1 4 : 'i i r "" " " 111 - i i. ii. iii iii i m in in. i ii . .mii nai -aa--'aaaasa'aawaaBannsMMa..Mnpn j a w i i - -... i i ' 1 1 1 ViiLl'MC XX11I. . - i. . IIW 1IEI, CRIYH COUlTTs I. TDlSDiT AUGUST 14, 1900.-- TIEST SICTIOI. ' """ .I " ;Ti.-vH? IKM-tlUt .'", ice oi ::::::i!iL FtTZSIJlXONS WIXS, K ' WITHIN SEVEN DATS - Fariois tattle Settled la Sixth. Roand 8y March. f PcIUa. Attack m Lecattou Arrantemcnts Complete! For Its TTnTllnir it.nrl Sm' lv'. I KAKkMt Blow. Mi- liesnmetL HOPE OFFUCL China Seeks Immediate Cessation f THe Flfttinf. BUU laseaat Leclar , Hall. ablleaa Tatad . Far Amead t - meat. " Federal Caarlela, : ' Utchaia4 Firm Saer- ' f . Wall Brr. " . ' Special to J ur al'. Naw YokK.Angusi 10, Bal? .Filialo.- special to Jouraal. . v , . 1 - awes met Uue Kabila, the Akron Ulent, WAsninoroB, August 13. The eoa - to-nlghl before the Twentieth Century tinned advance of the all lad knay pall III 'flV T1 !?' '? tb e,pU1' C-.l..r., Llkalj That all Will k. Kw ahan. lata, IkafUilnM fldwa kail hi I aIma I.f miuw! .1 . i . . Lha klitk nut nil -V - Pisltla rennrta ear thaatlarlt a. Ilia U : J Bror1ha Bgh't and for aome wek gttl waa aFaoawd Aafiiat UU , paa taera bit dom atany rrporu to taa r a report iron a ucnoaa aoaroa aaya JEFFRIES CHALLENGES FITZ. i UMAa4SiartaauaUU Offer Uttilj .' -r Ik Cktmptaa. j Haw Toac. Aft ii- J .u J. .'i-f-fria(, tk cbuaptua ptialliat, lia- I.I- ilr'i at- . '.H. RiHioa, Augual U.-TUleclarabaU affect that ntulaidioiia as tort -old to that 10 out of laa BO mtaatoaariaa,- aad 1 eopa aooflaaaf ull Uk bla youngfr ' op- 800 fif tha Chloa eooyeru aera asa- poneot. wa argoed that Flli-lm acr ; t i - - f u -I 1 ' k - 1. .T.,J.' n . Ik.'1 : I - ll. 1 1 I .t V L .. -I - L. O .1 fitted op wl.h MS opara ckalrC aad wllf "f"U? h'U ? Ua' . I banrat uaod l)f VikTa-aWtoir la .i0! f , TUaall le. har. Tb.lth.aa. a Iowa o. lUMiy HUU IlirUXUli WVIl U - llU V A TIlHi Ml VUUf IWB ' lUafrd Robn Fuialiftanui. a In ad Oaa Kabila a Krt.lf nlrln. klu) Ittlorc BrptrwUr I bn. 1 1 of lb Httttita law i-tf i friaaatya be waaia liar rbn ' aetlUd bt-ynad jiwi. ami , f-aia Ui tat cbai- J Iwiuji i. ooromtuioaera of agricuUnra of lb cut . toa aute. blcb mta Aagaat 8. Stat Ubali aita Bliuqioaa let for itaaarorl w lata, a itA. 41a. nn forcad to abaadoa bia plaa to gb"40 . i caBtl-acqttlio)l ring tactlct of tho ( :i IVblKoiboaeror; all tbU ;ha 1 Ohio Hi latter la 7 day, ... V n, i LiT11itofWU-l! I ;iTH& COTTON CROP. It l . .j a ,i. 'iat . 1 Poipt Comfort, with Ayoocks Wlaaton PearskU aad olberi. , t' Senator ' Bolder will retnra bere to ' morrow, and remalo a fvwdayaead ' v ft I tban aald be will go to Wai-blag-' ton." ' ' " v " :, Not bankruptcy cao bai coma bc - . . fore the Judge of tbl federal dlatrlui In " ; four month. ? v . The addreaaet wblch Richard H.s Bat ., tie will deliver bere August S3 at t be un rolling of tbe Vance atatue will lw ilia : beat iketcb of Vance'i life and aervlcea yet matje' and will be by a loving band. , Tbe arrangement! are now entirely com pleted for tbe unrolling. It ! of conrae lmpoaaibie to eallmale tbe attendance but moat believe It will be aa great aa that at tbe'unvelllng of the Confederate monument bere Tbe nnvelling will be by MIsb Eapy Vance, a daughter of tbe late David M. Vance, of New Oreant and a granddaughter of Senator Vance. Bhe Ii now a. Buncombe county. A Very prominent RepuMlcan. beie aay that at one time practically all tbe . , while Republican! In eastern North Car olloa favored tbe Constitutional Amend- meut, but that ibey bad to follow tbelr party organization. Aa a matter of fact a great many of them voted for It In .. apite of party. Grand Secret arj of Mason, John 0. . Drewry, aaya tbe following new lodge . have been organized: Scotland, at Ullaon Scotland county: Cherry vIHe, at Cberrj tllle, Gaston county. The charter of Galaila lodge No. 80ft, at Ralford, Cum beriand county, baa been restored. . Tbe llbrarUn of tbe Supreme court bas completed bis catalogue and llnda tbare are 18,300 volumes. " Tba State board of canraateri, wblcb meeta Aug. a, waica probably bave a , two days session, canvassing tbe State election returns. : There are yet in tbe penitentiary nine federal convicts, whose terms bave al most expired. Twenty-five convict have been at work at a sawmill la Moore ' county, and tbeae have returned to the penitentiary. . -' Dr. Cyrus Thompson who waa the Populist nominee for Governor, aaya be bas always said be would- not vote for ' McKlnlej; that he has aever toted for , Republican and never expected to do so. . , He added: "I will not rote for Steven ". aoa. I did not rota for him .la '-8M. will rota for Bryan if be Is oa the Fopa- llst ticket." A Richmond Arm bu bored 800 well .- In this 8labr, an-l only failed twioe to u gel water, deapita 4 prediction from , scientists. The wells are from 100 to 600 ; feel deep and average 150, . ' - , , Tb Domocrallc Congressional Co ' , . renilon of tbla, lb 4th district, meet ' her September 8. . . .' A ' 5 ' TUB ONLY COURSE. Arraagrd Brfar IhaAllle Ea ter Pr k ia. all leh May Caaia. M Will XrtraUat) Terasa. . ,1-aieto ut cbw ij i.iu? . i.-.--.i i WaraiHOToH. Angaat V.-H..pe of P""0" coB"u u" ' oeaeala China la daanlae at lail. Mk- lbalt- later W Tlog Taag presented to tbe Alia.gb Plia-la,..s. l. Hi.ia n.n.HU.t I. Ui.Un. v.i.. cbamploB. MtaUa J. frU- aKr dav an arilnt front KmnHrnr Kuaiir llaa annolnlliitf 11 H&r iHiAma Kuvnv lLi,Xk Ipotentlary to propa .a;imaiedlata P W '-- ") h .1... eeavatba of boa. 1 1. demWralk,... ' There had been reporfci ria"lnuanaa. wlmirr lakf all. or na basla uf "iA por ceut. lo Ibc i..u'r au) claaaly aqd crerVrrakjWa a Berce and bloody battle wbikilt lasted, and t flj rcA$ Clren Out by the Statistician limes It looked as If Rublln wonld get j of the Agrlcnltural Deparmeat. tbe batter of the older matui Kitim Wahiton, August 10 -Tbe mbnth- moaaat the proper lime, wouw eut. iy kpoh of'the 'atatteliolaa of the De-t k nnArnr fnr lb u.llliMki,iit wlmtkAr ' ..u.im.. i in.in..i tt.u .. . ..... ... ' Pilz iiu A tiiriial Vi an.l Mliarkt'V htoae with bis fearful body iiow,vwiiicn ,)llrlmeDl of Agriculture show the ar finally jinuffedba tb Obj'f lexer s erBgB condition of cotton on August 1 light it it I v j to have been 78, a compared with 76.8 Fllxalmmons CQncHledaUml 32 pounds I ua Ju)y 1( iU0O M on AUgugf 1, 1899, to Huhliu, and bi Id itself was a e-jOl a on August 1, 1808, and 858 theaneaa riotia handicap. But, as Hie result show-! r ,, .d ihA uii.. teil rfiit JmnmnS ";w iii U tlieiask ttMK There was an lmorovement dur- ne baa set blmseir, ami won out wun that terrible solar plexus blow, which. ben It landed, shook Rublln from head I foot. Fitasimmons left the ring five minutes after be bad delivered the winning punch, but It took Kabila twelve min utes to couie around sufficiently to be able In walk to his ilretalug-roimi. r j KRUGER UNBENDING. hi' i.S li fiie A ibe rii-lpis aii. or .mr, JrOrlca la BMirff Uleial. li re Is mid five be bas Lt . . u.. - m '. L. .. . t .. . of this from ' c ":,(J A ... . . ..,.', I ... . ..IV . tfttioo of ibe etllci n(t It In offlcUl iiirm. The edict sets thai U I- a.Hborlied to M lo tbe ,,,,er lf FUt d(mt 10 conduct negollatl. iu lbalf ..f tbe brtk U "'!' '''- have 10 Ih d.,alt wlib. "u U-l 31 U w I li.l. liy i)H g: uii a... 1' . . 1 .. t E. - 1 1 11 iit 1 neu y 1 nave r. rt-iiju uu i'.- iiioeror fur bis aane- ' vorable au.wtr nun rllZ"!mniou - 'S iall lilaronliiiue Irniiil n' au I . rf.ise to in el aiijom) until mi ur a -mii Jmiih 1, 1 questions may 1 be result ofibe negiiiiaiioui la to be reported the Enieror fur bis aane- , lion. It la bxlieveil iu Wa.bingtoa Ibat I this indicate a derided a lllliigucsa by tblna to make concexni ini, and tb t ibe Relief ColamaMatt be ratted I rckia 1 .. AtOacc' WaaniaeToa, Auguil 10-la I ha light of lb latest dispatch from Minister Con gar, received by lb 8tU JJeparlmaat through Minister Wa today, tba auited of the Administration b that there la bet oae tiling lo be doae In the praaeot clr enmstancea, Baaaly, lo prase oa to the relief of the beelged getrleoa at Pekln Tbla was made known after extended eommualoatloaa betwaea - Washington and the Preaideat at Caotoa. Tbe Coa gar dispatch was accepted a showing conclusive ja lltlcalloa for lb - Impera live demaad of lb United Bute, sent to tbe Chinese Qoyeranieat oa Wednes day algbt. Insisting that lb Imperial troops co-operate with tbe laternatloaal . forces la tbe rescue of tbe ministers, aad nulll Ibis condition, a well as that of Ibe ceaasiloa of tbe bombardmeal Is fully conceded by China, there la a olber course open but to press tteadlly oawaij In tbe mlaaloa of relief " Tbe Cougar dlapalth was received be foradayllKblal the Cblaeae Legation, aad as sou as tbe ulllclal day opened ttlnlaier Wa preaealed It lo Acting Secretary Adrw, at Ibe Slate Department It la I lie Aaiertraa cipher and was found to tie aa Idaellcel.aot with that of the i.Uifr mlnlaler at Pakla (that of the Fruh MluUler, M. Plcboo, already! having iixarrlj with lie additional furl that aetrn nii-iutmrS of tbe A Bier I cm guard bad Ix-i n kiilwl and sllaa vrouai'Ii-d. EanHa'sMuc Ca-.cj. . AVailiaoTo", Ang. IS -Murine Una pltal Srtlrelvks fr.nn V a Jul xrolT'il r"fl thai Uifl r ni 1 r of j :-. -n raaca ther la diii.!ii'.!.:i ' It.f.rrmnttna ! 1 ' 'I I ' I I I l Denies Story That Be Intends to Stirren der. Predicts a Lon? War Yet. London. August 1(1. I ho Lorenzo Marqoez correspondent of the dally Kx press sas that 1'reiident Kruger In an Interview aald the report Hint In Intend ed to surrender was wllliout found.tlion. He declared that the war would last a long lime yet. It is persistently rumored In Lorenzo Marquez, according lo a dispatch- to tbe Dally Telegraph, that Piesldcnt Uleyn bas committed suicide. - : "A Boer bulletin," continues the cor respondent, "announces a big battle be tween Lydenburg and Middleburg, In which the British had GOO killed or wounded. It also announces the recap ture by the burghers of Hellbron, Oevil lleradorp and Frankfort." , It ia aald that Lord Melbuen his ar rested General De Wet's march. All the Boer In tbe Held credit a rumor circu lated by their leader that Lord Roberts I dying. Robert, however, is said to be. In excellent health, displaying won derful energy and riding dally long distance. A dispatch from Pretoria says tbe Boar plot to ' make a prisoner of Lofd Robert and (boot all th British ofljecfa Included the recapture of Pretoria and aa effort to Induce the burgbeV. to rise en mat. A number of. suspected ad complices of the conspirators b ivebeen eonduoted across tbe border. The Brit- lab authorities are awaking to lh dan ger of allowing Bonr sympathizers to re main In Pretoria, and tbe issno of passea lo bnrgbers has been stopped, The Pretoria plot Is tbe theme of many editorial la th London patter Examples, and stern example," says tba Daily Mall,.: ' are necetsar A.t- thoagh we may aot agree with' Slierl- daa's fi'rce maxim . 'Nothing1 should be left of an enemy but eyes la weep with,' yet this was the conclusion of a not In bumaa bfUoer who thoroug4iry, under stood war." " - ' K'J ' t I'.'iti.i lug July ampnnting to 5 points in Texas and Arkansas, 3 points in Georgia, 10 Missouri and 1 in Tennessee., On the other band, there was a decline of 0 points in North Carolina, 5 In South Carolina and Indian Territory, 4 in Mis sissippi, Louisiana and Florida, 3 in Alabama, 2 In Oklahoma and 13 In Vir ginia. The impairment of condition Is due iu the main to drought and tbe contin ued lack of proper cultivation, but there are exleualve sections where heavy and continuous rains hare wrought serious Injury to the growing crop. While tbe i-ooilitlon in Texas isnow 3 points above the State's ten year average, every olber Siate still reports a condition below such average, Arkansas being 3, North Carolina 7, Louisiana 8, Tennessee 10, (ieorgia 21, South Carolina and Vlrgin 1 1 12, Florida 15, Alabama 31 and Mis sissippi 28 points below their respective t m-year averages. TUo averages of the different Stales August 1, were as follows: Virginia 77, Morlh Carolina 80, South Carolina 74, Georgia 77, Florida 74, Alabama 67, Mla- isslppi 60, Louisiana 77, Texas 48, Ar kansas 83, Tennessee 77, Missouri 84. Oklahoma 80, Indian Territory 91. There has been some abaudonmenl of land planted In cotton but the area abandon ed is less than was generally expected one month ago and the Department will not at present change Its acreage figures. , ii.., i m. .. .i allied armies may n..t enter iVkli.. '"" 1 i. i. v.i ,,.. a.i.i.. ,..,. with Sbarkuv to blin and In llil I. IB IIUIVU, IIW VUllllW UUTVIUUWU, Sli'UlIll waive me , ' Bryan Win Not Tour Coonty. ; Cbicaoo, Auguel, 10-William Brraa will make Bo each ' eitendwl speecb-meklug tonroflhe country tbis campalga a be did four' year ago.: Ha will teak a number of peseta, bat they will be all la connectloa with Iper lal occasions, and Bot a part of a general swinging around Ih circuit., , u , 1 1 Thai much waa determined daring tb Ulks wblch Mr. Bryan , bad with Iba member of tb Executive Cosnmltteaof the Democratic Natloa'af ' Committee tbi 4a and thai waa all which was deter a.iod.'.':v it r..-- "The quicker yoa stop a eongb er eold lb tee danger there wll! be. of fatal Inag trouble. One Minnie Cough Car la tb enly harmless remedy Hal give ImmedlsU reaulta. ' Tou will Ilka It. T. B. Duffy. ' " . ! will be willing to deliver tbe Ministers and other foreigners lo them, and LI can then negotiate a liayis of peace. Acting Secretary ef Slate Adee re plied to tbe edict promptly. lie reiter ates tbe demmds previously made by the United 8ia:es lor -, .peralku be tween the Cbineae Uoveroment and tbe allied forces, and Intimate ibat negotia tions cannot lie entered Into until the Chinese Goveruineul complies with those demands. As Chiaa Is expected lo comply aoi n tbis ol slacle is in a fair way of being removed. One or more breaks may occur In tbis program. Tbe Russian Government, It is announced from St. Petersburg, has authorized M. De Olers, Its M mister, to leave Pekln under Chinese escort, as proposed by tbe Chinese Government. Ills considered likely thai be bas al ready left Pekin. Then, loo, there la the German punitive expedition, which Em peror William has announced will exact reparation for tbe murder of Baron von Keiteler. Field Marshal Count von Waldersee, when he arrives In China, may And nothing Lml this expedition lo command. A cablegram from Minister Conger, dated August 4, and addressed to Gen eral Chaffee, was received Iu Wasnlng ton yesterday. He saya ''We will hold on until your arrival; hope It will be soon." MALATESTA INTERVIEWED. His Cynical Observations Concerning; the Police of Various Countries. London, August 10. Mais testa, the Anarchist, who 1 considered by Tb Trlbuna of Roma the leader of the regl- eide conspiracy, waa interviewed in Lon don yesterday. lie is represented as having ald:' Bignor Sarraco (the Italian Premier) 1 oar beat friend. He pays tbe detective such small salaries tbat we can boy them cheaply. A few' francs and a handful of eiirarretle. and yon can buy an Itallaa detective.; 'The Spanish police are the cbeapeal; tb Italian Come next, and than th KumIso, ' American, French, and Eng llsb. in tbsl order. Tbe German detec- llveasre tb dearest because they are tbe most stupid. "With ail lb ' arrest, they kave aot arrested an real revolutionist. Wa shall shortly establish in luly economic equality end social brotherhood. Then the whole world will follow the example of Italy.''',, U"';f r.t:.;. i-.' , Crops In Kansas., ; :; Ton i, Ksa , Augnal 10 Th Condi tloa nf the Kansas core crop Is give officLI! ss tA per cent. . ' , t i ' This e ll mate la based oa return from every arhnnl dlntrlrt In Kansas dated Augual 4. Hlrire, then the enrn baa anf. farad from llie cnnlliiDed dry and CoBTlctlot Nof Exjcctel - OaoaaBTOwa,Ky.,Ag. 10Ia lb ease of Caleb Power, x-8ecreUry of But charged with being aa aocewsory bafor lb feci lo ths Goebel asaaaslaatloa, ih defense finished (la taatlmoay this afler boob. Several witness la re but lal were lolrodooed by tbe proaecntloat. Th Jury will b Ukea lo Fraakfort either Mob day er Tuesday to view th eoea of th tragedy. Whea It come to considering tbe evidence the Jury will not bar to decldft., lb a,oesllon of which aid ha dealt la perjury, bat wblch side ha beea burdaned with lb larger amoaat ef that product,' a daring tba past few aay eoptrsdlcttoa and Impeachment ' have beea lb leading feature.. '. . . , They ar' few who belter Ih trial will reault lo conviction, bot many aa tlolpel a disagreement. 1 KILLED BY A TRAIN. Death From Heels A Party Returning A Funeral. Slatimoton, Pa., Ang. 12 Eleven person were Instantly killed, one has siace died, and 11 others, several of whom will die, were seriously Injurea tonlffht In a ciade crossing accident three miles east of this city. A passen ger train on lb Lehigh and New Eng land railroad crashed Into aa omnibus containing 35 persona. ' Only three In tbe vehicle escaped nnlnjnred. Tb accident occurred about 5 o'clock. Tb omnibus, drlrea by a man named Peters, was returnlag toSlatingloB from a funeral th occupants bad beea attend ing at Cherrysvllle. Tba dead aad In jured were nearly all relatives of Sophia Schoeffer, who fuseral they bad attea ded. At the polat at which the oollisloa oecorred there la a sharp curve In th road aad the omnibus came along at a good rata of speed, . tba ooeapaata bb conscious of aay Impending danger. As lb 1us swung aronad tb ears tb engine aad oar came la algbt. It wa to lal to (top either th , omnlbna or tb traia aad, a tb driver of tbe former whipped np ibe four horse to croe th track ahead of the IralB, the latter erasbed Into tbe middle ef h traa. The ecapaal war thrown la all dlreotloas, braised aad Weeding . Tbe, home draw lag lb 'bob eeoeped a a hart, , 1 MMaaaaaSSaawMaa . THB MARIETS. tiOal match way il tan be very pl. &stnily showu who is he champion. " To ibis remarkable and un pieced nted offer Flu said: "Jeff Is the one man Iu I he world 1 would be glad lo meet and beat. I feel i c (iillil nt of beating Sharkey, and if I come out of the fight as clean as I did j in my light with liiibliu I shall be plea"-. el to meet Jeff before Scpicuili-r 1 n this city, allowing him lo dictate terms, j t sbau again us cnampion or ttie w..rld." Fitzsimniona is now 30 pounds heavier than be was when ha boxed Jack Demp sey for tbe middleweight rbamplnuship and those 30 pounds mean much In ad ded strength. Many believe that be can wrest Ibe title of champion from Jcfir.es. It la sometimes ssld that only those who have felt tbe jar of this knockout punch cm gauge the power that lies In Flu's flinty forearm. lie certainly is possess ed of abnormal force In the direction named. His practice of breaking punch ing bags from their fastenings show it. Rarely a day goes by tbat be does not wla-l np bis exerelse by cutting the bag from Its rawhide t bongs with a clip from either fist. Fltz knows more vulnerable spots and uses a greater variety of knockout blows than any other man In the fighting bus'- neas. He can stitch and dress a wound in a way that a surgeon might be proud of. tie once removed an uioerateu loom from hie pet lion, and he recently per formed a similar operation on a young St. Bernard dog. With tbe ordinary tool tbat a blacksmith nses be turns out dainty hoeeshoee that a working jeweler eould scarcely duplicate bsoWely Fore Made from most highly refined and healthful ingredients. Assures light, sweet, pure and wholesome food. Housekeepers must exercise care in buying bak ing powders, to avoid alum.- Alum powders are sold cheap to catch the unwary, but alum is a poi son, and its use in food seriously injures health. ftOVAL BAKINa POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. DEBNAM AND KINSEY SCHOOL, MILITARY, Literary and Business School. The only school of its kind in Easlern Carolina. Six well r-quippsd T acbers , presenting seven of the best Colleges and UniverMtii s. Thorough in all of its Department. A well arlanged Literary course Inc lin ing Ancient and Modern Languages. Coiirms in Art ami Mu9ic. An .ir-t -late Business Course; Shorthand and Typewrit inf. Expenses for a five months term, including tuition, board, furnished room, fuel and lights, range from $18 75 lo $57..r0. Send for Prospectus. J. E. DEBNAM, Supt, JLa Grange, Pi". V. Clearance Sale Continued. No goods charged during this sale, Men's 75c while and colored negligee shirt at 48c, ladlea SO and Me shirt waist 89c. wrappers 48c, all 10 and 124.0 Lawn. Orarandlea, etc.. 8c yd. Notice big ad. Q. A Barfeot ALWAYS BUSY ! Lonr Broke Scotch Record. Lei dor, Aug. U -la spti of rala 10, 000 persons witnessed the enanal porta of tbe Celtic1 Football Club at Olasgow hoi yesterday. Among the America atb- weafher so that "half a crop a lb beat lei us who entered were W B Tewkstnry, tbat can be reonl!y eipecied. - of the University of Pennsylvania, wbe Py lb same ofTVIal report tuned by woa th 120 yard bandit ap Iu 11 seconds lb Rial I)or. I r A grim ltur, the ot nd Masfell E. Long, of tb New York whal jlclil Is reported ofl.. ! ,.:iy as ?. Atbtetlo C'lah, wht won Ih qeerter-Btfl OSI.'MiO bnnliels. This Is the lr;i.l crop bauillrap la f.O secomla, breaking lb of whfat ever gro a In any ymr t y sny Erolch record Ameili aa Plate. 1 ' Tb following quotation wee recelv d by J. K. Latham, Raw Bern, N. 0. ; " '' ' ,'" " H oa, Angaat II, ', Cotton: . ' Open, High. Low. Cloa Ang.;....:; 17 140 140 I4 Bept.'... ..... S.84 8.7B 084 Oct ii7 uo iu te Nor . ....... IU t.47 84J 147 Jsb ..... 140 8.45 ' 8.88 8.4S ' Mch. .. . . .. . .. 8.18 8.41 8 88 8 a WbbaTi , Opea. nigh, bow, (lose Bept ......... .80,- 78.- StH CoBBi j''-";';;'.-" Bepl... ....... . d - So. RyPfd..... 88 , . ... TO I ... ,M..t tl ' . Fed. B 88) Q Coa. T... ....... , , Laaiher ..... i . Cot toa receipt war 800 bale at porta. rillinc ordere with be buggy mad tor toe money. . if yoa are going to no we caa save yoa 811 00 la your deal sal or trade. Ooaae lo us and w will show yoa beel stock la lb city. , Toar U serve, G. II. VTtdmrm & Hon, Phoa 180. 78 Broad Street, In addition, to the krge and r complete stock I of: .Bicycles and Sundries, I am . J carrying a full : ana varied stock of Guns iRtf?ohers, Loaded Shells7&c;: Portsmouth Corned Mullets, Tbat have been brought to - j Market tbis Season -Just, :R& , ; ceived. ' " 1 :' . VI A ft -M.f 1. "H Also a fresh lot Whole Dried Codfish, ;g and nice Irish Pptatoes. ' h ' Fulton Market Beef and Small Hams. Nice lot Jellies in gflasg jars,; 10c. each. Pure apple Vinegar and Bpices., g .;; - Full line Canned Qoods. a'-I -. , C Qiyame acall. .' - : Ee'spectiully' -". I 55 J Vt-1' .(: f I ; -; " , ((-. ...: ft a , BB. I feaJSI38J r, i nn. n r ii in I , 111 I n 1 1 II Iu I rl ' II JVlLiI JXlil JL J 1 1 J. MB . t Biawani.'i - -BIB . at .. 9 a '. PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE at j ji . t .i y I will guarantee to w.saTte you money on ; ; . any make of Gun, and will sell other i 71 84 84 10 all Opening Sale, Ycdncsilay, Aug. I. Th rianfer'i Warehouse ia located in thn Lniincsa tmrt of llic city and th finest Warrhoiirv in Uie Btal. We will Lava plenty of l.nyers with pirn t j of orderi for all Uie ToWoo in tliin j ui t of tlie Mat.'. ' It ia Uie aim of tin; iiianii-mont to fcive lit jH-rantuil nil'-nti GASTOr. 1 A i. dose miT x I uivz mz a czu. r.r I Til I i Y '.I ! I C r .ir r 0 it t f ' : gOOClS UX llltS lute On sales and to ice that you are wi ll Vw t 1 aft. r a h- u mi 1 tobacco. Onr moMo 11 "Hih riH nii l 1 1 rwnal Ati'i tmaL" Free tli!''. Come? ilu-n ti iLp iiii.rj ''-, 1 jitcane yon. I mil ln:i! 1.' it to t'l ! t. m t - 4 A If .unmilii.iij In ymr I !i tb rsu " 1 l nt b a I ! y- if lo ! 1 li ! - i 1 - i " 1 lf J ' i I i, - y 'I? U 10 vn. T. HILL, - i C f 11 V