Ijefit if mill VOLL'UK inn. NIW BERN, CRAVIN COUNTY. N. ('.. TLKSUAi, M A 1 h limn - KllM tt lTuN. M MlO'.li 14 malerlals friund in tlie Slule This Is an immense subject and inert- will uecee Burily have lo lie limitations. I 7 A leiture room, for fie lecture, Rnsscll Completely Separated From! '"' '-i" " f"f ci'ii-"n j picmrff. His Party Leaders. That Patrons? I'ontrollfd Itj Prlli-hard Flection Itourd Holds a Meet injr. Itullroad ('use. State Museum tnlaritrd Kai.kii.ii. May "i Here U Iho ruin ment of lge Harris on the llrpulilicitii convention: "If Hip brains of Hip entire ouilll were cont't-nirHii-u uiey winiiii mil i ( nni-rull) etiual In volume or quality ihe brain of n i vi ril A complete work room on the west siilr, with i-ie ui i.im for taking frini the gn uml level o' j els a- Iai;e as Hi Id IV V in Hr; 1 hnenu-nt hii;li ami well 1 ; 44 1 n t-i . wuii cuinp floor of 11 storage p ' rpunen sprak of tin1 iniiut'iis : in Nor; li t arolinn; Senator I'riti kind's tti't'tl'ite now ir.lir, whs yea of the Slate I). liiillll'l' IP (lovernor Kussell ' II arris certainly aticketh close lo Governor Kussell. He aid: "hid you are any reference In the Governor In the Kcpuhliraa platform of llic Kcpulilican Stale convention this week:" When" asked If the Ooveinor was sore about this i-nuli Jjoge replied: ' lie lias supreme contempt for that For two years Senator I'ritchard and He vast majorily of the Republican have (jiven the (lovernor the clailiiuv hand and the icy licuil, Life for him h i been one lonj; snub, tj die freiUenlly Carl Duncan tins gone to ace him, h'H these were diplomatic vi.-in. The (lov ernor Tim done several things which have disgusted bi party with him. One was his jumping on an element in the State which had done a va-it deal for Mr Mclilnlcy in lHIKi and which waa looked upon as worthy of the highest esteem The next thiiii; he did was lo listen only lo l'opulist couiTscl. The third was to pay that the onstiltilional amendment could not be defeated and that the policy of the Ki publicans in attempting to il "Jfel it and of ai raying themselves t gainst It was suicidal. Richmond Pearson had a vast desire to be one of I be delegates lo the national Republican convention. Charles Mc Niimee and the great Vunderbilt back ing had the lead, however. The matter was in fai l cm sidi re 1 of nominating Mc Namce for Lieutenant (lovernor, hut ( I ll lint Dockeiy, w ho has a large fin an rial bicking, was put up McNa-mo lia:i a big iulluence in (he ninth district, the Republicans say, a d tmplivs many voters. The I cpiiMiran Federal pal rounge all of fcinrn' at disposal, and say $1,500,0 :0 J. i . M in pliey of Hunt cr.liy eit-.-lt: I a inenilier cleclion board, vice li BlglH'l! The c!c::lion board was in session here until T o'clock ye: If rday morning, and had ano; her slioi I session at !). ll met to lill vacancies which had occurred since its last meeting, April 12, in Ihe county boards which it then elected. In several con nties sonic members of the lxiard had failed lo ipialily. The board put all the clcciion machinery in proper order. One of the eases I bus setlli (I was In New Hanover. The nominees of Ihe Democratic primaries suggested some names Then llu new county chairman suggested ol hers. All was satisfactorily and pleasantly ntiangcd Jam-- II Young, Ihe negro leader who is now a clerk i:i lite revenue i n lector s ollicc, wu. asked how llic negtoes rell-hjcl the the Inntmenl they got at the Republican contention, jour -urri- pondenl remarking, 'they were certainly well Iralned " To lids Voiing replied by asking another t'itntlin, "Diir ll ever occur In Jim llial they mlghl not lake much interest in politic...?'' One can ans wer Ibis by saying that the negroes o'xiy their while managers n w about as well as taey did in if?o. Many people loda t ok a look aj the pwe-tal of the V ine - statue. On Ihe east aide of the time Istheono wiril ' Yanca," In largo letters. Woik will begin atSinte oh Ihe terrace. A sotlljtnent of the lax aacament cases Is more than probable As )et Standing Master Pheplii'ril has named no (lay for the resumption of the hearing of the railroad's aide of Hie rate; that li the faking of testimony on behalf of the railroads An at lor no.- of His Atlantic Uoasl l.ln : was asked what il-velop- inenU there wero Me was reticent and wben (omnienl wai mado on Tho fart that valuable lime wa passing he mere ly said: "When wo do lie tin wo will go with a rush ' 1 he corporation com millions now know ihnl settlement Is In tbe air. Ilielareo addition lo the Slule tin Ham I now ni aily ready 'or oei-n alley j It give T.V add 1 1 Ion ii I hall 4, ilm I rje,i I ft lg nearly lOtixW ft-oi In slrc Tli-uo on Ihe ticoiid II.Mir rn lofty In plicli.1 thori l li'C being of native pluv, ollrrt. j There wlil Ihe follow in dew depart ment ol :be Sl'i-cin, WliltoWIII ailil lomnMdy North Carolina vs Maryland. S;.i t ial to Join uul Kti i.li. ii, Mav "i - The base ball game at ('haK Hill today, resulted as follow: f Noith Carolina defeatid f Maryland by a score of 5 lo :i KITCHENER AT THE FRONT. Drives Boers oul of Brandfort, British forced to leave Transvaal. IjOKDON, May 4 The Daily Mail lias received the following di. patches from: South Africa: ' Hrndfort,i)rani;e)l'r(e Sta e, May 3 The British occupied Uranilfort lo-day, Slate (len. Kitchener started frnni Karee Sid- The I ing and ent'Ted the town at noon, (ler ' i rn)u...u ...-!. :.. i.. .i. lift) uuircnn ni in in nt uusit. Artillery flanked the lloers' right and j compelled them lo withdraw, though ; their position was admirably defensible. The Hoers hurriedly reclion of Windbuig APPROPklAriUN WK NfcW Birk.N is Where Democrats Make Their Efforts. ( o in in i I tee .flicts hut V I nehesli r Di il i i at i Mut Hill, Athletirsof (ireat Inleri learliers Asseuiblt June I Jili to Kill. Rai kl.ii, May ?. ll is r tiled in Ihe di- i I 'euiocrailc leadcis that in i., leaving a llag and I'aign it will be of no Use I in .m Uingrcbsnun Tr.cm- ' !l uin. V.:.: for KuaJway fjss. senate : eci si to J oa : i, t'. W AI.IIIM.10N. 1 ' I Ms, ; ' nihil ( liar)t- K 1 h ui:'i- t, . ; 111 1 1 pS-SCll t 1 1 M M J i l ' I ; ' I h which a p propr i H' lik- 1 'l . ' i . for rcpai rs "ii i li- : , I -n a t ' i : ' New Rein i ii i. v N i '..:il t : near 1 lor i tty. i'tn apprnio . a' io'i :- its i ap;n" a id Ho- mi t I.'. :ii'- l'n ' JouOO CATARRH CAN BE CURED BY Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES. "DAX.FH IN THE KAHTII AND AIU; OANUE8 EVEBYWHSIL1) A W le aud iifrable Doctor Talks about Advaneed atanee. h.-tel ill a (jreat c.l I, i, tt i,' a:.d ntiy la -v t-rs. l'r.. :s tii.i'. iii"'lu-a JSC'i In a it-adtni. ing Listt-iiiug li an ssed men, er idt .M 1 1 mi bcl 'f. :s l, eacs witii'iur cxi'i'iCyi hi a imiis. Here is l:ie cnu ut tliat tcrr. of tvpli.'iii fever, and Ocrc is llic sti! ciiu-M-s I hat lll.isl destrui't.vc c.f all cotiini .;i and mi pp i.-., il lio uraole d:. 1 wish. D.i. !..:-, " s.i:d t.o- t.i f jui .its aud at'cd pliysieian waa con vera i iitiuus il -.cuui'm', were a eroup of well lu- ii. i n unit i'i i in me rcial traveler. N ri rl.liu yet to allow that all dia Miile genus whicli are living organ ae d 1 1 . ; 1 1 heria. Here is the oacillua luiire ili.-aifiil bacillus of tubercle which riisi-asrs. ci.iiswntption. This of that very a.-.--, catarrh e. ing man, "that vou would tell us about -p, i Ii Miles on I)isappeai&i Cuns. VVasiiimito.n, Jlay 4 (ieneral Miles has again addrcsird a strong letter to the Secretary of War cnlerinn his oflicial protest agninst ihe policy of using dis- j t"i'' fr Ilrit ish troops, nnnn.rim. .run i .priaM lii I !i Kvstem of I was nol discovered until "t T"" " ' - O J coast defeuses, a subject which lias pr ciiiitaled considerable discussion re cently ntnong ordnance oilleers and those of the artillery arm. I'eneial Miles several weeks ago called Ihe ih -partmem's allenlion to the subject, which drew forth last week a lei t- r from General Wilson denying that ihe. d:s ippeai ing gun can iage was nol u-id by foreign governnten'.s In the forliliee tions plans. General Miles lias now replied, in which he slates thai, he has personally received from the highest foreign ord nance oflieers reports that this type of carriage is not In use. In his conimuni cation Genaral Miles begins by staling that he wishes to gon reeoid and to enter his olln tal protest and warning against llic policy of using one type of mount to the virtual exclusion of all others. some wounded lliilish prisoners in the e in the towns, after the coinpl, i;.i:i ..I hospital. the ralilic.ation meetings; that the work French's cavalry s sweeping the couu- niu-l be done in the country, li i in the try to the north, j country thai I be Republicans sm.l IVp - General Hutton, commanding Ihe First 1 it ure at work. Mounted Infantry lirigade, saw the! Clan le Kitchen ha- been a: Cl'in.ii khakiclad Irish-Americans from Chicago and Rockingham, wheie be spole to among the letieating lloers, and look large audiences. A' Union ipiiie a uum Tlie deception ' hi of 1 opulisls know linn, and he sin s they bad lirid ! they are coiniin: back to Ho- I icmociat ie tanks. At Rockingham the people are tntii' Kiioit l.l;.. til Hun. "1: i to lie ineiels a intle l'si In l ," cxi laiined I he piio.;i t live h "N'e dine al ficseo. of cmiise " "1 have heard of Hie geiith iiii n. M rs i as will, with well bred 1 ndi ll ' but 1 think I never met bun ' THE MARKETS. The following iiiolaliona were rccciv 1 by .1. K. Latham, New Rem, N. (.'. N t;w Voiik, May 7. (Jotton: Open. High. Low. ( Ioh.i May II..H 1 upon the Hritish. ! I-oitKNzo MaUi(1 May -I. All was ' Well at Mafeking up lo April 2!l. J ruoflicial reports say that only1KKI i Itocrs are around Mafeking. The belief gains ground t Ii at the siege may be raised as soon as another attempt at relief is made. The removal of the heavy Uoer : eons is looked upon as Slgnthcant. I Onlv 4.H00 Roers are now in Natal, ll, Hell having been withdrawn within the last tv o weeks. l'ltkToiiiA, May '.I It was owing to Ihe petition of l he unti-Iirilitdi section, which believes lliat the explosion of the shell factory at Johannesburg was Ihe Was Ihe work of Hie English, thai all lliilish sujecls were ordered lo leave within :iii hours. Employes of the electric light com pany and of stores wete exempt. The eph sion is a niysteiy and il is necessary lo suspend judgment. Ibis linal order virtually clears the Transvaal of all Ilriiish except prison e is. Riciiviiii IIaiuiino Davis ii. i d And M"l iks ,th 'i n IV III l.n.ik that lit v sm :TI net 1 1 1 il ales f r the aineni1 lh' people V 1 ll' people ol st router 1 leino- July . Aug. Sept Oct . . Nov. Jan . . !l. l-i !) L'I'i s HI H.Sli S.(." 8 (Id J lit II IH ii an- K.",l s. to H.10 U..VI II. I" '.l.'ill s 111 8 -'(i 8 04 H.0."i Wiikat: July (loltN: July So. If) I'f I A. S vV W Leather. . . . .li O I'ae . . I'ei'.S .. .. A. (J. ( ... T.C. I ... Con.T Cotton receipts at all ports. ( 11U Alio M Mtl.KTS Open. High. Low :isj :ii lo IIMK) !I.II4 HIS II 'eli 8.:,1 8.28 8.10 8 10 ( lose riTj oOJ :i7j 1'Jii r.Ts .14 7!i 81 J bales calls a meeting of i 1 committee Ik re , at 'T had stomach trouble twenty years and gave up hope of being cured till 1 began to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, ll has done mc so much good I call il the se i. .in id my life," wiiles W I! Wilkin -o.i. Albmv Tcnn. D digests w hat yon mi ! -i I'ully Lltvrnry 'cinula. It Is one of the curiosities of litem It. re. snvs (leorge I'. l'urker In The At Liuiie. Hun. iillhotigh Hie cousiilui serv i. ; Iocs not tii odi.ced reporta ol cither ei -oiio, :ilc or lUiotinliiK value, innuy viiieis biixe (lone conspicuous work I i fore utiil ilui Ing set h e and nfler re- loiinetii WVJ HowiIIh wrole aoine il. ;ig'..tr.:l b. ol.s ou Italy I'.M.loa bla "l.lle of 1'eler the Great," Kuene Kchuyler wrote ou oceeptable abort blsiorv of American diplomacy and tintiHlnted some of TurgenelTa nov ela. Iluwthorne, Kllhti Hurrltt, Under wood. Htet Hnrte, 1'eiiOeld, Rlchuian to fhentloii only n few bnve doue not utile work In literature, but not an ofn clal ivHtt of value. In the ooo cnac (here was something to say, united with fmiloiu of view and opInioD; In I be other there wai nothing to aay, and red In ire was too strong for them. The fault Is In the system, not In the men. ALL ALONG THE LINE. Njhling Uoinjr On In Many Directions. Huberts Pressing; the Boers. I.omion, May (i The troops which Lord Roberts led oul from llloemfonlein a few days ago have laken a great spring orward, which has brought llicni almost al a single bound to Winhnrn. The Hoc is tve evacuated their positions at lirand- orl v;ilhout maKiiig a si rung elforl to hold them. Smart lighting lias been going on along practically the whole of the widely e.v- nded( Ilriiish front. Tin; household Javalry, Twelfth Lancers and Kitcliner's Horse bad the opportunity for which llicy have long waited -of charging a body of lloers in the open. Such chances have been few In Iho cauipargn. The lloers broke and tied, leaving a number of dead and wounded on the ground. Gen. Hector McDonald's Highland Hrl gade, which was also acting on the right lislodged Hie lloers from agroupof kop. jes under cover of naval guns. Ol npial Interest is tue news which comes of Gen. Sir Archibald Hunter's operations ou Hie extreme left He rossed the Yaal river al Y iiidsorlou ou Friday. Rushing ahead, he found the tliwrs In slreuglh near It'iidanl.' The brunt of Hie lichtiiii; fell on (ieneral Itarton's Union Brigade of Seoleh, Irish and Welsh fuslleers. They carried ridge after rldc over a front ol four miles and drove Hie lloers before tliein to the north. 1 he imperial Yeomanry chased the lloers some miles Cooklaa- ana Ra'tlaar. If we nte properly, Iho physician would lose bis occupation. And we rau ent for whatever wo waut to get fnt to get lean, to be nervous or pblegniailc or to stop or encourage the ravages of disease. Ao oien door nn nlts I hem nil. Is It too much to hop thai the twentieth centnry will see a law coiiiH'lllng rooks to take a medical course? Almost Tkfff Alraaar. MIh KorUt Vea,alear. wv hnvs been eugnged for n luug time, but what baa prvvenled me from taking the lirvroca It. ml v,ne n object bl tl has always been the fateful Mi and put il far In tlio lead of any- Ulnj In b II' e In Hie eo'.-ittj nuUld lf Waahlngioi. I, Uolanlral, both economic and scien tific t, EooBmlo fnlomolopy, Including question. "Will lit love me when I grow okir ll Tenny-Don't worry, darling; jou'll soou know now. Blrsy Slorloa. MIDDLE OF THE ROAD. Ihe st ron irest advoi ment he h rs seen . He easlei n Caiolina are n crats I loin I licy are. Chairman Simmons the Dcnfociatic Slati M iy lOih. Repiihiicaus here say il has been d niteiy decided to have headipiarters Giicnshoro and not heie. Tlie Republicans express unbounded delight at the very complete snubbing they irave Governor Kussell in their con vention. Dr 1) II. Abbott loinarked to day Dial they were "lu liled to death" at it. A call is issued to all Confederate veterans' oigani.-itiohs in North ( "an -Una to lie icpiesented at VYim h ister, Ya June lilli al Hie dedication of Hie moiii.- meiit lo t lie dead from this Slate. Tin monument is i n ft til by ihe I Memorial Association, Julian S. Car1', of Durham, who commands tlie Confid eiate veterans in thi-- Stale, lias accepted Hie invitation of the La lies' Mi iiinri.il A ssociat ion lo deliver an oraii ui tliere that day. The Tunic: A hhy Camp and the Winchester L-nlies" .Mcnorial A"so- cial r n have I he loi al :i 1 1 angcnicnts in hand. 'I he baseball association heie has been foimed and all the money desired suli sciibed. The next step will be to secute Hie foimatioiiof assoeialions in ol h i towns a ml I lie u have a State leaeue. In li rest in llic national game is greater I ban in many yen s. Outdoor athletics are next term lo lie made a leature at. the Agricultural and Mechanical College here. An 'athletic licit!'' has been piepared for use in the autumn. Football, base ball, running, jumping, hurdle racing and "hare and hounds," will be the features, hut there will also be pole-vaulting, putting the hammer, etc. Measurements an- to be taken of all students and they will be properly developed. Good progress is now tiring made iu Hie erection of Ihe Odd 'Fellows temple here It is said that work is now in pingics on l"i new cotton mills in this State. During Inst week a remarkable great amount of farm work has I ecu done all over Ihe Stale. The fanners are en deavoring to miikd li 1 for lost lime The .North Carolina Teacheis' As-eui bly meets al Morehead, June l'iili to I il h, inclusive. One of ihe most iulen siiug proinainnies has been carefully ai ranged by the piograintne conimillee It rep resents all tlie ed'icatlonnl intcrc-ts of Ihe Stale with a special view to a gen eral uplift and awakening in Hie public school work. Dr. J L. M. duty, een era! ae;rnl of Hie Peatbody fund, and one of tbe foiemosl educators of Hn- Ninth, will addicss Ihe assembly. The !-utc .Miiilc Teachers' Association wi.l mi 1 1 with the Teachers' Aksetnbly. F.rsl i lass hotel accommodations ai $1 per day Ti he I s to bu sold June Hi h to I "t Ii int 1 1 1 -1 v . liiial limit July -'.It h. II tickets will have a special coupin of mtnibcship fee. Slop-ovtr piivileges are allow e I al l'nlerslly Stnlion. Ral eigh and Greensboro, on tickets via Southern Rail way or Scab uird Air Lino to aeci.mniodHte persons desiring In at lend ihe summer schools al Wake Fonsl anil Chapel 1 1 all. Kileuds of the Slate Noimil and Inoustiial College will have f n ir i: pi in v ou r su i i v n oil parent. "Will.1' rep; led t he youth w ith etiga. -iiiL' f i a 1 1 !-. I h v "I don't want to be t o sure about it. of cou rse, vou arc awaie I hat oti r daughter siiiinLs.' Register tf Deeds I hereby announce myself to the Demo cratic voters of. Craven County as a candidate tor Register of Deeds Very Respt., ERNEST M. GREEN. catarrh. I huvt- ha. I it fm r.tr. anti I ani thoroughly di&oouraped. " 'J in I).. ;or uh.-nv. tMv.i "f.itan h, like tlipiitlu-ria, cunhumption, typhoid tVvi-r, hnil a hi t f it ht-r iIim hm- is tho rrsuit of a microbe invading the blood tti id httacliin f iuiy the iiin. iius nu-Mihrane. This foul and mofit dispustinK' tlheast' is fftprri.-.tiy i t'vuiii; in llu- I'nited States and it is rare to meet one who i.i no', 'ir li.iei not hrtvi l rou i'n'd rin n c or less w ii h it. How often is he or she uUi-ivd to tt niiiin at hoim- from )U',isHnt cnU rtainments, deprive themselves of many in w-i !t'd uai trials, from ft -a r of the d is:trceahle odor arising from ca larrlial aM''ft :ii. In its voii jjiiao. tho palirnt becomes loathsome both to himself ami Ins fi i. ntK "I bciievi ." ..liMnm il ti, im rc;it physician. 41 that the true way to heal ca tarrli is to ineilii ate t In-buHHl Tii is ea a be done only by powerful alteratives which act uldofd pu r i li. is. " lietsy A. Marctl, of Manistee. ManKtce Co. , Mich., writes : Dear Sirs : Kor ten y ars I was. a su tfcier from general debility and chronic catarrh. My face was paV as death I was weak and short of breath. I could hardly walk, I was so dizv and had a ringing in my head all the time. My hands and feet were always cM. My appetite was very poor. On getting up in the morning, my head swam so I was often obliged to lie down again. I had awful pains in tho small of my bach. 1 had a continual feeling of tiredness. M v muscular power was almost entirely gone, and I couldn't go half a dozen steps wit hunt stopping to rest, and often that much exercise caused me to have a pain in my side. It seemed as though the blood ltad left my veins. The doc tors said my blood had all turned to water. I had given up all hope of ever get ting well. I tried tiie best physicians in the state, but failed to get any relief. M v husband got me a bottle of Johnston's Sarsaparilla. I took it, and then 1 bought another. Win n those had been used. I was somewhat improved in health. I cont inued its use, ami felt I was growing stronger; my sleep was re freshing, and it seemed a-, if 1 could feel P; w blood moving through my veins. I U- pt m taUing it. and now consider myself a well and rugged woman. I work nil tin' time, and am happy. I am positive that tbe Sarsaparilla saved my life. The si , k headaches 1 have had since childhood, have disappeared, and my ca tarrh h;-.s almost ontirelylcft me. 1 cannot be too thankful for what Johnston's Sar.aparilhi has done for me. I recommend all women who have sick head aches to use your Sa rn pn rilla. MICHIGAN DR.UG- COMPANY , DBTHOIT, MICH. I) IMiADIIAM, Now Hern, N.C. jCaroIina Buggies I'.nill in New Mom, N (' made for 'ninliiri tVonle. exporters (if the itmuiiic ii. IS. Walt-is 7S llrn:ii St mi- riil ri i l l Yp :irt Molr V:iliTS ISiijiny Cincinnati Crowd Claim They arc the Peo ple and Have a Majority. Cincinnati, Ms (1 Tills wm! will open Hie bull for I lie nalloml pulllicnl campaign Hull) faction of llu- Topu list parly are lo liegin llielr ronvi-ulliHm on VVelneiiay the Ml(llle-of-iliu-l(onl-ers bore and the KuhIoiiIbIn al Hloui Falls, rt 1). The Mlilille-of-tlie-Itoailc ri are hiuiio whal illvlilrcl, but ll is supposed llial s majorily of llirm are for Wlmrlon Its' -kor, of I'lillsdiilphla, for I'rcslilcnl, uml Ignallnn Donnelly, of Minneapolis, fur Vice I'resldrnt. The Fuslonials are fur Hon. William J. Bryan for President, and are nol certain a lo llielr Vice I'resldenl'al nominee. The adTance workers of Hi" Mlilillr nf tbe-Hoad convention arrived l Clnrln 1 nsll tolsy, They are all opposed lo' Wahiiimiton, M.iy 4 Krprewnla fusion. Ills maintained by them n,i live llii.ln, .f I cnn.) hsiila, chairman they represent t large majoiliy or tho of H'" """"c Clommliie., on llaukiiiK Peonie s nart v. thai in the onlc.n si and Cm n ni y, lo d) made a Uatomenl, Bute conventions the Worn Kails Kut lonlsla carried fewer llian DOO of lh UTrt p -v O VI o , . e. Z. S Z i. X i i i an rxiTih'iil upptiriunih In allci.d ciiiniiu iii "ii lii llu- hic U IhIIo'aIii niHfinl'ly I he II a Many Millions Saved. Mar Ma4 Csral. MrJlimrrKruty Is ufftrlni from rtnp nritt tni (keif treatment from an dyspppsht BOW. cnnmlo standpoint. . Thlnfiimbob Ah, tbat'i a blfMlog 8. A floabllof of Ibf forestry eihlklt, la (IIsrhIwI bnwlnx tb ariofatOf pUHlooU as McJIggs-A btoilM well th. f.- .rsisrlals. $ ; .. v.; Jilmu'-. ., , . . , , . . that bervsppr rot nit korriDW wpoa 4. North CifollB.lslory,colr.nW-4 -nrlbidelphi- Prs-. . rsToliitlmiaiy, o'.U and ttm, war nnl k m dvll, io , .. i I pit faslMt and notl ffeollri method t S. Arommrrrlal tiklMl f Bsh and of pari fylnf tk Mood n4 lavlcortiiBf ndmlra,. apwl fn m Mlaral .blsiorf, lU tyttem la to Uka DaWlti1 Llula Willi tasks for lltlnf ipaclmcai of ba. l?rly 111 asm, tba faraoot Hula plll for tlfaflsh.' . ' 7 . ;, aleanslai ba llfar and bo'a F B Mannfactarad prodi ela of all raw DutTjr. - ' . ortlclal in chsircliT mi. I l.n.cd on Infor mation carefully prc sred by Ihe Treas- delegatea, and that lbs convention at '"T Department, on ihr working! of the Bloai Falls will ba one of 'scursloo- rrcanlly eoscle.1 nnannai taw. ine UU" with a minority of delegates, as Iho talameul tsys In pari: sllddle-of-thi -tloaders say that orsr two I "Tl,e rcfuniln provisions of the law thirds of the delegatai wero Instructed ar. wotklnc out au hlsvoisl In b their States for tha Cincinnati con- "n ibnol a parralel In tba history ranlloo, which will 'keep In tho middle ,,f wnrlJ of tha road." CASTOR I A . Tor IaiuU ud Chlldraav Tbi Kisd Yen Ran Alwajt E::jU Basra tat Bg&atvt of The ulslemenl I submit Is official and shows tha amount of bond a of each kind ttcbanged si DC tba law want Into operation, March -14 to May l,ttW0, ingetber with the saving in laiaasat, tha prtnlum rald and Iba aat asTtag Tba ktatacsant show lh following total si Ataoiiat rafoadad, M0,0J0,m Bavin la Intataal 3I WPA. ' Pramlan paid, 134,034,711. I Kla.Tlnf, fa, 004,454. , , Tlre, Rlm, Spoket, Vilvet, Pumpi, tnntrlubti Limit. Bracksts, Gulrdt, Crlpi. Bart, Ucki. I am Surrounded lift till Hit rirlinti' !, flH'f til Mint- trate i'rirrt loo. My trx k cif wheels con&istH of cownni as. im ii.iiiTvoitDS iU ham mi: it y, , STOHM I lls, IQ PEN AXTS, lllf.Al.s, V)' BAULKS, Both ch':in1rK a:id cliain. Easy Paymcnls. MY REPAIR SHOP in CoxirtFTK nn vour Tv trW w solic ited. WM.TTiilLL, PI Mlildlt lit. Cemenl, Rubber, Enamel, Brulhea, Carbide, Graphite. Tire Taps, Plugl, PI tart, 'k I TO an CUT. .mi nun It, i f. lliuiif. k f AHt 2 i; ll ( 'll I i ii SIll'lllill lV, ('.ill fi Si i itis :il'd l"n 1 1 , . 1 1 Mm I !' ( dl'lio I Al .i tV n.,1 ( ,., I'.,., f. Vi:il l.o:.f. Ham Lonf, l'ol'ed ll:iin uml ToriMii , ("in. li'il (lorn Iti-' f, Sulinon, jjSmilini'B llllii liOlll'I'H. l-'n-hli I ' rils, Ki.-r hii.I ( fl.ikcu. iy. t. Nil'.- i iiHtnnl, Si Mil Milt fill' 'mil .1. Ily liy tho pon ii il . Ainu lanR .J 1 -:ch uml l''lnvoiiiirr l'',l.ruclK. A nice Co- X, J. L McDANlEL, Thoiio m. H'liolo.sale V ItHail 71 Br...-" 1 SI. MILLINERY at New York Cost ! uml : will . i i Inr ! Ilii- tin c fi'f i ri I oily lu c t it IT I Ni w I'.itii ln-i n ivi ii t'.i' ni orlir I AYS: Ni v r In fun- loivr tho people in tn tin v' Millini'iy Hi tlit prirvs wt I,' I'll ii iiii1 li l.ri nil Cull Sail, .lii in Klals. w I n H From HI .aO ft $5 OO Adiyiadto A'in'. Inr r:nvaal (j o ir piililiniMi'iia. rnr pirn, mars bu ilr.-ma S. W HKM- llavi-Wi. N. '., Sluli' Atcnl liiir n i in i ll l',il (' '. I " I ' III I 1 1 1 K i'.V A i ll'. w 11. IH. an. Tt r a'. ,, vf I.-, and liilili in . al i h All oi,!,.:b luiiiil.i i . -IT. l ii.: I. mill a Ii -a it" p' ,1 ami ,l Mark . l -r, I Oil TV ('UN- f I'I '.Ilk. alllr irll, M)r fur w r-i f o. iii, i Iy ! 1 It,-.. IClr (iSc. .a'',-. 47c: :i.v r,k; l '0, w ,if I In main valiti-s ur ,.Trr. MotiMKi-lincfi, ('liifTonn ijiirii.tiil lis niiii'.. N.i cxlra rliari fur Irliimilnr;, Im it it in ,ir,l, r lakrn. A- vJ SMITH Successor to li. B. Duffy. ' ''' f-KKitli-im'mS ,m&i' '....:, W SJKV9 Prompt Delivery From Dunn's Lawrence & Co., (rNl IH I--IH I' 11 I I Wii'ili-salR Cunm.sMOfl Herctaaols. PHUII5 ANI) PkODUCr.. 20 Nr. Sid.- Kanruil Hall M.irl el, HOHTO. o o SPECIALTIES: Peaches, Melons, Southern Fruit and Truck. Sweet and Irish Potatoes. 0 0 IWarenooe fsnanll Hall National Baak, rValon Fruit and Fruit Err)isn(ta, IkMtoB Chamber tf Commerca, R Q Dua at Co.'! Maroaailla Apncr, 8'anrlU, and all information tttmtshed apaa application. A im Jen ll) , i 'Ol ti bin jon tir,l,-r j our f m I supplies from j liia i linlili- sliiri-. Wi- im nip pi) i vi-ry di'iiiaiid fi a tint ilrws family .lli.li- Ih tli- l.'linircut Si .;l r il Ksnry (IriMfl ii . I Ft-1 I li , I'Mklos, S.iuot a, OlivoaKm 1; v.'. I". tut Uiiil. r. an I Tin Hams ii' II It I'till, rn I'rlf. a V i- .iimLi' a sHCUtly of bif,& rr-'lr I', a. sml ('..ffr. a. On, I trie 'lii i nieiid Coffoo is Fipe, Price Only 20c. If you want a good cup of doli -ioui r(f buj ft pound and you will get it, . . m Thia coffw it equal to any coff.-e in the market, regard. lraa of price. - - - . .' .. .' ' '' , ,tmtTMPWGtmttt'tti'ttttt nut. : "1! v.

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