r p 7 VOLUME XXIII. NEW BERN, t RAVEN COUNTY, N. I.. FRIDAY, J I L V ;. num. - Mti DM) H( TloS. M M B K K I ill IRE sum. Not One Foreigner Left Alive In Pekin. Ammnaltion Exhanaled UuardH Make Desperate Resistance In Valu. Allied forces l.arirely Outnumbered. Can War Veaaels Huld Taku Special to .Journal London, July 4 Dispalches from China nay ttial HO.OoO Chinese troops are stationed between Pekln auil Tieu Tain, while the total of the allied forces a'Dount to only 20,000 men It la reported that th Chinese General la advancing with KO.OOO soldiers to at tack Tien Tain. Chkkd, July 4- (peelal)-The British and Russian Admirals, after a couferem e have deciced that It would be impossible to relieve Pekln without much lirger forces than they now have. They may be able possibly to hold Tien Tsln, but If this proves not feasi ble tbey will endeavor to hold Taku. Washington, July 4. Specia1. A Shanghai dispatch says that not one foreigner is now left alive In Pekin. Tibs Is according to Chinese reports, which say that the ammunition of the foreigners and marines guarding the legations became exhausted and the Chi nese troops rushed into the British lega tion. The foreign guards fought to the end and fell in their efforts to save those in their care. Men, women and children were put to the sword TheBe reports are credited PUT BACK ON BURNING PIER. Charges Brought Against Captain of Tug boat Tor Refusing to Save Life atHoboken Fire. Nmw Vokk, July II. information was 8-vorn to before Recorder Klaulon in Hjboken today by hYrdinand H. Kroime, third officer of the Phoenician, who charged that he tried to get aboard a tug I rum the end of the North (icrman Lloyd pints, and succectled in boarding her, but was put olT because he had no money. K rouge, In his sworn statement, says that the name of the tug was "The Dandy," and In his affidavit he says that the captain asked; "Have you any money V "None in my pocket," KroiiHe replied. The captain then retorted: "Then 1 have no lime for you; 1 have other business lo attend to." Krouse says that he asked the captain to go to lite assistance of the prisons aboard the Haale, but the caplaiu re fuse.!. This information was also sworn t i by Rudolph liraham, physician on the Phoenician. 1 nu Kecoriler said tie would look up the law on the Buhjecl In order to beglu proceedings against the tug boat cap lain Niw i oiih, July j A sensation was created today-by an announcement frem Mayor Pagan, of lloboken, that he will prosecute all lug boat raptalus agalust whom charges of refusing lo save life can be substantiated The Mayor says he will apply al once for warrants charg lng two lug ftoat raptalus with murder and that he has evidence to prove that men used boat hooks lo keep drownlug men from climbing on their lugs btcaube the unfortunates hail no money An ef fort ia to be made also to have the licenses of offending captains revoked British Loss, 29,706 Men. London, July 3 The War OOlce to day Issued a report of the British losses In South Africa since the beginning of the war. The tola! loeaes, inclusive of tick and wounded, have been 211, 7IW The killed In action were 2-4 oflicers and 2,40:1 non coinoiisaloncd otltcers and men, died of wounds, TO ulllcers and 010 uou coin m If lioned officers and meu, misting and prisoners, 95 officers and 4,024 Don -com missioned oflicers and men; died of dis ease, 1H3 officers and 1.204 non commls aloned officers and men; invalided home, 844 officers and 1H.4 U uon-couimlsslon-ed oflicers and meu. Kempff Showed Good Sense. Lkiom, July 3 While the 'general British comment severely rrlilcises America's non psrtlrlpatlon la Ibe bom tnrdment of the Taku forta, several of lb London papers are heglunlun lo flud ool tkal Hear- dmlral Kempff bad bet Ur foresight (baa was poises d by the allied chaocelloiiea of Kurnp when be protet'ed against an attack on the Taku forts on the ground thai li would tbrow the Cliln" Ouvrrument Into l he aima of Ibe H"ira and make all lb other nations lix Initi ally at war with Chios. Th InmivlaaMiliy of atlwalDK Taku When Ibe International forces were man Ifawlly Inenfflclenl even to guaid Ibe le gations the Itmopeans In the inter lor from retail at Inn li now generally ar knowlwlgnd. lon.Urenm, delivered to any part of the city, 0 NtU quart, t MeHorley't CASTOR I A for IatuU ud Chlldm. Hi M In Riti Alwtji e::t RALEIGH. Fourth Qntetly Passed. Question ni Stale Encampment This Year. Reunion of Two Confederate kc lments. f Hperial to Journal Kaikioh, July 4 The h.dtdsv s very qtiiellv observed hero I here win no parade or .lemon,.! rut i.,r The i a ii t a I anil public buildings wcreclon.il Long b fori- day liuhl : lie noise of lire j crsckerM bewail lu the afternoon and; . evening il whw r. n. vv ed The feniiire..f the day whm the baseball fjanie lielween Kaleigh and Turbor., Tlie l.toJeball grounds here ate very poor, in fact there hardly ran he any wor-e in the ; Slate Lark of litems to tit up pood grounds ii the cause of the trouble O.irlng the six months ended June !o, the Slate granted charters to ISOcorpor atjons, nearly all industrials Five knitting mills were among these, the Twin City, Lafayette, Seaboard, Tarboro and Hieenvllle; and twenty cotton mills, the Cora, No Kormis, Arlington, Enfield, Harriett, Lowell, Loray, Wen nouah. Smithlicld, Lily, Chapelsie, Bon nle, Vivian, Oxford, Charlotte, Dickson, Caluiart.a, Linn, Greenville, Clayton and Scott-Mehane. An odd bit of news is picked up here; that Senator Butler, knowing be is at the end of his t ether in N or I b 'a rolina, bis hisee upon Ihc seal of Senalor Woleolt, from Coloiado. Delias twice stumped the latter slate Several people from lieic went to G iccnsboro toil ay, to attend the Guilford Baltic Ground celebration. One of the features of this was a prescnialion lo t fie Ball le of Giound Associate n of a life size oil poi I mil of . IC Y am i it is is not jet m itl d u Li iIict there will be any eiicttinpnieii I ol I lie Slate troops this vear it appears Hull the available fund is not more I ban mi Hieien I to meet lite expense for tnoie than one regiment. At Holly Springs, Ibis eounly, lodav, there was a reunion of pail of i wo rcjr! ' incuts of North Cat oli mi 1 1 1 t which . 'I hey s was M w as e x were in !hc ( onfedcrale m ivb were addressed by several i-peal The rainfall heie dining Jun inches. The niiiiiti Iciupeiitliiie actly the average, 7ii degrees. RALEIGH. Want Belter Ball Players. Democratic. Speakings Have Large Audi ences. lint Weather. Special to Journal. I a I . e. 1 1 1 1 1 , July .ri Never was the Fourth of July observed here moio ipiietly The game of base ball helm-en Tarboro nml lialeigh was leally Ibe only feature, and that was truly a one sided affair, Ualclgli never having a ghost of a chance. There were only two accidents line By the explosion al a lot of ponder in a can the 7 year old son of Mr K 11. Briggs lias lost the sight of one eye, and the other eye is injiited In the other accident a Utile son of Mr. John II. Win der was injured in the face by powder. Tlie executive ruin in it tee of the I'arm ers' Alliance vvltluhaws the rcconiinen dat bdi that the annual meeting of the A llaitce be held Septeinbei I and lets lit" dale stand A ugus. II, which is the I tegular lime, on i be g run ml that il will I be about two weeks after the Male ele t'OU and I be poltl ii'dl e Xi III mi i' I Two of I be lialelgh baseball layers, I l.ottl 1m ouipclenl, were icb-a-cl tiday t t 7.ens snliscrliM'ii f.itiu to , o i some good meu and tomorrow a o ember of the Athletic Assoi Ih1ii.ii w ill en North lo gel some good placets, including a p'l hrr He is given t at ic blam he. Yesleiiliiy as devoled lo speakings tiy the Democratic candidates In this counly. They had large audiences and say they are greatly pleased at the con dilion of alTitlrs and at the outlook. 'I he campaign In this county was delate I but is now very active. Today Stale Treastt re r Wot t h i ecei v ed from California some North Carolina bills Issued during the civil war, nilha request thai ho redeem them. Of cource they are worthies. The Mate charlera the Parker Drug Company of Kalelgh. It will make pat enl medic Ines. The new ice factory here, which Is to supply Ice for use on rcfiltcralnr cars o i the Kealioard Air Line has liegnn o -eralions. A largo parly of Raleigh society per pin went lo Morchead City today The weather Is is Intensely hoi and will rap Idly drive people lo the resorts. The Hecrrlary of the Corporation Commission is now apportioning ainong Ibe various towns, cities and counties their proportion of the assessment railway properly for laiallon. For burns, Injuries, piles and skin ills hum as De Will's W llchllsM'1 Halve, ll It Ibi orlglaal. (Vuntetfell may be offered. Us only DsWIll's. F. S Duffy, Llrhtnlnt CauJc $5,000,000 l ire Hpoclal to Journal. Nsi ork, July B. Al Riyonne, Nw Jersey, llgblnlaf slrnr.k an oil lank of IhaHlandard Oil Compary's, and this ip'odd fifty other tanks, cuaslng Br taoanllnn lo a loss of il,000,n00. I Oa parson was killed and on la miss ,u , j Om Mlat Uougk Cora litb only . barsaleai rBdy thai prodaoM Immc j dial tttalit. Try It: F. a Dsff;, SIXTEEN 10 ONE WINS. Bitter Fifht in Committee of Eleven Hours. Vote of -' For, 24 Against. May tarried Before Convention Nomination of William Jennings Bryan an he Ovation. Special to Journal K ansas I'ity, July ". A ftei lis late session the couvenlion met Ibis morn nig, taking a recess from 1 p in to 4 HO p m in order to give the platform com in it tee time lo report Afier eleven hoursjof bard and bitter lighting the platform committee was able to-rcpoi t The contest was one whether the financial plauk should sim ply reaffirm the Chicago platform plank, or make a distiuct declaration on the mailer of ratio, favoring the free coin age of silver at 1 ti to 1 . In the committee, free silver won by a close vote of 'ti to 24, D B Hill wants lo carry the tight on I he silver plank into the couvenlion, but tlie leaders appeared to want to give It up. A fier the regular convention came to Older, nominations tor President was called for. V illiam Jennings Bryan, was nomi nated, and when it was made unanimous, the convention lei itself loose Delegates jumped upon chairs, waved hals, and threw their coats in the air. Bands played 'Hail lo the Chief." but the dense loud roar of human voices drowned the sound of the music M iny minutes elapsed before a Bern b'ant e of order was restored. The talk is that C. A. Towne feels confident of the nomination for Vicc I'rcsidcnt, and says he has three chances out of lour of winning. 'I be Noil h Carolina delegation Is re porlcd as voting against 10 to 1, in coin iniltee A FIERCE FIGHT. ihe Allies Sturm and Take New City and Port. London, July 5. -A dispatch from Taku, dated Friday, June 2lltli, and Sbai gbai, July ;!d, says a rcconnoitering parly, under Lieutenant-Commander Keys of Ibe, torpedo-boat finti', captured and destroyed the New City and Poit, 1 vvelve utiles from taku on June hui. lbeic was little or no opposition. The blue jackets were injured by an explosion and many i ninese were Killed The rii'cr is practically clear from Taku to Tien Tiln. In the second allack on the Fast A rsenal June 27ili, the Russians were leipiired to return for leinforce inenls. A force of British, one company of Germans and thirty Anieticans then i ngaged the enemy, who, w lib four gnus made a determined resistance until tlie whole allied force supported the arlil lety The allies advanced and stormed the west nml of the arsenal Fifty Chinese were killed, ami the remainder retired Lack of cavalry prevented tlie capture of t he w hole force. As soon as the allies had captured the arsenal, fifteen hundred Imperial troops made a Hank allack on lluiii from the city. The British anil ItusslaiiB soon I rove I hem back . The British casualllles number live killed and twent" one wounded. The Aim iii ans had oul one wounded, the ierniKus two killed and live wounded, while the Russians lost seventeeu klhed and wounded Gentry Won In Straight Heats. Lima, Ohio, -duly 4 The match race lietween John H (ienlry and Joe I'atch held on the Fair Orotindu here this afternoon, was won by Oenlry In straight liDalH, breaking the world's half-mile track record, tlnlBblng the Hint best In III, Ihe second In 2 0CJ The Hoboken Fire Loss. Nm Vohk, July 4 Up lo 11 o'clock tonight 120 bodies bad been recovered from ihe waters of the North river, vie lima of Ihe disaster at the North (lerman Lloyd Sieamshlp docks. There are yet over one hundred and twenty-five people mlnalng THE MARKETS. Th; following quotations were rweiv ed by .1. K. I.alhani, New Bern, N. C Nkw York, July f Cotton. Open. High. Low. Close . IK) II.U1 V HO 8 HU July . Aug. Kept Oct . . Not. Jan. . . Whrat . . (t o3 B 5 H 88 8.HH 8 54 H.M ... 8 3.1 8 8fl 8.113 8 H8 0.47 8 78 H 4 8 38 8 20 r.2 8 8r 8 47 8 ll'i 8 2U ( Mil AOO MARKKT Open. High. Low. (, July 80 80 Aug 81 81 78J 7S 79 Conn: July 411 J 41, 42 Ho. Il y PM 1V4 T 0 I 6T 42 (11 Oon.T ris .t Ielbr Cotton rerolpla war 1,500 al all port. R3f bale tWItl' Llitto sUrly Rlar r ft mii lltUo pllUfor Urn d bow) irotibl. NTt (Hp. F. B. Daffy. QUESTIONABLE REPORTS. i Chinese rmpcrnr a Suicide Impress j Dowager Insane. British Legation and Refugees At Pekln Sale. ' Special to Jounia' W AMII I oS . July 5 A MlKhi'i.sl I dispati h s.iys 1 bat Ihc Chinese Kii,,.'i committed Minnie unilet coinp.il-i,,ii ,,! Prince Tuan. on Juue liHh and r.ui,,e" Dowager also I uok poison and 1-e, sup insane front its effects Tlie CLint si i. purt this officially, while the news i .lo credited in London Another dispatch from Sliaughai .luted .1 u lv Mb, savs the Britislt Leiraih.n a! Pekin w ith 1,1100 refugees issafe M North Carolina League Ball. ( IIAHI.O ttk, July game here todtt) , sc Charlotte 2 Special Iii i was, Tathoio Durham, July iame today. Wilmington 7. Durham " Tribute of Respect. Ala meelingof Iheciliens of Tren ton Jones county, N C, assembled for the purpose of laying llie Ust tribute of respect to the memory of Mr James 11 Stanly who died July '.'ml, 1 K00, al the old age of 7ii vests. Mi Stanly was the oldest ma'e citi.en of Trenton. He was highly esteemed by all classes of people in the comniiinlly for bis honesty and fair dealing. On motion a cominillce was appointed to prepare suitable res lut ions expres sive of the sense of the Hireling in ref etence therein. The coniuiitlee reported t be following: Whereas, the Supirnic liul Cniverse has reimoed fioiii oi the Venerable .1 allies b Slanly fore be it , Resolved, that in tic death r of the midst Tlie i, if M r Stanly, Trenton and vi inily b is lost one of ils oldest and inn-l bigbly re speclcd cili.ens, who was ever ready and willing to coiiliiliuti lo the welfare of his people. In official life be was h lie t his trust As a Confederate soidiei he w as at his post. In politics In- was alw a s genu ine old time I teniocral , and w as truly devoled to the cause ol' lieinocrac was a devoted husband and u k liter. A ll hough leaving bebi nd 1, rowfiil wife and daughter, they every assurance of Lis being al bavinir so ex ht essed himself bel o rest, 1,1- death. Resolved, 1 hal we lender on r hearifi sympalhyto his bereaved family, at trust they may follow his example kindliest, and purity, hoping lliat !. may be sustained by the com I oi 1 i n j a surance that underneath are Ibe ci lasting arms of Him whose Mm v i lulinile as his Power. Resolved, that a copy of Ibes,' i .-,,! lions be furnished the family ol the. I ceased, and a copy he sent to the i Bern Jot knai. fo t publication, to win he was a contributor F. F. Ham. i. is,,', T C. Won vki it I, A II V Wool., C ( '. A Mm i, w J. W WoolKN W. 11 Riioio. . J A . S xi 1 1 n Coin in 1 1 1 1 c ll has been denioiiHlrated by evp. i leuce lhnt coimiiniption can be pievenled by the early use of One Minute t ougb Cure. This Is the favorite remedy for coughs, i iiIiIh, croup, aMha, grippe mid all throat and lung Iroubles Cuies iUlckly. F, S. Duffy, Moonlight Sail. M.mti lighl on the the wter lots been made famous In song Who has n,d .b sired an oppertunlty In experient e - of Ihe pleasures of u sail on a moon held night The steamer ( iillde will leave the lv t '. 1 ) wharf next Monday nlghl at H ..i k under the auspices of the 'rabernnclc Hapllst Church Aid Soclely Come and hel p a Uudable enterprise escape the heat anil enjoy h three hours snil for 2a ecu I H Till promises to be the event of the season Tickets on snl. at '-miih'M P..1 lock slreel store IiOiubardl's I indies! i a will le along and discourse their line mii-lc Rales to Wllmlnglon l or Tourna ment Week. For alwivc occasion ?.. ftTr nnlhoriid to sell round trip ll. k. Is 0. W lliiilnglon, N C , as follows Tickets sold July sih, 'Uh and lOlh, final limit July Iflth. I!". alofONK FIUHT'LHS FA li F. f..i round trip Tickets sold July lltli limit July inih, l!Hsi. points at rales named Hcotts Mill Uth, final t following 40 ""instead Dlion ,eron . Jacksonville. Miyarill.... I'ollocksvllle New Hern i no I Hpeelal Hales for Klrc Onmpanlra anlfom, (en or ntnri nn one ticket, qnot ti d oa application Apparatus belonging to Fir Com- panle will b transported free laattRD T H, M. Xmiiimir, Amovto; Q'l I'aaeenget Agt. T. M. Khibmm, Trtffle M'tgr. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. M I F C... ..i Ls i.. 1 be cits V ester.! ti Ml.- AliieSpeiort V v isil a: Sit u ford 1 Ml.- Gel I lie!-- II uii.i,. i. Ill I lie . It) the cue-: id r..y M l-s .l.llc I inv i- let- ( in ( My, N . I 1. 1 is, i :.. i -I'O i CI H k Hr and M r- li C ,,., ban VI .1 '-llll.-' ill 1 ' I ' . I 1 1 1 1 1 I.. ) i-slcrday Lev l; li V indlev of 1 Mi i elpb M - -ll Hi)' III I lie I'll , 1 lie c" lies Let the Journal Follow v Iti ruiaii w ho may toi aw i lo old b-, -b.. lib! se that 1 tic i j- adi fo h a lng, Sell! Ill their .1 Ibis cilice, i UN v i - lo c I li al 1 be v in ay have ow tbeni heap way of k eepi n g allairs w hile aw ay ll an a s v a 1 1 1 1 Willi vi in home ii i Public Speakings. I I I. lav Mahl. .Inly mb. D I. Ward. S.illll.luv. .Illl ,11.. Do Cioatan Me--!- SI liryan. N iinn and Fot t lial ll w el I 1 1 ,M elver Maple Cypiess Tlllills I I 1 1 I Dovct Genet! Nixon 1 . .-cib K i n sh)', a ml W I! I' C A llalli d li 11 Creek , M Hi in . on and II C Whilehui 1 1 I, Ward. in. Ml-M Wnritai and Sue Take It Easy. You've gol 1.. Ink in, a-y ll- be-1 li suits to iO'I, Tbeie's ii .1 li i ii lt gained by fuming round All in a ni rvous f : ct , The so 11 Is I lull do I lie meat big things Serene and 1 r.ani u i I keep; They work on Ibice -,itate meals a day, A ml eigh I In .in s' solid sleep. I I's but Ibe wcalo r led u res That grumble, l'iiiii! and groan A- if I be weiuhl ol all I be wot Id Was on 1 1n i r bucl.s alone, 'Flo great souls leach Ibis h'-son To all oll've i' To do -Kiple. public ,,f ii- add i ess'd ol 1 ; lake life e ils w oi k I he he- 1 1 Satin. lets, ii Schedule of Mails. al of mails li.. in i, ,.ill. mid . ept Sunday, Id all a n llnniigloii and 1 he s..ul Morchead 'ily !' lib a in e North and we-l '.I do a in , Wilmington and south .rebead Cn y .'. fill p. m. A I,. 'a all p i , M M1M.AI'. Mails airive fiaun noilb and w e :;n in. uive il 0(1 ; (la I' lie Will please 111, I I lod I he morning mail fo I be Noi ll t csl ( loses III K 1 a. Ill 'lb s t the af 1 ern .mil mail f i no west closes Ht :l dtl p. Ill For MorebeHil (ily hi ? no p. in thai the Kfleinoon train cmiie- n lor i u I er tiled i at e poi n t - I .et w ei and (iol.lsbolo. Uespeclfullv St V Mot I! W I I V M .lune HI, P.MKI I'o-llll 1 1 1 and A Is Hey, There ! Where's Your Bell and Lamp i ii ii unil ii" "A ut ilrli in I line I'lllll'l III), HIH , lull nil 'Hi y mil .1,1 Bells, 25c to $1.25 Lamps, 50c to $3.00 Tires and Repairs In Abundance. Wn. T. HILL, HI Middle Slreel, oppo.ltr Journal Office 11 .n'l be saves nine t'ti . in I I .n't put i invest tin n I, A Ml' AND M) ; nJCORPLCT 1 ftO' :;;time. The Kill la coming I In now Is the lime to place your - order with nt for that High Orad Bug gy, like w always put up. Ho drop cant of whl you will want, o w will b ready for any kind ol buggy wanted. Kepertfully, ii. II. Wntern A Hon, Tt Broad BtrMt. Potted Chicken,! tO Cents Can. I Mll.lkr-. ih l:iiit- to ( ut. I I', iva!. lift Si i Sh Li .1, Mm ki i ( Niu l h La no ef. dt. A id- ,N ' u ( it b an - mi 1 !' S i n 1 1 in cans. I' tint . I ill'.-. all -I 'i--. l-'iesli l,,t Fox Hum I imtplt tc ttock of St J.L 'Phone 91. 1MEL Wherefore do the poor complain ? The rich man asked of me' ion hail liceii asked serioii- cause of coin il li a i :Toal itialiv ilea for Ih, mi- o .-litis a.-kc.l. 'I tve at liol ll olid i Friday luaiito ili'iiianil lad w. i; for ca.-li. In Y lal ran w i I Ii us is Shi id Waisl I )a . Sales I lay on I lte.se ottrtii.'itt. gc from ii.ar In $1 ,'itl. Tli. F fetich ( lai in.- it ( ai.'s Sitteeii have all colors, ' ! oil. ( ) 1 1 1- ..ices will licaf leiiiiiiilino vmi of, such vyonileif n 1 values, of airy Inolicf uiailcs. I-at , Kiiiti.ii Shoes al .Mlo ami Warner Comets at, 00. r have lien ail ef I Isi no to close out, sizes broken, but, possi- 'I'll, lilv I'm, III I ban If we lias. s for your liberal liailinu in Millinery, had an immense season, am thing you want, you can buy it at your own price at SMITH'S STORES, 61 Pollock St., (Duffy's Stand) 99 Middle St. "KENTUCKY DELIGHT" STOVES AND RANGES ! V We hav e lust r a full line 'The Stove or Ullllge vo Oil, STOVK.S. TIvy t want IH here, are t he Test. I' HONE YOI It WANTS TO 14 7. 71 MIDDI.K HTKKKT, ..... '('tciii)(!rj eceiveil Prompt Delivery From Dunn's If you want gool cup of delicious coffee bnj pound and yon will get it, Thii fxiffee it eqnal to any coffe in thejmarkrt, regard lra of prion. OT no. IOtlzljH, I .Mollis Hill lei'. in.l Fancy I irucei ies. Wholesale A Retail CSroeer, 71 Brorvl St. inslca.l of I lie jioot., we would have lint was I'te prices clmi'tied bv a ids. I low c tti you .sell your goods so io ivas.it! is obvious, we liny for cash and you soc, anil give oti the licnclit,. in a lot of those '-'.'ir ('lush Sjkii'ts, cuultl k, arc iivnivil now. 'oti would think we were from the way they are inov- am! 111 Men'cfi.cd iiiisu-ias.ieil Silk pt'il'i-9 ndefskirts from 50e f I We tent, dome handle the and look over tbem. I 'angler Blue Flame (iaskill Hardware Co. :o NKW BERN, N XI Voui an always eipecl when you order your food supplies from this reliable stora. We can sup ply every demand of a first class family trade with the Choicest Siipb' and Fancy Grooeriea, Ret t.h.s, Plcklea, 8mc,;Ollv,Foi Kiv.ir Print Ruttir, and PleUams a'JU M'k Bottom Prloe. We make specialty of high gr.de Te and 0offee. Our Perfection Blend - Coffee la Fine, Price Only 20c.