Weto 71: Btttx WII.UMt Will. MW BERN, I RAVIN COl'KTV. N. C. Tl KmOAY, APRIL '.N I! FIRST SECTHN. M MbfcK Hi V Will IfllDL Politicians Still Discussing Chances "f Fusion. the SU i mi cr V i 1 1 Appear A u i n. l'np nllsts Cnnrcdc llir A in en dine lit. Ininicl lie Cailnred. Stand nrd Oil ltuys Some rriiprrly. Haiku. ii, April -1. lr. Cy Thornp tiuii mys about U.c county I union mailer of Lit paily ami I lie 1 It publit nus thai he did mil know !i:il llie Itepiihliciins. would ilo; that lie knew Unit under cer tain conditions the. KepuMicans would be glad to fuse, but lie declined to Bay wlial these conditions. Dr. Thompson Slid 11. e acllou of the Populist Stale convention was not binding as to coun ties, but thai was left a matter for in d vidcal action, lie knew of no arrange ment for comity fusion, lie. declared that lie knew of nothing which led him to hi lievv lhnt there would be any en dorsement id the I'opulisl Male ticket on I lie pint of the ocpuhlicans and lhat lie presumed theie would be tlnee tick ets in the field. Never did the I'opulisl machine so unmask il-elf as il did Wednesday. !ut ler inndeti eompli te exhibit of himse lf, and wi:s like one of I hope articulated (io nics, those manikins, which one can take to pieces, diseeel, so to speak, and pu! together nsrain at vv ill. ilc publicans whose word is beyond tpicslion tell me thai l'opnlists during Wednesday's State convention said to tlu in: "Weixpeit liepuhlicans to vote our ticket and we will pay them back." The llt-publicans s:iy they knew well the in-riniii of Ihtse words to be that the ttpawncnt would be volini; for McKin lev. They say fin I In r lhat they have knn,'ii : ll lie- while lhal many of the l'opnlists in'.indidlo vote for McKin ley. I'.ul h r ' dow lied" Skinner ill the con vention, but Skinner refusis t slay il .'.n. Hi- w ill l.nli up HiMiin lit the Nn lional convention nl sioux Kulla, May 111. i. II': siys he will ask lhat body lo in1 hi rut I liul'ci to lake down the I'opulist chtlois in North i arolina. Skinner sv.e.iis I'.ul h i is for MiKinlcy ll will b intt ri sl i in; to bear Hiyau's opinion of lliilltr. The deelaralion of KditorS 's ni'Mi, of ( liarloltc, lhal the majority of I he 1'opuU -Is ale mil i ilrjan is intci- e-tini; I he I'opudsis know very wi ll Ihcy cili'l di 'el the Alliclidlllelll. 'I" lit y know Ihcy can't do run tiling in the (ast. They will wink in llie west and in tin- I'n il lit sections, with the Kc publicans, to i arry the Legislature), or l'i t;i l as near aniajoiity as they ca i. Thi-i will he ii ady lor any and all deals Tliey want aSenaloi; that is, an anli Demorratic Sciiator. I lib, ml no! ice was lec.tived that the iit ii 1 1 1 Die n 1 lo the North t'aidiua dead at iut licslci would he unveiled there on June ti: b Jude l'uri.ell aijs the I'ederal ( I oil r I li nns have been In I I ill Kliabclh City on the 11 I Monday In Apiil and I Iclober reuul.it ly since l'J. T In 1 1 1 s I 1 1 ii i ii f mi .1 in ksonvillc on the Scab-aid All bine has passed he.c 'I he in I'm coin Ml I 'at Sini'lt ton, ho a'l' r four i ais i I liicilmn, whs cap tnied this v.t i k in the navy yard al Nor folk , w as brought lol'ie peuil en i liu y to cnnplele a ..u vuir Si'iitcnee. Me was ori iually sent up for iiiiinshiughlcr, ami j ft before ids ti ini ended iniutleied i fellow convii t. Hi: was for tnis sen li need lo d'l ) cat h, Rtid has seivedlll of llie It nil I ', t ii-1 f I I'.l lo icesptiire him. lie is one of llie most di sperult! of all llie eon v icts The .Slate chart rs the Tarboro Knit 11111: M t Hi. i a in i al t ."I IK I ( it h leave to Inerea.e it I" HKMMI) near Tnrboro 'I he m. It vid m-ikc hodery, undcrwinr, etc Tin- id cut ri.inor thai the SihiiiUk Oil Company was Irving lo ircure A con trolling Interest In the I'nlon Copjier Mine was not aliojji -tlicr an idle one, for now Ibey own all the share of atoclt ci c ol 10 (toil Th s mean m-an that the S aiidar.l ill j Company w ill Itjncllio controlling Interest la the mine 111 the future. 'I Iioho nrho know moat about llie t rinitaclliiii atatc thai the consider lion wn enormiiiH, Mr. Newman still owns llie (iold Hill Mine and will con llnue In the county looking after t lie working of the Union Mine. The trunleca of the llapllat Female I'nlverslly here met this crening. Tho pressure for admission Is so great thai niorfrdormllory mum must lie provided YralenUy -a the dale filed for llie Inter colleeUte games at Oxford. Tho wcftiher prevented any out door sports ROBERTS MOVING. i Some Flfhtlnp IS RcportcJ Bulltr Can Now Advance. LosiuiN April 'Ju. Two Important etateuienis, pointing strongly to a prob ability thai Loo! HolerU' advance to ward l'reloim hus already bi jun, eome from the field of war ip South Africa. j According to a dispatch from I.atly sniith, it is authoritatively reporieil there that the ilocrs are retiring from the Big 1 garsticrg m luntain range with their heavy ordnance, l'rtdtably they have lieattl of Uoberls' advance and are anx Ioub to make sure of their liu'J of retreat or they may intend to take up a more easily defended position, allowing part of their force to he transferred to tlu army in Ihe Free S'ale. The other fai l, tending lo the name de duetion, Li that cablegianis from the Or ange l'"ree Slate are i ensured w ith parlie ular severity, nut a word being allowed to reaeli the press respecting the move ments of I roups in the main body of Koberts' army. Fighting is reported at Karee Siding, Hi miles north i f liloenifmilcin. Tin: lighting lliere does not appear lo have been serious, and was probably little m ire I hail out post skirmishing. There sems to lie at least one lirilish division nea- Karee, which Is the mo-t norlheily po'nl occupied by Koberts' forces so far as k ,own In re. L i.niion, April 2(1 The latest advices ... . . a9 t i military movements In the Orange! Kreo Slate show that Uencra! Cnennside anil llundlc are moving over the sodden ! ro ids. Hain was still fulling when they went into camp Thursday afternoon 1 miles west of De Wei's Dorp. They hold the railwav and the soulhcrn frontier of the Free State with -JU.IM II men. llovv many are going with the generals who will engage I he liners at Wepencr is n il mentioned in the dispatches from llorlogspoort, wdiere the Ilriiisli bivou acked Wednesday night. The held tele graph ends there. London, April 2') Th reason for m 'iking pnhli' Spion kop dispatches was explained this evening at Hull by Waller Hume hong, president of the Hoard of Agiicult ire, wlio said the country was entitled lo te ceive the information the i.r. ci uineii t could giv'. "The Ooverninenl is lohl," continued Mr. long, "that having published Ihe lispntchei il is bound to ileal immcdi alely wilh the generals alTcrted llul, in following such a course, the Govern ment might have to dismiss every gener al the moment be made a mistake. Had ich a policy been pursued in the past many glorious ileeds woul'i not nave lieen performed Ihe (iovet imient used its discielion in publishing the dispatches. From the beginning of Ihe campaign her Majesty's mini&ters have nut swerved from the rule of leaving the conduct of tho opera tlous to lhe discretion and judgment of the commander. in chief." Attempt at SuiciJe. i. April i!8-hs'. : ,,g iron. Uu'I.hi. .r:: t. Cyrus Thompson Says Populists Are For Bryan. of l.i r - J,: t ll. ock, afti r '. children. .. a .epil led'! ..cling I.' " r ball g. 'c gT' : -til SEIVtN RUNNING 50RE5 CURED HV Johnston's Sarsaparilla ' tiovernnr'tit s : "1. ir l li I'lerls' NO DEALING WITH THEM. Chairman Simmons Refuses Joint Dehale. Fake Pretenses of Butler. Special to Journal. Uai.kioh, April L'I Replying lo l!ul let's reipiest fur candidates to divide lime Simmons says, That I'opulist Convention said intendment would not be made a party piestlon, but must be icttle l by judg ment and c.onfl'denco of Ihe voler. You ask for joint debate upon amendment t Ii u i iltsc o ilng purpose to commit wiir parly lo position which il refused to lake In Convention. This shows secret understanding with Republican party. It It known Lhal lliero is perfect under standing lielween the two parlies and nomination of State ticket and rcipicst for Joint debates as to direct and divide attention of whll-is. while Republicans faslen negro rule on theState and under these circumstance ll is impossible for Democrat lo consider proposition of I'opullsts." China Cannot Compete. WsitiNiiTtN, April 2!l Consul den eral Ooodnow, In a report lo the Depart mcnl of Stale, from Shanghai, knocks the iHillom out of tbc newspaper stories a'lcglngl that he establishment of Chi nese eolton manutacturlne plants were endangering American trade In the Orient. Ho points nut Ihe fact lhal American labor Is about four limes effective as that of Chinese; si no that the eolton mills at Shanghai only spin coarse yarn, which Is furnished lo the coiisit mers in lliu 1. lienor, wim weave ll on band looms, and havn Ut'ii running it to the present llmo al a loss. The irpori Concludes a follows: ' The rniion c u lis Social Kvent Scheduled Pate i Winchester I meiliug. Farm ' Labor , Scarce ( barters 1 Selecting (tillej.'e ; I'resiilent. i Rai Kli.lt, April .:l Dr t rus l'hoin -son, I'opulisl nominee for (iovernor says he thinks lhat parly is for Bryan in 1 NorUi Carolina, judging y the I'opulisl convention last Wednesday, and that he 1 does not think any delegates from North 1 Carolina will go to the Middle of ihe road convention al Cincinnati!, May !hh i Some Populists tlilTer widely with him as i to lliis There is a very marked I'opu ! list lukewarmness for liryan. Il is' ' shown in scores of ways. Many of the I I'opulisls aie of Republican proclivities I and are for McKinley. lint a few w ho have never been Republicans say ihcy ! now believe in a gold basis and a pro tective tin ill'. I The resignation of (icorge h. Morton as commander of the North Carolina I Naval Reserve Brigade was lendctcil lo j the loivernor, Saturday, anil accepted. I The reason given is pressure of private I business. j A social event to occur h"re next jWetlueslay will be the marriage at Christ church iu Miss lnilhani I raper lo Mr Samuel A'Court Ashe, Jr. The bride elect is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs F.dward Shubrick Traper and a .granddaughter of late Foiled Stales I Senator W. II. Haywood. Her paternal grandfather was for over half century n..,.,.,. ,.r i.;,.i s;, vti,.i o. ,.,,,,-, I, o i Charle-lou, S. C. Mr. Ashe is a son of; ! l.lapt Siiinuel A. Ashe of Raleigh and is j ' a member of one of the foremost North j Carolina families, which lias borne a leading part in the State's" history for more than a-ccntury ami a half. j The North Carolina Confederate Net erans get formal notice through Turner Ashby camp at Winchester lhal the date of the unveiling of the inonii- nient to the North Carolina dead buried j iu thecemelery there is fixed as June! lib. Mr. Webb, of the North Carolina Home Fire Insurance Company, returned from Washington, where he attended a meeting of the Southeastern 'I'n i i IT Asso ciation. A resolution was adopted that in States where laws were enacted simi lar to the North Carolina law lately naeleil, and thereby reduce lire waste mil levy an equitable lax, Insurance shall be reduced. It was also decided that in cities and towns the companies hull inspect the water supply and lire uppliunccB and if these art: not up to the standard at the time the. rates were lixetl then an increase shall be made iu rates. Farm labor is reported to be scarce in this section, and it is said $13 and $12 .'ill with rations, is being tillered The usual lay wages for cotton "choppers ' have liccn in recent years "i0 t ents. Farmers say thy would nol h surprised Li see il paid tliis year. Col John S. Cunningham, on his way homo from the New Item fair, says the latter was a decided success, and thai llie attendance was good Tuesday and Wednesday, the exhibits were good and t'ie racing the best in several years Col. Cunningham savs the penplu in tin- east are thoroughly aroused as lo the amendment, thai the entire Democratic ticket will be carried in the east by a big majority. Robert C. Strong, of the Raleigh bar, lectured lieforc the Stalt: I'niversity law school on. the suhjet t of "Municipal Cor porallons,'' handling the suhjecl In alt Interesting and masterly manner: show Ing much researtdi and thought. I'hc students as well as the I 'diversity an Ihorltles highly appreciated it Tho auditorium fund Is almost til, i'0o The Slate charters the Ore Hill .Man ufucluring Companv. of Chatham conic ly. Il will manufacture chairs and fur n 1 1 il re supplies. The capital stock Is $1 OIK). A charter Is also granted lliu Meh ane hand and Improvement Companv, al Mebane, capital $10, boo. The State charters the Spruks Manu (sctiirlng Company, of Washington, Capital fo.IMM). It will inako barrels anil crates The charter granted to the Tsthoro Knitting Mill Is tho fourth granted this year lo that class of mills To cot ton mills no leas than IU have Ihtu I lie t" S the I" 1 . as f. and out two t hihlren i i- er danger -ilu my of ret ui i c ..f the act is -a A' in Complimentary to New Bern. M r illiain II. Hi 'Cr. u r. .. it... I limiir lei Fn lay night fr.-m W g ton ( : i i v, while in lhat city a- ! Irlen d a complimentary dinner, lo Mr. and Mi- .1 i; I'm la at the Swi-- Legation Mr. l'i. i In -poke most leelingly ol hi- 's I ! 1 1 1 New lie i i four year ago.arul I he hospitably that as i xtended to him. Mr I'ioda's vi-it !o Ne'v Rem was on the iii ful -il f N. H-loll . Hag, .f his hi 'liu' t lie Sea l! List of ! li: t M ic city iited I.) etters i iii'u of the Re I'.-l N. i.' at New A pril Hit !i r.H ii MliN - I , li Henry Hi-dud, Ii 1 l' James ( lu'vi mi v Jack Co-lcKo. I) I' II lb an. I F. Wei C I'.innl. j t'i 'lit hard (iariH'i, I II 1 ke I Icri'ici - on I .1 R II .lord an ,v C ' i: Ail!. Ill K ippt In (i III Hivcr II .l:l:nes 11 ilmii S I i eol m' ri in ,'--:! T ' 11 Todd. W N S Washiiu-lo n A Riisick. . John .1 Clark ' - '1' . hi, I,. 1 1 1 1 i liiilin. I Ml in ge Crccn. shepar,! J, laints Warren. II Mary lii I.i.ie ( ' Collins. nliey. pper. I ! il tie Crooni Su d ll; -Ni v.- :, ' ' l. , -, . t..i.s ..';:.:. : ': y the ' :. : 1 l:,t, ... , , ..!...: -: v. a t p ; . .. A Mb a !, i:," ra- . . s 1 .1 1, .'. f" t , c ' ! ,::!, ot l.l'O'l ll"- -i ti tie illl.estieu, ...',, 1. ., id .,1. ! lime. IS' . . , i - asi.iliiliix-:lli:itiii-, .. 1 ; , I , , on re. s Iu l , ;: - d tl .in tile ' re i j- , ,: l n. R, I- w this th- ! .:!!.' tills the I, eeptilfh'S. i; n !- the 1 n:. whi, h es ., a I., 1, .It till' t"p of til I I, 111 of the ll, llltll Is '.!:. ll, 111 hleh the cast A I : . is tuppt-il six . . f,.:l nlsbt-s i.hollt 71X1 :..i;! '.'li, it the furnace is ::; In le !.- clos, tl with chlV. .igiitn 1 1 1 1 1 d, tiiis elny is i.iul the ti.. it, it metal at n ll.ius down tlnoiigh lliu 1, .I'iing to tbc right anil ,,- small" i- ib-picssions pie- r . , , 1 1 :i '1 ' are so nr- ' the He, Ids ill the l Xll-t 1110 s'. i'li'! Iliosi' lit ar the fur- ' i in s to be completed. -: l...lg.-r. QUART THE GREAT SPRING JOHNSTON'S SARSAI'Ah'll.LA a b freittsi SPklNtl MLDICINK -ver ..-r- It heaven to the v. ' : n jut r - : . j. :. t:,e c j -r (eelu.j ir.-s- J .. : t lshe nerves !' :::-. :r.:n. sp-ell . The t. -.: - f.n.e and the r.eat o! su-: reurA.sthen.a a: : a a..- gene t.SSU' It is a ::. js It fe-is Lia : . h . re: h c - i.t r .- ! t::o BOTTLES. MEDICINE. Foui a:.i Nerve Energlier. la tht con.es u a rich blessing from el and debilitated. That "tired . : r.d ;sf : :.ia:.-y which arise from badly nour . : ar. ur.defej b.iy vanish as If by a magic : :.er.3j5 p rs'.ra'.'.on r:.ch accompany the spring. : .-i'jered and ban. shed at once. For every form of ,e tri'.n a:.d nerve tromnia. hysteria and nervousness It !,:r:..s:.es the very elements to rebuild worn-out nerve 'rs and nerves, calrr.-.r.g; and equalizing their action: It xness oi h!e new t ope, new strength follow its faith- ho ,: V.hos one Tl.f loi.nl ,,l look ii i . i: i lii'1 lih ,es il'.l.lV, to I,.' ! ars u ill not h.i is living : i tl'lllllipliUlli. 1 llstt ll bvs spok, ii a - if only t if ul j, u:i in v u "1 ' u soft, 11 !f into pom worn body g" to Fannie I iai t il I l.i .1,, hil; I) Martha Ham, I F Millie i aw -. linn her Flli Harriet Flli-o i F - Abliic Finn! s I i Jen uic i , .ic I ,!' IS II Louisa t' Ihtrklt Hat I lev. W J llowaid. .1 - Jennie Jackson. Diner F Jackson. I, Fiiincis Langlry, Malvina Lewis. M - (ieolge A Mullocks, e o (ill-sic Moore, Annie Milt li , I, Anii li- Midviil, J u lia ion roe I' Mary I'aris. Ii- llatsieA Kohiieon, Matic liobin- s,ll S Li..ie Sheppanl, Mar-, J .inipson, e o Fied Simpson, F.dilli Smith T liertha Thomas, Lisey Whillieh A nnie Wilbert. I'ersons calling for the bo c let I irs will j, lease say advertised and l'ivi date of Tin- n giiiiilions now lcipiin Hi ti nt shall be collected on III ol. each advertised Jcllcr. 8. W. II v v it one i 1, d, lively ., I'. M .it li. f a friend as 1 nni' of n gi'i ,up ei-ilMi, while the iliii, coiitiiiciit and to lasting g 1- :i short nuil beau ii ad; to see pain o iititl n tired and h-i p like a weary child that takes nv:..v the dread of ihalli as nothing t l.-u c;i!i. When a stti.iii: lniiii or frail woiiiiiii looks upon sti -h n sight, h" let Is, "Will, I, too, utliwuy that liaa tho tcct of tho one com us ii' liu dilation tsc. but that is il ling over it no doubt d o-.- p;,, ::'.,g bun lij;l.t he' 1 love. " It 1 1 1 : i oil ilea, ll , re I li,l,-.lal:i- l,r Icatls to l'i ar ; but, on the other hand, more leal- and Midi ring ft -suit from the surprint s el tlio-e w in, l:;tve bet n too caietully etnint, ,1 li-'iu tbc face of the j:ui st who "!,"i ck-: at the pnluco cinl tile i "tin: !:'. " We shi iil l not .'t::y long in the chur iii 1 li-.ii-1 -, l.nt i' i- g' I now mid then to 1..I.I-. ill. at hii'l i ,1 ti ii enough to sen thai 11 is tint always n j lace of chills unil id", ins, hut f,,i niiiiiv ;i niiinsiiiii of 1.. act- al.d li st. 1. ii upon the lace of a lul use. It makes the weak s:rcr,g a-.d the old young again. It was the ar.hquated (but now happily exploded) method In the good old times, to treat Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Cancer and other troublesome disorders arising from ISLOOl) TAINT with powerful alteratives, such as mercury, arsenic and other mineral aver ts. It was expe ted by this treatm-nt that the poison could be killed while the blood was leM to course thrjh 1:3 i h:.;,e.s holding in its circulation the speclftc germs of the disease. But in th.c. v.ay. every part of the body became more or less diseased. Noth ing can be more ten. Lie than a hornblv destructive blood taint. It not only attacks viru lently the different structures of the body, but many times the bones are honey-combed and destroyed. It often se'K.s out the nerves and spinal cord, and again it will bring de cay and death to some vital organ, as the kidneys, liver or stomach. There Is only one s -::.tific method for the cure of blood taint. That is. PURIFICATION I Every particle of the 1 '. nod must be removed through the exe. retory channels, the lungs, kidneys, bowels, liver and skin. " First pure, then peace.ibie." The great restorative, reconstructive and vitalizer of the blood, JOHNSTON'S SAkSAPARILLA, not only radically and ex hau::lively removes the taint, but also removes all mercury, calomel and other minerals, and fills the veins and arteries with the ruby, glowing current of vitality. "The blood is the life." Good health means pure blood. The old and reliable remedy, JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA, is univeisally regarded as the greatest Blood Purifier ever discov ered. This fact is now established beyond question or cavil. BLOOD rolNO.X 11 III II III JOHNSTON'S 8AKSAPARII.LA. Byron. Mich.. October 31. 1894. Wt: lams. Davis Proks & Co.. Pet'oit Out! mm In Ai m o t I teian usir.e JOHNSTON S SARSAPARILLA for Blood Poison, caused bv an an (.uu-ri ,n , f ene i f n,y arrr.s. f had SFVE- N K'JNNING SORES on my legs. I used two bonlea anJ vas ..-r t y , ,r.- : I ken it , . cured n.e. Yours truly, G. W. LUTHER. UIOHIGAn DRUG COMPAWT. DBTROIT. MICH. ( ' I) I'.HAH II'IV Hern, N. C. I cA FEW VERY ZNJCE i;oi,d n. an who 1 w :iviun hi . fiii ew i-ll to r!n- liiith. and you v.iil iindiTslunil rii.it he is i nip. ii I. iii i ci u i wild sen. I . i -1 1 t j to tile : Ibys i.f llitst. who blivu h i vi 1 1 y, ii, iiiid it will not be so bard to sin ;.i. Your own w in ii tin' liniment to speak t In in Ilia, 1,1, ,n ,-i an s. lb ' Ainory II. THE MARKETS. Tin- following quotations , rc rccciv cdibj .1. l'i. Latham, New llcin, N. tl. N kw Voir i. , April Cm to-,: l)ien. IIU'li. I.mv. ( lost May Il.ll.i '.I .m :ll ' H AiK II lb 'J '.' l'i ll IU Sept m 40 v 1 1 's hi s l-l r 1,1 H.17 H .'I s 7 s . Nov M (11 s. ic, s iii s nl .Liu H.OI M u"i .:: u l l lilt AtlO 41 UKI I - Win. ii - I pcn. 11 ii;h. Low ( l,,.c Muy t's'i' r,',( HI, fill July tWlj i iW.j 'i'I- C.iis- May :l "o : July dm liu; . !'". s,,. it j !'id .'; o ; a. s. ,v v :im i", i.e. I hi y.vt M ) i'.'.e 'Mi 'i'!. I.cill,, r .... Ill 11 Con. 'I hi! l ev i HI dl A. CO . . . . ''i-'i ('niton rctcipts well! ri,(H'(l liiili-R I at all poi I-. 1-1.1, lie, I Si.llliini . Wig Itjoiics is rallur unsocinblc, Is'nt ho V Wag I'nsocbilile is no n nue for it. Why, I hayc iiclunlly known him to en joy ii game of solitniic, with a poker fame going on in Ihe next t,,i,ni w c; a hAMS. -tjiiaiiii . - - (hlliilll t nii'i- lot Siiiul I Sn.o.-ir ( 'ti I'ci niiil Slnnilili'i Al-o l'ii-1 Snips-, Knolisli Kiilliin Miiikel (liiitii'tl Ibt f. I'lvsli ltd Clover Hill 1'niil I r. due ll,. ( ' llllletl ( .'nulls of i ( ii mils del i v i t t'tl nit v vi I l i .-pi l l I'll 1 1 V .Siilil il I lil SIII-cl f II l'io I linns, lre:ik- esh killtls i ice am! fit tin- eilv ft nf vtuir I r:i lv, J.L. McDANIE Wholesale V Retail OrMer, IMiono 91. 71 IIro;H Hi. thai fit 111 y our Not Hill f.litiiiKli. Ilotlol H llga.-ili-' boj).-Tial i lianu '' Liitle Hoy- V illmm sir, hill they t nil me l'.ill. 1 lot loi I'm ad i d v on are not hirc enough for h doctor , t lllll. ' o frniMv r n (T Onn allnul.' ( o i h C i vH)gh mil r""' " ' (Iher mrilltlnr nl to c without e. I' ill itop a I uirW cr than an .' rile. V W n llllam, imert to nmke thai hi" frthio roinplalnl Ight of the fact to mnko tho namf! Plerllnif Ilun, I'a 1: rurm rroup, liron chlllf ml all throat and ng iroiibln ami ptcTtnli roiiMimpilon I 1 nnt and barmla . V. H. Duffy ' Notice ! To tba mamlwrt of lb Pemocrailo F.ir ruilv Commlttw : Yon are hnrabjr AoUHl lo attend a mcetltiK nf lb iKutlvt commltt to tw bel'l al III Court Moo 10 UmmcI bailn'M i ( Importaae. C.T. Wtoii. Chlrn. " F. T. PTTmm!, 8cftry. irrantutl. im tl lit rn A" 0,,, '"",l,t',l. I , o unit .t.iiiiiii v wjt; in i lit: I Hi- , ll.t Kcmal.i UnlTcr.lty l.cro met lo run ' The fellow v.l, tomplalna that hi. .Ider Ihe .election of a i.re.hlenl. prl . 1 w ile t an'l nuke nich effco an lib. mother eml name were prennjilod, all of North (.'aiolinlan. Il in rfonnblr certain domlnatlnn thu market In northern ii,.! rmlv a man from llilt Btalfi will Ixt Cbloa and now elullenglng ih trade In 1 rllltrn I central Clilna are from Ainprira. We! Tlic llstullon for tho Illlndlirrc' A """" can control til market no lon(( an we rrtlu.s iK term Maf 23il. ll him hail fur ,IC 'c'fgraph lineaman cannot vote bate an eoaal entrant Into all China mfirt) pupiu than ever Iniforc. There la "tlem r ihan any other man, although especially a freight lino, from oiireoun-1 room for all the blind In the State. Tho ne dura cn-at d al of hanRlng aimmd try are mulllplli-tl; and when tho Mt r ippropratlon for the maintenance of tbe polea gna Canal ! ImiIIi, nr other than Am rl- 1 1, nulla la uniufllclel and tlili ha cramp! the InatliaCoa. I rr in. Health. .rfh.nrnti,..,.i:..:,.',,:e' 'HU..d..-Nc.lywe1 med greatly grapbera no tbl dWI.Inn. All the arrwo.l Joal after bla marrlae, but at rlkert wera tart their dlacharge card ba a now quite hl old aclf again, by llie railroad. Hlobla-Ve; he baa parauadod bla I ra that It'a cbenper to take their meala II. Clark, Cbanorwr. 0a aava I)e oat. can good noeil apply In China." CASTOR I A for InfiuiU and CMldrta. ,t the Cart IIoomo. Saturday ft. rjjj YflJ HjTI AlUTI BOtTftlt i Wltf. 0 the IHth day of April, 1900, ,V" "'I luu,,, lpM, A Wail 1..- M rs M uggiu e ry lime t lie cu 1 1 ain rt t - ! act he stalls to l un up an aisl '. M r. Muggins ( w l, :'i,'iu delayl rerluips he's tiyiu. his w .il . 1 li. li t..i,,,, I Ioa Tlu 'e ine-scncei In slowest en .at II res on eallli vi hat 1m-i, lines ,if l lie in le:i I' Joax M ti be t lie v bi t ,,;ne Ly w n on in, down till- ,s at tin t', lessen re tilt ollllft grow pbij they ' A II r There is something who thinks her ow n b other girls' brothers lleer lit tin r i it a s i: ii 'lrl Largest.and Finest Stock of . . . :Ever Found in New Bern. Bra the Witch Htuel 8alr eared him of that filleted him for iwrnty year. i U It lto a ipeedy cart for tkla dlaeaaet. foa Caaaa TmU, Too can't tell from the color of tttray Beware of danraroai eoeaterfellt. t, S. bnlr 04 man' coal aleeve wbetbtr kit Daffy. . wlfo It h blottde o broeetit. From $1 .50 to r A tiny j aid to Act nls ! i t n :, sli g o ir publicntiotia. Kor uirlt, ulars nil dress S. W IIKlMS, I laveloek , N. I ., Nliite Agent Intern all uial Pub (,'. Lawrence & Co., (KM IIII.ISIIKII H(V! Whnlesale Crmmission Merchacl., FRUITS AND PRODUCl;. 20 Nr. Hide Faneull Hall Market, HOSTON . - II ASS. o o SPECIALTIES : Peaches, Melons, Southern Fruit and Truck. Sweet and Irish Potatoes. lUvfarenoee Fanmill Hall National Bank, Ikmlon Fruit and Fruit Etnhanra, IWwton Chamber of (Jommnrre, K U iHin ft Oa'i Meroaatlle Afewcy. Busies Wagons Harnesses Robes I have moved to the Broad Street Stables, purchased of J. W. STEWART, where I shall be glad to meet all friends and customers. 8ncU, and all Information farnlahed npoa application, . vJ". J.. Jones, New Bern, - N. C. Just Received ! Boy's Knee Pants, all sizes y Hats of all descriptions. - - New Line of Shirts. -, m m aaMaOLjL-aiLj.xiam1t- . . , J H ICDDH BTRIIT, ' i m . kew rnns, N c