ffeto mttkh imftml V M MBER bl. VOLCMI XXIII. NEW BERN, CKAVIN COUNTY, N. C. FRIDAY, Ot'TOHEK lam. --Ei.iMi Li lii'.N. IS 111 E1HI61T. TOBiCCO FIGHTERS- NO FINDING HIM. THE M ARRETS. not i T.yl .mil Teller Alvord Disappeared Als the The ( . lowing quotations were re. til li) J t l.alhaui&Co New 1. The State fair is a Great Industrial Think They Can Down The Amen Exposition Success. Leather Exhibit r mm A-herlHe. rot Hall Friday. New llilerj Hill. Ilapllsl Stale I ui rrnllon. Will hiM.l;.y nl nnlTnIo. Special l" J1.11ri1.1l Halekih,11 i..it '34 .--1 ' Suie Fair Ik a great success as wl.ul u.v ' termed a practical eipo itlon of the .-.ale. It bows very marked industrial develop ment and t bo college work Blamls out as a feature of marked Intercut. The women' work Is In the line of lilit handiwork, while the college work Is of Iron anil woo.l, and almost entirely of very practical thing. The work by the pupils of (he blind aud half-mute schools b also practical, whether of wood i.r itraw or cloth. The exhibit from the great Vanderbllt farm at Bllunure, of farm products and of poultry Is an objec leaion In llrelf. The other ex.hll.1i8 of farm products are excellent. Yancey county makes by far (he beet apple show ever made at a Fair hcrr, anil uNo shows peaches, BOUlily "Gardiner's October,' the lineal ever cen here. In tumltuie the homo work compares with the bent can Tobacco Trust. Th. Dl-bauded Coin n.iri ic. Ix'ii t'arr Keelci ti il rreiilent Kudirca On tin- Fair roil nil. I 'nt Ion Iblc gntes to Mo In li1. Special to Journal Kaikioii, Oil. 2.V Today great day al tl.c Stan- l-'aii hinl it great one in every scn -e of the ttliowera lad night lalil the dust poured In yeleiday anil today J700,oOo. I'.-clal to Journal Nkw York, October '.M - No trace bu .! I en fouml o! Chas. L. Alvord, the defaulting teller of the Kirsl National Hank of New York It U generally believed that Alvord Lw pull' in South America, the usual refuse of defaulters. Tbe seven hun dred thousand defaulti alion Is the lar-i-et one that has ever occurred In New Yoik. The teller received a salary of is the live thousand ilo liars a year and spent was a 20 (Kill a year, on household expenses', word. I His betting on races was heavy and be People j w;i.i a heavy dealer In the slock mar- from all ket. N. C. Naw Vuuk, ei l'i CoTTov Op4rn. Hth l.ow I low j ,( , Oct h 74 M l t 7:1 -'.', a . j 4 , , ,,, Nov " HW s- notrcniH r. ;...'.:. J H75 M h::, mjij Let Khmi; nn ) , . ,,1 .iV Mch ".75 H.M -r. MM ,,,, ,,, , ,,,., c My ! ' "' . ;,!,.,-. -i.fi. '...'"' 1 Wheat-. Oikmi. Hlirli 1 I : Doc 77 7M 77, 7. Con. Uas 17ii I 1 80. RPM Th. 1 k . ..v. 1:.. -s 1 r .... Con- T ; . .1 ahea.h I. Ualher 12 Ui j I h.mnaii, o Mo, day II Big Ham r -1 parts of the State. The K:ii whs given general satisfaction Adjutant-General Royaler, speak 1 111; today of the recent di!iandii.rv,t of the Plymouth, Maxton uud Ite-idnvillu com panies of the State Uunrd haiil upplica tlon for permission to reon anl.c the companies at Maxton and Ply mouth are already in hand. Theto are miuiy appli cations on file for admission to the Guard. The Supreme court ususlly tnkeB a re cess on Thursday of Sl.tto Pair week but today It worked. Simmons an 1 ( in r liailgi'D in profusion are given away at th" l'ulr grounds by supporters of t he t wo seniilorial giunc- cocks, a:id the pursiminnn atnllhe jiir me seen on The retire j Cotton receipts were 56,000 bales al all , H, ,,.n ,., , rd Is 50 years old and has a wife 1 ports. Mniunlav 1 tobei lav lint tl 111 : . 11 ' 1 ,. 1,. I. ,,p. r '-".'ud. d iui i 1 1 1 I'd'. 1. hi and hiir ,! II. r 1' kw hi-a': I M il ' - iiinl .1;iiiih; l'liiit lUilUr: I- n-.-li I'Iiiiiiik; t'iiinie. . OM.ir -'.ilii..n Hint .1 loMI I Mi 1 I ut r.-il lui k lieat; I A 1 . j .ii-S lVilrlles; I'uiiiy Kn-ish Klgiti Fiincv lull Oleum (mhkIh of all kind.-: ;iuri Sn nr. Alv and threo children. Ills home was at Mount Vernon, and he was respected there and his habits were good. A statement made by the First Nat 1 tonal Bank on September 5 showed: i Vapltal, f00,000; surplus. $5,000,000; un I divided profits, $4, 114,250; deposits, $39, 4)1)7,895; demand loans and cash on hand, I $.2::,:!7'.),27; lime loans, $5,654,010, and Mocks nnd bonds, fiO, 110, 4(H). In Ibis .statement the bank'B total resources were placed at $52,063,204. - lick I. I'liiiii I'liik and Small I 'i Hams ShiitililiTri. Toiiiatu ( atj-u i; Mustard ami aiif and " 11 M I oinain alf Ilanis and Knglish I Liverpool MArkAl. Spots 5 7 :12. Sales 1(1,00(1 bales. Fu ' lures closed steady. ()'t-Nov. 1 1 Jan I Feb. 4 54 Now Hern Cutt.ill MArkct. Cotton sold in the local market yester day at Hljj to 8.80 Sales were 7:1 bales. YV V done In other States, and the use of home woods Is general. Greensboro shows lure of Carr on a button carpets, well made ami of excellent de-1 thousands of coat Upe!'- algn. Fortliellrst time there Is a com- menl of Wuddc'.l and Jarvis Horn t lit , plele exhibit of leather, from the great great race only serves to make it livelier Ashevllle tannery, Including curiosities (ion. Carr was here today. In the shape of enormous elephant and ; l'iekpockets g-.t a wuti h and iPWl walrus skins. The agriculture and me-1 from Kd Mclvissie!. lien !!.- is the Chan leal cotlege hero for whiles, and 1 widely known propi ieloi 1 1n ilat lei y that al GrcctiBboro, for negroes, have j Park hotel at Ashi vi I. worthy exhibits. There la nlno a large The tobacco growers say t hey are i-on-collectlon of rugs and carpets made by fident lliat they can perfect. 1 hi ir organ patients of the insane asylum here, this Iz-uton no us to include practically all being a new lino of lucrative eniploj-i growers of any impoManrv and linn rcg ment for women, i ulate prices and defeat, the latest trust, -The foot ball game between the Blacks I the American Tobacco Company. Their burg and Raleigh Agricultural and Me-! committee w ill make formal demand chanical College will be played Friday I upon the legislatuie Itiat at the coming morning, at the fair ground. John Vic- session It enforce Urn lmv which im Kee will be umpire and l'errln Busbec J poses $10,000 line an I 10 years impris referec; both being from the University j onment upon the members ol a irust convicted. William A. Guthrie of Dur ham isin Ids appeal to the Pulled Slates Circuit Court of appeals lighliiii; the trust as hard as lie can. I Julian S. Chit was last night re deci ded President and C P.. lcnson Secretary ! of the North Carolina Confederate As j soclallon, both by aei lauiation, Com ill 1 1 tees weie appointed to thank ' Daughters of the Confederacy lor 1 operation; to ineinorialie the ' luro to to give more money HoldierM Homo and urge it to N'o other pills can equal DeWilt's Ut ile Kai ly Itisers for promptness, certain ty and elliciency. F. S. Duffy. te of North Carolina. The State charters tho Leaksville House and Power company, capital $15, 000, with authorized Increase to $200,000 and pawor to build and operate cotton mills. The Halelgh Hosiery company has begun work on a new mill, quite near the penitentiary. It will lie 100 by 50 feet and will employ 50 persons The output of the present mill Is H00 doen pairs dally. Zach F. l-ong of Rockingham c.ou iiy has tiled a voluntary petition In bank-; moro special pensions. Krueger and Buller. ! Di in a N, Natal, October 23 Gen. Duller, speaking before an assemblage of l,is admirers said: "!n 1H-.I I met Mr. Kruger at O'Neill's I arm, near Newcastle, ilo said: " 'General, we don't like this peace.' 1 replied: 'Neither do I, because we have got nothing to stand upon. You think you have beaten us, but wo know c can beat you.' ' M r. Kruger rejoined: "'Well; General, I hive seen that when two dogs tight and are separated, I Lev are never right until they have fought It out.' "We have fought it out, and have come out on top. We shall be good friends, because the top dog never take9 a Ivai.tagc of Its position." the CO leglsla for the giv 110 End of Strike Near. Special to Journal. Pinl.,ni i.I'iiia, October 25. It Is ex pected that settlement of the coal miners tiers strike will be made within 24 llO'lli. A body of foreigners, who are coal miners, paraded last night near George town and terrorized people by firing fua- sil'ades Raise Main Wreck. Wabiiinuton, October 2). -Secrelary Long has given his consent to the re moval of the battleship Main from II 1 vana harbor. Immediately upon the return of Gen eral Wood to Havana lie will make ar rangements for the raising of the wreck Several months ago applications were , made to General Wood by persons wil I ling to remove the Maine, If they were given the hull lit return for the work, i and It Is possible that they may still be i willing to observe the same terms. Be j sides tho Maine General Wood w ill prob 1 ably make arrangements for the removal I of the armored cruisers Vizcaya, A I mi j ranlc Oquendo and Cristobal Colon, that now lie along the south coast of Cuba, land the gunboat Jorge Juan, which Is lying in the mud In the harbor of Nipe. General Wook will have a representa ' live present during lh removal of the ! Maine and Lieutenant-Commander j Young, tho captain of the port of liana ! va, will witness the operation. Should any evidence lie discovered beariug upon 1 the cause of the destruction of the ship 1 it will be Immedlal'dy reported to Wash Ington. Tho Maine is prelty far down In the mud and II probably w ill be 11 very dllllcult laBk to raise her. ti c 1,, . :. qualified w alieadv let; mi M..ndav Ocii.l. open each da un'.l day. I i I in. I . i t i : 1 . : i . . 1 1 of the ' I Ja- per prec.net, not il no. ! 1 q -t 11 i.t J asper Pit '.".' id, and will be and including Satllr- Complete Stock of the Best Groceries to be had. i J h 1) II I'ki.i. . Regis! rar. J.L. mm Wholesale Grocer, The I o, qilalilicd ks foi illti is already register the Uegi-traliori of the oi Ti-alale I '1 eciiK I , not d, w ill be '..en on Mon- da ( Ictober 22nd, and u ill be open i acl day until and including Saturday,! Ictolier ! 27( !i J. I! Cimu m wki.i., : Reristrar. 1 5 Phone 91. 71 Brorv. Hi. 'file liooks lot the Rc ipialilicd voleis ol the prcc duel , no! alie'idv e open at Port Rai n v. ell, 1 ber '.".'nil, and, will be 1 p til and includini; Sat 11 rd A. s-lrnt! '..it n of t he iainwell ;l .("red vill be a Monday li lt each day 1111 y, Ictolier -7i h. A 1. 11 v. Registrar. otop and lhtnk. Tin iplalil aln for I he Registral ion of Un ified voters of Dover precinct, tint idy rcgiMcM-d. will be open at Dove er on Monday October id, and will be open each day unli! and including Salur da) , I )i li books iber li. V Ri. llAtll'SnN, Registrar ruptcy here, w ith liabilities of $l.'i,0tK), assets nothing. Early in Decern lie r the Baptist Slate convention will meet til the First Baptist church here. The convention will slmw gain of more than O,0O0 during Gie year. There Is no doubt that this Slate will make a worthy exhibit al the Pan-Aiuei-ican Ktpusliion al ItuIT.lo. Al a hotel here last night Miss Poail Marshall of Slatesvllle and Mr. Luc Al bertsnn, a prominent luinlierman of Du plin county, were married. Iter. John E. While, Secretary North Carolina Stale Mission board lelugraplis from Baltimore lhal he accepts the call to the pastorale of the Second Baptist Church, of Atlanta, to take effect Jauu ary 1st, neit. The following are the delegates for this State to the Inter Spue Cotton Growers Convention al Mobile, J W P Battlo, S. B. Alexander, A T McCalluin, J. S. Cunningham. T. B. Parker, J Ko an Grimes, J. P. Allison It K Ayeock, It, J. Boiling, Beneliati Cameron, S. I, Patterson and J, A. Dusk. William A. Graham ol Lincoln county is tin prisidenl and F.lias Carr valient. new ire-l Now Near the Coast. Speelal to Journal. Hai.tiuiikk, Mi). Oct 21 Wild ,i Bryan spoke on the eastern slcn Maryland today Kighl Ihou- iiid pi beard him al Salisbury. Russia Willing to Yield. Special lo Journal . Wash i Nil IN, October 25. Russia Is reported to bo ready to accept Germany's proposition and withdraw the Russia troops from near Neaeovla. A bloody light between Chinese villa gers anil the rebel army has occurred, flu- villagers attacked and were beaten and two thousand Chinamen were killed slid the villages destroyed. Field Marshal Waldersee has sent a mixed expedition lo the tombs of the The books f,.r tin qualified voters I' ( ready registered will hi Monday Oclol er '.'2nd. and lo g isl i at ion of the c piccinet, nol Hi- pen at ( liivi:, on will be open Ming body died. dynasty. The Germans attacked a if Boxers and killed two bun Americans Oppose Another Week, j . Paris. Oct. 24.-Tb Government has whether decided to prolong the Exposition for an Additional week. It will close Sunday, November 11. On day will be devoted to tho poor, with free admission. Thai night the Exposition will be Illuminated aa on special nights. It is expected that 1,000 000 visitors will be present. The American exhibitors grnenlly are opposed in I lie prolongation as they have made contracts and every other arrange ment lo remove their exhibits on the day originally aet for closing, aid many of thciu have booked Ibclr passage s home. Fever Facts Covered. WasiiiMitiiH, October 2:1. ABked Conditions In Porto Pico. WasumuTuR, Oct. 3 Oan. George TV. Davis, unill April last Oovernor -Gen ral of Porto Illeo. ta preparing an ex haustive report upon the conditions prr rsillef nder bl administration Taking p the hurtory of the islaad beginning with PpsnUa occupation, the report will follow all the varying conditions ap to ts appearance of the aserkaaa. Then, deallnf with sanrs reoeat autre, the OtneraJ will aay that bat tit lb ravages of Ike cyclone which wpl over Porto Kloo last year the Island would have how great advance, and aa It I It baa fooreted very rapidly from that awful eelaaatly.- Qeneral DavU aayi Ihu the advanoe aaenl of Porta kloo will be apparent as II the facts beoesae koow, and be look for ward lo IsHereaalag prosperity among the people of Ike Uland. there Is a grutler number ol yellow fever eases In Cuba this year than 1 In either 1808 of IMlllI, as Inferred from! reports, Oeneral Wood replied jn Ihe negative. II says the assumption is baaed upon Ihe mistaken Idea that the former administration of Cuba gave the dally papers the news freely. The Inference fiom (ie.ieral Wood's wordl bears ralher seven ly upon the regime of General Brooke As Gov. rnor General, General Brooke was never pnr '.Iculsrly fond of giving Information to Ihe press, but this Is tho first Intimation made In any authoritative quarter that he made a practice of conci nll ng ani tary statistics. General Wood says further lhat 11 Idea that Havana w well cleaned up a year ago Is an error. New Bern Flr Nov. 12-17, IWO FoneraJ of John Sherman. Special to Jnornal. MaKsrtBi n, Ohio, Oct 2.1 -The funeral of John Hherman was held here today from his former home. I)ulo In the Cltr was nspndrd during fh,- bonis of the funeral ( i BfgtaBaai Toe Anclo-Germao Arrecmcnt. WasmBOToa-, Oct. J4.-In view of the widespread comment thai the Angln- Bif Fair Attendance. Sn-i ial to Journal. Kai.kiuii, Oct. '2f. --The attendance at lli'i Stale Fair lo-day was over twenty thousand, breaking all previous records, j The regular untranees were loo small to admit the crowds and two panels of the fence had lo lie taken down to afford suf Indent access. The Indian Head Explosion. Spuclal to Journal Wasiiimiton. Oct 21 Two maga lues at the Proving Grounds al Indian Hi ad. twenty fivo miles below the city. . iploded with a terrible report. 'flir cause of Ihe explosion Is tin 'known The two magailnes which ex ploded were for heavy ordnance About ! ihlrly thousand pounds of rciwder. fifty I thells and 2o 000 rounds for small arms I ei ploded. Nobody was hurt aa the quarters wero scpsraled by small bills from the magalnc Alvord Still at Liberty. j Spcclsl lo Journal. t NkwYomk, Oct. 8.' The defaulting teller of the First National Bank, Alvord ! Is yet at large. Ills honse la guarded by , detectives. No warrant for bis arrest Las yet been Issued, Kruger's Mission. Tiik Haiiiik. Oct, 24. Not much cre dence is given here to utterances re ported In Ihe English press of St John GalTncy. of New York, with regard to former President Kruger's object in visiting Europe. Ho alleges that the mission Is to Induce the powers not lo recognize British Bovcrelgnts In Souih Africa, and that the ex-I'resldent of the Transvaal will probably visit the United Stales. Gaflney is unknown In Holland, even ol partisans of the Boers, and his decla rations are totally opposud to those made by Mr. Kruger himself and by the Dutch Consul al Lorenzo Marques. Feelings of safety pervade the house hold that uses One Minute Cough Cure, ihe only harmless remedy lhat produces Immediate results. It 1b infallible for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. It will prevent eonsuinp lion. K. S. Duffy. each day I let. .ber mill Hi and iiicludiii:' Satiiidav, T li li Regis! i ar ,!!V!XSVjX)wr'X!i"5 iXlAa5!awf,taw,VO Brisk Trade Keeps our Stock moving, accordingly our goods are always fresh. " REASONABLE PRICES RULE." 1 liavo a fresh supply of Francis II. Lcgells' 2, it nnd 0 lb packages Pn-pared Buckwheat, Oatmeal and Petti John's Breakfast Food. I am carrying also a nice line of Canned Goods, Canned Pumpkins, Plum Pudding, Sour K rout -can or bulk, etc., etc. I would be glad to have you call and examine my stock. Yours for Business, J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. The books for I he Registration of the qualilied voleis of Truill's prei incl, nol already registered, will l.e open al fruit t's, on Monday October 22nd, and will hi-open each day until and inclu ding Saturday. Oet,,l,ei '7ih. A W Rakkini.ion, Reg i-t i ar s The 1 qualilii ready onks fo 'd voleis i regisli i ci I he Ret- isl nil ion of 1 be f 1 em ial cincl, nol al will be open al Fire Company 'I reek llnii-e, corner George and Cv press si reel-. 'il Monday October J2ud, ami will be open each day until and including Saturday, Oclobi r Till. W li Pi nm it, I b-i-isl i ar. New Bern Fair Nov. 12-17. IW) ARE YOU REGISTERED ? The books Tor II. i quail lied otei s of not already icgiM Vaneeboro. on M and will be open c. h eluding Saturday. ei .1 Rcei-tiallon of the Vaneeboro prcilnel, tci, w ill lie open al mdav Oi lober 22nd lnv until and in Tlli. I !' C ASTORIA w lot IlfaJeU mA CUldrta. lit 11:1 Yn Im Kxt!i Sixteen Million Pupils. W siitxoToH, October 14. The an nual rrporl of tbe United Blalee Com mtaaloner of Kddcatlon for the Bscs year snded Jons 80 gives tbe flgorea for Usnaaa alllaace com-cialng China was the fiscal year le0-W as the latest atslli opea to tho possil la rnnalrncllon of an tics obtainable. U shows that tho graad Implied or tadlrecl menace against some total of pa pi Is la all school elementary other Power Interacted la the China secondary, aad higher, pabilo sad prl- QDttlloo. lbs attention of Ooaet ! vale, for the year ended Jaly 1st, I8M DeQdadt,lh Of r in an Charge d'ASalrea, was K,7VJM4, of which her aarotted Rcrlstration Bcrlns October 122nd and Contlnncs Until 26ih. The books for the Kcglslrsllon of Un qualified voters of ihe First Ward pre cinct, nol already registered, will lie open at Iho city Lall, on Monday Octolx-r 22nd, and will be open each day until and Including Saturday, Oclolier 27lh. R. It Ilti.i.. Registrar. The IsKiks for ftje Registration of the qualilied voters or the eoonil vv aril pre cinct, not already registered, will be open 1 al the Court House, on Monday October 22nd, and will be open each day until i and Including Saturday, October 27th. I G. B. Watra, ; Registrar The books for Ihe Itegislratlon of the qualified voters of the Third Want pre cinct, nol already registered, will be open at Street's stables, on Monday October 22nd, snd will be open each day aalll and Including Saturday, October 7th. K.B.BTaarr, Registrar. Tbe bonks for the Ilrgletratloa of the q a all Bed voters of the foe lib Ward p re dact, hot already registered, Will be ope at Qargett' Bbop, oa Moaday Oo- tobe3nd, and will ta opoa oasrh tay til aad lacladlag rWtarday, Oalobar r7th- W. K. Cataixrrrm, Registrar. Tin- books for tbe Re. qualilied volers of ,M ap elncl, not aliesdy regi open at Maple Cypres-, lober 22ml, and will la- l-t ratio c 1 pi of the - pre ered, will be ii M oiuIkv e. pen each day until 27 lb. and Im hiding I Sainnlav, ( ictolier C. Daw -on, It' gisirar i Prompt Delivery From Dunn's You can tilwayH expect when you order your food supplies from tliis reliatilo store. Wo cau sup ply every demand of a lirst class f imily trade with the Choicest Staple aud Fancy Groceries, Rel Idins, Pickles, Sulcus, Olivet, Fox River Print Butter, and Pig llama at R ick Bottom Prices. We make a specialty of high gi ule Teaa and Cotlees. Our Perfection Blend Coffee is Fine, Price Only 20c. If you wittit a good cup of delicious coffee liny u pound iiiid yott will tfet iL ThiH roffec ia c-iiial to any coffee in Hie market., regard less of price. vJ"n.o Dnixn, Reduced Sunday Passenger Excur sion Rales! II lick Aim' ex tialn on Grocer. ( The A A N C Hull' "d ets after this dale at i In cursion rates by No. an Sundays From M City to Golds!... rn v id ollov il I Bear U .Ts&attaTw Of today was oallad lo this point. Ooat DeQaadl aaM lhat ha was able to lr eatag orloal and tary poslilvs statement aad of highest authority that tM agraesesat Isvolved ho awrsace what rvet M ay Poef eonceraed U China. Ds aalil this applied to all tho parlies which had take t hand In Chlneee af fair. .' tk the common schools, el eases tary tad eaooaday, was 15,188,711 Tweaty aad oae-half per seat, of the tiro populatlna was enrolled la th pablto atemeaUry schoola aad high school a, Wlhlwooil Now port MavrlrM'k Croatsn NcW Bern Tunoarora Core Creek Dover Caswell K insii.n I'-lliag Or k I. Orange ft. ol I l.'i 1 lio tin 70 .70 IX) .no 80 40 Cotton Storage. Fire-proof WarelionfM ! ( iittiiti STOKKD and INSUKKK at small cottt and reasonalile ail vaiiri s tiiuile on snme if dcninil. The sUtiflttCAl iwiHitinn justifies thestor atrc "f ml ion for iimcli liiglicr price which we Ixdieve will surely come. t'orrcHK)inlcnoe SoliciUil. NEXT TO COTTON EXCHANGE. The above llckels nrc giMMl only on mindnja by N' H and 4 trains and nn date aUunpas! or wiitten on tickets, and Hmllt will not Im rxtnndml. Hnp.redi all (oimor ratoa. OcliUr txth. 14. I, Dim., (1. I' A. Tho book for the Reg 1st rail cm of tho qaallOod TOtort of tho lleaaaat Ulll ors etaot, aot already raglatarad, wfUba ope ' at Ptasaaal HIB School Bowse, m Mow day October IM, aad wtU ba epeabach day attl aad lacladlai SatardayfOctober IT lav A.Kairmirs,''' -. - ''' - lUfbAn. ' Mtitcat Llvsr IHU Mil a) Mm ffia I ' The) look for too HagWtrailoa of lbs) rriotito. , UaaJlfled toUrt of tho llk,Towajhlp, Bricks,' Bricks 1 Anyone in nct!f Brick t, call on Vtrli HHdlo RlrooW or K. BlLop,iW CrUon i PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE -. . . i The Planter's Warehouse U located in the bujiDrot part of tlx oitj KffMiiive n,Mi t, lint Warehonao in tho State. We will here plenty of buyer with plenty of orders for all the Tobacco in thin part of the 8UU3, It is the aim ol the management to give hia ptaonal ntteotion ' to U aahw and to that jott are wrll looked after when en the ruarVet with tolMarcb. . Onf motto U wTtigh fiirxw and Poreonhl AtteBtlow to jour' In- ti-nwU" . m. . . Frro BUhlc. Come down to the opening !," nnd 'wey will try to pUmMtou. ' i. .ih u w t; ;j PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE CO., , . . F, S. LAX0LZT, Aoctloneer. tTTW' tvery wak-dy at II o'clock

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