( - ftjefti i - l. i i m VOLUME Xllll MW BERN, IKAY1N CUL'NTV, N. ('.. FRIDAY, MA, lii, I nun - S t( 0 S U E(TUiV M NBth' THEIR PUN. Republicans Ana Populist WorKin? On Joint Debate Scheme. Hut Wave Record In lial-jisf Ii. The Tll Assessment I'asC. II lill Itnw Itv lirnnken Ne- ernes rpitrf-pnl (iiiive nt ion. HaiF-Ioii, M ny I? Ah soon km lhe I'opultm Slate convention ml join no!, ' Slate Clmiruiin Mariou liuller chitlletij; ei the Deiiiocials i. a joinl debate on lhe frmieni e nuicnlin'nl Tin; Demo- j Cratlc chairman declined ou tho ground that llir I'.vjicili-i hud declared that there Was mi i ,.- wn!i ihein. Ti'ii days ituo I the tteiiiocrutie Si;iic chairman chulleni; ed tlio liepuMiciin.s lo u joinl canvass. As yet n.) reply ha been received. It Is f ascertained lliat t !iu 1 j u i i -t chairman also wnt u challenge lo the Kepublic.ans lor a joint debute It N conj iclured Ihit this is :i j 1 rt 11 to force a joinl debate of I ho Democrat with lliu I'opuli-U or else have none ill ail. S i the I Jepublieans and Pnpiili.,s air w.tTkinjr lordlier. Today Stan lin,; Master Shepherd lic gins ink in ii lest iui.uiy in t In; HI inkwell Djrham Tobacco I'ouip.iiiy case W W Fuller, l.-. , is il le us l.i. liu: American Tob.-u co Company. It is ex pi oled I hull u ii in ( .liien witnesses will lie examined today. Tlie wife if Uev. I'. T. Kiapp, of Klon l'nllcii is al I lie poim if tlealll. Stale Treasurer Worth wenl lo Kicli niond lo su--- liie glories of the ;rreat street fair. Ualeis'i li i in el" the Bhirt for tlKKI for heat, il is a-ino inc 'd tiial Tiie.-.d-iy it w ;Cs the h itli -I pice i-l the I'micd States by 1 .-!jrts Y.:lnl ly was a linn Ml n nln in .1", '.' I decree.. rre.sideiii WinCim, of the Ajri iciilitiral and Mech iiiio .1 'oilcev, left for Wilson county lo deliver s.ime a I liei-ei, (Jen. .lull in S i'ht li.ii naiucd Patellc ville in aid ol ho er at lit' I . -u i . , i . ! ('otifc l.-mie re-n :-. io:i Miss Kale Krnal fool uu'l Til ' i I inlei tv.,o I. Tile Kpi-i-opai I oi: vein io-i oflhe I io cese of Nor 1 1 1 i ) i roli ia o,ic:ie. ) c-tcr.l iy al Snlishui -j ,thh pr.ivr by the bishop and roll e i ! a! b o'cl.iek in Si Luke's church. Tin-re were found t i lie L'N clerical di iconics piesenl, and iilioul a third of the pin ishes tt el e repres nlid b I iy dele-oilcs Tie' bishop dec! il'i d il (Uoiuiii pii sen:, ait 1 thin annoiiucida jeeess mini II ..'clock. At thai hour all the clergy loi.ned in proec-siou in tie-pari-h hone, H.e 50.n1e-t members Icadiiiir, and in.uchci! ar.iun I ihe church, und weitl in siie.;iPL' Ihe hymn, "oise cniAiitd willi l:;hi," T'lin iiuinher of clernym ui pr. r ;ll liad illerc.ise l to :;il, and th.- lay .1, le ;.uns weie also more numerous. Yesterday as Ihe d:;l" sel for the hi -Klmiiiii; of the taking of testimony here hy Siaiiilin Ma-ti'f .lames K. Sm phcrd in regard to tin- inciease ol the la as HC.ssinent of the Western I'nion Tel, -rruph 1 'ompany 10 one million dollars. Tl will 1 1 ' 11 ill '1 11 he red Ul U the eorpoi 11 lion commission assessed the valuation of the couipiny's pioperly in North Carolina al 1 iril liure The coiupmiv siMuircd from .l.i l'e Siniontin au ordei tlireclin that f rlhis year the a-.-es inenl limine should oe 'i M,i . 1, and re straining lliu no lec ; h 1 1 on a lirer lusis. The ma'ler w.i. oi.iercd heard hy the standing mali 1. Tlie company was el ten linen inonlhs in whlehto Inln - iluie tei-llniony to prove thai il was ever iis-e's.-d. The cu pontih.n ctini luission, ll.it Is tin Stsie, is i veil the nunc leiiUi ofiini'for Us side of the mailer. The ma:ici of laKin testimony lor the coiiip.inv w is i.o.t lumeil until June lit h, at Ni Y.u f . '1 he Sc. r. lary of Sia.e is i-hlj p!n(; Uie election hian l- s to : I,.; taiious counties. I'V'A (sons rt il1'' the iiiitnen..e 1111111 Ut of sin h hUnks iciiiiied. Mhiecn ill 11 11 Kn uero rnilroad hands and 1 1 tn In-r cutlers went to the liltle village of Kour n.iks, lhreienln(; to kill every while 111 111 ihcrc. Tiny mere armed. The i-rnwil commenced lo curse and raise a iluluthmice. Tlie town pollccni 111 Mlctnple I 10 attest a niyro for ilisordei ly Hindu, t. wheieupon the neriMn iim.IiIkiI ihe policeman, and heal liim almost liiHeusihle. oine whilu men nlUuuilid to nl.l Ihe pnlh rinitu, l.nl were knocked .lon or hot M. Mm It ud-i hit I would hare liven (lono tiy the ner.n-r, h ho were drunk, hut for ihe i.clh .ii of I ho while mei clitnli and mtli.l employee of I lie town. tVteral i.etnct weiu wounded Inn in I fa's I.', mi I mveral whim mro w. re I .juie I. Tim negroe miui word that tin ; tnli ml to t ialt the town ngtla inil kin 1 1 c poiice.n in. Tho acilan of the in K' ' i" '"tally whlioul rirunc or prot u . 1 s.,,1 m a complete aur prlM to 11.. id.e At leant 1.1 or 90 people on ihe inn -hlin were InJ.irrd. "Aflr ttnflorlnit frnin pllra for ft f tern J I fined by ualnit two lor of H Wltl' Wllrh Hal Hlo," ilUn W J IUl-f. North fltook, N. t:. ' It hralt rr)lMnn. IUwar of tounUrl. lu. H O.ilTy CASTOR I A Tor InfaoU and DUldrto. . Tli Kind YoD.HaTi Alwajt Bcct BNtri tU RALEIGH. Eaakrurivy Decision. Wake loresi Lol Icfe. Imporlant Aifrkultural Mccl Inf. Hm rihii. May M Ju.le I'uinr'.l ren ders a vert inlei 1 .-1 1 1 1 .In. i. in., in, ( nu ponanl opinion in ine mitlicr f fees in bankruptcy , um, He dic.des llint Wu. r. 1 h -ie 1 hie 1 a pari lu rslup peli tion in liankr.ipti y. ihe otlieer-. ihal is Ihe 1.1 k, rrlcree und trusiee, are i uti tle I lo th ' liliu ; lee 111 addtlioii thereto where Uieie are iinlit idual ietilions and seii.-dice ; i i oilier words th.y are ei. lilled lo $ III for each eslste ailmiiiisler ed; tiie esiate id each partner bein held lo b a si'i.Kiaie e-late. Krancls I). Winston, of Bertie, arrived heic wiii heal Deuioerallc Slate heail iiiarlers a foilnihl perhaps, lookiug af ter tic: work of orgaui.ing whtttt su premacy tluhs This was Iiib special liue of wura iwo years ago The Norlli t'uroliua legislature will meei in adjourned session 011 Tuesday afler ihe second Monday in June, which is the Ivlh day of the monlli. ricsideni I'liarles K. Taylor, of Wake l orest eollet;e, was here yesterday, lie -nys the moil prosperous Hessiou ill all Hi history of me college will ea.l May ".'th. There are 2-Ci students. The gra.lualiiij class will mi.nhjr ru'iuly forlv I lie Stale cnarler.s the I. inn Ooil-iu Mills Company, of Linn, Kowan cou:ity, capital fiO.OOO; the Spuiillnc Ciuinicil Company, of Wilmington, capiln' -11)0, aud lliu Carolina II irness Company, of l.ailiinhurir, atithoried cap.lal $'ij, Oj;). The I. ion mill is Ihe tweiily-foiuih grained a charier this year. Ii will rpin and weave cotton and wool. Preliminary iirranemen 1 s an' lieui; ma le for the mcciin j; of the Sin c supei inte.iileuts of ai icuiuiic here .f .it,.- 'JSih The iiionigiauou coniinissionei,, ami Stale ( licmUi:! a-c expected lo lie willi them. All will Ii given a i o,ip .11 miy to seethe a j rieu It 11 1 al st ai 11 . 1 1 0.11 one end of Ihe Siale lo lliij oi.liei-, The Cle ueut vV lios-t 'cn"cr ('0111 iany, of Verm ml, which lui a phial al Tiiom isvillc, this Sine, is building a large one at S infoi- I. Democrats From "New Posse sions" ' ntcioo, May i:. A' cording to in formation from the Democrat i - Nati ui ii Comniillcc tod iy, Hawaii and I'orlo Hino will sen I deleir-iles loth- I).-ni 1 craiic Naiioual Convention. Kadi Islan I will In- a -corde I siv ,li le gates il ihe w ishes of some p.a 11 y lea l 01 s are can icd o il. h is I h iulc ni m 10 pu Hawaii an I I'orlo l!ico in the class wiili ihe District of Coin n'lia, Alaska ami lii 1 Indian Territory. Tim Democrats will lake Ine podiion that Hawaii and I'orlo Itico are territories and are neither colonies nor provinces S;nalor J iinns K Jones, chairman of the connniltee, r- c -inly received a letter .rum snin.i IUwaii.un, wh 1 said they were Democrats, asking him if tlie con venlion w mid seal a Hawaiian deh g -ti in al Kansas City, Tho Senator re plied thai the convention itself woild h ive lo pass upon llril ipiesliou, lull, il 1 . fuiid, he a lvised the island rs to send their delegation and it might be scale I Demo rsi'e minagers s iy thi. wl" he g e. i p.,: ,-. RichmnnJ's Carnival. iMi'MMi V i . May I 1 The In il urn if I ue rifii 1 v il an I slrc-'l fa'r wii the 1 .ra h- to light of the king and h'i ret uue and beautifully arranged lloats. I n pc'i inl w as 1 In- i in l-onie-t nf ihe sin t p .-sihly ever M-e i in lllehiie.iid. Il "i!i...-i I.,- an lui Dense crowd ho. n I !!-' 1 I -iic.-i. d h ine of 1 ireh -vi- Iro-n . J.-rn . i, .1 ov 1 llroad lo I'enih. wh'.'ie the Aich ot tVeleoiue Is erected Thus far Ihe carnival has prov ed a greal success, both in the very larre iillcmUuee here and the features pre sented. Butler Not Resigned. Wasiiisoton, May 1.1 Senator Hutler today contradlclcd llin report Ihal he hail reslgncsl the poltlon nf chairman of tlie National Populist Ccininiltee In fa vor of . I II, ICilinlalon, of Nebraska lie aid that had been elected lo the posi tion contrary to Ids wishes and that knowing ho would not for tho proticnl be able to jrlve hli cnllro lime lo III ilu lici he had asked that Mr. Kdmlston Ik; made vice-chairman. THE MARKETS. The following iptotatlons were rcrciv ml by J. K. Lalhani, New Item, N. C. N YoHK, May 17. CofTnsi. Open, High. c,,K Wliy U,4S g.V) D.4I 0 411 July.. . OHI 0 85 0 27 B.iO A( D03 0 00 H.OH 0 01 Hup! K i ! H.9 t H 111 HJ.1 Oct 700 8.01 7.0H h 01 Nn. 7.H4 7.M.5 7 7.1 7 M Jn t.m 7.8 I 7 70 7 Hfl CIIICAHn MAHKRTa, WilKaT - 0n. IIIkIi. Low. Mom Ju'r J Hi W CoHH: 'U'r ' IW H7 fl Ho. Hy I'd. .. &fi Mj Con T 71 J m T.0. I fl 7 Leather . II 0 A. 8 W V. i Pd8 !W 11 m 0 ro wj ,j A0O f'l Cottoa . toIpU wtrt 4,000 Uk ll porU. ; '" ; SOUTH AFRICA. Conflicting Reports of Mafcking. S1cyn K Hopeful." London, Mayl'i The Da lv r. ;egradi u 8 recel veil llin folio w I lit' f r . . in South Africa: Ii rands Drift, I'rsuge Kre Male. Mat Id General Uundle . .ph-inlid sitategie movement has romph ti U broken up the ireal southward 1 1. r move Tlie Honrs are retreating lo I. indict Tho Free Slaters held a second council of war yesterday, when sonic were re solved lo tight, oihei- to sui render Numbers of the latter are now coining in. Ituudle's position will enable him tu cope with any possible development of th; situa'.tou President Sleyn's brother N a prisoner here. LoiiKK7.il, M n r. i iioz. May 15 Tcle graim resolved hen; report heavy light ing at Mafekiug. Pretoria reports thai Mafekiug has fallen and Ihe Netherlands liailroad Company has issued a stale nient lliat Col. Haden-Pow ell has dipt lured a large force of lloers. Pkktoiu 1, May S (via Lorenzo Mar- picz, May 15). When 1 lefl Veiilcrsburg .e-lerday ul noon the British were in plain sight from the town, appr.mchiug in force. The townspeople were hasien ing 11 way in carls, wagons and carriages, abandoning their houses. At Kioonsladl the people were leaving 011 specj-il trains. Telegraph and (lot einnient olli.-.ials wre binning d inu iiinnts in Ihe public square. 1 found I'icsidcnl Steyn at his house, calm and hopeful; bin with a train ready in c ise ol lii ii i-li iiitaek. lie imriliiiled the Huer deleal to tlie II inking move inenl oi (i.ililil Knglish 011 llenni iil Hoi ha s i j u I . THE SIZE US UP. ineluiKl Sees IIuw the rorelijli Vole Controls Politics. I.om.on, Msy Hi All tlie morning pa pers I cm gave long accounts c f I hu Hot r envoys' reception in New York, Inn none of llivin comments editorially on il except tiie Daily Chronicle und the I'lnn s. The Chronicle say!-: ' l'o give a painllel instance, suppose thai in the course of the Ilispano-Amcr can War Ihe Spaniards had asked Km laud lo intervene and hud sent a ilcp'ula Itou lo (uecii Victoiia. Would tiie Sanish delegates have been received willi cheers and presented Ihe fieedoni of the city of Southampton, or of tlie meanest town-hip in thai tiiiniij" This dillereliee bet Wl I'll till' Icmper of I he l-.ngli-h )upiilacc toward Anicrica ainl i lint ill tlie Amciican populaee toward lingland will lake a good ileal lo ex )tain aw uy. The Times says: "As ihe l'i i -si. lent i.-.l campaign is at hand, the Ann liean win pttllei s on In. th sides perceive Ihal Jlr Fischer and his colleagues in iy he used to inlluenee lieriuan and liish voles I'he I'.oer envoys aie loleiably cerlain to niei I tvilh plenty of verbal st in oil by. So long as lliat Ik all they gel we shall not greatly mind, and we feel tolerably se ure lliat they will gel nolliing morn " Port Royal a Failure. Wa-iiim.tin, May 1 5. I he ah union in " n t of Port Koyal as a naval station under t he lenns of t lie Naval hill adopted in Ihe Senate yeslcrdat, reiuoying the same to Charleston, means a clear loss of over one million dollais to the (iov eminent, for which no return has been received and none can be. This sum has heen dumped into one of the largest drydocks in Ihe rouuiry, whii h Is practically useless, th dn dg ing out of a harbor cmiaiue and the election of several cosily repair shops and a large naval hospilul, besides oilier buildings necessary lo a complete plan! for docking and nvet hauling ihe largest type of warships. It is now iuexplica bin In tho uaval olllelals why I'.ut Koyal should ever liavi been seiecied for the Hoof one of the largest ibw-ks in tin country and the sceno of a big naval station which il was proposed t i lo sic there In connection with Ihe dock Port Koyal, undor the policy of previous Ad ministrations, wai Inlondn I lo lie Ihe most Imporlant naval nation south of Norfolk. Il was lo he the depot of sup plim al o for ships operating In the We,l Indies during the winter season. Letter From Apuinaldo. WasiiimitoS, May 15. The President today sent lo the Senate a letter fnnn lleneral Oils lrsi:smlllln(r a translation of a letter written by Agulnsldo to a friend In Manila, warning him to leave that chy. Agnlinldo's letter la dated Ms lolos, January 7, 1H01I, and addressril to en or Ilrnilo Irgo. lleneral Oils sy the letter Is forwanl el to meet the stnurd rhargo that the Ameilean auihorllles Inaugurate.! the w r. (Irnnral Oils also staUttlhat this letter It one of thn nnmlwr wrllen by Agulnal do lo his friends la Manila, warning them lo Icsto tho clly for their safety, and that many families loft the city In ronscq icnce Notice of Dissolution. The boslneas formerly conilnvt. un der the Arm (III of . ItoharU A llryin, mm tkla day bsw dlsaotTwl by snalaal nnnicnl, T. J. iiobtru retiring from lb Arm All ptrsoat Indebted lo lb Arm III please snake prowipl pajraieni to L. K Wryea, wo caocvedt tM triw, and all pemiat katlng clalaii tgalaal the lr will prwMfliib Matt tk Mr. L. K Brrei for pttateal. Tbl AptllMrt), lOfXl. T.J. Roatmt, - . ; V L. X, Bbta. BEYOHO m mi. Boers Retreat Before Advance Col umn Of The British. Itailen Powell I Ii in w s I he 1 1 .-1 . ( I u I ii f X afek i n g. Kill lor Mining A lleail. i ugUllli's " V lie lent All)" Ki jillfPH Spei ml to Journal hiiMn., .'ilny 17 Lord Ki'hi 1 1- . ao.i -the war otlice loday that the lioeis h.ne retrealed before llic advance of i;. ii. im1 Hunter. They leiiieJto liu rks.h.rf in the Ti nnsvaal . seven miles 1101 ih of ihe Vail liver and the terminus of ihe branch i.ailioad running to Johannes burg. Ilellenil liuller rep. iris ln.it the second division of Ids army has icaehed Dm neshaiiscr. half way beiaccn Dundee and Newcastle lleneral liuller is follow :ng up his 11 cent ailviinces in Natal Cl-mc .e was oc cupied by ilrilish I Tuesilay liailwiiy coinniiiiiiealion be re stored between thai uaee and Lady smith. There is little doubt that the Boers trekked HAay wiili no hoin of re turning. Klevcit guns which Ihey hid mounted lit (Jlciicoc nen i nred n shot. A tlispaich by w;iy of L i eu,o M arijiies bi 1 iv says that the li n i coiniiiiiudiiiit I'lloll. grandson of I'.isnlcul Kruger, fo.ccd an entry wiiii I he pit nil into Mafekiug. The burghers mile Ihe attempt last Saturday lo slorni Ihe inwu. Col. I!a den I'owcll opened hie upon Ihe slorni in; party with the result M killing W il i.-i s and i apl in ing I'.ioii anil !i: oilier Ho r-. Ilis believed in Loiulo ; i i , : t Mafekiug i- iciict ed ami il is con-oil. -n d not only IMobiblc that tlie lloei, have been se verely defeated, hill Ihit th. lone Willi which they came in coin ie: was tin- re lieving column I oniio.n. May l'i. -Abun 1,101 more liritisli troops have arrived at Itcila, l'o! I llguese List Allien Among lllem is Lord Diinraven, who -n c ..npaiiieil the Ihinravcii Sharpshooter-a-- ii siipcini. meiay captain on tlie b-iM.illoii .-nail 'llt tiovi rnor of lt.-ira, Seiilior Moy relles, in :i speeeh at n dinner of llri'isb ycouiiin i v, s lid: ' Kricnds in we hive a'wayiheen if I'iuglan I, tve eoul I never h ive n a.ie I lb- iiiagnilleni unity of I In- Anil. Sa on race wil ho'il -.iteh aii ii. j -. l son. Iveali.iug this, I'.iri.igil n e only eo.igr it lll-itcs her ancienl alii, ho ie jolees wilh il, ll s the st lengl leu :ug .f u liselvcs." Butler on the People's Convention. Wa.-ii i ,m.i on, May Hi S.nii.'i lliih-i chairiiiaii of ihe naiioual con, mi: u e ol the I'eoph-'s parly, was nskeil lo-l . il il was true, as has been reported, that both lr lirtan and Mr. To w ne hud e pi c-sed a pi efi ranee Ihal t he 1'e iple's pa 1 1 v in tioual coiiventioii should not nominal, a Yire l're-idcnlial candiilatc. He lepiu-.l "1 li.-ivc been told Ihal it is In.e, but il tt as t lie jildLMlient of t he col vi lli i-.li I list the best way lo elect both of th.-ni tt a 10 nominate. It must be reiiii-iiil.ercd Ihal mil her Mr Hryan nor Mi. ! t ne is inliinately iic.piaiiiu d tt itli I he pres i-nt sit nat ion as to the Populi -I t..te of Hie eoiiiiliy. Mr. liryan cinild u..t I e elect ei. by di. banding, or np.aiiiu' In disband, the organiatioii of ih l'( . ph - a r t y . To lisvc done so would hate ln-i 11 1 ill lb Populists'oles for rvin i;.,i. Dcmm-ralle vole that l:n tt..' won bar k lo him. In shoil. ih lion did thn thing t l.i.i if ni i be d .ne to insure t he elei t. Itryan.'' I lo -II! V t, ,,( Mr Anti-Imrcriallsts Active. llo i os. May 1 1' -Anil Impel . ih-i - ice colisideiing the project nf hoi lin; i n i tioual eon veil! Ion soon slier .he kne.e Lily gal lii-riiig. liy lliat lime .twill b. known j.st w!,al both the gt. al a le Intend to do, nnd the anil Imp, iia1 i o -will hate a l nr t liloi otiirthe lieltl. with an opp .riunlly o' iudor.iii; the men or mess, ires w hich seem to them most likely lo furiher lln lr principle! Secretary Krviu' W'luslow says the convention, If held, will aim lo inke s demonstration of He- null Imper'nllsl strength Th .too (I i ' ninii'i wui-b have been mentioned n Ihoi'iof anil Impei I ill l t oin. In Mi l nib: f il vialei Mr. Win. low bilh'tes are conshlerably short of I he aei usl nu ni1.- t The easiest snd moil i IT. ctlve mi lliod of puillt Ing the blood snd Invigorating t ie S)tcm Is lo ink' I ir Will's Llltlc Knit Uisru. the fain .u- Utile pills fm cleansing the liver and lioro'e. K H DulTy. Notice of Mcetine of Creditors to Consider Discharge. In the Dlslricl ( oirt nf the I'nlled Matas, for the Kastrrn Dlstrlel of N.C In tba Matter of P. M Draney, New Hero, llanknipt In Haakruptry. To Ihe Creditor of Petitioner, who baa brn adjndlraird a IVankrepl, ad set tles! by eoniposltioi Take notloe that a moftlng of tredl lor will be held al the ofnoa of L i. Moor, liefer. In New IVer), Jf . C.. l I1M. oa lb 111 day of May, IK), tt .wblck lis lb Haakmpt will apply . for al diecbarf. Taw raa be present and bow If ty, wby b ball rot b dlMMr4 , , L i. Moons, RaTtrw la Bttkraptcf . Nw Bta, R. 0 M y 11 ': ORILNTAL. BlK Fires In the W-j. Js. II' . -..J l,r Ihe Low. 1 un L-itnmiNsioii.r s in. t . , . : ; o I he la rulers ... : i , . :m . . bs.l ly in nee. I ..f r s :i lr i W I):; o on V . Mt n ine I. liu. I, int. . i,. .. .' In pee, I n (. - i. - .11 ' . r. tat ' t . ' in r ..une f i ii i.'l i .i.l i.a r. I u rued f I .nu I . I i : , I ' .1 k I I .. hat ing lo cut sh ut t!,. sesj. n cum ol a reel ut alls, k of ne a- i - :, feeling hi- e I s I !.- ha- n. . . - t I i si I u al loll a- sale -ni. i u wall .MeMt'.n i and Moigau. Mraw berry t. iideis arc in town s. i ing iliem at ten cents per .plan, tvlor'i llinki-s them I is;.- pv. ilt strong uf ' in uiev 1 ' Ml W ill !' Mi,v i(. j, lebeildii.g les lisil holl-c hi, .11.; siile nf Ihr II 1 w ha f The new board ,.f !,.w n i oinlliis-i..ii, rs ! hate ipi.iliii, ,1 and ne preparing to L 1 1 ill ' the steam on i The Kn c ul ll.iplisis have bought a j lot on which to build a church, in i lit' in nr f 1 1 1 u 1 1-, we are are told A forest Ire is raging adjacent lo our' t ids l'o an I is gi vlng some of tin; fin in. rs ! a eoo.l bit of iinea.-iness, ainl hard ttoik I" sub me il, for nr are told that Mr. A. S A LI i iilui- pul foilli such violent cM'ilion that he became exhausted mid , leil, hut soon leeovereil when he was taknn out of lii- smoke and hot air. Mr. K II. r.iitls' cow esciuicd the pa t ii re a few ago and was espied by the con-iable, who ,-,t once proceeded to ciiipoiiud her, after done, lie lioiilied Mi Hulls that the cow could be oiilaineii by pating I lie reipii i ed line of one ilol hn . s,i M, Hulls being disposed to allele hy liu- law. paid the line and took the c.ov back home, thinking as he returned lliat he had lost a dollar, but had gained ! a cow, and that this was nol so bad afler jail. ' i.u t he same day M r Hulls not ieeii j Ihal the constable's hni.-c hud got adiih I ami he iniineilialely appointed biniM-lt collslablc pro leni, seized the horse lllnl look him lo the stable ami cnlincd him. and sent ihe eou-l ible word t: al he had a horse on his hand.- Hint he would like to -ell loi i. ue dollar, and Ihe coiiMabk e. iine and paid Ihe line nixl received I ne horse "Dc Wilt's I. ill!, Ksily Uisers are the linesi pilN I t wi used ' I) .1 Moore, Milltuoiili, Ala, Th, y .p.i.-kly cure all liver and l,wi I I rouble-. I ' ; I lull y Carolina Buggies I 1 M I I I til Nt'tV I'iCIII. N ( Ml !'.( I I I ', ni it If fur ( in . 1 1 n ;i I i o..'. in . - ! ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 I H ' f 1 1 1 1 ' ( i t ' 1 1 1 1 I I H 1 S , 1 1 1 r '. 1 1 1' ' , -. II. Waters V m, 7" Hroa.1 SI I.OIMX; MOXKY! I ii ins iiiadc I oan- plai i d Apply to !v.r II. SMITH, l::i Mi.i.lh .tieet New i.ern. N. ('. List Your Property 1 Kin; i'.hsi. Not ire I- le I, lit ";'.. II I lull I lie I. i-l T.ik. 1 for tin- M.i but ii-liip, ( i .n en i .ui ii 1 1 will m i ui N'.m p.. rn, lit ('..-III II.. 11-.-. .1,11,,- l-( lo -III III- i 1 1 1 -1 1 1 , an, I .1 on. e l to :',ii b in. i lo-n, - Al lb I'.nilil -l. il,. ui, .1 in,. 'Mil. At Poll. ill N I I II. ui- , .lime 1 Itli ni.il I Mli. Si. I.'. I ' A I.l.. 1. 1st Inker. Lawrence & Co., I I'M til I. Is 1 1 1- . SJ',.i WhilEsals CimmissioD Merchants, r:KUIT5 AND PkODUCI?. 20 No. Side Fanend Hall Market, HOSTOV hxsh. SPECIALTIES : Peaches, Melons, Southern Fruit and Truck. Sweet and Irish Potatoes. IWetvar Fatten II Hall Nillnnat TUak, IVsslo Frail and Fruit F.ierianire, llno Cbamlwr of (ImwneiM, R O thia t C't Merc lit A(fK. BKncft. I4 kit Urwrmailon frolH4 (kw ariplloaUoo. CATARRH CAN BE CURED BY Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES. DANGEH IN THE EARTH AMI AIH; DANCER EVEUY WHEIK.1 A Wl and Veurrable Dn-lur In a lead ine b. 'tel. in a great c.t v . a Ing. Listeiuiig u. his -e a:,,l sei.ti iliesse.l men, evident.v latt ,ers li.i.si My linn belief, is ' thai :ii,-,!;, al eases tv it n, ,u t ex.cpVi. ul ure eau-e.l l ins Mere is the germ of tliat t.-rr of t pie .id f.-t er; and hei e is tin- st : ,i causes that uiost d.'st ruetive ,,f all common and aup;"sed ineti ruble d i "I tvisii. I),.,t,.r." s..id Ihe tlrtt catarrh. I iiatc had it f,,r- years, arid 1 The Doctor answered. ' fatarrb. like dipiitb ria, consumption, typhoid fever, and a host of ot her diseases, is Ibe result of a microbe iuv&diog the blood and annexing specially the mucous membrane. This foul and moat disgusting disease is especially provao-i, I in the United States and it is rare to meet one tt ho is not, or bus not been troul'.cd nunc or less vt it !i it. How often is he or she obliged to remain at home f ron. pica ,i. nt entertainments, deprive themselves of many iiitellceluai treats, from fi ,.r of the disagreeable odor arising from ca taribnl i.lleetiori ,. In itstt.ust phase, the patient becomes loathsome both to himself and his friend- '1 believe" continued ties gre:,: ph si, inn, "that the true way to heal ca tarrh is lo medicate t lu- l,;.....l. Tins can be done only by powerful alteratives which act us blood pin , li. rs. " Hetsy A. .Miirett, of Mani-tee. Mani-tec C... Mich., writes: Dear Sirs : l-'or ten years I tt as a sn rT'.-. er from general debility and chronic catarrh. My face was pale as deaiii I was weak aud short of breath. I could luinlly walk. I w as so dizzy und Mad a ringing in my head all the time. My hiiiid.s and f.-et were al t at s c, ,ld. My appet lie w as very poor. On getting up in t be morning, my bead swam so I tt as often obliged to lie down again. 1 had awful pains in the small of my back 1 bad a continual feeling of tiredness. My muscular power was almost entirely gone, and I couldn't go half a dozen steps wit hout stopping (o rest, nnd often tliat much exercise caused me to have a pain in my side. It seemed as tin. ugh the blood bad left my veins. The doe tors said iiiy blood bad nil turned tow atcr. 1 had given up all hope of ever get ting well. I tried the best, physicians ill the state, but failed to get any relief. My husband got mc a bottle of Johnston's Sarsapariila. I took it, and then I bought another. Win n these had been used. I was somewhat improved in heal! h. I cont iniieil its use. and felt 1 was growing stronger; my sleep was re fi cshing. iiml it seemed ;i if I could feel v. tv blood moving through my veins. I k. pl on tailing it. and now consider myself a well and rugged woman. I work nil I be t line, n in! n m happy. Iain po-,itiw Unit the Sarsaparilla saved my life. The. -icl( h. inhicbcs I have bad since childhood, have d isappeared, und my ca tarrh h::.s almost entirely left inc. I cannot, be too thankful for what Johnston's S ii siiparillit has done for inc. I recommend all women who have sick head aches to us' your Sal s;i pari! lit MICHICiAN DRUO COMPAWY, I ETHOIT, MXCH. ''. I) K Wl, KNIT WAISTS I Z7OD rUTl FlDOU $ 4 We sell more of these garments each season and every mother that has tried one is sure to -like It and recommend them to her friends Our assortment Includes the best known ana most J J sought after kind. Nazareth, E. Z. and Minneapolis ail at Joe each. For COMMENCEMENT DRESSES. All that goes to help the girl graduate with a commencement dress Is here In J plentiful assortment I toll. , Sit ISS ;i 1 ;,, '.'Il ;ini hnli:i I.iiioii :il n. !. I .". i I rg: 1 1 1 , 1 1 , - le L'Hi ill Itic lllnl t :i'i ins nr.- on i l-'i - in li ( )re:i ml mot i.i ii-. I'n .ii-Ii l.:r.t ii. I'-' nu ll :il l'i' 1'. I -:.m I .:iu n, ami inc. I i:mii Sit i - :,l s'tii- mid '.'oc And for trimming st have All ,,t. r Liu ut i r. n i ::.'.o Y:.i; 1.... ' I o on do, M.ebhn I....,-. In, ls't mid 'I on lion I.a. .-. In, I.i. Is I all li nol Nalii-i.iik I'.il-'e Neck I 1 1 iii'js ii, I I. in- me - mol lie - , ban- iii all tiglil Oxford Ties at J the new shapes, and Toe Slippers at $1 50 and $3. The latter for a very stylish patent leather vamp. Parasols In l&hite and colors, priced from $ I 75 to $3 and some very pret- i.. ..r.ii; ru.- s.L ' iy nvpciiicz wc arc X O. cMarks MILLINERY at New York Cost! Now Is ihe tin e ' i eijl ml; lo (jt t a Hal. Ni vir 1 1 fore liaer opl la and around New Porn lm-n given th opporlunby to boy llllllaery at tlie prior ill offer for TKN DAYS: v 1 3 down iVfhorn flnlf Ration, black oolr. wot lb Me tot 10c, down LecSurn Flat, wliltsi. l 8.1 ealau, tan 1 00 Win , 4 " 7o 09a - 4 " ' " 0o " 47d ' ' - - In thU iwle we offer our enMre Itn of Fliiwrn formerly M, tt, U, Adr, ft (0, now 11. IH, 17 and 74. - - -. - v The bo r only t low of lh iny lte w offef, MMKctliirt, Milf7o and Itlbhoo at lb same proportional dtanonnt. Mo tr obafgr for IHmalnK, All rdt ftttinbeted 4 nVllveiesl ! order lake. . j v. . ,, Successor to Taika abool AdTanrcd faaj u:s and u'ed id. t sieian wu conera- - m .. n:s .1 iscoursc, were a (Troup of well ness i.i. ri and commercial traveler, sun i -ei tain yet to show that all dia--t iiiv.s.i,,.- genua tv bieb are living orjran- t.M as.. , i ; phi lie ria. Here is the bacillus ii.. .r.- ,lr. a Iful bacillus of tubercle which d.s.-as. s. consumption. Tbia of tliat very as.-, catarrh. " ing iiiiin, "that you would tell us about am thoroughly discouraged. " Ni w Jtnrn, N.C. and at fair prices. ;. Vf :nnl -.'."h'. ili lo ,.n-. liit'l icu l:u g-iioil le.-. s Minis tt lib- ill X'o, 111, ot I Silk Mull :it duo. Summer Dresses le p I- j ' .'rn Mud. '..': M,i.. l.'.c mnl s'lic. mnl I li-. l I ion. :i iiic.--ilv for giiulimtiiiK lli.it is lu-n mnl tMinleil for JV $2, $2 SO and $3 in zuuvuuiy. Comoam). i V eS H. B. Duffy.