YOLUMI IX11I. NW BERN, CRAVEN COllKTY. K. . FUHIAY, SEPT EM li H 7. UMili. - SK( (Mi sEiTinX. CHAFFEE TO REMAIN. I Question Of At water's Renomina tloB Is Attractlnt Much Interest SeldlerV Heat Hospital, ftraatorial Prlaury. Stadeata At Wake Feroet. Testlaaj la Rail road Cam. Crop Peat CoMBtlaalea. Speclal lo Journal. Rauiob, September 5 The Corpora tion Comiulaalon net today and took up aa Ita peolal work the matter of clasaltl catloa of fright rate oa f urnluua. J. L. Rogers of lb Corporation Com mission, who has been at Aahevtlle ten daya, attending lite bearing of the tai assessment caae, u that tbere are now 6,000 aummer visitors In the town. In (act It la crowded wltb them. The local Intereat In tomorrow' Dem ocratic Congressional convention here U unusually groat. The qneatlon Is will Atwater be renominated or will he not . . .... ui v. i. i it viceroys to unl;e, to rane use and en lzed opposition to him began. It it said . .. ' ..... that It be la defeated E. W. Pou will be nominated. The Republicans In this district will nominate J. A. lies of Chatham for Congress. He was a member of the last legislature. ftadlaf negotiations Troops Slay at Pe kin Empress Dowager Vcrj Hostile j to Foreigners. Ppeelal to Joarn-tl. ' I Washington, Sept .V i;r.lcr were aeul General l.'hsffce lu-l'iy ailvisiug him that negotiations tut- peixlini; for a julut occupation of l'( kin by the I'owris or joint rllhJrawal ih rtfrom. : CuaflVe Is Instructed lo remain at I'e kin nolil further notice. Tbe rucm-ao from General Chaffee yesterday indicates thai he epect a large part of (he force of 5,01)0 men will heonarteied In ' hloa during the coming winter and it Ih assiiniod li hm Iwen Informed that until peace is rciilured ami au agre muni reached for payment of in demnity American s. liliers will not be vlllrlra n from Chiim, though the pres ent troops at Pckin inii;ht he sent to 'i'ienulu or TaWu for the wint-r The Empress Dowager of China dcllcs tbo allies and xnt nhc will have no peace but Is for war and vengeance I She signed an edict at Ti Ttmh Fn August 20lb, which urges llio Chinese New and Lare Hall That Will Ac commodate Large Gatherings, i i Meek Ins Says He Will Stirk State Auiuinui tiou Received. j Old I nrnilure Kate IU stored. I'riniary Ma c hinery A i ranged Special to Journal Rai.kihh, N. ('. Sept. (1. The audi torlum mnllcr in at Inut urmnged. The Hoaid of Trade buililliig in liought for $l'J,r,(K). ll is Ugxotl feet and tbe land covers an area of DCxSlO feet. One of llie stores in the building w ill lie us d as an entrance to llie niiliiorinni, which will be built in the rear, of brick, with a scut ing capacity of ;!4K). The r.onl of the Biiilitorium will be about tl-r',00(l. The company, which is chartered aa the auditorium company, will issue bomla on its proper! . ll liaa subscription aggregating about $11,000, , The size of P0LLOCKSVILLE. Cotiuii Market Op.us. New Gtauin Plant. Good Lake fKh.iif. b JC lo; s .i i c Rusy. St' pi i mi- r C. WilUlicr till 1 cooler but i : l'eaa m. latino nu I all vegetables lc.ll ilamageil. Cotton ii, fi! lit njcncl bile v .-i i fsctoriix M.-ar.i sml llcudi i hi. uit .t from !' Hi The !n)lii ing but era will I on tin cotton niniliei in .louea tbli 'ii, Walke r Miars, T S. lieniei,-J. li I Li nage, I!. . . Uav and J. II. KatL Hherilf elect M. N. iie.rtl- II ii having one of tin- most rcntplele glunhiL' i-l oils erecleil here we kno of, all tin most modern conveniences are being pin in He will lie icady for o eraiioii in ; U h tin a. Messrs llcndel loos. Lie da uct-iv-ing new goods Tliev will have the l.r--t and most al li m-i ivi- iiork nt il:y j;.hi',s and nolioi.s lhis faM cm r c irrii I in the town of i'oilocki.vilii Mr, Solomon Kooni,' is n Line, the homes of this lit t i wiitc look very Tijubk hcpoi Itii ul LJiiluu. Auur Trjops Well pr. v.JiJ. rui.i c the liuxcis. I ItJ G SS ESTER "WfTtV RIVAL" FACTORY HADED SHOTGUN SHELLS i ;,iJk p.".lr .hrllon tlie market rs.nr.arr with the " NEW RIVAL" in nnl- i strung ftltoutitif, qualltlrs. u. lire awU wHLerproul. Oct tile genuine. roll troops. Blie declares an undying hatred for foreigner and tells the vice roys that tbo court fled from I'ekin I" caue It fearetl tbe CbrU.lan . would kill tbe Rmpernr. II." I he ftitditoriiiin will be 2xl40 feel. beautiful, his tn-i Isaac. M. Meekins, Itepublican nonilnec aM1 pupcring is v for Cnngit'as from the lirst district, is j Messrs. K, T , ! il. " here. Me says: "I fail to see how the have opened the soi I ii Itepublican Htate committee can take mc Catlisb I. nke section, I George Vogler of Saliabury, an Inmate of tbe Soldier's home here, died last night. Tbe hospital at the Soldiers home, which will accommodate 100 persons, ' Idem ami large ship-owner, died this down or put me up, when our district hits a comiuittc of its own, and until Arthur Scwell Dead. Special to Journal. Bath, Mains, Sept. 6. Arthur Scwell, late Democratic candidate for Vicc-l'rcK- several large deer. I ' line fish which tic y ti do sec such a right 1 shall continue to be alninitrtnt. in the lake. of our die i all of painting .1 W. II. I lender g M'iihoii 111 the li' V hav - bagged ir ami sc. ires of pi.i t :is being very I I in tn Sir rinl , Jum I V'' A 1 1 I M I ' i . . , I ' I f rep'Tl- I Mill"' m fi n v 1 wrm t LM ,1,"t' 1 ' " - 1 WffiCFr'.TER P.EPEATII.S ARMS CO. ... - New Hats Cciifl. I t - i V 1 1 tj ' t . -1 v l i . ill Ik- ft.iiit"'irL:.lii h - ! ' i a " " ' ' '" gt lax-HIiHTKn LAMP w.m m . f.ere hav . 1 ecu V-ai&iffl J ii iu al I ..hi 1 In' lot' r. r, l , ,ii - tS- in,., iv tiku 'ur "3 kvjwI . " il.plm:i-.l uni.ii tl.- riv.rk. t. !,mii t 5l!'4-iJieV 1 u,.,i,l . I',, v., f,, v I'm, ,i, El -i.' even Kiltd to be " llnprux lliliellll on ll. Hue by orw V ' J v ri ' 11 B- i , y ivll li (lie wayside, for i, M-niMi-lir,A,.s t!,.it l.li.-ri-is V-3ii " the I. vc. ol in Mi- i' o !. i-il- i (.no luiuii tliiLiti rotiily tiotUjr, um! wu ici'.kc tii.ii.Loo, t,:;:'-:;;,;..:;;1,;;;;:.;; :r:uz I the new Rochester j . ' Sj ).-( I ;is to qunliiy uii.l ' ylt'. Dun t f-tr,:.:. f.'? ;'mmi I ; , J in -i n - j- A It'?!, Ht r hut ti,. n-itu- ....,. ( ' VV, j ST ,..!! till evt-ry Un p " nut. Ni;ti;il( r win tlicryou wanl r-- t-JM I ' i:" " ' " 1 ' M- a iiciv lump or rftmv. tn! rejuur-tl r r.-tn-i-isr 1, a v.-.-.s la'-i hv rri'.-r'i-.l ... h .,-ti'iii Ih-v S im.;.i,jmI or tl-r Uiu r..uv.n"A in'.o a NKVV j4&$b- J , 1 . - P.:CMKHTEH. wo it. l us sciA yun lucruluru on W? - hc'unmd t THE ROCHESTER LAMP CO.,,,, m., NEW YORK, del' ih . i i : n s-r ! tiocl iili; sioticr-i morning. will be finished next week. It will quick ly be furnished by J. S. Carr and other Confederate Veterans. State veterinarian Cooper Curtice has Bpw.u, U) J(mlMl reiUrDfld irom iwigocomuc cuuuiy. a. m i i r l. -u. r tarooro ue io.... iuer Ui.c,.. yetmnnl Kepublicau ticket Inn HI nr. meet air s ue.ru 01 'to came, it a I'luididule. 1 he minority ol our triit eominitlc.e will refuse to authorize I). II. Abbott or any one else to call u new convention us ordered by the Stale eiimniittce. John T. .lohnaou is here and s:iys then: will lie a new convention and .Mr. Walter Mears of Wilmington, ar rived last week ill till Mil led of Muskik Alex Sprunl k Sc. is, c l I on e porters of Wilmington, N. C. Miss Lci.'i .!:ii in'i't of .1 ;n konv ille, N. ('. is visitliig 1 1 ii ii'l.i and ichitives at this Vermont's Majority. lillHt.isiiTON, Vt. September The a pin epi was of Texas or tick ferer. F.uirto. n died. Fourteen others were two monthii ago brought to the herd from a distance and these gave the fever, ai ticks weie on them. The Democratic Slate Committee met here this evening, pursuant to Chairman Hlmmous call, lo arrange for holding the Senatorial primary. The numlier of sludeuls present al Wake Forest college today was 2!t7, which is 30 per cent greater than the at tendance last year. The Baptist female University here opened today, with 16:) boarding etudents. It is learned that Rev: Thomas Dixon, Jr., Is now truck farming on the eastern - . shore of Virginia, and that he is pros pering. He expects lo make a fortune out of a particular variety of squash Ho is one of the fortunate ones who make a b icct s in all undertakings. The Stale Board of School Eiamlncrs is called lo meet here, September 14, lo examine the papers of applicants for life certificates in the public schools. The Chulrmau of the Corporation Commission, J. D. McNeill, aaya be thinks the railways and tbe Bute will eonsumo tbe full time allowed by Judge Blmonton, six months, tu taking testi mony In the $10,000,000 lax asscssme.it cue. Chairman McNeill says, "1 do not thing the railways are makiug out their case. They couleuded that property other thau railway? property In North Carollua has beeu uniformly and design e.lly assessed undrr its true value." Tbe Crop and Fruit I'est Commission met here yesterday afternoon. Stale Entomologist Herald McCarthy reported that tbe Ban Jos scale bad been found In several nurseries In tbe Slate. Tbe State charters the Heuderion Lighting and Tower Company, capita) $10,000-. 6. II. Pulllam and K. V. t'ulllaiu of Richmond and J. H. Brldgert of Hen derson stockholder. Tbe monthly report of the Slate Treas urer for August Is out. It shows re ceipts 1U7,4M, and disbursements $llfl, BOO. A well-known general officer In tbe Confederate army fr.im this Slate ia evi dently by bo nirans pleased with lbs history which Mr. Nash Is writing of the cavalry of the Army of Northern Vlr . glnla. He aald to we to-day, "You eaa ay that I have reed tome of this histo ry In tbe Atlanta Cooalltqllon and Ibat If Mr. Nash's book Is made up of suck Stuff then I don'l cere W see ll. Mr Nash la ibe repated adjutant general of W. 11. 9. IWs division." rallty of 31,000. Bubonic Plague. Special to Journal. Ui.ariiow, Septcnilier ll is believed that Ihc bubonic plague bus been checked In Ulasgow. No new c.isim are ic-p.irtcd. tlcil he i.-v au aspirant forlhe nomination ' ,Hc.,.. ; The Itcpuhlicana certainly mc in a pre!-; V r. J. If. ty mess in tbe 1st district, Johnson says js (.rc ns , limy will make heroic ellort9 to poll the i,,,,,,,,, - i ,,, ,, full negro vole. j ; ,tn jvj. c'. I The Agrieullural and Mechanical C!o!- ! r n ; i.,y . Uye opens with Iltil) sttidenls. About ag a UUyCr f,,r id: N.C For Governor of New York. Special to Journal. NAnnToiiA, N. Y., Sept. f. The lie- publicans of the Slate of New York unanimously nominated Ken j 11. Mc!l for tiovcrnor today. Speeches, were made by vSauneey Depew and i.lh-r.-. Confederate Flag Returned. Columbus, Ohio, NcptcmbSr 4. The colors of the Thirtieth lyoiilsiitna I ttii- ment, captured by Ihc Forty-sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War, wero returned to a committee of the survivors of the Louisiana Regiment at the reunion of the Forty-sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry at Washington, h suburb of Columbus, today. Tho flag was captured at K.ru Court house, just outside of Atlanta, (la., aud has been lo the rello-room of tho State Capitol hero for many years. Troops Arrive at Manila. Wahhiniitin, Sept. 4. - Ueneial Mac Art '.-ur cables from Manila under today's dale that the transports Mead.' and Cali fornia have arrived. The latter was di -talned al Ouain by a broken propeller. The Meade can led a Hipiadrii i of the Tblrd Cavalry, battalion of the Kif teen b Infantry and a company of en vllieers. This force orluluaily s In oil failed lo pass Iho entiiinco exiiniinu lion'. I )c:niicriils were numerous here today, lo attend the till, Congressional district convention. The Stale bus received its supply of ammunition from the war department and today Hstted it to tho three regi ments of lh Slate (luard and llie 7 di V istiius of naval militia. Tlnr Stale charters the Holmes (Iro cery Company of Wilmington, Capital $10,000. The furniture manufacturers in the Stale couiidaiiied against the increase of freight rates on furniture. The railways have 1 1 ui t-l ii) lhis by letiirning to the old rule. October :! there will be a heating by the corporation commission a -i in general freight rules and clussilic i lions. i Senator Itutler says in his paper that li and the Republican Shite Chairman are receiving a great many requests lo bold an "indignation meeting'' here at . Raleigh, as u protest against the recent I Slate election. i A '-sired carnival" Is in progress at Youngsville, n town near here, uuder tho auspices of the Seahoaid Air Line. I The Democratic Stale Committee last j night arranged all the machinery for holding the Senatorial primary, ll also look steps lo have u law enacted legali zing primaries, to be participated In by the white voters. i- ol I'.o in v : 1 1 1- il;:live of Ihc .1. K. hi i i..i leis ol iNew expected cv. ty day i ll !v ii'i'v ii li r.a of .1 . hi i- pot tcr.t of W'il if the linn of Itcn.ier I rum the hoi ih, in purchii-cil a large for ll.eir that v li. :il and . 1 ill ill .', Washing. on :!' talvi'll toward I he : pea c '-"in 15-i io.i, i ha'i: , ;!. ;.vi . Cll,llMr, ill. I i 'i i ' III . i ii 1 I i li a ,ovv lit-in ,ir sin li a l.i Hun- i ii.: W a DEBNAM AND KINSEY SCHOOL, a im(.i; - iv. v. MILITARY, Literary and Business School. Tl .1. .1 I. a 1 1 i'oi It 1 1 1 I. ..li.-,-erv lo .d llihl s, si l ill ii ii-r RUBBER Tl 11. Sloan A ( o., c. l ! minglon, N. C. ,Mr. J. II. .lender Bros , just relui ned markets where he stock of dry goods and initio Fall Iradc. Tlie d.x-l ors of this placu urc keit very busy with Hi-.: country practice. They report loin of sicklies. Mi Mabel K ilpat i ick of liuincrly, N. C is visiting her sister Mry.T S. Render of this place Mrs. IV W. Whit ford is still .-; ?i.k at llie residence of her sister Mr S A. II ml , oh of this place. ;ii;i;s. iiiid eolilil s -:l ilili-eti.,11. l!ii., i : V,,, 'ihuii fn. a i.. ,1 V...1 t li oo:ig I lli fr ..ct.M in:." s id lal .iiv i I,:,, b.dd-v h ! ill lill.V oilier dil eet I. ill. 11 on'de ilevol.-d in Ills ll 1 1 i-l ll toll i.mi.c Hocinti for us inn. h li.it she hud been nimble to to bis. senses. I bough sh tiu willing tu confess ti led rep :tti illy to do she bud il-me It in the women lime In those He w:': uhii n i'. I----nl C.l Marl, d o be !:- : u -laid been (o " lie J o, six 111 Hllil bring lilm Rmk, September r Harry Hengel a'ld Ueorge Laughney, twoyouug Amer iciiis, students at the I'niversily at tended fr Chiua but was ill veiled l ! Kichslailt, wbo were here unending a Nagasaki for Manila. The trausporl congress of uulversily men, visited the probably will I sent lo Hongkong to bt ! Catacombs of Domililla yesterday with dotketl. I friends and strayed away and illsap- The California was about 10 days j pea red. D Witts Little Karly Risers ere prompt, palalable, pleasaot, powrrfnl, pryfjlnt jlulpll!a.r 8 Duffy. ; ' i Tlffl MARKETS. Lost in the Catacombs. overdue. It Is reported that 700 tuns of oommlssary stores which she carried have been damaged or destroyed. How this occurred was not staled lu the brief cable rerelved by (he War Department A large portion of these stores was in tended for winter supplies for tho troops In China, and ll will cause some trouble to replace I hem end thlp them to China beore Ibe closed season at Taku. The absence of the young men was not observed until (he purty had returned to tho hotel. Tlmy were found esrly this morning by some (lerniau students, who, carrying toiches and guided by Slgnor Marueehi, an archaeologist, searcln .'. for them all night. General Lee Comes Home. Washikitok, Bepfcmlier K Quarter- master-General Ludlnglon Is informed Ibat tbe transport Rawlins left Havana leat evening for New York with 57 cabin passengers, Including Brig -Oen. Fhr kugh Lee, eommandlng tbe hUatern De partment of Cube, who Lu been granted leave of absence for tbe purpose of visit ing bit Virginia home lo attend to pri vate bast n ess. '- Hint she had so. Of course delienle ways mutters, but whiit he needed wns a club. Not a gi-eiit w hile ago he wan culling as usual, inn! ns usual be was negh lug sentiment for something Hint only mute n l-uI (lied. This time In- was moi-nll'ile' on the teniDtiitloiis nf lift und the pioiii iicN of people to let without leaking the proper illoi hi.jiIiimI Hi. in In whutever form they might nppi nr. "However." be snld III conelusloii displaying a emii'iieiidiible Hilrlt tliniltv for the weuk. "it Is n very ditli cult thing for any one to say 'No.' " II..I-I- was mi unexlH'eteil ebiinee for her. "And conversely." she responde slowly so he could get the full force It. "It sliouM lie very easy for one t soy 'Ycp.' " He looked her straight In the eyes nt last, and a hush fell upon the scene. "I'm er -11111." be hesitated, "Miss Knte. inn 1 n eiiunipV" "It Is very dlttlcitlt for one to say No.'" she snhl with a pretty little smile, and Inter she found It quite eusy to sny "Yes."- Washington 8tnr. lief Will is will: ' uiTlai;' lliil.licr 'I ri, id,. ! li il.-i- , ill Pte flll'lliellCll I S Ol' Lett l',,i- ..ur III -ll...! In, I nlv vieliooi of- its k'nel in Knstcrn I :in . rtillg -.even of the III St. Col.egCS and I 'll l lioi oii 'h in all ol its I lc( ai I iiietit-.. A v e le'i. i.i .-.ltd Modem I ,an.r!iacs. t'our.-.s n - - t ', - ii r..e ; Si e : I h -net and t' p. - vv : i : i i m. I j 'en-., y f..r a live un 1 u 1 1 is term, iucludiu and li.;ht, laege from Irt 7 i to f' T !-v. lui I..I I'r.'SJieetus. Ilea, Sis well :v erMt n r. 11 nnaog' d l.it. rary in A ' I an I M I -i -. i ipnppei 1 l'i aehers eourse An n iiie'ud-late tuition, hoard, I'm niaiieil J. II DF-BNAVl, Si55- fIS !Is, i. V. Supt, vmi w.inl : 1 1 1 v hill" In inn' hue m -r5 -'-' n'f'TT'i;: .1 Iri-sh IjuI 1 bom I- Clover Hill Print Butter. m. In addition to the targe and complete stock of Bicycles and Sundries, I am carrying a full ana varied stock of Guns Rel)ohersf Loaded Shells, Sc. m m Am :,. -n i . -v' ii .. 2 Jl 1 J. L MeMlIEL lVllOl'Nl 71 I5rs,;l Hi. ft r. I will guarantee to sale you money on and will sell other Mmmhwimymwmwmmw&mm goods in this line on M M ve Jfery close margin. 2& tfl r &Yl Pt T I Kjwe a lclu. Tbe following qnotatlons were reetlr- ed by J. B, Latham. Mew Bern, N, 0. - Ntw Tom, Sept 1 Coram: - Opeo. High. l-ow. Close Bept ........ t.M I.M 157 ". om ... ... .. u lit .! a , Nov -W -1 no , I W ( dent Orover Cleveland to accept an ap- -. Jae .-. I M .M Ml' polalaiftt u member of Tbe Hague , .Moh.. ...... t 1.0 Ml tot Ml leteraat tonal Arbitration Oommlsilon. 'May..,'....' M0 10 M0. Mr. Cleveland'i reply will not be made WinATi , Opee, High. Low. (lose publle, but It ft uniisrstood be has al- The Arbitrators. WAseiKaroB, September 4 President MrKlnley has received a reply to Ibe Ir ritation be tddreeeMl lo former I'resl- 1 BOf i 4 H tar bed certain conditions ta bli Vwipl- Ie.' Tbe eoreptsrice of former Pre.rU , deal Ilerrisoa has beea tanoneced. : Ml Two addltloaal nommtsslnnrrt wlA be W appolall by Ibe President PoraterrW . reury of Plate Pay Is ateatlnaed la ooaeectloa with tbe rematalng appoint- . . . . v . " " -;.,,..; " e) i D-W. Coma:-" BerH.. .... 4 ' Bo. RyPtd. ... M ' ..' 1 f;-- TO I... t Fed. B..... '-.- ' 1 " . ' f Leather .. ... ' 111 Cottot reoaipU were 8,000 bale el r - I Th laoel dainty tad, effeeitve 4 Ills To prevtal eoesemptloe quickly ear made are DsWItl'i Utile Early Iilsere, Ibrnst end leaf trouble With One Mlu- They tr t,.ntl fur all liver and tie Conch Cure, T I Duffy. tmwrl trouble. Never gripe. P I! Puffy, Tbe Weather Conditions. Wasoinii row, D. C, Hop., fl. Friday rain. Northeast winds becoming high by Friday night. Weathor Coudltlons Tho tropical storm was central last Bight near Key Weil and had greatly Increased in in tensity with strong winds on the Worl ds coast. Jupiter reported a maximum of 40 miles, and Key Weal 40 mile per h inr. No reports hav been rocelved this morning from southern Florida, tele graph wires lielng down. The storm I apparently continuing lis northerly movement. Hhnwers have fallen from aouthern Georgia southward and local rains on tbeOulf onatl. High temperature prevailed yester day oer Ibe ceulrel and eotitbera Me llon. A high barometer erea-wllh cool er woather le central over tbe north west. The condition Indlcaw rata la Ibl eertloa by Prlday with wlndJncrealng to high.1 - ; - : . '.. ' .- WH. T. HILL, Dl Mill lie St riot. (tpiiwlte .louriml ' 'll'eo CASTOR I A . tot InfanU and Children. ' Til K!sd Yen KaTi A!.2js Ec:;M C'gnature of Ilia (;m.al Rrprpllna. Oetienil Stnrr. n gnllnnt old soldier, had nn Irrepressible dislike for young llciitemints fresh from West rolnt. In 1ST I (leneral Htttrr w ns In cominnud at Fort Itllev. und one dny on orderly cnnie to bis innrter with tho meHsnge that I.leuteiiniit Morrison. Just from West Point, wns nt tbe post ready to nav his rcmK-ctii nnd report for dnty. In n-soonm- to this message the old geticnil was stnrtlng for ble ofilce, when his wife, a motberiy old anul, plucked him by the sleeve and eald, "Now. gi-nernl. pronilso mo that yon won't be rough with Hint young man, "Hough r sold the old man, smiling amiably tMn hi matrimonial com panion. "Why. I'll Ihj Macbe and cream unless the young dog rllee me." Reocblng Ida ofttce, the general Wa confronted with a dapper little fellow as aplck and epan a though bo bad Jrurt corae from the band of bla barber and tnllor. while be had the half euper ClIlotM air that seems Inseparable from tbe Dnt etagoa of military education. Looking the yoong lieutenant over for half moment, Ibe old general aald wltb great dignity: "How do you do. Mr. Morrison. I am. ploaeed to you." Then aa a flush gradually mount ed ovef bla weather beaten feature be added: "I an el way glad to act you young mew from the Military academy. JToo you (here tbe general ended with roar) yoo think yourself ao hanged amartr-Ktnaai City Journal. . . , TO TIIK I Wholesale Trade 'J A complete Una of gold and gold Ailed watchee uld al J. O. Psiter for fash and oo Instalment to . responsible perttea. We are offering at K ok llollum Fir ur.w 200,000 I'apor Bagf. IB,f0 Hultor Trays. 100 Reams Or.iy Wrttjiping Taper. 6 oa Roll Toilet l'uH'r. 10) Rigs Shot. W1.000 lond-xl Wiells. 10),0Cd W. P. Capr. W.000 Musket Caps. 80 Cases Lamp Chimneys. in 0 1" Holtber I'.oolo. Besldw NHs, Hplkna, Paints, Oil Sulla, and rverylhlng usually kept In a Whnlo!a and Itolall Hardwaie Hlorx. W Becrln); nnd , IflcCormlck ItlouerNnntl ' If ny Itle v f on IIiiihI.V You have traded liberally with us the past ! season, and we desire to thank you for it, We have however given you splendid values , i C l 1 ' if. ' .. -L in return, oepiemner is we preparatory month for Fall business, and our buyers 'frill soon l?isit the northern markets in search of the latest creations in Millinery and other goods, IPohich iPoe 'frill call your attention to through the Journal as they anwe, . While wailing, visit us and mi our gUntped Linen and I'.attouherg ! IVnipH. ' Sofii "Koto" Pillow Tops, latest craws ' . 8ofa Pillow Tops In' var'ioog doiijtnti, " ' ' 1 Hiittetilicrfr IKiylii, htcr Piiwii, Table ' DesigiiH - Uun.lry lug, Slipper Pagi, &0. '' - Tie Knil, Sailor Colliir, WwbU, &o; - ;.'-:- f:: ' - JttHt m i i Mil a large t1 varied tuumrimcnt of tilk for WaiiU, boan- lifnl pAtti'riie. Visit n thU rxlt and fei what we are fbowing in thete vikhI at ' , , ' . ' ' !. .. . - . SMITH'S STORES, 61 Pollock St., (Duffy's Stand) 00 Middle St.' v is. ' ' . Your for Business, . C. Vhitty a.. CO THE STATE SORHAT. AND INDUSTRIAL COUKGK Xr-'r'f. . s : or Noirni Carolina . Offer to yoong wontea lhoronh litersry, classical, -len'lfl" and Ii diutrlal educa ' tloo and vclal pedagnrieaj training, Annua) expenses t'J lo ''; '"' h"n r'"1 ' i dent, flnS. Vacuity nt 80 menilier. Mnroliiaa rrculsr ttnilmits. Ilsa mstric ulated abxH.t 1,000 atndeau, rennwnllng every pontitv In ttin Mtn nr. ) t mm. Prncllee and Olntervatinn rAi-hrwrt of about l'.0 pupils. To ww-nre l mnl In limn. tii, all free tuition applications should ! ma le b fore Aimmwi 1. Correepondf.nee Invited from those diIHn f o-nt -. -nt trilncl t n. I., i . '". Forratnlogu and rfthev Informu'loa s.Mre. n-itil i 1 ' t l luiF. i. V. Jii '. . '-, i' "i . ' CnAIlLM D. Mi IVEU, Pres'l. nt. . i