ocas ttm MOalk. mo. Atrt twoOea giaad, edriag If ill 4 boaea, tho disittt a Hag v rss-ik. ;, mU f ar woswi- tymptotn will follow usy! the blood i promptly d effcctaeJry rimiH of that violent destructive prtiaoa. 8. 8. S. to the awry- aaf end htfaUM cure (or this diatwse, the only aatidott fur tbie oeciflc poison. It curt th wot cases thoroughly and permanently. live led IU Verse fry.- their umun Wmh pot ; I wu ernia iwiiaiM lknu4wlMn body wu slaatanTco) ana, I nllm4 ancralyima riliiintk sain fcs mjr sholdm ami um My aoodMoa ioaM WwkM aowanc;aalrtkoMaaVgl4aaIwaa caa andanuad atv will ling. I na shtst kt oil hop of evr batag agaia waaa j avciara is rj a. sv. SV but luuat confess I ha link f.lth lift ta aajr medicine. Ancr taking the third bout I noticed a change la my condi tion. This was truly en Cuurarinf. and I deter- niacd lo 0v a a, 8. a moron trial, that tins on the imj Mat wu rSDtd : I In k.a. Ik. Aim. est completely aadr 1 control ; Oiv sore and M sneers healtd and I srasf aooa In from all aigaa of the disorder : I haw " been atrona and healthy ever since. X. W. twia, Baa 44TH. AXHUAL HEPORI. v"" ' m '. ' -"' ' ' ' To Sttctautfcn of aVOuttt u4 Kortk . UrtJUi Kinrgad toraaaay. Tb folloelag ta Muimary of tle 'principal poluti of Prealdeal J. A. a rport,t be abnnlted on the lila, lolt I La Morebeed City Mi- inf. Oorxtrtkaa of property along the rail road. GukWboro warehouse, too amall for Bead i of road, new one of brick being bulH, 60 by SOU feet, 1H foot pitch. Mat. WM, Spring Bank, abort tiding put iu. At Beatoa, aobaildiait or waratoo ie, which VOICE OF PEOPLE. I. Prom M rzrz c tb dia- an it the only purely vege I table blood purifier known. $t,ooo it offered (of proof that it contain a particle of mercury, potash or other mineral Boston. .Send for our free book on Blood Poison; h contains valuable information about this disease, with full directions for self . l . ttr i it. : t 11 ircniuiciii. nc i;ujc puiuiog ivm innir cal advice ; care yourself at home. THE IWIFT tPteiriO CO., ATLANTA, ta, Saved Young: Lady From Injury The slory comes from New York of a heroic deed performed bv a young man James W Moore, jr., foiuicrly of ibis city, and son of Mr. Jas. W. Moore. Mr. Moore was walking along the street, when a horse and glir, In which was scaled n young lady, mace its ap pearand;, the horse living beyond the young ladj's ronlrol, and running away. Just about I lie time the horsu reached young Moor j, it (iirncd towards the sidewalk, headiug directly for some hot house. Moore jumped forward, sul.rd the horse by its ht-ud mid .ri vunled Itx running into the hot bouse, but only af ter a severe slrri; lc. The vehloiv lnoUcn, but tbuyouuji lady escaped all injury. Mr. Mooie was thanked by the young lady, and he w also congratulaied by many who saw bis brave act. ! Stxrestca1 J rprcc't Letter. i Editub Jocaaxi- You'll plea par doa a alrangvr for uking this liberty, i 1b your "Jorasn" of vhe ?ih. fnat , 1 I read with pleasure tbe conaauDlcalloB ! of Mr. Dupree. publiibed under "Vole of the People" The points be made, 1 were not only inieresiing. but In say judgment, lacy bate a teaching merit, at many readers all over tbe country, I really know but liille of Cblna, her vast I empire, and tninwns population Just think of s country halng near five hundred ihourand millions of people. are nrwderf, will b twtlt -oi, a poasi-! number, equal, if not greater than tbe ble, LaUraa'e, paaatni-. r mhioi, en- 1 combined population of tbe balance of 1 aad War arUllary U la Koporloa Whll U Baeet aev BBjasi aggraaeloa ta borrs 'bat leas Ukaa forty Ibouaanu uteu, jlhoagbaoxa n.aa artUCB, iLet kvc eighty ihouaaad, against tba lao bou drwJ Ibouaaad of Kaglaod At Uj uer I tjraojf 'tit aeedlea tu tell of I tit fauill s tar fact, of tba beheading of M ir , luren of bcotlaaJ, afur aa lapriaouintat f over an lee a years. Asa Mr Wtlier Ralalgh loo waa babeaded, boib try .1. -cree of tbe DHorlout (joeen Kluatieili I'll oo I y add that the world cti.o.-i ia: ly do other, tban approve ibe peace movfiueui of Hut-la sod Auieiua ( AMI'lit.l I.. Mort-boad Cliy, Sepl II' THE tiALLLT FAMILY Items From Dover. Dover, N. (J., Sept. 25 Mr. W. . I. Hales of Morehea l City Is in town to-day on buslnesp. Mr. Seth West and family visited the Closs section Suuday. Harry Warner of Florence, 8 I ., was greeting IiIh old i lends here Hunday. Mr, h. 11. Ilumphruy liaj commenced work on a dwelling house for Mr. St rati Bears. Mr. Aaron Adler who has been In Hal tltnore for several days has returned home. He reports a very ple&saul trip and says he intends going back about C'bristmas lo gel bis "Intended.'' Our While Supremacy Club was called together latt night and. changed to a Bryan and Hluvenioti Club. Mr. 0. V. Richardson was elected president, Mr. F. 1'. Outlaw, vice-president, Mr. W. A. Wilson, secretary, Mr. Seth Wtsl, treas urer. Messrs. T. L. West, Joe Evan and K. J. White were appointed as an Executive Couuniiu-e. Measrs. U, Y. Kichardsou and Yf. A. Wilson were elected a. delegate lo attend the con vention at Ualelgh. Our members seem ed to b very vulhiisiaslio, auil deter mined :hat Rryai), Mievenaou, Thomas and H I in mu ii a shall he elected to far as our preclncl goes. Mr. W. A. Wilton la now very nicely situated lo aerve oyster slews lo any one who may be Inclined in that direction. The Profeasor looks a Utile forlorn owlug lo the absence of one of oar girls who fills the position a opera tor bore. Cheer np l'rofaaaor Iheae ill- lie separation are bound to eoeae along through life. Jake might give yon some comfort If he would In tbe way of sym pathy. Tbe Dover Cornet band I making rapid strides nowadays. Ike boys can play several piece. Tuesday and Fri day nights are regular practicing nights tba boy team lo be In earnest. Thar ire aercral case of fever In and" :a round borer rlgbl bow but Done t rlous. 0. V. n. Urged, rooms for both meet, building moved back, platform enlarged Tern-, porary platform for freight erecil, aid ing put In. Al Falllug l ik, facilities tnfflcleni for present Klnalon, paaseDger depot moved back, platform widened and lengthened. Old freight warehouse and platform lorn dawn, new brick warehouse 220 by 40 feel, 14 feet high, being constructed Farther improvements contemplated. Caswell, staliou house repaired. A I Dover, station ami freight warehouse moved back, and repaired. CorcCreok, no changes made. Tuscarora, built new pas senger and freight depot, waiting rooms for each race, 12 by lo, warehouse room 21 by 40 feet. No changes made at Clark's. New Bern, repaired round house, ma chine shops, foundry, carpenter shop Machinery iu shops replaced by new at cost of $5,772.00, and uw boiler in en gine room, 80 horse power. Further re pairs on brick warehouse, pier Mo. I. Neuse river, and shed leading lo end of pier, and roof of wharf. Old paint bou, moved and repaired, uc brick paint shop, 44 by 90 feet, nearly ready for oc cupancy. uv biic oil loom built. New turn table built of bridge steel, Ho tonB capacity. New warehouse, chlellv for storage of guano on Neuse river, lid by 210 feel. New warehouse on Ttcni river 70 by 240 feel, Kecond floor tilted up for use of company's offices. Com two warehouses, $10,000. lieil line, built connecting A. C L, and A. it N. ('. James City, no chmge. No business lo warrant. Vinson's, put in short bid Inj, built platform and slieil 21) by 4(1 feet. Thurmau, no clmnguH. Hiverdale. no changes, but belter accommodations needed. Croalau, built modern depot, separate watting rooms, warerooin 'J by Id feet Havelock, no changes, but noiiw pro posed. Newport, no changes. WiMwood no chani-a. Moiehusd City, platform rebuilt, new depot proposed lo Imi built. New plat form, ?1K) feet long, covered, hi Atlantic Hotel. Tier No. 1. terminus, some repairs. Well bored, 1100 feet, cased with (J inch Iron pipe 1(17 feel. Foundation built foi 80.000 gallon water tank. (jails on road found good; road bed uneven, rougb, bad oroer, niuc.ii m limber rotten, more tban a thousand tie found In which no spike had ever been driven. Ditches uucleaued, road bed, greater portion badly sobbed, liight ol way grown, up with bushes and trees. Motive power, five engines out oi nine, good, rest old, little value. Hollinc slock fairly good order, some cars old, out of dale, not enough of cars to do work of road. Five additional engines needed. Book keeping methods employed 1) company faulty and cumbersome. Only accident of consequence, Sept. 12th, wreckage amounting lo a loss to company of $500. Credit balance In treasury, Sept, 2th 1HUU, $14,U00'0o. June .10, V.HI I end fiscal year balance, $8o4.45, Mcpl. 211 1000, $l4,3ft4ai. Following purchases of supplies since October 1st, l9. Two Pltlsbure locomotlvex, Winch cylinder. Ono same 1H inch t-yllnder One Pullman Palace Car. Two first class passenger cars, two Kecond class, tame. Two comblnaiU iia, pas- aeager, mail, baggage cars. Twenty one box, eleven Hat cart. Sixty pairs wheels and axle for Hat cars. Forty pairs for new log cars. 6),000 pounds wrought Iron. Ql automatic coupler. Oil, calling, new brass, palnta, new rail, real estate on Trent river, total, 93,002.78. Amount still due, $0,703.. total cash paid out $88,897.78. Auditor's Veport of receipts nf road Tobacco Outlook Encourafinr. Tba largeat shipment of tobacco ever wade oat of the Hist was made Iro Aabevllle, N. C. Tba ablpment waa aaada by It P. Walker and oonsliled of over U0,X pounds, Uavlog there on apaclal train of 90 ear Tbe lobecoo was aeat to the did treat tobacco center fordlstrlbtjtloa. Mr. Walker say that tba outlook for higher price Id tnbaco It belter tbl yr thaa li bat been for evrral ) ears past. for fiscal year, $218,105 W. highest amount ever realized, Incrraso over pre vious year of $30,003 73. Earnings of road for latt fire years. 18M. $ 140.S56.&8 1897. 140.43S.5O 1898. 174.607.87 1899. 187,fH).J0 1900. 118,165.90 When others fn, Uke Kobert' Taste lea Chill Tonic. It cares chills, fever, alar and general bad health. 25c. A rati eroaa oa lb label assure you of tba para, hjgb-claat material that makes Kobcttt' a sucoee. Don't take a subttl lo la. P. R. Dv!l, T. 8. Duffy & Co , C. D. Brad ham. Yielding to lb praal0D of my dealer, I cbaaged cklU laabj and triad Robert', aad f entail It tba beat I avav ad." W. H. tVprew, Jaaavll) M. j; 14 U Rotwrta D Co., ttaffotk, , Aagatl 14, IttUO. I'rlra SSo. Oat tba kUa ,-witb red croa oa label. D. R. PtIT P. 8. Daffy Co, 0. D, Bradbtm. , ; ,. . tVs Baal ArliaL, Baartvy Tm doa't kr lo b artist 4a draw abacki Tow-Ha, bat jot km to ba Royal Acadamlclaa UfHltab4. , . I.. f-f- 1 1 w i j tn.v j j f. i , I tl l- Oa. , Her lraaUlnf Papll. "JohBay," aald lb Bnnday-achool toacbar lo mall pupil, "what I a oen UrloBr , fl' fallar what rldrt a haadrarl mile oa a Wka," promptly aotweretl Joan ty. Hti) , ' Advataga ml Praataxielty. Parle Tva Jort bad my Wtepbona taaw.Jt.; it t . Parka My oeit-door aelgkbor pat oo u. " -; - ; i i inwaaanai i ' rrtaaow,l Bsseat. ' Batigtar a4 ( mat yaatardaf for tba rat lima la Ulnae, f sac. ' f ' U waa latemilaf mttg, awat, - v .tV , .- , Tre, at) oar old ttorta freot of gg (ood u iif,; , '' " the world, and a history loo, that datet back over five thousand years, and a re ligious teaching, that began over two thousand years before the Christian era Tit said that Kngland first commenced her wonderful missionary work, near fifty years ago, combined wltb tbal ol others, and has only made christians, of a few thousand Chinese heathens. Hence how long time will it require to Chris tianize four or fi e hundred millions of that people? The idea of tuch an ac complishment is simply absurd. One notable point presents Itself in this connection, 'lis the cootllcling views of the various religious denomina tions, who send missionaries to many parts of the heathen world Each teach lug their peculiar doctrine, that surely must be perplexing to all. Yes, even to civilized people they are perplexing, and with many doubtless they engender scepticism. There are countless relig ious denominations. The "Roman Cath ollcs," the "Unlversalists." the "Unita rians," the "Laying on of hands," the "PredestinationisU," the "Immerslon isls," etc., to say nothing of the millions of Jews scattered all over the world, (who never proselyte). May I ask why preach to the Chinese, or to any people, thai the moment the breath of libels breathed into the nostrils of a new born infant, It is predestined for Heaven, or to the tenable realms of the damned ? Upoj this point, wa read that the S.iviour said "Suffer little children to come unto me. and forbid them not, for of such is the, Kingdom of Heaven." He did not say some little children come unto me. leaviug the inference that oth ers were doomed by a Divine decree, to regions of "Fire and Urimstone."' And just here let me ask, who can tell how deep thewster was in which ''the jailor and his household were baptized at mid night?" There arc many points that learned D. O.'s do clash upon, touching the final destiny of mankind, yes, there aru mauy mysteries that Die human mind, has not, nor cannot solve In the wonderful age of "isms and ologys," there arc some who pretend to bo aided by a Divine power, "Christian healing," and many other fallacies. As to foreign missions, 'tis notlcalilo that as y et Christianizing work has not reached the poor Hindoos or KsiUloio, they have nol had missionaries. The climate per haps is too bol,in ono country, and too cold in the other, hence these poor heathens escape bewilderment hy the many different doctrines, of so-called Christianity, .lust here memory calls up a discussion made in my bearing, lunching the many religious characteristics of the great city of Bo3ton. One of the party claimed as a fact and offered ft wager, that no man can number, or call the names of the dif ferent religious organizations in that city, based upon Bible teaching, and the variouB interpretations of It. An Irish man who heard the discussion said "Oh begabers this is a wondeiful country, peopled by a wonderful peoples." Is it not strange indeed, that the most learned men, do not work in accord, as to matters of highest import to mankind In religious teaching? Touching England, anil her move ments, it's seen, that a parlimeut member Mr. DeWitt, resigned-aome months ago, and said openly In his speech that the war against the Republics of Africa was unjust, he closed by saying, "The Boer war, would cause tne uiacaesi siain upon England's History." He might have reached back to the year 1553. "The Battle of Floden field Scotland." It waa the beginning of her blackness. She alone had use of powder and ball. The Scotch, bad only their lances and swords j England was victorlout, and holtted I "Tbe black flag". It wa tbe first and only lime Id Ihe world httlory. It meant spare no lives, and ber soldiers butchered 'The young, the old, th sick, tbe halt, tba lame, the blind, and even Infant In their cradle, numbering oyer thirty thousand, in all, and on this day we have read that ber soldlert butchered wounded Boer. Many year after the Flodenfield butchery, both Scotland and Ireland, were brought under bar ty ran leal ralingt. Their member of Parliament lt plaloly seen are mere cipher. Who has ever read, of an Irish or Bootch meaanr being adopted by England' Parliament? Ib the noted tpeecw mad by kit i cellency, Lord Salisbury, that your cor respondent Dover alluded to, HI High ness, called American "Oar coaeini acrott (be Atlantic." Let me ak, wat the relallonthip mad daring th Revo lution, when oar keroee tlruggled tod freed themtelret, tad th waol coaarry from England yokrf or waa It mad during th war of 1811 aad 1818? 'Ilstatd bjr tboat who ar potted touching lb fact, that Englaad. be never yl gained a victory oa laad or ses, Bales It waa by bar aaaqoalad powr of both tblpt, ma, aad eaaaoa. Hhe yet bat fought t fore otbr tban a weakw one, yet b ha oftaa bat dtfatttd, ya ta'arad two gtftal br n.r cools!" act tba AtUatle,' At tag BatlU tf Waterloo, bar force and potlitoa wa greatly parlor ta that Of Hapole', g part of whoa at- tlllery waa raadetag . m1, by 11 wheel balag get la mad. Ta-day Egg. toad fore la The Traaav aal IU aald aa-mber or two tagdrad ifcoatead, Opening; ot Blnfham School. Mkhamb, N C, Septemlier '.'1 Hinghaui K hiHil has bad a gratifying ' oenli tnd l here bat never been a i urr crowd txy than is in attendance litis tesslou Kveryoue, txilh teachers mid students, are starling into tin x.m work with interest and good results ate hoped (or along every line. The dillei j ent organizations of the school tre well j attended and the enrollment iu eai h is full Tbe students have settled down to' their studies, and In the afternoon much interest is taken iu foot-hall and tenni. , Nearly every student may be aeen on l it-, gridiron dally taking pai I Iu tba games or encouraging the playert Several good games have been scheduled ami an inter estlng season is eipccicd. The Reception to tbe Young Men's Christian Association giv u gtveu by Principal and Mrs Oray Is looked 'in ward lo with much plcasuic since these occaslous have always h Horded a delight ful lime to t he sludents Iu about two weeks a protracted meet ing will begin in Me'anea' the Presby terian church. I he mctiing will lie con ducted by Itev E. C Murray aiabled by Rev, Dr. liraiUhaw from Hillsboro, AN tVENINfi Of ONt SIDED T LARS AND LAhUNTATlCNS. rn. Omllat bKei Hrr ailent Hu hn4 toaa lastrarttoa, nnd Ad rl Aaaal Hr Own raarral nnd lha Will Tl Will laeccct Her. '"opynaht. 1W. by C II I.tvr'.a : Mr Oillcp had gone down town after supvr to (uar the pollti. al w. and It wa 9 o'clock wben he got txu-k borne. He had left Mrs Gallup clearing away the dlabes rxud sluglug "Ilappy Day." but wben be returned sLe was Irlns oa the lounge with I r eyes closed and tbe bouse ipjb t an e. grave yard. He aat down after u ciance at the figure and laboriously rutled his alitHSs and prted them ofl' and then picked up the fati.lly .-!: : to seo what time the uiiH.n w .1 1 be In ber IriFt ipiarter Ten minutes pussi-d, and Mrs Gallup uttert-d a long diii.'.n sigh. '1 wo minutes later roe ;:t'-md A minute after tbe rjrocn. as M. t.allup bad mid no ctteatlou to Lr.. bLe nut up and aald: "Sauiuel, yoa'vp come l.'-rr Jest in time 1 was nfiald I d liev to with out bid J in you goodby, but yo.i are here. You hadn't been gone from tbe bouse ten Lulnlts wheu I went to carry Hie milk down ecllnr I wasn't think In of death or uny thing of that sort wbca all to ouce I beard a voice snyln, 'Git rendy to soar nway and liecorne an angel.' You may tell me, Samuel, that It vras the vinegar bnr'l workln or that It was a gurgllu from the soft H ' f I TVuL'i f s jrai OLt I You'd a I XT. a i. ; b.Lrr I 'f I I I !ntt ui. 1 r ' s. - r tiie l-t-J am! k.-.-p y ju utr.l I cvul-l I. I'll- J' u r, i, ou tr. -t :' l.-ii'.. w : do n Hfti I Idi r but I t. of llumai; Higbt bet' a nppvotiwf B T - a,a.x, Ad Americaa Disease. A ytl . ..aurit tu r - n 1 ."Jgbl : I a k as a f.itt.cn1 of :iwak- lilgbtH. l.a: arid akeer i. y i come i Lot tbat klud : arid now I want tu 'ell you nor yr.r tblnk 1'::. pr.rtv Jlr Gallup h, fork tfstino'ni;.! a man l.iul t-e n that 1 11 never haunt 1 'ft-. I'oo't you : h'-1 Srirnuel-.'" 1 fluis: the pltch- md Sinn k one w here blow a up wltb a Kturiri be d.dl W Opt f then ;i, "N . 'I pellM- t.i Samuel, around aird h. I hear r tbi ti lis s. her r f" iterested Hit st: 'U :ir tninuteb that She and m't go to any utitie.-essat y ei lay away triy mortal lfioanis. As my speerlt will be tlyin in heuMMi, it won't make no Sunday Passenger Excursion Rates. The A. A .V C. Ilailroad will sell tick ets after Ibis dale at the following ex cursion rates by Nos. 8 and 4 tralu ou Sundays: From M. Cily to (l.il.lsboro return. ..$XI0 " Newport ' . . 2 "S " New Bern " Core t'reek " Dover " Kinstoii " " LafirsiiL" The above I i k Is : .. 1.90 " .1. ft " . . 1 lft 4". are good on ly on Sundays by Nos. 8 and 4 trains and on dales stamped or wntled on tickets, and limits will nol be ei tended. H L. Dim., U. P. A. August 20, 1900. ;W I , if I'llaatlsfikt-lory ICttaiilta. Markleigb Your office seems badly mussed up. Have you no janitor ? Barkleigh We have one, but since he became a fall h curist be has been giv ing Ihe ofllce ''absent treatment." In a Flelur. Askll So Kwarrell and his wife have been reunited. How waa It brought about ? Tellil Persil, thearliat, drew them together. Poisonous toadstools resembling mushrooms have caused fiecjucnt deaths lids year, lie sure to use only the gen uine. Observe the same care when you ask for DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. There are poisonous counterfeits. De Witt's is the only original Witch Hazel Salve. It Is a safe and certain cure for piles and kla diseases. F. b Duffy. Tliuae Main Kaaulla. "He seems to hsve hurl his head " " Result of a fall?" "No. Result of figuring out Ihe Presi dentlal result, based on the Prohibition vole in Aroostook County, Me " Hani I r Thai. Gump So you have gono out of pol itics. Blump Yet. (Jump Retired to prlvalo life, I sup pose f Slump Ob, no; not quite that. We live In a flat. Th Impatient) ir Grtrf. It's too bad you have lost your ctnary Millie, but why did you goto the expense of telegraphing your mother about It? Couldn't you hay "vrlten and told ber Jntl at well? Nol I knew that th sooner mamma heard of il the sooner the'd be sympa thizing with mel An ICuilarraaamt of Rnlar. Wbal'a th mailer, Bobby? Ora'ma, Ihey't loo many fnlkt t-brlng-ln' me up. I'd gel along better 'f I oa'y bad you. girl Th Only. Cheer up, aald Ihe consaler. On I at good at another. Better, laid lb unhappy yoaag maa. Bat there I not toother girl a good as th oa. wn n n Dyspop sia Curd " I'VE HAD TniKTY-TCO FITS OK SICKNESS. soap, but I know better. It was my summons to o. and I come right up stairs and begun to git ready. It won't disturb ycu much If I die tonight, will It T Mr. Gallup didn't reply. He had found the moon's lust quarter and wbb deeply Interested. "I've never bin no hanM to mnko you trouble, Samuel." she continued, "and I sliun't begin now. If you'd ml her I'd die In the daytime. I'll try nnd hold ou. though I h pose one ought to die when the hour conies. Mobbe you've blu thlukln that when I died you'd bev to pay out a great lot of money over tbe funeral, but I want you to know different. I've never bin an ex tra.vagant woman, nnd I kin git along with a cheap funeral. I was reckuuln It up t'other day. and I was surprised and pleased with the Aggers. Do you know, Samuel Gallup, that the hull thing, from fust to last, won't cost a cent over $30?" One of Mr. Gallup'H eyebrows was slightly raised In a questioning man ner, but he made no verbal reply. "Only $30, Samuel, nud that Includes one of the best lots Iu the graveyard. If you wauled to bury mo out Iu the back yard, the cost would be reduced to $25, and I don't think any husband on earth klu complain of that. There are wive who'd kick agMn lieln burled Iu the back yard, but 1 shan't say a word. And I've arranged other things fur you, Samuel. While you've bin busy with politics and lawsuits I've bin arrangln fur death. In about an hour from now, when I breathe my last, you'll go over and rap threo times ou Mr. Wntklus' door. Three raps mean that I bev soared away, and she'll be over In ten mlults to take etiarge. Then you kin go right to bed nnd go to sleep, same ns usual. The funeral will take place the day after. Mrs. Green will lend you 14 chairs, and Mrs. Taylor will pick out the hymns to bo sung. Mm. Jordan will milk our cow and strain the milk, and Mrs. Johnson will come over and git your meals. Are you Ustenlu to me, Snm ueir If he was, there were no signs of It Ho had got through with the moon and passed on to the medical test! monlnla, and he seemed to be reading with bated breath.. "All you'll bev to do," she continued fter a sob or two, "Is to move about kinder sorrerfulllke and shed a few tear. I've bad 32 fits of sickness since we was married, and sometimes you've had to hire the waahtn done fur me; but, after all, you'll be kinder sorry when I'm gone. You'll remember bow I made one teakettle last 14 year and how I alius made tho tea and sugar last louger tban any other woman In town. I shan't ask you to break down and weep, Samuel, but It 1 wns you I'd bed tem. I not only deserve 'em, but all th folks will tw watchln you to aee If you ore ffpctel. You've got ix handkerchief almost aa good as new. and you won't run abort tven if yoa abed t,ra from both eye. Don't you tblnk Pm right, Samuel?" Bbe wiped ber tear and held bark ber sob and waited for a reply, but none cam. Mr. Usllup waa reading bow th life) of a man who had fallen on a pitchfork bad been saved by Perslau itomach bitter, and hi eon were closed. "A to buryln me In the bark yard, of course you kin do yon thrak beet In on way tt will mv you $5. tod rn am her It'll take np ground far rabhag. You'U marry ag'ln, of oourae, and your aerond wife will want g hammock out under the tm-. Mob- be he'll oblert to my grave. If I wag great dlffei em about my body. Wben Mrs. 'Ihourpson died, she wanted a ftitn till to cost $-"", but I'm Lot Mrs. Tboii.p.-oii You'll marry again, of course, and you'll need all your money to flam out with. Second wives alius Hum. Yours will want a new dlshpan, new curtains, new knives and forks and as tunny as three new tablecloths the very fust thing Spcil.iii of table cloths. Samuel, I've made the last new one last seven years. 1 don't expect any praise fur It, but when your second wife shakos one all to pieces iu six months you'll se a difference. What kind of a second wife uiy you golji to marry. Samuel? You needn't be afraid to tell me. fur there Isn't u jealous hair in my head. Will sho bo old or i .voting .- Mr. Gallup yawucd and stretched aud Hi i list out his legs, but be had nothing to say. "Mrs. Itoedeckcr says you'll probably marry it young chit of 17. aud Mrs. .Inekson says you'll probably look fur a w idder with as many as live cows, bin 1 ain't goin to tind no fault in either case, on the contrary, I kinder pity you. Second wives alius smash and lueak anil bust things, and If you say anything they'll sass back and pull hair. You'll be rid of nit; anil my trtib-bh-s, Samuel, but there'll be times when you'll sit down on the wash bench out doors and wish I was hack. Yes, you'll acknowledge to yourself that I was h.-irdw oi l, in and savin and that 1 was no hand to gad about, but I'll be an anu'el. and you'll liev to plug along the best you klu without me. That's all, Sn in in I, and I will now die and bev It over with." She stretched out on the lounge and folded her hands and closed her eyes, and for ten minutes then; was silence. Then Mr. Gallup yawned again, look ed around and saw her there, and as lie lose up to wind the clock and go to lied be nhsiT ed : "You'd better turn the cat outdoors nud see If the kitchen window Is fas- Da. S. W tit MlTCHML it au thority for the Statement that nerv ousness it the characteristic mal ady ol the American nation, and statistic show that nerve deaths number one fourth of all deaths recorded, the mortality being main ly among young people. Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUAKT BOTTLB. il the grand tpecific for thit great American disease, because it goes straight to the tource of the weak ness, budding up health and strcnct'ii by supplying rich, abund ant food and pure blood to the worn-out tissues, rousing the liver to activity and regulating all the organs of the lodv. Thf airhliat bra C.," Detroit. Mirk. Livsretus the iamuua liui liver pnla. 15c. JASPfcK. Colored Hov Killed B a Myelitic-. Still Very , :. ' r Mr Iree I'moii Dry. '.'". li. T'iio I I iisi aror a Oliver Wet In 1 it. j ;i- i n I s-pe r este r 1 ,1 .loh Jackson a colored !. about 's years mil was killed near I 11.. uroi a y es terdnv by a falling tree .lo'innte U etlicrintrton who lets bet n visiting :i! Revert Springs returned lioine l:is! l.i h! Mis Joseph Kinsey and Miss .Mtilie li. Williams pulsed Ibtoiirrh Jasper M o, lay returning borne to New Hem The Free Will liaptiM Church will bold theii union meeting at Si. I's'il Saturday anil urnl;iy Sepliinber 'Jllili and :IOt ii Mrs. Kd. cl.hcrini'ltin, we me sorry to learn is very sick, but hope to soon hear of her iinplnvcnicnt Mr V. K )ion was in Jasper to day. It still con'itiues to be dry The wells i n t hi - s ct ion lui ve neai 1 v .'ill com- diy hut w -till reali.-- I hat iud hi- not for gotten tis, and will send rain when lit; sees it best lo !o so. h I,, li toned up. M. Quail A FAMOUS LIGHTHOUSE. Dfaests whit you et ItaTUflclaUyqJatbtodajgldl Haturw la aUmtfUMDltag god raooa itrootlng tho xhauttad dUrasUvg or ram. ItUtbgUtlobwoTaraddlgaab Ml 1D4 totvlo. Bo 04 net ptwptuauog exa encroach tt la afflclaocT. Il lav tienUy rlUraggn4 perrngBanUyeurag Irpepala IndigaoUoa, liaartbura, Siaiuivooe Boar Stomach, JS'tua, Id UachUuiraiaia,Crtmpan4 git other raauiu oi imparted dlgaatiog, een ase. ew Ot, JeoeaerSne 11 titwg tBMia. awuneuaawau rvBMaauiawuw rwggratby fcC.aHamCagt ' r. r. Dcm. ' - TlltaniooU Itni'k, ot the Moiitlk of Ills Columbia Hler. The most fatuous lighthouse on the Pnoilie const is that of Tillamook rock, 7ll llllbs south of the mollth of tile I '- liiinbia liver. Oregon. The lock Is C feet above the sea, yet lit the tliie- Mr. Lord made one of Ills photographs a wuve was breaking through a oivvusso und hurling Its spray higher than the summit, tin this day It was too rough for the ( 'olumbliie's bout lo make a binding. Colli for the station bad to 1 hoisted In net slings, and tin; keeper hud to be lowered In n cage or basket and. suspended In iiililalr o or the sea, rep. it 1,11 the condition of hhns.e'.f and his assistants, lis they wen- short of provisions, most of the supply having Ikm-11 destroyed during a storm. From the side of the rock a heuvy sea at the height of this stonii tore olT two pieces aveirmiiig t.,! pounds ami hulled them upon the loof of the keeper's dwelling. With the weight of tile wa ter these fracinenls made n hob' 1M feet In area in the roof. Hooded the building to a depth of over the feet and washed out two .vails, throwing three rooms Into one, an " I inprov emeu t" for which the keepeis vvtie not especially grate ful. Pieces of roil, punctured tin; iron roof In Ilo places. Alt li -u-li the focal plnne of the lantern Is Kid feet above the sen level, 11 panes of glass three feet long and three-eighths of an Inch thick were knocked In bv pieces of rocR which went through the lantern nnd tin- water put out the light. The building bus now Ik-cii raised six feet nnd n thick concrete nx.f has been laid on heavy steel girders, ('hunt nui ui 11 "Mn,l I nlqar." One can hardly pick up a newspaper nowadays without seeing the vile phraae, "most unliin." aa "It was tin most nnliue entertainment ever given III 1'oduiik Mllley." If n thing Is linbpie, t Is nnbpie III the Bliperbltlve ilegpv If It l not unloue In the Hti-i latlve de gree. it Is not uui'iuc. in asy ttiai nn Mont Is "nm of the most unique that ever occurred Is abominable ery singular " Is a parnllel solecism I'.Xi hllllge. Tnn I'nlnla of Dlfffrrarf. "The illff. reiu e Ix-twcvn the cow and Ihe mill, mini." said the gentleman with n tare memory fur Jests, la thai the t ow glv i'H pure milk " "llieie U another difference." re torted tbe liilll.lnnll "tbe enw diMMin't glvp cnilll " InillnnapolU Pre. Might nnd light do differ frightfully from hour lo hour, bill give them ren tnrlea to try It In they nre found to b ldelltl.nl Itliljle rieo;re otic tasted tstlane Ir than th dealiu nerlnoed for It tor ment. Four Great Sewers. Every human body .'Sr.'.i is ''li'ippi'il with a A most elaborate, sew age system coin pi 18- ed 01 llin 1, lings. .-ski 11, moneys anil Dowels. To enjoy per fect health each sewer must lie acting properly; failure on the part of any one results iu disease ami death. YYIien the Dowels re fuse to do their part in relieving the. system of the decaying elements in the body you must assist nature. Nothing has yet been discovered that is moro valuable for this purpose than OR. CARLSTEDT'8 GERMAN LIVER POWDER Tb mrgnoy bsga seat by ehnrrh oetety to Kaaaa sobllem la tb I'hlllp- p4ae eoetaiaed tmong Iht nereasltlta box of Be Will' Wlleb l1tM Halve. I be well kaewg er for piles, lnjrlt ad HlsdltaaaM. Tb ladles loo o Mala tb ertgiaal lVWlttt Wltck Rtael Bal baewtag tbel tf) tbr ooaatavfeli ar wonaUaa. fj DfCj, " Tha On t) Oaftf Our.' timtlt Ctsiinlato lswMn Qtaa) tr bawsawa. ali'"lf. 'W'Sr BiOawtaawaO) One bottle will pro duce a result, its (rood effects will be realize! at once. Cive it a trial and you will also sing its praises. Sold by all druggists and dealers generally or by mail on receiptof price, 2u cents; 0 bottles 81.00. Mate Oalj By Tat CARLSTEDT MED. CO, Evansvilk, Ind. CMt ALL YOUR PAIRS WITH Pain-Killer. A Mediclna Chtit in Mull. SIMPLE, SAFE AND QUICK CURE FOR Cramps, Diarrhoea, Colda, Coughs, Neuralgia, Rheumatism. 25 and b0 cant Boltln ' III AAWI ' M !'' ''I, U K ON! THE GENUINC. PERRY DAVIS' The n rn reaiv tiationt of tb world ar th great fond con turning flatten) Good food well digested glv .ttrengtb, tfyoartoaot digest all yon rat, yog need Rodol Dytpeptls Oar. H dl jestt what you cat. Tea ad ot diet yourself. It eftatatni all of IN dlgeet.nl MiBsMaat) , wlib lb beat kaoaa toalot aad raroottrn elite. It will va fllrewt U clasewaa of food In g bottle. Hv MUt retarmttoa will do UI. It lattaatly rllem nd gulcklf or tU tVoesacb traaaU- T. $. NYood's Seeds. Every Farmer should have a copy of Wood'. Autumn Catalogue of SEEDS ANO GRAIN PorPall planting. ItleiUaUabont GRASS & CLOVER SEEDS, Hairy, or Ylntor Vetch, Cdccic ucver, Socl Wheat, Oats etc tttlne't''-',,,,,, 1 I of .lteBdasecii M- ' H Inlumvaison -' "',!, iJU V1 nHt tb "r I 4VreaJtMfiM-- T.W.W00D&S0NS, KWtitnoml Viu ,r. .-f -... ! ,