'). J YOLCMI XXIII. KIW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C. FRIDAY, HOVIMBIR 9, 180U. SECOND SEl'TlUS. I M B I . hi N 1.5 BISflM. RepnbUdn Claims Seem To Be Ven fied By Late News. Nebraska aae Kaesas Lost to Bryan aad Kratacky la IHinbl. Mc Klnlfj SU8. Bryaa US, Doablfal IS. Co-res All One Way. Special to Journal. Niw York, Not. 7 Tbr la'cst on ye terday's Presidential contest Ik thai Mc Kinley baa 296 electoral volet, Brao 138 votes, Willi the 13 votei of Kentucky (till undecided. The next House and Senate will be Republican by a good easy majority. There will be at least 207 Republicans in the next '.louse of Representatives." Of the pluralities, Pennsylvania breaks 11 records wilb a Republican plurality of over 300,000 and a majority over all of 140.000. Maryland frives 14140 for McKinley with tbe entire delegation of tlx Congressmen, Republican. Tbe Democratic National Committee gives op Indiana nod i lie Republicans claim the State by 30,000 and the elec tion of 11 Congresomen. Ohio gives McKinley 00,000 plurality, Wisconsin 110.000 and iowa80,0i!. Tbe R-pnhllcan plurality in N.jw Jer sey will reach 80,000. In West Virglula the Repuli'i' control Mm I'irlslature and elect four ('nrgroifineii The Re putiliCHi 9 have swept Colorado and Kan saR. In South Dikola MeKliiley's plurality will reach ten thousand nijaiiiMl l!-3 Democratic in lMtt. Hcnalor Pettlgrew Is defeated for re-election as the Repub licans made a clean sweep of the State Bryan has loH the Stale of Nebraska but tho fuslonints still hope to carry the Legislature and ! el Urjati to t lie Sen ate. Kentucky continues very close and is still in the doubtful column. The following Is the Electoral vote by stales as indicated by the latest nc; KOtt MCKINI.KY. SIMMONS AND CARR. RALEIGH. ECHOES OF THE BATTLE. an S Carr as MciSifts Exchanged Between the Eml nent Democrats Yesterday On The Result. Fpecl-0 to Joun.al. Rt tioll, N,. 7 -t'lejjraphs Mr F. M follows: "Aicept my heartiest congratulation In all your efforts to promme welfare of North Carolina and btiiwciatic p'ty, 1 pledge my loyal support." Mi. Simmons replied: ' Accept my thanks for conirratul. lions. It is my ireest desire that any dlsi.fi s ens in our paity may be speedily heakd 1 liust the spirit of yiur telegrsm v. ill meet with universal response from our parly friends and that we may all work to gether for the success of the democracy and welfare of Ibe State. Suiely nothing shall be left undone on my part to ac complish this much to tie di sitid result." Kitchen Entirely Safe. Special to Journal. Kalelgh, Nov 7 News tonight from the fith Congressional District is that Kitchen, Democrat, is i iecte I to Con gress by 1100 W2OO0 iur ritj over Joyce Republican. President returns to Washington. Specl:il to Join n ill Caul on Ohio N iv 7.ih T. i, t lem.- .ml people surrounded President MeKinley's house just a'l"-r in rlniiilit Us- night and In acknowledgement lie 1'iesident thanked thim for the cnilira merit of his ofliciii :u Is. This ufiei r:ooii I he 1'iesideir Nit lor VVasliiiii.'lon. A i; : I v-kmi aiivcu liiili n o e the : . tr . RALEIGH. Wake County Vote. The Late Senatorial ; Primary. Klttrelt a Winter Resort. Special to Journal. KaIhium, November 8. The official, canvass of election returns was made to- j dai It was found that this county gave : Mmmons 101 majority for Senator. Ei-Jndge Womaek, who has been one j of t he managers of .Simmons' campaign ami w ho also did a great deal of special u.-ik in the August campaign, speaking about the s'ownesa of getting in returns save as to the primary said: "The pe -pie forgot politics for the primary. Up to today one could not get news save M to Senator right here in this county. 1 am glad I opposed the primary. Only m delegates weie In the hall when the Slate Democratic Convention ordered the primary. It is exceedingly doubtful that there will be another primary. This one hits developed the fact that a candi date is obliged to have some one to look after his Interests at every polling-place in the Slate. This is .a costly busi ness. I' nited States Marshal II. C. Dockery li ft to-day for the Nashville penltetiary with (i convicts; two sentenced at New Hern and four at Wilmington. The State amends the charier of the F. Vi combe Homestead and Loan Asso ci.it ion m thnt ils capital stock Is In .rciied from ?0,000 to fiO.OOO, Mr. John A. Chase, a merchant of Florence, S C, married Miss Nancy Mc "'in' kin here to-day, the ceremony being at the biirchof the Good Shepherd. A Uoslon linn bin leased the hotel at Kitlti 11 and will auiii make it a winter lesort. Labor Commis-doiier Lacy has gone to Chin lolte where his sister, .Mrs. li. L. Dcwry, is dyiiif;. Augustus Wright, of Petersburg, the 1 trge-i! creditor of V. K. Jones, bank rupt, oi tlih c it, has bought the block f r ir.,.'00. Electoral Co Here Vote. Oaay still easy. Party ReorfMilzailor. Bryan flat For Seaate. Special to Journal. Nsw Yhk, Nov. H The UieM re turns rontirm the estimate on Ihe electo ral college of 29; voles for McKinley and 155 for lirj an. The Republican concede Idnhi to Bryan, also the election of tbe entire fu sion ticket and congressmen u U.M stale. The fusion majority In ihe Legis lature will probably elect UuImiIs a-. Men alor. The flghl of Q lay in Pen nsj I i uni.i 1 still doubtful, both bides of Hie lai tional fight claimi-g a majority in the legisla ture. The reorgani.atlon of the Djmocracy is being urged by men once high in the party councils, CliViUud, A hiliiey, ih-u Dickinson, Hewitt anil ethers are said to be ready t ) sign a call to bring about such a result. Uorman says th.it it is too early to talk of paity leoigaui.ation. Wr. Bryan siys that he will not under any circumstances be a candidate for the Senate from fsehiaska, lu case llie fusion lsls control Ihe Legislature, that he ran for the Presidency ai.d lost and will not take tbe position away from another man. President McKinley reached the While Mouse Ill's morning. Ilj has his mes sage to Coiig:es. a'.nady m skeleton form. THREE FOREIGN VIEWi. Un- England. Germany anJ France un the Laic EicCHi n. Lo.M) is N v - il- ' !. .i, : n irnllig ap- r , I, 'lie . . i. . (. -n i lj - Alien, a i ' . i 1 n lone I hy tbe I u "T swiue of l he ; el in I he L" u I . J The Uep.il licalls .1 i ill re as i he I iii-nu I' in d iv ::.k'd -i. I !. I he t nil ol li i v b 1 1 1 .-1 u a i l.e : -:ii ' el e 1 1 li i A BRAND At SATUROAY NEW nOfM7 SHOW! A A H li h ' li 1 I, it n Hit Hi Mr k V ;.l t,I I - Hi v 1 . i ; ..1 Uul .will i l.icu a I'ri'b.dt h t :r ttrd t i.d Mil nf h li tpt'less iiiTdlunii UiLll 1 1 ' ( ..i.lhlt ,v If tion of THtniiihr. II an h f;mll , bii I tils iiii-l"! I u n -t h I id tiinii (1,111)1. 1 : t r llllt lll III l lie All.i'I .CHIl i Ih i 1 1 j f m ri ' . SHiis'ar, i(.n i: h ; ! 1 1 u' t in (iv c r ii lit- i; i en, I in ( it.'1'iu in put,. I. - 1 c - I i at ler I'l ol I 'hi is the victim nnil p:;ctical i.;ui 1 he ad s ii. i Mi Hry- FIUST SEASON IX AMERICA The Rhoda Royal Australian Triple Railroad Shows. .W in modi 7Iiiii;rio A Elomaii Ilj ppodrome. sli"ws was ii m 1 . 1 '. i - urn ni' t;i 1 . Wnivi'ster Sjiy I he ru.-t ..lu II. I '.'i ii i. California 0 Colorado 4 Connecticut Delaware ;! Illinois '21 Indiana li Iowa Kt Kansas 10 Maine Maryland H Massachusetts Lr Michigan U Minnesota 9 Nebraska H New Hampshire 4 NewJcisey lit Now York !tii North Dakota D Ohio 2:t Oregon 4 Pennsylvania 82 libode Island 4 rlouth Dakota 4 Utah t Vermont 4 Washington 4 West Virginia Wisconsin 1- Wyoming 8 200 Knit HltVA.N. Alabama 11 Arkansas H Florida Georgia 13 Idaho 8 Ixialslana 8 Mississippi 0 Missouri 1' Montana Nevada 3 North Carolina 11 Houth Carolina 0 Tenneas e 13 Tas 15 Virginia 1J LW an i.i. DauiiTirui. Kentucky 13 Good Order i:. the State suits. Supreme Court Held. Special to Journal. ILm.KIiiii, November shows that yesterday' Senatorial l;c-Keeerlioit . - I'lll! IleWS l;'Cli 'll V:iS II i model of good order in this Stile. 1 He exceeding slowness of returns of the i vole for Congressmen and electors was due to the utterly ah-ortiing character ol the Senatorial light. In this Senatorial light gr, at interest was fell in the vote in Wake, the Met ropolitan county. Until Simmons and Carr were naturally more d: e rolls to carry It thau any other county in the State. Chairman Simmons was at Lis cllic:' early Ibis morning and congratulations were resumed. A gentleman from Ooldsboro brought him tile latgcjt per simmon ever seen here. Early returns today showed thai Sim mons got 1400 majority la llertic, IV in Pamlico, 800 In Pender, l,(i:ii in Simily, 700 In Davlu In Stanly, Kiiuiz, for Congress got 602 majority, Bryan only 433 The smallnoss of the Democratic vote In Oaston was a surprise. The feelinir of the neirroes lu'iiin .t the i white Republicans Is growing more and ' i more bitter day by day. Ol course yi s j terday'a vote was the lasl whi-h hoiiic j thing liku two-thirds of the negroes will least. They appeared to care hut liitle I about voting. They mi.de no: ll.e slight j cbI deiiK.nslriilion at ibe eieetn ii ol Mr Kin ley. There Is great good humor lieie as to ihe election. It a. llie iHec i -tcr.la and is so today. The Supreme Con. t ii, dny calle.i the docket of appeals from the 7:h dlstii' t Among the atlorui y's here are ii oi ge M Hose and N. A. Siuc'.air of Fayette, iile; N. A. McLean nf Luniberion a' d K. K. Bryan of Wilmington. This evening ex-chlef Ju lie; Sb. p- How Croker Hedged. Nkw Yoiik, Nov. 7. Tomorrow will t e pn . day ill Wall street. Tho success o; the U'.pubHeaii ticket being admitted even b. the Democratic managers, stake h dders nave announced their Intention o: nu ning over to the winners the bets which have be.'ii held in trust. In Wall Street, where most of what may he term: d the professional belling ;,s done, more than ijej.OOO.OOO was held In the balance. The average odds were t luce to mill on McKinley. Ifcurtent report is to be believed Kicluiid Crokeg is llie largest individual looser m the result of the election. Dur ing the campaign be was credited with I citing on Bryan from lime to lime uu :!l he had pos'.ed $120,000. It Is reported i hat Mr. ' rokerlast week bet $90,000 on llie gcnoial icsult. If this be true the Tammany chieftain lost $210,000 because I of his confidence in Democratic success. On the other hand he is known to have won heavily on the result In" Manhattan borough. lie began belting on 10,000 ' majority, and gradually Increased his es I timate until before the close of Ihe cam- palgn he was placing liU money on 25, 1 (ILK) majority. It is generally believed in Wall street that Mr. Croker hedged his wagers by purchasing stocks. He took over, It Is : aid 2'i,(MHJ shares that have netted him mi averngo profit of 10 points. This l-Hves him with 20C,b00 out of which to make good the money which he 1 'St on llrv.in That Throbbing; Headache. Would iiiiel! leave out IT you itsi ,' IK King's New Lile Pill", 'i lin.i-iui.e of snlTereis l.a.e joined (he ina't i.less nn.'iit for Sick and Nervous Headaches They mal e pine lili.nl iin-1 Liuld up your health I Inly '.Ti cents. Money hack if n ol cu red. Sold hy ('. 1 1, Bnidh.ui'. Druggist. New7 Bern leir Nov. 12 17 IQIH1 Many people worry tieca'i". 1'iey he lieve tiny have heart disease. lie chances are that their hear.s ar; all rlht but llieli slomachs i.re inaMe to digest food. Kodol I iyape sia Cure di gests what you eat and prevents the foi iiittlon of gas which makes th" stomach press against the heart. It will cure i very form of Indigestion. l'.S Dully. Spoils of War. Special to Journal. W asiiinoton, November H The llus sians have annexed llie land opposite Tien Tslng by right of campicst. speaking, r, i;:ic!i great- , s ' ' ' " " - , . lion than r . - : . ' , - -T 1, express- V " r '' I ' - T'V j! JX i.!is. 1, vonllol- r ' 4 ' X" ' V-jA Ac:.a -:el, ,0 th,- Vy,X . M 'V ifL, tA Pulled Suit. i.n ...v m dii. city,1 , ' ' . '. fy.- V f. 0. saldloday: - U e ai 1 r-1 .lee ,., r , ." ' '' ' ' -fl L .jj'''l y&00 n r" 1 : iM- m:'W "llivai. 1- beaten, i.1.1 1 does not ' ; 'V-J "Cil a 'JlV JW'' mean that M : in'ev :a . I r i 1 'iiphi'd. lie f'Atfikfc "M 'I ''-' hud '. n:;i:..e hiin-.ell small and modest : J V 'Ji I x I aw ib- 1. -..ling i..ic ti: l(o.,scvclt. ; ., 'ft ''rv-.SdSy isJJr ' fM 7 S'.- ft He has asMiieed 01 atiitude of neuiisllty ! U' Wgjfy ' Ir f ', ..aM - j ';. li.e.iaie .,. ,:, :;,,,.,.,:: ;.u y has i l I V ,v:. fiUC;.v';- .'':! ' !..(. . 'l , . ini.iiu . hii-ily taken as candy i uul (itu k ly ftire. Hie Senat.0n.1l Vote. Congressional Districts. special to Journal. Uai.khih, November 8. The returns from the nine Congressional districts show that the Democrats have made large gains, In the 2nd, 3rd, 4lh, and (lib, districts, the Republicans made large gains in the nth, 8th, and 9th, districts. I he od'u i.:i e.miassof ibe Se.iaiorial ! iole in Craven county gives llie follow- ' in r.-l 111 ns. Si . -:ons. Cai r. Vanccboro, 2"'4 I I Maple Cypress, '' 7 TruiM's, Ltd ( j Cue Creek, M 41 Port Ibiinwell :!7 bfi j Taylor's Store. 5 j Lees l-'iuii!, riniiiiian. ri M. Ward, HI 22 Jnd Ward, l'-l'i :4 5rd Ward, 172 :il llli Ward. IV! M llern. 21 - 2 I'is laics, 22 !1 Pleasant 'Hill, 21 4 Jasper, 12'i .r Doyer, -ii 4-t l,.Vt.r lit 18 A Confederate Monument. N.'Moik, Va., Nov. 7. Hampton Chapter Daughters of the Confederacy Ims coi- 1 .ct e. with the Coupes Marble Winks, of N irfo.k, for a mounnunt of granite to be erected In Hampton to the memory of Ihe Confederate (lead of that place. Twenty feel will lw the monu- naril iravn a reeenthill al his home here ...i u, ti,oU m.e.,d ...wlhrhln mcntsholght and Si. John's Cemelery (who was Ml-s Vass ) All the 11 cmliere of the law are Invited. Its location. On top will stand a sutue seven feel high of a Confederate Infan try m .n. Fair, col ler, with in west and cen- Frejh to brisk wot to Colder Weather. WahIUNoton, I). C , November For North Carolina. froil probably heavy tral portions. north inds. The barometer is decidedly high over ihe northwest with much colder wea'lier vhleh has advanced southward into tin: interior and eastward across the lake re gion. Freezing temperature prevails in Kansas and Missouri and over the stales 10 the north and northeastward. Snow Is falling this morning al Cincinnati and Cleveland. L'nder the Inlluence of Ihe high pres sure area over the northwest colder will prevail In this se -lion, Filda . If you have ever seen a child In the agony of croup you can realize how grateful mothers are for One Minute Cough Cure which gives relief as inn 11 It Is administered. It quickly cure, coughl, colds and all throat and lung troubles. F. 8. Dully. FROM . x m PURE! HEALTHPJL!! mi LULUtt CHOCOLATE SOU) T OUR BTOOta gR0CErMihFRYWH ERE Theliaby df "Breakfasf ' 1 The Worlil's (ilUNDESr ami KKST AMUEMKNT iNSTITUllON. i Tented Kxhlbltlon entirely dilTerenl from anil .in;; ym have ever seen, and j you will be convinced If you see the ll'g Agi-gallou, th it shows an: not all alike Kead the special features: I'rtif. lierris ant His (;; Ilea ut i ful Tr.in d Horses ('apt. Sharp and His Detach m. nt of Unus'i Riders The Horse Hack liidins Pony. tl'Z ZuZ i-u," Till TIIOIttPNOJr BOY The Funniest of all Clown Mule Hurdle Hitlers. A TROUPE OF TRAINED PERFORMING ELEPHANTS. MADAM ROYAL. The Queen of all Lady I'orse Trainers and Manage Riders 50 Oilier First-Class Performers and Performances. 50 THE FOUR ASHES, Tbe Funniest of all E .orpeon Clowns. tiORblKOrS STKEKT CARNIVAL passes through principal streets between P) and 11 o'clock the day of Exhibition, and immediately upon the return of the parade lo ihe show grounds the original "Girl with the Auburn Hair' will make a High Dive from an Aerial Ladder Into a net below, Free. Al o immediately after the High Dive other Free Kxhlb'lions will take place. Doors Open, I and 7 P. M. Performances Commence, 2 and 0 P, M. Three Things to Remember! New Bern. Fair Nov. 12-17, I90i) New Brn Fair Nov. ia-17. 1900 Egz are op. Chicago. No? 6 Fresh egg advanced I cents In pries today. Dealers In Homo Witer Btrcrt wur asking 81 c nts for tli best slock, anil the price was rsadlly Offerings of fresh eggs In tho home snarkel hare been mall for the lt snoatfc or tl weeks, and Inorvaaed do jaanilf. due to the advsot of cooler Heather, led In the irfvance. Dealers say tbe sUosiIod may errant further In crease lo price before tbe eed of the week. Why thrre should be each a scarcity of rgf it ibis season of Ibe year, dealers generally are at a loee toeiplalo. Supreme Court Opinions. Special to Journal, ItAl.Kioti. N. C, Nov.7-l.umln-r C". vs Lumber Co. from Jones no error Jolly vs. Brndy from Pitt rror. Orlfllu vs. Gulley from Wsync, motion to reinstate sppeal refused. Mercer vs. Davis from New Hanover affirmed. Leach vs Fenncll from New llsnovrr affirmed. Russia's Railway Plans. Hi I'KTKiisiiuno, Nov. 8. Prince KhllkofT, Itusslan Minister of Hallways, denlei categorically the assertion of a leading Herman newspaper that Russia Ii planning lo construct a railway from Samarkand to Hankow, via the Kaabgsr and iloang Mo Valleys, or any other rout" He asserts that the Intervening mountains are all but Impassible, and . thai such s lino would oost billions of be built Cuidlans Coming Home. 'Lodoi., Hot. .-Tbe following Uli patch baa bee received at the War Office fram Lord HkbetUj ' "Tm lfawanlea Caatlt sails Nov. irltk tbe Caaadlai legloMtU" English View of Result. Special to Journal. I.orK)H, Nor. 7 -The Knglhh view Bryan's df si for Ih i'.csldeiiry Is that tl It doe to Ihe Issue of Uiwn to one which continued to b a prominent foal ore Id tbe campaign. CASTOR I A For UfuU Md CMMrtt. ' : TliKkJ Yea HaTiAIiajt Heart) the C'saatnre of Insurance Af alnsl Strikes. WAf niKOTOR, Not. fl A lium1' Auslrlaa ejaoufaeinrris have foiu.od an assoclalloo for liisufSn agi4lnt strikes, aoeordiag to I'nlied ft aln O osnl feM, al Trieste. Ills the object nf the association lo Indrmulfy lie mtmben ' for tU Ixeste rmtalntd by tbem from injritl( altikte which may break ot la tbttr ftsptrtlre cuUib Beni t. Keek tmhrr U lo pay a w rcklt remlasa tuai to from Ho 4 -rt cent, of th4 Mai of hie pay rol. Wbro sirikeooctr,aoomhi will be ap pointed lo litee(lri (It tbo clrcum suae, eod If Ike caU of Ibe ttrlktrt be fouad ntl ao Indemnity shall be palj. : dollar, though It possibly rosy 1 l"0n esrs from now. Thero In nol much chance of American shops (applying Hussla with railway materials In tbe future. The Husslan shops bsve a capacity of 1,000 locomo tive anoually, whlcb eiceeds tbe de mand of tbe country. They oould build lit, 0o I cars a year, whereas Ilula order ed only 15,000 for 1900 W. R. Ilolloway, Untied States Con sul In Hi. Petersburg, has recently r of (celvcd many Inqolrles regarding ae al leged raiiroM ror wbica America is 10 supply the cspbal. Prince Kbllkoff taya that no such road la contemplated. He thinks l( probable thai ereateorlsed eetvrsl 1 K,nw ,rt "P"1'"! ,b Htates. Voo ran"! afford lo rWk toar life by allowing a coogfc or a oold to detelop tela pnrumoala or ooasiaiptloo,, Oaa Mlaute Coegb Car will ear Uroel tad Urg trcieblre tjolc kef Ibaa aay other preptralloa keowa. Many dot tort as It a a ipeclBe for Hppa. It la aa lafal- irble remedy for croup. Cbtldrea like to and mother! endorse It. f. 8. Duff. New liem Fair Nov. 12-17, I' (Ml Last Nlfhfs TeletTams. Oovernor Huacll has Issuod a Thank iflvlng Proclamation for North Carolina, , for Thursday, November 2'Jth. Oovernor Jonoi snd many prominent ' clllrns of Arkansas have gone to Newport News, Va., where the Monitor ' Arkansas will bo cbrlttencd Satur- j day. Mr. Kruger goes dlrecl to Holland on ( the Dutch Cruiser lielderland, and not j lo Marseille as eipocted. I Tbelnwnof Cavallerln, Austria has ! been burned, 28 people perlsneil, two bouaes were deelroyed and 8,000 people made homeless At Babor, Anslrla, during tbe election geadaratee were placed al the polls to arreet aay person voting tbe socialist ticket. Tbe populace stormed tbe polls and disarmed Ibe gendarme. Bred the bolldlngt and stripped and beat the pre fect of polio. fly Deo lei J. 0. Bailer will bate an aonaoat aaeortaseat 01 toe laieei deslgas of Ladle Wale he bought al Jobbiag prloee aad to be aold al price 10 arprlee jo. I lake plmf la show lag aad aiplalalng Ibeea lo you. It tllMlOAO (UOWv TIKS WAKTKIK Parties who can cut while oak and yellow or heart pine croB tie and de liver fame on Neusc or Trent river, where tics can be loadi d on teambnal or barwe, can find -' mini.' t for name. AildreH, for parlleiilii". F S Ho o, New Bern, N. C. First, ' onie to the Fair. Second, See our Kx liibit incluclni; Rublier Tired Bu gios. I bird, We will be there, don't fiiil to sec its. Ko.ejcctf tilly, ti. II. WATERS A SON. Phone 15. NEW HERN, N. C. J. A. JONES, F.ET, STEWAKT' OI.I STANIr, STABLES, IIItOAl) STREET, STEWARTS OI.lt STAN It, Ij lv?ry. Feed, Halo and Kxcliaiii'c BOOK STORE ! Hook of itl I KIihIm. Orders out of town lillcnl mine d:iv ru'eived. I'uMei the .lewder ftlao has n v iitid will iilienii 10 an uiiinn ). N. KNNKTT, New Hern, N. C. iu..iy II ninpt I v AWoriUtkeWUe. To kaow wkea yoa take off lb roof I a koae Il ralaa la II aad yo tkoald kaow ba yoa kreak Ika glee 6a yoar watek It tooa lle wtlk dirt aad Hat. Bailer bat a complete (lock of all klada. .HIST IIIX'KIVKW A Fl V. LINK OF King Heaters & Coal Stoves whlcb will be aotd cheap for cask. nrtt will b to yoar Iniemt 10 aaa aa before baylaf la tbat Ilea. . B. Treat Rt v- f n- fl 4 largoot and Finest Block of , , HOBSES and . 2vX7XjES Rvtr Fonnd in New L'ern. Also a Complete Line of VaggUa, Wagons Ilanteaa, Robd, Whipa, Ci Wliocte, Klc - -':. 1 . tH. ... . J.vArJQTtrju Braai Rtraat, fttowart'a OH U4 House Work Is Hard Work wSU.cut (101.0 I I'

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