c a -Li UM H - h i I I .A j VOLUMl XXIII. 1W IIS!, CilYIH COCITI, I. C. JltSDiT, AUCL'ST 21, 1900.-riHST MCTIOH. U'lskKlf .4 t h WW lOdca. 1 ul LICZZIESS.A vtfCXLIVS WHEAT CROP.'? fi i Dispatches Contradictory a? ti Con- -fllct ttPckla. ,t Poor CondlUoa Of The Ureal tkaverally : IUporte4. Sltuattoa la Otter Una WsssnwuToa, Angus. teTh official statistic of th -wheat -crop- f lite worjd , (or 1 fOT-l 900 hive "Juat k . i- . ... - ,,. j '.compiled by the' Department,'' They , . ' ;. isbow thai in tbeeoontrierof tto8ouln. .r , vermaa riwihh' maaaaa . . , raaiskmeal Per Maracr - at Taa KatUar. ratara i ' Aetleaa ladelBlle . Ppeolal to Journal. ' J?.-; . , WaaiiiKaTOX. August 18tb.-Tbe ra pport concerning tba entrance of the. 'allies lota fekln ara conflicting, ana report saying they entered without vppbr eItloaaad another aay that every foot of tba aatraaoa to th Chlneea capital was kotly Contested, aad severe Qgbtlag Aj dispatch aya that tea ihousaaaf Cblaaaa troops attacked tba Hosslsna at SawOhwang.;'':' .. Tba Cologaa Gazette -detnaad of tba Garmaa government that sqvere punlsh menl ba exacted of f ha Cblaaaa for the aiurdar of tba Oenaaa MlhUtar,' Baroo Ton Hauler. ,r. -'fj' WABHisofoa, Aaguat 17. Tba allied armlee la China bara at latt aatarad F- kln and the iioleiloo of the city' which bagaa J one U br okea. Rum Admiral Beotey, cabling to tbe tay Drpuri neat la Waablagton from Tekn lat nlgbt tbyi that Pakln was captured last Wednesday that the foreign legations ara safe and that "details will follow shortly.' United States Consul Fowler, at Che fa, also cabling last night, adds Impor tant facta. He leys the Japanese admi ral report that the allies attacked Pekla from tba east on Wednesday. There was,, be says, an obstinate resistance. Tba allies entered the capital lu the evening and surrounded the legations, whose Inmates were safe. The Japa nese loss was over 100, hut the loss of the other allle is not given. The Chinese lots Is estimated at 800. The program of the allies will be de termined to a large extent after they bare Informed their goveromenta of the conditions in Pekln. It has already been decided by the Washington Oabt net that General Chaffee, having rescued Minister Conger, shall return with the American troops to TlenWln. As to the other commanders. It Is not believed that they will so readily give up Ua prise which Is now within their grasp the possession of China's imperial city. A new colnmn has left Tientsin to Join tba allies at Pekln. It hi commanded by General Frey. a French officer, and In eludes French, German, Austrian and Italian troopr, Tba strength of this col sunn is not known. Tba report of Col. Robert L. Meade aad Major Littleton, W. T. Waller, who . commanded the United Slates marine in tba battle of Tientsin July 13 and 14, are made pobllc. They show, that tba fighting was desperate before the allies captured the' city. Ibe" allies fought all or the itn, slept on , tbeir arms that night and won their victory, tba ' nest day. British troops have landed at Bhang bal aad German, French aad Japanese soldiers era expected to follow. The ' situation there la regarded as much mora threatening from an International point ; of rlaw. ..; As otifolal telegram from Seoul, Ko rea, to Tokio reports that the Inbabl taata of Pyongyong, oa tba Korean '. frontier, are withdrawing beet tbousaad ; Rosslaa troops have bean landed there. , . ' ' Low Rates of Fare. . To the unveiling of a moaomeutto Yaace at Raleigh, W. 0., August 13, AU tba A. A If. U, coecbee to go , throegb lo Raleigh wllhont change. In eluding the elegant Atlsnilc aad North i Carollua parlor buffet car "Vance. Special train for accommodation of all - parsons on tba Ilea of Ibe A. AM. I' R. R., giving asvea hours In Raleigh lo witness the oaransoniea of asvelllng tba sutus of Z. B. Vance. . Bpeclal to return same day. Fare for round trip, wbaa tickets re pure baaed! x Am4 r ow Daf , Amfuu at, laaa. M. City to Raleigh and relnra. ,..$3.10 Haw Barn v. v . ,; VM tM , Dover to " . '.''". 190 Klmtoato - ;" fV; ' l.tt LaQranga to ; ' " ".':.". ',.. t.Of : 1 . aai4lee tpsstet trala, ..t; Leave Mors bead City . , . . . i 4:20 a. i ' New Bern 1:06 " Dover ..... , , :47 . Klnstoa..., 7Hrt', . LaQranga 7:7 '.. Arva Guldsboro... mi Laave(loldboro.. ......... 8;J0 . Afva RalelKb..... .... .10:80 ' Returning. Brwclal Trala Will leave Bslelgh for Goldabnro aad A. A N. O. isilnat( UOp, m. lifiil l(llboro 8:90 p. as. ' Arfs New IUre. .... 10:90 ' " Morehead City 11:40 - H. L. DiLL,Geaeral Supt. . 0HN J.' K GALLS DEAD. way Hembpbere. whose wheat crops ara commonly included tn statements of tba world's wheat crops, the production will hardly fall less than 160.543,000 bushels Tbw la 10,000,000 bushels abort of last year's production. . Australia and Chile are tba only countries showing any terlal reductions, , . w'i The crop In Argentine' last'! winter U believed to be abou 105,000,000 bushels, about equaling last yeai't : large figure la lSOoYVI, Uruguay's , wheat crop ; ex oerdetl i.000,000 bnabelav vTha nly ile psrtmeat af.Umguay yelofflctally report ed has a crop over 8 -per cent, smaller than the previous year, but It Is thought allkely Ibat inch a reduction waa gen' era!,' Figures far. Australia indicate i deficiency hardly much lean and may be aomew hat more than o,txxi,uw Miguel. ,. The Chflean crop of 1890-1000 'was so small as to be Insufficient for home re- HUlrementu Indeed, Ohllo was aaid to be Importing wheat as early as May last. or within a few months after the cora- pMlonOfherhafrert v 1 1 Notwithstanding the Indian famine the 1000 wheat crop in Bengal, North west Province and Oudlt and Punjab Waa above Hie average, taking these tbreu divisions tbirether.' Elsewhere the crop has been a lamentable failure. The In dian wheat crop as a whole amounted to 183,582,000 hiHiieU, agalnat. 336,679,001) bustirU lu 1899 ami an averdgn of 2'ii, 48U.0U) buahela for tbu prccc. .lltiL' five years. The Russian wheat crop, as n whole. U anticipated at somewhat Mow rather than above the average. A report from Poland represents its wheal crop as the Worst In many jears, imply lu a deficit of several million buslieU as mm pared with 1899 or 1898 in that division or Russia. More than nu averng i crop is iUdlcateil for Central Hweilen. In Germany somewhat above an average yield and good quality la indicated. The; Austrian wneav crop U rather poor and tblu in some districts. The last figures received in the United rHaieit pint the Hungarian crop at Wi.O00.0Oi) bushels. Romanian reports generally se favorable, but the total area is some what, reduced and the lo'.al outturn may be below; ibe average. The vftulgartait crop "m -reported unixually goAd, al though it, as well as the crop of Euro-, pean Turkey, anffored somewhat from rain during harvest. About an average crop Is indicated, with general.y gooil condition, In Italy, Switzerland anil ttpaln. France indicates a crop slightly above the average for the years ,898-'99, but recent bad weather may make the actual outturn a little smaller. Favora ble reports come from Belgium and the Netherlands. On unofficial estimates a deficiency of about 0,800,000 Winchester bushels In tba wheat crop, as compared with 1899, FA Indicated for Great Britain, and about 4,780,000 Winchester bushels leas than the average for 1897-D8. The North Af rican crop la reported better than the pour noeof 1899. The Mexican .crop is mutually heavy and of good quality and large Increase in area is report!. The Manitoba crop is very deficient and the latest estimate for the province as a wbide puts it at a little less thin 1 1,000,- 000 bushels , 1 Statcsaua Expires U new Senator Far Tare Terns, , Ei ft Las Vma. H. M Asrast It.-. Kx-8enator Joba J. lagalla, of Kaaaaa, died bara today at 130 a. a. Bis w4fa and Ua son, Sheffield Ingalla, were at his bedside. t .Mr. lagalla' Ula sea dated from Novaav FOOil M O. Shells of the AUles Set Bunlac the Inner Ctty. -1 Empress aad Emperor Said t Have M vm aaerd.' A W4 Mr. Ltarcta aaid aace that the brat story he mrer mad la the paper of blawelf aa thla: Twe Qua t arses es were traveling on tba rallraad and were beard dlM-nsa-teg tbw probable tertntuatloe of the war. 1 think.' said the first, that Jeffer- HBVI bar, 1898. wbaa be arrived la Kanaaa' Fled TarUr aad lxa pedal tlly Oeeapled. LI Aaka far Peace. from a lecture tour for the purpose of I taklno nart la the eamnmlra Af thai year. Shortly after be arrived be waa 8paclal to Journal, taken with a severe attack of the grip,' Washihotw.. Aug. .-Flgbtlng co Whicbwaa folio wad by bronchial trou- Unues In the streets of Pehlo.i The Al ole,,,; v j lies have not yet cmquered tba city. Evafur becoming sick Mr. IngaUs 1 The forelga forces altatked and worked atnedily writing political arllclaa Btred "" Wedaesday. Tbt enemy for newapapara throurhout Uaeoantry. bbsttnately twisted, la the eveaiag the Be was treated by aevaraJ apaciallata. .JPiaa blew up the 3hlaTnni gala bit received po relief, and on tb.lr td.',llhT"-CbIh ateot"4ha Tartar vice returned wKh hla fasally to Ateb-: sad-anceeaded In anterltfti In.tba son. At home ha grew no better; $n t a iber loraiga iarcee- watered months ago be sought another change ! Col"' W aa Taag Plea. gate, in climate, traveling through New Mex-! Detachmenu ware ssnt immediately to Icoand JLrisona. He was still able to legation and ..peoe.1 communica tions. The minister -and stsff were write occasionally for the newsDa- pers. .found safe. From time to time report of the at. I Wue ilw TMUr cllJ' WM ukei lhe Senator's serious illness were circulated. I "' commencea pouring suo ana sneu but were Invariably denied by blm. He I ,nM ln" ,nD" or did not consider his case hopeless by I Jtmperor ana impress resiae, where The any means and only two months aga f Why doea tb think aoT asked the other. " 'Beoaaa Jefferson ts prajluf man.' " 'And aa ta Abraham a prayluK man,' ebjeeted tba awoad. "'Tea. but the Ixrd will think Abra ham to Joking.' tbe first replied con- doatvely. Bk Waa the Owe. Bridegroom tafter tbe ceramonyl Mand. yon and I are now one. It only ruaalna U be decided which la tba one. t tried to win you. didn't IT Bride Vm. Harold. -And I sraa. That aaema to aettle It" i -NomurU. Barold, Yoa teled to win am. Toa eiirreeded. Then you are tbe wfuner, are yon not?" "Yea. dear." i "And I am tbe won." GRAND ENCAMPMENT CLOSES exploding sbelts hsve fired the buildings olanned to return to Atchison. After a i 00 name are sweeping over a giee cin.ultiulna of nhvale.lans ha dmidml. Prt of a loner city however, to remain in New Mexico. The whareabonts of the Empress Dow- Mrs. Iuirells recently went to Las Vegas, i M" na " ' mystery, w On August 14 she telegraphed her sons, i Hung Chang say that tbey fled from Ellsworth and Sheffield, that their father, iiteit7 "eral days ago. Other ns wa sinking. They arrived in llmeto!Uve eP,t, tn!lt lhev ra illU see him before he died. I luer8' Tbe allies first cleared out tbe Imperial city, and the Tartar city, and then at tacked the forbidden city which is also surrounded by a strong wall. All tbe Americans lu Pekin legation are well except a child of Cspt. Myers, of the Marines, whicb wsa wounded but U now convalescing. Seven Amerinans were killed in Pekiu during the alege. The Japanese cavalry left Pekln to flay In pursuit of the Em pre is and her treasure train which is reported to hsve left the city guarded by thirty thousand IrooDS and is said to have reavheil Wi - lal. China, through Li Hung Chant;, ap plies to the United Suten in inMrni-t Minister Conger and other American official to open negotiations for peace and settle the trouble. LI makes the same application to all tbe other powers. Clearance Sale Conttnaed. ( - No goods charged during this tale, )!' T'm white and r.,h,r, sk11( Slilrts St 4 !c, lal!es tO sni e ')o shirt Waltt Jc, wrsppers i''-a, s! 11 snl l'.'dn Laws. Organdies, etc., He yd. Noll. i 'g sd. . . u. a. !' fot. Session Next Year Will Be Held In Eliza beth City. Wilmington, N. C, August 16 Tbe fifty-third annual session of the North Carolina Grand Encampment, I O. O. F. adjourned at 1 o'clock tonight, to meet next year In Elizabeth City. The following officers were elected and Installed tonight: Grand Patriarch, Oeorge Green, New Bern; Grand High Prieat. W. E. Fslson, Raleigh; Grand Senior Warden, K, H. Ramsay, Char lotte; Grand Junior Warden, L. LKoon, Wilmington; Grand Scribe, B. J. Jacobs, Wilmington; Grand Treasurer, Thomas W. Blake, Raleigh. Appoiutive officers Installed were: Gf and Marshal, L. W. Jeannert, Aabe vllle; Grand Jnalde Sentinel, D. W. VYoodhnuse, Poplar Branch. Grand Oul ,i(le Sontlnel, T.,L- McLean, Greensboro. ts. t; Uorham or rayetleviile was elect ed trrand representative to attend the Sovereign Grand Lodge, wblcb convenes In Klcamonu In September. China Not Really a Nation. We are acustomed to speak of "China" and "the Chinese people" as if they were distinct entitles. This la an error at the bottom of many of our mistakes and confusions. We may use the word China as a convenient expression to connote a certain vast portion of tbe earth's sur face, but in no more exact sense. What figures aa China on the map Is a number of districts often separated from each other and from the center by Immense distances, differing widely In climate, resources' and configuration, inhabited by people of largely varying race, tem perament, habit, religion and language. Tbe Mohammedans, of whom there are 80,000,000, regard the Buddhists aa irreligious foreigners. "Tbe lohabttanta of the central and northern provinces, says Mr. Keane, "scarcely regard those of the extreme southeast districts a fel low countrymen at all." A native of Shanghai waa heard to say. "There were seven Chinamen and two Cantonese." A man from Tien Tain and a man from Canton can no mora talk to each other than can a Frenchman and a Dutchman Moreover, there exists between them I virulent race hatred. I lost tba best Chines servant I ever hsd because, be Ing from the north, nothing wonld In doea him to aoeompany ma la tba south of China where bla speech wonld have betrayed blot. "Cantonese telly bad maa, master," be aaid to toe; "I ga home." Tbie carioaa Interbatred Is ooe plcuons where Cbineaa from different parte of Chin meet together, aa, for ex ample, la Bangkok, or oa tba plantations la Malaya or tba Dutch ladles. Baraga faction fights ara of eoasiaat occurrence. Consequently It la aaay to raise a force of Chinese la one pLjca to Ight Cblaaaa la aaotber. It la because there la ao such thing aa "China" that th military caste of tba Manchul, eomparatfvety lafinlleslmal la numbers, bav been able to Impose tbeir rala apoa tba enormous mease of Chi uese. Tba It 1 an wis to predicate aay thing of China aa a whole, or lo bsllevs that what enlte one pan will aeaeesarlly suit aa other. V; ;. Over the heterogeneous aad eon flic! tog masse or coin mere at sever beea any affective central control, end what control there baa beea baa aleadlly grnwa weaker. There la therefore, tot the "lightest possibility of the establish ment by Chinese authority of a aalloaal army, or aavy, or civil service. Aad tba corruption which is the ratal curse of directly due to the fsct that any central Th PatlMI CktlavM. A a example of patient Industry la tbe aortlug of bogs' bristles aa It to carried on at Tleu-tsln. China. Bach bristle of tbe 000.000 kllograma export ed from that place tost year bad to be picked out. measured and placed lb tbe bundle of hairs of corresponding length, and the different lengths by which tbe hairs are sorted are numerous. aeaeraa a4 ScaorKaa. The married and unmarried women of the United Rtatea of Colombia. South America, are designated by the manner In which they wear flowers in their hair, the senorns wearing them on tbe right aide and tbe senoritas on the left rr7in guests n I "UEIV tOVAL" FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS WaMacfc mtt n the iaisnty aad itqm ihmlag , flttCHESTU REFEATDI8 ARKS CO. wtth tb "NEW RIVAL hf su a a snrjnst, ON t We want You to know Us not only as maksrs rf ft NEW ROCHESTER. '.: :. .THE STANDARD LAMP OF THE WORLD, tnt lsc at headqaartw ter il bmp lefamwlloa, Ww diear- ailly supply It gtMiH, wbew penulntaf' is Rochs4r gooSs r Sot. Oar Bortv is at -tnnrety 'pnlUatftroplc. W wuki yoala think ROUifcSTfcU ' wbatovar yua think " tAMPS." but w Son't want vn is cuasMr. as so nan aa. that aav cwtre-Craft Ump is a Uochsster, The oamslsaat tttst of a dass but ol a sr- tkalar Una. Aa tmr kaaH that hus aot fhat sa staaMe oo tt Is sot a real RochesMr or SBW ROCHESTEK, tt aha tlT fa sells or og It a such Im is toying oeirs4ya.- Bewart ot turn. Whatever you want ta knoW akeut lamps, Whenever yea want to know it, ask THE ROCHESTER LAMP CO., 38 Park Place and 33 Barclay St, New fork. DEBNAM AND KINSEY SCHOOL, c. MILITARY, Literary and Business School. t I.l?r Pills sr th l . ' ' I tn.'y l !'' -t V Antl-Impcrlalistlc Lcagac. j laDiAtrkpoua, Ind ,' Aug. - IS. Tba Liberty Congress of the Antl-imperlslls- tlo League of America began llseesilons here today. The cenvenllon, of tbe national orTblrd-I'arty men began yes- terday, , , ... .... . About 800 accredited delegate were present st the opening of tba Liberty Congress, snd snore ara ai peeled tomor row.. Tba speeches of Edwin , Burrltt Smith, tba Temporary cbslrmaa, and Oeorge 8, Bontwelt, tbe permanent prasl dent, brought forth much enthusiasm. The public meeting In tba evening 'was much batter attended, and tba reading of jV. Botirka Oockrao's letter - was the signal for tremsndous applause. EtPl the greatest damoaslratloa of tba coevsn tloa so far came in lb afternoon, when the venersble George 8 Boutwsll ai-Ooy amor of hf sasachusetu and Becretary of the Treasurer la the Cabinet of Presi dent Grant, concluded bji address as permanent chairman with .tba declara tion that he had terned bl back on tbt Republican party and would support Bryaa for President. Tbe delegate rose In their seat and tendered the ei-Qov eraor aa ovation that luted several mla alee.,. , 1 ' -' ,V , 'tit power Case. - 0oaTow, KfH Angast IS Three good speeches bav been mad in the Power trial and the fourth U aader way. Th Juryman have been ao Imps sir that tbe cloaeat observer has not beea able to discover tbe drift of their sympathies. Victor Drtdley will conclude hit speech China Is tomorrow, loiiowed hy W. U. Osrans for thsra Is aot and cannot be th defease, ani fi. B. Qnnloa for th nlhority to ircla control over local ..mmiiIIimI Ami J Si Ttn.U ' - W . ' . in : . , I . 1 . .... Y ' ... j turn umciais, nr ina ansonr oi 101a, 10 pay dufenae. Coloeel Campbell will apeak them. Tb Chines popta, h ang Frl lay, followed by eMJovernor Brown j k of phyih s, ts a met-hanlcal' aiUtura and Lommouwealth s Attorney frank-' snd not a ebmtr! nompnund and there- f- f I V- l'a I' f . l!n alii i-t-.e frl.lsy or Halur.lay. for It I lrrp.nalv lo the .tlon of ' - RALBIGH. Dry Weather In The East. Ready For The Unveiling. Moore County. Suffers Worst. Special to Journal. Raleioo, Aug. 20. Tour correspond ent returned yesterday from Beaufort, where a week was delightfully spent. All along the ronte, 150 mllea, the crops were looked at with care. The damage is Immense, but tt in "streaksl. jhowlng the scattered character of tbe-ratn. No where has the crops suffered more severely than In Lenoir county. Some corn Is ruined, and In soma cotton fields nearly all the cotton is open. Tbe little bolls, premsturely forced open by the terrible hest, look very pitiful. It Is learned that the ' worst damage done bv tbe drought and beat In the Stats la in the Moore county section The Aberdem A Aeheboro railway has taken off one train, so sea roe Is water, and notifies shippers It may have to stop entirely. ' The streams are nearly dry, swamps never before dry ara ao bow. Wells have gone dry In great anmbera. Tb report of the Bute Agricultural Depart ment for August will ba issued to-mor row. It will be far from good. Cora la soma localities. Ilka Beaufort county. Is col off 80 toN 40 per cent. Tobacco ta Pitt baa beea rot off greatly. The Commlulonsr of Agriculture says tba drought and beat bava dona great dam age In the mountains, In streaks, as I other sections. Many farmsrs aay they regret that the aaed any fertlllllsers oa notion, as fertilizers "fired'tha erop, There ara Immense foreet firs i la tb east. The bank of amok made 'by these waa seea from tba aaa 'last fteter day, and obscured tba eua. 'Swamps aad plna foresla ara baralng for aeore of mllea, , ,. . . .ht.? Tba Bute baa received tb arms a equlpmenta accessary to oompUruly equip tba Bute Guard. Ammualttoa baa aot yai arrived. . . . ; ,'t Ths comsilssloier of agrlcaltnr says all tba commissioner aad all tba Stat CbetalsU front tb Cot toa Slalea will ba bara at tba ooavsatioa tbla snoatb. Secretary of Agrloultara Wtboa will certainly attend. , , . . a Btronsch, tba tkperlaleadsnt ol tba Holdlar! boas bara, la sick Think Of The Eskimo. When the tbe thermometer upward goes And the suu lu fury gl iws, Thing of tbe man amid the snows -Think of tbe Eskimo! When the sweat rolls slowly down, Bringing to your fac" a frown, Tblnk or tbe liear-akioued mm so brown Think of tbe Eskimo When your head throbs with tbe heat And you seek a cool retreat. Think of tbe laud of ice and sleet Tblnk of the Eskimo! Wheu ofd Sol laughs down tn glee And bis blood-red fac you see, Oh, Mau ? would not you rather be Up wlih the Eskimo f Albert Ward Dippy, In Philadelphia Bulletin The only school of its kind in Eastern Caroline. Biz well f quipped Ti achers epreaenting weu of the lust Coheres and Univeoltits. Thorough in nil of its Department'. A well arranged Literary course includ ing Ancient snd Modern Languages. Courses in Art and Music. An .ir-to-date Business Course: Shorthand and 'Rj ppwrliinir. Expenses for a live months term, including tuition, board, furnished room, fuel and lights, ranee from $18 75 lo $7.!".0. Send for Prospectus. J. E. DEBNAM, Supt , j Grange, IV . C The following quotations were receiv ed by J. E. Latham, New Bern, N. C. Naw York, August 20. Open, High. Low. Close .001 9.08 9.04 9.08 . 86 . 8.60 . 8.41 . 888 . 8.41 Open. High. Low. ( lose .. 78 THE MARKETS. 8.79 8.62 8,5t 8.48 8.53 8.66 8.50 8 42 8.38 841 78 Cottom: Aug Bept Oct Nov Jen Mch Watar. Bept Cobb: Bept So. K'y Pfd. TCI Fed. S Con. T Leather Cotton reoelpU were 800 bales porta. 8.79 8.62 8.51 8.48 8.52 5i Mi 7"! 77J 62 714 34 at tot all SALEM Academy and College, for Girls and Tonne Women. Beet horn care, to gether With full College Instruction. 8DeoiHsta la fnaio. Art. Elocution Lautvusce. commercial ana industrial Sladlce.' Institution founded In 1802. Th Reatsur shows 848 last vear. New term beein Wednesdsv. Sen. 5. 1900. Send for Catalogue to Bav. 1. a. OLEWELL, Principal, . Salem, North Carolina. In addition to tbe Urge and compute stock of Bicyd and Sundries, I am carrying a full ana varied stock of Guns Retofoers; Loaded Shells, Qc v tba Soldier! boat bara, la sick !w if n '..v -. - '-,''. ' Tbafonadalloafortba Seaboard Air H f ' 'w r ; r J Una's depot at Rldeway wa oompltted) I WtU gUataniee . tO tod.y. ' t - 1 ' Tba sued for aaa at tb aavaillag SIPC XOU UlOncy On the Vano statu wa aompleted today. j ' ' jr - r ' Tba orator, Richard H. Battla, Ksq., bat eomplated the preparation of bla addreaa. It la of almost aa hour's leaglb aad la certslaly a fissproduolloa. . CASTOR I A Tor Iif-aU and CLIULret. any make of Gun and ujill: sell other goods in this line on 1?ery close margin. Give mea calL ni"rliy of p ''.'1 htl'CT H I 1'ie la, ny !! res,?, ndlncapt.l f Ir tli iM of .. rar th j- rr Mil I THE WORCDSt v -. K. o calUnd examineUmnKTW ,4 r4 tv friBuroicniinrcra nese onoes. i ney .-Miswwaiaj; are by long odds the best values ever offered in the city, only one price $350, Mail orders will receive prompt attention; $3J5 delivered to any address in Eastern North Carolina. Write for catalogue. G. "DUNN & 57 POLLOCK STREET. CO Portsmouth Corned Thai have been brought to Market this Season Just Re? , ceived. - l Also fresh lot Whole Driecl Codfish, Mils vw m, wvMwwwwa- mt J .- c Fulton Market Beef and' Small Hams. Nice lot Jellies In glass jars, 10c each, im pure apple Vin6gar and Spices. ; ; Full line Canned Goods. y : Give me a call. .'' ;;;; . Respectfully, ; : -: v . . 1 ir.; Ta J. L WiE!,, a'z Kclall Grocer, rhonc Ol. 71 i:r.vl tit. mi m m i THE STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLI Or HORTH i'AKO 1.1 Ni Offer to young womea thorough literary, elalrat, Inutile and I ml in' tloo and special perlsgnptcnl training. Annual (ii-i-nin J lo f ' ': i"i dent, 91 03. Faeulty of BO aiemlter. I it llian 4 ! m , ir i . i alated about !."0 aiudent. tvrrwntli.g every -,....: l-i t .. . i I'rartlre and (iwrvatlon h IkkA nf L' ) i n . 'j., rlra, all free tultioa tpllratlona sImmiM ! t . 1. t.orret'nil:ni:e tnvlioit rrnm tni d' - t i r i t'ir rauil'-eue ami mtji-r ltifiiriiHiiiin i. ' : I ; . J. ) . . . c;iAr.u:i D. MVi.:t. iv. '-m. i i' t I I 1. I t I11L.L, fit Y.'. ' "t F'.reet, 0; p"!l Journi.1 C " I b a li-!.i!i- any r.i-i:.no pro t I t ',turj I . s 'r w.