Mxtxmi VOLUME XXIII NKV, BERN, IUAUN Hi! M, V i . MtMi,,, NU'TLMtOK 4 MKM -Li 1 I" S n i V , t. K FORM CLUBS. NOT THE UME. nfyjl N OH ESTER I 7V "NEW RIVAL" FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS Dale of Ot .' .r.;,'.itinri AJ- 1 ahur I ki Vjn nlscrwJ h i ius- ltu p. 1:1. Lit 1,1 K .. . Petit wtmh I iscJ for Sep! . in h j r I 4th. I .. !) i i 1 It. -It-cil. - t.i '.III' ( .hi 1 v., nl w-i.'.iuiiH 1 1 r Viiiointi i inii. I ' I h fi fi. r lot n i it i: a n .1 (llher Id i .mii nil- n il a I i .. i. I II 1 I tl II T I It I 1 1 it I I I . f I! . ii li I i r .1 I. i. I. I . . I. -1,,. I .. ( I I l I il in-til 1 1. n Its I it Haw Helped. II 1 1 ,,(,-,, i... - s . I ; II in,.- I h.. ..i: I. 1,, I..- It., .1 ii-.-. 1.,!!!' 71 1m!Ti!.k., ''" LC rVit . f v vsith the Nl U k'U 4,1 ' in unt i uiiJ k jl(f n..,l H I Ilii ifinijini , 1 1,, -Absolutely Pure- For the third of a century the standard tor strength and purity. It makes the hot bread, hot biscuit, cake and other pastry light, sweet and excellent in every quality. No other baking powder is "just as good as Royal," either in strength, purity or wholesomeness. -p . lal I., .I'lIU UH i; m hi ' ii , si-pi . ii low ille- addles- 1 ' HI , ,1 1 II H W Ii ih1,,-'! " in ti. i .mitt . ,t 1 1 hold in lln- Stale, II." iii-ss . if 1 In 1 1 tin-, I hi ! Ill II H,h ISHl'lf I" :'-inl!itl.itl i.f citllis DEBNAM AND KINSEY SCHOOL, a f f N F ! . I. well It- the undcrsiguc II nilt't t UK I II 1 1 1 Slate middle ,,f September, mill, till f rente, tec . it 1 1 ii i -1 m 1 Kiiiiiiv, 14lli -.eplcinbcr (at li i l; Ii 1 1 as the lime f rgHiiiaiioii of clubs in llif lowns M ll l.nv p. ircl ii.ut. Hi.' k.'t a ii. 1 at.' sli.iulil I, I- 1 'i- iu' notation halting pmv.leri ;ir I II.-..- :ui- ina.l.' v. ill) Ilium, taken t.i av.n.l III. in. us a I mil I to be Uktai III tin: touii. ROYAL BAKINO, POWtlftt CO . ml Wll I 1AM ST . NfW YORK. The General Commanding Her Forces Ordered to Leave Pekin. France Wants To Ho In Accord With Thin Country. 1.1 n Creden iUIh tlernmny Is In certain Kegnnllng KilHKia. Special to .1 1 in r it nl Wahiiinu ton, September 1 . - Russia announces to the olhcr Powers tliat as the principal lank n( lite Chluese cxpe ilUliin has lieen attained, the flencral, commanding the Russian forces lias lieen ordered to escort the Russian 1c gallon from IVkiii to Tien Tain. Russia is opposeil to war, owing to her comparative unprcpaicdness anil the low ehli Iter nuances have reacltcil Her great trans Siberian mail Is not couiplc letl anil rcnileri il impracticable to trans port an army rutllclcnt to ileal with emergencies which might arise, espe daily if both Ureal Itrilalu ami Japan should light. While Russia umpiestlon ably baa designs on Chinese territory lier present assurances of having no in tention of land acquisition are ac cepted In good faith and so Irealed by the I'nited Slates The Krench press says thai it Is of the utmost itiiii'irlant c I Ii til the I tilled Slates I and Krsm-i' slmiilil pursue an Identical ' course of Chinese p.ilirj. Italy favors the withdrawal of the Powers from China. i The text of I lie French (ioverninenl's i answer to LI Hung Chang's peace 1 prnpospals proves lo Ihj almost Identical RALEIGH. Ncprocs SalJ lo Ho Iclg;itcs (jo lo Blllmorc. Oxford Orphan Asylum. Special to Journal Kai.kkiii, September 1 Tin' ncn-tary of the I'opiilisl Mate KxecutiYe l 'on, mil lec nays he is conlidenl IIihI Ihete wil In a great exodus of negro vnlcrs from this Slate. Hi: savs furllter linn the negroes appear to care little or notlting about votlnif here: that tbev nnpetir to have soured upon the Republicans in Ilii i Slate, but that they would like lo vote for McKinlcv lie aavs he thinks if tin full vole were polled and counted Mi Kiulcy would carry the Stale. The Slate t barters tint Really l.oa and Guaranty Co , of Charlotte, viilli a atithorl.ed capital of fldlMHIII. This morning (lie delegates lo the cot ton ((in veil I i , in of the Male's Coumii sinners of Agriculture were taken mil lo the Agricultural and Mechanical CoHeg and lis farm and to other points of In tiireBl. This afternoon ten of tbc dt lt gates left for Asheville, in order to i.iend Monday at ltiltmoie farm. Those who went are Stevens and Daniel. o( Oeorgla; Uedheatl and Robinson, of Mis slsslppi; Lee, of Louisiana. Magmder, ol Virginia ('ary and I Irugger, of Alabaina, Kill, of Arkansas; rallerson, Capcbarl and McColluin of North Carolina The members of the Stale I'ress Asso elation relurnlng tioin the ami'ial nieel in,' si Asheville, say il a pleasant 0 te, though the til tendance is small. Il Ii shI.1 llml Ihree f.uirihs of the editors In the Slate are members of the A oria lion The term of the, Oxford Oiplmi Asy Itim iM'gan liHlay. Siiperiiileiiil;ini VY. .1 Illcks siys a.'O pupils are pi .' I f II III l. I S V H 1 . I ,., I ' i 1 -fin ly hi l.uie' i ,, hi, 'I ; 1,.- . Hpiia sliorl 1 lu re a- i, iirii,li ,,t .1 ,1 A slu-villi- hihI I ' 1 1 . 1 1 1, ,n i- , I til W hi. I, I 'lI TI- .1 -'. I re ..I the ,lti ci in T lit-re s a a It a: a r n 1 1 ay .'( J ilisbury. I1.' ,. nit lo the ire: Mlllian I- 1 v tl t , I a I ' i, ll Hi id poll. . ii. a li I . i i. . d,i l the luf MILITARY 1 M 4.ICI .l Literary and Business School. -.1 i A 1 or one night I a-1 i ri r K , , i I, a, I I-, his hi. me al-, .nl m, ,,i,!t'li,, lot a I tin tin tes it ii.i ii- lo- j ill rlllllm I) , slu I 1, his 111 Tin' cits, ' com I l-alw ar.l- j kept in jail al Lev a 1 nehiltg. siol la l, Siilisluii ' I I ! staled, was til I on, al Salisliury . The First l"r . linn , linn li hi lo he ileilii .'lti il I In- no oil Ii. It is e .in 1 1 1 ft ed saw ll.e no tii'itial Viin lii I 1 the lale Rev l' lllriill M. l'hei Vi'hil'll is 1 if i Ml- I, i'l, I,, 1 111 ill , al ork. The repiit-li. -in al 1 i If I-llslii u , , Ilii ami lies, ami Sat unlay, t lie 101 h day of Scp-, as 1 tit' day for their organiation i, : he ( i.itntry prccincls, and reijucst Hull on 1 hu-e dales nieetlngH lie held ill 1 lie sc eral precincts ot the Mate lor the purpose ol utganitng chilis in aeeoro- inee iiltlhe suggestion contaiiied in llie call above set out. There are in North Carolina altotil one 1 lioiisanil lute Supremacy I lubs II . i eeoin iiieniled that wherever these lubs now exist, that I hey meet on the ne or I lie oilier of lite days above inen- I ione.l. and that litey be organl.ed for I lie present National campaign into rvan ami Slevenson clubs, under the -.tine general plan ol organ Ion miner Ahieh I hey have heretofore operated In ..Dili,.,, lo II,.' i,r,-,'l,'l elnlw lie r'U.(tfore neilli,ini',l il is l ceuill llie nilctl thai lliere publicans liaw a! lie organied iii every counly a count y J pari y's hea,!'iin 1 1 c tii. lo he t (imposed exclusively oi lite eigh, littl in .m itai rinan of 1 he sc eral piecinet clubs, I ; i eensboro, it- li. ind that the chairman of the Count y i deeming il I. o i at F.xectll ive Cotnlllillee shall be ex olli e 1,'epllliliean ' pl, ebaiiinan ol the counly club. l-'rii llie purpose of appointing dele aale-. al large to lint convention of the National A-soeiation of clubs lo be held it Indianapolis, Ind., on October i!rd, for ihe purpose of hohlini; a great mass uieel ing in I he Si ale's eapitol to ratify he nominal!, ,n of Bryan and Slevenson, and fur 1 he transact ion of ol her business - on iieclcd w il It club work in Ihe State, i Slate convention of the Democratic lubs Is hereby called lo convene in Hie ily of Raleigh, on Wednesday, the 'Jul It of September, mid each precinct club is hereby reiplested, at its lirst llleelilig, to .elect delegates lo 1 1, i- t on venl ion and .leel one delegate for every ten mem iers lo lite National I on venl ion, F.acli lull shall lie fill III. d I o one delegate iii the several con venl ions for every ten ind fraction over live ii-iiii,--. of the club roster. When a club is oreaiii.'-l, IheSecrc tary is rcptesled to :t' un e send lo lion vV. It. Ilearsl, President National Asso tew , ; n.' l et w aid-, n. very near o ihe S u i , r, - ni e a Inni: lime I., ptiv.-iit a lav was l a k i 1 1 he clinic, as i-ltial vi as held Hi. , ' o-i 1 1 lion ' I hat '.:,, I I, a ' llial -lal. d J. I )I:BNAM, Supt , I i. I He cm- I ,a! Il,, 'I'll, ll I- ,,- ! " I' I I ot . i in li III llial ll liooos al Spanish (Mackerel I w - ,1 I. d i! in nil h i n 1 al 1 1 :i in .in l in y ti' tlr- at K-Mil)lir)iits v ill M)i front i lir nal way t hry ccuici ('.uolina cainpai; L'ml l-niitr f Ihi. i i very doubt ftil. One of llie Ijiilm'-I in tin lir X lo the S ale 11 1 1 1 -i -; i n i K loin In Noilh Tarolina biiloiy, t during I br ( 'olonial, I c v o n I iin Civil war pniod-t Tin- ball iik-1 mi' 1 .'i - -i-Mcl mi ti lb. ir i'"V bl lo be al Hal ' Ad.-. M HI J . . I f . 11 f.iMiM'.l in.t'i d.. t ..t I iih'v Kali'i''li i,r i i'i I. ,iiiii i.ui nl ibr 1 ' ' " . i. ..f ihlliu nc. " 'I lit- I I'l"- I riil. d i' I all 1 lit- 1 1 1 : . : m y llu-y I 'bal )K n ... in :ii . oiniiii l In I hi iilti (fin ni ibcir North j 111 n in IS'ii; Ii is biiii. d 'ire ..I i w b li inrr. but this I l"il in iDllii: I b -.f, - I Ir. m .In ii ttinnn Ir.i-. In i : I ir i ii' mii ii I In d lo by Hi. li t! I mat . l;,i .-l in oil ,.l 1 ' .1 I'V I I" il. p signed Is ol itilllely in n III.' -ecu, I lb, I Ihe Sllpn new all devoled pecially ary and I hits as , inline Collll ialion 1 leiiioe ralic I Itroailway, New ork ' Simmons, t hai rinan ol ('ointniltee, Kalcigh, N club, roster of ollicet a. lion, and number of ,il,-, No I37'l i v . and lo K M . -stale Kxeeulive ( ' , name of I lie dale of olgHIIIa 'llll.f t s nl, nil .Itilfd Many Prisoners Released. 1 1 - t.i. . I .. I .. .. . t. .. 4 -I ,n language wuu u.e repty ot .tie ,v wh)) (,n ,K, t:on vellU. ntly accon.m can (lovernnienl which laid down as a preliminary lo peace overtures that sc curily In the t hlnese eapilal and respon slide (Invernntenl authority lie estab ! Special lo Journal. ,hed I London, Sept. I (ieurral Freni h has Ll Hung (Tung's credentials were Is lllieraied two thousatnl llnlish piisoners sued by the Kuipress Dowager and not In the Transvaal. They were Ihe prison by the Kinjieror K wang Tsu. This may era removed from Pretoria w hen the ub llocrs lefl Ihe capital. They were pi starved conli- htve an important bearing on Ihe j.-cl II Involves the Issues between the clad and many in a Km press Dowager, who Is anli foreign; lion. ml llie Kmperor, w ho Is pro -foreign The Russian sympathies entertained by Wan, o Fnls, the Empress Dowsgcr is sgalnst the till , llsh sympathies held b, the Kmperor. Washington, Sept '-' There Is an, August :il -The Herman unprecedented numlKrof enlistments Oovrrnment has recclvo.1 a note from 'r Ihe army at the recrulllng stations, Kussis proposlns; the cvasuallon of Pe j du8 10 ll'n ll,'",rc ,,,r "cvit e In jn j China and the Philippines, most of ihe It It stated here that this note l based recruits Sclfylng servlie abroad win 11 on the untenable nalure of the mtllta j ,UBT enl F M MMMONS, Cha'rinan Slate I Icin 11 1 at 1, Kxeeulive CoititniUee Jo-Ki ll 1 - 1 1 v s 1 11 -. Menibf r N at ional I letnocraiic t'ointnii tec f nun North I 'at oil 11a, ('Mil, II I :i -lilel al ion hu ll I I hal il il 1 11 I Ykni I i 1 I ie I at "I lll'l COUIUOIIl leave all, I l' 1 v e ol. lain 1,111!,, an-ol I,i- oii,,i: 1 in Hi Hi , e. 'e -ll, I' .1 President Stale eral ie CI ulis A- ( ' v 1111, lal 1011 of I b'lnn I A - lit . . 1 Ian, 'tin. ..f I , mo a t rmpor which Ii The character of the rta rolls Is lilgl the general recruiting him 11 re I during military j lu J " 2,700 men for the army if these 'J.I.'tO enlistments were msde In the j cities and W al mllilsry posts anil utr has neill. I no litlll nntlllirt 1.1 appni auin 1 e situation sn.l thai ll Is only ary of Pekln proposed, bssisl rnllrely on ground Oermaay has not) it answered llllf. ll.,l. III K l lll'l.' .ll"" .', 1 , any other power. Ik.ubl. are fell lltsl J"clel. '.,K'n. n"n,,M : Japan will wltbdrswher Iroops fr..m of enllslments - ',7'KI show Peklo If the Japaneso remalne.1 Itus j p"ns sought servlre wllh s s might alo maintain oeeupallon of army July. llie city Tbl w mid cause Ihe rollapse that 11,7::.. ih'' regular of Ihe hob' plan The Kin p tor and Fm press Dowager (if China are si Thai lluregn In Ihe prov ince of riliang So Business Wen Refuse. Naw Tnaa. Hetoiemlier 2 lesnlleth nrgsat appaals made by rVnator Ksnna " h traoiport Thomas, under .111 lo ins buslaeas lateraali of the large ell "n,: ' of ninety nine year.' Imprison los of tba Eaal for avoaey wllh which lo mBnl l Alcaira. as t lb iifiHM of th. Ilepubllcaa TMi man. It was prored, nol only de national e.mpalga, lh lolal of Iht ooa rll tba ranks r.r tba American army, trlballons uo to TaaUrda. asaoaaUxl U. ' b"1 inok P nomrades, Sentence of Ninety-Nine Years. Cnii Atin. Sept, 1 A spes isl from Ran Kranetaro says: "Mush Ian Henry Vanoe, formerly of Company I. 1 hlrly seventh lleglmenl, I'nlied Hiat" Volun tears, was brought from the PhlUtpplnes only I ) par cant of llsa total tba had ba rwcalrad na fWplaanbar fear jraars " , A complets Una of goM and gold Sib 4 waiclsaa aold al J. U. tlailar a lot caaa aasi on laitalateaU la mpoMlbU rilas). and while aervlng ai Major wllh the Kll Uplnoa altartail wagon train and eecort par Ilea. Vaara a raptured, court snsrllsled. aad ewleeoed lo be bnt, but owing lo Ik4 eeaeaeasry of Praal4at McKlnley, his sjiasasst waa onaiaiOled to alneiy lM4r' laaprUoaaaal, Si'crelHrv Statt eral I. Clulis Kn C 11 v m i:l- it- S vi nil, lee l'icsid.'iil lor Noilh Carolina and .Member Kxeeulive Commiltee Nat ional Assot ialion I Iciihh ral ie Clubs Dreadful Railroad Wreck. Pun. Mill, nil , Sept J 'Ihirlicn persons were killed ami a 1 in)'ireil on Ihe Philadelphia and Reading Railroad ibis morning In a rear end collision be tweeu a southbound A llantie City exeui shin train and a milk train. The disaster occurred a few minutes before 7 o'clock nt llattield, Pa , a small j station In Montgomery loutilv, 0.1 the II lliielii-in branch of Ihe Philadelphia ! an I Reading Rsilnay, 27 miles north I w.-sl of this city A dense fog prcvailid al 111' linn', tin' milk train was IhIc and IhU s)ntcm of the Reading is npetHled i witltnill block signals The accident is attributed lo lltese facts 1 The A I Inn lie City excursion lefl j Itelhli'liein In three set linns a few inni utes afler fl n't lock Three tpiarlers of an hour Islet the lirst set (Ion, eomposetl ! of a li" -omoilve and HI t ars, rrnwdeil -Willi 1 asm-iigers, while rtiniilng at a , speed of Is I ween 4n and '1 1 intlei an ' hour, t rallied into the rear ear of a Irsln rntnj.nsed of four milk rats sud s px I si nger t oai h, slsndlngln front of the little slslion si lltlllrld j The tnomenlilni of the rxctlrsion Irsin WS4 so great that Ihe train ahead uf tl ws driven attliost '100 feet I he loeomo live of I he excursion train wa thrown i arms Ihe noth and soiitn bound Irackj alsitit 400 feci from ihe rsllroad slslion, where It fell on Its side The first three csm ll wai drawing were lorn from their trucks and the ends crushed like eggihella, carrying death and snfTerl ig lo the passengers. The fourth and flflb coaches were partly derailed and ihe re malnlug five remained Intact I he tiiovi-tnenl in favor of ciunpulsoi y i.lucaiion in Norlb Carolina is grovvittg nipidlv All Hie leading laaclicl s in I lie Male say 1 lie lime is ripe foi il The fatineis sav llie reeenl rain- liave lienelile.l Ihe "lop crop'' of ...Hon Many of the bolls were made so ,li v ami worthless by llie long ilrottghl and lieal that Ihev could be crushed in Ihe llll;'cl- aiul like a pol full of tltlsl The temperature here d 11 1 1 11 g Aicn-l averaged over S' degrees, on a. iIi'.mc. s 1 11 excess daily of any ever lie 1 01 e 1 e. rd ed al I h is si tilioll . I '(itnniissiolier PtUlerson w as unaMe lo accompany the visiling Coiuiiii--i,,iici of the tup lo A-lu vlll. and I'.illtnore farm, and Sit tiialy Ion tier of tin- board ol Agriculture wi nt in his slead Today waa devoled lo Fill nunc. Funnels and sportsmen rcpoil lliere ate plenty of purl 1 i.lges ,.ne feared llial Ihe heavy rains in .tune had illUle,l lite prospeel fol llicse birds Infinities tile being made b. I"' Us lo llie w heriHliotits of Rober Leesi... I' .tier, ind this tilings to mind a run, am e in 11, d life. Twenty four vars m',, a while fanner, Scoll Parlen uuii.iercl bis w ife and baby, ctll Ihe bodies lo pi. . s and biiricd them in a inarsli neat a spring Kartell was out U wed an I 1 v 1 11 now his ciinie Is talked of Al I ten vears ago a man was jailed hefc. w li,,ne resenil'UlH e to Partlll was so gii s! thai I.e., tile wetc readv to swear he was Pal l. li The man said he was Lee son I 'or I. r, I hal he was of Iri-libnlh and that lie served lit the I' S army Holh ihe.e statements were true and ll was a further fuel llial lie was of a famil) of very high rank Ills Itl-h tel Hllves III fs, I llni'le particular in ipllries regarding hiin through Ihe I lepar I me 11 1 of M ale 1 1 1 in I ltd whs 11, .1 bright l lie elt 1 In. plant al ihe penitential)' ilavand w 1 1 1 Is- I . 1 . , I ei at kin, i; ii HIl I to,, I be il 11 1 1 If l,i Hun 1 111. an. I Iv an. , . I 1 will 1I111 nol I I, an: Hit I I lo 1. 'main ei I I i 11 fi-l in . ol 1,1- intention 111 .11 , p ; , o 1 I 1 1 1 i I v 1, i,t - I o I lk I In- nal ion- and 11, I,, .hlii I 1 tol Ihe . IVV V, il I, "01 . .1111 1 . 1 h -r 1 1 - Portsmouth Corned Mullets ; barrel Fulton Market Corned Beet Fresh lot Crackers and Cakes Fresh Oatfiakes, 10c package, r Fresh Prunes; Fancy fresh S Butter; Fancy lull Cream Cheese. H Complete line Iresh Canned Goods 5 A good tabl' Butter lor 25c. S very finest lor 30c lb. : - It will pay you to trade with New 5: Elgin 5? The 5: the op I', V ices ot I w o V iee I o V - , all , 1 t , of I he I'sii ii : I ,i "l amen I., Willi Ililll III I If' . opo-l ,1 p, ill uui Li 1 1 ,li;' ( ' liaur l- still I I is -lll.l I ll.ll 111 I - I II I I 1l"I , folcigllel s l o ,'l il l. 1 a ' I t is I holialil !iv 1 he I n.'': Sltllllll HIeoll-ly H--I1 I ill ' I hal ol lii'i nal i,,u- h i . ' w ill., haw 1 ,i v i-ili .1 ih, I a lid hud a 1"il' i ii ! e i v i , a a Silbp'.-t ol the colli,- I made k li. ov ti I f -ouict hi ,11' ill o , i i lo i I , That head of v I" . I I I all I., i ll red 1 f oil .v Cclcr) I lea, lin die ),. I. ' l ide and -old only hi ! 'a-. d'f'n a I J. L. HcMIEL V lU inW IMlOlM' 1. 71 llrs.""l S. ml ,-ed I' GRAND PREMIUM SALE ! At the I3lanters Warehouse, New Bern, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1900 RUBBER TIRES. 1 1. i i A li I I 1 1-,,, ,'. ,: OF IMtKal I IMS, SIOO OO. I N i w P, i ii. Km' . w I'. IiIHIL It I I. ti ll' til . Wciliif'Hilny '1 lin-r I lioitPth b-sl I'l I'Uv ir of 'l iiiii Joui-. I br in gr Wam brvtiK'f'l here mthoii Imvr LllL IMI.tihlllH-il in . i f i h rr r hi IH T li win. ii. II. Pic I'1' '"' ;- ;.-i".n ; .. 1 nl'Ii a' 7s H : ll,. haul l.a lie VV I, i i IV I I -,nv dill. f . i : l I ' r -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 In.- I gra 1. s, S i 'Ih that ri tin I a I- id a' k i He 'av I'.v. oil 1,11, tlollV 'I', I liiirsdiiv inorning as by boat unci in wagons u.aliv farmers 'Vi o II,' 1 fon, .1 '1,'t I ..I Ft,, I,, 1,1 - -a " I nine , ow n Tim cm. lay in Sep PLANTER S WAREHOUSE CO., J. M. HOWARD, Manager. k lav : t 11 In addition to the large and complete stock of Bicycles tvvmmmfmmrm and Sundries, I am r mi Nok-m camh ina coi.i.Ltii: carrying a full ana "' j Tha mot. t .In i nl v ami; I ITtKtlc Rll' I rYll! I.Ullr '. nrr dim uimlol Imi I I roiiblf-d fTrctlrr Kurlv Kin-.. for nil llvrr in.) Ni w r i ipf I" H I 'ti varied stock or Uuns Reofoers, Loaded i 1 Shells, Sc. I Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. To fcxpcrlmcnt In Hawaii. W.siiiN..i..a, Sepi 1 Dr. K ( Si nlili., of ttie A ir r h ii ll il r si I eparlmen t , has returned from s trip lo Hawaii, w I ere he went lo Investigate the agrl cultural condilb.ns on the Islands As a result of his visit it hsa len decided lo establlah eiperlment slsllons In the Islands. J J llailet a selling bis Ribbons, Lawns, Ladles Oifords, anrl alt snmmer ' goods arj low (or Ibe taab will guarantee to t sae you money on any make of Gun, and will sell other goods in this line on CASTOR I A ery cose marn' ror ufanu ad cwidr. I Owe me a call. Tin Kind Yon Hm Alwijs Bontit , WTl T. HILL, tl MWidla Wreol, Oppoalte Jovmal Offlosj TKHNICAL FDUCATION IN A n, ii 1 1 1, i , Nih i riiisiii).', 1-1 " .uol Kl. . Iro ,il I'.n. neeritiv . I an.! A 1 1 Int. .1 it r PRACTICAL FD I) CATION IN ( ,u i.. nl i v . W.-xI t irnmir, I'.lai kstnil Inn) 11 'V ol k . Poll. 1 t. lullli;, I' III. US' I. i "In,:-. 1 1 ii r, , Me lilt I I I I III, I v il, I. I ii 1 ii -1 1 , ( lifinistrv, M ( liiiie-work, ll'llll IIH', Bll'l I II lIllO- Bn the) To i Hon -I' s sr llosr.l. i a nt .nib Neil . lon ..pens Heplemher Mi. I'.nlranee eiaminaltons In ea h Coiinljr Court hollar, c bwrk a m, also l Dm I VdU-ge Hs.plendier 4th and ftlh. Kor full informalmn. aildreso J ,ly Wlh, 10 President GEO. T. WINSTON, KALKIGH, N. 0,

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