Flower Paf cant. The following speclsl premiums .Ill Ixt given For the prettiest snd moat tastily de corated vehicle One handsome silk pat aaol, by I). F. Jarvls; one haodaome cut glass vase, by U II. Culler; one solid liver erange set, by 8. K. Eaton; one nlc.kle Chsflng dish, by T. W. Dewr; five pounds Huyler'a Candy, by flyman Supply Co ; one bottle Rogers and Cal led Violet Extract by T. A. Henry. Fer second pref lest: One handsome cut glass vase, by James Redmond; one ornamental braae clock, by J. C. Wbllty; one sliver brush aad comb, by J. K. Utbem; one pair Boa Zlefler shoea, by K B. Ileckbura; one half dorea bottlee fine olives, bv John Dona: one pair Red- fern Corsets, by J. B, Uollsnd Co one sirel eofravlng IliM,,, 7ob Sntor. t . , 1 For (bird prettiest t-Oee handsome white silk fsa, hy 0. Marts Co t on silver maatcera sea by A. B UlbUrd; one toilet set, by (V D. Bradhami eaa poarl handle pea-kalfa, hy X. W, Bmalt- wwvui bhui omen aaa poctet Basxl herchUfi hy J. 3. Bailor.. The Chief Marshal, tU order Irtlflc tal flows ra, for all desiring to order, ap plying lo him prior U Wed n Way neii. Dis'rns fiiascic sisiiiitrs Nerves; siiiicns JoIdis. ress, SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. Rerubllcan County Convention. The Republican Executive Commltle of ' raven county met Saturday noon at ihc Court House. Tuesday, April 24'h, was set for hold ing the County primaries, and Thurs- lay, April 2(ith, the day for the County Convention. If troubled with rheumatism, give Chamberlain's I'ain-Balm a trial. It will not cost you a cenl if it does no good. One application will relieve the pain. It also cures sprains and bruises in one third the time required by any other treatment. Cuts, burns, frostbites, quin sey, pains in the side and chest, glandu lar and other swellings are quickly cured by applying it. Every bottle warranted. I'rice, 25 and 50 cts. F S Duffy & Co. The One Day Cold Cure. Kermott's Chocolates Laxative Quinine for cold m the head and sore throat. Children take them like candy. I Py ny-?e a quick: cure for COUGHS AND COLDS (fi Very valuable Remedy in all affections of the 4 $ THROAT or LUNGS i ;i Large Bottles, 25c. T DAVI3 & LAWUENCB CO., Limited, Is l ro',i'B of Perry Davis' Psin-Killrr. eeie$i6i6Ctei6tC:se4 Ch1i sif evir,sj Eoclif , Diomoii'f Dmnn. fENHYRQYAL PSllS '-"X. rlgnui BBiid niy Genuine A 1 Iliu;i ,rt ft,r 'hictwstrr 1 f'miUih Via QF uca, H-nie-I with liu. ri)bon. Tako VW 9 ol hs-r. l'(fiir iianycrouw tuhtlitu- w 'mn. ai iirojr;iiP. r-r aenn . jiarlici lara, l- slinioulkle a,ui l-mllcst." fn letter. l rrlurs O !'oaiirioriina. Hmut 'a (in t '-inn r r.o. luii. MMsrii : rcM,-'.. '"-uulvi e mil Uc: lua.c. VntUkW fA. Atlantic A X. . It. It. -TO TIIE- New Bern Fair ! April Ililh lo 2 1 at. Inclusive. From all stations West cf New Bern tickets will l ,.d over this road on the Regular Mail Truiu from April 15 to 10th inclusive good to return until 25d inclu sive. All stations East of New Bern by the Regular Mail train will sell tickets from April 15lh to April 20th inclusive. tT llie Hpecial y ttir Train will run on April 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th from Ooldsboro and intermediate stations to New Hern and return same day. Fare for round trip, Including one ad mission Into the Fair, when tickets are purchased: lly Itra-ular Mall Train. (loldsboro, $2 40 Core Creek $110 LaUraiiKe, 2 bO Rlverdale 1 Kinston. 1 1(0 Newport I 2fi lover 1 8(1 Morthead 1 80 l7 S..rlal Train. Ooldsboro $170 Caswell $1 80 Beef 1 50 Dover 1 28 LaQrange 1 ir, Core Creek 1 00 Falling Creek 1 40 Tuscsron. 815 Klnsum 1 8J Clarks 75 Hrhrdnla of NprntlalfTrala. Ieave Ooldsboro 7 80 a m Kinslon ' 8 50 Dover 9 43 Core Creek 0 08 Arrive New Hern 10 tO Reiurnlnir Uave'Ncw IVrn 47pm Arrive Ooldsboro 0 00 8. L. DIM-, Snpt. Ol Middle Ntreet. On Thursday, April i2tix, 1900 . . r ' '' , I will inoeo trif BICTLK AKD RtPAtR 8T0BB to II Mlddla Slreei,1 whero I will hart h oew aad p-o-dalo uioyoioi ana UoodfLav' ; ;". t , . 7 ' Iroohool for 004 ot the pretii itorea la tblipariof ihioonatrr. .. WiUhareaootnple'.aetorslof Bioycle. Sandrlee, Graphophoaeu, I!eoois, Jtn. . tWOlreme a call at my e itore fur ah r del. - . ) - ' vr.i: f; hill. ctoral Special Low Kates Sew Bicycle She!