""Cktank ha batata aoco. Aiaeaae that a peraon entirely fn from this dianating cam plaint ia eeldom mm sritk. ftiacMjnmaiytoapcakofCarrfi aaaotfalng more tenons tham bad cold, tunptolnnamnartioei taf tb awae and throat. It ia, ia fact, a coan plicated and .1 ' 14 A (h4 . m aooa beeoaaat so. Tb blood ia quickly contaminated by 'tba foal aacrctiooi, and the prison through the general arcnlatioo ia carried to all parts of the eyatem. Salves, waahet and fpraya are tmaatia factory and diaappointwg, because they do not reach the aeat of the trouble. S. 8. EL does. It cleansea the blood of the poiaoa and eliminates from the system all catarrhal secretions, and thua cures thor oughly and permanently the worst ca-sca. Mr. r. H. McAlltater, of Harrodisara;. Ky., wrUf: " Ha ring beta a terrible sufferer trust Catarrh, and being now I ma well, in qae- tioa oit put to m U, 'What cured roof Inan awer I feci It my datyto state thai Swift's SpectAc ia the medicine. I am such s true believer In the eflkacv of Swift's Specific that fesa houestijr aad tu uintiomsly r c o m -aaeaa it to say one mflefw lag from Catarrh. Have recommended It to many, aad am happy 1 1 say that thoatwhoml hse induc ed to ase k can bear me oat In the statement that jtwillcnrtanycaacof Catarrh if taken accord ing to direction." i ia the only purely vee- I etable blood partner known, and the greatest I of all blood medicine and tonics. If you have Catarrh don't wait until it becomes deep-seated and chronic, but be gin at one (he use of S. S. 8., and send for our book on blood and skin diseases and write our physicians about your case. TNI SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA, SJL I Had Forty Homea. Vollon. tho painter, was a unique per aonagc even among the old cluiineters of Paris. While lie was credit ially a Bohemian there were times when even his patience was taxed to the utmost, and to obviate the necessity of meet ing unwelcome peoplo lie conceived the Idea of multiplying bis lodging places. At the time of his death he owned no lesn than 40 houieB all In apartment houses, situated In all the out of the way corners of Paris, plainly furnished and with Just enough accommodation for himself. He changed from one to the another nil the time. In order to es cape importunate acquaintances and to take refuge from his friends. It was In order to throw them all off the scent that he engaged rooms all over the city. He Anally died In the Kue do Dun kerque, where he had as many ns three different apartments, all within a stone's throw of one another. A Preateai Joke. Two tramps on the banks of the Seine: "How can we raise the wind?" "I have It You throw yourself In, and I'll Jump In after you and take you out. Then I'll get the reward from the Humane society." "Good! Here goes!" He Jumped Into the water, and after floundering about for some time he was getting tired out. "Well," ho nsked, "how long are you going to remain sitting there? Why don't you come In and take me out V "Itecause I tltluk I might make more out of you In the morgue." Paris Jour nal Corrected. "In your first edition," said the Judgo's henchman, "you say, 'Judge Jtooz, throughout yesterday's session of court, was ns drunk as It was possi ble for him to be He was solier, and 1 want you to correct It." "All right." replied the editor of The Evening Wasp. "We'll change It In our next edition. You're welcome! Good day, sir. (Pause.) Mr. Coplk utter, strike out 'drunk' nnd Insert "sobt r' In that paragraph." Philadelphia Press. nit Hard. "Your husband Is not looking well to- alght, Mrs. Ilhymer." "He Isn't, nnd I'm not surprised at It." "No? Has he been overworking him elfr "It Isn't that so much; It's his orlgl nallty. Why, that man Is struck by ao many original Idea thnt his mind must be one mass of bruises!" Family Beereta. Inquisitive Ilelntlvc Willie, what floor do yon live on In the apartment house In the big city? Willie (on a visit) Mamma saya 1 mustn't toll stories. Chicago Tribune. When other rail, take Roberta' Taste lessCblll Tonlo. It corn chills, fevers malaria and general bad health. 5rtn. A red cross on (he label assures yon of the part, blgh-ctsis material tbst makes Roberts' sscoeaa. Don't taka s inbetl- lute. P. It. Darls, P. 8. Daffy A Co., C D. Hradbam, Hla Campaign. Yeast Has Ibe candidate adopted eleaa methods la politics ? Orlmsonbvsk-Oh, I think n; I hoard him say be was scouring lbs town. Reasons why yon should uae Roberts ' Tasteless Chill Tonic: composed of po set Ingredients, pleasantesl to take, and cures hea others fall It Is matter of chills, fsvsrs sad all other malarial dis orders. IV. No ears, feo par. I). R Davis, r. 8. Do fry', Co, 0. D. Orsdham ! The fsllow who Is alwavs Boding other people's fsallC ssySlbs itsaa- jraak Philosopher, "seldom loses bis OWS)." "... "Yielding to the persUMloa of mj dealer, I chaagad ebtll lonlos aad tried Roberta', and fooad It the best t ever sed." W. II. Corprew, JameevMe, C., to Ike Roberts Drag Go Bntolk.Vs. Aogttst 14.19J0. Price ZS, Get the kind with a red ernes m label. D. R. Davis aDsff; ACona D, nradhsm. The fallow who has dvspepata saaajlv f naJkst other people st for for It. ; ; f ) iaa ' ' . . ". i. , - . Vcilcea Liver fills ears sll liver tils fPrke ISa. ' , ' i . SPOILED TIIETR RAID. THE CADETS HAD A LAUGH AT THE ? " OFFICERS' EXPENSE w a Billiard Tub! Wu Rnasalra late the larruki at Weal I'ulnl etad the. Starr of It Accidental Dleaeverr. There are many traditions and "to rles of eacapades ut tin- Military acade my at W tat Pulnt that are banded down from class to cUih. and one of the moat Interesting of theao is that re lating to the billiard table. Shortly I after the civil war the unlets, always ! on the alert for some new scheme fur I amusement, decided thnt tiny would like to have a billiard tnhlc and ac- 1 cordlngly organized n l.ll'.ir.rd club. A collection vvus takcu up with which to purchase n table, ami ii suitable place , waa sought In which to set it up. I'ntil the present steam heating apparatus ' was Installed in the cud. t barracks, I alKMlt HO years or more ::gu, the heat- I Ing was by means of furnaces. The basement of the sixth division of the j barracks was used for coal bins, the bins being so arranged that there was j a large one uear the center of the building, which could only be reached by passing through one of the others. After considering all available places this coal bin was finally selected us be ing the place least liable to detection, for it must lie remembered the table was unauthorized. The table was ixinght in New York and sent to (iarrisous, across the river, for there whs no West Shore railroad In those days. One cold winter night ! It was hauled by a team of oxen across the river on the Ice and up the hill and j was safely stowed away In the coal bin before morning. The table was soon set up and tiecaine a source of great enjoyment to the cadets A keg of i beer was always kept on tap. ami lamps were hunp; from the celling, giv ing the room a cheery appearance. The members of the chili used to gath er there at all hours of the day and night, when their presence was not re quired elsewhere by their duties, and J sit around Binoklng, drinking and tell ing stories while two of them played billiards. The authorities soon became aware that there was a billiard .table some where In the barracks, for they could hear the balls clicking together, but they could not find It. The cadets con tinued to enjoy the privileges of the billiard club for more than n year. Finally one night soon after mid night, as two ofliecrs were returning from a convivial evening at the mess, they saw tv.o cadets, clad in their un derclotblng and . dressing gowns, emerge from the north sallyport and dlsappenr down the steps to the area way In front of the hnm.eks Instant ly the thought of the billiard table flashed through the ml mis of the two olllcers, fliid they started quietly after the cadets. Ou reaching the basemen; doorway of the sixth division the two cadets entered, and the oll'e ers, arriv ing n moment later, saw them ellnib over a pile ot coal anil enter an open door, through which came sounds of laughter anil conversation and the clicking of bulls, while ilie air was la den with fragrant tobacco si ;l.e. moment 'illation mid t.-ll .i rj an. I The olllcers paused for i and held a whispered cm Inally deciding that they the other othccis of their dis. liavo all of them come down the fol lowing ulght and enjoy the fun of a raid on the club, they withdrew ami went home. Next day all the otlieers nt the post were Informed of the dls covcry, nnd it was arranged that the raid should occur at midnight All might have gone well, and the ofticers might have had their little fun. bad It ut liecu that there were three cadets the previous night Instead of two. The third had forgotten his pipe and had gone back for It. while the Other two went on and were discover od by the olllcers. The third, coming along a moment later, saw the olllcers and ojuietly followed them, observing all their movements and listening to their whlsered conversation. When they withdrew, he went In and told tha-Biembers of the club all he had heard and seen. The cadets at once realised that It was all up with the club, but they determined to have a laugh at the expense of the olllcers. Accordingly all arrangements were made liefure the club adjourned that night Th next night the otlieers met aa ar ranged ond crept stealthily down the area way and Into the sixth division. Hearing no sound of clicking balls. some became skeptical nnd coneliuled the whole thing was a hoax, but never theleaa they pushed on and climbed over the pile of coal. Opening Ihe door, they were gris ted with n xl""- of light, but still no sound. Ou enterlug tbey found the loom deseiled. but there wen- the Millard table, an almost untouched keg of leor, several pound of tobacco, some chairs ami lasily : note on the table, addressed to the ..111 eers on duty at tVeat Point. The note wss to the effect that aa tlio oflh cis of (be post had I loco so kind as to permit the club to continue Its existence for more than s year It desired to present to them (the of!) con) the table and all Its appurtenances, as It was deemed expedient to Wind up the club's nffnlra. The note was signed "The Executive Committee." The officers, of cotirae, were much chagrined at being thua outwitted by tbecsdofX NoTenheieoa the tsble was removed to the officer"' mess rind, ac cording to tradition, la the one atlll In OS thTv-New York Tribune Praetlre. Parke I never saw s child with aiwh a remarkable memory for nnuiea ns mine ha. LaneHow do yon account rnr It rerke--Think of the mim he ha badr Harper's Rasar. Millions Uvea Away. it Is certainly f ratifying to th prjhllr to know of oa concern whkso I not a frald to bs getisross. The proprietors of Dr. i log's New Dlscewery for 0ot saatptlos, Coh sod Colds, bsvs lve swsy ovse lea IUIni trial bottles sad ksvs ths satlsfaciloi of koowlnf libs tared thossaiids pf . bopele taaes. Athma, Drooehlili, la Orlppe ssdall Throat, Cheat tad tf dlaeaees r surely cared by if. Call ca C. D. Drad ksav, Draiglit, aad gal free trial boV lie gaeraetttd' - ,-.t--" FACTS IN A FEW LINES. Tbe belli of reklng, seven la nuia- Bit. weigh 120,000 ponnda. Forty-two Inreotlooa relating to cy cles were taken out last year by wo men. It Is a noteworthy fact that In the state of Utah there Is not orie IriBh Mormon. Tbe foreign population of Shanghai last Mny was 0.774 of which 562 were- Americana. Sweden's seventh Ironclad of mr ! em type, the IirUtlgheteu. was lately , launched at Gothenburg. A cycle race in mldocean took place Rome time ago ou the Empress of Ja- pan, bound for Vancouver. j It is estimntod thnt free rural mail , ,, , , , , . , delivery is Increasing the value of land in Colorado where It Is In operation $5 an acre. An English curate has lieen dlsmiaH ed becapse lie Is a ior cricket player, though no fault was found with his theology. The Rkln of the elephant Charlie kill ed in Crystal palace. London, weighed a ton, Just one-fourth of the weight of the In-ast In life. South Dakota has nn aggregate of 11,500,000 acres of vacant government land which Is now subject to entry by qualiliod applicants. So useful are toads In gardens thnt thev are sold In France by the dozen 1 for stocking gardens to free them from many injurious Insects. In Paris n Journal Is published for theater physicians. NeaTly every spe cial branch of medical service now baa Its ow n particular organ. The republic of Guatemala has Im posed a tax of $70 a head on all cattle exported from the country. It Is In tended to be prohibitive. The grape crop throughout Baden and Alsace-Lorraine looks better in quantity and quality than In 189H, which w as the best year since 1808. The Jollyllsh has no teeth, but uses himself as if he were a piece of paper when he Is hungry, getting his food "nf' "hen wrapping himself about It. A recent issue of The Pan-American Atlas, published In Berlin, says there are 'IfKUXiO persons of German birth or descent In Smith and Central America anil the West Indies. The New York board of estimate nnd niiportiniiineut has authorized the ex ponilituio of Jfjixi.noo for the botanical garden and ?l."iO.(H) for an addition to the American Museum of Natural His tory. Hallway whistles inflict torture on w miiiiy S) pi-' that Austria has Introduc. cd a system of silent signaling to start ami slop the trains. Itelglum is trying compressed air whistles Instead of steam, and Germany experiments with horn'-'. A landslip occurred some time ago in Sattel, Switzerland. An inn and Its gan Ion and outbuildings slid down the hillside n distance of 33 feet without being In the least Injured. Two stately elms In the garden were also moved without injury. llace horses are like men. When iliey have become disabled or Inca pacitatcd, they often full from their high estate. Mausour, the horse that ran third In the Paris Grand Prix In 1 s: 1 and came In only a length behind Matchbox, which was sold for $4.r.()00, is now pulling a cab In Paris. Twenty three per cent of the pupils f London schools have defective eye sight. 1 ho experts who luivo made a report on the subject declare that resl deuce In crowded districts is Injurious to eves, as In the city 44 per cent are defective, while In Greenwich the per eeutage Is only 18. The average annual total of water which falls as rain or snow In the Unit ed States is 1,407 cubic miles. This amount of ruin would more than twice fill Lake Ontario. To raise this water to the clouds from which It fell would require the work of oK),000,000 horses working ten hours a day throughout the yenr The public buildings of the United Ktates have cost since the foundation of the government exclusive of the buildings In Washington nnd those em ployed by the army and navy $154,773,- 3K4. Of this the sites have cost $22, 755.107. and there remains J23.843.D75 to lie exiKtided on these buildings be fore thev are completed. There Is an Idea In India that a Hon mnnot lie Induced to attack royal personages. Af the same time It Is a fact that no scion of royalty ever goes on a lion limit without a sufficient retinue about him to frighten all tire Hons In the Jungle. Princes are no more likely to attack the king of beasts Ingle handed than peasants are. The authorities of Cologne are deter mined that there ahall he no lufrac Mons of the faat driving Iswa In that city. One of Ibe provisions of a recent ly enacted ordinance limits the speed of motor vehicle to 12 kilometers (sIkiiii 7V, mlleai an hour and requires that each machine be fitted with an apparatus preventing a transgression of the rule Mexico seem snxloua to get back the sons and grandsons of her former rltlzeiia who are now cltlreua of the Cnltcd State living In California. Col orado. Arlxona and New Mexico. In a colonisation concession recently made Ihe government stipulated that all col anlata must lie from foreign countries with preference for tboae of U ex lean origin now In the states and territories above mentioned. The remarkable number of deaths by drowning proves that too many sons venture Into waters without knowing how to swim. About 80 per rent of thorn drowned this summer did not have that knowledge- This Is all the more wonderful when a knowledge of swimming mar to easily be bad. A peraon of average physique would be abk to swim several bund red feet aft er a i'rxen Iraaooa. Tl Haallag Baar. -They say that girt vl.lilsg Mr. Jlpp It homely eermgh to stop a elock," "NoDssaee; I foaad beroo allraotlr tad emeilslelsg that whUa she was stnglof for te t saeaked Bp asd stopped tb clock ayt!f .-, ... ' ' ' ' L " ,1 l i Mt i a . 1 ' - v I I r . .-..Tyr 1 '-----"--h4 Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nainra In aLremrthenlns and recon- stroctlo - g the exhausted digestive or- ran. It Is the latest discovered di geot- SUk SUU wuib iu uiucr mcuauuu . . . . T . "esand" raneuUv 0 Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartbutn. FuUdleace, Sour Stomach, Nausea. Sick Headache, Gastralgla Crampsar a all other results of imperfect ditrest ;c n. Prio,5c "j"?- iAWadWcontalnat tlpaei BPaallstia BookallaUjuidyspepanimaiiedlnse prepared by E. C Da ITT A CO . Chicago, STUPID TRAINING OF CHILDREN. Don't Hammer the Spirit ot a Kluukr Into Your Boy or Girl. Dear American pareuts, there shnnM be a iiiiirke.l .lifference between it..- w. 11 trained child itinl the well tunnel I'm a h poodle. The inati who own- n l ieaeli poodle, black .i w bite or cie e .Int.- c I r ed, is forever Uiuhing that ifil.- n, v tricks and new forms of servility. The poodle cotues when any one .ln!l s. He rolls over, jiliiys dead, haiks j yfully when yen sny "Hurrah fa 1 lame!" growls when yau sny "llnnuti for ltis inurck!" and geneinlly proves t!nt ho thinks not on Ins uv u in-euaitt, hut iu ac cordance with outside trninuiir Dear Atiirnigiii p.ueiits, do not in brlnginir up your child; en piny the part of a Kreneh poodle owner. lieim'tnber that the child made to fear you uud oth ers above liiin will fenr eeiyh.nly more or less, uhirli menus thnt he will stand ft poor chance f getting on in the world. Don't force n child to thiol, ns yuu think, and do not fe. I that oii serve the best interests of Ids imn-. atal s. id nnd future when you knock nil the originality out i f him. Teach him what he needy to get on in the world. 1 imt tench him that vvhi h is flntterinp to your pride as n eapal le parent. Leave t.i the poodle dug ou aer the proud h'nist thnt his animal roll ; i over whenever he whistle-;. Let the trnining of n child be bused on persoeal 1 pride nnd a desire for the .;..n) npin-oi: ; of others, not on fear of inclining your J dispie.T.arr. Pity liie pour child wln.se father or mother snys; ".My child v. !n a absent writes me n lett.-i every single day. 1 should never forgive one sin ,.e .inns sion." That child, slave to n icuotono't i nnd unnntural daily grind, is tiaiefoi n.cd by "trniaiag" iain an mic a .-iine. l'po crite. He is fund to larn-s daily l.n-e for his pan ats. Wh. ; eoi.l.l !.. a.. .re tm i natural or deci mling than forced expi'"s ; sion nf nfl'ectiou. which stnmld nluavs be absolutely spontaneous n.ai teit.e .l.' Of course there nie n; o:;. .Venai -r.a piirents--peihnis a e.niside. - ua:j ai ty who never li ain their Vhil. hen lit all The children of these parents grow up . with the idea thnt earth is t !iei;-s and the fullness thereof in. I thai M...c a,.- a ' laws which they are hound to respect : Such children nre a nuisance to the ecu ernl public. Hut their chance of smscd ing ill this life is much lietler tt an ihe chance of the poor little overirnia: d ch Id filled with fear of ever) tiling ider tiia-i himself and too busy with pal. lie ..pi.i ion to develop Ills own ehnia.' r. American pnr.ents, remember lhat ev ery child's ri al stock in trade is les char neter. his personality, his d is: iti.-t i v.- way of looking nt the win Id. Km " k iie.se ' tilings mil of your child willi fe.di. Ii training, ami you mighl as well have a J white mouse for offspring. I'tiibvatel pride and ambition in your cliiel. lin rii his love by kiadness and a gi.ml cas'pic I Vou cna help a child by mnkini: ii wtat ' to lie like ymi nnd by being what it ought to be. Kxainple will make you pr..u.i par , cuts in after life. Training nn.l li-iiiam r- lag will simply make you pnreni.-. ..f non entities. New York Kvenhig .b.innal. i GENERAL TOM THUMB. IIoit thr Mlrtarct Got tb Nnm (he Military Title. The Countess Mugrl, formerly Mi Tom Thumb, In n paper in Tin' W.iaiau'H Home Conipnnlon entitled " I'lic iieco! luctiiuiH of a Midget," gives tin- following nccnunt of how the famous dwiuf cMine by his nniiio: "In BpeekiiiK of Mr. Strntten I have used tile name (lenernl Toia Tl-aunh. for by that nnme lh.- public bent km-.v !aai. Perhaps n stutcincnt of how lie received his title will he of interest u story which even Mr. Barnum has neglected to make known, but which Mr. Strnttou him. If told inc. When Mr. Itnrnuia tiist made his acipiniiitnnce aud persuaded his prfr ents to allow their child to travel. It vvfli thought n koh1 scheme to Introibice him to the public as Tom Thumb So aa Tom Thumb he wns heralded by nil the skill which made flamum wt fninoiis, and by that Dime he wns introduced In Qnoeti Victoria nnd many of the royal and titled frequenter of Rt Jnin.-s. 'OA his hint visit he hail nuiuied the i Ihe ! the Ihe i the queen by asking- particularly after PriDce of Walca, aud when he wns aecond tlina aummou.Hl to appear nt nalnce he woa presented both to Prince of Wnlea and to the princess roy al who afterward becarnp empresH of Germany. Aa he stood braldc tliu chil dren hla amallneiM waa more noticeable. The Duke of Wellington waa preaent uud noticed thin fact, evidently with much in terest, sa he said to some one standing near, Their royal htRhnrsai'e nre head and shoulders taller than Tom Thumb' This remark.' ihe general told me, 'wna overboard by the ipn-en, and. luruinit to the duke, she aalil. "(inieral Tom Thumb." flowing low to ber majesty, the duke gnve nie Ihe military anlute. re peating the title. " ienernl Tom Thumb " Everybody Isiwed. nnd. Although 1 did not fully comprehend then that her maj esty's simple any mi could make It un chanf cable. I found that ever after that 1 waa always addmuKsl aa gcncrnl.' "Mr. Htrattoo also said thai he knew enough of the war Malory of the Duke Of Welllntlon lo he grvnily Interested o him and to feel that sn Introduction to this 'great ftirhtcr,' aa he called Mm, waa worth more than a chat with thle royal boy sod girl." Kaar Adjaal. "air. Bcrooee." an id the bookkeeper, "Ihla paat wm k I did the JnnliM- rtcrk a arork aa well aa my own. Thla being pay 4a, I thought It only right In reoiiud you." "Very food." aald old Heroocn. "Let ave aee, your aalary la IU aad Ihedrrk'a 10." "Yea, air." replied the bookkeeper, beaalaf eiprctantly. "Then, Working half the week for your sslf U Id, aod th otk.f balf for the clerk Is tl Voair aalary tola week will be .H-rhlUdrlrla t'reaa. tVaalaiat Ra Ttaa. "With raair uertniaakm. at iaa 4 Mnlr, I Shall 4 sararil lh pleanrt t sail ae seatoesny." -Why. eertately. .n-r" "Is faet, I think Bow."-Cbleage Ti Mr. RarksJoar Papa I think he Is kt th sthst roaaa HUMOR OF THE HOUR. cord, r Uiat:i 1 ,: prU'!i 'An. l-c. i i r. l '::, '. ' ... .' : - '. r "Kugi-ae !.- ., ' ft!- : ..-ft,.-! i .-.!: w -a r 1 , , : i . Idea of a e n:. ; i. W e . ol',ple li,t . : ' ' .-.I ... 'jie !! : ;.i. I ' the V. , ' ! r ' -aid 1 . : 1 .l:. a v ' ' l. at j r. . . in i : - f . . . . - of t.'ie V1 : , V , -.leilg. I - , - : . I ' ie-r. ; 'tie V. . : I. :.i- ! tl..,, a . ai-. I. i ', , a; . ... . : -a ..h its liaanb. I s 1 J i a. . i ' ! '.us out lei i r .: t ! .. !d . . , -t 'I'1 ui'.d. r . .-. !.. .' p. : !.! , cammed a l: I . . i! I. . t 1. av ! a -let 1 w;,s t. i I.I. '.. ... ,:i 1 I ,1 ra , v . i... hi . a aa ml. 1. r ! i.;." I s ol. .!. a ; i. lie W..UI- ' plei oath " I " Villi SO. 1.. I.. I c I Ii! ' te.. 1 . 1 ill- ' gi lie." t he 1.. .!. r stall ! "The ev i del.ee h ie ' . I aa I ' '.: IV d '" carve I ji i i ia i,.. i- 1 : : k io'-v n eir- c'i . v. i h an la., t I il .'.lie y. ill .-. ; i t W.- W .iiipiers w ill pa , ..il. a .1 f ' .'. d-.n't t'a ii v i! ' ' . : a ar. mud abort the M ',. .:. i..r -.. s "-At Ian1. a i '' -: ":i i j . oid '. t . I : : "--i-iliiKT. j '"I hi I!-. I . a., 'el I e ; 'eiS only Tl degrees." I e; 1 - , ; - "1 Kiir. t!." I.- is I: L.T I hull that." "V.-s, j : a '.'. I v- .. . , ,.,KS. -j -lenhi' aad gi"ia gi i; ot ancle- Tele alius 1 1 o 1 t' " "The Cl.iu. e yet." In- said. v. his head. "I don't see In "Wi II. just y the Aineri.-aii Chinese art. nn how." ( 'hieago Will ..-t 1" . with shake demi u wait until v ell SIS' led ill k 1 1 1 1 V I t! . t More Vii'.r "At any rate. Mai :a. the lust word." "Not yet. .lohn I till m ' est. You'll bear a from me If I live i,g tell V OU. before .,'1 ', ' - Chicago Tiil.iiiie Cro-.i l-m !!n Kitty (exelldlvi Idl growing, dad' Paterfamilias ;-. v- in sense! Ki'tv Hi. bat ..u a, . y..u have had no I (he hit i .any innri III la.l w u-d'. v .air le a I : growing up Ibi'oo: ver I C. iu : .1 :. :i ii. a:r h: Hen Too ' Cadley .1 npr'ius. e. 1 dll eo,:f.. I , i, oiti. . - I. i t!.: oll'd lisli live In mere con: ipiartcrs than thi iladley So I v halves and 'dl:, is people vv ho do. - P ,. st ild II' I had 'he 1 to some i'ress. iill.i.li Ipi.la I Sh " lan'tlee. full liat V" "Oh. I Riip estly, Claral peeping nt r Sllll Weiirinic II r how do j mi hi e my new pose It Is stvl!.,!i; but. l,',n- s-l. you looU ai If you were the world .ait of a coal hole. Indianapolis Journal. Falfrprlnp. "I'm n lucky fellow. I am. roal IiIiih are running over " "(Jot eonl to burn, e! '" "Ilurnl I guess ii i I to burn It. I'm going to Cleveland I'lnln IieT.hr Ilntli my ,'t nfford ..11 It.' The t'nrn l-Vil I'h I lon.ph-r. "When n n inn hniu . as t . fil l one of the love letters lie wrote to bin wife In their betrothal diivs." said the corn fid philosopher, "he geta mad nt her lo calise lie can't fei I thnt way nny monv." - lndlnnaHilla Prt sn. gup pin fifed. ftllllcu- Wha, hns U-como of Voln puk. thnt nni dcstlnisl to Invome tlio nnlveranl language? t'vnli iiM (ih ev ervtiodv tnlkn golf nowndiiya! Pbllndelphln Uncord. The n,r.,r( of Talleife.. rni'oubie.':-. patience la a 'verclgn lnne l .1 n nice world title would le If other M'TwriH were m ntaKK4d of pnth iivl Una:. in Trnnacrlpt. AvnMIng 4 elrftle. 1 I'd Ai that Hall nf Faroe all right "What mould Ihi yoor baala of choice " "Why, I think no msn'i nams onht to o In I hers until rvsrybody la dead that knsw him." ' ), tie. "Toa'd bstUr sat It slow," said Jobs By to ths clsrgjmsa, who wu dlalng with ths fstjilly. . "Mstums Mvsr glvss notsj'a oa plsos o pis." . t :i f tie V -a ae j v-'1 -Vs- gif ef t "Wot were 11,.- :: ..Her e, aia him?" "lie I. a. I a e.l. I...... I. e blaill, tl.i'i!, I!..-, s "A ei; (!,. I.; aia '.' A h. he vvas a i a v. !'''.. i a ' (If com e tie- lad:. - la. aat eoi sion. Alh ; I. p. r. sr. . . 1 'V" .") The Money In Hla Pocket. A young I'ittsburger arose from his bd one morning and, dressing, went i down stairs to breakfast. As. ho snt at the table lie carelessly put his right j hand Into his trousers pocket and was surprised to hud !fi.2b. He knew that when he retired for the night he bad Jut l!a cents and had fallen asleep while wondering where he could bor row money (lie next morning. lie was highly elated over the discovery, for. although he thought long and hard, he eoul'l not roiuoiiilM'r how he had cea-e i:ito the possession of Ihe money. w ..rl; that day lie took a friend iip ia and later to supper. When I iiae. itiiiiii.'.laliiig .Slainp t le.-k. 1 1 lie h a in i re. I two's-'1 said the I'ost i.iice i lerl; . ' I i,J, M fi hiii. ' And charge them t . Mr Nevv'ivved. No. Ill-" "Sorry. Ma'am,' ititrrrupled the eli"-k, Imt we ean'l do I ha' ." "Vou can't'" the joung bride e liiiaicd Indigiianlly. "Mv hubaiid's redi, is good everywhere, nnd. besides we nl way- gel our iclier ir m you Her IiuiioI VV lone. Jane came home today crying ami said idi" wis sure (ieirg.- ni longer loved her with hi-i whole heart. And icv'vc ben married only two months.'' "J anc's h goo -e. Anybody wlioloiks at (.eorgc knows that his heart nil rigid li s Ids liver th.it'H gone hack on Jane." II. V ever g. I I: h is t..b! d t- ri .rs foi ni ,l. .n a I hrr W'll.eit bri!. I V-'UIM . i; : r 1 1 .ii I Itl It Iirh prcwr.-. urc and -aeil her n, h self. ' meat a nb'..!a ig. It ,s an evietnal linl lal cnr'i.-s willi it tlieicforr, Iv no danger of efMu titn th ', kte 1, uga taken ltd nllv ii-e apt to do. It ii t" l' ru'di d int.. the nlshnnrn to wfb n and Kireiodhen tho iuuik lea w hi, h nie to Iw-ar the f rain. Tliianirana mm b lean pain. It alo prevanta inoimni sicktKfM and all of the other diaortnforln of rirefrnaiiry, A droKjflat of Mai on, Ca., aaya: "I have nold a larga quantity ! Xt other a I'rlend and hav never known an irunanrts where It has failed to produce the good raatilta elalmM for It." A prominent lady of Lartv lerton. Ark., wrltea: " With my Omt sis children 1 was in labor from it to Jo hotrra. After using Mother's Friend, tnyovaiith waa bom In 4 hotars." Om HmWr-l rHmg pi lt Sratl Iwa, SIS ate Mito, ra uurxm nuutiot co. IUm,Sja. t tuar Whra Is. Bstyboro stop st is umo ; Isaas tot good SooowurxU 1oa ;' v.um pa'xiV ' ''ihnt hill '! l I owe liil'l. I prollllsed lo let llllll have I Jtt&m&&iEsB6&Jth , It b toinon'ow." i The young man was dozing at the ! J IMPROVED. liiae, and that accounts ',,- tjs failure b i-e.aemi,..,. j,.-,! his i.roii.er had sni.i ; Cures Chills, Fever, and all , to him. lie was kept busy borrowing ( Malarial Diseases. ! fr friend. I., i-iake iii the amount 5 i Ha n.At day. ami he , led:, res that Superiarto all So-called TastelessTonics !; hei'ialier his brother will have to pay i, Ills ov n bill-:, rittsblirg Ch-o,liele. i i i, . - ,i . , Kiieh 1 lose contains II, o srntin pro-1, v mii lion of niedicinn. No shaking; of r The Chronic I'.aehelor rise, l. rema. k ,,.,lti.. ,-enire,l. Formuhe on tho 'i thai he uouldnl give two ecu for a ,lK,. Cure guaranteed. V liovlhalili n t have a temper. r a pa: 1 n" PRiCE 50 CENTS lii.-is fun .,! ,ervcrsi,ies. n's not I aii Druggists Should Have It in Stock mil ii a man .."ins Un: char, h thai lie $ ij iciili.e-i I Inn li-li bile let on -un days ' Kvrry wi.man in ihe cniniry oulit to kiH.w ;ii-iil Moifeers Friend Tl: e who ! - know aiwint it 1 ii ler how Think Twice !; before you put something into yourstom !; ach of which you know nothing. i YOU RUN NO RISK ! i WHEN YOU TAKB BLOOD HUMORS rirrrs, (Mil Sun's, Ciincers, Haling Sort's. Kczi'nu, Etc. 'nrn! h I!. Ii. Ii. ---Trial Hut llr Krci'. l''i en i m ;i, e I.! i .a f a hi lic and . n ilcHdiy earn er i 1 1 v oil can an.-ivi l CflllH'H Hll HultM (if ort'H, cntlint: frc.juciiliy 1 1 Miiif chmnif h(hc ' ,,VCr" t'l HIIV (if liH! lolli.w ing otic-aii us your blood Ih iJim'hs- ed anil impii re. I ,o cuts ot - , a'clies hen! slowly ? I, oca voin skin iu h or barn '- Muve you pim ples '' K.riiptioiis so yon feel ashamed lo be s'l'ii iu eompanv ' Ai-hing Hones or Hack '' Kii iiih'' lld Sorc ' liollsV Scrofula y Kin iiniHtisni ? I'oiil Ilreatli .Catarrh!' Are you I'aleY Do ScatiS or ch1ch form on the Skin. Ilnir or Scalp T ' Trickling I'KitiH in the Hair? All Itun ! Down, get ea-ily tired, nnd kh tired in ': lie mo, , ling ns u hen vou went to lied f I'inlleriiig Henri Have, you I'lccrn 1 I'.Hling oreiiy ( nncery to i i in;, Ain .loi i N i n mler who aulTera Ih a I V ised to lake u few Urge IkiIUcr of It. Ii. If. ( Uotaiiii llloo.l llnliu). Thin rerun ly la undoubie llv Hie 1k'i nnd only perfuct I lllood ruilllei mnde. II Ii. It. (Botanic. lllood lialmilia r. record of ltd yeara of (curcR, hi.nci. Is tliotoughiy tealel fly Making a few Imge 'K.iilca nf II. (. Liu blood b. uiHiie pure and rich, all the ! aorea nru healed, am! m lira and palna vanish ns Hie mUl liefure the an,,. l. . II. 1,h con d over 4'M, efim'fi of enncer, I many of them pronounced 'a'airabk' hy bs torn and pis ialiuta. Katlng eorea, illcem uud ai rolula are healed an thai they never Isillier the patient again. Kc7cmn In Ita woral form ia cnrwl by i from :i to large bottle. B. II. H, enrea I by draining the poiwuia and liumora out of tlie blood, at the aanie lime It build I np the broken down ivoiialllutton. For aale, hy rirogfleta, l per large no tie. or 0 large bottle (full trnalniont) f Complete dWtloDi with each bottle. lie aura the bottle reala llotanlc Blood llalm. So nfferers may lemt It trial bottle given aay. Addreaa lllood Bglm in., Atlanta, tla. Iecr1be aymtoma and free medical ad vice given. Russell House, Wblls Is Beaufort bs sure sad stop at ths Hnaell Hons. rirat-Claas) fWd. A home for traveling pson. riahlng sod hnntlng SDSioalled. Tsnas LM day or W.00 paw wek , - - . - "'a A. BC88XLL froft . Bagging: and Ties WagrefWytoauppt ttSltal with OotUMi Tsfglsf nnd T , fUg tl lleT Harks, c Trh it Sf Hlaht, J IV Xntlmm (o