rSVyisV -, wit VOLUME XX hi. NIW BIRN, CRAVEN COl'KTY. N. ('.. FRIDAY, APhIL i! in Ml llil tl 1 M'MBIK t , t IS TO CROPS. First Bulletin of Season Issued Weather Bureau. By Spring in Very Late. Krnlt And Truck Backward. Ha Ml nit Go ing On. Mortoa Ik Hernlar. Tyrrel Land Cane. Pres. Aldortann I'ndt-cldi d. RAI.Kliitl, April 11. TLe first Stale weather and crop bulletin of ihe yiur was issued by the L'uited Slates weather Bureau yesterday. It U as follows: Tbe begionlug of the crop season of 1900 roust be recorded as unfavorable, chiefly on account of the delay in faun work ciu.Cil by coatinuon coll, wet disagreeable weather dining February and March Spring is unusually late and vegetation very back ward; forest trees west of U-ileigb hardly yet show signs of growth; the ground ii cold and unfivor able for the germination of seeds TIu lack of snow covering cn-l i.lterimte freezing and thawing during winter matcriiilly injured winter oats; on Ihe other haud most of the wheat crop though small is thrifty and U progress ing favorably. A relative small crop of Spring oats has been seeded. As the Value of truck crops grown m ill.; cast depends on their early maturity, the backwardness of the season is especially unfortunate in that section; early cab bage, pens and lettuce are not as good as last year; beans, pens and onions are up; Irish potatoes are late. Strawberries a'so, though coming into bloom rapidly now, are a week or ten days behind the average. Tt.e 1 nuiing of fruit trees has been greaily retaidcd by the late advent of spring, and so far the prospects of fruit must bo considered esc cptiuually gooti. The reports of crop correspondents for the week ending last night iudicalerl i a continuation of unfavorable condl tious for growth to and including Thuis day, nth. Light rnins oerured on c-vi r al days early in ihe wtxdi averaging however less than half an inch for the Slate, and wi-io followed by frosts. The cold weal her culminated ill a fr ezj on the morning of the fifth, which ou ac count of the unusual dryness of the air and the prevailing high wiuds, did com-paritiyi-ly little damage, though truck crops were sluliily injured and some peaches wcroltillcd. - Ou the w hole the week w as favorable for farm work which though very much behind, is now actively under way near y everywhere except in ihe extreme west. The ground has dried out and is in excellent conditioi) for working. Much corn his been planted In the south aud east portions of the Slate. The large amounts of lertili.ers purchased is an unfailing indication of a large acreage to be devoted to cotton. Tobacco plants re small but growing nicely, and are reported plentiful. Gardens aro quite lale, generally almost untouched: only a few of the usual vegetables are up, ex cept in the east and south, where peas, onions, radishes, etc., have made some growth; Irish potatoes are very late The warm weather of the 6th to 8lhe brought inle full bloom many peach, pear, plum and cherry trees throughout the Bute. With a continuation of fa vorable weather the progress of growth and the activity of the farmer will tooa bring the the season up to an av erage one. The Democratic Stato committee and central committee mot to consider the contest between George L. Morton and Iredell ileares regarding the bcnatorlal nomination from New Hanover and I!n niwick. liolh gentlemen spoke and e tch presented his side of the question The meeting of the committee una spec I .lly called to dispose of this contest At 12:?J the comiulltoe duel ltd In Mor tons favor by a volo or lit to 8 :o Morton is the regular nominee for Bens tor. Judge Purnell decided negatively In the case Involving tho ownership of 80, 000 acres of laud In Tyrrell county, alio tba case against Uenry Oreenleaf and Mark Makette, of Kllr.abelh City, for cootompl. Neit time there wil be an auditorium. Tba money Is raited. It appears that the location will be between the capltol and the anion pasiengcr station. "White supremacy" badges made their appearanoe on costs, quite numer ously. There la quite a lively war on between the morning paper bare. Tba I'retujterlan church bar will this week ba turned over (o tba building commit lea. All tba stained flat wind ows are not yet la place. There la much grip bar. rertont who cam from many . section of the State, particularly tba watt, y It It , quite widely prevalent. Tbe Bute ohsrlers tbe Calmacbal Cot toa Mill at Baafurd, to both spin and waeVM capital f 100,000, with aa locree 10 $500,000 authorized. It t lbouht that tbe lose by the re- eat Ore at tba power hoate of Iba if rlcalleral and Mechanical College Is W. At yet oo repalrt bava ben ade freeldeol Alderman, of the Bute Cnl wUy, arrived. He naya be will go to Mew Orlaaat Bail weak, aad that drcld Whether be will accept or reject tbe eat! to Telene Cnlvenht. Jortrt Blmettoa oiakea an order that Blending Master Jamet B . Bhepberd . take tba erldeaoe la tbe tai aMneBl etM wltboal submitting to the nran . eommnl or enaclaston. Tbe mlfttal t mdar Impoeed too mock ftr0DlUllili , npoa we (landing matter. NEW BERN FAIR, APRIL 16-2 J. PORTO RICO BILL. Finally Passed r-y the House With Senate Amendments. Hawaii Cable. Special lo .Journal. ; W ami i noi on, April 11 The House I tb's al.crnoun passed lire 1 orlo Mco .unwilling to believe the story of a fur liili iih the .euale amendments. ' iiiei 'iritish reverse at Meeisatsfontein, The hill passed by a majority of 8 w beie the Boers are s-iid lo have captured voles, t e vole being Wil to 1.1:1. Scvm Republicans vo'ed for free irade Kith I ha Island. The Louisiana Democrat-) diil not vole o ) the bill. The Senate tod.ty passed the bill ca ry ing n three million dollar appropriation for a cable to the Hawaiian Islands SOUTH AFRICA. No Report From Roberts. Mafeking Holds i Out. Boers at St. Helena. ' London. April 10 The London sensa lion of tonight's war news is contained in the dispatches from lioer sources mi the ellecl that a third serious detent has , been inlltcled upon the lliiiisir forces m the Free Stale. i The L nidon War lilice has md made 'public any dispatches Indicating that . audi I'tiagement look p'nee, nor have I any of the press telegrams received from correspondents with the Kritidi, many of which bear a later dale than Katurday contained a hint of this disaster, lint the ' British censorship is extremely active at present and could easily prevent such news froji reaching England until after Lord Huberts reports on it. Th ltloemfoutcin cot respondent of the Morning Tost says: "The water supply continue satisfa;- tory. Intrenching is ptocci ding vigor jouslvoutbe hills commanding 1 : r -n r :i jfontein. Civilian labor i lo be utilized sickness among the Hoop- n s wnewha! i diminishing." "Uemouuis are enntiiiually ai:iviuir, but competent au:h. ir iiies e-li-na e ll.a; iha wastage of holies inoalhiy by tie Iiritiah foti'cs in .otith Afiici ui i l be calculated at not lover thi'i .",'.?. Colonel ilen-l'owi 11 wii'S ftoni Mafeking under date of ,hm ii L'7 : that the IJocrs hail then 'v n ; back so far I hat the tow n n iw tiaely out f lunge of inuski try. ;. tn g Island ok Sr. iiim.i:n, April !( The Niobe and the .Milwaukee lone nrr.vri! here with Ihe lioer prisoners. The Governor has been notiliid of Ih. lesire of the authorities that Ihe prison ers be treated wi,h every courtesy an I consideration. New Convention Hall. Kansas City, April 10. A $V',0,o bond was today given by the Gi'ilr-lle-Ilerzog Manufacturing Company, ol Minneapolis, to insure tho erection i f the new convention hall in time for oi -cupancy by the Demoi ratio National Convention in July. Against Senator Clark. Washington, April 10. The Senate committee on privileges and elections today decided by a unanimous vole to recommend the adoption of a resolution declaring that lion W, A Clark, of Mon tana, la not entitled lo occupy his seat as a Senator from Montana. THE MARKETS. The following quotation i were receiv ed by J. E. Latham, New Bern, N. O. Nkw Vokk, April 12. Cotton May. . Aug. Sept Oct . Nov. Jan . Open. High. Low. Close B.47 U 2'J H 40 H 14 HO) 9 SO 211 H.I1 8.14 H 0.) 8 III 9.47 HA 2 H 12 7 I'll 7 IH 9.4H 9.2.'! H42 8 12 7.99 7 98 (-III0AOO MAKKK'1 1 Open. High. Low WllKAT: May CoKN: May So. R y Pfd (h. O'iJ liij no, bill 39, 59 i : 118 i ItMj mij Oi4 82 i 92, .'() 12 i Read Con. T Hi J T. C. I A. B. W SI Leather LI W. 4 L. E A. C. O j Ulc! Cotton receipts were 5,000 at all port. W. 11. Ehlpman, Beard ay, Minn, tinder oalb, say be suffered from dy - pep!a for twenij-flve jein. I)ctois and dieting gsre but little relief. Fi nally be used Kodol Dyspi-pila Cure and now eat b st be like snd at much ai be want, and be foel like a new roan It dlgeal what you rat. F. H Duffy. Train Annulled. Atlinllo and North Carolina R. It Baperinlandenl' offlw, New Hern, N. C. April 61b, 1900. ToeUagenu and employe A. A N. 0. R. 1L aad Iba pabllci Tralas I aad I discontinued on A rtl 17tb, 18th, lBik aad lOih, on aocount ef tbe New Bern Fair. ' Tba abova (rain will be dltconllanad oa April 17th, 18tb, lth, aad WHb, Tbeae train (8 and I) will rtiutnt their regaUr athednle oi ' Petards, April llet . Ageatt IU poet Ula aolloe at on or tore eoasplcnoa placet at Ibelr depot tad girt bo floe le lb publlo a far a poaslbte, ' - . - 8. L. Dtlx, SuperloUadeoL ONLY A RUMOR. No Confirmation of the British Defeat. Bloemfontcln Fortified. Portugal Drawn In. London, April 1 1. Kverybody here U 1WU more men. The effect of this report w as akin to dismay in London today. The public. therefore, was ready to accept with Joy the statement that the War Office does not credit the story. The relief felt was aii the greater when Lord Hoberts' dis patches arrived reporting the activity of the lioers in the Kree State, but nothing if any disaster to Hrilish troops. Stiil a feeling exists that London can not he too sure until another day passed, f ir it must be remembered that it has u-ually taken some time for the Uritisli vci.-ioiis of checks or reverses to reach thU country. This Is natural, when it i tikeuinlo consideration that detacher columns in the Free Slate are operating at considerable distances from head 'I'rartcrs. !!y many it is doubted if the report of Ito-r success was ever announced at Tri ton'.!, as alleged in dispatches to some ol tiir- London papers. Il'.oeinfontciu, April 1 1 Lord Hoberts' once is not likely lo move for another ,ve; k ow ing to the necessity of concen trating stores and supplies. lili'cnifontein has never been so full of troops as now. The weather keeps line. 1 he men are in splendid spirits. The permanent defenses of the town are ncaring completion, so that the place Can be held by a relatively small garri son A large cavalry camp is being formed. One of the British Bcouls who visited the liloemfoutein water works near the s cne of hi; Koorn Spruit ambuscade re ports the machinery and dams intact, i ely a few lioers remain in the neigh-birliool.- The mass of them trekked north six miles and formed a laager near Watci val. l'atrols occasionally ex c'range a few shots beyoud liushman's kop. Li .n-lon, April 11 The Hoar (iovcru l'ortugnl incuts have formally notified l icit they consider the shipping of ltritish I n.op- and munitions of war to Rhodesia by way of lieira, Portuguese South Africa to be equivalent to hostile action Cleanse the liver, purify the blood, in . vuoratr; the body by u-iug DeWitl's l.illle Karly Risers. These famous little pills always act promptly. K. S. Dully. j Inland Navigation. It is remarkable how little is known concerning the extent of inland naviga tion in ihe United Stales. Very few, even, of our yachtsmen are aware that a voyage of (i.OOO miles can be made wlth I out going out to sea for more than a few i hours al a time. In the April number i of the Rudder, Mr. Demtning of New Or leans relates the story of his last sum-' mei's cruise, during which he ascended lie Mlssisslssippi River, passed through; the Illinois River and Canal Into the, Ureal Lakes at Chicago, then down the ' lakes lo Huffalo. Here his yacht Zeta ' entered the Erie Canal, coming out al Albany, from whence she proceeded down the Hudson ltiver to New York. After a short stay In the metropolis tho yacht was taken by canal across New Jersey to the Delaware River, Ihence by ; I another canal Into the Chesapeake. Al Norfolk she entered the celebrated Dis mal Swamp Canal, which was lirsl sur veyed by George Washington; Ihia waterway opening into the Carolina -minds. The restofihe voyage was made partly Inside partly outside The total distance made good was 0,2Wi miles, and the time employed live months The "nnal lolls were less than 20, a rela lively small sum for the distance trav -led. "1 think DeWlll't Little Early Risers arc the bast pill la the world," says' W. E. Lake, Happy Creek, V. They remove all olmtruclloni of the liver and bowels, act iiilckly and never gripe, E. H Duffy. : Schedule of Mails. Arrival of malls from north and wml dally except Hunday, 10:50 a. n..: fi 40 p m. Wilmington and tbe south 5.1k') p. m ; Morebead City 9 00 a. iu. Uivo. North and west 9 00 a. m. snd fi 50 p. in ; Wilmington and south 0 00 a. m , Morehead City 6.50 p. m. SUNDAY. Malls arrive from north and west 9 40 a. m; 5.40 p.m. Leave 900 a. m ; and 6 45 p. m. The publlo will pleas beer In mind that the morning mall for tbe North and West close at 8:15 a. ra. That the afternoon mall for north and west close al 8:00 p. m. For Morthead City at 8 15 p. m. AUe that th afternoon train, carrlea no mall (or Intermediate point betwerr br and Ooldsboro, Rpctfally. RiTMotm W. tlanoooK McblS, 1900. Potmetr CASTOR I A for ZaltaU kai CMldrta. ' ', Ti ikila Ban Ahrsp E::;tl Seen the ' gaettrt f A ROYAL GIFT. King Leopold Presents His Real Fstate lo The Belgium Ration. I!m Ssi i.s, April 11. In tie of Denudes today the Pretni M Sniel de Nayer, read aCouiuiuni from KiiiL' Leopold, in which ihi prtseuted lo the nation ihe w !,.... ..' h.f real estate. j Prolonged cheering grceli 1 tic ri .. : tng of ibis communication The King in his letter anm urn , I that he desired on the occasion of hi, sixty fifth birthday, which wa- U'-t Moa lay, lo present to the country all his estates thai will contribute to th- beauty and charm of the localities where tncy ait situated, lie pointed out the in ci-ssr y for open spar es aad gar-lens near glow ing cities, for th ' benefit of hygiene and artistic effects, anil exp; e-sed the hope that these naturally :il.iiind somes voull not be allo-.ved M deteriorate. All has been in the I'l.nn. her to permit the country to accept tie King's r ff'-r. To Ills The shoemaker's sherry cobbler. .rite tippl Cowboy IHiK'Lriinilhlng. "t'p at ill y crimp lent- the Four IVnksi," told .Ilni I'.ail;. tho well known i:i I tlr-nnui, "tin- I.ovm are nil bandy I with U rltle. We've a lot of guns lip there. Most of the new gnn.s were i hiit'cM diii lim' I In- Spanish wnr, when wc w , i:iil i . i n',1 mi 'lit all day with tree I trunk : iin.l rough t n ih-Iics, U'linilng the I of v, :ir at h..r:ie. We found ' licit a hull, t fii iii one of the new Win chesters, driven by smokeless powder, was toorl for four feet anil more of pine timber and for more than nn Inch of Iron "I thought the boys had done about everything In tho shooting line that eoulrl bo done lung' ::;.i. t.ul 1 was mis taken. I sent th.ii up a wngoii. In hauling down r !: firewood they broke Ihe bolsters nil lo Minders. The bolsters bold up the v. agon bed, you know. Well, the boy . ligtueil out nil right the rebuilding of tin- wood parts, but cni.ic n ar being slumped on the Iron (ixincs. They u,.t some old Iron wagon thvs nnd cut them In proper h-nglhs, l.t.t hadn't a way that they could hi-o to piiiieh the n-'eessiuy hob's. Finally the question was solv ed. One of t In- boys cmi'fnlly iiiiuked the places for tin' bolts, lit 1 (be piece of tire against a tree anil put u bullet, 30 caliber, through the tile nt each place marked. It was a iiom-1 sort of liliieksinitliliiK, but It worked."--Arizona ( irnpevlne. nrlitn.l nnd the VI rl n In n . Cleveland's tlrst attorney w neral, tbirliinil a specimen of what Lincoln culled the plain people was born In Arkansas and "raised" In blue jeans. One day, at the department o! Justice, he received a visit from n Virginia gen th'in.'in of aristocratic iiianin r. who bored hini horribly with tali; about "llrst families." "It seeiiis lo me, suh," said the visit or nt last, "that there lire ly in land- in Will Ca'lina. 1 unoe nu I a g.-nile iiiii n mimed Henry Cyai -Intel. In-i:, that state. May 1 nsk, sub. if le- wa, a relative of yours V" "Kl is I short ly. stealing. A look oil-ill." replied Mr ihiil.i-el 'He was hang'il f- ,f il conceived hoi; ver the vis'i" drawing on l;N i t. took up hi el -IS gust caiiie i nance. '1 hell, ro-i- lo hi i f w a lu' a hand tov. aril the ' room, said "A Hue eolh-i-i traits tun have here, Mi Your prcdei lu olii ..r He f .or inland I pre , Sllllle?" , "Yes." eriiiited Mr. thai I Virginian stalked out, . h ' to null..' his escape, nnd t ! general, turning to his i grinned and reiiiniked: I II.-'ll ii. .-I- bother me i I'llt. I. in;; li -.p.ileh. II M ike two syllabi' s Instead of i hu e , of Mafeking If you follow the pronun lion of one of Lauren Victoria's tubjectn In reference to the Houlh African town which ha been no long .b fenrle.l agslnnt Its ansallMils Ii Is V;if king, not Ma fe-klnu A ml pronou ' i e a as In "fa ther." A pillow fight i . I I an a sham bat tie. I..I1..11 In I 1 Many a mm irin popularity by keeping himself. I.lpnri. reputation for Ida trouhlrn to A 41oo.l Tit t. ... Any fellow is liable to rtlae th deurr In a pokrr game or a pair of them, for that matter. Notice of First Mcctinir of Creditors. In tbe District Court of th United Btttc. for lb F.atlrrn District of N. C. la tbe Matter of I. M Draney, Hank rnght; Nw Item. N C. In Bank ruptcy. To tbe Creditor of IVtltloner, who ba been adjacated a II n km pi: Take aoiloe that a meeting of credi tor will be held at the office of U J. Moore, Kefere, la New Ben, N. 0.. at U au. oa the list day ef April, 1900, at which lime tbe creditor y attend, prora tbetr claims, appolai a iraatea, a, amine the baikrapl, aad mated nob Other haalatea aa mtj properly wm b fort tbe Meting. L.J. MOOHK, Beferae la Haakraptc. K Barm, N.04Aprfl 1,1900. OFFiCEkS ELEtTED. chairman S:x.T.on . !. c.CvicJ For Secretary, bicwion Bo. travcn. i:.l t. Km iii .. Th S f....w in ( r. r o : 11 Lane. 1 in i:ar. peel 1 1 Al. 1 -a :ti:t r ham Ihe uiiiit. oil W ily. tin nerl out to be a W: i-r hin' I Ire 1 111 it le 'C'llllll - Ml. I ';. III! 11 a i; eian has figured t wi n1 y wait . s, lllill ill it 'I' four polk;, 'de ilaiiei r els IH- II 1 - mil in the courst of an cvenir Lightest cBuggy cMade I a-o t: 'I I le hll : i:- hi-av v vehi he i m hi'ined . litest he Would el one ef niaiie, :U , w I'.ei 11 N . C Wnlcrs d St n. M (r,.; c4ll. i.-i i;- : - .. : ;-!ir-:t'i--n f.-i a slight i .'. . i ; ei o! oi i c oil and linu- , ' ' r i i . i : . iii , ,i. -ml it i of tor per H ; . 1 1 r ; i - ' i ient. I iii,-. Th v. . eoiii t lei ha-u't as ycl decided oil lier -.true siiii is gr'tiing frantic Mr.k.-. Mi.l.e). l''-i;V S, r- thill shahl-y Ire king ch:l ii i lull' lli.' je.t (oii.iitir monr y II s oi o;i i l'-'l : hi i 1, it w reiki y on'' .l.i.-iv- Nn. iichi. I. Whiil ib cs hi 5-X S TJ - O t - G Z " i .,. ? -k' ' 1 its. I urn ,',s,ols ,,. Surrounded II; ;ll II.. . ,,,,.(.' 11, . if.. .111 .il 'l..'l ! rntilitr. Spokd. r,.,,. ,., , , , ,, v.... 1 ' "I ' ""' ' V Drinh,.. Pumpr,. II 11(11 il; Ii i wiv ir I 11 Ii I II . W( II I 1:1, ' J r.bld,. Innerlubel I ' I V V I . ., I 11 I I s, f" ' I'H I Cr.phitr. Limpi. ,., ,, , t, , , I i.t ; 1 Br.cktii acV Pavmcnlft. " '" Vrnchf. e""" MY REPAIR SHOP 1. c. Ml 1 n 1 nnil Tit, Ti. Grip,. ..i.nuili, ...In it'.l B,r' YM. T. HILL P'U" 1 1 Mlrfrfle .11. Pll.ri lcll I I v t' I j I I Week Commencing Monday, April 16th. Hprclal Itelurn Kngimemont of the IIi:ilALI MIVAIIK ori:iti co., 2S Artltts IVeaentlng Orand and Camlc Ope rat, Chang of BUI Every Night. Opening Bill "M&scottc" PWau tow oa tele a4 Watm. rrlote Flral fotir row II OOi balaaoa dowa aulra TSo,' Oallery BOo. . , SEVEN RUNNING -BY Johnston's QUART BOTTLES. THE GREAT SPRING MEDICINE. JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA as a ratest SPRING MEDICINE ever discovered. heaver, to the ' worn out." the run down, tne overworked and debilitated. That " ttred fcei.r.g thasc s;:.k:r.g speiis. ' the iar.gj-r and despondency whichacise from badly nour ished nerves !rom th.n. vitiated h'.cod and an underted bodv vanish as If by a magic spelt. The 'ear-.n-s5 lassitude and i.ervous prostration which accompany the spring, time and the heat oi summer, are conquered and banished at once. For every form of neurasthenia, and ail ailments of the brain and nerve, insomnia, hysteria and nervousness generally. It is almost a specific. It furnishes the very elements to rebuild worn-out nerve tissues. It feeds brain, nerve centers and nerves, calming and equalizing their action; it makes rich. red. honest blood. Newness of life, new hope, new strength follow Its faith ful use. It makes the weak strong, and the old young again. It was the antiquated (but now happily eiploded) method In the good old Umes, to treat Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Cancer and other troublesome disorders arising from BLOOD TAINT with powerful alteratives, such as mercury, arsenic and other mlnera' agents. It was expected by this treatment that the poison could be killed while the blood was left to course through its channels holding in Its circulation the specif tc germs of the disease. But in this way. every part of the body became more or less diseased. Noth ing can be more terrible than a horribly destructive blood taint. It not only attacks viru lently the different structures of the body, but many times the bones are honey-combed and destroyed. It cften seeks out the nerves and spinaj cord, and again It will bring de cav and death to some vital organ, as the kidneys, liver or stomach. There Is only one acientillc method for the cure of blood taint. That is, PURIFICATION I Every particle of the Mood must be removed through the excretory channels, the lungs, kidneys, bowels, liver and skin. " First pure, then peaceable." The great restorative, reconstructive and vitalizer of the blood. JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA, not only radically and ex haustively removes the taint, but also removes all mercury, calomel and other minerals, and fills the veins and arteries with the ruby, glowing current of vitality. "The blood Is the life." Good health means pure blood. The old and reliable remedy, JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA, is univei sally regarded as the greatest Blood Purifier ever discov ered. This fact is now established beyond question or cavil. blood poison rrnru bt Johnston's sirsapakilla. Byron. Mich., October 31, 1894. Williams. Davis. Brooks & Co.. Detroit Ontlem-n In April lst 1 hcRan using JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA tor Blood Poison, caused by an amputation of one rf my arms. 1 Irad SEVEN RUNNING SORES on my lees- I used two bottles an v as entirely cured. I know it is what cure.i me. Yours truly. G. W. LUTHER. michioan dhvgt coMpAirv, dbtroit. Mica. C. 1). HKAMIAM. New l'.ernN. C. I HEINZ'S SWEET I MIXED PICKES ! Sweet ' Tictiiiilici' Ki'tiut nt I, J. L. McDaniei, "a "9 - hi line f fesli ( 'tinned (looils l-'am-y Klrg'in :i til Kn liici Hi. Best New York State r.ttUci- Fresh Otillhikos, dribs Big Small Hams and a nice lot ( live lite a call. Yours Ki-sjit'i-'tfullv, 5 L 'Phone 91. Largest and Finest Stock of ... , i iocDAlilEL mm il 1 es Buggies Wagons Harnesses Robes I have moved to tbe Broad Street Stables, purchased of J. W. STEWART, where I shall be glad to meet all friends and customers. New Bern, Just Received! Boy's Knee Pants, all Hats of It MIDDLI BTREKT, 50RE5 CURED Sarsaparilla Blood Food and Nerve Enerttier. Is the It comes as a rich blessing from Suiir l'icklcs ami Sutler 71 Broad St. - l'tinl Hllltef Hnttcr r.o lillO lief Cooking- lluiiiiny anil Itice. Norton Yam Potatoes. Wliolenale fc Retail Grocer, 71 Brtl Hi. Ever Found in New Bern. - N. C. sizes. all descriptions t - v - i' - " ' - , ; New Line of Shirts I- -f i 4 .. A i ' i i -, -i . t, U 4

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