t.i- mtm VOLUME 1X111. SIW BERN, IKAV1K COUNTl. K. ('., TUESDAY, M A I! KIRnT El'TldN. mti ll 1 ) T 1.4 ' Circular Issued Rerardinr Countv ! Institutes For Teachers. Hnw Meeklm Was Left, (old Weather r'r Cutlon llaiiiiiet Next Saturday Wiellflli CuihihIssiohi. i White 8 e. ial lo Journal Kai.i.ii.ii, Mil -'li.-Al ill - Ln iikfu-t ulilcli 1 In- Spiilxianl Air Line nHiciala will give In re next Saturday t" its guealH, wlio come from points North ami Son III of leu-, on I lie Ilrst train from Tampa, covera will le laid for :i(X. 1 lie visitors will lie welcomed liy (In- Hov ernor anil maynr, unillli.y will lake a look at vim pulillc l)uili!in's nml I In in ii sen in. One of llie lu st iiisitinrcs of Kepnlili ran political man ut-in tint of a conn n tlpn, is related hy the Iriemli of Isaac M. Miwkius, who 1 1 1 i . 1 1 1 Ik- woulil Inst SwtCunluy j;el ,lho nominailon for Con gress from tlie I at, ills! rid. llo linil IT voles oliil There cjel7 oles airaiaM him. He expected to u-' l some of ilieae. But revenue collci to couuly in un innilc llnnCHii li-nl h I'iU cluiirnniii. That county Ii hI I vows. Ii cac llial i nuilicr nnd tin: clniii mini ciisL unoilier vine, which liroke the tie and left Met-kins llili Htnl ilry. The I'niteil tftnlcs Commissioner here who sent lo j iil n man hailing from Ho -tonwhoum scllinn ii ii si ampcil patent meilii iniH, thinks In- luis Rot a prize, as lie says 1 line Hie groin ds for belief ll.Hl the. man is one of tic- gape; of snft-cr::i k-t-ra who hint Hoiic mi nim li mischief in the Stall-. Tlie pliciioiiicnully cool weiilhei con tinues. 'I hen- wi ll' liiis li'ilny aiid ovcrco-il-i wen-si en ll is I i y in e; went In r on the cotton, n- il h:i- i outiniieil lorn week. A mone I itln 'ri uirivnls weic V. 1). l'ruilen of Kilt iilon mill K. Aydlclt of Kliz-ilitiili I -i 1 y - Next ui ek tin- sla'.e liouul of lieulth will ; k s i u n sm i in! i-lietilar Iftter rc;iiii! iiiR the siiiiiHi- .x tinder the licii-ini ol I lie siw pr,im Conn Tin ,..l:ih,s Wiiii., IiHienist, a thief oyster inntlssioiier jm-H $I(KI a )Cir. The ll frirlatiiie of l-'.l'.l cleiitcd Hi III - COiiiini? Hi'Uie, ill $l 0. filial cai h. one of tin in to lie chief. The emu I pays While Is hat chief: Hi p.-t :, chief in apcelor of slicUlish :;i(li a u' Ills at-lortll-) i i deep v li.'.el laa'a'Wr of his losl of so niiieli ''lie," 'i III a year While ho.-.ever wauled the f -.SilO; ilial Is the salary of ali of tlie coniiiiisioi. ers Th kih'i;!i l..ieh:ll hssoi iation is looking ulioiit fi r 'lalenl" for a hatlery. It has seemed 1tvim, who pilelied this season s i much fi.i the A it M. Col-1,-e telini. The Slate Snperiijt -ndi nt of I 'villi ic 1 ii s 1 1 ii i i n iss ii ( s the followim; ciriii Inl: Dear Sir; : 1 w ish to n fcr yon to Sec tion l'J of the School Law, which is an follows: 'The county In, aid of school directors of any county in iy a n n ll :Hy appropriate an amount nl fccdiii; lifly dollais out of the m Inn 1 fiiiuN of the county for I he pin pose of eoiuluelitiir. one or nunc leathers' li.-litnlcs for said county; or the county hoards ol m !iooI directors of two fir iii oe ndj .inin eniinties may appitipriate an amount not exicniini! lifly dollars to each comiiy, for the pur pose of conducting a tt-M-iiers' Insilfole for said counties, at sonic eo-ivenleul and satisfactory point, and ihe puhlic schixd leathers of the udd counilcs nre rcipilrcd lo altenil said Instllute, mil' i pre yen led from alii ndiiifr ly s!' knes or olio r nootl cause. A ounty leicln rs' inslnule un der this si ct Ion shall I u londui lel hv Ihe eoiinlv sup rinlendenl of hon' usUlcd hv some nieinhor of the Male Hoard of !.'ininluer, or a meni'ier of the faculty of ihe normal d -parl incni of Ihe University of Nmlh Carolina, or Ihe Hla'.e Normal and Industrial College, or of the At;rli uliuisl ai.d Mcchanleal I ol lefco at Itsleigh, or hy lomo practical leacbrr appointed dy laid Stale Hoard of Eiamliicrs : I'rovl diM, that the loeal and ..ulll..,. . ,w,r,.. ,,r I i, II, ,,m v n appointed shall be paid out of the gnn eral rmlillc nchool fund of the county tr order of the roiinly hoard of fchool dl terlo -s: l'ri hied, i hl the Iciclicm' In tltutos shad lie In 1 I lor the while race oil the colore I r ire separatu and apart front cie.li other " It dors seem to mo that the time hai com for miinlK-rs of rveiv Uotinty Hoard of School Directors to ri-sllx- that the must d i all lliry poinllily can In help the teachers of their le'pccilvc eounliei to lielter prepare tlsfinselyes fol Ibelr tinporianl wo k. B.i, my til-n l". thi i'K-tlon of a. County In -III 'He nii'c I )ariHighl lo b maltiisiix I jt't, and llii only qtloua will, y .1 It is"l to llahould bm Mow may we have lb bal lesil tdtof Jfow mar w hvi! anrre tin teach- fa ttnasU of our eomljf How msy hat rtrtlhU ra-W lo wh oedhi laat year aaH prepare i h y for whii linen I to in bI taaiT flod 70 r rqati ta (or mea lral CASTOR I A Jor InlanU ui CMldian. Ta ti Van Ui llwiv ta$il at i.a ..a,. n.a.j. an,.. . yi J MJr-fi. LAAfXcUCA44 ... - - ., 1 fngnatax-a of rs la the Work Prof. ssora Mclver Joyner aod Clailon, of thu Normal ami Industrial College, ran and will . ve Several counlit-a. The Agricultural ami Mec,'n,c1 ve prufc..r-. are also reqmrca iu uo noiue m iuir wuik, i 1 'f llieaecaonot supplv all the demands, it have jfoisl eduesiors whose services can tie had for a sintll compensation. Let u i hive an cd n ational awakening tn ('irmly Insliline work Our p .hiic scle.ol iiaihen have uoi the means to go olT t.i Summer Si liooU, hut all can attend a liounly Instiiutu and et now life, new zeal aiel new inspiration In the work. win not do this much for me leaeliers of your county? Yours truly, C. 11. Mm: in, Supt. Public I nM i le lion , THE LEGAL OPINION. On the Constitutionality of the Amend ment to the Constitution. I Special lo Journal Uai.Hi.ii, May 2ii. The undersigned lawyers, meintiers of the North Carolina liar, after having oxauiined and consid ered the provisions of the proposed amendment to the constitution suli mit'ed hy the legislature of lsMUo the people for raiitication, give il as our opinion thai the said amendment is noi i . e -i ll.el eilher with iliL' Slate or Uic Federal constitution. We fuither give it as our opinion thai the 4h, and 5lh, Sections of said amend ment are so connected in subject matter, each sei clcailv dependant ami condi iloned upon the other, that lioili must sliuid or full together, and that it is loo clear to admit of a doubt iia- 'he -till. -Ye'ioii eanuol stand il llo "i ii, Section . dd I e declined ii ti (- ii -1 1 ! 1 1 1 i ii r I ii i clear this uinendmcnl, if i"i iiied. ill not disfranchise, eilln r now or h... caller, any pen-on who vta hims'lf er. tilled lo vote at any liniepiint (o 1 fi? or who.-i ancestors were cniitled to voli at any line piior lo IS'iT, eilhei in tills S a'e or any Mule in tin- t'nilid Slates i i v. hieii lie linn resiled, pr. v: !cd lie r gi-teis once before I'.'H and does I" I il.trenfier beeoinc ilisiii:,l.lied le, eri lie. .1 -lilies (; M ai Kae, .lames K ' In plierd. it A I louglilon, Tiiomas .1 .larvis l! eit 1, liy hunt, Samuel 10 (iiilnev, Harold llnil, .1 A Anlhony, ( lydc Ii ileey, ,1ns I. Wi Id,, I'. V Wi'lili. lill Hayes, 11 A London, V I! Shaw, .1 It llridgers, VVa' lei K Daniel, Waller W King, Kingit Kinibhll, .las T Morelicad, t h is M rtu-il-maii, ,lno A llairinger, L M Scott, Z X Taylor, A At Scales, 1) II Mi - L'-au. .1 C ClilToid. W F Caricr, S 1' N V Lu.ier, W W limber, II L avi 8 u tic. I icorg V Uower, Todd it I'cll, (. I, C I'atk, I II C'onneill, I' II Williams, K F Ajdlttl, ,1 Haywood S-awycr, Ii W Turner, ,1 IJ Leigh, .1 M lir..wn, K L Sniiih, I! K Austin, Waller K TiL-msii r. Ccorgc iMci'orklc, W 1! Caither, to F. Law lenec, T K Cilnian, E M Koonce, Fr.-mk Thompson, .las A l.ockhari. L lwaid W I'oii, .lolin A Narron, W S Si i vi ns . ,J as A Wellriis, Marsden l!el lainy, Iredell Meares, KS Martin, lioun-IrecA- ( sir, llerlari Mi Claminv, .lunius Davis, McNeill and Ilry an, II, 1 amy & !'. r .vi. I i-e S Overman. John S lltn- d r , I' C Linn, Ii Let M'nehi. Waller Mar; in , Tln-o F KI'IM. Kiln ill 1 ' Crcg on , : I A It,,,, , John II Ken, C C Lyon i , M. Lean, M L't-W SlcvcnsiKi. I) I W i d 1, .1 Moon.-, A I) Waul, VS II !c h. i, i. (! Whliehuisl, A M Wa.hiel. it ll 1'. tides-, Ii S, Cay, F II ILu rls, C C Peebles. S .I ( slvert, C.irlau I Midget! Ii I, i; ml,, .1 C Shaw, II Mel) Koh.nson, Ii I Halts, K. n MeKclhan, John D 1,'crr, . U r . 1! W Cooper, Wi.li.un 11 111 i. I h I! '.Vihl.-r, M Cook II H d si '.: rr. W il Yaiboi.,'1 h .1 r, F 8 'rt.iiu il.TW iiltkett, lliosl) Warren Chas L Aherimhy, W A Dunn,' SV Pu kr ns, Chaa French Toms. Mcl) Hay A F Posey, Waller K Moore Coleman C Cowan, Henry (1 Robertson, J A Speucc, HlaltiV Lullitr, Oscar K Mason, Ktancls 1 1 WiiiBton, St Leon Scull, I'.en F l.nig, I K Dorlch, K A Daniels W 'J Munroo, W It Allen, Maxcy L John, Waiter II Neal, John II Cook John D Shaw. Jr M II Jniliee, Swift C uloway, W C Fieldi, T (1 Kklnner, ( lias Whcdbee. W D Pruden, C S Venn, W M Hon.l, W W Zachary. W L l horrfe, J.icol, Battle, T T Thorne, A W Cra- llnm, A A Illckt, John W llayi, II M i Shaw, W A Devln, II 8 Uoyster, K V I llobgood, Jr, Sinclair it Kaves, I) F, l.i.lgln., JuillceA Ple.a, C W Ward, C M lIuslM-e, T M Argo, llobl T (riy, H III Myaii A mislead Jones. D II Nicholson, W II Itotlman.SC Hia-K-aw, rtmall .V McUan, W H Pondllton, ilCJoiiei, Arinuteail Ilurwcll, Ilerlot Clirk.o,,, lluh W harrli, F. r Cau.ler, C W T.dtil, W M Kmllh, K W Hhannon hoa.e, I I) M. Call, T C (Jaihrle. Btf Land Case. HpcHat lo Journal. Hai kkiii, May M K (rctt land ra Inv dilnif th ownenhlp of lands In D m conn iy, rained al lire hundred ILiuuasntl dollar a arfueil bfor Jnt rnmll today. Tb eM th KimVi flettar Ompioy falnl lb ItnlTaln lianki. The qttMtloi ii whether r e UniU Uo rtartliloted or told. "" W. . Mar, Mlllhalm, ra., ed th Uf rt bit ilul flrt bjr jtrlag bar 0 1 lui Couth Car ha ha a dvlaa from eroHB. Ill tbaaalt bars. - W'rtMltaB1.l ' - tbt( 11 1,,lc, t9nt slb, M. bro etilil. I'tppa. aalbwa and all throat and "...I' "I"' " V" ; .. : line 1 roolilp. F. rV Duffy. III MllIGH- Grand View Of The Sun's Eclipse j From The Capitol Dome. . VKItnrs Present I rom til Paris of ' theConutry nl Kniincli Nmil ' Keseries lo Take a Cruise Superior Court. Special to .liiurna, Kmi:ioii, Mayjs. The i mul il imis here were extimu-ly favorahle fur viewi.ig Ihe eclipse At 7 o'clock you i correspon dent went on the dome of the Capitol wilh George C. Kounds of Manassas, Va , w ho in 1 M'Wi had his signal siation there, as signal ollieer to (ieneral Schotield. The original signal llag was again displayed. The view of tlie country was familiar It was like a vast panorama. As darkness came on the changes of color were beau tiful The swallows came out and whii led about IhBtkxrre, witli plaintive twitterings. A close watch was kept on the southwest for the great shadow. rhU swept along so startingly that ll al most seemed as if sound acctunpanicd it. That instant the nun's corona sprang Into view. The greatest masses of light were rather fan-shaped, to the riglil above and to ihe left below, tne former much Ihe larger and nearly like a half opei, (an; Ihe lower more pointed in the middle. There was a ipiit-tncs as of death A big star sprang out very near and to ihe upper right of ihe sun, while in the northeast and near the lioliziill a much larger one one Willi marked bnghl ncss On the mound observers saw the diadow bars pass in a procession on the lass and earth; chickens skurricd to -vardslhwr coops and those w hii'li did ml reach them siptatied where they wie, the hens brooding their chickens under their wines The dew fell, or rath 'i (oriucil and was quite pronounced t H 4!l, the instant of contact, th : tem perature was il 111), and atS.il it wat li'.l 1 0. On the capital at !l o i lock Ll liouiufs signaled wilh the old signal Mags a duplicate of a inesiage lie si'- na!e 1 April Ll, lSUl, ' Peace on Karlh ,'ood will Inward men." lie prefaced this with V In; message ''To the good peo ple of Italelgh and of North Ciroliiia "' Many persons were here from distant points; as far away as Detroit, Chiea,'o itnl lloslou. There were people on the roofs and on eminences in tin' suliiiriM, The ( lovet nor was tod iy n itilied by II. II. .Mclllicnny of Wi!inin;lon, in eouinirind of llic na al reserves of this Stale, lhal not cnoiigli men eo lid be se cured lo take the cruise on tin Prairie h:s will tlierefore be abandoned. Toe Coveinor al once not i Ii --d tin- navy do partnituit. He and the olli :er a1 head 'piarters say the only thing to be done is for Ihe Covernment lo pay llie rtservct, Lien llicy can he ready at any call His Ii it-f of stall tells me lliij h u long been Ihe Covcrnor's view. The Supreme Court may be in session all of June '1 had sloinach trouble twenty yi ar-i mid gave up hope ol' being i iiied lill 1 began to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure II has done nic so much good I call il Ihc iiiyiour of my life,'' w riles W li Wilkin son, Albany, Tcnn. ll digr what you eat F S Duffy. THE MARKETS. iiwinp i uotal ioriM wi rv xvcvw The foil, ml by J. F. Cotton; V ay. . . . July .. AuB. . . Sept . . Oct Nov. . . Jan . . Lnlhmn, New Hern, N, ( Nkw Vhkk, May Open. . M.H0 . 8.T1 h no .Ml) . . 7 N() , . 7.7.1 . . 7.7J High. M M. , H 71 II. lill x. 11 7 Nil 7.7-1 Low. Close M.7H M 71 M..YI H I it; 7 s'J 7 (17 7 liM H 7k H 74 ."ilt H.INi 7.S2 7 (W 7 IIICAOO M AHKK.1 I Open. High. WllKAT July .... CollN: July 8-1. It j Pfd T.C. I ... Con r Leather . . A. H ,V W Fed S M () Par .. Cotton at all port. Low I In : H7 r,7 Mi Ml 7-'i 7HJ K'l :ni Mi V. balea :t7 .'4) . . . . (!.'( rrcelpli 1.000 Virg-lnla's Nefro Vote. lilt iimonii, Va., May W-More com plete return! fully confirm the fact lhal In ycaienlay'i election the rail for a Con illullniial Convention In tllafranchlae Ihe negroca wai carried. The ol polled was iulle email, ami the majority for Ihe convention will hardly eicecd 15,00-1 The moil remarkable feeluro Ii the Im menu majorlllea which lb black dlr irteta (v for lb convention. Tb Second and Fourth, Which hv over- w helming colored majorillc, hive lve to propoimoo prooaiMj iv.wu majority Th Mm uutnet, br ibr art jr. n iuirrcm-n. pracllcally BO Bftfro ToU. Itm prnbab- flh inuat ll ro1 maoj." com Mr .0OOafJat tboeoBUoo. 1btI- mitl alra. WlnlrraravB. "llot I lay and lb otr JUtrlcU, bll lb ara carried br th ooavaatloaUU, bow la ma 7 ram )arf naJoriUaa afalax tha rarUloa of tba CoaUtatlo. . Tk ruii ha Ui ibat h J VI . " vi. .t.i.. M raatoUdoo. lochia airlMiirrra hj tb eoaaUta ad'BrMt tUrm h'ebarart. Ui.Uii la which hli rora hr ibrr. lo u Cl.blar of twit taleata Bad . V .: ,v . oaa rota of lh white. JOHANNESBURG. Capture of til ColJ C'ty Hy Cavalry U Die Frc.i Ih hritKh i . l.itirnn -in, Ma, 2m -A ' -v ii s ' Iril it i.. ! Kiciieh has capl Boxers Make Trouble In China. Special lo .Lhii nal. Liixoos, May 2 The Lovers are now marching on I'ekin. They have humcd a SU'ion and w recked a t rain near there. Five hundred CLrUiian- had barely time to take refuire in the I'iciicli Calhe- lira! at I'ekin. The llo ver-defeated I lie government I Ii i' Ml troops sent out against Battle of Manila Decision. Special to Jon rnal. , W..siiiNoToN, May -s Tlie Supreme Coin! decides thai Adiniial Dewey is not en I it led lol li-j maximum homily for 1 1 e (lest t net ion of Ihe Spani-.li Heel at Ma nil :i. Cotton Market. Spri ial to .Journal. Nkw Voi:k, 'JS Th moitr Johnson tV Co , hfikcrH of New VnrU Irii'iuic is a lttrju out. 'riii1 opi'iiin fin' A S ! tor Novi'inhcr ' whs. August H V' to r.iilnio ( lot k anil lillDOUIlf r Sey cotton d. I he tMi -t colton was D Tlie closing inhi r T (iil. Adjourned by Middle of June. K.u.Mnii, May 'J-1. Senators are, if po-sible, more anvioiisfor Congress to adji'iun, Ihan nieinbeis of I lit- House arc, but there is m n I: workye' lobe done upon i-tgular appi opriitt ion b.ll.., which must all be dispo-cd of lit I Tt ad journmi nl. Const ipienily, il is ainiosl Ci rtain i hat the date selbylhc iio,,st resolution. June liih, for ad join nnien I , wili have lo be pushed a little further along by the Sinate, but there is no iLmbl t hat al jotirn mini will I alo about t In- middle of June, whit I us'i'd'y early lor I lie long scs ioi in Presidential years p. act is un A I'rli-nil In ll hnp'ioiii'd in tlie i :': I ti'ulinn bistorv w lieu lui hr:n:-'lig v. coninion. A geiiileiiinn was rldini: Iy ti'jek through the bu In ::tal I lnl erics lol' In l from n iieihboriiig g; o-. Ibe spot w In :n :' proi i i o. be vv;i s .sin jo i- d nod sin 1 1 1:1 ! i s- ' urel.. I led lo n Hi. "W li.it Is flu- inalli r In f "(111. :!." replied tin' "I 'iii o ch.d y mi bm , . . Iioui s ng-i I w as stin k np gec.s. nil i ia:!ed my lo I st. ,-i!!;i : ri try thing 1 l;;:d . dh' i f notes 111 my ll.sido I. lil.ii they foi'tiiiuil. Iy hound un' to lids tr a- and "The sroltlull'l'ls I" e l llev. ' i. lln r " I'oek e el '. t '. .1 loin i ib'i.j ill- :,l id. ill": I I- ip. d' hi In .1 te. lit a bundle of Dot I!) "111' ill po, '!,. 1 eh ;" " " -. s.l " i 1,- so I ig! "Vi -s " I In fell. .v. A nsu i ilhtns: Ami lb, ii t Iy tl..:t j o;i euniii't I'll l.-fi! take the im ' And J.t ,i Un did I. nt li.'l Un loll IS. ICmbarriiailnit. W In n ibe new in 1 1 1 i s, 1 1 -1 . a h.a ndsiiiiic nnd ii n inn ri lt-i I man. innde hi- lii-i pas toial en 1 1 nt tlie Fosdlcks', he took lit tie Anna up in Ida nrms and tiled to kiss her Hut the child refuse. I to la kissed She struggled loose nnd run off Into the lift t room, Xvhtie her moth ; v. n -I pulling n few finishing loin hee lo her ndi .1111111-111 litfore Koing Into the parlor to greet the th-rpymnn. "Miiiiunii." Hie little girl n hlspered. "the man In the piirlnr wnnttd me to kiss h ' ui "Well." replied ma i lima . "why didn't vou let 1 1 1 1 1 1 '.' I would If I were you." Thereupon Utile Anna ran linck Into Ihe pnrlni and ti e minister asked: "Will, little lady, won't you klaa mo noy v "Vt'o. I won't." replied Annn prompt Iy, "bm iiinnimn say s she will!" Har or'a llnzur Tt. Rendu Klrkt. A comlenl siiiiy Is told of an fanglluli nobleiiinn who Is shortsighted. In a raltrond t rn In. while he nil sit t In aj lieil to a very stout old e.nnian. friend un Hip ncjt scat ae ted him. "Waif nillillle." said his lordship. "I'll put thl bundle ,-f rags In the rack and you can alt here." And to Hio aatonlahnient and horror of the nlgnntlc fninala b caught her round tin- walat be for be rrallml hie mistake Etp.n.l.. Firallan. " uf Die aiclol agvnl of tli liurMii I a woman, and ah i a anlarv nt tH a liar - rMrl "On ,-,!., J aboolda't bar Ihoualit lbrt waamob demand for tiiat ort of a borao.- rro Pre. 1 1 . ' ' T' Bm,n lndBeea, mall- fori rt , .m.n roo.kWr.Uooa. bablto.ll, i UcmI la mtr octl rotcrniur. alra rbararter that blr of crwit taleata a ad aoeooa- I tiiuhmeora. ' ; ; rpe. lal l.'.M. Cajn- T Centra bur,; I h i . i r i a! i s i .. 1 n se e ' i n i : in 1 'lid' Ml 1 1 w as ex pel t l I , . 'i : I in 1 Kiiberi w i' h the man at:... ..1 u before the i ity lomorrow or '.. A , !;,, day. It was kiiewn li'-Ani i 'ha: i.,. Civalry u inter Celieral Kn in I. v.n- i a. Biderably ahead of Ihe lioop i,n ier Kobtils. HEAR THE EHD. LorJ Roberts River CrosseJ Uk Vjal l li a piil A il i a nee ii ii Pi. tori a 11 nl I'll Well lielll ;l i lis i II tile I il I ll. 1 k rug. i s Vi linns v re I i, j C' l I aill. I S.ei lal to .lo if n-i; j L.iM.oN. May J'i I le I. l.old l,.l.- h c,e , lo-;. sh uni'.er i-s I :liu Vaal Tiatisvaai i e li I advancing efl win. declared to be r i v er a ml ale hoi1 public Central w ith the on all The end of tin l-'reiii oi the war i surely in sight now. Three great Hritish antiies are con vi r.-i mi for I he invasion of Ihe Transvaal, a- Cent rai LuC r will folia- Ihe p.i-.-e. on the ea 1. Loill Iiob crls holds iht centre with the bulk of tlie forces The lio, rs ait niging President Kruger lo -urrtinli r The Transvaal Is now issuing paper money, which is i'ioltd at per cent ili.-eoiint. Losimn, May t"i. The Secrclary of Slate lor War, the Mariplis of Lans dow ne, discussing military problems in ' the House of Lords today, announced lhal I l.bOd additional troops will be scut to Sunt Ii A f riea next month. M a jor-( ienct al llaiicn-Powell declines , to act on I lie siiL-gesI ions of his friends tiiat he should Mtiiin to Kng'.and for rest, lie is delennintd to retain his active command a! the front. Tlie l!i il ish arc swieping the country far and wide, seizing horse, cattle and grain. Vcsteidav Pic-nlciil S'.cy n w as icportcd to be at 111 tlilchcm with a small 1 lield loice, appealing lo the Fret Slatcis I to defend their freedom. Apparently he I and all the Free Slalcrs lie can II: stniblt but will ttion of w iii not join I tn- Transvnalc rtiiiain in I ht noil lit asitrn Ihe Kn e Stale. 'I he Trail .vaalers ftar I hut Hit llrilisl will blow up the In idge a I K omul i point Ilms cutting olT llieir supplies from I u-la goa ba ; and a commando of old is guaiding the luiilgc against any such attempt by Kiiiish laidcrs. ll is again said lhal President Krurer Wili rclire to l.y den bu rg when liglit'ng is imminent al Johannesburg and Pit tmia. (iotieeiii isipiessed at Pretoria w:ih ii f. r, m i' to the possibilily thai Ceneial Can ingti'ii inav come dow n fmlll libode in Willi oOllil men, to in operate wilh as many more cut ling t lit Tiaiisvaal bv wav of M nbl, in;-. Villbrook, Ala, liver and bowa 1 ritcn -tin w Ii man md iim! nib in I llni mil buy t'lii'S Lr ill ' ulT.in I' line. Yon 0 ll.l ss sei 1 1 1 ' lesjlil I f II I I V, Waters 1 St II. is Itro A Son, .J mauwooa. DKiLKU IN GENERAL HARDWARE, And all K mK o tUILDINPi MATERIAL. Wire Ni l I in i', St m- ii I iinr . h (1 Wlti'lowH. (ILACIlik kHI Rini k.T()kS Which nr. l Im Ih'M, 'I'll. hnr lui t few rijDii'n nnd N'i Snpfi no ItC 'n .im Y'lti Wntrt Criolrri. Mil hllt'Ul Sli.Vt H Mtlil Hll' c- l'.ilnt. Under Motel ChntUwka, Lawrence & Co., I KN I Alll.l-.lt Hi WiIJ Wbfilf'Salu Ctmraii Merchaols, FRUITS AND PRODUCH. 20 No. Hl.lc Kan-ull llatl . Mart el, MASH, SPECIALTIES: Peaches, Melons, Southern Fruit and Truck. Sweet and Irish Potatoes. rWro Paneoil Hall Natlnna lUah, Rln rralt and Fruit tar-hnea, linrtoa ( bmlf of Oommcrr, U O Ima CVa MereaailU Acr. . . - . a " (Itawlli, and all lofiirmaUoo famltad tpoa appltoatloo. "De Will's Lill!'- F.aily liisi rs are the inesi pills I ever used.' D .1 Mooie. Ti:ev ipiiekly euie all irollbles. S. Dully i i Un he). He E.W.S CATARRH CAN BE CURED BY Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BCTTLES. "DANCEH I TH K KiRTH AND AIM) DANGER BVEBVWHXIL'4 A Ul- and Vroerable Doctor Talk about ltiac4 BcleBe. In a leading hwtri. lu a great city, a In?. Listening- 1, and stctenlli dreaseil lutn. evident:!' la ITS business My linn belief, is ' tha: un-.li -al s :, eases u :'. in ui 1 1 A---pu in are -a u st-il bv isms. If ere it tlie perm of tnal ternbie of tv)boid fever; und here is Ibe stul in e;ti!.sts tlial moht Uf com tin in a u.l mi pj . i' I iU. I i -: iseil lnruraiile tli.sta.s,'. eattirrh. t." said tin- traveling- inau. "that you would tell us about d it for Yiars, and 1 am thoroughly discouratred. " catan h. L huve 'J'he It-M-tor uiiswert-tl. fevt-r, anil a, hnt 'f otlu r tiis 'alarrli. ;im'.s, is the a u d uttackiitk' ut -y tin1 iiiu. oiis int'iiiln-aiie. This foul and niobt dibrusting' disease is i. j v (M'v,i. iit in Uk I nited Stales aud U is rare to meet one w ho is iiiit, r iiai no t ri i 1 -it il nnn'c or lrs iih it. How often is he or blu tlr',:t'd to n ::i;iin at lionn- from jil.-a-N.n.t enUTtttininents. deprive themselves of many nm Tuvt ual ti rat s. f n mi f m r of the liisarrerahle odor arising from ca Vari lial at'i .lions. In itsv..:' .:,.4-t the patient becomes loathsome both to hiuiM'lf and his f i h rnis "'I hriii'v. foittincnl tins n-au pliysifian, " tiiat the true way to heal ca tarrh is to inei!i.-ate the hiod. This can be done only by powerful alteratives which act as 11.h1 puriticis." Hetsy A. Marc.:, uf ManiMee. M ;i nist re Co. . Mich., writes: 1 ear Sirs : For tm yrars I was a su ffnvr from general olebilit y and chronic catarrh. My face was pale as deat h 1 whs weak and short of breath. I could hardly walk, I was so di..y and nad a riiiying" in my head all the time. Wy hands and fret were always cojd. My apprtite was very poor. On getting" up m the morning, my head swam so I was oft rn obliged to lie down again. I had awful pains in the small of my back. 1 had a continual feeling of tiredness. My muscular power was almost entirely gone, and I couldn't go half a dozen steps without stopping to rest, and often that much exercise caused me to have a pain in my side. It seemrd as though the blood had left my veins. The doc tors said my blood had all turned to water. I had given up all hope of ever get ting well. 1 tried the best physicians in the state, but failed to get any relief. My hu.shand got me a boMb- of Johnston's Sarsaparilla. I took it, and then I bought another. When these had been used, I was somewhat improved in health. I eont inued its use, ii nd felt I was growing stronger; my sleep was re freshing, and it seemed a-, if I could feel p;-w blxd moving through my Teins. I k'-p on taking it . and now consider myself a well and rugged woman. I work all th-- lime, and am happy. I am positive that the Sarsaparilla saved my life. The .Mrk headaches I have had sinee childhood, have d isappeared, and my ca tarrh h;:s almost entirely left me. I cannot be loo thankful for what Johnstou's S;M ,t pat il la has done for me. I recommend all women who have sick head aches to iim your Sn imi pa ri! la. MICHI&AIV 13 HU(t COMPAWT, DBTIIOIT, MICH. ('. D MiAUH.Wi, New KoTn, N.C. I Small Pig Hams ik f;i Iii'. lb i -I SI fiiw, limns Ii un ( 1 tiile nine-. K (':ilifnnii:i llilln ('ill. d l'illiiliili' llic. .;iinr:ili il Ai.ie. -a b TW a k 1 lllll'V t le ' lua Cnntii S.inlii,.'.- mils and Veoeliil 1 l..,l,.-l,is. ili in.' Sweet Mii il mul I'l.iiti ('nctitiil)i-r l'ii-kles. I'ni'e K.lructs llllll Siil-eS. I 'n re A iiie ( i. lei- i iii--ur. I'ain", S i'tii mul Mnlnssi'S. niliiiio in ; I'tii-i'iii-s s j writ 1 1 . ;iw- un- ii cull Yuii i - 'I'i ii I , j. l. mm, Z IMm.iio 1. 71 To the Ladies! You are respecttully invited to come to my store, Dufly's old stand, Pollock street and in spect the line of samples ot Novelty Dress Goods direct from the Acme and Ogntz Mills. Orders taken for Dress patterns, prices range Irom 50c to $2 00 per yd. These are the nobbiest and most sty lish goods ever shown here. Will be on inspection this morning. 61 Pollock St.. (Duffy's Stand) 99 Middle St. Seasonable IGoods ! Come and get your choice ol our stock in Wire Doors and Window Screens, new and cheap. Doors $1 and $1 25, Screens 30, 35 and 40c. Try our Oalcimo for your walls, nothing better. A 6 lb package 46c. Gold and Silver Enamel 23c. Varnish 20c can. Any stain you may want for your Fur niture. .' - -4 .... . Paints oi all kinds. Small cans to suit the work, ' - v ' ' ;, . x A bottle ot Stove Polish for 6c. - n All goods guaranteed as represented. . .GiYO. your order. ' - ' rBOX itOtR l. ' ,V-' reaoMII Hn1rrtm WAKT4T0 1IT V t ft linDDLi BTftirr, famous and ard phyhician conTer- ius oiseourise, were a jfronp ol wen n and eommtrcial traveler, is i-ertain ytt to bhow that alt dls - i .e germs which are livinr orjran-iiAv- dipUlheria. Here is the Dacillua ilreadiul bacillus uf tubercle which 111 n inv dis. ire f ail diseases, eoiisuniiition. Thia of that verj like dipbib'-ria, consumption, typhoid result of a microbe invading the blood Kiioli.sli Cinvil SImihI- uol l'i ( Meiil.s, Salmon, A- Wll4kNlll i Ifr.."1 HI. . lliinivill lill II V at V-. a1 V. K,i NEWEEUS.NO .'.I i 1