IT IS 1 SUCCESS. JLSniVlLLE. Tlx Vaief WarU aad Sewerage Sjiicsa. lie Cualac Wastry Tata Tar taCcrtsesds P-r-n Tw Catirrk, A unie or rt, CharterUTics. The OJL1VU1 Ms or AarffeasaiUfyandJhmptfy. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. resents in the most aecepUble farm the jaxmtire principles of ajnts An own to actjrtost beneficially. TO CET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE MANFk BY CALIFORNIA FIG STRUPCQ SAN MANCISCO, CAL. lOUlSVIUE.KY. mw YOUK. M.Y for salt nffhti -frier 50 ptr tttttr. THE JOURNAL. New Bora. N. C, Aug. 17. 1900. NEARBY AFFAIRS. Matters of Local Interest In the City and Country. There was a slight shower of rain here yesterday afternoon. The forecast Is for fair weather, no change In temperature. There were ISO excursionists on the steamer Guide, which left here yester day morning for Yandemere, to attend the Knights of Harmony entertainment al tiiat place. Mr. James . Carraway is temporarily employed at Rouse Brothers new bank receully established al LaQ range. Mr. Carraway is familiar with the banking business, and is assisting in getting the LaGrange bank in good working order. Owing to illness in the family of R U. Godley, the ice cream supper which was to have been given at his house to morrow night, under the auspicee of the ladies of the Free Will Bap tist church, has been postponed. Mr. Daniel Goodman, a merchant ol Oriental, was in town, yesterday, r- ports it very dry for crops around hi section, vegetation drying up, and mak ing it impossible for the farmers to prepare their land or seed it for fall crops. TraasJtr T Place Last lOgat, ; J Rear Bar ten. . , Maaiclpal ownership of Water Wort I Tneeeeaiag Industry which ts wall, tad werege became reality hare las ta lu lafaacy La tab) section, has darlsg alght,wbea Ua private owaets made tbe present eeaaoa proven aa satire aaa-; received their money for these, j The Newport Csealac estabUaeeteat The any authorities ta Uklaf these of Geo. N. Ives Boa. ha pet ap a ve- propertiee, else look lata taa city aa-1 riety of refutable aaa frail, all grew a aa taa Newport Frail farm. Bern of taaaa aaaaad rood will aa above at the Haw Barm Fair ta Noras-' bar, aad taalr eseeUeaee aaa thaa aa' aaaa by every oaa.' 1 I Taa CaroUaa Caaalag Co, aaar this' dly, at Ktveralde, baa Jos closed tts' work, and while lu output could aot bo aat dowa a large, aboal equal to taa ear : bonds aad la Bight's Iraatfer, there baa load. Mr. Wa. Dona, Secretary sad boon ao delay, and Umi cliy authorities I Treasurer of taa Compaay, aayi Ua re ar to be congratulated on tbeir good j suits ara (ratifying, aad what was large l work aad management of the purchase, ly experimental, baa provea thai the ploy, J. W. SauOlwood, kaapat aad aoUactor, ElUa William, ea- gtaeer of Water Work, aad the colored treaxaa, " At preseat the city will make ao caaages la ratee, aad taa old rate will coa tin a. Prom taa If ay election, whence pui- chaee was voted upon, lo the aale of aot to forget the satisfactory placiug of the bond. The people of New Bern now own' their Water Works and Sewerage y-tem. Farmers Just Brine in Tobacco. There was a morning and sfleiuo n sale al the Planters Warehouse yesiei day with prices ranging from 5 50 lo 13. 75, and the farmers stemed vtull pleased with their sales, In fact a ticket has not been turned this season. We understand that the buyers here have good orders for all grades af tobac co, and all they want is for the Planters to bring it In. Briug along your scrap. Bring along your smokers, liriug along your wrappers. company can lad U prott table to con tinue their business. Well established canneries will prove a blessing to the truckers, aa Ibey will take any surplus raised and track tbal could not be (hipped north, except at a loss, can be sold al a profit lo a local canning factory. Animals Rilled by Lightning. During the thunder storm of Monday afternoon, a horse and mule on the farm of Mr. Geo. Koonce, who lives near Stella, were struck and killed by light ning. Press Convention Postponed. Secretary Bherrill of the North Caro Una Press Association, has just received information from the Committee at Henderson ville, that owing to the rush of visitors to that, place, it will be Im possible for the Press Convention to be entertained there next week as pro posed. Therefore it will be necessary to post pone the convention until a later date, due announcement of which will be made. The change la likely lo disarrange the plan of some of the editor, who may be on their way to Ilendersenvllle be fore they received the notice a above. Will Attend Unveiling. Adjutant General .1. C. L. Harris ha- in behalf of the Vauce Memorial Asso ciation, extended au iuvitatlou to the New Bern Division Naval Reserves, to be present al Raleigh ou the 23ud lost., at the unveiling of the bronze statue ol Zebulou B. Vance. The iuvitalion has been accepted and the Division will probably leave here Tuesday. The Farmer's National Congress. This organization holds its annual meeting August 21 -lit) at Colorado Springs, Col. It has done some very good work and has a promising future The address of President W. I). Hoard at the last aunual meeting was one of the finest pleas for the organization, co-operation, education, snd political Inde pendence of farmers. The South will come in for a liberal share of attention at the meeting next week. Mr. U. 8. Redding, Georgia's Secretary of Agriculture, will discuss The Manufacturer In the Mouth;' Booker T. Washington will consider the negro; J. B. Kilborn of Tennessee will speak on the natural resources of that section; E. W. Wickcy of Missouri will tell about "The Northern Farmer in Dixie," while II. 8. Barry of Kentucky will read a paper entitled "The Farmers' )utlook In the South.' The delegates from North Carolina are: Messrs. L. Banks Holt, Dr. J. J. Molt, 8. B. Alexander, A. T. MoCallum, J. J. Laughlnghouse, John. 8 Cunning- bam, M. J. Hawkins, J. B. Coffield, Win. Dunn, J. J. Wolfenden, J. A. Varladge, Geo. F. Weston, Clias. McNamee, J. E. Pogue.J. I). McCauley, B. W. Kilgore, B. Cameron, W. A. Graham, The Georgia Peach Crop. The peach crop In this Stale has been marketed and the growers are not satis fied with tbeir profits. In moBt parts nf the State the yield wa considerably be low what it was expected to be. The un favorable weather cansed the frnlt to rot on the trees and lo decay quickly alter being picked. Because of the latter ten dency much of it arrived at the point nf distribution in an unmarketable condl tlon. If reports are to be dependeJ upon many or the peach grower made very little money. Tbey are disappointed and disposed to find fault with the transpor talion companies. In their opinion the rate of freight are too high, and it I probable that a determined effort will be made before the neat crop I ready for shipment to secure a reduction of them. The transport atloa companies are, of To The Weather. When tbe sun ia on the slztle and the daxzle makes oaa blink; When the brain perspire so freely that one really cannot think; When there' not but one thought In the world that's something coo) lo drink Then it's hot. When the collar of humanity Is melted to a rag; When the dog looks back upon bis tall and is too tired to wag; When the sun pour down so fiercely that It make tbe trolley lag Then it's hot. When the iceman Is tbe tdol of the uni verse' eye; When tbe perspiration bits the ground and then begin to fry; When It seems that Satan's moved his home, and now live In the sky Then it's hot. When it seems the fires of all tbe world are concentrated here; When tbe lalked-of farmer with the boe is greeted with a sneer, And the thought of all creation's on the geezer with tbe beer , Then It's hot. ' Hon. M. H. MoOor. Boa, Myron H. HoOotd, Ex-Governcc af New Mexico, In a letter to Dr. Hart- maa, trote Wash Ington, D. O, say t Dear 81r A t the suggestion of a Mead 1 1 was advised Ui use Pe-rn-oa tor catarrh, aad after using one bottle X began to feel better In every way. It helped ma la many respects. I was troubled with Oolds, coughs, sore throat, ete, bat as aooa aa I had taken your medicine I began to Improve and soon got well. I take pleasure in recommending your great remedy to all who are afflicted with catarrh. M. R. McCord. The spring presents a much more favorable opportunity tor the perma nent cure of ohronic catarrh, especially old, stubborn cases. Now Is the time to begin treatment. Insist upon having Pe-ru-na. There are no successful sub stitutes for this remedy. Send to Dr. Harlruan, Columbus, Ohio, for a free ca tarrh book. Tbe Grand Fall Exhibition and Race Meet Will be Held at New Bern, N. C, November 12-17 Inclusive 1900. The East Carolina Fish, Oyster, Game ad Industrial Association announces that it will hold a Fall Fair and Race When the saintly man get angry and the jolly man get stern; When a fellow dassent go to bed for fear that it will burn, And the man who rules the weather doesn't seem to give a durn Then It's hot. When we get in that condition that the clothes we'd like to wear Would consist of one umbrella and a large amount of air; When we all decide that we would like to be a polar bear. Then according to our understanding of metereological complications, gained by extensive sod continuous practical ex periment and research, the temperature Is considerably above normal, exercising such a remarkable effect upon personal comfort that it Is designated "hot." Jack Futrell, In Atlanta Journal 900. It will be a complete Exposition of tbe diversified products of Eastern North Carolina. Magnificent Displays of farm and garden products. Fiue slock and poultry. Large and attractive exhibits of fish oysters and wild game. Exciting races, trotting and running. In addition to tbe complete, up-to-date xbibits that will bo presented tu each f the buildings and departments, the management will spare no pains lo ob- aln aa many attractive special features as possible. Maritime Natters. Hatters Inlet Buoy Discontinued. On May 81, 1000, all tbe buoy which formerly marked the channel Into Hat tera Inlet and over the .wash Into Para- cour. claiming that for tbe kind of sei llco Bound. weVe discontinued, with the vca ibey are rendering the rales are a entrance from sea Into tbe Inlet. Pamlico River Cbsnge In buoy. A red spar buoy, No. 13, baa been substi tuted for tbe pile buoy of tba namber which formerly marked Steam Mill Point Bboal, about S-l mile NW. i low ai they can afford Tbe transportation companies cannot afford to let tbe Industry languish. It may be that soma way will be discovered to preserve tbe frnlt while oa lu way lo market that will aot be so costly a lbs B. from Wladmltt Point Bboal Beaooa p"1 BT arorklag at tbe problem v . I af falling a batter aat retora for tba Tbe dDs buoy we tbowa oa taa ahart eroP wa transpor ts a day baaeoa aamberai II aad located utU" eompaalen will doubtless solve It. asl below tba towa of Wasblagtoa. -aavaaaaa, iua, news. ' 1 1. They LetTC For Tie West , rAKAUKAf us. i feMrt. William Data aad Joba J. Mis Clyde Bsnloa left for SalUAeld Wolfendea leaven this moralag for Col-1 yesterday moralBg. arado Bprlngs, Cot. to attend tba Farm-1 Xlsee Beeela Thorpe aad Badia Whlu era national uoagreaa, to watch ibey ara kant aava rets reed home from a tMl delegates, which maete la thai city. Bait 1 at Klastoa. - ' , ., , . v , . week. t ,'.',.,. y I v,. ' wjt !'- . Hot. of tbae. K" Uamaa win ba f ood 0oVUbof0 JMimAtf to taM yW lag relatives aad frlead- reprewntsilves from Eastern Carolina, a they are both fully coavsreeat with farm niotboda, especially la their practi cal Bdmlnlnlratloa. Mr. Dunn, a a truck?.' stand very hh In lids section, and Is kaowa ilirniiiniiit the flute, and la timber lmrla, Mr. Wu'ifrmli-n kit few equals as a i ' anil so on Is so familiar with lli-.e ,i! ! In I'sslern ('ariitlaa. A f r t ; . -liia nf t). (' rtM, time The Colored Fair. Editor Joobhal: The lltb, Annual xhibitlon of the Oriental, Industrial, Block, Fruit and Agricultural Fair Asso ciation will be held In thl City August 27lb, to Hist, Inclusive. We are glad to say that this exhibition promises to be obe of the best we bsve held. We hope that the business mea and citizen generally will asilst ns In making It the grandest yet held. Our people need to be encouraged along in dustrial lines. We ought to have an Industrial school in Ibis city, bat since we have not got one, then It behooves as all to encourage this Industrial and Agricultural Fair thereby encouraging our young men and women to Improve their talents along this Una. It mast be admitted that these Annual Fairs ara doing much la helping ns to llnvlau and aucouraga onr people and la doing so wa find many of them endeavoring to excel oaa another In Agricultara, Flor iculture, If echanlcaL and other works of art. There will ba amusements of all kinds dally for those wba may ba present follows. Baseball rames which will eoaslatof of the beat clubs la tba Booth ly, Charlotte Quickstep, Norfolk Rod Mocking. QreeavlUe, Maw Bern Beaa'ort aad other noted cluba. Dr. Savada Joe, the wire walker aad aaaa air. Wild West show will glva free a irfojmavirs each day aad ftl ht superb Hand af Basic will eooirlbateto the p lease re aad ealertalameat of ell. , Merry -ft-round, Jampfng aad sack racing dally. ' Ftru works aad sleet rk tight marvels ovary night. Also grand speeches each night by Be. J. H. Use- tor aad noted speaker. . General Admlssloa Mat. Season tick at ti.oo. : : ;. Raspactrnlty, . T . W. W. Laaaaact, Bee' aiy NEW BERN FAIR. af the T sarins, iu Streets Art Coat aad Qtlseat Are l ife Awake, .(" i AsHiviLLa, Aagaat It. Aabevtne 1 a eaeer town. There fa) aa other like It. aa not one. Its treeia am fall af jay aad mUiloaairaa, many af the mar who abide with taa towa, fewer of coarse of lbs latter who ara only bird af passage. The jays waader ia from the adjacent mountains, ta Maw Mariana books tbey would ba poetical not as AshavUe atresia tbey ara af the earth. Iu twa mala streets meet at tba sqaara where the old city hall stands aad these streets aad a few adjolalag are wall built, of brick building and eoatala many good shops, noma af these are large aad have large stocks of good at tractively displayed. But tbal the north ern tourist la the food upoa which tbe city feeds is vary evident. In Main street a Una store ia glvsa ap to a bowling alley, across from which is shooting gallery "for ladles aad teaUeaea " la every block ara shop far the sale of cu rios snch at native Jewels, article made of various woods, photographs In which tbe French Broad aad Ulllmore figure largely, souvenir plates and articles of that kind. While tbe business portion Is some what circumscribed, no fault' on that score can be found with the residence part. It stretches up bill and dowa bill and climbs surrounding heights. Many pretty views of distant hillside villa are to be had from the mala streets of tbs town, their bright roofs peering out from green groves. Above and beyond are tbe mountain peaks, clouds hovering over them or hiding their lops. The trolley lines are good, and should be, as they have much travel and good revenues. It ia quite necessary to take a car up from the railroad station, for It la a good mile and up bill at that. Then free concerts are given ou Lookout bill and this catches the crowd. The streets are quite lively, although winter I tbe "season." There is s good deal of driving J. J. V'oli-..3n, REAL ESTATE AGENT. Nc7 Bcxn, Noitt Carolina. Farm Lands Country Property Timber Lands r- . v.. v. - .. . City Property DEBN AM AND KINSEY SCHOOL, la A GIl4Nf.II N. CI MILITARY, Literary and business . School. Tba oaly school of Ua kind in Eaatai a Cnrollo. ' Six well equipped TVacbsta il--r presenting seven of the best Coltrges and DaW emltiira.. , . v :". . (1( , . '.g Thorough In all of Its Department. - A well arranged Literary course includ- i log Ancient uud Moderb Languages; o-iraes la Art and Music. An ii -tc- late " .. Businees Conrse; bhortband and Type writ lug. : . . .... - . ' ' Expeoeea tor a Ave months term, laeludlog tuition , board, furnished room. ' fuel and llgbta, range from W 76 to $17.60. - - , Send for Prospectus. 1 ' J. E. DEBNAM, 5upt, 1 9 O IT ESCAPED ! meet at tbe grounds in New Bern. N. C, November lith to 17th Inclusive! and some smsrt rigs. And some curious 'rigs ton, in some 01 ineae people nue as tl.A hiinnar tiArn Kill Ha( alt T.lltr. ' . .... - J bos start out loaded down .with tourists ill at ease on its high top and they blow discoidaut notes from tbe coaching horn. No doubt there are other adept in its use. Of course Asbevllle hotels are good. Battery i'ark holds its self aloof on Us slope. The Swannanoa attracts many from its convenience of success. It Is the usual city hotel. Kenllwortb Iun remains closed In the summer and 1 out of town anyway, overlooking from a bluff the river below and the gate of Billinoro lieyond, with the Boulhern Railway crawling between. Very good pavement here In Asbe vllle and many other good things to sustain Its reputation. Aa time passes it will show more and greater Improve ments, lis cill.cns will make money and will spend tl iu the town and the gold mine of the travelling public will be worked for all It is worth. The "Cit izen" has a good newspaper borne, a sub stantial brick building. Tbe "asrelte fionts the squsre and has a better place than it deserves, hsvlng soli) its birth right for a mess of poltsge. In tbe cen tre of the square formed by the junction of the two principal streets Is the hlgb shaft of black or gray granite as endui- iug looking as tbe fame of the great man himself and oaly "Vance" Is cut In the atone. It is enough for bim of North i arollua. It seemed natural to see Locke Craig oa a street corner, talking politics pro sumshly, fur he Is a Buncombe county man. Any number of people well known to all might be pointed out on tbe streets snd acquaintances are sure to be met tor Aibevtllo Is one of the places where paths converge. A liviug example that advertising pays, Asheville is reaping tbe reward. A. K. A. Still a Few Seasonable Yet Unsold, i Goods 7 Journal's Exchange Editor's Thrilling- Experience With a Mosquito. To the unthinking, the life and work f the newspaper Exchange Editor is most commonplace and unexciting. The uninitiated will say that tlio only things that can arouse the Exchange Editor, is the misplacing of his clipping shears or the drying up of his paste pot. And yet in the most unoventful life there comes a day, but to the story. As the Exchange Editor, who presides over tbe work of securing the original matter found in the columns of the Journal, wsb yesterday engaged in his peaceful and (slumberous occupation of tearing the wrappers from the exchan ges on his uesK, mere was a sudden whirr, as a wrapper csme off one of the newspapers, then a sound like that of a bun saw hitting a piece nf iron lo a log, and something, to tbe E. E's eyes, look ing as large as a spring chicken look I la flight for the open doorway. Grasping his riot gun, the Exchange Editor lumped from the window, and was thus able to get a hasty glimpse of the object, wbich proved to be an Im mense mosquito, Ihii the flight of the Insect around the church near the Jour sal office prevented a shot, but the pur suit was kept up to tba Episcopal church yard where the mosquito disappeared among the trees. Retiring to his work, the K. E. looked aver kit paper, and found one from New Jersey, In which the mosquito had aadoohtedly found a place aad beea eent through tba mall to this city. The Exchange Editor says he has some Mead on the Jersey coast, and thinks on of them msy Lsvs.ssnt the mosquito just to show tba Jochral's . B. what klad of mosquitoes they raise up there. .. .' : ' .''. Taa K. a. now says he la willing to be Iters any story of the Jersey mosqui toes, but does not want any. sped men aaat aim. , Aar oaeaatcblnc tba escaped mosqui to, aad returning same to this office, wUI ba suitably (awarded for we trouble. ; All 5c and 6c LaTDns, Calicos and 2 Ginghams at 4c yard. V 10c and 12 l-2c Lawns and Dimi- O O J lies oc yaru. Best yard wide Percales 7 I -2c. 25c and 35c all silk Ribbons 19 c yd. Ladies Shirt Waists 39c. Oxford Ties and -Slippers at cost. All Baby Caps at Half,' G. cA. VARFOOT. Desirable Farm In Carteret county, 146 acroa, 100 cleared, 46 timber.- Good 8 room bouae and outbuildings. Good wells and orchard. For terms. Ad dress .. . .'; s MBS. lit. A. HART, j v H 8ruithville, Texas. PLEIOT OP FISH. Capt R. E. Pltmaa aad family, af Orlfloa, ara visiting at Mr. A, E. PU man's aa Pollock street. ' . Mtssea Kutas and Res Bryaa left for Charlotte tssierday, fo visit tbeir brother, Mr. Ueorge W. Bryan. i MraOeo L. Wads worth and I Master Ueorg sad Iloberi, retarned las night from Jasper, where they have Ton will aaver tad any other pill ae prompt aad aa pleasant aa OeWltt's Lu ll Early Risers. T. 8. Duffy . ii tipri't to vlalt Kpailla, Taco- been visiting for sevsraj weeks. I i ' r f f. r h1-ipi !!!i . r " ' ! n a' ,t thirty " SiH. t might have know a better thaa lo f,Bti trust my money to that brokar." "Whvanf Are anrxaranres aoaloat - - - I F , hirer" I 1 Asia tear FUheraea Get All the lltet '" TaeyWtaL AWrTroaU ? During the past tew days, tba fishing ia taa Mooes river, along the ally front. aad aaar Ua long county bridge, t beea very lea I Mantra. Humphrey aad Kebaa, la lea thaa taa hour fishing, eaogbt batweea I bem, n fish, mostly spots and croaker bat their special catch was a gray trvat, St lech loaf, which weighed S, pouads. ' Aaotber boat out at tbe same tli eaugbl 100 lib, while a small party oat la the moraine. In a few brmr. bad 1M ash a then reward. The dry weal her, sn. I absence of aoaatry water from rain, ba made tb rlvsv elaar, and the gi. IXELGKAIE HIGH SCHOOL! ! i1 elgrsle. Oaslaw CaC W. C OPEN! SEPTEMBER Jrd, a 1900 it v- fkbolasUc year UsU b monibs. Healthy tocalioru good water) typhoid uaanowa; ao alckaase last year la an enrollment of H; centrally looatwl oa tbe Wilmlngtoa and ew llera praocn of taa A, 0. Li railroad: t mail dsilyi Mstomos In scbool bulUllnr; building large and coenmodlousi furniture iip-to-dotei 1 1 dormitory rooms realed at aora-1 Inal aost; law bora la ciuoe ir voia aexaa $3 to $i par month; board la pri- fuiiiiM an tmt month: tuition iroiu f 1 to per month i music i pr month. rrlawv. InUrane Hale, Advanced. College and Buaiaeao t'otinww. A full normal Court for teacher. Tbe school Is strictly fhri.tlan, bnt aoa-sectaruui. Tbe Bible U a text uooa. racutty eiparleeoed and well quail. Bed. - , Tor flirt bet Informattoa addreM, I). B. HIMIMON, H. A. A B . O. HfNDEItMON. Prla. fWy. and Tr. If oa want a good sUve get tba 'Keutnck Delight We tell them ; and they sua backed br the mannfactnrer. Ana tne price is nguu ' , . : We have rood stock of. the every day wants ior n niiumiug-wy -season and for the coming aeason; You cannot do better In .our line than rive ns your order. , We guarantee prices and goods, v; iv ; ' " j,.?-;' ;;, Few Ioe Cream Freeaers aud iwn iowera iciv yi mo u ,.. . PainU, Oils and Varnish. 8tains and Enamels just recehed. .:, Gaskill Hardware Co.' RIW IIEIIN. N o. ' WARTB TV 111. ., ?"ri uimLt stnxKT,': Vtcfiinncfl- Delicacies I f rtn't i WimA4 Tl , !y r1lng Is rommrmlslile bnt I "No, aonfoaod pearaace.' lira I It's his dlssp- Tb quit ter jnq stun s rough or eold . asl eoastlpsi! tffictoslly yl r""1'r. rotlvs or I bilious, to prn.!i i,' y nvr.r'-r.iiifl list.ll- !'i ivik'n tli V " . '. Y . ' y ttvity, '. 'k.hI . !!., t ! I (Yotni.'f "drove A.!!... r-v l;..r- ti,'7rl a a (' " : I ' V. I r V, i-,ti I i- r 1 ,, ! I f. ..:-y. ' ' . ., ... '! I I ' I ilijl. Olv tba meal a lu tlnlah. There U aotbiag dalntUr for deeHtt .i... w.rlna. Rice Puddluc. Jellies, and Faery Crackers. EvrytMng ia this line will be found In our 7 slock, which prearaU an eshattsl t dftoltloa of grorleH. TliO whole world Is lxd la making p this superb easor tmul of food spexlaltlea. Ton must sea to ap preciate, i Have juat received a big lot .f Freab Unrned Portsmouth Mullet. Also a floe Mof NUfly Cure.1 Hsms. Olv u a call and wo will do our best H' pbe yo. Vulir f"r I'.inlnesa, )TTtrTl J. R. PAvKF: JR.. OROCnn, ,T,, ( -, "7 "vfyA ' " '.rlll- t . i it'r i l i t i p tr'r I a 1 l "a I .'!' t r ' ' f -r th 1pm dsnnnr llx-rs wll! be of fatal sad IUr li I lung Iron! .'i. On J Is f CifU Cur Irritating or li !.on'f ! t i' ' t'.. l giro b.!. In, r.. ' ! r. ' . y , ..i rteit. r. of rie. m's .". i " PymsCo. r 1 1

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