f - I A , ' . ? J, ,0 I X, v V V' villi:':" xxiii. M7.r 1 1 UK, CRAY H COUSTT, K. C- Tl'ISDAF, AUGUST 7, ISOO.- IE.ST SECTIOS M M litlt 4i flElS CllO.- E1S Bllllt O f f TV " v r rr : . -wThe ynanufacturers; of Royal ; I ' 1 Baking Powder have always declined c J'; C . v iu pi uuutc ii uicup u a. rung puwucr;.",; ' . at the Sacrifice of quality 1 v, - " N:s. . The Royal is made "from 'the VV most highly refined arid wholesome ingredients, and isthe embodiment , r ' of all the excellence possible to be . ; V; attained in the highest class baking " powders , ,'' - ' Royal Baking Powder costs only a ; fair price arid is cheaper at its -r ; price than any similar article. r HOYAt IAKINO POWDER CO., , y i What Wext? t; h. . Booub.N. 0., Angmt?. ' The great battle for white inpremacy has been fought aud glorloutly won. The begro iMue In North t arollna politics Is settled In part allowing out Bute to plow her way to the front and take her proper position In lair competition' with her sister States for all that makes a-i people great la freedom of mind, broad ness of Ideas, and material development. We take off our hats and bow, and bow again .and again to the pure and 1 lovely womanhood of North Carolina for lliclr noble and cheering encourage ment In this conlllct, and to the sturdy white manhood of our State for their . chivalry and patriotism. ; :." , To Minim who labored so hard and dis gracefully to defeat their race, and to continue negro rule over North Caro lina, for tholr sakos and our own, we with it could lie so, that tber had a land somewhero where they could gather and fully rojoy nrgro supremacy, and negro- tio iheihxelves to their own hearts con tent. At Newport especially, there are mea with white skins who publicly de clare "would rather be a d u negro than a Democrat." These mea should be made lo emigrate at once, and make their abode In James City or some other negro settlement. They should not be allowed to disgrace white society wiih thHr polluting proieuce. Tholr ssyiuga ad doings in this race conflict should not In forgoit id, nor Uielr otriclxru by tiK-ent blle ncnpla delayed. Duty to our own wives, roollicrs, daughters snd IUti di ainuil of fdkcri. biubsnds and irolhers such action as will rid every rnmmuultv of tho DollutlnK presence of tbrte negro-lrtd nLlte skinned beings. Ami will Msrlun Iluller be allowed lo fontlnuo lo (Horace North Corallna by his Infamous prrsence on her hs 1 iwnd lolil Will Ui true manhood of our Slate fiir;- l lt duly lo our fair and lovely wo- innliooil, win no vlrluo ami cliaollly tliii IS it.l hi liuin;in form has for mouths been tr) Inn to ati t.ji'4 1 lo iH((ro ilouiinallon amt iuIiiT Co I r r 1 .1 i rmiHcrvlIsm Will Iki a rihni!, ajn, an li'ull to our wives, iiioilirin, ilii'if I ( i i ami Uti-r, and sll e lild dr.ir llml n.nLi Hj tlio i ilni.i4 a:nl .'ii..iiim of our I . 4. ,,r moulka I hla liend anil h I"" 1 11" I i 1f'm. ling wltli all lii' ''..;). I t' In n i ... a r ( Ijhio.l-ln I, mi l .i.! 1 , ! r j... it ton In ttis I'nii' I it i c i.iiKilnii of lil y t t)i 111 f Dm i i 1. 1 of I ho n , ') while r' e t.f .mi i an. I liiii.l- n i ii of N'nri h id lir- no w -r Ii 4 I i 5 .MMi Samples of mixtures made irt imitation of baking powders, but containing; alnm, are frequently dis : tributed from door to door, or .given ; away in grocery stores. - Such mixtures are dangerous to use In food, And in 'many cities their sale is - prohibited by law. Alum is a corrosive poison, and - all pbysjeians condemn baking powders containing it. 100 WILLIAM ST HEW TOflK. they will consider two queollona only Tlx, who psys the school money?, and whose children need it mostT. If . the other side are dissatisfied, then change the constitution again, fixing upon each race the duty and burden of educating their own children. 'We musi.carryout our pledges and educate our racaT A wise and business class of men meet be selected to supervise the arranging school hours, hiring of teachers, vUltlnp and ending of teachers vthe highest efficiency in dlelplloe and Instruction. Away with the slip hod methods of th pnat, and ihe aloptlon of the best In the UmK In xloslng I Cwlll JlurrsU for White Pnpremary, and the no1 le and Irne Itepnblicana, and fopullsta who aided us In giving North Carolina while rulo! , - , 'J , Hurrah for Democracy the white party of North Carolina, whoso arms are ever open lo embrace all lovers of ' oor 'race and good government t; Hurrah (nr. our llckftt. State, Judicial, County, Town ship, tln elected servants of the people, be as faithful to your masters as they here beea true to yon, and : North Caro lina will honor and bless you now and forever 1 " i ,' J. W. 8adem. . v" Treaty Rights in China. '.' WasniNnTow, Aug. .In view of the strong sad aggressive altitude this gov ernment has taken In demanding Its treaty rights In China, It becomes Im portant to know just what tho e rights are. - . ; ' ; . ". , First snd foiemosl, of course, comes the obligation of the signatory powers to protect the person of each - other's ministers, diplomatic end consular agents. This all the world knows, not withstanding msny conflicting stale ments, the Chinese government failed to do, and there Is grave doubt as to whirl her It even msde the attempt to do uiuil after it linngluoil It hoard the tramp of the allied army on lis wsy to Tckln Next In Importance Is Iliat section of tho treaty tickling with citizens of cither county residing In Hie other. That proinlwd the broadest protection. In the frl words of the treaty, promising to mnim to cltUpus of ihe I'nllod r-'tste, In Ctiiim, and to Clilnee In tho United ! 4 i-i ilic lili'-rty of ciinwltinco and t r ! I I'll fi ii ff.iiu tll-al.illty or pcriwcutltin .t t.f their ri K.:l.ni4 futtb or j w.. " I j I, .i hi I "I ' I.. I I! 4 A infrh nn ctti7nS 1 I y CI, !' 'r I.y. . ' i. in I Tor no i a and t: pit. I ! pr.i oih. - t f ( lit . w: 'i I :i i . . ! f i loi i y !, 1 1 1 hi Chinese Said . To Be Shelling The British legations, Sasslaaa Defeated la the Nartsv Al lies Expecting Battle Ax-eve Tien .Tsln. CaaUa Cfci- . ; ; aese Afraid ef FrwiekS"''-'- ;,Atuwk,r;.'1if: Special to JouwuV"?, i ". Warbioton, August 4 A Rbaaghal cablegram says that the Basslaaa were severely defeated la the north at Neu Chang by a great force of Chinese and were forced to abandon the railway to , ort Arthur. . , r " - Five thousand Russians are trying to bold the town of Filo Choa against forty thousand Chinese who may have cannon. The Chinese have damaged four Russian steamers on the Amoor riven ; ' T.'; Tha allies advancing on Pekin from Tien Tain expect a battle tomorrow. At last reports the column waa ' thirty-fire miles from Tien Tsln. Americans, Brit ish and Japanese form the advance force while the French and Russian troops are guarding- the communications. At las( accounts from Pekln the Chi nese had resumed shelling - the British itwatlon. The ammunition of the foreign ers there was nearly gone. ' All la reported quiet in Canton where Viceroy Li used such harsh measures of repression. The Chinese forts however, are fully manned. The Chinese In Can ton fear an attack by tha French.- The Chinese government Is said to be in a great fright at the advance on Pe kin and Intend to remove the ministers to Tien Tsfn. " ' " Itast month , the;. Chinese v. Viceroy at Tiea Tsln offered a reward for the mur der of Christians and ' built a cage in which to enclose foreigners .after the Chinese method. of torture ' . v Soaxuiiai, Aug. 3. rnblic opinion and the foreign press at the treaty ports are alarmed at the possibility that the Chinese would prevail upon, the powers to consent to the establishment of peace without inflicting punishment befitting the Chinese Government's crime. Offi cial persous engaged In commercial pur suits ana missionaries of all nationalt'tes a e remarkably united. They believe Pekln should be destroyed as an object Ijseon, and that If, the dynasty is con tinued, it should be forced to establish the capital at some accessible city the Americans suggested Nankin. This Is considered important, as the Chinese a!- waya believed that China defeated the l'owore In 1800, because the capital re mained Intact. It Is also thought that guarantees to prevent excessive arma ment should - lie ; demanded, and that China should be compelled, publicly and definitely, to renounce . the fiction that foreign ministers are representatives of tributary Powers. There Is a strong de mand for unusual punishment, like the destruction of the King's tombs. M0 EAST JOB. Two Couplet Who Start to Bike Around -. Ihe World Without Money. Fbidehicl. Mil.. Anr., 1 Mr, . Snd Mrs. Alexander Speiro and Mr. and Mrs. Cbarlea A Blgelow,who left New York on Tuesday, July 90, to ride around the world on their bicycles on s wsger of ift.000 made with a New York broker, arrived here last nlghl. The Wager ex pressly stipulates that they were to take no money with them and they- wen; to live on whatever asslstsnce tbey reeelved long their journey, which Is to last 1 0 months.. ti The party has become disheartened and disgusted with their trip, and from ihe cool reception they have met ; with ihus far they may abandon tbelr Journey Mrs. Speiro is sick and cannot proceed any further, Bbe partook too freely of green fruit along their way In lieu of other food, and it has rendered her quite lit. Vi'l'V ' They here been around the city look. log for some charitably disposed person wbo would purchase her a ticket that she may return home when She recovers. The other members of the party say they will goon with their trip as they maymeet with belter lock. One of them said this thing of riding around the world "with out a cent of moneys was no snap., "We find that the scheme has ixen worked so often," said one "that 'the public has grown 1 1 red of It at least through the country that we have tray clod." . There were provided with lodging last night, but this morning were IntI mating lo persous that a little brsakfaat was very desirable. l!y noon ihey ssld a baker had been cenerous enough to sirs them some liresd, of which they niade Ihulr meals. This evening they wers still In Freder- li k endeavoring lo obtain a ticket for Mrs Hpclro. You will nevt'r find any other pHls so prini)it and so pit nnnl M DeWlll's Llt- i U K;ily llltiers. V. 8. Puffy. 4 1 Democratic Hajority will Not Vary : Much From 60,000.'. . Soaae LaU r Figures Only Use Eas v tern t'eaaly - Last. Only Thrwt , Plfst In LfarWalare 044 "-'JX FwtUws EarawpmeaL';. -jV;:, Baseball. - .' 'Special to Jnraal. ; ,v ; . ;v" . '.. BaLkioh, August 4. The Grand Kn. uat 15, at.t Wilmington aud graud pi f' trlarci Lwl (!. liowlett of Orenshorola will prastdsv it will elect a .delegsM o o ; w . . . .t.i.k( the Boverelifn '. Jrand - Iiodea, which meets at ltlchmood, . Heptember 17th, Many North Carolina inen.lxrs of the order will attend the tJoverelgu Orsud boage. inere are,, now, , uioujfa i . this State. wUh .40O membere. an la- i crease. Grand SfccrtUrv Wed&dl isava, of 1 ornr SJI00 In n ?? J ff3a , 4 I heard todav from Wa'tauza county; The ! fnslonlste carried it. He also got the I official fis-nres of Pitt's vote. v. The Bern- ocrats won by 1S00. Yancey and Me- Dowell have both been carried , by the DemocraU. ; TheMatter's mstorlif f in Burke Is about 450 .v -I At midnight last night Senator Batter J and Cv Thompson and attorney John I WiOraham were hard at work at ?-1 i.rV.i i..,lnn.nr. Rntler I. mtklnf at nreat "Dlav.T of i'i.niett;i.if the ilwitioh I in various oounlies:' A Democrat "re, market! loauv mat utuier nau oeiieri .iron this rhoalneas and ret ont of the S'ale oulckl. ' . ; 7 " 1 The Fuslouists linwlnd so l.mdiv Ira advance about Democratii: ouiiagtis on election dav.ibat they were hit hanl by I the fact that thry Commrtled the .only j one In their pet ouuiy t , Xhaihaiu, where, at Alwaler't. o n precinct, lln? in ir the Democrat Were out voUok tnein they attacked the judges of election, smashed the boxes aud liurntd (he ballots. ! The Fuslonlstsonly carried or.o coun'y west of here,. .There are certainly not over 8 Populists in the Legislature. The ltepntllcams by tnoun'iudx s; r itc l ed the names of Populists on the fiinU n tale ticket. It la said the Democratic majority will not vary a thousand either way from 6,000. The base-ball season -here ended yes-1 terday... Kalelgh vjiiit with money i i pocket. . The other teams loss from 1700 1 to f 1,600. Kalelgh wanted to play anott-j er series. Next year the, finest athletic I park In the ntate will be here, 'tnere will be strong local team he rest of the I year, and Persona will pilch and Man-1 - . ners ctch for It. Raleigh finishes second place In Ihe Assoclatlon. The crops are splendid, The cotton prospects are excellent. The farmers are in fin spirits. v. ; r - The next event here Is the Vance mon-1 ument unveiling August S3. One of the greatest .crowds' ever here will be on I yig'tue election returns. Gov. Russell hand.--. " " '- '8eoretaty of the State Thompson, Walter P. M Pearsall, secretary os the Dome - erallo Slate committee,, left for New Bern this- afternocn. He has done a great Work, and baa tub hearty thanks of the people Of the State for bis work. Ue bad charge of tbe assignments of I speakers. .' Wayne Jaunty Majorities. Special to Journal., v .. OoLDSBOito, August 4 Wayne coun ty's official majorities for Amendment, 8,023, and , Aycock, 130. Legislative ticket highest, 1,939; lowest 1,931, Coun ty ticket about the save that Kornegsy for register of deeds leads the ticket, bay Ing a majority of 8,023. Baseball. Testerday.. Special t Journal: ; ' -y:' ' ( DcBBiv, August 4 Slalesvllle de feated Durham today by a score of 9 to ' trouble la TransraaL Special to Journal. -. ;". Nsw Yo August 4-A telegram re eetved from Bloemfontela says that a train carrying ' United Slates Coaanl Slows and With the Blars and Stripes fly ing above.lt, was derailed and burned at Honey spruit by a nying pairoioi jioers No prisoners wers taken. i. THE MARKETS. The following quotations were recelr ed by J. E. Latham, New Bern, N. O. , i . . ; Hnw Vork, Augost 0 Corrom-- .. Open, lllgb. Iw. Close Aug..,.. ... 8 53 8 00 803 8 00 Rent 8.10 ' 8.M 8 20- 885 Oct T91 MS 7 03 8 03 Nov. 7.M 7M 7Hfl 700 Jan.... ,7 8 7 97 7.M 7B7j Itch 7.89 "W l vj 8 00 Whsat Open." IPKh. Low. Close Pcpt 80 1 W'i H0 Ctian; Hipt..." H,. Ifj I'M.... TO I r-i. s ... ... 01 7"! r,2 7(1 n-.-j "'l i''l I I n' it at a'l ,ii. T.. tU.r M.,,n r" if' Reported As Taklnf Place Last Twa 15 Allies Lesa Twelve Haa-lrri Me, Largely iwaag KafiUw. and ;;; '.Japanese. XinUters fiefttwd ' rrvf.iBivaiH ait - t wh( Chang -Afraid is V'; Enter Pekln. ' Special to Jourakt.. - 1 . ''I Tien Tsla'yUSbaoihJ. report tuH big battle Is ragtag, at ; 1'elu.iig, and 5 Attl-a; arw aj U. hv. UA twelve hHifireri mil la ktllxil anil wonoilert : .1 buDdrert meo. m klileil aau wounilen.: .1 'I tie llgla began Jtau-idsj. The losses are rlilerly among the Itnasisna and Jap. ant ae ttoous. , Tlis iibiuesv retreated. '.. : Great mumis of Clunese troops are maasing sear rJkin T Chinese have slopped sending provisions to 1 lie Ministers In Peking t- Vioerof of Veran tthikal. who opposed PlneTuAn, baa 1en kilW and she foreign element of Chinese have the un P ' Pekln ; U Hung Chang w hn is at Shanghai, is reported a beaiuUng Umi : going , to Pekin, and asks for twenty : days sick teav - He the Chinese In Pekln are opposed to him, because of his f rlendll cas 1" toreigneis. Ki J An lirpt-rial ik-cree issued directs that thb Ministers be escorted from Peklu to P'1 The situation on the upper Yanglse "6 "," " -j ....w-e, utrecior or tno . i;uinese iciegrapn ser ylu0 na8 appuea to a uuusu warsuip ai Shanshai for prolecdon, saying he fears 1M ' behbade.'t .-The commercial tituatbn tbi-oughout C hlna Is very disquieting, and badness has nearly suspended. 'iThe banks are closed at Canton. Merchants are refu- jjouiug at Shanghai. , RALEIGH. After U. S. Officials. Niuti. CJUcKislonal District Against Amendment. Hsgro Flurdered. Special lo Journal. ' ' Ualkiuh, Aug., fi. Mach pleasure was expressed here yesterday at the re ceipt of news that the mob at Bayboro, Pamlico county, had left the Court Hon He, which It waa besieging Saturday, soil that the courts would decide who arc entitled to the county offices. There are about 70 of. the Democratic boilers there. wl. affiliated with the Fusion lata. I Home aaioag them are the richost men m tho county, the mainspring of the movement belnir Charles Fowler, the a r- - I Urges! property owner In the county. j Tha Naval Militia of New Bern Instead lot marching to "Bayboro, 18 miles by I road; went. t by. steamer, distance 60 Imlies.1; The State board of canvassers meets I the last Thursday in this month, io can I H. Neat, W. O. Lamb, J. D. McNeill and I E. II, Wilson compose the board I In the 33d senatorial district Cameron I Morrison and James Leek, Democrats, I are elected by the largest majority ever given In the State.. - ; The Democratic Stale Chairman Is going right after United States officials who have shown "pernicious activity4 In the State campaign. . He wilt call la evidence through tbe county chairmen. . The Ninth - Congressional District gives from 1600 to 1800 msjority a galnst the Conslllutlonal Amendment. Yancey county, which. It was thought was Democrsilo, has gone against tbe Amendment by about 400. ' ' A negro named High, mnrdered an other hers at I o'clock. Sunday morning. The Coroner's Inquest was held today. - Some Republicans having staled that the U. 8. Marshal had a great number of warrants to - serva - upon Democrats, Inquiry was made to-day at tbe Mar shsrs office aa to Ihe truth of the state ment. It was denied positively. . ' Stste Chairman 8immons says tha Na tlonal campalga will be a lively one., Of course It will not approach In Interest tbo Stats campaign. Nothing baa ever approached It, r.'. VJL- . C. B. Aycock, Walter TJ.; Neal, F. D. Winston and P. M. Prarsall left for Old Point to-day for a rest after, their great political fight. Chairman Simmons will join them lltoro. ; The quicker you stop a rough or cold I lb. less danger there will be of fatal lung trouble One Minute Cengh Cure Is Ihe only harmlesa remedy that gives Immediate results. You will Use It. F. I 1 8. Duffy. , J GOOD NEWS. Tl.' f..n f r f.n 1 i ' v n "I IV fi- 1 I' f,t i; " HI .i. f..r t i.. , IT S in? Ilfll $ ronsmouin uorneu: iiiuiieis, i - . . , & Nice Lot Just JsL; filcDaniers,7l Broad St. i Also a fresh Jot Whole Dried Codfish, and nice Irish Potatoes. - g 5 K jFul ton Market Beef and Small Hams. J'NiC9 lot. sTelUdd ill glaSS jarS, 10C each, i '.Sj Pure aTJTjlO VtlXeeBT and SpiCeS, ;' ' " apple Vinegar ; . . . - ft n - fl'nnA ft 3! ,: Ull llUO UaUUeU UOOU8, , ' i a Giye 1116 a Call. vEespectfuliy 5- ' x l-J. LMcDAtflEU 3 'intone 91. . : DEBNAI7I AND KINGEY SCHOOL UOU4NGE, MILITARY, Literary The only school of its kind in Eastern epraion ting seven of the bcBt Colleges and Thorough In nil of its Departmeritn. A well nr'angrd LiterarjF course inciud ing Ancient and Modern Languages. Courses in Art an 1 Music. ' An- .ip-to-date liuKioess Course; bliortliand and Typewrlliuy. - Expenses for a five months term, including tuition, board, f urnished room, fm 1 and lights, range from $18 75 lo $07.50. ' ,-',., Send for Prospectus. , , (r J. E. DEBNAA1, Supt, ; I 2 range, BT, V.- PLANTER'S , , , 'r 1 .1 ..... . ,'i "V.. -U " -r 1 V ' V Opening Sale, Wednesday, Aug: I. . rTKo. Plantjvr'a W.rfllinnaA in lorufl' in i.hfi, bninpna narf nf tbft -.iir.T nd the finest Warehouse In the State.. - We will, have ' plenty of buyers ? with plenty of orders for all the Tobacco in this part of the State.'' . It is the aim of the management galea and to tee that yon are well looked after when oil the market with .; tobacco. Onr motto is "High Prices terest." . : ' ' ; ' Free Stables, Cdine down to the yon. ' '? xt '''u PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE CO, -Z "X 'Z&ZjJ M. HOWARD, Manager. Prompt? Delivery From Dunn's J' 11 joa want a good cup of delicioni cofloe4bny a pound and yoa will get it . ' . This coffea is equal to any coffee in thif market, rrgard less of price. ;.v . ,...',-,..' ; .' '' ,.SMMay?iSW4-"t Sti' - 8 ?" Received at " 5 and Spices. ml i Wlioleiwile :& Ketail 71 iWmVi. V as - JT.CL'" and Business School. Carolina. Six well vquippod Ti a-Jiors . UniverMtn-s. , ' WAREHOUSE to giro hia. personal attention to .all .- and Personal Attention to your iu- ' ' r' ' opening tale,' and -we will try to ;: . Youjcsn always expect when you order your food supplies from this reliable store. .We can rup ply every demand of a first class family trade -with- the Choicest Stple end Fancy Oroceri-fSj Pel- Ubw, Pickles, Sauoe, OliveFox. , RiTr Print Butler, and Pla Dams at Rck Bntlom Prloes, . ., "We make a specialty of high - grade Teaa and JOoffees. .; y Our Perfection Blend ., - Coffee is Fine, Price Only 20c. w M W m w M (-1 ft m H