. ( VOLUME IXUI. KIW BIM, CE1TM COUITT, I. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1900.-' SIUOSD MCTIOS. XUUBER 4i W V Vr: . .; -. V WM r : - 7.-VV? M!IBUlti Ytncc Stttnd UBTcDcd Before .' . v. X - Great Gathering of toe People. , . Ctmtiiwu rmarctslv Lias of Processis Nor st 1x- , , 1 orrises. Slaslo ; V" ' Truth Nstsrs , . - ,f Tasef l ' Special to Journal. & V I - " - Bauiob, Aug. This wss a great day la lb history of Korta Carolla. The brenss statu of Tance was un veiled ten minutes part two o'clock and a great eheer went ap ' as stood re vealed: About tea thousand , people witnessed the' ceremonies halt ?1 the . nnrnbsr were visitors, who had come to pay a tribute to the memory of North Carolina's greatest statesmen and moat ; loved clllcen. ; :, 4 V Early la the day all the arrangements for tbe unveiling were completed." They were severely simple. Chief Marshal, ' Thomaa 8, Kenan Saying tbtt very sort of simplicity wss what Vance liked. - - A platform built from the head of the portico of tbe Capital extended toward the rear-of the statue, and this was covered with tent fllea laced together. On tbe ground neer it were seats. The State flagi were displayed on the Capitol and the latter, together with tbe banks and various public buildings were closed at noon. ,, Mrs. Tance and her son Mr. Harry Martin arrived yesterday, Capt. Z. B. Vance arrived this morning, aa did also little Espy Vance, the Senator's grand daughter, who unveiled tbe statue. The weather wat very line. Tbe procession moved at eleven forty- live. It formed lu front of Metropolitan Ball and moved to the Capitol Bqnaie in tbe following order: Platoon of Police. Raleigh Cornet Band. Confederate Veterans. Governor's Guard and other military organizations. State Officers. Officials of Counties and Towns. Citizens Generally. ' Orator and Chaplain. There were about five hundred Con federate Veterans in line. Gen. Carr and stall were In uniform as were tbe Ral eigh and Durham Camps of Confederate Veterans. . , v The military In the parade. ; were the Raleigh Light Infantry, Capt. Bernard; - Forsyth Riflemen of Winston, Capt. Beeaent; Wilmington Light Infantry, Capt. White; Franklington Rifles, Capt. McGbee; Durham Light Infantry, Capt. Christian; Vance Guards of Henderson, Oapt. Poythresa; Warrenton. Guards, Capt. Mason; Granville Grays of Oxford, Capt. Landls; Gotdsboro Hides. Capt. Grlswold; Glinton Rlttes, Capt. Holmes; Klnston Naval Reserves, Lieutenant Pearson; New Bern Naval Reserves, . Lieutenant Hill. The exercises were opened by prayer by Rev. Eugene Daniel. The introduction of the Orator by Thoe. S. Kenan, Chief Marshal.- The Oration was by Richard B. Battle. It was an hours length and was a com plate sketch of Vance's life and work The Unveiling of Hiatue was by Miss Eaov Vance. The benediction was by Rev. Dan iel.,,.,... . -,: . ,- ..- The committee were at follows: . Legislative Committee RH.Bpel(tK of Edgecombe, J. D. Bushall of W.ke, I. C. Corlliof Buncombe; ; ' '1' ' Local Commlllee (of Vance Memorial Association) Joepb G. Browe, VW. H Jones, 0. M. Butbee, A. A. Thompson, ' Thoe 8. Kenan, were present. RALEIGH. 'M S ' -. i SUte Gturt Equipment About Completed. Agrtcsltursl Bulldinr. Railway Talk. ' .' Ralbiob, August 8. The Quarter ' master General has completed the equip ment of all lbs State Goard wvo tbo Greenville company. Tbe latter was ' hastily armed with carbines last month. It wtll be fully . and properly eqnlbed. There are now 38 companies of Infantry, section of artillery and 1 divisions of aval reserves; total strength a little bver ' 8000. Each of the three regiments of ' Infantry has IS companies.' The QnerJ ' termaster General says a cavalry troop is desired and that it can be quh kly equipped. , tteven companies of the 0 regiments were here todav in tbe parado. Tbe lecture room of tbe new annex of the agricultural department building Is receiving the final touches, It Is a hand some room with calling of polished pine, . with 22 ) opera chairs, s stage and spec. lal arrangements for stercoptloon pic tures. The carpeting will be finished tomorrow, and It will be ready for Its first see sext week, by the sgrlcullural commluloners of the cotton-growing stales. It ra lighted by slf chsndsilers. Tb entire museum Is la flse shape. Kail way men In this State are mnch iotflre.iMl la the rumor that the Penn sylvania lullwsy has rented tbe Norfalk anil Western. ItybulMlngt lino from , lAirlmra here luii 'rh would have an- Other roonecllon, via the N. A W The li.-Dul.llc.nl they do not Have their party will n 8 C"n grt tonal omlnstloa In ths t i tih t. 'i or rotd ,n t.f f.i'.;l " 'i ( -m Tbe quicker you stop a o- ths Ins dangsr there wi!.' 1 ii -7 trniible. One kilnul ( S ; a .ii'y trrtiU-n reui'!y t i (;' Ton will l:Ve It. lil Jill BUB.;- Report That Chinese Are Tareat ea- ; i 'tijnz lie Relief CalumiL Pskla la Coafiwlon DWMei laU Dtstrleta. American - Treope first I Ii perlai City. Negotiate Far Peace, - Special to Journal. ' WasbinctoK, Aug. 28. The Chinese are reported to be assembling around Pietaog forty Jmiles from Pekin, la tbe rear of the allied forces, now in Pekln . They may try to cut off the relief col- - Five thousaad Chinese started ' for Sang Lw ''CbJngfor ' Peitang. Two Ihooaand Chinese are hurrying to Hung ChO and It is believed that a large foTce of Chinese troops are in the field be tween Tien Tsia and Pekin. Active preparations are necessary to guard tbo line of communications of the allies, i An official dispatch from Cores says that a thousand rebels-attacked Bong Chip?, burning tlie government build ings and tliat the situation is critical. In Pekin all except the Imperial City is-cleared of Chinese troops. The Amer Icau troops were the first to enter the Imperial City and tliey have penetrated to the gates of the palace An official dispatch from Tien Tain of August SOtfa; says that the Japanese oc cupied the Imperial palace at Pekin Aug ust 12th. About that date the Empreag Dowsger with two thousand troopx, supposed o leave Hlan Fu for their des tination. Pekin is now In great confusion and is divided into several diHtrictc. Half tbe Tartar city is placed under control of Japanese, Americana, British, Rus sian and French officers appointed to maintain order. A detachment of Japanese troops res cued missionaries and Chinese converts imprisoned in the palace. Two hundred Japanese were killed and wounded. On tbe morning of August 19ih, the Sixth Cavalry and four hundred English and Japanese dispersed Rbout a thous and Boxers eight mllfs outside of Tien Tsin. A hundred Chinese were killed and five Americans wounded. Captain Reilly of the artillery was killed August 16th. ' Naw YohH. Aurr. Sl.J-A Washine-ton tHiiparch to the "Herald says; ?iF-ftunj; Chang has formally assured the United Stales and powers that the Boxers throughout China have been dispersed and be guarantees "postively" that there will be no further disorders. It is proposed by the President to an swer the note received today, and that presented yesterday requesting the ap pointment of a high commissioners to negoliato peace, in a communication which wilt be transmitted to Minister Wo probally tomorrow. This commu nication will show that the United States deilrespeaoe.to be brought again to China aa promptly as' possible, but at the same time it will question the exist ence of a government in China able to approve the acts of Its envoy and have them accepted by the whole people. SENATORSHIP PRIMARIES. State Executive Committee Will Meet and Provide For Holding Iheou Special to Journal. Ralciob, ' August 28 -Tonight- the Democratic Stats Cbaltman, F: M, Sim mons announces that, .there wll be a meeting of the State Executive Commit tee hero on' the evening of September 1 8th to provide the machinery for 'hold ing the' Senatorial primary, as prescrib ed in the resolution of the late State oonventioa, . and for the transaction of other connected with the national cam paign. ,'"'. ': , There are at least four candidates for the Benatorsblp. , Thoracis ; most 'talk about two of these Chairman Simmons and Julian 8. Carr. The former has tbe prestige of two successful 'campaigns. 1898 sad 1000; the latter has much, lnflu suos with' tbe Confederate soldier ele ment and fs at the bead of their1 organi sation iu this State.' The friends of Frank L Osborne assert thst be Is tbe ablest of all tbe aspirants and tbe friends of Alfred M. Waddell, Mayor of WU- mlngtou and ex-Coogressmaamaks lbs Claim as to him. : ' V Tbo primary will be held oa the day of election, at which the Democratic vo ters ars to st press and decide their pref srenoe for Sanatory Last January, when the Democratic Stale committee met. Ibis plan of S, Senatorial primary was warmly commended, and In April, when tbe Slate Convention of the party melJt was ordered that the primary be held on tbe day of the election. Ten days ago the fact suddenly developed that there was opposition to the holding of a pri mary at all, or that if It be held It be ten to the counties. Your correspondent saked Chairman Rimmons what would be done. He replied that Hie conven tion of the party had formally ordered 1.1.. L.U l 1 1 I' 1 . , .... be." ' " , 'V " WUB,U utiiu. jinjunj was mane as 10 waa was me source or me opposl- tloa 10 me primary anu in rrpiy h waa Intimated that the friends of some l'.ant- tro CungreiiimaA thour;hl the Vote rut at the pilmary nilghl not lie a !r t V, -t at i' e r--jt"lar eVihm and that ll.U i. i t' 1 ! an )! a thwe "t . i OFFICIAL FIGURES. The Coutltatianal Amendment WaaCar . rkdbyS3,m Special to JoaraaL , Baucis k, Angast S3. The State Board of Canvassers met to-day and canvassed the vote oa the Constitutional . Amend ment Tbe vote was for tbe Amendment 18$, 817, against the Amendment 138,288. Majority for the Amendment 53,832. RALEIGH. Offer of General Carr to Soldiers Home. The Visitors Wednesday. More Rain. Rai.k.ioh, N. C, August 23. Tbe gen erous offer -of Julian 8. ..Oarr to com pletely equip the hospital at the Soldiers' Home here is appreciated, but the veter ans declare they must not let him have all the harden; that they will raise all they can and then let blm do tbe rest. The hospital will be completed October 1. Its cost is 85,000. appropriated by tbe Legislature. The veteraua In their meeting last night asked the Legislature to make an ample appropriation. Its means are now limited, and there are on tile 100 applicatione for admission, which cannot be granted. Col. Carr last year gave the ' Home provisions for four months, and this year has supplied It with flour. . The military made a fine impression here yesterday, marching well and being nicely equipped. To-day the New Bern division of Naval Militia left for home, after having marched to the capitol square and saluted the Vance Statue and the Confederate Monument. The State Board of Agriculture is call ed to meet next week. There were 4,000 visitors to the State Museum yesterday. The Vance statue is greatly admired, targe numbers of people viewed It to il ay. The State characters the Church Lum ber Company, of Salem. F. II. Fries and others being the stockholders. Heavy rains fell in this section last night, accompanied by severe electric storms. Cotton dealers say that crop lias improved during this week, though In somu sections tbe damage done by the iutense heat and drought is irrepar able. An employment agency here is In formed by New York employment agen cies that no more negro laborers are wanted there. This is supposed to be tbe outcome of the recent race riot there- Wesley Whitaker, dUd here yesterday, aged 80. He was for years an editor, was Mayor and for 20 years a magistrate. He wag the first railway postal clerk here. Weary Willies to Meet. An active market has developed in the padlock, shot-gnn and bull-dog line, owing to the fourth annual convention next Wednesday of the "National Tour lata' Union." This Is the annual reunion of ho boes. Home few hoboes already have arrived and organized themselves into commit tees on credentials and entertainment, and have Issued a programme for tbe conveutton. They also have issued a list of "tour ists who are qualified to sit in the con vention.' This list includes, according to their announcement, "tourists, prin lers, blndleshifts (those who can cook anywhere),' tnestocrats (experienced sleepers), society tramps and bo- Jacks." Here are the features of the conven tlon: 10 s.i m.- Address of welcome by Weary E. Bradford, head pipe of T. U. No. 13; response by Charles Tired Noe, grand head pipe of National Tourists' union. , 1 Onion i Cotton will speak on "How We Got Here." Dusty GUroy, chief routs picker, will speak on "Transportation Problems.M, Professor Smooth Way and Gold Brick Potter will do tbo Covington cake walk. Brltt (Iowa) Dispatch. v-? ' Steer By - The Star, ., Night on tbo sea, and ooe loao ship -' In the midst of, the darkness there ; A trackless waste spread sll aboot - And the blackness everywhere But gleaning In the sky above ; ' Are seen the beacons of the night? Set there to guide thst lonely ship : ' , Across the pathless sea aright. ' The wsves roll high and toss lbs ship,' ' A plaything on their turbid crest; .; Tbe sea lifts up it eager arms '-: :. And opens wide Its heaving brtlast.' But safely still tbo vessel rides, , ' For one there Is who guides sright, Became his syes are fixed upon , Those falhtful beacons of Ibe night. No vessel sailing o'er life's sea .'. But safely may tbe harbor find V If tbe Great Beacon of lbs sky , Be ever kept In sight and mind. . Ths light st times may shine but dim Tbe way seem dark, the harbor far, But he cannot get off tbe course Who guides bis vessel by tbe Star. - Los Angetee Herald. CASTOR I A For I.. '.i.U and CM 'rctu KiVd Y:j I::vj.: :;:;;C: r.mrs t:.. HtllS SlBil. Sltaation at Pekln Uncertain and Wires Believed Cat j Beealt ef Hardships nrlhg Siege Warships at Shanghai. Gen eral Chaffee Is Thaakfal. Message Frost Coo- ger. ; ttpecial to Journal. i Washington, August 83. The for eign Council at Shanghai have heard nothing from Pekin since the 17th, and fear that the Chinese have cut the - i The allies at Pekln demand theexecu- tlon of Prince Tuan who was Ho lawuly . NflftnnalhlM fir t Km Kiivra atlapk on tlin . , ' legations. i Several ladies In the Pekiu legations have died from the hardships suffer dj during the siege. Twenty-seven warships of foreign na tions are now at Shanghai with seven thousand men. More vessels are ex pected. Washington, August 22. The War Department has made public the follow ing: "War Department, August 23. To Major General Chaffee, Pekln, via Takt.: The President joins me in congratula tions to you and the officers and men of your command ou the brilliant achlevt- menl In which the courage, fortitude and skill of the Ainericnn forces in China have played so honorable a part. With uiouminx for onr fallen com rades, the whole country is proud and ateful for your great success. "Emu Root, "Hcaetuiy of War." Washington, August 22. Tho State Department made public tonight a ablegram from Minister (loader iu the apartment cipher to the following ef fect: "Pkkin, Anis. 19. Secretary of State, Washington: The Chinese army lied. The imperial family and the court have gone wet ward, probably to Slan-Fu, In the Prov- hce of Sben-Si. No roprusentalives of the Chinese Government are in sight in Pekln and the conditions uie chaotic. i'be palace is expected to be taken im mediately. Many missionaries have started tor home, while others remain in charge of the Christian refugees, num berlug about 1,000. "Conokk." THE MARKETS. The following quotations were receiv ed by J. E. Latham, New Born, N. C. New York, August 23 Cotton; Open. High. Low. Close Aug 9.17 9.17 8.09 9 03 Sept 8.67. 8.70 H.fifl 8 67 Octi 8.56 8.67 8.B1 8.51 Nov 8.43 8.40 8 40 8.40 Jan 8.40 8.43 8.87 8.38 Mch 8.45 8.45 8.40 8.40 Whbat: Open. High. Low. Close Sept 78 794 7l 79J Conn: Sept So. B'y Pfd 62, 52 J TCI H Fed. S 34 Con. T Leather 10 10j Cotton receipts were 1,200 bales at all ports. Lenoir Dronght Broken. It was a fine rain we had yesterday af ternoon and last night the first In over s month. The temperature has fallen a little and everybody feels better. The drought Just ended bas been the worst we have bad for years.. Much damage was done to corn, cutting It off about 80 per cent. Cotton baa been badly dam aged, but the rain will help tbe top crop some. After all It Is lbs general rule that belter cropw are msde after a drought than after a long wet' spell. Klnston Free Press. Ton will never find any other pills so prompt and so pleasant as DeWitl s Lit tie Early Risers. 7. 8. Duffy. , AFcarfnlBlowV , The waters of Cape Hatlerae were ag hated lloadsy nlgat lev a manner not experienced since tbo fearful aor'eestar Of this month s year sgf-tbe well- re membered West ladlao hurricane. , : Tbo storm of Monday -night did not last long, but It was strenuous while oa the wind attaining a velocity of seventy. two miles sa hour, and many thought was to be a repetition of last year blow. - :' i- : . So fsr as Is known no disasters occur cd to shipping ths hurricane being only local. i '"'! I' h' ' The Diamond Bboals Lightship, , No. 71, weathered the gale. Norfolk Virgin Ian. ;-, '-".. ' Special Grand Excursion. There will be a grand eicurston to tbe Sept." 4th, olfered. and special low rates ars Tbe fare for the ronnd trip tlrkets will allow two full days In Ahevllle. The round trip fare from New trra Is flM). Tralo leaves t I 03 a. m. The A. AN. C. railroad ro' hfS will go through with out cl.an;-. Tl kpt on n!e st the mere win ne a grano eicurston to me , .. . , ., t ...,..!.. , . , hneay or other tehtcla t snort Land of the Sky," leav ng here Tunsdsy,""'' fiBUT T1I8L10IL The Mob Burns The City Hall At Akron Ohio. I Retaltef Fallen. 1e I.yarh the Ne gro Peek. Troors l! 1 to the Seme fttrvu Mere Among ;Zg 12 j4j killed. Special to Journal. Akron, Ohio, August s:i The esrrs sessts of the nioli whi Ii aiuuipt ed to find am) lyni'Ji the Louis IVrk.wbo confessed to having attempted to assault ,ug out jc.i uiu uauguici in ucuauid culminated iu great disorder last "V1 - iu t,M attempt jtv.eniej. iu tire attempt eier)ay, to ! storm the county jail, two, members of i . tbe mob were killed. J ' List night the mob dnsirnred the City Slorm Hall by the use of dynamite and fire. Tbe loss is a million dollars. Two build ings wero burned ami one partially wrecked The Mayor of Akron called for troops. The 1'ouilb Ohio arrived on the scene anil cleared the streels at the point of bayonet. The mob lied before tbe ad vance of the soldiers. The mob then started for the house of Chief Police and ihe troops hurried there. Five men were killed and two moid are dying. The Chief of 1'nlice and the other city officials are all iu the Mayor's house, having eHcaneil from his own house which ibti moli had Biirroiinile.il. More troops are on Ihewuy to Akron Serious trouble is feared to-nighl. The Mayor utoi the commander of the troops arc devising plans to protect tbe city. lie Mayor and I lie city otlh er were nc- sieged in the city hall for two hours be re tliey escaped through a rear win nw. The Chief of I'olicu became, deranged n his iniml last night. A new Chief has :cn appointed. The negro 1'eck, whom the mob was ifter, is in Cleveland jnii where he -vas anied from Akron before the attacks by be mob. Another Akron negro was taken to Cleveland ns it was feared that the mob would attack him. PEAS for Fall PLANTING. liuridfi'th'H Morninir Si.;ir, extra silly. Cleveland's Kirst iind Best. For Fule By vus ii. iaiB,i,. Ktist Market Dock, New Hern, N. ii-swf w-lf. FOB SAI.K ! I will sell my Cat Rigged Boat. She has caliiu forward, it can be changed aft at siniill expense, and she will carry 50 tubs of oysters and sle!p two men in cabin. Lalclv put in the best of order. Nw must, new sail, now ceiling and tight as a bottle. Pplemlid ani bors and elinin cable, extra anchor and 80 fed 2- inch rope cable, new. 'all on 8AM. P. WATKrlS, 105 Middle St. il-swt w-tf. In addition to the large and complete stock of Bicycles and Sundries, I am carrying a full ana varied stock of Guns Refrotbers, Loaded Shells, Be I will guarantee to saie you money on any make of Gun. and will sell other goods in this line on 7ery dose margin. . Give me a calL ,', l ') i' '" ''''' r ' s ' ; 'S n . il Middle Utrrst. Opposite Journal Offi. o D1IDDCD T1DCC nUDDtn I IslLOe Boggitt of Carriages furnished i. I.. ill. T?..l.lu Tii nr wbeols with tnbW tires for your Douce. ' 1 it ..h want nt-Hilnr In our line call on is. , W will pleas you,' 1'rPJ.iect fully. a. II. Vairrn a'- f' )n, Mione l -t I .- 5 '.. ww DONT YOU NEED It so, go to McDaniel's and you can get one lor 25c. :- . 5 Also a fresh lot Whole Dried Codfish, and nice Irish Potatoes. ; Fulton Market Beef and Small Hams. & Nice lot Jellies in glass jars, 10c each. s Pure apple Vinegar and Spices. . s Full line Canned Goods. - - ;5? Give me a call. Respectfully, U.L. B'liotie 91. McDMI -ryjisiisisiiasfsi DEBNAM AND KINSEY SCHOOL, liA. - If. C. MILITARY, Literary and Business School. The only school of its kind in Eastern epre-entiug seven of tbe best Colleges and Thorough in all of its Department!1. A well arranged Literary course loclud Ancicut and Modern Languages. Courses in Art and Music. An ip-to-date lus'mess Course: Shorthand and Typewrit Expenses (or a five months term, including tuition board, furnished room, ut 1 and lights, range from $18 75 to $57 50. S;'nd for Prospectus. , J. E. DEBNAM, Supt, Ia Orange, IV. CL THE WORLD'S, You are araedifry''c ' ' 4 to call and examine qEHjnnai cu these Shoes. They MEYER EQUUEH. are by long odds the best values ever offered in the city, only one price $350, Mail orders will receive prompt attention;. ' $3.75 delivered to any address in Eastern J North Carolina. Write for catalogue. ' : ' 5: a WNN & CO. 57 POLLOCK STREET. fV: ( , TIIK STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE nr NORTH CAROLINA - v . ' Offers to young women thorough literary, classical, sclontlfie and Industrial educa- , , tlon and special pedagogical training Annual expenses $0S to 1183; lor non-real-dent tm. Feculty of 80 members. Morethan 400 regular students. Has matrlo- . . Dialed about S.000 etuaenu, representing wwy uij m '" ""i'' Practice and Observation Hcbool of about 250 pupils. . To secure board In dormito- , riw, all free tuition applicatioav should be made before August 1. i: 1 t ,: . Correspondence invited from those desiring com potent trained teachers. For catalogue and other information address until August 15th - 'i , , . PBOF, J. Y JOYNER, Dean of College l CHARLES D. McIVKR, President, ' ;' .;, .--: THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLCQE b Agriculture and E TECHNICAL tDUCATlOn IHf fe- v a .:nni,,Hi Rtv-k-mialnir. ljjtiwuivui-s - o S . I1U ilWHIVS)! siiji..vw.-. XB prktical education in, Carpentry. Wood-tuning, Mill-work, Boiler-tondtng, tending. . . ; ' Tuition, M a yesrt floard, 8 a mrmth. '. Next session oprns flcpternlier 8th. .- Kntrance evamlnallons In evh County Court liotmp, Ju o'clock a m; also at the OolWe HcpieudK-r 4th and r,:h. For full Information, aiVln-e President GEO. T. Y.7K7rY- tz f- t S It 'ir ' 1 t ' t ' ' t ! t ' ' A GOOD BROOM?! EL, WhoIsBsale afc Retail Grosjer, 71 lan.l Hi. Carolina. Six well f quipped Teachers Universities. inn. Asamasmtaaama m am Msl nM nW. Mechanic Arts. rN 1 ' ; ' Horticulture. Mechanical. Civil. 1 , - y - 4 : r Blacksn.ithing, Machine-work, Z fcngine-tendtng, and L)jDino- L ''',' ' ; :

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