fc,:' . .r?."rV. , ' , SyruP'Rgs Acbfleasantfy andfivmpty. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. resents in the most acceptable form the laxative prmcjpJes ot plants known to act most beneficially. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE - MANFD. BY CALIFORNIA FIG STRUPCO. SAN rRANCISCO, CAL. 10UISVILIE.KY. NEW YORK. MY - prte 50 per bottle, FAIR FCllS COMING. Material for Macadamized Road.' Aa opea baildleg baa beta erected at ' l he foot of pollock ureal to cover tsa TaCSC macaiolry to b used ia prepartag tea hell rock for ou on tba Macadajnlaed mad. Tba engine and boiler hare been blared and also Lhe lam crnahr which activity of our elreeu i. plainly erident. , ,., ,0 (he , of shell rock to amail piece. The crusher U a hopper like concern and the rock It fed la al the top and ground up, coming out below where It ia loaded into the SOCIAL FEATURES. ExaiblDrt Ntiir la aa Appearance. Scasoa Tickets. Special Fair rYemiuns. At the Fair draws Dear, the increased Kach train and steamboat now brings people who are either directly or indi rectly concerned with the great show which will be opened to the public neit Monday morning. From Jones county comes th-i news that tbe people of that flourishing sec tion will be here in vast numbers, not only on account of the Fair, but to hear their fellow countryman, Hun F. M Simmons, when he makes bin til speech, in opening tbe Fair, Tuesday morning, in the character of Senator- elect. Horsemen, poultry extiibitors j and stockmen are much in evidence on the ground, and lhe tap-tap of the ham- ' i i.i.... i ii,.. ;.i, ,.f it... l.C. . LUC U.U .U,U,,1IS . , wtil iid j,, l)jU counly a uutc iuC a,, nve, ) lW(J l)elneen SherlfT jou K,Q9cy stimulate U.e.lr..w.,y. and Lul.y S Harper, the first being on the result in fort Harnweli precinct, Will be mmiacal at tbe Fair. Emlajed rxpartmeAti. ETerybeey Coming The CUlrroyaaL. Tba social feat urea, under the clever management of Chief Marshal Brad ham are an assured success, bereral hundred asaittant marshals bate signified their iutention to be present, and will con tribute their energies to increase the ....tL. " Ik. L Tk. V. The shell rock is being unloaded from dDCe. the Fair german on Tueaday the scows on the recently constructed ""log, the grand military ball on wharf in the rilea. The laree masses of ThordtT tuning New Bern. N. C, Not. it, 1900. MEN WANTED Excellent contra-- fcr cneriretic'younfr men. Address: ('. O'NkaI., 1'. (). Box (Hi:!, New Hern N. C. Hl'Sl'LlNtl young man can ni;ikt p r month and expense.-). I'ernmni-i't position. Experience unnecessary. Write ju'uk for particular?. C lark A Co., 4th and Locust Sis.. I'hilu.. 1'a. IN AND'ABOUT NEW BERN. Lale Happenings Dealing With Mailers Of Local Interest. Shipments of green pea.- by trucker were made yesterday, being very fair in quantity for the time of year. The special bill boards are covered with the circus bills for the Rhodi, Uoyall shows, Saturday November lllh. The town is being handsomely billed by tho Herald Square Opera Company which appears here Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday. There was a large attendance at (Ins low Superior Court yesterday at .Jack sonyiHe. No c ises of special interest are on the docket. The New Bern Fair complimentary tickets were printed by William T. Hill, and are an especially good hit of work unit much admired. The Atlantic Coast Line will limits usual special excursion IrainH to the Fair next week. Wilmington excursion train will be run on next Wednesday Several large bill boards have been put up to advertise the Khoda Koya circus. One is on South Front street and another near Neuse river bridge. Three hundn d and fifty boxes of lis) were shipped yesterday by express on the A. A N. ('. Itailroad, mainly from Mori head City, ami rhli-lly consisted of liluelish. A lariM' Hat belonging to the Hindis lonnlier Company is on the Marine rail way Repairs are being made to tin Hal and it is lengthed by a run at ca h end in place of the former blunt ends. A check for one hundred dollars, on the National Hank of New Heme, pays ble I o cash, and signed dco. lilshop, per F. K. It. was lost, yesterday. If found please return to Mr E K Bishop l'ay ment of check has been slopped. Decorations were put up yesterday l) decorator Hcndrlckson on lhe Simmons A; Hollowed Co , building, Hotel Hazel ton and the Citizens Hank These dec orations will make the city very attrac tlvc and should be put up by everyone. The former Ketreat building st the fool of Broad street has now lecn thor oughly repaired al Its new location and repainted a green color by the owner Dr. F. 8. Duffy. A breakwater of timber has also been built In the river above the building. Al an example of the fine Ash offered for retail sale, a large speckled trout weighing 10 pounds ounces waa of fared on the street yesterday. The price waa 0 cents. For beauty and size the fish mentioned baa been rarely excelled and It was much admired, The Haielton, under management of M. L. J aoo be, will open tonight, with about Iwaaty-Br rooms, all aewly fur Dished. The Haxalton, waa formerly the Albert bow remodeled and thoroughly rtaovaUd and refillad throughout. A ataer which was being brought to the) city over tba Hnta river bridge, bfoka lu rope, yaatardaj asorolng, and caused a good deal of a aeoaaUoo on this tlda of tba bridge, white balag aught. - With lb aaalstaoca of doft th aalmal Waf atop pad aad Uteooed, without any M being Injured. , , The ladiis forming the committee ou ( crocheting aixi knitting particularly de sire it to be announced that such articles j will be disposed of as the exhibitor's! m:i w ish They sta'e, also, that all ar ti -lis for exhibition sh. lid le sent in promptly This di-paiimi nl promises to ( u uu-ual inli 1 1 st to feminine kind this year. . The weUkuown StielT piano will be exhibited In a splendid style at this fair Mr. J L. Brown, representing the Nor folk house, was ia town yesterday mak ing preliminary arrangi ments for the ex hibit. Mr. Eugene Dunbar will join him next week. Among the pianos to be liuun will in- one that is automatic a self player. Mr Blown stales thai twelve r fifteen pianos, will be brought here, bow ing the very latest st) les in case mil l.nlsli. M- William Sniilh, a very L'l inal gen mall who citriie a co, :;.!( of car loa ! t I.m- poll ttv ami pet st ck, nlitch wtu h mil al the Fair nexl week, wa ne of lhe prciuineul aniwil- of cs-tei av Mr. Smith will show all of Hu ll ust blooded standard varlcl:c-s, and la addition will e.xhioil anumliei of MiaiiLC Ian i an 1 w:.tt i birds never lufore scei. her -. l'his show is lo-ie direct from the real .'illatita Exposition, which lecenl- ly closed, ami was cm- ot no-most ai- tract.ve and inteiestlng exhitnts made by the exposition. and the marshals' ball on Friday eveuiug are well under w ay, and will each be magnificent. The floral parade is booked for Thursday, and as the number of entries is large a beautiful pageaul may be looked for. There are four very valuable prizes of fered, two being for the first and second Ix-st single harness turnouts, ami two for the first and second lesl double har- i ness turnouts 1 weutv-two handsome articles constitute the group of beauty out. of which the four prizes are made II i .... : I. ... i ' c... ......11 "l1 iiaipi l oekllug luni vjcu. .ai I nuuiu git lhe majority vote, and secondly, rock will be reduced to piecet averaging It inches iu size aud when placed on the road the smaller and finer material will , be used as the U p diessing. I Both Paid Their Debts. j The Senatorial contest Id Fort Barn well pneinct, iu this counly, provoked J 10 EZXXDT EQUALS mUXA, somwons ALLSAT THE BEST MILLINERY-VALUES. .u;.i i oiild carry the State. The tiist bet was a three dollar derb' il. ami lhe sicoud, a wheelbarrow ride 1 countless I no 'Lowtr op floor of whii Hall," h has isands the splendid old fell the tread of of slippered feet, down Mi. Idle street, for the winner. j ""d been the scene of splendid festivities Vtsttiday both bets were paid, Sherifl i since time immemotial. It was behind Kinscy getting the wheelbarrow ride, and Harper the hat. Mr. Harper is an enthusiastic Carr man, and said he would vote again for (on Carr wheuever he could. CAST Itie Kind Von Han Always BoiijM 3,a.3.i, ine Mnu ten nan nnrap Hotel Hazelton Opens. East nigh'. Hotel Hazelton, Mux proprietor, was opened to .Jacobs public The Ilii.'elton Is on Middle street, fo.inerlv the Albert, and wilb the entile learrangemenl of lhe intiiior of the !r-ii,c, handsomely furnished, with a I able -ervice strictly first class, it will m.iki a bid and probably secure the run of t lie lies t pat ronagc. Mr. Nick Iliay is clerk in I lie ollb'c of the Hazelton. Ibis hail that Kichurd Dobbs Speight ami John Stanly fought their famous duel one Sunday morning. More fashion and aristocracy have disponed under Its old roof than perhaps any other hall In North Carolina, and it is remembered for Its associations of gay youth by many a New Hern lady, now a grand mother. It is in this proud ant venera ble old edifice that the above dances will be held. Mr . C. W Hell returned from an ad vertising ti ip to (uildsboro yiMtcrdav 1 w ith enthusiasm, lie stales (but ytiody ho can do so xvili come to Fair ali along the line fio.n (iold.s- Mr .-bV. Harrington's letters i 'pi illy cucourairing. til AM who hold membership certificates can get their tickets by apply i: g to the puiar jeweler A E llibbard. Regular season ticket can be piucmiscd at lllb I. aril's, Henry's or Davis'. Ib-mcmbcr hat the low prices prevail for IhU week inly, and iret yourself supplied prompt - The follow i p. lt spetisl premiums hav lic'.-n generously donated to the chil lren's depart ment for plain sewing, em broidery and woik of that character I'hesM premiums, special, w i!i be award 1 on such meritorious exhibits as may lie mad ', and all t hildrcn interested in the subject should take a note of this. tine belt donated by J li. Holland A Co. I'ock.-t I k, by D. V. .1 at vis Belt buckle, Hibbon for colon and belt, by Simmons ,V Hcdlowcli '.'.. Silk lie, by II. H. Hackliiiin Picture, by (',. A. Barfoot Silver thimble, by A. II llibbard Scl I companion, by C. N limn tt Bottle of extra, t, by CD Bradham Silk iiandkeri hief, by .lame-- .-'unth. Two linen colUis, by .1 .1. Baxter. I 'ai r sci sso i s, by 1 liik i 1 1 Hardware I Medallion, by W, I'. .1 -. II. ix of candy, In C .1 McSorlcy Box of candy, by -I It I aw-.n line pound grapes, by .1 I. M. l'alii.-l I'm: year's " M ins. ly li.-org'- reen. Each. if the following ladles donate )H cents: Mrs f . I Inch, M rs Chun hill. Mrs. (ieorge Ives, Mrs Charles Duffy, Mrs. M Marks, Mrs. II. II. Meadows, Mrs. E. II Cutler, Mrs. Ceo. Henderson, Mrs .1. H Barker, Mrs. E. Wa.lsworlh, Mrs C S. holli-nberger, M rp ' I A .loins. M is Sill ami Mrs. Indict A One Mule Farm. M r. .tallies B Canlelou, of Edgefield county, made lintl bushels of corn and '.I bales of cotton last year and TIKI bushels of corn and lo bales of cotton this year w it h one mule. And be had to contend ibis year with unfavorable sea-ons for both ( tops. It is said of him that he "in ..li islands farming" Other farmeis can iiol.c Churl. -st on New s and Com icr Good Citizen Leaves Craven. Dr. Ercd I.. Bolts, of Vanceboro, w :i- in the i ilv, yesterday, saying good to e to his friends here. l: Bolts was on bis way to Spartr.n bun;. S C. which he will make bis home, entering into a co-part nesbip in that c;ty The Journal joins with the Doctor's many friends ill Craven County In w shing lil in lhe great, si success In bis new venture, while regretting his de parture from the County The 3rd Congressional. The returns from the Hnd Congres slonal District show a good majority for Chas. K Thomas for bis reelection lo Congress The figures from some preelnrts arc still lacking and complete returns will lie given as soon a' obtainable Fair Decorate Your Place. M r E. J. Hcndrlckson, the Decorator from York, 1'a , Is in lhe city, and Is lo cale. I in the Hughes Building, where orders can lie left for him. The effect of decorating the business houses during Fair Week Is not to be lightly considered, for handsone deco rations will prove Ix.th attractive and show visitors to the city tne local In terest that Is taken In the Ealr. I."t the city be freely and tastefully b-corated, and leave mn orders at once with Mr Hendrickson In the Hughu Building. Returning to New Bern. ( apt. D. M. Kolicrls, of New Hern w ho was Iu command of the Mary Ell) w hile the survey for the ship channel was In progress, left Ibis afternoon for .New hern. ' spl Itolicrls Is usually on the (ienersl Thorn, but ss ( apt Kermon of lhe Mary Elly, wi not familiar wllh the waters of the North Carolina sounds, (ispt. Roberts was placed at the helm and first male II W. tftyron took charge of the (ienersl Thorn WTlmlng ton Dispatch. The) One Day Cold Cur. Cold In hr4 sn.1 sort throat mrrd hy Krr. mrrtl Ctwrolslrs ljxativ Juinlnr. At aiy to isa as candy, "ifcudrrn err tor tncm. .t New Bern Fair Marshals. Chief Kalr Marshal Bradham has ap pointed the following additional Fair Marshals to assist him during Week: K. T I'alterson, Luther Barfoot, Paul Dillingham. Chas. Ca-e, Chas Thornton Prof. Harding, Fred Bray, J. H D. Car rawsy, H. M. Groves, J. C. Thomas, Jr. A. O. Newberry, Jaa. Thomas, Jr, Clar ence Crapon, Joo. R. Beymoor, flogo D: Wood, Henry Drown, Jr , Ha Koyall, Leo Hultan, J. R. Cromwell, Deymoor Dennlson. W. L Harris, ML. Hollo well, E. J. Heeter, W. T. Crews, Horace Bai ler, Osborae Baiter, Joba Bowdea, J. P. 0. Davla, Ouy Cos. Tbomaall. Ilvls, F. Ulrirb, Htawart Calloway, J L. BUI, 1. W. Doguld, W. B. Haoff, Herbert Tay lor, Joa 0. fulford, Peu Draney Jr, Z. V. M orpbjr, Geo. Green, Joba 0. Oraea, J. L nartafleld, Llkle Tolsoa, J. J. Tok aoa Jr., H 0. AfBMlroog, K. W. Arsa- Iroeg, Bobwrt Daffy, Bunn Ewell. The marriage of Mr. James II. Ilunn of Boring Hope, Nash counly, and Miss Lalla Ewell, daughter of Mrs. Mary Ewcll of Grky wood, aeroas Trent river, waa celebrated yeetemay al 7 iW a. m. Rev Mr. Hockett of Spring Hope off! I elated. The attendants were Mr. J. T. House of Jasper, and Mis Nina Baanlghl of this city, Mr. Hugh Dlllard of Spring Hope an J Miss Etta Nooo of lhl dty Mr. II.C. Armstrong of Ibis city, and Mia Melissa May of Kioaloa. Mr. and Mr. Baoa left by lb morning train for I half future home at Spring Hop. CURE YOUR HEADACHE With CAPUDINE 1 Ko bad rr ffH whaMvev. IK V and fjOo. F" Bale) by T A Iianrv and Davla Frmrj. ' Blltmort Exhibit ComlBf. Tba followlag waa rwcsrtvtd laal Big bl and I aa Issportaat Ilea for I be mow of lb Pair. riTtrwona, N. C, Hot. 8. Oa. Ore, Be"y. Oaf augalftoaal iklbll of powKr Miss Susan Wjnr.ar ! Miss Suuan Wyrasr, tea- b r in the J Richmond r.ohool, Chicago, 11U writes the following letter tu l)r. Ila -wnaii r- i garding l'o-ru-na. She sa.-: "Only j those who have suffered as I ba can know what a blessing it Is to Ik- utile to find relief in Pe-ru-na. Tins hut. been my experience. A friend in mud is a friend Indeed, and every Vx.ttle of l'o-ru-11 a I ever bought proved a K"d friend to me." Susan Wymar. Mrs. Marguretha Daulxn, 11U North Superior St., Racine City, Wis., writes: " 1 feel so well and good and huppv now that pen cannot decribo it. Piru-ua 1st everything to inc. 1 have taken several twttles of I'e-ru-na for female eomjibiint. I am iu theehangc of lifo and ttdoes mo (rood." Pe-ru-na has no cqucl 1:1 all of the irregularities and emergencies pe culiar to women caused by pelviu catarrh. 1 Address Dr. Hurtman, Columbus, (J., for a free book tor women only. No use informing you where to look for the Very Best .Values In Millinery, The Barfoot Stock and the Barfoot Prices are to well knol&n for that, make comparisons, there can- be but one verdict Ladir6 Fine Felt Walking Hats, assort eti hands i gTJ, I) "e, red, ( Hstor, brown aud blacV, regular price tl.00 Our sj ecial price thw week 75c each. We ore mailing up a JVautiful all silk Velvet Hat, in blaek and al color?, trimmed with Bilk velour, breasts, pliiniet, ornamcnte, &c, tit $3.50 each, really worth $5 00, Beautiful Pattern Hats, value, $5.00, t6 50, 7 00 and 8 00 each that we have marked down owing to the late arrival of cold weather. SPECIAL SALlfOF RUGS. We hopethis part of our advertisement will fall beneath the notice of prospective Rug buyers, the result will profit them mid us. Hugs from 'Zbc each and by easy steps up xo $3.90 each. G. A. "BARFOOT l'lepno to see the l.e-t Knit ever held .y the Association. Kvety dep.-irlmeni 1-eulaice.l. ! he exhihits aic all larger 1 -vaiiul in character mid more at- m I i v t ball 1 ver. Xo Fair in Ninth .110111. :i ever 1 ommanded lhe resources lic.i aie :i ail.-it):e to us ami these resour - inive ben drawn upon lo the strain ' point Ibis year. Not half so many attract lorn weie ever b;-.f-.re presented. mi 1 the cipiracter or cacti is tieiievcd to be above repro -,cb. Kvery means possi ble of in.Ulriiiir into the merits of every attraction that will be on the grounds as been taken advantage ol, audit Is now 11 that nolhing unclean will lie sent No "bunco eleerer.s," gamblers 1 blacklegs will b(i loll rated, and, with ordinary exercis - of ordinary Intelli- emc, no one need ear lielng touched. (l.-t rcd for a week of line things. A full orchestra will fitinish up-lo- laie music. .Marshals baiU'es are now on ale al liradliiim's i'lcirmacv. Fair M ir- hals will enjoy the whole ground privi lege, including the nice track, grand laud and olher similar environment?. admission lo the dances will be by card only. All subscribers music pay their as sessments on or before lhe lDlb. It may- tie well to state that marshals niAy ride into the ground w ithout any other badge than thai of the marshal One of the most remarkable person ages in the world will be at the Fair. Ills feats ate truly marvelous, and hardly ap pear credible. It was Lottie the young London, Kng , daughter of a shop- keet er who surprised tier lather one morning not so long ago by "avi-ly re marking that before iwi :.H four hours passed King Humbert of Italy, 1I1I be slain. No attention w ss paid to her, but when the news of the assas'lnnatiou of Ita:y's King reached 1 nndon. lhe ex citement of Lollies father was intecr-e She Is a born clairvoyant. Six month ago she foretold, the recent (ialveslon horror, and a w.-i k a'o wrolc Secretary Green thai Nii.ihoiir would Biirely be the choice of 1 he pe pie. It will be much appreciated by our people thai she predicts that t'lln Fair will eclipse any similar art dr .- er lul i in the State. She 111 bring a beautifully filled tent, and all of the psrapbanslla used by lhe mod ern readers o! the future. Reelsboro Items. November 7. Mr. U. IK Lee pissed throiii;'i last Saturday en route to bis boaie in New Item from a visit in Iteauforl c .iiutV Tin; f irm. :rs are very busy g-it lu-i ing their crops Mr. M. (' !;. ius-i'i w 1 o ! -i .-.ok in Arapahoe, i.p Tit S:iii l:c.- -1. ::!. tn Ihcr Mr P. I. IV" ' hi I m ; I - . Hellll h:i 1 M utt le, r-p ;r Si' l,-lt,' li:; r ami Sifi.lay ;;!) M;s iJird.-s I. .! New I. -rii. The nei,''ib.. In... ! i, al: it n it Wit'l Op MOll'l S'ld - 1 1 lol l! : , Mr. ,1 !'.. lb iriett 01 N,. ,v II -r 1 i spe .din..' a fe v d ly in o.ir 11 I ;,r c -hood. The ch .1 a' U-'.d -'' T.t wl.i n mence ih- l'J'h i 1 1. Mr. II 1 . o- It - will tej,. b M ' . N I on. I li I l : i 1 1 in 1 .1 sp -1' W'ednesd.iv i.l t .' 'i .1 . The people ioi.nl b re ?c-m lo be FINE MULES JUST ARRIVED ! Two Car Isoads FINE HORSES ! much f 1 it, lilvn-."! over of them have be-.-n va-- s:ll ill p )K, : in.-ite.l il North Carolina The fol'oivlriL' newly de. Md ( 11-e II. Sm-ill. iandc ! (' T'i Democint chin 1) m lb 111 Couft'cssmcn. t he names of tne ic-'-ioeu from North ( arnlii.a. Fiist Dbtrict -I Stcond Di.-i 1 ict ocrat . Third I 1 s ' r i c-1 ocr it. Fourth lii-tuct Fifth District Democrat Sixth l iitrict ocrat Seventh IVstrict T nighlh Di trict -Sp. n Republlciin. Ninth IMrict lam. liepi.blir an i-' '.v ; Willi-o: 0:1 H1-1110. '.V Kin: ral. .!, I) I'. ll:l V. Klull I bull Oil rr M Moo h Drops (lood lions, etc , ill .1 Shoes. J. Haul Inland Route Survey. The survey of a ship eanal by the In land water ronte has been comploled hy the United HtsLr.s g rcr nn tnt Engineers Humphrey and II irbank have returned to Wilmington and the work done Is now being plotted and will be completed In about ten da s. The last work on tbe surrey waa done Friday. Engineer Humphrey and party want lo Norfolk and Kngloeer Bur bank lo Plymouth, and Ibence lo Wilmington and Capt Dare Roberta look tbe tuamer Mary Lily aronod lo lb Cap Far rlTr. Tbe ury fork begea fie p tern bur tfKh and ejalt frrorabl tstbsr wat iperlenced. Tb urey under Engineer Hampbrey covered about 43 miles, lo eluding Croat an Boaad aad part of Pamlico aad Albemarle Boned. Tim ooaa by Englof tie (bank was at Ocraooke, Bin ft llad Bboal, Hiralu, Beaufort and Bcapperaoag rirer wblcb eopUs lout Alb'rarU LWaad. III,. .1 -oi - 11110 . (!. li. I of li.- . BV-lir.r. P." lo f IV. o.- Id flli'. - r lhe II bud l.-.-:i: I w ben I ' e :i ;e Noli. II. war. a t lean do sell, e .-f lo tbe po-t, : si ruck 11 p. . lo st p. - o -I- i ' 0,0 I' "111 .- 1 rti .11 lhe 11 :o.,l ; ..In 1 el 1 . .! I),-. r. :t Mi, N .1. v : 1 . . t . . 1- fi I", lo ISM. h:id 11 I . I I:.' . II lo- V w d 1 1 I.m u 1 1 11 1 ; nnd began: "'My ii.iiue is Noi. li' "Mi. At b. II di.inl .1 :rt !. Ihing nixed the (ii nio .11 I i 1 rd from lhe .dllrlnl I so lona Slid ili.td.- 1.. 1 building. Nor w lib I . the otttec from tl.nt d.iy after lli.ii 'Mj 1111111, quite n r 0 1 f i i 1 . r Detloil I n. l i :v. 11. II, I. ol - 1 ny-j'llii,.-.oeie-l -.-oil f : .til lhe er i.-en nfi.llid For n bur: lime iiiiiii,- 1-. Norv.-lf was 'piotnrion In Ibtioit,' 111 . rii nl. "Coinr olonr. obi"" .1 I w nut to stand yon n dinner." "Why, nliM' 1 p.-" "My rival Is d. . I " "UlvaH I Hi"' ;lit Tim were married." "Bo I am. I 1 I n b id a liml nevorlbe lo. lie'" v Hioiiu'li shed ili'm moin Ina; In my w lf.- mnnl" "Well. 1 n.-rer! Who w ns he?" "Kt.e li.vi .t 1. 1 111 l.ef .re nr eri mar ried, and ahr bru(bt him t-i the b llae. lie wna minplvte struuger to me than, and vrv'xt umr Im-d very sjood friend at any time. Well, he's gmie, and I'm flad nf It." "Wall, I never! If rou are not tb rralrt Idiot I What waa 111 nntn! "itdo." TMeu! I-rndnn Tlt-HIt. Good lurk I simply harlnf (he alllty to rH on ear that ks gniu$ your way. Cbln(n New a. IVraooal. ' . If JoyitJcoMllptUd and trAbled AI UUOXTiJtt bUTEHHC. Ta ak It appartatkHaoaaeadt, bo fPV UnU lo rear Fair, talak tbaaxflraa IU, tbal lky at aot afnict4 wlta) tay tHaaa, bat Ua tba ytUaa limply Bwd ehaslg, la loi . aw tm , bring cosafotl km lo Iktlr aearta, aa . Wkal aaaae yoa a4d Ua girl to, eotla roorlltloa la aatfty caret! try ataa If yoa te tot (a Wad U Bropoea lo aslng Pyrwp nf Fig, Maaafactarad try fcaff -1 tk Callforal Fig Ayr op Co. oaly, aad tm afraid sbeTl Uka a aoiloa It) mak eld by all drnggtata. ' 1 pmnoae. , Orer 1904 for Thomas. Tka rwtaraa ttm t aoa a ilea ot tki TblrrCCoagreealotial DUlric kow Ikat ! irilhKivi dljreatkm, BaQaea, ibQ Ckaa. R. Taoaaaa Detaoerat kat a a lpba,dLaiae or foul bmtV JerHy of Ml teutttr Job. C. Fewlar, , fommnA aa tit. Uat r.mJl Tu WIo.l.r rt. ..Jori,. ky' ! ? PHI ulled e all, for Tk mm, Crata) l1l,Gr imnlla Pewk.' Jft't ieaaa ,1 Oaslotr, WJ, Doplla, HO, k?VnU. thai tbey wflj rellyott, Oaakotaad, l8o. BtnMt, V. total ' nd Vf won't jrip. 1 VeIlboX nl FafFoalet,ff;oa,ll l.Moera 0f fortM 25 tnJT, M, Blade., It, total IK Majority for 1 , i wn Tkoasrt 1(11 j , C P. fikUDIUaf. f To aiiivc i.l ut No . HI. ojiloniliil opportunity for Farmers to buy Good, Serviceable Aniinalp, tiipl ;.t pt iees to suit buyers. We also httve a large, lot of BUG01ES AND HARNESS, niiike riceH rit'liU M. HAHN & SON, nUhUv St. HtnUUn, NEW ItEK.V, N. Will Cotton Storage. Fire-proof Warehouse ! Cotton S'ldlM'D Hiid INSUKKI) at f mill I '0!t inn! i lii-niiiilile ail-v;iii-.-s iiuulc uli Kitiiie if ilcti'iriHl. The stat ir.t ic:tV pnsil ifi jm-'lilies tlic8toi :ic uf l uttoti for niiieli liiolu r prices which we believe will Hitrcly coine. CorrtspoiHlencu 8olicited. NEXT TO COTTON EX CU AN UK. nmniNGH ESTER FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS No black powder fMNN th atarkM etanfiar wMk tk "NBW RIVAL" In aat ormlty and stroof sheotlnf qnslttlas ear Mr aaal wmUrproo. Oat tan (rraatnt. WINOHESTER REPEATtRQ ARMS CO. Hew Ham, Conn. iiinniiiiiiHiniiiiiniihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiHiiruiiinmiMrBnfiTniiniiMimiiiinim The Lamp of Steady Habits m il aJ?A Tho lamp that doesn't flare op of smoke, or cause you to us bad language ; the lamp that looks good when yon get It and stays rood tho lamp that you Dcrer willingly part with, once you have U tbat ,iJI IU Rew Rochester. Other lamp may be offered yon as " )mt as rpo4 " they may he. In soma recpecta, but for sll around goodness, there's only one To tnako sunt the lamp offered too is genaina, look for tho uasa on it I erery hew Rochoetor Laap has It. WenakeoQ atom too, )astagoodalhelampt m fact, anything in oil or gaa fulius. Tub Rochester Lamp Co., aa , m su M k n m 0a t - XfA. iltiiiiuiiirtiitiiuiiiiiiiitiniiiiimtiiuit..nMn...,H.M..imn...ii.t,imliinmijiMmiiluiiin HTDS fOCNTI, Bl'r.TTH00f Seed Oats, 6cel Ujt, What & Cloref . Mr-M.U for biiUUen. 11 A H II. IllLIi, Eaal 8 .'a Mvkit Dock. NBW BERN, - N. C. WANTED) tn re A o' Itovo-xl ar4 IVtalmmoa r-brr. WUrtiy fwii f W l i0 00 per Oprd frT aaitM, f. O. h. Ootilarmro, . 0. . ;t '" ' - - T-la woo I at k rt, ily f frora kaiu, and aard t ff at Unh iad ltl Uka II I fiai and I frt I g an4 a mat! a leb la di m iter al wn od, bat ao (mailer. I, n, wFrnort.Oobi.vwn, i.c. Property For KAle. . Ikave attaral deslrabl HiI.Waoa for aale, altnatad la iba beet rrsldi are part of tba City. Also a oeaiber sf good building lot la good locallllr. ' J..WOLFERDEH. Bagging and Tics Wr ready lo wpp'y tb "b Coiloa lMgl Tl' P n'h Ueery lack, Pf ftjM X H. laillllPkUl .A Vo ii. w. Kinrsox. ti ,'t a rt llltCl CI in f3 Ilroml Klrert Affiled Sit miuH