fieto petit VOLUME XXIII. NEW BERN, IRAYIN ('UTNT.. N. I . Tl ESUA, MA. I.',, mini - HKr ACTION. MNKKIt lb WORK AND MOHET Needed By The Democracy, For Kc publicans Have The Cash. IVan-im ( ae lllii Ili'iinwritU. New .Map I'riritril UaWin? 1 Ioh.m Fur MnrkM More Mhnry Knr Milllin Ki ili nil t omnlai nl. Kai i: 1 1 . II , May 12 The I k-1 n c nils nerd iiioiH y 1'' ninv mi their trri-ui work In this r.'im!iiL' ii They newt finnon :il least. Of nuirsu it will have to come from wlmt ninv In Irrim-d popular run triliutions Th" Iti'i'iiblirnns lime a lnn list of nltircluil.leis revenue, pot? t otilce offirn am) census - to uinnt-v from, and besides this gel n great deal from ouUiiU'. . H ought lo lie n-nieniliered that in the cuiinpaiii uf IMIU ib Hepublit aim received nn less than (i.i IK)') from mi'- side the Stale, Tli-n, as this year. North Carolina's vote was rioo-'ni7pd na imim . ,. .... r. , .ii tant. 1 he Dciimci ats must roach ihe -..-..I , i , . i rural voier; inuft do personal vol k with hi in and gel lllei-lnre lo him The Republicans seek to lix a douhi in a voter's mind They do not work on Hie voters in towns, ll i- in the country that tin y go. They are boa-ting that the C u ill r y O er.-. a e il I tiirniiiL- o tloler the I lemori alic i :ii:didales. Tney boast als-i that Ihev have a foothold on :l(,000 of the rural voters, who doubt, or as the Republican put it, ' air. not salislieil with the n n t c 1 1 n ni ii t ' " This was n phrase Dr. Alib 'li us: d. The I h nficr.its want to reach, must re u li and wil" leai h this army of voleis. The 1) iii-M-rai ic leaders are well pleased al the sealing of Pearson In f.n-l several d:is ul'ii llioy cxpies-ed some feaj; that, it would not he done. Never did the Ib-pubM.-mi pl.iv a woise K one oi p. .In ics th hi in this matter. Crawford's n -eh-.-i Ion is assured and the i sealing of I'earson will cost the liepubli cms a cool .'i.liOII vote- in I he Stale. One of the Kcpuhl'caii le i lcrs when asked vhat he liioug'ii of ihc sealing said he ulwaj s ha-: a uhliii!.- contidence in all his parly di I Tin- speaker is the in in in charge of 1 ; I il can p i-itics in this end of Noi t h Cai o:in An cll'oit was made, but Senator TnivH says il failed, lo have the llemo cralie Congres-ional Convenl ion of the second district postponed nniil alter the August election. Such was I he w i.-h of the Di'iniicralie Slate cntninlitec, a si rongli epn-s-ed la-l w inier The con vention w ill he held al lioldstioro, Ma j U-llh. ( lerk Henry CI iv lirmni, ofihe cor poralion in in in is inn. has reei iual tin lirst copies id lh'iie-.v l ai I load map ol the Stale for linn, lo lie- preparal ion ol which he ii ,s given much lime, cue and ability, ll is ihe n-cuinl map isniied. The lirst was in 117. TI.e m ap rellecls spe.'ial credit upon him. ll shows tin following new load-, and c.vtensioui-: Carolina A. Noil hern; Fast Carolinn; I.HW-ndale (I'levi lanil i 01111I5 h Haleigh V Cane Fe,ii; Cape Fear A; Northern; Carllia-c extension; lliiihaniA Char lolie i-x'i 11-ioii; (. Airy .V. Kasietn; V n Ion to Mooh-i-v 1II1 ; nginia to Wooddii'c ll'ersou 1 -. 1 1 1 1 : y ; Aberdeen' A Ashelioioeslension, Alierdcen k Itock fisli cMension; Koanoke .liincliou, litanch of Huh ili ,v llaslon, F.liod to Hub (Atlantic C -it l.imi. Ili.lge ay to l'elcrsbuic; ll.mi!i t to Columbia. '1 he map shows :l,i;j; mile, f which Ihe Southern has ;!.':'. Seaboard Air Line (il'.l. Allunlic Coast Line Hill, miscei lancoiiH e:;. The longest rond Is the Carolina cntial, 2i I miles; the next Ihe North Carolinn, J.'d miles. The map aUo thows ihe new county of Scotland A I the I" 1 inn i.l slai lop here I'rol Massey I- now raising .'ill. I) K) Bermuda lilies. Tin se will soon ne lu bloom They arc g row 11 lor the bulbs, and Ihe taller wnl Im-Pol. I 10 Henderson ,v. Co., Iloilsts. of I'hiliuli Iphii'. That linn sent the fen here for pluming Thcie were three wugon loa I-. of the pets luller inuda a diMase bus neatly ruined Ihe lily trade. This iloe.i-.c got In a lot ol Iho lllle gtown bete lu.l year This year tvlia not appeared. I'rof. MaiK'j IiaUn gioivlng 10 00.1 narr.ipani plant a id "i OK) hi si !ni h, nil for Henderson A Co The l ull r uie deeply lull rented lu ihe iniiler and want to have rose grown hi to l". Al Hip Coiifeileratc I'emelery here the (ijravi of npl li uidolph A Shoiwrll wan Ik aiillful y dee. ralcd, Iwlng com plelely coven-I wlih r mil while ror, nial leu hoi fern a id mrd 1 lille. Tin-grv, of (., ll irr, llurgwyn a H-idl) ilia-Haled a ilha onfrd elite ll ig of tin iioii,- ,.,. Tills -la'. 11 I. Ilia quoin, 01, 1 1 f i,e f inn.ioo a'luwrd b) uci of Congrr- for Ihc mill i . 1 f nl; tliclle, l about 10, (100 a v 1 In o-liinncc or quart-raisi lr' aloti . I'lider the new law, eeact I tiy llo -re.( t.i 1 iiiiitrp', I lie appiop- riajinti . in' ti 4-i ,1 10 1, 0(1 00.). Tbnt (bit K.aUs wi I in .'due .d li,C0)a year. It I ihe plan 10 equip I'.c mllllla thoroughly for Held rrvlr The nreill are nupmou Tha nopp'y nf irnlm a burned Mt Kebtin.j It wn iorel I ... I a ' In lh bM.mtnl f a loUes'loi owing to th lark of inom Initio Hatn a'wn.l. Krdtrt ronvloti In th maltrotlar Iiavr made romplalnt to tin Depart int of Jii.tlre .t W.hlnin ibtt ih war-1 ien of p. nltrn l.crt) It coaiUiial I lloilir.l; Hi' p)lnnrt lilTt bfsi hoi Mil iVtn to death, wonM Hrtp. JM.Uadb.atea la ihttptrtMiir dralltapr.'toBfMbav.braa brat:! i-onrlrt teal such rompiatnl lo Tlie Washington Star. T o or I lire nionlli au Ibey soul Iheiu l'i an Allmita paper. Your correspondent ha hranl of I tie .i,oo,ic o, ,,c KcUthi priso,,,., i.i'o Home, ami i f l lie ( barges that a nejrro convict ; beaten to dealb on ihe N iri li hiv jt oi. Utni last year. The lat ttr (Larue was iuvesU(;ai.ed anil the I:. nn -upci i i-..r in- iiiiieil of It, though he w i soon hflerwanls dropped by the super nn n.l.-iu. Menial was innilc of the i li Mire oi Hi.- firipjiiii!! of women The warden, who nhol ll.irne, sas he iliil it lo sn" his own l,f(;lhai he shot to vi o.l n . I mil not lo kill, hilt the build 8-eri-d an ailery and a vein, gangrene supcrvi-ud, the le,' wa ampulaled, the man died Agents of the Department of .Justice came here last year and more are coming now Federal convicts were whipped las! year. The superintendent ordered this done, to quell incipient mutiny, as they claimed they could not he whipped ami were disquieting t lie State convicts. The superintendent con- I tended that the Federal convicts were under the same control as the Slate con vids aud amenable to the same disci . p.inu. i no i mi; eauura weitr w uriiiieo. 1, s 11 i neie were live or six oi iiiem anil l uey were given three to nine lashes each . The sup '.'iiilcn -lent s lid lliis h 1 I a most salutary elfect. FILIPINO WANTS PEACE. Sonor Bucncamlno, of Ajf ulnaldo's Cabl- j net, Favors It. Natives Incapable of I Sdf-Govenimcnt. M vmi.x, May 11 Senor liueneainiiio, al one lime a nu mber of the Filipino n -' pulilican Cabinet, w lio was recently III -eraled by lieneral Ulis, has aiinoun.ed Ciat lie has bei ome rcconeiieil lo Ainej ican sovereigrily alid thai he will devote his inlluence lo bring abirit peace. He lias sent a propo-icil peace platform for the National Filipino p.u ly to the native leaders in anila and lo the Fili pino generals in the Held, including Aguinaldo. j This plalfoiiti declines i'. is impos sible for Ihe Filipinos lo exist i.s a na tion without the protection of the Fni- ted Stales, and lhal, consequently, they : must recognize. American sivtieignty andsliivelo aitain, tind.-r a conslitu- tton. the utmost liberly possible Con 'inning, Senor l!iiencamiiio argues lliat the Filipinos are incapable of pelf gov- ei nineiil. lie sat s: ''In our independent Covernment the most predoiiiiuaul Holes were abuses and iininoi alilies, ihe olTspriirg of ignor ance and ihc iuhciited vices ol Spain, l y which Ihe Filipino regime was rendered odious lo our ii.v n people.'' Therefore, Suyior 11 leni-aiiiino con tends. Auiei ican cool ml is necessary to prevent civil strife, lie add-: "Should Ihe civil commission guaran tee protection in Hie personal and indi vidual rights and liberties of the Filipi nos, leaving the determination of our future political status to the I'niled Stales Congies-i, Aguinaldo will me in, will order a cessation of lioslilin- s and w ill ilitecl the surrender ol anus. World's Cotton Supply. Npvv llni. kins, May 1 1 .--'ccieiaiy lles er's slai. uienl of tlie world's v isible s'ippi) i-l c'illon shows a ili-i reuse for I he 1 1 k J ip! co'.J "f'ii', against a dei n use of I ' li, J 1 7 la.l y ' a' - The total visible supply i '-' ;u.i.'i'J'.l, against 2.s i;,si last week, 111. d l.i.'S '.".)! Usl year. Mf ibis the told of A m erica n coiiou I. .,,II7,.V.1!I, against 'J,l t,l-:i last week, and :i,"li l,-.".U ast year, and of all oilier kin , Including F.gypt, 11 ail, IndU, etc , t. M, s 0 against fl-'ditu lasi wei k, and ,1 '.- 0 (I la-l year Of Ihe world's v.-lb'.e siippl Ih re Is II . Hllosi l h i d 1.1 1 -n- it 1 tiiaiii and Couiineutsl K'ifope'i im - halet, against 2,110,00) last j ear; Kgyi I, i:tl, 00 1, against 177,IK0, In India, il ..'i.'HKI, against 6Gs,000, and In the I nlltd Slates Vid.OOO, tKalnsl 1,1.14.000. The easiest and moil effective ne tl .0 I of purifying the blood and Invigotallng the system I lo lake DeWltl'ii l.itlle Karly Itinera, the famous little phi. (or cIcaniloK Iho liver and ImiacI F S Daffy. THE MARKETS. The followlugjqcolallon were rceeiv wl hy J. K. Latham. Now Hern, N. C. Na Yoiik, May If CoTTOM May July .. Aug . Hepl . Open. High. I.rfw. Close . . U.50 . u.;;o . S 17 . . H 111 9.5'.l V 40 0 17 ...- 8 00 7. KM 7 Hi ll 51 li.TJ .U H HO H (Nl 7 H.I 7 Ml 0 .IM II 40 u 1 ! Mill Oct M INI Not 7 Jan 7.H7 HI 0 7 HA 7 H7 ( lll( oo MAkKKia WlltAT:- Jiy Count July 80, II j I'M. Co r. T.C. I l-eaiiber ... A. 8. k W . Yti H M O In ... Open. .. 6-1 .. :.7i . w.i . . 7(1 75 nigh unj loW. ( loac tllj (1 j .171 .i;t .l'i r.ii 74f Hi ni4 110 1 1 bale 871 sr Oollnn reoal pi Wtra 5.000 at all port. m "I had atomarh tronhU lmt7 ,rr Iqd M sp top of llif eartl till I bta u aM Kodol !;rpia Cat It kaa doat m to nark t nod 1 call H ik uirloar t)f lat f." wrllM W H Wllkla. i'ao, Atbta. Ttaa. U dgmU Wktl torn ms FUSION. Charf cs Wade Ainst Peniient.arv Apply to Former Management. Miiinly Exaggeration A. A M Col lege I'arailo. 1'reparal ions fur i Vance Monument First j I'icnie I ii s n ranee I' I pnnies I n I ieeuseil. 1 K'.M.hii.H, May 1-1 Chairman K. I. Travis, nf the p. nitiiii on y cuiuiive brd, ri girding the chaige made by some Federal cunt ids that gu-al cruety was practiced, men lieateu to death and shot, women stripped i.nd whipped and that Warden (Ireen was consl.intlv in toxieilcd. say: "rn far as I kno or ' liiyc ever heard the present w arden was never undi r the inlluence of liguor. The warden w ho proceeded him was a drinking man. All ol Ihe charges made by t lie convicts are o il They apply to the fusion management of Ihe penitenti ary and not lo Hie present one. Lewis S luimeic!!, a former supervisor, was eliaiged wiili beating a State convict to death. He was given hearing and w quilted, lie was soon afterwards drop ped and is now operating his own farm Tin' iirin who did whip the convicts 's indicted for murder in Hie State courts. . lie will be I r ied in North am pi on county vvheie the indictment against him is pending. He is out on large bail, lie will really be prosecuted for man- I H'aughlcr. A .s 10 hip siiooiing 01 I'ciicrul ton - ' vict Hoi ne by Warden (Ireen last week, j j I have made careful invest igal ion audi j mm, upon 1 in- testimony of both con victs and guards, that Home was ad vancing upon the warden to strike him wi' li a shovel bundle; lhal. he held Ibis in both hands, drawn back lo strike. This convict h id lebelled lie had a quaiiel wiili another ci.nvict. Il was out of this that the trouble grew. He was en! for in older lhal hi might be nun- Mieil He was a daiu'erous ami sullen I 111:111, as the testimony of convicts show. As lo Hie charge of the beating of 1 u- ri 1 1 1 -..i., 1 .. :n 1.... ! "'O .... .on. .in, i w 111 siiy 111111 ' , , . ' , ll was absolutely without foundation, us . . . I , (to l.indley. I he war that a man named Shearin did the heal-1 , , , , , , , .1 ov er so far as I he 1- i ei nig 11c lias sue.i lor unci a naocr which published the repoil The Home, Is the only Fuleral con vie pi isoner shot. Ileporls are made lo me each month by the waiden, showing all viola tions of 1 he rules by convicts, the pun ishnu-nl uiven tlie latter, etc. Therepoit for Aju il show s that mil or. e conv ict, cider Stale or Federal, was punished by vv hipping. Tims w ho v iolated Ihc rules weie given black maiks ami a few were put in the datk 11 II loi disobedi ence. The punishment of whipping is al ways administered with can-, lunging I rom live lo leu lashes. Ii is very rale lhal as many as 12 are given." Today Tom Smith, colored, was brought here Ironi (luld-horo and put in jail to prevent lynching, .ludgc Hoke oidereil Ihe Irimsfer. lie killed :t young while mail I harles Cawthorne in ls'.is, in Si lina, Johnston couniy. lie was trie I, 1 onvicted and then grained a new trial. Hit was then tried in (oddsboro and is now awaiting tlie motion for a new dial. It is said if it is grant! d he will he lynched. He has hc-u brought In re twice before for sale keeping ( haifinan llolton, Kepiihlicsii, has not asvcl replied lo I ieniocr al n- 1 hairman Simmons as lo a joiul dehali-. Kev. John K White, now sc. n-tiuy of the llaplist Slate Mission Haard is urg ed to take charge of what is lo la- known as Ihe mountain mission wink of his church in seveial Slate, mining Ihein Ylfglnis, Teunesse, Ninth Carolina, South Carolina and Ccrgia It Is n garded as practically cciluin thai lie will accept the presidency of I le IU -tint Female I'niverslly A Iriistee of ll e latter said lhal he had no doubt of Mr While's acceptance. The last dress parado of the cadets of the Agtlcullural and Mechanical College was attended by lite fduilinli of the thiee female college lu re. The radt Is were In r rav blouie and w hite Irouters llm band enllti-K In w till.. Tim I..10I l I a mall one, but Ma music Is creditable Ihe cad el a do Dot have as much time at dr. II lin y need and the proper niovt nii nl are not up lo the proper mark 1 hey greatly need an olllcer of the tegu lar army a Imlruclor and Prtii.lcnl Win. ton taya one will al probablllly soon ! ecuretl, such an ofllcer l. In fael k rif.e.ftailv I'mlnr ll.M ...tTlil. - , ... rtl I law each Male la 10 bare inch an OIIIIX'I 1 at ll. military hotuluuarler. and he mu.i (. f noi Ip.. ih.nll.-...p.' I The committee on the Vance itatue will probably meet here about May 2D lly th.i date it will be rerlalnU known whether tho statue will be delivered bv I June 20 The committee will, If all tiling ara ll.factory, then arrange the programme for ceremonies Juty 4 There I a great deal lobe done 811 h committee, will have to bo appointed and olhor aid lHl. An nralor will hav in Imi tlivtaii. One of the tjur- ' lion Ii, .b.ll bibii noBlrmporar of rVnatnr Vanr of aotT TUa ftrtt picnic ..cur.lon of tba mi ' CASTOR I A For IaftoU lad CMldm. Tli Kind Yds Ran Ahrajs Wra (k MoattMbT l' ll r It -in t I he uuilV Mtlliodlft l I, , ; p. l I : in Kdtul. li l-nttn la Ilurhaiii AuJ'ti.r Aver Is receiving the li-'- .-' tl,. -1 -.- k ii'ddi rs of al! au-1 cornpaiiir- in the Mate. ( these he made and sent to in. ilT "f 1 '-i- r' ! count it- I., t.i 1 1 :(0 i a in i of il fee, that . ' i . . ' i .li. iirsiiijie r Y - . i. t- . s' i-.e l'i -i-.. -. r : i-! . . ;, . ;i,n lor A pi i ir 1 1 .- . o was ri-.eive.l oi. use. Hii-I .' IHio "in on lei.':': .,! I in itejiiinuienl has inl-ii iii s; ; I lie Tl ii.'.r Link Life lns-naii. Compaiiv of riinois, the.Masmii M, tual Keiief Assoi'iatiou, of the ln.;ii t of Columbia, and o'her life and lire i om panics not licensed by the depailmcnt an: living, tin. nigh the malls and other- wise lo do li u-iness in North ( aiolina. sioncr desires to w am I he c!a1c ne i.nsi dl TiiiH'iihor- The commis people of the ic I and unlicensed comp.-mii i, ai d ask I hat ail at tempts by I hem I here he leported to him . do lejsj,,, V. pcrience, alesl rule is companies, ir insurance inl call yon he to shows tl, a! Ihe licensed , lhal tli lie w an il if Ihe milt iiiil oiher." of tin do s and a I PUSHING ONWARD. General Trench Beyond Boers Making l or the Vaal Kiver. l.iiMi-.N, May DI -T.i.- Daily Teh -I'r.'iph lias received l!u lo'iu iuj dispatch l i -in S01, 1 h A fi ica: oonslail. I ia:ure i-'n . I'hc liners qiiiiled 011 ui'lers and I rish ha v i ic; Male. May 1 Friday, the binned Ihe lidges. . tliis afle; ps in-iri'hi 1 The soldiers e niiles 1101 1 h h'ladqUitrters lew days lo ipetale afler I lo aw ait the pail liie rail- . forage and desl roye-l I he l.i i j l.i-rd K'.liei Is a! ;,, lio.-ii w as picsenl as t he 1 1 I pass in 1 he public -ipi-m-; gav e him an ov ation j (i .-neral Flench is now li of K rooiisliid. I'.iili iii I w ill probably remain lu re : eua'Ue tlie tioops to ice 1 heir long, rapid mart h an arrival of loconiot i vi-s t. w a ! I .... ,, I I he h tee stateis an ... ,, . IV olksiaad met here, k;n -r.-ing. Their but adjiutntil is praclically State is con- r :i ei I. There is niu-h bii lei ncss he! ween the 1 , , . , . 'ilei'l Sli'vnoii Friday alis ilutelv used 1 Ihe sjambok upon Free Slate-is w ho ha-l de.-laleil theii- illlelil ion ol des-'rling liie hodv of a li 11 tl. 1 1 I'll men inul Com olhei-p - Ti I He ir III llnhlil Nels. ne-iled lo 17, I he lining l 1 11 1 in ii lo their faun, da)-s vera! h united su 1 reioh-i c-1 arms. Mosl of Ihe lloer horses ai ivnli died comlilion. l'i csideiil I- nger declares he wiil continue Hie wai It appears that Ihe liners ha-l two .! oouiiders smashed in Tliutday' ai lion and since thai time three otheis t ester day Colonel (lordon battered Hi. 1 his horse arliller". IT IS GERMANY AGAIN. Ship Loads of Arms For Filipinos. Hus- lililics Willi halny keason. Special lo .loiiinal. Hum. Koso, May 12- The Filq .1 nut a. ha ve reeei veil large amounts ol iiioiiey at Manila, and three ship loads nj arms horn Cciniany have arrived lu te for tin- Iuoirgenl cause iluriin; th ps-l I hree niont Ih. The Filipinos claim they will open a;' L'lessive hostiliiles as soon h. tin- iiiinv season opens NOTICE TO MARINERS. I'amllcu Hlver Buoy DlsconllnucJ. Ilea con Light Established. tin Manh HI. 11100, the second i.his tan buoy, led and black liphorionlil stripes, which formerly marked the slum making of from Wades I'oint, al the junction of ihe i'amllco and I'ungo rivers was dlscoiilinued. The shoal is to be marked Ity a beacon light. On Match III, l'.HMI, 1 ha nls-rs of ihe following bii'iya In I'arnlii 1 Kiver were Mail. I'oint Shoal buoy, a lilac's sec oud class can from 7 to 1 Fmk I'uint Shoal liimv, a black third cla'H enn f 1 1 1 in ', t to 7 A f ei A pi 11 I 'I'"', a h ied while lar - li-rn I ght wdl be tvliil I, 12 feel above ! mean h'gh wnli-r, fio 11 a four pile ' atrucliiri-, paiivid red and black in hot! 7inial strir.i a, prectcii in altotil U feel of ",rr "" Wade. I'oint, at the junction of Ihe ! 'n'1 ''""K" ,iv' T1'n I'P"""" C "apldcl po.l ! ll"n "f ' .1.; longiiiiop, iv .1 1 vv . , ami 11 1. 1 on the Iteatlng. I'.nillco 1'oIbI I. 'k1'1- I K, r in I let UK, point of Ind an I. land, tangent, W V , rlitlint 41 mile. Notice to all Shippers of Track. IIrflr at Now llrrn, all truck for pcrtal track train, No. 211, mini t tlr- " pl""" Ihe A. N. J ft It a 1 . . I. 1 A rw . ft I' ll H. not lalar th.n 11.10 am. Anr truck tarvtvwl aftr thl. boor (loSJem) lllvlti lakr iimi I rata) acit rtar. It ll Iwolattly emsriMarjr thai No. II trala Uatt New IWrn ptnmplljr ai HtOO a m to lo.ur eonnctlnn wltk Atlaaito Coaal tXipalck LIbi'i all rait atovamcat fram Ooldiboro lo Vlrflala aad EMlera etilaa. B. L. Dti4, Bopt. I-. TiKtS KRGCHSTAD. Hob-crib Drives Ror-, ( i it Second car'""!. I tKrf I! 11 1 le 1 A il a in 1 u ! 11 1 n 11 - n : I, . X .1 11 11 1 j i n s lit,, 1 1,1 s : ., ' , Id- lief N.ari 11 u' I. ml -sin lib l:.,:;l,., and IC i 1 . 1 Spei ial l- J.,. r , -,,,.., !a. : ' I A ,- 1 nl; , ;i! nounces ibis 1 1 1, . i,.- 1 ,, . ,:. r .m ; -1 e. ei v e.l from I . - : . 1 , , i ; 1 ,, : s ; i , :C in has (upti; red K ilil, ;lu- 11. ia;; tal of the I liangc Flee Mai! . 'I here was no opp, s' t ion I-. 1 ne en t r v of Ihe British im o 1 to- ( 'spiiid, ; w :,s evi.ii- eil lhal the H.,cr- wm.l 1 make a stiit light I h re A di--n:ih from 1 .ad -mil h. N'atn', il'iled Fl nhiv , s;i . 1 ti :, I 1 . e 1 1 . -1 h I linllei's en : in- in n, is mo 1 1, e j n 1 1. 1 , e coluini.s t'nough the 1 h 111,1 11-1, 11 g pa-pes mto the l.aiige Flee Mate I omion, M,-,v I I News reached 1, 01,. don tonight that a -;ro,,g llyiug column, r. in j o-ed ..f .loud ca, nil y ami in fan I r v. w it h a ballery of guns, pHSsed hotfoot through Vryhuig on Wednesday. This 11 lit I column, which is said lo be travel ing at loiced speed day ami night, is doul.ile-s wit hi n I wo .lavs' march of Ma leking by I his lime. Lord Kobi ris has giv.-u an account ol the b-illle of .ami river, which was one of Hie simplest in concept ion that lias been fought during the war. The force thill Hie fielil marshal had under hi- inniaiid was so supcti-u- in to lie- Hoc is and s 1 si rung in a nil lei y and ino'inled men lhal I he liners found t In ii lai.l.s - hi 1 i mi it I i tinned aud were l-'ii e.l to tall bach fioin position aftel po-il ion . It is impossible .p-!isci itain the Him r o.sses, hul they are lb. night to be heavy I'hose of Ihe liiiiish, considering I helm I'orl.-.ut advance made, are considered light Closing a supply ol Slerling Silver 'ielh.-isoie Hraceli ls al J. M. ,!alcr's at lil l is. each. Supply limited. Willi ll SI- Ills. I. I liaxlcr has a bcaiilifu1 line of llasier neck w eat iu lil-. windows, call ar I y and gel one I am Surrounded Itff tilt (hr cfjrlists' ti rats, a tut nl Mol crate J'rirr too. Tires. Dims, Spokes, V.lvei. Pump., Innrtubt Limp., Cu.rdl. Grip. Bit. L.Ckl. Pistols. Cement, Rubber, Enamel, Brutbei, Carbide, Graphite. Coatterl. Wrenchei lira Tap. Plutjl. Pllen, My .t ( k of wheels consists of ror.t'.tt ni as, m n.tRTFoiths tVi it. turn iit:, , S TO It M K II s, ffj f:.ATS, " i:.kii.i:s, im Doth ch-iiilcKs a.-id chain. Easy Pavnenls. MY REPAirTSHOP U Coxin.FTH nml vour wot is hulic Itrd. WM."T7ilILL, Mtdillti .51. 5 i List Your Property ! Fl lit I '.MM I. Nolll-C I- III')'. Ill e. ,., ,,. I.isl -'I'llkl I" for f lie M.l Inwil-llip, ClJlVl ll ctilllltv Will sit ill New I'.. Ill, ill ( 'out I I louse, .1 iltle 1-1 to sill in clusive, illlil .1 II in- Ihlh to ol'lll 111 elusive' Al l)i-l'.riilil station, .linn '.'ill. Al H.-lliiir S, Ii.n.I linns,., .1 inn 1 tlh .'in.l l.'ilh. S. II. 1 ' A 1,1,, 1. 1st Tiikct. Lawrence & Co., (KMl lll.sKli K. ) Wholesale Crmoiissioa Merchants. FKUIT5 AND PRODUCn. 2(1 No, Mdo llnll MtitkM, IIOSTO.W - JIIAKN. SPECIALTIES: Peaches. Melons, Southern Fruit aad Truck. Sweet and Irish Potatoes. Knfaretini Piocuil flail Nitinnal flank, Rnaloa Krull aod Frnll Rirhan(a, IWwIob (Tbamlr of (rninMc, K (i Iun A Co.'a Mtrcaallla Afiwcr. BitncIU, tnd nil lofrratWo fan.Ut.t4 CATARRH CAN BE CURED BY Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES. DAGEH IN THE UlllH AID AIM; UtNCKR KVEB1 HHEIE.1 A W Ik- aud Irnrrablc Uo.lur In 2 '" ' i' '' '- r J.lsten.lig Is. h:s w eBsed Uleli, e!. i.-jit. v la-' ..: sent,- leasin.-s .v . h-111 r ex- e pU1 'il u re ei Here is tue g.-r 11 of t u ill- ed fever; a ii-1 :.ere is t u-.-.t li st:. ttiat 10 1st 1 -11 an-l sum ' ' till con. .Me il iseiise. catarrh " 1 wish. II... : catri li I h,iv ,- : '1 he ll.. tor . fe v.-1 . un.t a h. s-t -u ml uttack .He s; ... disease is espe a' W l.O IS Hot, nl ii.h fciie obliged lo r- 1 ie travel .us. and I "P-iiarrii. . it f. - .V e e t Iier ll ils is 1 n. - -.1-:. d f l'i mi 1 1' .1:. fear -t iiiia-, iiii.n at of inaiiy ii.I. lie, larrha i a liect m: hilllself and Ins ' 1 licli.-v, ." tari'h is to rnedi w hich act as l-h . uai t r.'ii t s . 1: .s. 1 11 its w . n friellils e.illtioileil th lite t he biood ...-I pun!i--rs Hetsy A. Miirett.of Manistee. Manistee Co.. Micji., writes : Hear Sirs: For ten y.-ars I ivas a surTeier from peneral debility and chronic catarrh. My face was pale as death. 1 was weak and short of breath. I could v walk, I was so d:zv and Had a ringing in my head all the time. My haiidb and feet were alway s c. id. M v appetite was very poor. On getting up m the morning, my head .swam so I was often obliged to lie down again. I had awful pains in the small of my back. 1 had a continual feeling of tiredness. My muscular power was almost entirely gone, and I couldn't go half a dozen steps without stopping to rest, and often that much exercise caused me to have a pain in my side. It seemed lis ihoc.gii the blood had left my veins. The doc tors said my blood had all turned to water, I had given tip all hope of ever get ting well. I tried the best physicians in the state, but failed to get any relief. My husband got ne a bottle of Johnston's Sarsaparilla. I took it, and then I boiiL'ht another. When these lmd been used. I was somewhat improved in health. 1 continued its use, and felt I w as growing stronger; my sleep was re fre lung, and it . seemed as if 1 ( mild feel pew blood moving through my veins. I k. pl on taking it. mid now consider!, yse I f a well and rugged woman. I work I1," and am happy. I am p.. ilivc that the Sarsaparilla saved my life. 'I he -iek headaches I have bad sin -v childhood, have disappeared, and my ca tarrli bus almost entirely left me. I cannot be too thankful for what Johnston's Sai saparilhi has done for me. I rec. uiimend all wiuiien who have sick head aches o u-e vim- S iisiii.-irilla. MICHIOAN X" 1 1 1 i ( ' C( IMl'Arff Y, DETROIT, ('. I) HIIAhll.W1, N, Kern, N.V. :l Portsmouth Corned Mullets ! S A Few Nice Ones Just Received at I J. L. McDaniel's, 71 Broad St. ? Aln n iiIpo lnf Qmcill Sno-o PnvnH Pio :S Hams, Breakfast Strips, California Hams !e ."j; and Fulton Market Corned Beef. .5 The best selected stock ot Groceries in 2: the city. ml Prompt delivery and Rock Bottom 2.: Prices. Yours to Please, J. L. McMHIEL, 35 3: Seasonable Goods Come and get your choice oi our stock in Wire Doors and Window Screens, new and cheap. Doors $1 and $1 25, Screens 30, 35 and 40c. Try our Calcimo for your walls, nothing better. A 5 lb package 45c. Gold and Silver Enamel 25c. Varnish 20c can. Any stain you may want lor your Furniture. Paints ot all kinds. Small cans to suit the work, A bottle ot Stove Polish for 5 All goods guaranteed as represented. Give us your order. I'HONr. VOI It A NTS 10 ii; MIIU'I.K SI'I.KKi, MILLINERY at i lr time ft.r , vcijl oily lo mid around Nrw lltTn lxii givon the op otttl iry lo buy l!llliB-Ty at III prior will offrr for TEN DAYS: 12 doaea Ihnrn (loll Sailor., Work nnljr. worth 50(1 for 1W fl doam lghoro rtaU. whlla. l WI valu, tvi " I 00 ' Mn 4 75o tm Mo u ?. In thin aala w off or our en' Ire llm of Kinwrn lofmnrl VL 4- bv iw ai i a now 11. IB. 87 and 74. Thl ihnM .m Mill a ill I'. . ' - -' - - " 7 ''" nuPT, noanriiara, piiToti .n.?ilLbhlb!M,,',"'ftrtl,,0,B,i6,, W ua caafr tat. Ummintt. All aaaTnaaaal aMaaaaaakvaMl aiJ JlMMt W - - a-k. " TalU. about Adr.urp Selenee. a -ait. 'i " .i. l nge.l physician wasconrerw- 'US ;s, otinse. w ere a trroun of well 1 11 and iiimereial travelers. : i nn yet to show that all dia- h'-nns wnu-n are Iivinif ortran- .lis, se ooilitherla Here is the bacillus . I..I 1.. 11 - ; .1 Fi -.lore ,1, a Hill bacillus of tubercle which diseases. sumption, ibis of that very 111 tuau. "that you would tell US about a:n thorouL'hlv discouraged." iike diohlli -ria. colisuuintion. tvnhnid tlie r.-sii i .f a microbe iuvadine the blood us incii.l-niiie I bis foul and most distrusting riiite.l States aud it is rare to meet one in. .re or less 11 :t h it. How often is lie or eiis.i 1 it eii tcrta m ments, deprive themselvea of the disagreeable odor arising from ca . the patient becomes loathsome both to great p-ivsi. ian, "that the true way to heal ca Thiscan be done only by powerful alteratives Mr on. 71 Br.,;M Hi. Oaskill Hardware Co. NEW I1EKN, N (1 New York Cost ! H a llm. Ni rrr N U tt l.avo lb itMj. In . ..Lu . m . ., ? . todcilkoa ikt frm. Itt rrat tk tal 1 Daffr. ,..-. t ' Successor H. B. Duffy. , May iva, 1800.

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