?$Mm ! Acts gently on the Kidneys. Liver and Bowels cleanses the ystem ..EFFECTUALLY 1 UMU PERMANENTLY BUY TH C 6tNINt-MM7 0 by (AUI?RNIATGfSYRVP(. p-;x:ih '"'":.c' v.--?. THE JOURNAL New Bern. N. C, July 27, 15)00. NEARBY AFFAIRS. Matters of Local Interest In the City and Country. Mr T. W. Dewey has handed 10 Hud Mr. II in; lii-a Holland f'-i to Chairman Watson as a c ampalgn conlribution. Why do not the county commission ers set a good example by planting shade trees along Craven and 11 road streets at the Court House '! It is a hot spot on a sunny day and might tie made cool and delightful. Let us have them planted a Boon as Uio proper season arrives for putting them in. The linn name of J. K l.alhanr is ( hanged to J. K. Latham it Co. Mr D I'. McColter lias liecome. a member of the tirm. Mr Met 'otter is now living In this city, having been in business in Kit-hinoud Vs., for the last live years, and is formerly of Yandeuiere, l'amlicn c unity. A limited number of scholarships is being offered by Littleton Female Col lege, Li'.tleton, N C, to young ladies without property! preparing to teai h who apply at once. The demand for teachers holding diplomas from this institution has lieen increasing several years and during the past year went beyond the supply Prisoners Escape From Jail. A few nights ago, three prisoners es caped from the county jail in this city, by breaking one of the iron bars In a window. Mie prisoner has Isseu captured. All were negroes Fell From a Steeple. Yesterday afternoon alniut o'clock a colored carpenter by the name of ( has. Pollock fell from the steeple of a church on New South Front street, known as John Johnston's old church. Dr J. W. Dugilld was summoned and did what he could for the man who was Buffering from severe shock, but hail no bones broken, but the patient died alHiut tive oYlock. Dr. G. S. Altmore's Position. Dr. (i. S. Allmore of Stonewall, Pam lico county writes the Joi knai,, that he neither sought nor accepted the nom! nation of the Bolting Democrats, neither was he taken down by Mr. J L. Klggs, bill declined the nomination, rolunla rlly I lie t loci or also says that he was chairman of the Democratic convention that confirmed tbe Primary election of tbe Flag Island ticket, and will vote the Democratic ticket from A. to . VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. Ask Him. F.i Jooksai. I hear It freely spokrn on the streets that Geo H. Wilcox, can didate for Surveyor, Craven county, be. openly professed to be against tbe Con .lllulional Amendment and will vote against It. , Now, Mr. Editor, I want to vote lha Democratic ticket, but I cannot think It right to be forced to rota for a man who Is opposed to Whlta Supremacy, and be ing against the Amendment Is the sama lolng. What do yoa My T Mr. Wlloos't address Is Bellalr, write hist a. to hi. position. If ha I. against th AaMndsBsnl, h baa no right to ask votea from Democrats, or pern It hi aaas oa a Democratic ticket Editor Klastoi't Blf Day. Th WhlU Supremacy elah Uaolr eonnty met at Klaeto yeaterday. Not lest lhaa IJM0 beopU Urasd Mt to bear i.. 1. 1 A t a . Hamij. si mnni was swrvea a im inoiee wr .praad Sewn Klag Miwlia4itistailff mml mmtn u iagt. . , - - -; ; . Th orailo of lb Uj mm aUHrwr4 by Ho. K- W. Pm wb(poktwbor ......... -- iww tka la" of lb aampalga la a masUr- lymaaar, A bead from WUsoa tut. W . . I . B. . ft - . a laaeu snasia bb iw ub spanua leera - . - Wr a aambvr of tba faatoat rod hlrts, i well knows la Rlchmoad Bad Bock- Bghaat eoaatte. POLITICAL DISCUSSION Bctwcc .Urmiie., .kwctl aa. SatKkrs la Carteret C4Hi.IT. Mr. Q. L Haidlmoe, Kttsion candidate for Slats Sea a tor, sad Mr T 1 li-wcii, 'Repubiicaa candidate fur the llou (poke ai Oak Urove, Carteret iouoIj, JulySrd Dr. J W Sanders replyiug Mr. Hewell tpoke trrst, announcing Ins candidacy aad Iheo proceeded toetplain aa beat be coo Id tbe charges against In in "that be was tbe Duke's trust candidate and guilty of Alcblug of larlerct a legiii male tax on lands and properly owned by tbe said Dukes and under tt.r charge of Hewett as agent. He claimed m Ik renter from the said Dukes A Co . and acknowledged it was left with Inni. the' business of listing said property 'I list i be did uot know bow manv acres llu-ic ' were, but that tbe properly was listed at its full worth and eveu more Dr San ders asked hiiu if N . M. Jurney and vt ife j did uot sell to the Carteret Lodge a part 1 of those lands for $10,000 with a .peritii- . number of acres Hewett admitted ihi,' though he bad uever seeu the deed, hul denied that Jurney and wife were paid ! $10,000 for their interest, hut that tlii sum was out in as a sneculatini' boom I Dr. Sanders asked him if the lauds Were not posted and all persons prolnl Ited hunting or fishing on them Hewell aduiilU d these were facts. And then I) . Sanders advertised this valuable propei ty as set aside for its wealthy o nei s for sporting grounds, lli.il these wealthy owners lived in disUnl tow ns willing and expectiug to pay full taxes, but M' Hewell, their agent IihiI listed the prog erty f6,000, below the purchase price and thus had forced our tax ridden pen pie to pay the taxes due by a wealthy foreign syndicate No wonder he has been called the trust candidate. Hut this is not strange, but is consistent with Ki publican management everywhere. A systematic arrangement to get out f the poor all they can and to shield the ricli and wealthy corporations from a proper share of taxes and governmental sup port. Hewett declared against the Amendment an I said the change madi by the last Legislature did not make it more lawful than before Dr. Sanders re plied: No, not more law fill than before, but more satisfactory to many and certainly Constitutional. Dr Sanders pointed to :i Republican Congress and a Itcpuhlicim President doing for the Hawaiian Is amis and Porto Kico what our Amend ment does for North Carolina, and dared j wollM ,.,,Hi,js, a precedent that would him to define the difference. ( ontinuing for an limi. ,,.. aHow a few men toe Dr. Sanders declared that a Republican ;Kl Hlll,,l t,e result of our conventions Congress and President had established j r ,, ,,lk Hm authority of our organi a standard for our guidance in disfran aij,,n .using uegroes aim oeioie uie .iiprc Court of the I'nited Stales could touch I our Amendment It would have to undo its work of disfranchisement in the j aforesaid islands. Turning to the negroes Dr. Sanders told them that the Hepubh ' can party was not Iheir friend, but w - loilay waging a cruel ami unnecessary ! ii n necessary war against their race in the Philippine Islands, shooting them down every day over Ihere, because Ihey dared lo ib maud and seek the right of self govern ment- That ill none of Ihe territory o cupied by their race which the I nilcd Stales has aciiiired by peace or war, were they allowed to vote on terms less exacting than those contained in our North Carolina Amendment Mr. Hardlson started out by saying he did not believe the colored man wauled ollice and power. Dr Sanders pointed him to Isaac Smith, negro represenlHtive of his own county and (ieo 11. W hile, negro Congressman from the Secnud Congressional District and hundreds ,. others as disproof of such an ah-oird statement He read While's spei-i h in J which he declared his race had just Is gun as it were, lo demand their j u-t recognition as otilce holders, eli Thin! he asked him bow ll was, if negroes we e so adverse lo holding ollice, that ( ail Duncan had pursuailed Silas liloiiut to accept a-slslanl door kcepcri pine at tive dollars a day when he was' a member of the Legislaliin: and how ll has happened that this same j Carl Duncan hail Induced this same black negro lo remain to the pri st n at a 1200 job at Washington City, and last but not least please tell us what sort of hypnotic power this same Carl Duncan ' baa been able to exercise over Jim Young that against that negro's solemn protest he has been able to keep him ss a clerk ' In bis office at Raleigh at $1hoii a year, and explain how If negroes don't want otilce, that our land has been filled with negro Postmasters, Magistrates, and every other functionary from nogro t on stables to negro Congressmen against tbe vehement protest of these negro officials. Mr. Hardlson next declared tbat he had never bat once la his life degraded himself to vole for a negro, and would never be guilty of such a thing again. Dr. Handera naked him bow ll was in the fusion compact, where natural favor. wereprovHHM.oraoueipeciea, msiiie oaare.naea louoasnooaa exiwcteu to I J I u. uuum uy r ii oniy repiy was mat negroes uui .a., . .. never asked him lo vote for them. Mr, Hardlson ,tbea attacked tbe present lection law, declaring ll roost anjast Dr. fenders .bowed that It was rJw snsaeitner e wi or . law. paaaea by lb faaloo party. Tbat Mr. Hardlson aad bis Republican allies objected to lb prssesl law bacaos It would carta! a ly llmlaau 15 or M thousand Illegally reg- : r4 aacro voter, aad tarn) oat shot I , Ibswr voting force Usrdlsoa charged a-. . . ... I oegro' ist L-emocrat wun appointing negro poU boldam. aad asked hew wa tbat lfWUuRiprwMotl Dr. Baadertw- pM thai U might hav ooenrrad the eppoalllo that h wa aa food a cosld tedoM with th kaUrUl at kaad-or prsam a ww it vw im ifT icTiri a Umou la aagro tapremaey. aad pay 1 Utsm back la aola similar, bat aotaot a .a .... .... I. "K--"- - nrmMXU mm lla. kail a. Mna.ia.iiu awiani.. bund la as. That It mlcbt U rood la rtmladla tbem of lb kamlllattnv aoa. dltloat wbea kU awa, wlih tbRepab-. party roasts Mpo r-V sad Begro tyraaay aot ooly apoa oar alardy ui- pc oar wiva. and mothere. sisters tad daagbura, m H ailaled la WlbBlagtoa, Ns. Brm. Graea villa ud , mber N. C towns, where our womra vera Dot afe aof dared to walk lba Oriental, July S3, si reels akn is the open day He closed Water it gelling nearly ai valuable expecting, If elected to propoae a lew throaghoat this section a it la India, demanding cheaper achool books, to Oaa of our aeighbors came from a dle which Dr. Bandera replied that if thia ' taaoa of I tree miles after water a few principle could be enforced, tbe laborer, daya ago, although we are a dry town, wages could be died by law. That tbe I A negro applied to our registrar, and proper way was to reroore Trusts and to give fair competition, and then these things weuld regu'ale themselves, and the public honestly served. J. W. Sano.hn REELSBORO. Happenings Id Pamlico. Deer Bunt and a Picnic. Politics and Good For Amendment. Kkki.shoro, July 25. t Mir crops are very fine; hot weather makes good olton Kaln is needed Messrs Charles Simons, James Lane and Cagey Casey brought out a live deer Saturday morning They ran him all day I r nosy ami weui oaca naiuruay morning took a fresh start, killing him in 38 min liti s. Mr Casey did the shooting I Mr. J. F Hrinsoo aud family and Mr Cecil Arthur of Morehead City are visil lug friends aud relatives here. Miss Sallie Lowder of Stonewall Is visiting Miss Jennie Keel. Our Sunday-school picnic came oil Saturday aud was a success. Kev. Mr Lowder was present and made a short i..,i i 11. 1 n .1... . I uiii iiiii i iiiii(( inm. iu lucaiiei niiuu n ( mutual game of base-ball was played hi the Alliance boys and home boys. I he While Supremacy Club did not meet Saturday, too much picnic and base lial I the reason. Well, hoys the county is safe If even precinct is like ours, ?M white men and I negroes have registered; this is a good showing for the Amendment. We an solid for the Democratic ticket. There Was a few who did not like the result ol the primaries, but they are getting back right and are at work. The conduct of some of our former friends aud the posi lion they have taken is amusing Now they have jumped into the Republican Pop fusion parly and are trylug to put the I K'liiDcrnts to lout, but they will (iud it n hard j.ih for such Itutlcliles as they are getting to be to butt with any force against the Democratic ticket. They Our people look at the cut and dried , ,u, ,,, u., fu9iml iea,ierg ,,, ,,i. .... ,,, i,:,. ,.f i ,,r ., i ,.;..; , , nl.-nUied lo destroy tbe safety of ,wt o ,,i i.ni a " ii., r,P ml,. ,lniirv" to get themselves in ollice. These j, ,.endent Democrats not onlv ruin I hemsc! ves lull wish to ilcceivc and ml h ad their unsuspecting friends. We feel sure our Democratic ticket will he elect ed. A ml t liese out of sorl folks will be left in Hie cold except for what comfort they gel out of the Republicans. Dover Items. Mr John Thompson was here Sun day. Hon. W B Pearce passed through Sun day on bis way home Dr J W. Duguid was here M outlay visiting the sick. Dover will lie vacated tomorrow. Our people are going to New Hern or Kins ton to take in the White Supremacy ral lies at these places. Hon. T. D. Warren gave us a pleasant call yesterday, lit: was on his way lo Snow Hill where he speeks today II says everything points to a grand victory for the Democrats on August second. I Mr. (). W. May of yuinerly and MIbs F.loise daughter of Dr Woolen of this town were married today at the home of Dr. Woolen Rev Kd Brown of Klnston performed the ceremony Our liesl ' wishes go with this new couple Mr. Jacob West went to New Bern ! Ibis morning and returned this after noon. i Mr. L. II. Humphry has the prettiest crop of cotton we have seeu this season Several of our citizens wenl on the excurilon to M irehead yesterday. The weather continues dry and warm nut it seems as ll we might have some rain this afternoon 0 V. U Hon. J. H. Small In Pamlico. Vandemere, N. C. July 21. Hon. John II. Small, our most wor thy representative in Congress, was greeted yeklerday by a large and thoughtful gathering of the citizens of Pamlico county. Many came that they might see and know this noble slatee- man who has so ab'.y represented tbem lor two years In tbe ball, of Congress and who so much deserve for a second term tne unanimous support of every liberty loving citizen In this district. Home came that Ihey might learn mora ,,)0(ll (h. Amendment. Some Cam 1 through curiosity. All wer abundantly riilflcd I The speaker did not have lb time lo discuss National Issues, which might lv V, I m . I.,... Irl I I V W... 'but , , bl, lllB4 Md eoqM1e, to n.i l . k.r th. ,1. k. Carolina, Mr. Small dealt with lb .obtectln moat nn...ri 1.1.1 ..H M..i.. m,DOflr r a u. k bad ba la doubt cam .... .,m i. Ik.i, auiuu,.. rn, ik AmendmsaL Amendment. M ,Trbody om.n bttr Hoa. Joka H. O. T. F. Tlunus UldUt .111. m aula. V.. DawlU's Llul Xarly Rir. pmmpl sad earUla. F 8 Duffy . . . UABTdnZJS.. - - a. K a It Iti Im II nt tlmt ImtH T ttfi .. '" ORIENTAL Tklr Is Crop Is Water Kl&ky. Short. is Scarce, rauta among other ideations waa asked whether or not he was born in this Stale lo which he promptly replied, "No sab, I waa bom in Hyde county." Mias Bessie Tucker is here spending a short time with friends, and is helping her .later, Miss Iterlha, in coaching ber pupils for tbe commencement wiek. We feel sure it will V a success as they aie both able and hard workers in the school room. Mr. R. Thornton, formerly of New Kern has moved to our town, and is occupying the building just finished aud owned by Mr 1!. F Pickles Mr. 1'. 1) Hardy found that some one waa snaking nocturnal vIsitB to his melon patch. So he took his gun charged with floe shot, and secreted himself iu easy reach of he field, anil iiiietly aw aited results However he was not loug iu sllettptisf fur lie anon bhw I lip liivnr nf thepul.yandluclous fruit, enter ani, ' proceed to make his selection, when Mr. Hardy arose anil emptied one barrel of I his gun in the direction of the thie', j A'hich caused hint to start olT at a pretty I lively gait, and as he crossed the fence j he was overtaken by the second charge wlilcli maite turn holler and turn on a t le more steam. A few days ago we remember seeing a erring on our streets carrying two large mullets Capt John (illl no doubt feels like sclaiming: Set your bells lo ringing, beat your biggest drum. low your trumpets inside out and lire t he biggest gun. If any one should ask you the cause of i all this joy, Vim can tell them I'm the daddy of n bouncing baby bov.'' The missionary Baptists are holding a series of meetiugs at Raskin's Hall con- iicied by Messrs Aden and llarnley. Mr W Venters look a trip to 'olloi ksville in his launch this week to carry a corpse. It lieing the small child of Mr Chits. Meadows who motived here last spring from near Pollocksvillc. I hey will not return as their furniture has been shinned to their former home Water melons and lish are plentiful in iwn lull vegetables are very scarce. The shipment of sweet potatoes has Ii-i;ii n, but crops short, due lo drought. NO CAUSE FOR IGNORANCE. A Chance Por Everyone to Get Some fcdu- catlon. Redeem The State. Rih:ms, July 2:1. 'buihtle'is Ihere may be a class of peo ple who say they cannot advocate the proposed Amendment, for if they do they will tlisf rauchise their children w ho will Ikjcouic of age after I '.MIS. I would like lo say to such a class, (if there be any) thai were ,e living in ancient days. there might be some reason for thinking thus, lint pcnplr of today have great advantages ocr people who lived two thousand yeai ago, especially along the educational line. 1 say the young men of tbe nineteenth century have great educational advanU ges over those 'lio lived in Cicero's time. Hooks in Ihosedays were of an inferior kind, and literature was almost unknown. There were but few places of learning ami a limited numlier that were capable of teaching. But it is not so at the present day Our land is dot tetl all over wiili school houses of differ ent kinds, Colleges, high schools ami common schools, and we arc surrounded by men capable of instructing us. Our books are so simplified thai anyone, In a short lime, t an easily master the most difficult study I would say to the young men of lo ilay, when they are forming circles for tbe purpose of studying Hie events of tbe present when "current topics are becoming e feature of lhe day, it may not be amiss to look a little while inte the past, and consider the advantage, tiny h.ve over their ancestors. It ia strange hul nevertheless true that so many young men of the present day living In a land of education, surround ed by wide awake educators, having full access lo the simplest antl beat literature that a nation ever produced make fail ures In life. There must bo something lacking ami may possibly be the will power. No young man should be tlb- couragetl because ha I. poor or ba limited means. Remember tbat tbe great est men tbat tbe world ever knew start ed from poor boy. Qeorg Washing ton, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lin coln ami many olhors who were poor boys, distinguished tttemsclves as great men. I venture to say tbat Ihere are brighter intellect, between tbe plow bandies of th Southern Hlatea, lb ver decorated lb Henale ball of th United Hlatea. The msjority of lb -people of North Carolina today need aolhlag better lhaa a edurallnaal atlmnlanl. sad there I nothing that will elicit this sllmulatlna better than lb Amendment. Ho h become ry ma who love hi a couairv kis loaM. his famllv. lo . I wake ap from their wiasrgy sleep aaa go loth po' Aogaat Bod 'aad mak tb"Old North Slate fib prowdwM , lh fjaMad Slant.) what b tboakt be, Im republic a wU a la nam . ., a. M. AaaoLtx A CHILD EHJ0TS Tk BlsMaBt JIbVOT. (SSll SCllOB. aad I Brw"J'B .. """ " tl la the beat f.mll rtmedr kaowa aad a.. r..tn, .Knutd h.vaabotiU. Man. factarad by th Callforala Fig Byrup Co, Always ootblag aHeet 01 nyrup ot rigs, waa ( oirectioB wnnio an voasinauo j w. .r"n i-" ixniaiing and Tf a-rllla. Tbt I . ' la aaad of lasstlvs, aad If tba falhaf lb law, of llmlslaaling tb aegro of Psralloo cossly. JbsI here I would dHl by all Iradlag railway rompanira ' V"' laraoibrlmootlsorWI'oaa,lbmoStoUBodKorthCBro aoald aot afc Ilkatoaskllr.-Uf.Loag'whybsdld aot aa ih rly prfrt aad trl.ai.i- l.m. I . - . a . .... M , . t.ll.a... .1 . la UOffS Of It. SIIM. A H OU T f T PS S" I aulir.la. ..11. fn -al II. Hut II, al IrtM ..a taTV.1,1 tftflS StSttaS SaaSaS. SIS fflfl 111 1H BrQIH. 1 M. imiu ru iuuiw . " . . 1'fniTr fnTMIf niT ! 11 H 1 1 1 Miriiil lLV 111! illUllh VUlUlUiNI wails. ', 1 tv. r r r...t. ReprtsatetL Has. C R. TJstM 8kr f Ocfaa laa. Lr KiaWr Dlratea rrm Nmbr Tw Tawnihly. Crva RelU Fr WkltfjverB Mot In year, baa there been aoch a white mas', gathering as met yesterday In the county eoert house. I It waa Whits BupremacT Day, when tbe White Supremacy Club, of Craven met In joint aeaaloa, made their Individ ual reports, naked questions and sought ! advice. Eighteen club, everyone In tbe coun ty, were represented and made their re ports, and hearty applause greeted each report Towushlp. one and two were present with nearly 200 representatives. ll waa the greatest meeting of exclu sively while men and voters Men In years in tbe court house, not a negro being present during any part of the proceed ings, and tbe five hundred white men present thoroughly enjoyed th. exclu stveness of the one color meeting. Mr S M Brlnson, President and Or ganizer of the Clubs, called the meeting lo order, slating tbe purpose of tbe meet ing, and speaking of the objectt to be obtained. He was greeted with frequent applause. C L. Stevens, was appointed secretary ( of the meeting. I Upon call of Clubs, th following rr- ports were made by representatives: No. 1 Township Vanceboro, J. B. Harvey, club membership, 400, all white men in township, except 8, belonging to postmaster's Blrok club, would vote for amendment and Democratic ticket. No. 2 Township W. A. Barrlngton, 175 members Solid for Amendment and Democratic ticket. Sheffield School house F P. Rouse 174 members. Solid for lhe Amend ment. Kill Swamp C. L. Gasklll, 50 mem bers, stroug for amendment. (iood Hope U. L. Arthur, club just stalled, '-'ll members, Nearly all white men of precinct for Amendment. Dover (J. V. Richardson 75 mem bers. In good working trim. Would give '.'0 majority for Amendment, 2.') for ticket. Ft. Barnwell - W. B. Pearce, 70 raetr liers, out Jill registration, 106 would vote for Amendment and Democratic ticket. Core Creek O. L. Wetherlngton, good interest. All working for Amendment and ticket. North Harlowe M. V. Morton, 22 members. Knllre precinct soli I for Amendment and ticket. Bachelor Claud Taylor, 2:1 memberp. Solid for Amendment. Croatan C. M. Pltlnian, M members. All right for Amendment and ticket. Thurman -Z. 1). Bulls, 22 luemliers. All for Amendment ami ticket. May have more. Hum Row W. H. Scott, 15 memliers. Every voter in club. Flr-t Ward.-K. A. Nunn, 150 for Amendment and ticket. Secontl Ward-D. L. Ward, 262 for Amendment and ticket. Third Ward J. W. Bowden, 200 mem Isers Registration 234. Amendment would get 230 votes. Fourth Ward-J. M. llargelt. 175 for Amendment and ticket. Jasper (). II. Perry, 100 members. Trultts F. 8, Krnul, 1!H) for Amend' ment. After report had !ecn made, Presi dent Brloson Introduced the Hon. Chas. R. Thomas, as the speaker of the day who wa. at his best, his speech being of ten Interrupted by applause, and while he spoke only an hour, gave a clear pre sentation of tbe Amendment aud the causes leading op to ll. Mr. Tbomai dlacusaod tbe Constltu tlonal Amendment a embodying all Stale Issues. He I mi pressed the fact tbat no National issue are Involved In the Aug uti election, but only the Slate and county ticket, and Amendment; that while there-ar great questions of Na tional politic, lb paramount 'question new with all good citizen, waa got d Htate and local government and White Supremacy. Me discussed fully lb csust-a that produced tbe Amendment and which led lo lhe political rovoltHloa In 189M, alluding to the two period, of the State history ia IH08 aad 1889 and the Fusion government from 185 lo 1808. Tb promise, wblch tbe Democratic party mails la 1808 recalling lb f0 dark periods In our history waa to r peluale and make sacor good whit government. Tbla would p marked aot by any monument of maibl or etna' but by something mote darlag. aa aatad .ratio oar organic law. H sbowrl that whlta Democratic Leglslatar bad passed tb )sadmnt. leading Popollsl aad whit flepabflcaaa wr supporting it aad ealtod tb roll of aomo of the at. ; : Ii lUled th AaMadmat to b brlaft "Vol If foo caa read aad Wtll . I . a.a ...a. . -t-a-a .1. . a piaia asgusa ssaieao ia ib wmnir tioaj Hot u aaaaot Wi wta u yoa ar la' whlta, bavnald poll Ui aad ara aot a 'dlafraacbUd bf artaao." Taa obJelkaa lo tk AMwdmaat war plalaad aad aawred aad tb eoaaeqoene to th Slat of lla wlecUoa aad Meeelag la flow from It adopUoa. . Taa wkol Boalk vr atovlag la lb " cloaad by bringing to tk Club a Bxw- aca frota tb coo a Has wbtch k ks already oovsred and with lha aaseraeos f aory la which forever saoskt sad lam la tlmsy an 4 Jmagiaary. I a mm ; - jOaalal or a lin.iaihiHr WaMr. Taoauiaad ftaUlud, tbeie( Bosnia. They ars .Maeaatf beae- woe calls foe "Out." aadO. U. Qaioa'tag themselves. Daakela aay wort foe .Caa - eaav forward. Wu loudly e Mr. Goto sook of lit vialt o tb Ptodaaoat aeetioa, wbra b aaad a ansa bar ol speech, wher b tpoka la bsbairot East an Carol! a a, aad ash) UIs o id be the last ali for bslp from Wsslera Carol La by lb Eastern aeoUoa He ooagratulalad tbe While Saprssaeey Club of Uravee for their efforts for tb AmeadtMat, aad said tbat so far a. tb Aaseadaseat waa concerned It wa a' ready safely carried. "Ton teem to think of only oae ques tion, tb Amendment, but I tell you the election of representatives to the Legis lature I. equally important. Tbe Amend ment and the election of your Represen tative aland aid by aide. Tbe pasting of the Amendment 1. nugatory oulea tb Legislature Is carried," aad the speaker went on lo urge Democrat, to vote every ticket placed Id their hand by their Executive Committee. Mr. Guion spoke concerning certain misrepresentations that had been circu lated about hi. position, and briefly re staled what lie bad written lo Chairman Walaon at time of nominating conven tion, and .aid be waa still of the same mind, had never changed, never would change, and had ever urged Ihe success of the entire ticket Mr. Qulon, eloquently and forcibly showed the necessity for the election of the Legislative ticket, and begged I hat if any one hail personal differences, not to let such Intlueuce bis vole at this all im portant time, when the loss of the legb laturo would nullify antl do away with all the splendid work hitherto accom plished in behalf of White Supremacy. The speaker was couslanlly interrupt ed by applause, and his appeal was a winning one, aud dissipated some of tie factional feelings which existed among his hearers. It was a triumphant appeal for the union of White Democrats, In tbe support of their candidates through out tbe list, and Ihe suppression of all personal animosities. The speaker was beariily congratulat ed when he finished. The following speakers, followed in short addresses, W. 11. Pearce, Joseph Kinsey, E M. Ureen, J. W. Duguid, J, B. Harvey, W. C. Brewer, K. S. Eruul, . V. Richardson, .1. A. Btyau. Tbe meeliug lasted about three hours and its good effects will lie found on election day. There were some resolutions offered, applying to the management of affairs of a few of the clubs. Tbe Pamlico Issue. Bavboko, Ju'y 2:1. Mh. Epitoh: As I am only a tempor ary resident of Pamlico, it is with great reluctance thai I lake issue against "A Life Long Democrat," who be says that his course is the right course anil the only way to save the couniy. I take is sue against him, because "Bannei County" Democracy has never taught me thai the way lo save a enmity Is to fuse with Republicans anil Populists it has taught me that public officers elected by a black constituency produce black, corrupt government. It has taught me thai when, by all Democrats supi or - Ing the regular nominees of the parly the success of that party Is a. certain as the rising of the morning sun, only trai tors desert those nominees aud fuse will the Radicals on the false pretext of sav ing the connly. Il has taught me that none but IhoBe who champion negro registration for the Bike of negro voles, ould so lower themselves Intlniejes of while men aud while women. It has taught mo thai principle la above ever) private prejudice and that good govern ment Is above every law suit within the bound, of North Carolina. Finally, ii has taught me that In this critical time a man cannot vote for the amendment and for an antl-amendmenl legislature and then claim thai he Is a Dem x:rsl pure and straight. I take issue agalusl him in Ihe second place because Ihere is manifest Insin cerity iu what ho says. He says, ' W are for majority and against boss rule.1' Vet even while he was penning those word, be was under tbe bosslsm of Boss Abbott. Hi. "mlddlo-of-the-rosd Dem ocrats could nol hold a convention with out Boa Abbott' presence. He was In sincere when be Mid tbat be doubled whether lb Flag UlanderT'would vole for tb Amendment lie knew tbat tbey would rota for tb Amendment aad also for aa Amendment legislator. Will h do tb latter f I tak Issue against him lo lb third plsce because bis reasons for taking sack a court are flimsy aad fallactonr. It la false reasoning to ssy tbat Mr. Dsc aad tb other candidate ar aot tb I (Hiatal aomlaees, beoasa I bay did Bol raoair a majority of all lb Democratic rote In tb county. Mo Democratic eaadldate hat vr ba nominated by a Majority of lb Democratic votes of Pamlico couatyi simply bacaaa a i lority of them avr bar taks part tb primaries. According to Mr. Ufa Long argamaat lhr art, fw aotnl aot la lb Stair. I . might almost say aot oar. It la . falaa rcaaoalng to say that ia aomlaae of a party ar drpsad- aad apoa lb few that anmleat tbem. For lastaao tbr ar four voter la ' Bayboro Iaa. Two of tbasa look part ia al J .lujUa. la,A atf ILm kawl ' al I .IjUm m.t lk.. k.J mm "j l ao obohj p.n. ..wom. . took t did aot vow forth aomloasa. Yat alt four tf a wlU wpporl ttat llrk- !! Democrats, which msaai from Daa U lUsr-abebai Wa aball lapport tkat tlckat Vataaaa It la th ticket that iprBt Damoerary bad Whlta Sa prsmsey, beoaus It I tk ticket prefsrr " . : ----- . . . would hsv bsea inn b lni-ria ia s-u leg tb vUss of l I "lag Islander' oppoteau. Agala the arf HMetof bo thorn, oat bo laaaa. arr, ' la eswdoaio, I wish to say that 1 am aot aeqtulatad wlta tb political records . of Dw aad Parker, bat Judging tb aa- acrtioa of Mr. "Ufa Long ia regard to tbem by other aasertioat mad by that geaOssnaa, I woaM t tbem aald aa In oompetaau - WiaaaTB Uikkhill. AYCOCI AT BEAUFORT. Low Rates Oa A. k H. C Railroad, Moo day, July 30th. Special low rata of far to tbe grand Democratic and White Supremacy Rally at Beaufort and Morehead City, Monday, July 90, by either train, leavlug Uolds boro t 7;30 a. m. or al 3:40 p. m. Hon. C. B. Ayonck, candidate for Governor of North Carolina and other distinguished speakers will address the people on the issue of the campaign. Tbe speaking al Beaufort will be in tbe day and Morehead City al night, ll will be optional with passengers, lo re turn same night after speaking is over, or the next day by either the morning or afteruoon train, leaving Morehead City at 7:05 a. ui. or 2:10 p. ni. Whsl a grand opportunity lo take it all In. Pare for round trip, when tickets are purchased: Qoldsboro, 1.2 ); LaO range, $1.00; Klnston. 80c.; Dover, 75c; Core Creek, 75c.; Tuscarora, (5er New Bern, 0 ) ; Klverdale, 55c.; Croatan, 50c.. Have lock, 46c; Newport, 35c. Remeiulier, all to return al night who want lo, and those who desire to remain over night can do so and return next day by cither train. Returning, Special train will leave Morehead l ily, pier one, 10: W p. m.; Atlantic Hotel, 111; HI p. m.; New Bern House, 10:20 p. m , for liidtlr, boro and Intermediate stations, S L. Dll.I. (leueral Supl. AYC0CK AT TRENTON. White Supremacy and Good Government to Shine July JIM. Hon. Charles B. Ajcock, D inoc.ratic candidate for Oovcrnor will address his fellow-citizens ui Trenlon, Jones couniy Tuesday July !tl-i. A cordial inviiaiion is extended lo every one of all polil leal pnrtles to at tend and bear Ibis distinguished North Carolinian on Ihe issues of Ihe tlay. There will be a grand parade, licadid by a brass band, and afterwards a grand barbecue and picnic dinner. J. C. Wullaki r, Chmn, Dein. Ex. Com. Jones Co. Tendered a Hearty Welcome. Mr (). II. (In on, occasionally leaves his office on .(road street, for a walk about town, ami yesterday whs such an occasion. While lie was away, a few of ills friends, about two hundred in number, from the First and Second townships, called at his ollice, and not finding him at home," at once cent out scouts to Hud Ii i ill and bring him back Tills was dune, and Mr Union soon found himself facing Hie Demociats from Ihe north side of Ihe river, autl being given hand shakes wiilioul num ber. At first overcome by the greit demon stration, Mr. Union quickly recoveretl himself, anil gave his friends s neat little speech of thanks, for Iheir complimen tary reception lo him at bis own I se. Personal. If you arv confltipated antl troVilod withfjad digestion, nausea, oull hejfdache, dizziness or foul brcaul e recommend aa the best remedy we know of a little pill called "Green Mountain Pearls." 3Vo rantee that they will reliifyou, and Cacy won't cripe. VVuell a box of fortyXir 2ii centt 0. I). BRADHAM. Oxford Seminary FOR GIRLS. Oxford, N. C. 51st Annual Session Opens Au - ftist. aoth, 1000. Irgn patronage. First class facilllie. Science Laboratory. Full Conservatory of Music. Biitine Course School phtalcim callrd but twice du tsg ssioa. it. Mini aad Uti-rary TiiiiIod for Ann j al seesioa $124; llusln Extra I0. Apply for handsomely illma rated cat alogue. F. P. IIUUUOOD, Prrst. lilTTfjICTOW Female Collesre A 'cry prosperous school lib mo let a balldtns. spleadidly located ia a very ratnatkably brnlthrnl Seel Ion In Wart nu.i.ul A I. ttsad lalweeit Rat- aUh aad WelUm, M. C. , Paaarra Watrt kept U bal ding at all tlmev) fr fr aa of Inmalr. , ,-..' Flfleea onVrra awl It-wkera, ' Term ry low. For ata'o(i a-Wlr.. . -r- Kev. j. m. iiini'i, . St., I JilUtoa. N. C. . ' rreaMral. Young Men Wniifnl ! ' With fslradaeul m and good charac ter. t Lswra THettraiir. Hi4 . SKSislS.1 In M w . frM t,i.n, fl tm rr-, a-.M Itih. tJi . Tilb - ' aaara t 1 1 UibSub, Ky. Itlona. l.aiii- a'o