ULCERS. , HE Sore aad Ulcers never become chronic anles the blood U In pone coadiuoo la estaggvav. weak and unable to tkjow on lb poeson that acoumolato-io fe. The system matt be relieved of the anaealthy Bustle through Use son, end great daagrr to life would follow bould if keel before Ibe blood ka beta made pure and heal lb y and all iatpuriuea elimiaated from the syt-1 -tea, 8S.S-Degina tcure by aut clean v ( ins; and invigorating Qm blood, building ' np the geoeral health and removing from 1 1 1 -tld" 4 QONSTAMT DOM ' cfieteuiat-er. UPON THE SYSTEM. When lii.ilif.s been aeconp.L!ic4 IV: tiis-Char-.: ;-.:s. -uiHy ceases, sxd t'-e or alcci !:. U. 1 1 u iiv tendency oi i ' s j old lad jL.it sres ij iviow worse .. .ni t. ".rse, and' ventrndly to dtrovtlic bones. Iocal applications, wcile toothing au.I 10 mc extent alleviate r!iin, cannotica' '. r-it of the trouble. S S. S. does, an J .01. .ail 1 how ajijuTotly hupelrss )our condr -m, even though your constitution haa hr. ' ,n down, it will bring rciiei when tibiim--; else can. It supplies the rich, pure I i necessary to heal the sore and nourish the debilitated, di eased body. I Mr )l Talbert, Lock Box us. Winona. Mlw , eey: Ms yeera aao eny lea from the knee to I n the foot was coe solid sore Several physicians for 1 iresteo me sua 1 msae two trips to Hot sprint VroU; I've euilt SB boid tc Mod u fOU Bha'l 1 :i) route cmtattcn, ' aae stall tail tiov deaf and trm TV en. Jar's lc la, crarlr,f roura For Mm. a hat lei Barnaul ije thry Dot trplcai ia rou. IV) m so swart r' 1 "Dear Jack," ska westi; "jom rtoirta Ban fa tkls Tea eat axi wceri ad. t TkMs iwm took m by asrpOati Tats If iihi scare to be LeUcied. tSnJin) iimh back artlh Ibem; wlal tru m lap agent fcr funf to flesh-al t how roa'U tad, , TL us SO blue!" Calhalir Ttskts asd Standard. VASTNE89 OF ST. PETER'S, j NERVY UNDEE FIRE. I arse Ok)rrli Great aaalj la tke Appear ( itktSral. ! :r1rr a r-rnt tcremoDj In Bt P ' t . t's. Uoine. out' of the crystal cbaadav , hers suspudVd from the celling began to creak omlimtlT. and tbe people bo : ueattj It liHRt ; ! k nitrn.Hi Id a n j nient the umse full and was dashed In to u thousand plevvB on the fluor below, j In St l'eter s a fi w dars tiefore when j the workmen were simiiendlng theae I eharuU lien they wi-re taking them out I uf p'.lis of mmilH reil Injies. for St. Pe- ten's, like a theater, has many 'pror- ; 'i ties" ami Is decked In a different man- AUFRir.ANQ KitriRF RATIOMAI . n.T for ItiP different ceremonials. DRESS PAAADES IN TMI FACf OF Trtl ENEMY. Imciaata af lratrr Tkat War War ( tka ttaOaa. Pretty J Children SON'T WORRY. ip I ma but fouad uo rallaf. f was uidticad to trv ft a and k urn.la a complctt cure. 1 hsa baeu a pt anl m a i, " ia the only tmrclr veu- " etable blood purifier known contains 00 polsonom 'minerals to ruin the dureation and add to, rather than relieve yonr suffer ings. If your Besh does not heal readily when scratched, brul&nd or cut, your blood t We. Are Falaelr rHaraed by Farop. ! With nelna ladlgDlled. Cnr crowds may und do have rljv rem lug tluiea when the occauiun d njarnlb It, but aurel they do not be come aMutiie as do European crowds. Our cruwds muj stmul iinnind news-, paper offices looking nt bulletins, but. i ven hi flection nl;lit they don't rusb. away In uiad, Bcreaiulni: hordes, every, few momenta yellin hysterically "a bun" something or somebody, as theyi do In Talis. fiondon wherever crowds gather for any purpose, from an unveiling to an excursion, street hawkers are on bead. pie run over pulleys fastened far nloft, and with these the chande liers were holBteil to their places. St. Veter's Is so enormous that the eye There Is continually deceived. The chul. by cherubs at the holy water font look to be the size of ordinary bablca, yet they are nearly seven feet tall, and n man standing beside them looks like a dwarf. When the workmen were hoisting these chandeliers from ' the floor, a traveler noted with amaiement that the masses of crystal were over eight feet high. Yet when hoisted to their places far up in the dim heights they looked atHiut the size of a man's hand with two thlagn that they call re leasers" and "ticklers." The "teaser" Is an empty bladder tied to a etlck, and the "tickler" Is a long feather. The "teaser" Is affected most by the male representatives of English dignity, and the "tickler" captures tho fond feminine henrt. The male goes Lin bad condition, and uivoralaanrr. , lnro raptures or joy wnen ne succeeu is ant to become chronic I ' "Itting somebody-u respectable el- Send lor our lrec book and write our , uuriy gentleman physicians about your case. We make no charge for this service THE SWIFT SHSOIFtC CO.. ATLANTA, GA. The Criminal Court. The following cane neiu disposed of a, yesterday's eeBii. us of ti e Criminal Court. , State V9. Jos. Johnson, Guilty. Judg ment suspended upon payment of costs. State vs. John Cully and General K use. Judgment. ( ully 3 months In jail. Same as to Rouse. Stale vs. Samuel I Illy. Guilty. Judg ment, (10 days in jail. To bo discharged upon payment of cost?. Stale vs. John Manning and Niles Man ning. Ouilly. Judgment as to Kllcs Manning, 2 years in county jail. Judg ment reserved at to John Manning. Stale n Lucy Kearney. Ouilly. De fendant takes insolvent debtor's oath. preferred with his toy. The female trips gnyly through I the streets, tickling the ears of mascu I line persons to whom she has not been I Introduced. And among our "lower orders," who ' nre as mxlignllled as are the coster i mongers of Lxuulon? We have no class Hint delights In wearing grotesquely bell shaped trousers with huge pearl buttons down the sides and coats with Immensely lii'ond braid bindings and also profusely coveted with pearl but tons ns big ns trade dollars. New York Press. Workmen In St. Peter's are called "snnpletrlnl." They take their name from the basilica "Snu. Pletro" "san pletrliMi." plural "sanpletrinl." They have a set of lofty scaffolds mounted on rollers. These they move from place to place about the vast church. They are not unlike our tire departments' water towers. Ladder after ladder runs up the scaffolding, and by their aid they reach places from 100 to 160 foot above the floor. Other Ingenious scaffoldings nro used for work on the Inside of the dome. Keen up there the "sanpletiinl" look like flies crawling on the celling. The top of the dome Is about 4(H) feet above tho floor. St 1.ouIn Republic. ! j fo,c thrce children, befor: tu DmriMt tka wir. Ar rae laet nfte nT wife avd four but ! ties of MOTHER'S FRIEHD. UyoatuJuc "I nerer knaw," aald the eolonal. "of alctores of our children, yoa could sec at but viae esse of dreas parade uuler fira, a C Bct ,nl' ,nc uilu1 and that was at tke eroaatag of Swift I 1 healthiest, ptct'.lcsl in crevk In the Petareburf campaijn. The flUCSt-tooklnf Oflhem all. Eibiy-6rt Naw Tork. and command , Mj wife tblnks Mather's of OjIod.1 Jobu D. Baulaton of Oswsaiv "lew rreaKsl was under orders to croaa to lha Petara- j f r a D d C $ t burg sido of the creek. The enemy kept remedy 10 the np a constant fire, and Colonel Raulston j orld for "P"'" moved his coinpanlaa Is a way to attract ! mothers." the stien'lon of General Butler, who sat Written by a Ken ou his horse some distance to th rear, I ttaCkJ Aitt)rntj-at wstching the moveojents of his own men I -Law. us well as thoae of the enemy. ".Vftur the hrst company crossed It formed in line as a guard for the second compnuy. When the aecond company wus across, it took the place of the first, which moved forward half compsay dis tance, aud so on, with the precision of parade drill until all were across. Gen eral Itutler was so pleaaed with the bear ing of the men. with their coolness and discipline, that he sent a message to Colo- I ln penetratinjf II til men I relieves the aud saying in effect that a regiment which could do so well under trying cir cumstances would Bad it easy to go through thi ovnhitlnna of dreaa narade uudcr tire. The colonel accepted thia as j Mother's Friend takts a wife through the an order and formed his men as if for ; crisis qu'Cilly a 11 J almost painlessly. II assists in her r.ipiJ iccovery, ar.J wards in L(;NbLiLt A &GO:) LOSER. lie lit 1 l ' II, III h. FRIEND prevents nine-tenths of the suffering Incident to child birth. 1 he co.'.hng mother s disposition and temper remal.i uurullled throughout the ordeal, because mis reiax- pr.- .! II cttlnr ' a Hard iln'l !itiOel. a ! ,l..cs a lnt " it.tin tuQ :i i.tt.l p..) l.t bint 1 1 Ik -don,.- l.y .- In. pli-vy il. v.T lit "11 the Citfto Lord l.'instlale. 1 .ill ti 1 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 man as cv t r e;i a "f ;i ship, uu;l 1 hm i- In in i. d thai he'd 111:11 k" f.-r profcsMuiiiil - K(ol0 - - Dyspepsia Cure . Digests what you eat It artlflcUlly dujesu the f ood and audi Nature) la strengthening and reccrj st rue ting the eihausted digeatlveor .1 j-. gana. H Isthe latest discoTereddlgest ant and tome. Ko other preparation can approacQ it in emcieocy. It In stantly relievesand DertnaneQUy cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flaiuletict, Sour Stomach, Kau&ea. Sick Headache, Gastralgla.Crampgand al 1 other resu lu of im perfect d igeat x n. Price 50c. and H. LargesixecontamalHttmea small slxe Book all ataldytpepaiamailadtree Prepared by C C DaWITT 4C0 . Cfelcopo. r. . II y :i - usual distress. A fojd-nalurcd motner Is pretty sure to have a good-natured child. The patient is kept In a strong, healthy condition, which the child also inherits. i,,i.:, t .1 Sit, I. ..l .'ti his I : if 1 ll.lt tie I 1 iIm- the IRISH PEASANT. When others fail, take Huberts' Taste less Chill Tonic. It cures chills, fevers, malaria and general bad health. 25c. A red cross on tho label assures you of the pure, blgh-clnss materlni that makes ltoberis' a succesa. Don't lake a substi tute, li. K. D.ivis, 1 S. Dully & Co., C. D. Kradham. This is the xeasou when mothers are alarmed on account of croup. It Is quickly 1 11 red by Ono Miuute Cough Cure, which children like lo take. I'. S. Duffy. II it Turn. "Oh, Mummy, do come and speak to Johnny! lie's tweailing on all the worms in the gaiden." "Ilitw unkind!' "Yes, aud be won't let inelnrnd on any." He the 'Yielding lo the persuasion of my dealer, I changed chill Ionics and tried Koberts', and found it the beBt I ever used." W. II. Corprew, Jamesvllle, N. C, to the Roberts Drug Co., SulTolk, Va. August 14, 1899. Price iKt:. Get the kind with a red cross on label. D. R. Davis, F. S Duffy & Co., C. D, Bradbam. NO TIME FOR FRIENDSHIP. fhr.t Old l'naiiloned CnaliF SuliI to He Onl of Date. ri'lendsldp Is snid to bo out of (lute. ! Wo certainly liuve not much time to spare now mlnys. even to lotleet on what the I tit b mill hurry ;:nd bustle of modern life ;:ie costing us. Now and ngnln, however, there Is borne In upon us the sad rciillznttnn of the losses we sustnln h:i ue loin- und seiiunblo through what we now call life. And Is not one of these the power of establish ing close friendships? It Is a snd reflection, but the more wc think of It the truer we shall find It to be, Hint we no longer have time to Uult together those lionds of true friendship und nffectloii which hound our predecessors together and mado life sweet to tf'eui. We are always In a hurry, rushing here and there." We meet and know many people In crowds and yet never have time to understand them, to give them or gain from them sympathy. Wo enn scarcely spare an hour that Is un connected with some form of enter tainment or some business matter to those we cull our closest friends. Letter writing has been reduced to Its least common denominator as time presses on us heavily, and we have 110 pursuits that we can share with our so culled friends thnt enable us to study each other's characters Friendship, In fact, has become n mere term with the general run of people. Chicago Record. Itounil ta Itemedy It. I) sgunted American (on a duBly road) Well, here we are riding behind a pa r of horses and taking their dust, just l e raase our grsndfatuers did. Friend WIibI'b the matter now? "The horses ought to be hitched al the rear cod of ihc carriage. Quick aa 1 have ten miuutes lo spare I'll invent gome way." For I.uck, Dai's a iiicer unaf-shoc over yortrttoor Mr. Johns! ng. Iloss-shoei Is out of style; list's a auu - mobeel lire. Reason wby yon should use Roberts' Tasteless Chill Tonic: composed of pur est Ingredients, pleasaolest to take, and cures when others fall. It la master of chilli, fevera and all other malarial dis orders. 2V. Nil core, bo pay. I). R. Davis, F. 8. Dully t Co., C. D. Rradtiam Sure Inoaah. A busy merchant who hnd not tnken n vacation for years, In which time ev ery other member of his family hnd en Joyed an annual outing, concluded to give himself a rest of n week or two and started for tho mountains. When nbotit a day's journey from home, he read veil a telegram from his wlfu to this effect: DBAS FlUXl Our hnune wan entirely ilewtrnywl by nrc lat nllit. 'Hie chililnn anl I Mrupttl unharmed. Come homo at onrc. Mabul. To thla, after reflecting n moment, he replied as follows: DtlAS Uahia- What la the use of romiiiK tame when there ! no homo to coine tot Tuae tho- rjllldren to mother's, atay tht-ro with Ihrm till! 1 Jain you and don't worry. Affectionately, k AI. Youth's Coiniiiiloii. A Plalaerat, , Clylle, hi (hit yoODg dm you are ec gaged In well lo do? Oh, Pa. he's rich; bat so rich thai ho doean't bava to care whether be piye his debit or not A Sweeter Fart la. v 80 you wish 0 take ,my datightrr way from me, remarked her doting father. Well I eh thai wasn't Jail exactly my thought, elammcre4 the aervoun young suitor; my folks could perhaps spare mo with fewer peogs. AewaraiBC to OaaV ' House Owner You tlldu'l pay tk rent laataanalb. - .'1 t Tanaat Nor veil auppose you'll koid ana to your agreeiueol.' , . Owner Agfxemeni what agraement? Tauaal Why, when I renled you laid I Must pay ia advance or not at tIL I at Cha4. Father Ypf havt Veal good.boy to day, JohaoU m I gnaa I'll gly ro ids ctatf lo poestt moiMf, . fj ft j ? ! ! JobaayM think fd rattwr kir Uor tpenaing mommj, 1 a.,tW .j.r, 1 T i aCfealrtVl'riia Cat j j f 1 In una a..i tn Knrft f II The Lie Bternal A little girl came In her nlghtclothes very early to her mother one jnorntng. saying, "Which Is the worst, mniuma. to tell a Ho or steal V The mother re plied that lioth were so sad she couldn't tell which was worse. "Well." aald the Utile one, "I've been thinking . a good deal alKiut It, and I've conclud ed It'a worse to llo than to steal. If you steal a thing, you can take It buck,, 'less you've enten It, and If you've eat en It you can pay for It. Hut" ano5l there was a look of awe lu tho llttl face "a He Is forever." New I'ork Tribune. o ft noes. S An old eentleninn when passing a lit tle boy tolling newspaiiers at a street. eorner remasked: Are yon not afraid jou will ratcbl cold on aui.ii a wet night, my little marir' "Oh, no," replied the hoy; "selllnir aewapapera keeps up the circulation sir." m' r Ia the Gayest Fellow In World t nder Dlfficaltlea. The Irish iK'nsant Is still, thank heaven, what Sir Wnlter Scott called blin lifter the visit of the great novelist to Ireland In the early thirties he Is Ktlll "the gayest fellow in the world under dlltlcultles and nttUctlons." He bus a cheerful way of-Togarding clr ciiiustanccs which to others would be most unpleasant and disheartening. A peasant met with an accident which resulted In a broken leg. The neigh bors of course commiserated him. "A nab." he remarked, with a gleam of satisfaction. In his eye as he regarded the bandaged limb, "what a blessing It Is that It wasn't mo neck." Yes. the Irrepressible Irishman has a Joke for every occasion. Two country men who had not seen each other for a long time met nt a fair. They had a lot of things to tell each other. "Shuro It's married I am," said OTtrlen. "You don't tell me so!" said Illnke. Talth, yes," said O'liiion, "an I've got a fine, healthy lihoy which the neighbors say Is the very pletor of me." Hlake looked for a moment at O'Hrlen, who was not, to. say the least, remarkable for his good looks, anil then said, "Och, well, what's the harruni so long as tho child's healthy?" And yet a peasant to whom a witticism thus spontaneous ly springs may be very simple minded. The peasants' passion for rhetoric still Induces them to commit to memo ry Imposing polysyllables which they often misapply, with the most amusing and grotesipie results. I heard a nurse maid exclaim at a crying child In her arms. "Well, of all the iH'cleslastlcal children I ever met you're wan of thim." A landlord In the south of Ire land recently received a letter from a tenant In the following temjs: Yi r Monitor- Mniln tliio finds you lo good hcnlllt, an it laveH me at present, your bulldog Jtlll haa isaasainu tod me rxxir oold donkey. - Nineteenth Oentnry. Kill, the Sonar. (Ulfton Hlnghain, the author of "In OR.' .Madrid." "Love's old Sweet Bong" and "The Dear Ilomclund," once said: "The moment a song Is put 'on the strei"ts,' ns wo call It, It become tre- incndmisly poptllni'. You hear It overy w here. Every toy hums It as ho goes to school. It Is plnyed In every street Hut my publisher shakes his head sad ly w hef that day cornea. It la general ly the iH'glnnlnK of the end a boom which dies away. People get tired of bearing the same nong wherever they go. whutiiviT the song may be, and the song of the barrel organ le not wel come In the drawing room. 80 that the putting of a song on tho etreet or gans means a fleeting fnme, and then well, too often an titter relapse and complete obi rv Ion." dreas parade. At least for the space of suverul minutes tho Eighty flint New , Tork stood in line, with guns at parade ! rust, aud then moved forward as it pass- ' iug lu revieiv before tht colonel." "I saw a case like that," said the cap- I tain, "but it was an accident. Our colo- I net was given to a Bort of mechanical use ' of the orders, 'Shoulder arms,' 'Ordor arnu' and 'Parade rest.' The boys often j thought ho usod these phrases absent mindedly, but whether he did or did not the regiment was brought to a parade ' rest half a dor.cn tlmeB on every dress parade. On one occasion, when the regl- ment was formed as a part of a long line of battle. It was reported that the ( enemy was about to charge, and tho ' ...it. n,Kn S.,.t 1....... nal u, IU fnrm. tups.. off the dangers Hut so olljn follow de livery. S1J by itrutilsts lor J I a bjttle. TUB BKADI'IIILD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, HA. Rend fur on f t .-- iln-'ieel liml will'." expr i-lv t -I iijii uiii itioihciH. lie Could but He W i.illiliCI . Come, now, persisted tho lawyer, ate you nol able to say that the defendHiil was In the room at the lime and obji cn d lo the whole proceeding? Ve', Sir, savagely replied the wiine--I am able to say it, I reckon, but IM be i.l.h- y.uii I. in lit, Htm Tit.-Hull :e. i.l Vry. Contributor, (resiling aloud) "His to the eyes were rlveled on her face.'1 Magazine Kditor "liiveti d"v llcic. cut that out. If he didn't belong lo r,c union you'll have all Ihc belli rimikcis in this country down on ux. eu quickly III line. telling the blamedcsl lie you ever "The colonel's voice rang out the or- 1 j , . der: 'Attention! Shoulder arms!' Then. I to tho amazement of the ineu, came the . order: 'Order arms! Parade rest!' The regiments to tho light aud left were standing at a ready. The men of our regiment were looking stoadlly front nt a paradu rest. The colonel aft erward admitted that he never meant to give the order, thnt it was lu IiIb mind to order the men to get ready to fire, hut Instead came out the phrase, 'Parade rest!' aud he took advantage of the un expected to compliment his men for their coolness in the face of the enemy." "We came nearer to a drees parade than that ut Shlloh," said the sergeant. "Our regiment and, 1 think, the Sixth Ohio were the flrst of Buell's army to cross tho Tennessee river 00 the even ing of the first day's battlo. General Nelson, our division commander, was so anxious to get the men across that he ordered that no horses be taken with the first boatloads. So It happened that our own regimental officers were not present when we formed in Hue. One of the seuior captains took command and was forming a Hue on strict parade ! ilf 111 1 Morsar'a Wlttr Cmbh(. Paul Morphy. tho famous cheaa play er, once Bttonilod church In New Or leans when the blahop of a foreign dlo reMt was prese.it. Tho young rector of the church bad prepared a sermon In honor of his distinguished visitor In the delivery of which he tired every one except tlwi blahop. who- paid closw attention. I'art of tbo congregation left tho church. Well," auld Morphjl "the preacher Is the flrst man I even met who hadn't tense enough to atoD when be bad nothing left but a bishop' said: That's right, cap rule straight aa a aaM A rich man la an honest man, ivo4 thanks to utm, for bo would lie a dou-. bl laf it) chUU ipttiklnd when bfH nAd tij never of If.-iDnnlol Defoe. DM It WMfctaa Blavaa. "I am willing to doxauyUlkig, the apidleant for work. "All right," aald the isard. hearted merchant "Please (cloee the -door be hind you when you, go oufMSomar vtllc (MaaaJ Journal short breaths, tain; straight rule, men. The officer was General William Nel son, wno nan crossea witn me nrsi ooai toad. lenving his horse behind. Not one man In the roglment had ever seen him on foot before, although all of them were familiar with bis appearance on horse back. He seemed so different on what the hoys called bla sea logs and was so different In manner that at first he was not recognised. He took command of the regiment as soon as formed and moved along the line as If he were an Inspecting officer. He was the hardest swearer in the army, and yet that even ing he swore not onee. The men. used to bis blustering mnnners, were surprised at the look of anxiety and appeal on his face. He said In low, soft tones as U. moved along the line: 'Now, gentlemen, remember what you have come to do, and do It like soldiers. Make yonr line aa straight as a rule, and when yoa go for ward let the Hue of bsyousts be as straight as if you wore on dress psrade. This will show the enemy thst you are not afraid, and It will give confidence to our own men who have been fighting all day.' And that night and the nest morn ing the men of Nelson s division went forward with lines aa straight, with step as regular as though they were on dress parade. "The greatest dress psrade under fire that I ever saw," said the old ex Confed erate, "was when the army of the Oim berland formed to move forward against Missionary Ridge. Borne of us who were watching that day aaw the finest military dlsnlav of our Uvea. Perched on the heights of Missionary Ridge, we looked down Into a great amphitheater Into which matched as If for parade and re view nearly 100 regiments. We could not measure the strength of the divisions. hat we counted the Saga, and we knew that Id the maaa there ware at least MS regimental organisation, aly count waa 63. but the bora Instated that I aaw doable. "We had no uneasiness at first, and we laughed at the Idea of an army which w believed was at our mercy holding grand review. W were Interested all the tame, and whea the line to perfectly formed awept forward on our oatpoeta, carrying everything with It, we were startled oat of our boots. I verily believe that thai orderly parade of tke army of the Cemberland, within the range of oil sharpshooters, and the vWbl tewtUaoay ef 80 regimental flags carried toward as at doable quick, did more to daaoralla tWgf'i army thaa aay ether laddeot of the camnaura. Wban that eauaa swept od Missionary Kksf, Uregre vet erans eeampared away, havtagj la thalf minds vialont of the prectaeosi aa4 Wact Dllne which the bad witnessed a day two before." Chicago later uoaan. I.mig Stl bleH. Short One-Go azy, Tim, til's time mollcs Unit's before us ! Till One-Sure an' linn's phy ll'in hurrying; Ol want to git there In fore I gll all tired out ! The I'oMtiiian. Thomas Figg, oT Trltig, England, aj postman, who has just been retired on a j pension, Is said to have walked 2'-!0,(Hih miles, during the forty years of his set-' vice. Heetlis Their l'iiilli. Farmer Green (reatlingi The Kngli-h has sent leu regiments of lancers to IV king. Mrs Green. My goodness! That's enough doctors to kill the hull of China, Money Itntl III Mini. Money Is more apt to makefile man, socially, If the man'n grandfather, rather than himself, made the money aW4h ltfca. I Client (anffrllyW aay, thla Mil T your It a downright robbery I . Foola are made out of all kind ofl 1 Great Criminal Lawyer' (who ha cloth, but tha lining la alwaya the aaaW hla clieDfa caam-rkwaa yoew -ctyaji aAtchhwavqiobe. 2 m. u . '"" - - The progressive nations "f the world arelh great food ronsnnilng nation. 0an foad Vtll dtyeaie 1 flvet 'strength II ytoa4nM itlgm all trm rat, jou need Codol Dyspepsia Cure. It di gest what yii. eat Ton need not dial , yourself. It contain all of lb dtgbeiaatt combined with tho beaUfnowa tonlo atd raoonttrucUvea. IwUerea dlgeMaU claiasetof food Inabottl. No other preparation will 65 1biaiJ 1l tnnuittlr tkMata anil qalflkry curat all stomach Uoahle. f. B. Duff. ; ; Do not get scared If yonr heart t rouble a you. Moil likely yon toffee from Indi gestion. Kodol Dytpaptl Onta dlgoaif what you aat and give tke worn out nomach perfect real. It la the only preparation known that coanpWlely dl gett all aUate of fooda; thU la why It cure the) worst cat of ladlgeetloa aad ttomach I rouble after ererythlag ! hu filled. Il may ha UkM fa all eoadl- t nut and cannot kelp but do fow food. r. a. V0VJ. ; What to Bayboro ttttf at tho Lap tea Bout (or good MjaotauaodatlowJ.' . Wer4a railaaV A nartv of ktldlanj wkeehnea lately Tkuted the churchyard of the vUiaga el BarUka, On one of the teanbtteaae tkaf llaeovsrad the folloarlag epluphl aM werat sra aaiasg aay waatj IMak nal a kaatial aaaaM ke- was that I -IxMsdea Sxpceaw. Tnktol IIU Turn. No man talks ro much about other people thsl he hai no words li ft lo sing IiIb own pisUe United States District Court. The following persons have beii drawn to serve as Jurors at Ihe ncxl term of I lie Culled Stales District Court which convene in this c ity on Tuesday, October iiinl, si 1 o'clock a. in Craven County -I.. II Cutler, Win , Hsinirn (col.) J0I111 S. Morion, John S11 ! Icr, Jonss Dsnlels (rol). A li. I 'i nninon, 1 W. F. Crockelt, O. Marks. Ilryan Whil I ford, 11. M. Groves, 11.11 Holland, H. P. Holly (col) Phil U Thomas, .1. C Green, F. M. Cliadaick, W l( Lane, l.. L. Welherlngton. Beaufort County Jesse Mayo. K. Tulhlll, F. F. Cherry, A S. Wairi n, V A. II. Branch. Jones County. Paul Koonce, .1 S Bender, Lawrence Houghton. Isaac Brock, Lewis Bynum. Greene County J M .Patrick, Jos eph Suggs, Joseph Spiiglit, D W Tat rick, I). II. Dixon. Pamlico County George Dees. John W. Muse, B. F. McColler Wayne County. W H. Farmer. It. K. Pipkin, M. S. I.ce, W. P. Daniel Carteret County.- H. F. Taylor, T. (' Willis, Ralph lluwlsnd, D M. Jones. looolr County - II. F Fields, Need ham Herring. Hyde County-Dallas Wahah, A .1 rtmllh I'ilt County. Goorge II. Mc.Colter Onslow County. K.J Hardlson. Kdgecombe County. Alex Miller. iiil;ih' fust came to the a in the full title of A 111 i.l tin- upittnr over t i.niiitiy the fact did I.i ill-'!:; li' wtis pllli'ke.l trip nor hy Gcorice I the liti'St linttil le of the f s'enn.hip e.iitl sharpers. p. I:;!.-, npi-ilieil ill A II St r il I itl . I believe. "1 think Sampson bml it in mind to do 1' I. mis. Ink- when he tfit aboard at ipii.il. Sampson luiil heeii working .stttinn'is for 15 years, fllnl at tills ho m rs n man of 411 or thereabouts:. tw t struck up a friendship from iiry !if-t ihiy of the voyage, and it I .msihdi- himself who lirst suggest ns he iifteiward acknowledged, for he was 11 n:inly young chap-the game of rlrnvv. Lonsiliile hail only recently learned tin- hands at poker, ami he hnd the poker Initiate's enthusiasm for the game to an i xagi lilted extent. Hi f.ue going tiny further I ought to sny that Sampson al ways inaim .lin.'.l afterward that ill Ilia ji'.uv with Iaihiltili' he waa. perfectly on the' level. ! "I. 'i' ode mill S.-impsou started the gau n the lirst day out and kept it go ing almost until the steamer plowed past Stuiiiy lltnik. (if course Sampson heat him right alum:. He niinle no effort to : let young Lonsdale will from him at lirst. He simply played poker and inked in the young man's in.iuey and checks. A lot of us al.naitl knew Sampson, and those of us who hiel met young Ionsda!e in laighiiitl gut him aside on tho second day j out and diplomatically put it to him that 1 he was e;:-i .1 in n pretty dilheult eli , counter that, in brief, Sampson was a profes'tional player of cards. For our tains we were told that we were too 1 confoundedly ollleious. i "At any rate, when the steamer was ' drawing near the shore, Lonsdale decided that he had had enough. Several of us I were in the eardroom when the last hand j was played. Sampson took tho pot, and Lonsilalc scribbled a check on his Anicri . can hankt i for the amount lie had lost nt the sitting. Then he looked up at Sampson fur a moment and said: " 'Some of inv friends here estimate 1 you a hit unkindly, Mr. Sampson.' "''How's that?' intjulred Slinipson cool ; ly. lie was a man who never betrayed i surprise. " 'Well, said Lonsdale, they maintain that your skill at cards affords you some thing better than a livelihood.' " i never denied that,' replied Samp son calmly. " 'In playing w ith mo on this voynge you have employed skill alone?' iuipilred Lonsdale courteously. " 'At your suggestion,' replied Samp son, witn caretui cinpnasis, 1 nave piny od draw poker with you for seven days. I iiu.ler--tatiil the game of drnw poker, and 1 have J'.i.ikki of your money. Do you want it hark?' "That was a magnificent bluff on Sampson's part, you perceive. The young ehao. he well knew, would not ! sipu-al. j "'Oh, if you elect to be insulting' said Lonsdale, Hushing hotly, and he rose from lite card table and left the room. "Well, a couple of elderly Englishmen 011 board who knew Ijolisdale and his fa ther before him went to the youug fellow and tolil hiin 1 1 1 11 1 it would he perfectly proper ami light for him to stop payment on the checks he hud given Sampson, who, they told him in so many words, was nothing better than a swindler. " 'You will be good enough to mind your own business,' replied the hotspur. 'I'll do nothing of the sort.' And that was the cm! of it." Washington Post. A l.laht and a Darn. In one comer of a smoker snt a heavy swell whose exterior was faultless, oven (0 the anuiiuiie Havana which he was in the act of lighting. Opposite to him sat a workman w ho had just filled up his noso wanner with mack plug nun, bent on economy, rxelnlmed, "After you with the light, guv'nor!" The Bwell care fully and painfully lit his cigar and when tin- 11111I1 h had about a quarter of an Inch to ham held it carefully tietween his thumb and forefinger and, with a hi lite smile, offered It to his neighbor. Tho workman, wrapping his huge hand around that of his benefactor, held It rigid while ho leisurely lit his pipe, tbo match doing its double work of service and chsatlhiinent, and then, regnrdloss of the tortures of the other, cnlmly said, "Thanks!"- Iyondon Glolie. Fashion Paper. Aay ladydetlrlng a aaw np-to-dai taahloa paper, tad will cut ihlt a I aad man to tka aedenlgaed eaa bare 'Mode aad Fabric" mailed thee free each noa tl for oae rear, beglnlng Ilk 0to hec aerobe. , . , ,, , . ,. Whet la ka4 of aaylalaf la Use Pry Ooodt lloa ladhst woakl do rU lo r1 to oaJor aeatpaat aad Hi.' 1 ' fltaUteit ft Hoaavaeraa O0.4 liimm to X Mark Oa Kew kWa, Pchedile B. License Tax All persons who are Indebted to Ihe Ceoaty for Hebedula B. License Tai, are hereby aotlfled that II moat he paid al oaoa, and tar being reported lo Court aeil week. JOSEPH KlNnEY, Bkarlff Craven County Think Twice before jou put something Into your stom ach of which jou know nothing. YOU RUN NO RISK WHEN YOU TAKB IMPROVED. Cures Chills. Fever, and all Malarial Diseases. Superior to all So-called Tasteless Tonics Each Dose contains tho same pro portion of medicine. No shaking of tho bottle required. Formulas on the package. Cure guaranteed. PRICE 60 CENTS All Druggists Should Have It In Stock BLOOD HUMORS Ulcers, Old Sores, Canters, Eating Sort's, Kczenia, Klc. i'n red liy r,. lie II.- Kre Trial Hot- Kirplag i oiil la Peblaa. There nre few places on osrth where Ihe nrt of kis-plng cool Is so successfully cultivate, I ns In Peking. In every house of nay Importance there Is a cooling fal len, from nhlrh tho ami la effectually shut out, while there Is the freest secerns to sir Tin- celling, wslla snd floor are built of bnmlioo. through the Interstices of which nir. speclnlly cisdrsl snd per fumed. I. wnftod Add to this cunningly conrocttd coolina drinks snd the airiest of raiment, nml the man who cannot keep cool In Peking ahould alt on the north pole. Many Chinese templet have windows made from the white mother of pearl found In oyatrr shells. The materia! I perfectly trsnsparent and looks like opal (lass. Ona twallnw may not make a summer, hnt a pin maliciously Inserted In a chair will make one tprlnf. Chicago Mew. From impure blood comes ill soils of pains, aches and soreB, ending frequently n deadly cancer or some chronic sore I f you can answer "yes" to any of the follow dig incstioiis your blood is diseas ed and impure. Do cuts or scratches heal slowly ? Does yonr skin itch or burn ''. Have you pim ples F.ruplions so you feel ashamed lo be seen in company ''. Aching HoneB or Hack? Kc.rmaV Old Sores? Bolls Scrofula Iiheumslisin V Foul lireatli Catarrh Are you Pale Do Scabs or Scales form on the Skin. Hair or Scalp ? Prickling Puins in the Hail ? All Run Down, gel onsilv tired, and as tired in Ihc morning as when you went lo bed Fluttering Heart Have you licers F.ating Sores V Cancer '! TO CI IKK, Any Jot itNAi readei w ho sliders is ad vised lo lake a few laige ImiIIIcs of 11. II. H. (Botanic HI I Halm). This remedy Is undoiibte Hy the best and only perfect lllood I'urilicr made, li 11 li. ( Botanic lilood ltKhn)ha: :. record of M) years of cures, hence is thoroughly tested. Hy laking a few huge botllcs of I!. I!. It. the blood is mane pure and rich, all the sores are healed, and aches snd pains vanish as the niisl before the bu.i. Ii. II. li. has cuied over 400 cases of cancer, many of llieni pronouucci :i:uratim ny doctors and specialists. Fating noren, ulcers und scrofula are healed so Hint they never bother the patient again. Kcxcin a In its worst form is cured by from to M laige IhiIiIch. H. B. B. cures by draining the poisons and humors out of the blood, at the same time il builds up Ihe broken down eouslilullon. Fur sale by drugglHts, $1 per large bo -He. or ft large bottles (full treatment) f 'i Complete diret t ions v ilh each bottle. He sure Ihe but lie reads Botanic lllood Balm. So sulTcreis may test It a trial liottle given away. Address Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, (la Describe nymtomasud free medical adwee given. Pair rriYuef ca. The Fair Aatoclatloa latitat propotslt tor tho followlag aialatlfo privilege at Ue onailag fair Mevawbat Ulk,to t7lk, vim , Soataaraat, Ooafaellowary, fruit, ate, ateftdwtcavni, Barbec, Cigar aad To- KM '.Bid to a)oao Ralarday, Ootobat ISO, Qao, Oaaaa. Bee'y. n n COUGH SYRUP r ItanVIn rinnirha. f f Boro Lonra, OripwsPoeo- Tnocia ua nroncniua m m rewaaya. Why then rkk OonarampttorL a alow, nr deatht Ui Ir. Ball'a Cough Byrop. Frtoo, afto. DonTl bo Impoaad npoo. afase the aWaWt a tabatHma ( H Is aat as ("rat ee tir smil e galiall.a CHI saval i a illaaa) Asa aa lalaa, a eta. A FKW Of THE GOOD THINGS! Vet For Rle By J. F. TAYLOR. Sweet Calawaba wine 75c per gallon California Tort wine . . 1 .00 per gallon Montlcello Claret wine . . lAe per bottle and few Brandt of fine medicinal wbls keya, aueb aat LONG OAK, OLD FOItElHTKIt CUTTER aPKPl-KK W A T.I) Oil F, Aad lota of otbar branda of Rye. ShiwB'i Milt,' feeotck, Iriis in4 . , tbe Fimooi t OLD N.J C.S CORN fyta) tbo Moantalaa; alo Into of other " ' - - gooul Bt nouofll pnee. 7 01 Tl LB A CALL tw rwi a mr nvi v . al,JCeJL.Jl M4lk. - '. ;,HMUJIoilroU. . .-.

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