Wukh VOLUME NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. f. T I IS DAY, .sm I i: MKST MEl'TIUV MMBEK 1 1 Will Governor Russell Defend Gov ernor Taylor of Kentucky. Nomination wntli.n I Acreage. l or M fdiicsdiij'it Coh nrrrasK In Cotton A Hi let ic AKsofU linn to ho Formed, turn inoncc men t at A. A M Kau- ioii , A pnl 'in J. ('. L. 1 hurls makes the niriiicnt that (iovernor Tay lor, of Kentucky, liaa lieen specially ad vised by lending lit publicans to Governor llnascll defend him i live , hts , suit ( hiiirmaii HoUoii will call the Re publican convention to order. Itrpubl! cann say there will be a biir attendance, not go niiu h of deli gales, as there are only 2-10 of the latter, but of outsiders. No man except llollon is Ulkeil -about for ( haii mint uu.i he w ill be n -elected, Hepulilicans my Linncy'a ncniination for Oovernor is certain. A letter from a piedmont l!i publican mijh it is proba ble that I'rof llodi;in, of (inilfortl Col lege, will be nominated for Superinten dent of Public Instruction, Chun. Hey nolds for clmi muni of the corporation commission,, V.Walsor for nttorney (icnenil and Dmiel W. I'alrick (n w census siipetiiitciiilcnt of the second dis trict) for Commissioner of Agriculture As to the remainder of the ticket guess ing seems to be wild. The tirst returns for use in mnklng up the May ci op repoi I of I he Slate Agri cultural I li pnt 1 nie nl's crop repott huve conic in. Soiie of ihose noticed say that in t he niatt'T ol tai nt piepaintion only I wiel hi: il.-i its in in h woil: bus hern done us was done last y car up lo this tla'O; that the increase in eotlon arreiige will be nlioui ',-it p, r cent , pci;tans that there w ill be a -harp icduciioii in to Imct'o nere is.re, a;.d licit lien: is a con siderable increase in the number of horses and tunics. The A Hcul! n i ul and Mechanical Col It go basili-iii inini iliTcttlfil liinghani School h( re esletd:iy by H score of 10 to b in mi cli n inning game, t haraeter icd by hei. y liailin and many errors on bol h side-; The Ham uli iiraieuis ThiirMlay even iug at I )ui li.. in pn s. miIi 1 1 I he play. " The Kihcrim. n's I, ink," which male such a bit here. They had thelaiiitst audience ever in I he I'm ham theatre. (JoveniMi ai.d Mr-. Kuss'-il la-t cyen inir, al the eeclllive uelM.-ion, calf a r (option l-i the (liii-lian I '.mli-ui oicr-.. who at i ended in a b.n.y. Insurance I'oiiimlssloiicr Youne; say s that since January 1 ho has collected from the c .i.ipanics ifVi.lliHI, in amounts ranging all ihoway fiom ,i) cents lo I, anil that he has tan fully t am hit d the rep-ills from Kill companies. Mrs It il.er, the woinan w ho was shot here, is at lie- ho-pital and may recover, though Ihcchaiicc isasliht one. (icorgc Hunt, tiic lima with whom tdie came here, can'i lie loiiml. It was not the liisl I i mi- 'he hail left home, I nl her lint hand ha l condoned tliefoitner olfense. Ho was given a hearing. His story is thai die woman shot herself btcau-e ho would not lake her hat k to his bolUC. l'ic-iilcnl llrniji' I. Winston of tin A g i ic ii I ' u i al ai.d Alt cliii ili-.il College, lias given the following noil, t : "All i.ile's and schools in North CnmlMia nilcrcslcil in the proper man aliment ami til velopmcnt i f athletic sports in e t ariics.1 1) ini lied to seutl rep resentatives to a iiietiinir In I ' it r Iih in on Slurtlii, .Muy.'iih, pun., 10 o'eh ck a lit , al the Holt I ( arroiiita. The putpinc oftltW no cling Is lo lot in an Athletic Association of North t atollna Colleges anil School, will) such constliution anil tiY lw a as w ill remove piofi slotinll.-iii from colli go tithltll and plain I lie ph) ; sic a I ti a in iug of our young men upon I he Itcat basis. The preliminary t-tnilerriuu o l thes Kitbjcci, ln-ltl some lime ago in (jiroimhor.i, was aMaiulcd by represen tative of I lie I i.ivcrily, tho A. Jk MT College, W ake I'nnM, Trinity, ( tillforil, Ilorner'a, Oak Itulgu ami lliiighain ( Vlebane) A. chairman of that metilng"1 of 8 11111 of New York " re and by authority of the name, 1 hvreby Invite, all ol hi r colli gea anil school! In llie . laie lo aiiend the next imellng In lurli mi " The comment eincnt txerct-c" ol the Agricultural and Mcclianlcnl College proniliici to be. exceedingly Inlctemiiig Hi la year. The biccalaureaic net mon will lir pttat l.eil tin Sin day, llay H7ilt, by Dr. Chat leu K T) lor, prenlilenl of Wako Kori at I ollego Un Moiidny there will Ik. ilrcM pai ade by tho battalion nd an i viiiliillon or woih In the varlom collene tlop. On TuemUy there will br ini-eiliig of I tie Alumni Aaanclitlon, folloKed by lite annual alumni laoiUrl Tostaslay nlglii tin- piesltlrnt and faculty i i . .. eollega. Wtdne.tlay irornlng lb gradn- allag terclws till lake place The ail aaal commenceiiif nl rddiiesn will l tle- lln.mil,. hr l. it...... .,,(..,., f cltrn.l.lryl. Jobuilloplln. Unl.cr.liy. l-i.l.eek Mora Judge Hlm-nloo. .1 Cbarlralon, Ma. W. A. Umhtie'a rann aaa'at lb Hlackvatl Uurbara ToIhvco , CASTOR I A For InfanU ud CMldrta. Til Kb. You Han Atwajt Ecujtt fSwttmrtof Company was argued. Juil'r Slmonlon nok the papers, Bayinjr lie wiflfid give a decifion tb is week I The corporation commission fcepia to Judge rtimnnlon's rulings in the lax asaeafiment cane, which are inalruoiloriJi to Standing M islcr Shepherd in regard j to the liiklnt: of t iilcuce Tho ruHnus ' referr. il to are thee of April 11, i ii en Hons re to ihr ru THE REAR GUARD. British tonic In Contact Wllh Rttreallni? Bucr. Gctlinp Short Of Ammunition. I.omion, April '.'7 Uenerals Ilamilion and Krcuch, wiih mounted men, met lo- day at Thaba Nehu, in the Free Stale and attacked the lloers wtto were slill holding a poriion of the town. General Itundle and his division anil General Sntii h-Dot rieii and bis brigade were fol lowing hard on the heels of the mount ed men. .Most of their wytgons the Iioers sent north many days agn No doubt their guns were drawn by freslt oxen, 'relays wailing on the road. Undoubtedly the "slim" Doers have escaped once again, leaving probably a small force to dispute the possession of I.aily brand for a lime with tho British mounted men. IJAi'lt Town, April 27 The explosion In Johannesburg was a serious thing for the Government, which has found it im possible lo get mote men for wot K in the arsenal. Lately the Itoer authorities have been unable to obtain old cartridge cases to refill. It is impossible to tell how far the shortage extends, but some tire of the opinion that the Hoetswill soon be crippled for want of supplies. Fugitives lrom Johannesburg confirm the report that the lloer Government has prepaied hole-, for blovi i o ir up t l,o mines, lull they say lliat hen Commandant lioth.i went lo 1'retoria am! threatened to resign immediately .Mr Klinkc, the -tato Mining Kngincer, sironglv sup ported Iloiha, having pledged himself to Europe that nothing of I he kind should be do ie. Kvenlitally I'lesdent Kruger yielded and lite borings were tilled with concrete. The refugees sny that lead for builds has been comman deered from privale ouneis Even lead pipe from mineral water urn) other manufacturers has heel, r. iiisitioncd. Roberts Is Concentrating. I.omion, April '.".I -tin; Daily To!e irrapb has teceived Iho following tits patch front Sout Ii A frio;-,: I'doi ni f ii it I ci ii , April 'J'd --Troops who have been operating in the souihcuslcrii part of the l-'ree Stale clearing I he conn try of Hoets have gollt n as far north as Thaba Nehu, where a junction itas been elTcoted. Relatively few llocis are before tin in, and these are being steadily driven from their hills and fastnesses. It is hoped that Lady brand w 111 be reached and oc cupied soon, as that would elTcctually soettic peaceful posst sslon of the grain district and keep the Itasulo bonier iitiel. i-porls from native runners stale that the liners do not intend to defend Brand fori, but will oppose the lititlsh from the line of bills north of 'hat town, us ing the Vet liver lo protect their front Maskuc, Haauloland, Apiil 2M (delay ed in transmission) -Firing was hen id in lite tlirccllon ol 1 liana .Mini tor some hours this morning. Many lloeis are retreating from We pener ami Do Wet's dorp, proceeding by cross roads instead or llie main roads near the Basutolanil border. It is report ed ihal (hey are In a miserable coudiiinn disorganized and depressed. Manv have tleserted and are hiding on the farms. The Durham Tobacco Co. Case. Special to Journal. Kai.kioii, April 28. -Judge Slmonlon files an opinion In the notable case of George Avenls va Black well Durham Tobacco Co. W. A. Guthrie w ho owns one shato of stoi k gave notice that he would ask ill--lclblatiirc lo repeal I lie company's (bar ter. Then the American Tobacco Com pany asked I he courts to allow the tale of tho Hlat k well i umpany and the appoint manent receiver. Judge Slmonlon de cides In favor of Avents and olhers The Cotton Situation. Hpcclal to Journal. Nkw VokkAptil 2H The vlnlhlc up ply of cotton la Hie amallcal linco 1 him, when cnlton Hold al thirteen centa. The consumption now is about fifty per cent greater. Kit rente prlcea aeem I it vllahlc I'ii lea, McCormii'k A Co Captain Carter In Prison. I.f a kswohtH, KW, Aptll 27 Obor lln tarter. Utu Captain Unltnl Stale Atwy, anivtnl at Ibe Kmleral prlann to nip ul unilr irliaril ol 1. 1ml 1 hnmu ""' 'hr "'"' Toe Taylor Case. FitAXfcroMT, Ky., April FnAWRf out, Kr , April 17-Tbe eonply grand Jury completed ll U,K,r" lnd'' D' rePrt nolbamaddllllMoBslay. Mora than 100 rllaM 'were tiam into la oonaarttoa wim Uia Uocuel a ....lo.tlon mr. Ul.oomcl.ll7...le.l that In lotllctanl Mid to bay bctn fooBttf alt Ti) lot wlil b MUrwJ m rtoord tb. Rlacrtart tb -D J Moort, ilcklr Mr n "Do Will' Uttl larlr Kl ItMt pllU I trr tMod."- kflllhrook, Alt, Tif qaleklr RiLtlGH Complaints to Corporation CommiS- ion on Account of Strike. Some S ay Democrats are too Cob II dent Cotton Acrenee on State Karma. Why Grapes Failed. Some (tltl Hills. K a l l 1 1 1 1 . April an. A number of compluints from points on the Asheville division of the Southern Railway have been filed wllh the corporation couinjis slon. These grow out of the strike of certain telegraph operators at mountain stations. They allege that there is in adequate service on the part of the Wea tern I'nion Telegraph Company ami the Southern Railway. This is declaretl to be the result of the strike of telegraph operator. The complaints came from citizens of Waynesville, Clyde, Canton, Ildlsboro, Albemarle anil Glen Alpine The commission decided to serve notice on the telegraph anil railroad companies ith the request lhat answer to the complaints be made at once. S. I. Rog ers, of the commit slon, says the stations must be re opened; lhat the railroad says there are plenty of operators, and that I lii! dosing is working a hardship on shippers, as no freight is received or de livered at rite closed stations The appeals from the order of the railroad commission and that ol lite cor pora'iou commission reducing and lixing leleplion t rental rales have both gone oil llie dockets here and in Iredell county. In I he convention of Christian F.n leavorers here Saturday much interest ing wo k was done. William Shaw, of II iston. Mass, led llie "open parlia ment,'' taking as his subject, "The Best Tilings We Have Tried." The secre tary, .Miss K ith Worth, conducted a model business meeting. Two other addiesses mil! delivered during the day' one by Rev. .1. 1'. Rodgers, of Wilkes- boio, and one by William Shaw, of Ho.--ton. Ditnoctats of iulluence and Infoinii tlon say they fear over confidence in the matter of ratifying the constitu tional amendment; thai hard work ev ery dny is essential to success; that the organization of the opposition is simply remarkable; mine thorough even than in lvl.l.". Diinociats ought to heed this warning. MNs Jessie Canoll, daughter of ex United Slates Marshall o. J. Carroll, will lie quietly - niiiriied al home here n xl Wednesday morning lo I,. A. Carr, of Durham, president of the Intel-Stale I'elephotte Company. The Statu Treasurer has noiilied all bank cashiers in the Slate that I hey must furnish lite county commissioners with the number of shares of stoekand value of same belli by residents in such county and to the Treasurer the names of all stockholders. I'll in year 2,000 acres an- planted in cotton on the Stale farms, a :i:i l-'l per cent decrease as compared willi last year The acreage in peanuts is doubled, and is now 1,(1(1, and a 7j,0(HI bushel crop is I'mired on. l'eanuls were last season's lUosl profitable crop. Some years ago the grape business al Ritlgeway was very large. It was also large here, limine "appendicitis fad" came along and it is asserted that this w is the chief cause of t he lulu of the business. Now there is not a vineyard al Rldgeway, and only one bete the 1st ler depending largely on local trade. Al Sotilheru i'lncs there are some vineyards bill il is said they do not pay. It is found thai cultivated blacklx-mes are a belter crop. The ridgcw ay people have gone in (his business, ami so have some Raleigh people. The sltaw berries have been set back anil Bomewhal Injured liy wet weather. A man here Is devoting himself to a study of the wills filed in this county The oldest is dated 1740. There are about ,000 of them. One o! the oldest Is by a 1'rcsbylerlan clergyman, who whro about to leave here for I'hlladcl phla at a delegate lo tbe General Assem bly of Itla church, made bin will, saying ho deemed it wlao lo lake thai (lep In view of Hie length and peill of the join ney. A promlateni Democrat remarked to day regarding the I'opulltt and Itepubll can Slate tickets, that the Republicans took this view of It If there la any chance of succeai they would go in for fusion; If not they would hold aloof from ft aniil make a fight for the "character' of tbelr parly. Wrlght'i band, of this city, baa a con tract to furnlib music at the St re I Fa if al Richmond ,'or a week. locke Craig will apeak In tbe follow Ing couniiea on tbe following dale Sampson, Ma Slit and 22nd; New tb ad tnibiCujtlow, May S8tb and 2Uth. Jodc, May 8lt; Inolr, Juoe 1st and 2nd. Canal Bill Will Past House. Waiiiiotoh, April W Tbert tecmi Ut lllll dobt tb Nlortftua Canal bill will ptM tb Moat Ibiav mmk. Il will com p a Tnedi isd U ToU will Wrfdy itonw, b. lo "7" w"" ......- ,,Mr.lw..MrbM,lnt t.obomof D Wltl'i Witch HiiJ lair-wtlWw W J BuUf. Hortfc Brook, Il ! ToUil. Dwr of ronatorfvlu. t Horner Wins. , Special l. Journal. In I L i game of base ball Ltr. blwem I lorners School, of Ox !. the A .v M C. liege, Horner o score of - lo 1 Trinity and Wake Koreat Ci play here Republicans Arriving;. pt-CISi Ii Hun.. iirnal A, oil :t0, Delegate cpuhlican State Convention meets bore May 2nd are already W 1,0 h 1 1 1 1 I L' ' ill. 1 lialrman rrivals. A K. llollon is Will Remain Spaniards. Wasimm.ton, April 30. Considers! le interest has been displapcd in Congres sional circles in an ollicial statement of Gen. Wood, showing that till, Stilt men in Cuba have registeretl thetns"lves as citi zens of Spain, temporal ily residing oti the island, in accordance with i he clause of the I'aris treaty, giving all foreign born it sidents of Cuba, one ear to tie eide whether they would retain llieir a! legiancc to I heir 11101 Iter country, or bi -come citizens of Cuba. It is somewhat surprising to most persons lhat so many should have chosen to remain subjects of Spain, which wiil shut them out of any participation in the government of Cuba when our inilitaiy government is withdraw n. Not Much More Legislation. Washington, April :i(t Little more important legislation, outside of Hie reg ular appropriation bills, need be expect ed Itom this session of Congress. This has been piaiulv iudiosti d on the tloor of t he Senate, where t tie pow er of I he niinoi ily is not a tiadii ion, but an uti suriiiountable fact. I bis is Presidential year and tbe minority scent polities in every measure of importance. In oilier President ial years, llie majority has fought for measures, not to pass them lull to emphasize political issues; but this year, the majoiily seems to regaid lighting unnecessary for that purpose and to be anxious lo hurry the necessary business through and luijotirn. That is the situation today. A sinl- speech on either side may upset all calculations anil precipitate a political light, which may lengl hen the session beyond llie eat ly June days in w hich adjournment is now cotilidenlly expected. THE MARKETS. dlow ing quotations w ere rocciv I-. Kill li in , New Hern, N. .'. The f il l.y .1. Nkw Vokk, April :'.o. Cotton: Open. High. Low. Close May II. oH 0.0'J !l '.7 it .V.l Aug :!7 0 IIS !i.:t.l !i :il Sept S.55 H.dO H s ;,7 Met 'H.:n 8.:n h:ii s:k Nov K.I5 S.lt) H I.-, s Is Jan 8.1.1 H.lil Mi n 17 l llll MHO MAllKKTH. Wiikat - Open. High. Low. lo-e July 117 i Ii7! C7i (17 j CollN: " gJMay 41 41 H', 11 So. R3 I'fd. ... .ri7( "o T.C. I HI 1 s.( Con.T HI j Hi ( A. H. ,V W :'.Ht t Leather l'.'i I I: Ci o .it O I'ao -. . . . . Ti7 .'is FedS II A. C. O tt'i Col ton receipts w ere s n, id hsles at all ports. The ciiBii'Hl n ixl moil eflec-tiye ini thoil of pu rif) iti5 the hlooil anil iiivioritlin tin- BiHli-ni In lo take DcV:n'n l.itllc Ix for I-' S Karly Itisers, the famous little pi 1'leHiiniliK the liver (ml IioacIk Dulfy. EXCURSION RATES. (,ranJ Kally of Democrats At Hew Bern On Friday, May 4, 1900. The following iipenkrri will mhlietii llie i ll I en ii of ( raven utiil ail jacent conn tie at New Horn on Krltlay, May 4, l'JOO: lion. I'. It. Arork of Wayoe, for (lotferiiot. Hon W. I). Turner of Ireilell, for I.ieiilenanl (iovernor, anrt other ran tliilatcn on the Stale leinorrallc tiekel. Hy ollcitallon of mmiy pcraona on the line of llie A. k N. (' Railroad, III fol lolti(( raua of fare will govern when llckrln are purchase. I by regular train. I'nrr In w ll.-rti mid lllnm. Krum Morehrail City l 01 " Wllilwoo.1 (W " fiewporl . " Havelook "0 Croat an . ftO " Ulrcnlale . 40 From Klnalnn . l.0 " Caavrll Dover . ") " Cor Creek f0 " Tuac.arora 0 H I.. DIM,, Knpt Tka Run Fnr H- That'a k qiwcf name you've ohoatn for ' your bnrar, "Bail F.ft " I It' bully nam. A Iwd ofr ran t b 'beat. I W plan on ! thlt wvb tb ImmI ' t. proof W. ..d l 00 d R m4 O. 3o,70ik4t U JI lb w odl, for Iblt wk w offtf tk mw tbplla m wrlibV U Wc cb- i - Hu.kln'i I A V ( n r..pl 1!i:l f -: H - I . If: IM-I. l, i .1 1 - I'lllct. I. in I'nt'n MnpiM Win Judge No llie .lii.uer tin I. en. I u il Ii a :.'!.-!, did I M. i imi Vis. iei l.Mio.r. hit Veil Judge I til I II s. kill on. alll w :n Meiiinli So. I he dl.lll'l 1 1 1 1 1 1 . - to 111 111. hut it's w ishin I,, had I l do I.e. .lo.le 1. 1 ,h, v.iii ish ih.-uV MoClntv I'o.i.iv. tldn ni w, IllilO Seen the , 1 1 ' I ! T I 1 1 -1 IlllUgC' llld for llliirl her' l iii. agu New s. Mll.l lll III HlMllP. residing in North Columbus g .i 1 ; ho oi hoi- day who bad II ill her sel l ice i Ilq lli roil : Mary, where do you live A lady meeting lately he "Well. IHHV '.'" "l-lense. Where." IV tied." - llld :i a in, n.-d t! oipolis I don't o glil. ' Join mil. 110- tuiir- Tlu biles sl.l.-s Asin: Alnolie.-lll Itihle : the Sciiplllios In our ow n speech; 'JS i.-. S i ice.-inii . !i Afr; oidety droll- tongues, be-I-'.iiioiM-an, It'.! an. ! Ainoii Oil In. h M,. Si ll Ai!ioi-ie:ui Inn glUlg lln lie. IS Although Hie 'l'laiisv.i.il is l.lMiil tniles nellll-r the rqiluloi'. the tollliel-.-ltlll'o avontges m m-li loucr tliiiti nt Cape Town. From SI 50 lo $5 OO A dny iinl to A nt:i for canva.ftipp: oir nl)lic;tt ions. Kor p:irli ulars ad drus.s S. V UK vMs, llavc'orii, N. ('., Stale At nl Intel n iM iiial Vwh. (--). t -otic -riling V illimii whm hIi e 1:1 iker ;itnl li In fore t he y:ir, iifli r nt- rlniry, m Iio .I'll ii. New III ru i :i r. I m oloveil up t1 e -iiu'e. TliiH inloriniiti liy U.S. Miller, ot Caiinle 11 1H w tilled . N. .1., who liopi h t li roi i r li Mr W:.1i r'.in y up his liither wlio ilisiippeuici the wiir. Ail. Inns ,IOI'ltN A I ., Miller, ('linden, N. .) " trice ilii.-ini; U.S. 1 11 ' 1 1 1 ' Cf Cllll. i oiinileicil ii trv tioM.y enlist ruct ion ut t lie I' un . In v .. II. Wnlers 7H liroi.il St Three Large Plats To lie ol 1 t llie liitht.l l.i.hlcr. How l-i thin, llie only Move there he. will now cut price nil km. I of Stove Wn.nl. a il I ... ll lllrtfl .1..V.H on niiiHl lie lohl rliiht "ul ami make r ion. f. oilier Inini new. I.ntlia noil Hnnil niH.le mul S iw. .1 Wliln(tle. wlioleanle mul n-lntl. .i Hiiirnln". 1 Komi ( nrl. II llrays utiil .'t I lump Catta. HIKI ( e.lar ami Kill Unlit ..oil I kI wi I m-II IiIrIx-hI 111. 1. 1. t. For further Infor - alion, are BIG HILL. Tbe We Mai Lawrence & Co., (KM AIII.IHIIM" IW:i Wholesale Cmissioo Merchants, FRUITS AND PWODUCE. ?0 No. Mile Faneuil Mall Wmkrl, SPECIALTIES : Peaches. Melons, Southern Fruit and Truck. Sweet and Irish Potatoes. O O HflfaranriM ranrail Hall riatlooaJ iiiiiiiililliiiilri Our Buggies i m T WS )V- , o ?k 'fT ft M(f0Mui Apoef. i XI JJ 1 0 J-JUw. Wr,M,a I BiaoclU, kod kt4 lafonnktla finiUh4 .lAj. CATARRH CAN BE CURED BY Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BCTTLES. DAGI H I THI I llllll AM) AIU; UANCEIt EVEHYHHEll,t A Ik- und t t-arublr In a !.!;!,,- ). ' ' ;:. . ing Istt-n.i.g 1. 1 I, . i ll . Ssed men . erid-'Ii'. V : .1 . . . I - Do. tor . . a - t - nti in eas- i i ; I,, in l-ons. Here is of t v .1.1 f, v ca u -"-s t :wit in Colo lie oi and d I" non: and lie; dc-t-io !"'Mi 11 ' I l ish. I"- '-o- " -c-aUin ll. I bin e I. .1.1 It 1 The ll.t.-l.ir luoner I . fei rr, and a In st . .f . t hi r d is. -a and attacking s.,-. i;,..y the tun disease is e.-peouuii pii-va.eiit w bo is not, . f has Ii. been t r. slie dtil ireti tu rt-iiiain at h ntn- from pUa.-atit cntertaininetits, deprive themselves (if iii.uiv nit-, ieet ual trials, frntu f-;i r (if tlie 1 isurreealle dor anning from ca tarrhal alTecti-ms. In its worst phase, the patient becomes loathsome both to h 11111 -If and his fnen.U "I believe," continued th.s e-reat physician, " that the trne way to heal ca tarrh is lt metli'-ate t he bitMi.l This can bedwiie only by powerful alteratives which act a bloinl purifiers Net Mi A. Marett, of Manistee. Manistee Co.. Mich., writes : Dear Sirs: Kor ten years I was a sufferer from general debility and chronic catarrh. My face was pale as death. 1 was weak and bhort of breath. I could hardly walk, I was so di.v and had a ringing in my head all the time. My hands and feet were al ways Coid. My uppel iie was very poor. On getting" up in the morning, my head swam so I was often obliged to lie down again. I had awful pains in the small of my haek. 1 had a continual feeling of tiredness. My muscular power was almost entirely gone, and I couldn't go half a dozen steps w it Ii. nit si tipping to rest, and often that much exercise caused me to have a pain in my side. It seemed as though the blood had left my veins. The doc tors sn it I my blood bad ..11 turned to water. I had given up all hope of ever get ting well. I tried the best, physicians in the state, but failed to get any relief. My husband got me a bottle of Johnston's Sarsaparilla. I took it, and then I bought another. When these had been used, I was somewhat improved in health. I continued its u-e, and felt I was growing stronger; my sleep was re freshing, and it seemed as if 1 could feel new bloKl moving through my veins. I kept on taking it. ami now consider myself a well and rugged woman. I work ail t t imc. and am happy. Iain positive that the Sarsaparilla saved my life. The sick headaches I have had since childhood, have d isappeared, and my ca tarrh hiis almost ent irely left me. I cannot be bw thankful for what Johnston's Sarsaparilla has done for me. I recommend all women who have sick head aches to use your Sarsaparilla. MICHIGAN DRUG OOMPAWY, IDEmOXT, MICH. 1). HI! A Ml A M. New licin, N. 0. SJ. L. MgDANIEL, 71 BROAD STREET. tai ls 1 lie jilill-i- I ( 1 r.M ci i. - ;tl i ;tS l-i-jifi-.-elllri Irai :lil if vim rices. M 5 If von I will llialik yoil In Id in n In- l-llcrlflllly - f lllllloll. A fi-csli lul ''lover Hill Butter just tvoi-iu-il only I aiiliei Chirk I In-ill. oiling. ''iy I .mills ili-IU lei ant wln-ri to I'lcasc Yours J.L. Largest and Finest 8tock of ... . McDANIE oi'ses & Mu cs! Buggies Wagons Harnesses Robes "I have moved to the Broad Street Stables, purchased of 5. W. 8TEWART, where I shall be glad to meet all friends and customers. New Bern, - N. C Just Received! Boy 5 Knee Parity all sizes. Hats of all descriptions. New lUntpf Shirts Tulka about Advance4 Science. f am. - ni it s :.:.d aged physician waaconTeTO :-s. oiirse. were a group of well and ... iniiier. -ial travelers, certain yet to show that all dia .e Serins which are living organ- t t--r- o,e .1 is, as.- dipi.thena. Here is the baeillua i.-st..; more dr. id'ul bacil'.us of tubercle which f a 1 d.seases. o. lusun.ptioii. Tina of that very tde il.-.. as.-, catarrh truve.iug mnijw"thiit you would tell us about .i s. ami I aoi tborout'ldy discouraged. a:anh. like diphtlieria, coiisutnption. typhoid as. s. is the result of a microbe invading the blood us lneniliruiie. I his foul and moat disgusting the l ulled Mates and it is rare to meet one .nd iii.u-e or less, wit h it. I low of ten is he or want strictly lirst-class Ki--ylliino f;iiiiiaiilei il liml any arlicli- ul Ihth isc, il atnLvoiii' iiiiiiii'V will 1'iinl and l-'ancv Ku iitfc mt Id. ill s at oi- ht I In- i-il v iroiiiillv. WlioIeNle A lletttil 1 71 I.r,H NI. Ever Found in New Bern. TT'U "il'a'l " Ivfl I I I" aUVJfc.a.U miOm m-mm. l Ttr ! bowi ttoabi. r. r, vBj Duty. ; I . M MIDDLI STRUT, i POO pilOMI0O,

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