U la a .in. VULUMI 1X111. HIW BERN, CRAY EM lOUKTY, R. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 190(1. - StlO U SECTION. M MHKK 5 WORKS BlDli PLOT TO ASSASSINATE. RALEIGH. NO CHANGE IN STRIKE. TRAIN kOBBEK KILLH. Alleged To Hire Been Discovered Against Tbe. President. SenitorUI Primary Tends T. Weak- flWri-, t0 Jonrna, ei State CumpalCH j Cwto, Omo, Oct S An alleged ' plot to aasaaslnale President McKloley ha been discovered. Cel At Snhll.ru hUm. A Nebl Hlft. Ki-r.ulluu At Sultilert Hmi. IWslery Mill Oat nil Decrease la Jtortgares Special 10 J ..ii niM.1. lUi.kiuH, Octaber. 4 Hecn.im) IVarssll of Ibe Democratic Slala C.miililee says 1 b at while Juxt now Ihu Heimlorlal contest l attracting far mora aiinntton ilmu tbu National campaign, no fur aa Nulh Carolina ta concerned, yei lie thinks It will anna be Tbe plot was conrocled In Chicago. News nf It reuc Ik il ( snloii today In an alarming dupalch from tbc Secret Service . men. I Three nien weru reported lo be on the I way lo Canton to aasasfciuale the Presi dent. They will be mealed u soon as tbey arrive. Two of the inn are said to be Italians, Hie third man passing aa a aoliller. Hundreds of messages poured into Canton anting If it was true Ibat ihc President bad been murdered. IniUirlea caran from all parts of I be country. The Germans Whip Chinese. Hhahohai, Oct. 2. The Qerman col umn, consisting of 1,700 nin under Gen eral von Iloepner, encountered a small boier fore south of the Imperial Deer 1'ark yesterday and killed 40 of tbo Chi ncac during a fight which followed. Tlio Chinese were put to flight. Four ' Herman were wounded. Chl-Hsln, a member of tbe Tsung li , Eamen, of notorious antl foreign ten dencies and a patron of the boxers, baa been captured in tbo Imperial City hy the Japanese. Ill falc has not been de termined upon. iougni out, ami mat men tue puilic nlBCOVory o iu8 plot lot caused most will return lo the main Issue. (extraordinary precautions to be taken In the 8th and lh districts it is learned to llie preldeot. from a member of the Slat Democratic, j m Committee thai tbe o meenmsof oplul It acou i ha parly Is tbat the hot Senato rial la lojnrlug the National campaign; the reason given being that the' ttroig st arty workers there aro parting on the Senatorial question and not working for the Congressional candidate and for Bryan as tbuy should lie doing anong the doubtful voters. It Is also said I that some of the strongest advocates from these districts for tbe Senatorial primaries are now most anilous for postponement of It, abandonment of the plan, or else xhandonment of It ao far as thosu districts are concerned. JuIImi S. Uarr bH, provided the cots ami furniture for 60 persons in the new hospllal at the Soldiers Home. In this ho carries out bis offer made at the an nual meeting ol the Stale Veterans As sociation here In August. It 1b a very noble gift. It makes the nine1! needed hospital Immediately available. The Daughters of the Confederacy will be represented by 57 delegates bi ro next week, Tuuy will be given a incep tion at the Sohllor'a Home. Ht. Paul's African M. K. church here 1 nearly ready for occupancy. It was be gun In 1884; has cost ahboo t:!0,000, of which while people gave a large part; seals 1800 people and is an imposing building. Tbe Willard hose factory here now employs 12fi persona. lis output Is 5)00 d7.cu a day. It has replaced half Us looms with those making line goods. The Seaboard Air Line la putting down 16 miles of HO ll. rail South of here, towards llamlel. It in building a large .lepot and olUces at Hamlet. The din ease iu ibe number of crop liens and mortgages in this c only this year Is about I fi, ihc wglst. r of deds nays. Tim Si-crnlary of Stale la shipping I lie public and private acts of the Juno aes inn of lire legislature 2,000 of the prl Tale. 11,000 or tbo public. Tbe next meeting of the corp.milon cominlssloj is fixed for Thtiradav, " Id ler IS. During September the mean te era tuie here was 7...S degrees, or 3 N ..Love the xvcrag. . I lie highest ttfl, I,.uc-l52 hlufil x I.I Ineben, oi au Inch tJ. ihau the average. 1300 Cars. Wii.minoton, N. C. Oct. a. Cotton continues to pour Into this port in un precedented iuanilileii. The receipts each day aro far In excess ol hat they were last year. All tbc compresses are woi king steadily, but they are making only alight headw ay. There aro thirteen hundred cart of cotton railroad linos unloaded. 1 he glut of cotton Interferes with receipts nf naval stores, as many packnges of the latter are stored away among the cotton in the unloaded cars. State Guard Matters. Railway Building Small. Freight Rates to Come Up. Special to Journal. Rai.kioh, Oct. 3 Adjutant General Royaler saya that all the $38,000 granted from tbe general government for the mililia of thla Stale his been drawn, save a small sum for emergencies. Tbe State guard has increased in strength this year The legislature will be specially memorialized to Increase the appropiia liou for It, which iB now only $lrl,000 a ' year. The entire force Is clothed and armed. Blankets and overcoats are not now Issued, but are kept in the arsenal, for use in case troops are called Into service. There Is also lentage and camp equipage In tbo arsenal, including neld ovens, etc. This year's Inspections are nearly completed. The Information gathered at the cor ' poralion commission Is thai very Hu It- railway building haa been done in this Slate since June 1. Some grading has been done, but extremely 'Utile track-laying. Tbe Issue of land grants by the Stale does not fall of much. This year 227 have increased, and since January 1, 188.1, no less than 7,297. Prior to that deed, dato numbers were not used. The cotton picking was slopped yns- torday by a drizzle of rain, which con tinued today. It Is not the sort of rain lo damage cotton. A session of the corporation commis sion was to have been held today, but Is postponed until next week. At It the question of lower freight rates will l.e specially taken up. The cotton splnnero' association will send a delegation. Miners Celebrate Ibe Tie ap. PresUent Sam's View of Sitaatlou. I Special lo Journal ' Wil.aKnBAHK., I'a , October : The miners gave a great lurch llyht parade from village to vlllag lo relehraie the complete lie-up of the Schuyklll CoulIi collieries Tbe collieries of the Philadelphia ai.d Heading Coal aud lion Company oiler leu per cent Increase iu wages New York, October 2. Viee-i'rtV dent Say re, of ihe Lehigh Valley Hail road, said ttxlay legardlng the strikers' refusal lo accept the 10 per cent In crease In wages offered Ibeui liy some , companies: "I cannot lell whal our ueil step I 1 . be in case the striking miners definitely ' and absolutely reject our coucessiuua. It is a contingency which we have not had occasion lo discuss much as yel. This much Is certain, however The companies will wall so ue little lima before taking any further steps and will give their foi mer employes time lo thoroughly under stand the situation. "In dealing with smh men It dots nol do to be In loo nun h of a hurry Many of iheui are forek'nurs. Illiterate, and apeak only foreign Imiguagts. Tbey can ' hardly be said lo be thoroughly respon sible for whal they do. Tho Kjglish speaking miners were never enthusiastic! building under the for the strike. The union's action now shows that, whatever his intention may have been, betterment of llie miners' wages was nol Mr .Mlli hell'B object." Exciting Allcmpl To Hot a Train, ht jc Mcssrnuer kcKls AnJ ln Ifcc Srl In Jinir nni t li. I'.n rKv l vs a 1 ' - ; 1 A iraiu was belli ur Im i ii iy lrln ri)b'T Tin y i . i-.)t'!i.re. tnd li i ruieu L" f mi i ut- I f i i ! i p,f i m i n half a mile nurivl f it t i- iihiiim . -T he eijirt-88 un m iiii i i i opt tl liU rttr (itMU I In- 1 . tbili L-ltL'til l cljh'L't-h ' I !i.;uui:t ftftjtlM Hit' ill "I Hll 1 It M I 1 1 ' !! 'It' I lo epl.tle our t llie ll fftilttl lo (ii il lilt ili-of ht.l linn Iht tiretuau n f rt ed I c i!iii" t ht- Ollil I'liHl'l' Mt.lth lilt'W llM iU-l ' One inhhcr tliiiiUil .n!i Hir cm it) blow i'n-n llif i-itfr. Imii express nifHBt llgtT, UKUll'i) ('llttllrK KltVlr!, Mint hi lit hi i t iintjH I lie im frti-nt: 1 i l ii ' 1 to i kill Iht; oln-r ml l.cr Imii tin- hiiu r ll.-d. ; , The dead (ly of the rnhht-r watt brought by freight lo ChiihiI lilufTB. 1 Ontario Prepared i ! cBuckwheat Al: I 1' ii'lo: !. Mm ,1 I .'. i;.-,.li-ii. tii- Murkol C, .'lllll I'liloll lol lih PlVklo lol :iih I lM-rl; tin 'I' io-: t. I Su i'itllio . ( Mil K:., h-I-hi Hntli r Ullllo C.t-l-'l.-ll lol I ( ilk i 1 1 " iutl'l el (Jri'nuj Tat Anything in (iroceries you want AT THR LOWRST POSSIBLR I'RICIZS. 1 J.L. Chinese Situation. Special to Journal. Wahiiinoton, Oct. 4. Tbe Chinese city of Shan Hal Kwan has surrendered ship. Throe British FIVE TO ONE. Cotton Picking. Wahiiinoton, Oct. 2. The weather itureau's weekly summary of or. p con dition says: Except where Interrupted by ra.ns In portions of Arkansns, Oklahoma and Missouri, cotton picking has progicssed undor oxccpllonnlly favoralilc condl Hons, and is unusually well advanced. In the central and oastern portions of the cotton bell and the bulk of tbo crop will lie gathered by October 10th. Pick ing la also progressing rapidly in Texas, except in tbe lower Urazos bottoms In undated by the ratna of the provlous week, where the crop Ib almost a failure. about . to u British battle ... . . , on the , regiments have been sent lo garrison It. The American and Russian command ers have formally notified Field Marshal Count von Waldersoe of tbe wlthdrawl of the American and Russian soldiers, respectfully. The United States marines will proceed to Cavlto. Tho British and Germans continue sending troops to Pokln. Washington. Oct. .1 Plans are undi r consideration by which Ihe powers will SCO Unit China carries out hor purpose of punishing the guilty person?. Tbc sin cerilv of China being accepted, It Is fell to lie proper thai the punishment she in Diets ahull be curried out in such a public mannor, either with the knowlcdgo of the foreign ministers or In their presence that thero can le no question as lo tbe completeness of the reparation. The German Government desires that this courso be pursued, and ihero appears to be a ceneral disposition lo adopt some such supervision of the punishment Bryan Draws Crowds Aralnst Roosevelt lo Tbat Ratio. La Cmohsh, Win., October 2- This city gave lion. William J Bryan a tremen dous ovation tonlg'bt. Mayor Anderson said that Ihe crowd waa al least live to one In Bryan's favor s compared wlih that which recently greeted Governor Itooaevelt bare Kx curslon trains were running In the city all day, and tbe crowd numbered nol leas than 20,000. - Tbe principal speeches were made la in Empire Kink, which, with Ihe streets around It, waa pscked an hour before Mi. Bryan arrived at 8:?0 p. m. Th rink audience waa nearly all composed of worklngmen. Meetings of shorter duration were held In lb Opera House and Geroiaala Halt, and both of the places were llkewlae packed. Mr. Bryan established tbe oratorical ratio of it speeches to 1 day. He gav no evidence of fatlgu al the close. So I here Minnesota contributed more big audiences to bear Ihe Democratic Uader than any other Slat traversed by bla this year With lb exception of a few small place reached early In lb aoralag every town and city vUlle4 lamed nut almost mass and In addU tloa to Ik Is thousand! of farmer cam tfom ' dUtanc. Mr. Bryan waa shot?, el and respectful alUwtloa. At most point tb Rural gift to hi a war aro New Line to South. I'll i i.A iiki.I'ii i a, October 2 Tho stoam er Alleghany, of tbe Merchants and Miners' Line, which left Baltimore a few days ago for this port, sailed today for Savannah, Ga., Ibe pioneer of the New Phllailvlphla-Savannah Line. (Jn Saturday the Berkshire, a slater shin of tbe Alleghany, will also sail for Savannah, and the; too, Is expected to takeout a full cargo. Oilier vessels will be lidded lo the licet us soon as the business warrauls ll. The establishment of this direct line to tbe South Is the result of months of agitation by tho Trade League and other business organizations, and it gives this port what ll never bad before. Germany In China. Special to Journal. WashiNoton, Oct. B.-Gormany la re ported rapidly pulling a large force Into China. It I expected thai Germany will engage In a campaign of revenge. Italy la withdrawing ber marines from Cuius 5 McDMlEL Whole:!? ft Retail CjJror, 'lline 91. 71 Hro.vl St. Great Day in Indianapolis. Indianai-oi.ih, Ind., Oct. 8. Great en thuslasm mid large attendance marked the convention of tho National Aasocla tion of Democratic Clubs, which began here today. The program for the opening session of the convention as ollicially announced was changed Just prior to the hour of meeting. President W. H. Hearst was expected to be present and preside, but telegraphed thai be was ill and unable to attend. Tbo convention waB there fore called to order by Senator James K. Tones, chairman of the Democratic Nallonlonal Committee. Mayor Taggart was Introduced and made an addreaa of welcome. The parade was a big aucccss. From Ihe buildings In the business portion American (lags and streamers of bunting were flung to the breeze. Prominent among the docorallons portraits, framed In eleclricl bulbs, of distinguished leaders of the Democracy wore displayed Thousand of persons lined the sidewalks. Blood in Kentucky. Special to Journal. Lbxinoton, Ivy , October !!. -lilor Benjamin of the lxlngton, Ivy , Standard" was shot in the bsek today after a quarrel over the question of reg istration. Benjamin was Hie sllorney for Combs charged wl"Vi being one of I lie acces sories te the (iodic I murder. Feelings of safety pervade the house hold that uses One Minute Cough Cure, the only harmless remedy that produces immediate results. It Is infallible for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. It will prevent consump tion. F. S. Duffy. STILL APART, Little Change In Ihe Strike. Miners Ex pect Better Terms. Special to Journal. WiKKKHiiARHK, Pa., October 4. The situation In tbo mining strike is un changed today. Fourteen thousand strikers have appealed lo President Mitchell for supplies, Food is lieing dis tributed at Pollsvllle. The last of the Reading collieries aavo one. is lied up. Coal is scarce and shipments have nearly atopped. It la believed that the companies are about to change lhlr offers and make Lmore liberal terms lo the strikers. The report reaches this city that Ibe Dela ware and Hudson Company, one of Ibe lame producers, la now Irving lo make arrangements for lower terms of trans porlalion over the Hues of connecting roads to tidewater. President Mitchell expects that he will have occasion lo issue a call for a general conference of representatives of the local unions, lo be held In Scrantnu during the latter portion of this week Delegates have been elected In some mining districts, including Shenandoah although the call ha nol yet been Is sued. Aa matters now atand ll may not be made for several daya. Wilininetoni Jail Escape. ! V m.minotoN, N. C , October 8. The keeper of the new Hanover county jail discovered this morning that a good sized Jail di livery lisd la-en effected during the night. Four prisoners em-aped ; . tliroim li a transom In one side of the eaves, i onirary io ; jjMaa . orders they were nol lo( ked up in their i TTnrVrurVV cells. This left them free lo climb on lop of one of the enes and gel up into the jail loft. wt -JV. .v -t v .-ay J. -Jv v -N ;v - : 90 Tl, i,t t'.,i,- ,i,i,. bncklcil -5- 3' '5' --X" -r J , iiv them together, end lo end, anil making i '.P one end fast to a liui" hcioss Ihe transom, easily descended to the ground. Two of I J Iheesiaped prisoners wire committed for larceny and one for highway robbery The fourih, who whs in t,-r a lulling ol fense, was taken soon afler lie escaped. A nother surrendered himself late lhi aflernoon. HACKBURNS CASH - SHOE - SALE l Davis' Pharmacy lias e( lu-ive agency I toi I lieo cigiiis Bifrest Spin It World. Qcaaac, October I - la lhpreacBf Bir Wllfrlsal LaurWf aad a Ur( aamtwr of lavlud a au tho eoraerstoiNt waa Will Carry New York. Hit UMosn, Vs., Oct 8. A largo crowd assetnhlod tonight at tbo Reservoir Park Casino, a mile from the city, lo hoar David R. Hill or New York discus the campaign Issue. In lb course of his speech Mr. Hill said It was right that Bryan waa ftlva Ihe Democratic nomi nation, and held that In bla public career for four year the nominee had not aald a foolish Ihlog. Mr. lllll aald tbat be brouht good cheer from tbe Kmplr State; that tbe people there war falling into line; tbat th Democratic were working night and day; that nothing nonorabl would 'be lfl don la order to gain a Democrat Victory, aaS that tb Democrats x peeled to tarry Haw York But for Bryan. iftf loag tratalngby practical ex perience aad Mady from celebrated 1.14 today of tb aw Q.be brtdg " U ad "'""D"1 . .i. t T.i. u.m in of 1 fol compM.nl after ... Ik. I . Tkl. W.M.. .Ill im waniini Uf.w.ipaa.w.lc.wlllUth.Wgge.i:" f ff uU1 la la world. It will aot 8,00,00(t aad M U U OaUltod U 1904. Weather Conditions. Washington, Oct. 4. For North Cai ollna, rain Friday, fresh northeast winds. Weather Conditions: A moderate de preaaion of tbe barometer has moved In lo the Gulf and I apparently aonlh of Port Kail. Cloudy and unsettled weather ha spread Into the East Gulf State aad shower are reported thla morning la that section and Atlantic coast atate Wilmington reported a rainfall of 1.68, and Jacksonville 1.01 Inche during tb paat U boar. The temperatures bay been modarala on the Atlantic coast, and ranged ) li day from 68 to 90 ovr lb Interior val ley aad Watt Ouli BlaU. The condition Indlcal unsettled weather for tbl section during lb nit M boar with occloaai (bowar. Tl wind will brnotly from aortbaaat aad fresh. THE MARKETS. Celery lleadaclie Powders guaranteed lo cure headache. Made unit aoin ai Davla' Pharmacy. Vaccination t blelds lit Ibuls' rinti- macy. Cream Cncoanut and tallies id McSor ley's. Theo" cigars on sale Phaimaey. only al Ihivis Peanut HiTllle Sorley's today. and fiesh lalfy, si Me Hi r ' 1 - l r j w. uurmg ine nexi jew a ays 'cut: arc y offering a line of Ladies $1.50, $2.00 1 t and $2.50 Shoes for, listen, 99c permit ft . h Patr- w S Take advantage of this golden op- )& JjJ portunity and come. The Sale begins J ' this, Wednesday morning. yi (I 1 ft ft ft ft ft 3. IlilCI'IBTJKIT 47 t& 4) Pollock Street. 1 Julius M. Arnoldf Iivery, FhI Nnl' JL Kxliniije Nlabh s, ItUi-giea, Wagons. Iliirne-s. Wii'pa sn I Rolief. jai 'art whiola a sp ei It v. y Will be open for Imsmcv at N 8 Br ift.l St reel, New 11, i ( i, i i N The following quotations were rcceiv ed hy J. E. Latham & Co, New Bern, N. 0. Naw Voiik, Oct. i. Cotton; Open. High. Low. Close Oct 10.20 10.88 10 20 10.31 Nov 10.01 Jan 00 Mch B BO May m Bricks, Bricks I Anyone in need of Uriel. s, mil mi 1IOTT, No. 84 Middle Street. or K. K. IliHliop, near Col Ion change. r. T -v.- 'v- . -v- . a- -x.- "v.- - J. A. JONES, It 1(0 A l STRKF.T. STEWART'S OI.lt STAN It, STABLES. 1j.v'iv, IVMf. Sal' aiil 'K4'llll(4 Whbat- Dec Con. Ga. . So. H y Pfd. Feil S. ... Con. T Leather . . ( pen. .. K8, . .1 .. f2f .. 8JI 10 10.08 9.98 7 9 97 High. 10.01 9.00 990 9.H9 IjOW. A- 1-. Cotton receipts were 40,000 bale at all port. New Mara Callea Marhat. Cotton sold In lb local market yester day at 9.W) lo 10,. Hale wer 181 bale. CASTOR I A Iot IaiaU aal Chilitn. til Iti TbiKjti A!i2pE::;M to Mtlafaorlally Uyoa with gl I wfll afehang laa tay Him within om atoaia trsj. - I bv a full tint of all opttcal good. Toflr, lc, J. O. Baxter, Tat) Jtwator. pTaatmr cf I, i. BaiUf baa. tb flasxt Mat of clothing tf la lha city to 1 U told al oM prk. Call oa aim Uforsj buying. Drsat good, FoiUrf Bbo, Domtf- Hot, Notloa, to , at J. J. tr . LOndoil M; Coil Order. CmcAoo, Oct. I. NegotUtioa for th sl of M)0,000 ton of America anal kav practically ba oonplid belwM Chicago Ira f Utamtaoat eoal ml war aad operator and aa agaat of !LondoabrokarBrmho la aow la thUclty. TMporokulag part 14 wlU wad taatr owa traatporU to carry th oL , Tb !el I b11Td to marb tb beginning of a ragular deataad by Drtllib WaVVWf vr aBOirai WNi Leaders All Be There. Raw Toit, Octobtr 8 Tammaay' program for IB Madlaoa Bqnara Uardea seeling oa Oetobar ll ha beea completed. Mr. Cocaraa will have plaea of aoaor oa taa platform. Mr, Bryaa will ipaak Int. Aftor-htm wlllooas AdlalaVBte roatoo, tad tbe Mr. Cookraa. Tba oth er ipoakara wfll ba WbUr Davla, Job a tUaacblald tad William F. Mark ay, of Baffalo. Kdward M. Bbphr4 wlU arwldo, - ' ' A fur laatrlag taa OattUtt Mr., Bryaa will tpoah at Madleoa aad Tw ty-foartk Mraot, at Tammaay nn,wbr Brtlag will U bold laslda aad oaulda aad at Cooper Ualoa. At Madltoa B)ar Osrdea oach proa Wao atr will ra tal r taull Aatoriota flag.' ' ' Don't Take Chances IjiiiisI mill Finest Slock of iHOEGLS cunLd MULES Kver I'.. iiinl in New lcrn. Also 11 i 'oinplele Line of lluxciea, Waona, llni in -su. Holes, Wliips. I nrl Wlni Is, Ht-. .1. A. JdM;s, Bread Street, Stewart's Old Staad kv fC I Jtist Received! with ammun'tlen, aopplos for Quail shooting. TVtlor iay home than ml t good bag through defectTe ma eri 1 I tell tbe kind that never fall U do all that Is f iperted of It Irtry Wlnrbr'er Rmokalea Powder and Shells. Our sa- ortmat of Single and Double I'am II Oud I very Intercntlng, to are price 1411 Hat of Bicycle and Sundries. WH.T.IlILTi, lilt) MMdU fU . Mow llera. N. O. Bagging and Ties f Wtw4 road to twy U trad with Oottoa Parglag aad Ttoa, Bag Cloth, Hatty Sackf, Ac IMeta ait Right, 'J." liathtxm & ' Co. A frtwh lot (Wnnl rurUniotitk HulloU and rjinall I ig Munis ." Id ', Ilia, Al amull Bn-akfiuit rjlrit, 2 to 3 Sla. 1.k1 KiiIIit W5o Ih. Very lt Klgin and Yot Hirer Print Hut Ur ut .'fcto. , -li ' t ' We arc nlao airchl for tlie Btiantth liool iNnlet and Ian- drj Honjia. They nre rjnnraiiUtil Ut cure' itcat, I'uaplea, Salt V Uheiim, Tvltor, lllaolt ltU ami, oflier Bk'o Dicajca. tbrj S t arc Purrly VfRctrlilo. ' I . ' (live it a trial for apy lUing .1 Abo rooery , Um and 5 we will do our btft to plwwf jo prjceftind JTotaf iaoj,t , -. Yortrtfor BniaHMC " -"' 0 "" ''' ' ' ': V ,. - 4, aT J. R. PARKERi-JRvROCER, ? ; .,i ,irji w ' ' y '.,'- ,, ... a? Phono CO. fe 5,!5;lllroad Btrcct.7 C to

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