lil.UMS XXII! NKW BKK.N, I K A I N lot Ml. S. I . V U 1 L A . JINK KuiS ;i i U 1 1'iN . jfefo petit to ON TELEGRAPHS. Attorneys For Western Union On The Proposed Valuation. Wftri I nioa Slock Ada (Jueerljr Stale Wheat Crop S(e. Klerlloa Bard nicely t ottoa Outlook. Upeclal In Journal' K a ii . June 27 -The all m in-i, who went i New int to rcpicuciil thi j Slate at I lie hearing heforc s t n 11 . 1 1 1 1 j msaler Sheppard of llie waller of the. Western I'liion Tel. graph Compani for taxation hi $1 .000 IIOO In North Carolina, ' Lave lelurned. The Teleriph company showed i tin l it had only poles, wiiea an I Instruments, anil 'yood will " The Stale allowed thai il hail paiil lexea on $ li ill, OfK) valuation, then on $750,IMI0 anil claim llial the company would not liavo otTered Ihft l,00(t,(HX) asseiKinent if the rail ays had not taken their increased assessment inlo the federal courts. The Slate contended thai the way lo get at I Lit- rue value of llio property in this Slate w!a to deride the $li;.N):.(NN) of capital upon a Imsis of mileage, thai this made the value in llii.-i Stale some thing over 4H,.VHI,tMH). A curion.-t state of affair wan aHcertained t evKt For the past 1 yeais Hie company has paid ft per cent annual dividends on fla cup ital stot k and has carried to iU surplus account more lhan $H,0;M,0(0, jet itn stock is ipiote t at Mil, when oilier slock fissuiint; mo much dividend are at par an I til .ve. None of I he financiers in New Voik could eiplain this to the Slat;. The only argument wai that lh c uipaty m it'll I at any lime have to huy oppot-iiik! lihes The V eMeru Union will iHe Hi.- eviileni'e wlihh the ra Iwaya gel in ihr htrttidlii mailer lo the elfeclthal Lheir phH'tl is taxul ntiuh higher lit in ptiva'e ptoperty or llitl of j private eoi poralions. James H nlie'iherd, Thoui.iH S, Kenan, 1 b Ii. Iltisliee ami H.iherL I lliuloujiave lone. ftoin here In Asheville to attend Ihi s' oinl annual ni( tiui; of the Si alt l ar as m hilion, wliich tit'uii there at It o'cloek this ev iii'iL(. The penileiiliury ho ised all the w heal on its farm o.i the Ifoanoke Iwlore ih rains came The weallit-r ohserver for this State says (here w ill now he u period of very hut ttiid dry weather, jul the thini; for theco'ilon. A cotton hloom washroiilit here tod;i; I coin a Ul in four miles ills tant. Hie Stale elec Hon hoard met today :u the rviiie-t of Flanks and Johnhon, the repuhlicuii ami populist inemUera Ki anka i: & peeled to m-humi, lull said tda he would hold on He in a State Senator and also the republican nominee for coi poralion ('oinmlssloner. The faiue of the laik-r huspilal at the Btddieih' home he re Is in place. Itev. Dr. W It Lumhreth, mlrTttlonar, secreLary f llie A1, K church, South, piea'lH'd lit re I his evening on foreign luisioiM. Hi- vmih laired In China where he u an fm T) years a mlHsionary Mis father was al o a mlshlonary there ami di-d hi ('linn. 't in- orpornlion ( oiniiiishion met to clay, to ;iN-.ess I lit alot: id lull way, steam hoal, I i-leif r a.di . telephone. Pull man i ui eo opaii . an I olio t property. Il Ih said lli'il J U I'liiner. uoii er of truiua of the Seahoanl Air fjne i-t to te mule a divi-Oou Hiiperinteudeu:. evening at lheir hunw here Hon J H tfirl. hir and wife i elehraled their j.'o.en we iduiij. The rec-pllon whi hi tended liy I Im represeulal l e people id Hil-dih and w a very notahle atl-ir. Queer Notions of Negroes. Pktkhmh no, ' . June "J.'i The ne eroeit in Sokei oiinl are f ounlterhlk lirred o er the prospet lfc-of a change In the ( diiKi lintion of the Slate In nee lion of Ihrcouhlv, ahont thlily ltd n fiom Peterrtt.ntk', there In tjtiile a nrgio etllemeut The miller have fully dU C IMtnl aiuou lliemseUet what the pro poani change wotihl mean lo iheru, and ihey oiniilmou-lv aL,'ree tint If thfrr It a new Constitution ihey will U1 riiI youd the Umudailes of the Slatr, and poafdtdy to doair of America' new pon KRidoua Many ari making reparatlont for whalpver chtue may Im hroiiffht 1U1UI KomH are of their pertinal fflrrti and teal elatei and othem tllt Inn Urn memltrri of thftr family to hid Ihrm a laU frrell lest when ihey artr traotferred to other lao-U tbry may not oaMt cli Oqc t(i"im, formerly owned hy a IV titihur family, wat loo ihU Wf k After e. I'ik all her frUioU In ller lor(( he -ut I i North Carolloa for Ibe purpose t f rtrlnt( her relaflvet aj(altt tffure t.f- No amount of prua- loo ran It.,'-1 ih- lllmion of lhie po , Green&boro Fair. Oaikxaanao, ;R. 36 -The C.nlral Felt Aaeiwlalloa oranlel here la.l nlfkt by Ibe eUciloo of J Van l.lndl.y prralileal.lleaera) Jallta K. Crr lr .r..l.lnl. anil Colnael W. II. lelary ami IrMaarar. IMraclora er alao alerted and rotaailtUai appolalail lo arra.if for (rnaada, bIUlaa. aa.l a iae trarl, pier, nf eal Ilk ell -III b. rtkaewl tad b rat fair bald lata la Ike emaala fall HMD FROM. Admiral Seymour Fiphtinr Desper ately AfamM Chinese Army. Ma ay VI c ii killed anil M minded I A i.k 1 1. in Mm- Kir-t lulu lieu lain. American tone In tin In IV kin perinl to Joiirn! I. ,. ii iN , .1 ii uc 'J I A 1 1 l-p.'il i Ii I M 'HI ( hefo.i hH 1 list the 1 1(4 lit of I Li- allien aaillil Hie II 'i-m mill ('hint-!- lump In relieving I ieii Tain wan iry lmi. j 'I htre were 'J.u Anieric.tni ain-m llic aided f(rce. The Chinese troops hrnke uiitler the heavy sliL-llini from tin- cuus of the allien. A !r et dly il airy was fur the lion or of firnl entering the cily. Tne Ann-Means and Hriliah soldiers paseii (he wall firsl ami were neck nutl ne k A eon rier f Mini Admiral Seynniiir :ir riveil al lien Tain Monday cvenini; Heyinour wan then eiilit niilea went of Tien Tsln anil wan heinif hnrmn il hy the ('lili)oae forcea. Il was then helieveil thai Seyinmir conld hold out only two d.iyn inoie l lie i-o'itier naid that US ni"n of the force were killed jtnd I'vo hiiinlieil wounded Aii niral Seyinonr hud lii en iin.-i'ile to reach I'ukin Mid neillier the lotein ministers nor the niinMionarien were Willi him Tim men were complri el y e haunted liy twelve days conliiinonn lii;hl intr;, inanv of th soldier wi'ie ni.-k. The maiinen h iid nnflVred irc.tily tor fooil and Water. They weie lihlillL,' liolli llie Imperial trooHi and the ltoei !t - re,, .u -.l Fn'it Ii consul W I'd iltO Ml I i i. II .' I I III ll I lie I Sll III : i.l ll-tn vi HI, lotel. 1 t'Mii liy the noiih ;:ih- uudi i : I 'liines I'-t.Mi l til l iid I Jt an in, on l lie Il is irpoiteil llrt' I Vim . ul I he Ity -il i- "n i 1 1 n l- i e-c : . I leh he .1.'. I .1. d .v om, CJttl al 1 1 I he ai lie-, i.ii'ii pie' i t lie icl inan t"'t i- lo In- II liei ii i 1 1 1 1 1 a e I l.i i Mil lua i .nd! l 1 l.'jlOl t 1 I ...III U" tapan has appropriate?) Itlu Il t:i:l ! Ii en niilli lollaia f r opei .-il join in Chin i Tlie (Jovernor of hhau I iiii' elht thousand discipliuett lroo W;di has (T'tix1 to the sotilheni frontier al l'e hili lo w atch events ami may operate v il h tlii! Hoxeis in liieir li willi lie foreigner. W n i so I ' es , J one '', The W -tl 1i part men I plans for the in va-du of Chi in r.nnleiii pi -tic l lie ut i! i, a lion of oi a. Vt n liiou-.:iinl nu n, under eoiinu i id d :ien A dr. It. ChalVee. More Minilicini, prohahly, than the assigniiieul itself was tle worilintr d I III formal ordeis to (ieneral ChalTee, i sued late in the day liy Aclim; Secretaiy of War Meiklejohn, directing him, 'to take command of Ihe troops - idi'inl in China,'' and proceed lo Pckin hv w.iv id Sin Fraro ico hikI Tnku. It had heeii expecU'tl that liie iuilil:iry force-t woiiltl he t Kit i in raled a I 'hrfu or s miic oi lit i eon . !!i.'in miiiUrv l-a- , l.'ii I ie dire i Il e l Pi k t i i" I ;t h:iii d- i i .i: i .it i-m "it :c- pa: i o i In on h-r- llif- i i 1 1 t v e u h! rn ; in,!iuii v I in' al III.- -i ul i! I he I 'it Mi hc t iok t- in-. The lua- tivi". of Ih" W -pill a r , 1 1 y il i He V Id ; th t in -ni ha ir. les. l.h- 1 1 I i it a ii le I in mo- h c r il n , Il uuleio I Hliio n llli olll. ei in or-1 ii4j if rt i v e aei n tiy I hi a C o e r ii.n he -lo !() 0.1 in i. ilii -I, on.. I he i hi t id lu- f r ill I he I'lill p,'Hi i u' 1 d.. It-.-1 l' I 111 I I an iht- a lu d p - - i , "I i i a ni found to eUl, one of which hai len dechle I tie ! u a i" ih h -l aciH mi U ihe 'I' nelure of Shuihal m a hai pllu. Thai pott olTer-t uio facilities as a depot and repnii of Hllp i in j j'e 1 Hint ion ll In al ready ell loc potwnrea admii n h!e y aids eil lh i oitl an I Im k a'i d hi Croker Wants Silver. Nkw Voiik, .Inne 2ft ln Imrd " r We i tixlay cnnllniDHl the report tint he linn acieplivl tlie itortrlne of free nllii-r n. taught by lion William. I Mran. In taking thin aland Mr I mln r Im-. nirprlnfd hU polilii nl fiilloMrm nnd morn or leaa aMlonUhed li i h inmiiieini mi aiH-iatea and fiiemU Many were aim on Vineed of Ida conaervatlRin on the iiione ipieatlon that they weie mi lined to Ik III v h had heen ll lulltlderatood 'I',, Ihitu the Tammany (hiefinln Maid In had not lllilK"'l h pixlll ni, K he hnd always ai'i-rptml the I leinoeral Ie plnl form of lie,,, at hlnddiii upon hl,n "ll aiul not I tniderloiHl." .a l Mr. Croker, ' I hal I nin k-iIiij lulimiul i'i I for llm pnrino of li-hlliii: f"r lin- r ttlo Of Id t0 1 Oil Ihe otli.-i hand. I eel lalnlj an Dot 'iln( there to oppo.e ll I arccpl lb Chlrao platfomi In full. pla k b plank anil laaur hy laaun. 'I hat InclmUa fra coinage of alWer Can I "av-r lf lloltt "I am anallera ily nppoard in Amerl faa aolillera aaJ rorln.a H,(liilnn under . Uavlrtlp of Kegll.u RrneraU an t It m-ial Hfhl la China hi oor ron N M b' Amerlraaa " ' SlTC OUf Ljti. I fare voir alrhl. tail kiu'rnnr ,.n,..d free hr Dr. T. (I. Jnhn, ,i To Iht toler, of Pleaaaal Hill Prlao IW MM.II Kl Oaljribaterr lanital.' Albert Kllpalrlrk I berabr appolaiad ! nl L... .1 ...I ...i.r...i '.., . . rr . -- -' gara CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION. I . K. Thomas NnmlnatcJ hv Aclamaiton. H. L. Cook for Hctur Special to Journal. htinmii.ik, Jiim- t harlcn K I'ti ninui Had uiian lu,, ,u m y it-imuiiuale,! fur I out 1 hy u i i i in a 1 1-hi I'V I he i on i n I i i u 1 Klav II I . 'i ok "f I u in In-1 tinl i-o ii ii I as nouiillali-il fur I'lcnlt hilnl Kit, tor fr,,ni the 1 1 1 1 r 1 dlMrii 1 (.MM petrins eiv Hi a. I - I'V MeM ('. K II !, III. t i.ok, ion i . A Hal lie, .1 amen A Hi an. I. W Kerr ami liotvaril of Sampson. State League Base Ball. .special to Journal. Wiliniiiirlon. June 'il - In the ame liele todav the ncore was lUleiih, riinn"i, liiln !i, etrorno. VS'llniiiiL'lon, " I, " H, ' :,. linllerien, 1'ernon and ManneFH, Hook er and ttoialhney. ( harlotte, N. C Score, Charlotte 8, 1 tin h'lin 0. State Base-Ball League. Spei ial lo Journal. I a i:n 'inn, June 27.- In llie game here today, llie m ore waa, Tarhoro.H, Raleigh Cu v. i:i,tiTTK, .1 une In ie today, the score Ii ml lollr . !?. In the ame was, lurham l.ri, Lee at His Post. II w a, June Jli. -The ellow fever -iliiu:ioii !tl tiiematloH Hhowamiu h im pi i (IIHII t , Tluie have heen only four deaths, luo of which were Ameiicans, including Mtpo- (''rank II. Kdmumls, acting in ( ' 1 1 1 1 general on t he st atf of Ueu Fit UMi'li, who died June IS Ceneral lee irfusrs to!eae his headquarters, t'i oiiii he luis rivin purmi'yion to his l.'ill it I hey dt'Mrc to do so Stioill in ie and reat in i le ill"" Little F;trly Kisers, lull- pilh that cleanse I lit ho a els They do not erine. e-niis aie he I ainoii liver and F S Oull'y Dewey's Opinions. , i, H. 1., June 'J; Ailmiral Ni ui-. irc lecy aaid while hen today i thai he wotdd not he a hit surprised il j William J. Ilryan were elected President ' I" Novemher. lit; a llied thoughtfully: "llrvan has a Very hIihii; folhiwin in the West." In rend to hi- own candidrcy liefore die c.Midn:r HeniiM rnlic coiivenlion, or an v ol her convent ion, I he Admiral ap (it ars not to hate denized his mind i eceii i 1 y 1 1 e said "I stand j 1st where whs oine lime io, ami if Ihe people waul uie I an. ready." t'oncernltif); the talk of him as a candi date for Vice President uilh Hiyan the 1 1 mi ral said that w as impo-ed lile, a a 'in ler no consideratiiiii would he accept a i anditlacy Tor ice I'm idciil on any lieket.. AM u ho n (Ter f i om pi h - will he e I at I i leaui that DeWili H Il h llael live will idve I hem Infant lellef. Il ill cine ec.eiji:i ami all "kin dKeflw. a are id eou n l erf eit F S I hi !Ty Boers In llie Hills. I .iiMtoN, J line, J. l lie ,.eren-i Mar tele i m s con pondeiit id Ihe ' I j li ti , i'i aphln esterdav, ' '' A eror lin to Ira n-v ial I '.. i are cut leiu hiu m i i. ue li. the Mi.ldlehi u; hills Midland it ml 1 1 allan pi idvh llie iiisiih-1 aide The Iridi, ie etlin I i 111 Hi MICH h al mat kel i d an i n f e tun out i ollalde I In are In in 1 1 fiirm hoti-e- ' Itsr jfol.l U a diu in Ihe h, 1 ' H i ll( I O a SL Sri ioll I II 111 11 I rii 1 1 ii il il v A U tl'c pi a nil v old is aualliiit; l Ih iiiiiitfivl i he Transvaal.'' 1 wi-lvett thouKand rllli h, all of Muled d .ui ol -id, hrive een Mirremlered to Ihe l'olli-h 1'rehidi'iil Krier U alill al Mat hnd lorf. Im pinoninf(, puirioii wouudi. and all "iher ai-i ideulial lojariea may lie ijuii lilv iiired hv nalni He Will. Wltih llael -iihc II In alio a certain cure for pllm ml iLin iIkcuci. Take uo other KM I .. tl v On St. Helena Island. ,i IIkikni, June 27. -tarel F.lolT, rre.lilenl Kni(er'a randaon, who wmh i-aptnred hy I he Itlllllh at klafeklliK. landed In rr Uxlay with eleven oltliei" nnd ninety eibl troopera, moaily fur el ' in- m I lie p'n.onera, who were ( Iran and of re.pi el ahle aiiearanc'f , weie Immr diilelv "inl on I'I Di-adwool, lh prlmm I Allli. Mot nf the lloert al )iad io. are In K.iod heallh, anil thill far there haa hem Iml ini" death froaa entlrlr frfer. I iileM foinl la dl(eele(l IJatkkly ll will ferment and lirllalejlhe alomarh After eai h meal lake a leaipoonfnl of Kodol ' Cure. It dlfeala n hal ami ral and wl!l allow yoq lo ral all )ou I nee I nf what foj like ll never fall in cure Ihe worl caaea of drepepala It ia pleaaanl In lake. K fl. thifTy Notice. To the vntara rr Tladala I'reolncl rV. II Hrar la beralrr anboinlrd tUr l.i... i. nin f hi tij.i. . nefiwrar ia piana oi 4. B. rrascb r. I DISEASE F-acts on Smallpox, its i,u-.u in crease, and ke.iMni. Snine hnclitiH Are to I'-lnm hmi .1 nil ii in e n t loinmitter i i-I'l-ciileul Out look W I y fa. Co in pn ii i Charier 'l'l I'll t JmIH lllll. U I I- l' il . .1 ion- 'JV I I . . t. ai il i I 1.1-wi-, -i-i n I :l' ' 1 i' i h iard of lit-ftlih, roinple'. d I, - n n --n llie small pi sil II :.l it 'I. Ml N i ' I I I , I :-j i. lllll fi'l ! he t 'A i-lv -111- -III ! .1.-1 Mav 11, laM l he re Il is .mm!: h -I t.W - lli;.t ;i .voti-I olll I It, het u i ni d,Mae IliM May I, ipoiiion lt are a 1 1 1 1 peiiod of 1", m-. January I'-i iv.iS, w lo n th- appeaie I in the Slate, to The death rate and t he pi t ween I he while and link exactly eijual; in t liei v m ids MS ' pel I I i pel cent spread of I io- cent Hiii'iiii; t he w ti I among I he netf r es I I disease lias heen in 4-ailcs, faulty iliar n deliherale insistent sit inns thai the di-ea pov. In many ai only due to two mid w orse M 1 1 1 l' n- t a few phv t w as only chicken i r knew lictirr. "U ! i a;eons ( k- -physicians, ca-i s ere puiii- hnicrii Lani county arc i - iu-i.ted the !i v As a icmiIi o! -lies lor il as w c re d n i i ul1" I Ik' . of small n There are In fad son of I he kin I anioiii which fully irler iled -l luill'ord and Korku eainples, as ph ici i ease was chicken p. . t his ( l inn nal ea i el itolhintr le-is, then M l e tin ml hs "lO'i . and dealh in (null and .'t M e t- i s ii a m As nia' l e nil! Mat Hi 1 1 1 I he it i-e ! e ami v'O d al h in l!m ! ler- are Hum mana d I heie u i al I , hi- a i' I eat im :. i - i n When t he eld a' h i hi ' i n va-vi nal ion 1 -t I he i . i,t el 'O per ten loll he popnl On. u "I I he S a I- It II V iccj till ei . I he t.dlow im.' I" ihled I' po i I he einninit lee . . i 1 he Y ancc ino u 1 1 me 1 1 1 .noiiie--: llinnia-. h da j cere ii rni'i n , J 1 1 in. Mi I'.h-Ih, A A. 1 homp.!. ii diatl and M Im, paj incut, f'.'oill on i he made. ha he Inaae . Mcekin- tlx pllhlirllll noiniuei! lor Conirress in is here, a ml sa s he is no Ahholl and lho-e w ho !,e 1st ,1 ni' i i.ilu , pn I hal I ll . d to p dli i-. veil l h i-i muii i n al ion .arc I he h On! y one iiioi c I artuei in -1 it he held this ea- on. Il iii he a St ukes count v. June do The I t iimei al ic dele Ll I i Slal to I he nal ioual com eni -on ni'll Hi to ho will he I he m -:i: Vh e Pre-hleill. --i man I an ids, ho is a I - a sa's mm. Secretary Pcar-al id li commiilee sa - "Wc an- ... . . rtl.HMi Led in eMuiinat in:' I In i. in the Stalt ami selllin I hat real I y not Ii i ni; has 1 ci ' , - i llie Y it id 'i e-ddency , one w i .i I he dch aHlioii ) w illin:' lo - i ootl, avaitahle dcinoci al Pi ai 'al a s he p t : :, a I . Snler of New York. The Stale M n ,entn l . p: -fm tner namei I I ,a hv Imn , ' ciiiinly, wit h 110 w heat he id in ill ft Hill one n id . e . j. . I lill'dh - Ul-' rem I Tin- Mule charters 1 hi ' r .' i Una Fair A lat ion , of i . - eapllul i i. OIK). Neil l.i . -.,11,, -to. kh.ddi r.i I In- M at al-1 ih i r I el- 1 1 1 t dna W rod Mali uf ad n 1 1 -i 1 ( m l'llt I'll I OUIll Ihe ah ii nal no c 1 1 1 1 l " ! ' V i.vliHi, and U aMe.h A h w hit li w i re to Ii u e ! U-i f k 11 . hui wtiit h Icm it M. t line hei ii p i-l poiied. u i : d (ion! m.iii d, this lime mil i I I an ' in an Clover, w - In c it i e i tin 1 1 v k n in tcrei i i, iid.Ii l he I le "l,, ),. ,1 II, i- In K i:,-i II . Mil Ie I H hilli- I lull . I,, I 1 1111- M AkKI-TS. I I,.' f .;,. ii.' I. I. I. all,' d I.l .1 'ii r i , ,' .Inly Am: hepl Oi I Nov Jan Ih rn. ..ilk. .1. .-I, I.,, ti . W ii a t July . .. I'uHK July Ho. H ) CM T. I f5in.T r!H t.j "I Iatber ('ollon rerlpt al all porta. ',,nin l,a'r CASTOR I A t For I.CaaU and Childrta. Til Kind Yaa Han Alt art Admiral Sc v :im.:! n.i . J 'iirce An. i iii 1 1 I ion and .l.ip.i I k . 1 : 1 1 i.l I -I i in .ili il din I'nili I ii i nil t he 1 .. I. I I I 1 II -pi-i. 1 ... r - i I'.Tl Allh' f.ui e .d one t I, aii. i' MM lulu-1 A I m i ral i in hnen;ht i in in I hi i- . icpm 1 t Ir.l : hack and ell : 1 1 o ti r I'xii I. I In otl ndei l' lo I hr mi Mi! e m i,t i ii with T-: I Ic (ltd A i Im I, ml i'iJ men killi d imd A I i-Ii-i' i ii in static tin: d 1 d. d H I i I-V ill. " .'llhl nit-1 .1 :i piilli-v il I. I w a tin i ii. n w i-l I' tin- I A I i v. pioti II 1 1 1 1 1 i - anion .il ed I tin i. and I liil III i I of Ihe-e i- aii'l 1 hat t lie pn-cin i- of - v ed I In- Ml nal i- n I illi- i iil-ind of ( 'liina if -l"i of ( 'hine-e IhiU'Ii liin si- aill hoi il jes t;i i- ii-. lr . I ln ai e W II hill 1 rai li Ml II h.nn L. I i -i I I j II II I ri I I '111 -I-l II I I li dii 1 1 ll i. ill .1.1,1 In :i iniui'tll uill w ar vrs-el. i I ill I hal Km by Ii li'i'r.ij.h en 1 1 1 e arm i t i o n Simla, il,-i .1 h in In-1 I. Hi -Mil in- n all I d In III, I '. -1 halli I I .1! uilh lap-, il-in ieii r. and : i. led pr.'pai i I I I i 1 H i I , ll ll ,1 lo ll- ..l.i and l .ii,. i till O.I ! I' Id '111-1 I I , al I., Mai. T. nl V - 'el.HI. Admiini Ki-lll li' Mint I ui h i- now aslioie ' pj i ; ; ii,, ,u- j al ('In j I i :' I ll 1 el . ' w ill I., I :'.,-i i a. li-l nia l i nu ll W I'h I: Hii I I i , I -Hi I i . m i v ,.- I'n-i I. , ..I ', In- . ., Ill .Ii, an I -IV . - , I ' ' l In l. (lb ? i , '-, -' 'J r; ' ,s ,i,i - i ; - VV Llr " ; 1 I am ; ...i .I.,.' niml SurrounoVd '' (, 4,11 tl,. , ,,rt. -I - ' Sph,l. ri(((, , , , ,,, . , i t , I, I fiimi I. - h. i. y",' ;..;,'.n' . . I. , I ' "I I 'I ' I 1. 1 i,B,k Pumpl. II I ll T I n K tab ' 111 " ii i n ' ( ,- . ,. I - I i l Ml ll-. carkiia. Inanlubfl I'll! 111.1, Will-. J" ' "" ' i. ' Carhfta. laaii. I,,,, , , ,, Vl, , ,,, . h.iin Bi.m.ii Easy I'avmcnls. "" " i, i , i ' Wrorkal s c"""- MY RLPA1R SHOP ,,,, ' ' ' ur' r1" "! tin IlM. Crlal. , ' ' I ll- iv .,,I, a I I in, I ' ; ,," : wm. t. mi l., o" '. rilan. . . lat it I I GOOD HARK. aaaaa1aa-- kevaV a AT i . Our ling? ee mi kr a gnn I Uwt where r nae I Tim na r of our Iliifirine ar i i t rr Iw lUrr i b - Ira I n it) m aa I bet never fail only n aer ar.'i dea . Re fieclf ill, J. II. Watrrn A Hon. i TO flrmd Bt ' . . . ' a h'h'i i i ii 1 1 1 iii V if 1 1 it ... a xkw 1 Whole Cod Fish. I E I I. M.i- I tinl J. .Ih 1 I in I J. L. 'S J Af tef-Dinnef ,1 e ll.i r I'.n-iiic McAtj ' iiie il i line 1 i 1 1 1 h 1 1 . I I . I ' al. U. PARKER, JR., GROCER, Thone 69. 77 Broad Street. "KENTUCKY DELIGHT" STOVES AND RANGES ! nnivaaw3awSaaawaSewaw '- - J- i r n JlhJ1jJt i - i I.,-., j u -1 i, i i i i il a full Inn- nf I Ih-iii. I In- Mm. nl I, .III!'.- Mill ttlllll I M here. i- IiiUhIIi- tl Ull. Mli I-..-. Tl . i an- III.- I i-l. I CIIDM MM It I H IMS 1(1 1 1 ;. 'M.K S1H K K I j 7 I Ml! r.t-Fttw rajiijita, ).r.a (Sij.-aj ( ( wtcttm i Prompt Uehvery hrom Dunn s If Ton witnt a immI rti hikI yon will et it. Tliia roffpe ia e.til U any onffi in thrjimirkel, regard lena of jirim. Jno. Duxm 1 1 iVr I iY iViViV i" iViVi lot or . . . it 1 i it, its ti I.. It - .1 I. :i I ll.ikr .hi IEL, Wliolwale A Itrlall jlror, 71 Itr.,.-I Nf. - Delicacies ! Cnllli- Mill look Uer t lu ll). I 'anvrler Blue Flume Gaskill Hardware Co. : ' NEW HERN. N C i ,iil.'n al wax h ex 1 1 ci a hen v -n or ler j on r CmmI auppliea frtMn llm idiali alore. We cif aup pl v every dienand of a r)rt rlaea fiun'y train with the Chnweat t i,, and Ka icv Urooriee. If r 1 -I hv Cu k l.4. H incm,1. Htvea.'Pni l( v I'd it H itter, and l'ir Mania a Jit . i II ,ti ,m Pi I iVe onk- a epelty ot klgh K ' 1 1.' I' a n l C.'rt.-t. Our Perfection lllend - Coffee is Fine, Prico Only 20c. (if deln 101m cotTti; liuj a jhiii Tb ttrarkbnklart art rtrj tbatlaU.r( ta4. 1 O. Batran,. 'ed. i. t, WoLTBMDM. 1 CIlM't. Bd. KltMlM. aftgaatTt g aad tipf to !? tacrtaifal lali. J Tb Jtwtlrr. etttttMitwtttt t'tt t'-V f

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