TUE WEEKLY JOURNAL ,' .WtahUaaaa ItT. ,:"" . Published ta Two Bocteoaa, every Toe CMARLE5;U STEVENS, sarros kMo rmoninOM. 8UB8CBIPTION RATES: Two Months, 3 Con. Three Mentha, M " Six Month. ' m Tlre Month. 100 ONLY IN ADVAUCJt, Advertising rate furnished upon ap plication at the office, or upon inquiry by mail. Hf-The Journal is only sent on pay-in-a Iviince basis. Subscribers will receive n lice of expiration of their sub scriptiOD and an immediate response to notice w..l be appreciated by the Journal. Kuteit'd at the Postofflce, ti. C as second-class matter. Nt w IWrn Section One, Tuesday, Nor. 13. HHw FOLLOWERS OF THE YELLOW. It is hnrdly possible to disturb by criticism or adverse comment, the self sHtlslied serenity of such men as W. H Hearst, the publisher of the New Yoik Journal, or J. K. Jones, chairman i.f the National Democratic party. However such "yellow" leaders, one by announcement through a widely tit culated newspaper, the other through an olticial position, may deceive several million of people and cause these peo ple to be blinded and led to their ow n injury is of no consequence to such leaders. Publicity for one, publicity anil mi r. ey by the 9ales of paper, to the other But to the followers of the "yelluw'' leaders, that is another story. For months, many thousands of pei -pie have relied In a marked degree, to the daily announcement! coming from Hearst anil Jones. In absolute certainty, without a quiver of doubt, have they sent word to Democrats that W. J Bryan would be elected President of the United Stales on November fith, 1900. Many people could have no access to to other papers, except to those which pinned absolute confidence In the utter ances of Hearst and Jones, therefore the more terrible the awakening which Un vote of November shows. And in additional to this perfect ai ccptaace of the utterances of these pi litical leaden1, there is no surprise turn the followers of these ''yellows" ehoulil be willing to risk their money on the ic suits of the National election. It is not so mnch a case of the fool and his money soon parted, with these bettors, as it Is relying and accepting the judgment of men like Hearst and Jones who are In public positions, and who do know the sitnation perfectly, but who delude their followers by mis statements of actual conditions. It is this kind of delusion practiced upon those unfortunate enough not to know lietter, that Is the curse of the duy. it is the assumption of truth, with falsehood as the real basis. It Is a deliberate false leadership, which will sacrifice followers without compunction, and cares nothing for after results. it is a leadership which will be re pudiated by every Intelligent person, whose honesty haa been played with. SOME WATS OF THE CHINESE. The war with the Chinese Empire has opened up what baa always been an un known country. Many and devious have been the at tempts to eater the secret places of Cblaa, which the people of that coun try regard aa sacred, aod since the ooct -pation of China by the allied forctt mnch It being made public of the Chi nee. I the Contemporary Review, Emer son Balabrtdg. II. P. haa recently con tributed article on some Chlneae ways, fro which the following Is lakaai "Justice a obulaed la lb Oblna coarta It a faro. A cee occurred whll the writer we la Chlaa la which a Chinese lodr alula? with aa Kae. 0 m- - w llsh magistrate, declared that be was i Ahllrad Lff aire lajramt aeeJeel the, my lutuvi vi mm eMVMM lun appwBv- mentl ;". ' '' V 'V "The criminal lawfof Cblaa provide , that aa off end at eaa oe!y be pealeaed lfb coafeeae bla guilt, and If belt tard la oonformln" te tht eoadltloe h U compelled to eonfessloa by a aerie of torture of the most painful aa4 aw ful character. - . "Paperstlttoa I rif from cad to tad of tht land and lead to treUy aad bra tallty of the wort flfscriptlo. Tli rtm of "Kiueaxe" and tor t!o !,! t tih't throughout the East I fonn l In to a. - tl form In Chin l?i at It rnti rprlKo ami prstsnU . j ' n i f t--. ' an I lravp the maase of t n . I !. ? f.a !, B'!!I s iii t".i. tk becoeas ntlUi by corrai latloa, - , . - ' -"Tali tyaleea of "qeseJ of coare ariee te tba e,oesUoa o( railway ooa swacUoa. ; Oa ef. tbe moat tatellbreal Cataitsea ta writer Ml ta Shang hai efterei him eoooeesion for rail way frost Bekte ta Chieklang, I he fore oioet eoadllloa being; Ut the mu . of 190,000 ta cash ehould be paid to lead ing Government official at the coiling of the Brat aod. "A a further Illustration it may ba pointed out that oat of the 13 railway eonoeaaiona already supposed to be granted (extending about 3 600 milra) not one has a yet been commenced. NEW BERN'S WELCOME WEEK. This week ushers iu the Fourteenth New .Bern Fair, the Fair this week not being the regular aunual one, as the annual Fair was held here last April. Tomitrovr is designated as the first day. but Tuesday will inaugurate the op ning'of the New Kern Fair, with it splendid exhibits and graud race meet. In giving the people o;' Kaitein (' ollna two Fairs wiiliiu o ie year, Nat Hern is doiu. something beyond onii nary, something which no other city iu No.tb Carolini would attempt. In ma'tiug the change for its Annua Fair, from February to November, tin Fa;r management made a wie move, as Fe'irmry weather lias proven most ui. cerlain.and while not interfering so much with the exhibits, has prevented the at tendance that the Fair really merited. In November, there is every qppoi tunity to make the Fair one which shall exhibit the resources of this section at tneir best, and those who visit Ne Hern this week can see what Fasten) Carolina can produce. In the way of entertainment. New Bern and the Fair will present to visitor a variety of attractions, of a social natu t in the way oT dauces and theatre parties and of au amusing character, in the way of shows on the Fair grounds. It will be a strictly Welcome Week in New Hern, and it will be the fault o visitors if they d not have ileas in ami enjoyment to their fullest wish. The entertainment is he.e, and N w Hern extends a welcome to all to cont ain! have a week of enjoyment, as well as one of profit in sight seeing. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars -ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F .1. CHUNKY A: Co., To,.EUo O W e, the undersigned, have known F. J C!u ney for the last ."i year;-, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus iness tranartions, anil financially able to carry out any obligation made by their lirm- Wkvj- A Tin v, Wholesale Druggists Toledo, O WaI.I.OIM., KlSNkN.V. M.MIVIN, Wholl- sale Druggists, Toledo. O. H ill's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mil cons surfaces of the system. Price ?'(' per bottle. Mold by all druggists. 1 i-r limonials fn e. 1 1 all's Family I'll Is are the best . At last my lines are cast iu pleasant places, remarked the poet. He was an observing young man, and lie noticed that the editor had silppl'ed himsell with a new war'le basket, spick and span with pink ribbons Intertwined through It. Spread Like Wildfire. When things are "the liest" they be come "the best selling " Abraham Hare, a leading drugirist, of Belleville, O, writes: "Electric Hitlers are the best sell ing bitters I have handled Id 20 years. You know why? Most diseases begin in disorders of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, blood and nerves. Electric Bit ters tones up the stomach, rcgalalci liver, kidneys and bowels, purifies the bloo 1, strengthens the nervus. hence cures multitudes of maladies. It builds up the entire system. Pals new life and vigor into any weak, sickly, run down man or woman. Price SO cents. Hold by C. D. Hradham, Druggist. Their Oplnlom. Crlmsonheak I got the opinions of two eminent lawyers on a certain ques tion of law the other day. Yeast Were their opinlens the same? Ys, 23 each. QUESTION ANSWERED. Yes, August Flower still baa the latg- eat sal of any medicine In tbe civilised world. Y on r mothers' and grandmothers' ever thought of aslng anything else for Indigestion or Billousnes. Doctor wt a acaroa, aod they seldom heard of Appea dkHll. NcrvoQ Prostration or Heart feller, tta, They aad Angast Flower to eJeaa oat U tyttesa aad stop ftraMata- Uoa of digested food, regulate lb actloa ef th Brer, ilimulau the aerrooi aad orgaole actloa of tbe syatesn, aad that la aU tbey took bea feeling iaTX aad bad With headache aad other ache Tot oalr seed a few dose of Oreea'i Aagoat Fkwr, la llaoid forsa, to Bake oa aatiafted laer I aothtsf aerioat the atter with too. For sale br F 0 Daffy, CAPUDINE 1IEAPCI!E& KEURAAGIA. l'c, and MV flotile. T-. rf rcrCala by Eradhain, VOXA1PS TJtOClLES AID FEJUU - WSEASIS CCl T ,.v. Johnston's SarsapariIIa QUABT OTTtlaU Painful aad Oappreaaad atenaea. Ir regularity, LeaMorrheaa, VYhitea, 8terU y, Uleeratloa of the Uteraa," change of life, la matroa or aaaid, all and re lief, belp, benefit aad eare ta JOHKS-TON-S SARSAPAK1LLA. It ia a real panaeea for all pain or headaohe a boot the top or back of the bead, djatreee ing pain in the left aide, a disturbed condition of digeeUoa, palpitation of me neart, cold bands and feet, nerr onaneaa and irriution, aleeplecaneaa, mnacular weakneaa, bearing-dowa pains, backache, legache, irregular ac tion of the heart, ahortae of breath, abnormal discharges, with extremely puuiui umuau-uauoo, aoaJatngoi urine, BwelHngof feet, aoranesaof thebreeata, neuralgia, uterine diaplaoemenl and catarrh, and all those symptoms and trouble which make the average wo man's life ao miserable, aicaisu lira co., sa atia. S )ldjby C.:D.:BBADH IM, Ntw bern. Cub Drouragei I imntgratlon. Havana. Nov P. The government Is encouraging immigration, and a large increase is expected. In all cases an ef fort will be made to send the newcomers to those sections of the island where labor is par led uly needed. ;mozley'8lkmon4elixir. A FleatutLeton Touio. Cures i idlgestion, headache, malaria, kidney disease, fever, chills, loss of ap petite, debility, nervous prostration heart failure, and appendicitis by regu lating the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. MoKley'a Lemon Ellxjr. Cured me of indigestion, I had suffered for ten years. I had tried almost every medicine, but all failed. Since taking Lemon Elixir 1 can eat anything I like W. A, Gkikfitit eeve9ville, S. C. Mozley'H LemoD Elixir. Cured me of indigestion and heart dis ease, after years of suffering when all other remedies and doctors had failed. N. D. Con man.; Beulah, S. C M7.lry's Lemon Llixtr. 1 have been a great sufferer from dvs pe ia for about fifteen years, my trouble being mv liver, stomach and bowels with U rrible headaches. Lemon Elixii cured me My apnetite Is good, and I am well. I h d taken a birrel of other medicine t ha' done me no good. SJJ UuarLes GiBimtD. No. I"il5 Jefferson 8t , Louisville, Ky.J MozIpv'h Lemon Elixir Cured me of enlarged liver, nervous In digestion and heart disease. I was un able to w alk up stairs or to do any kind of work. I was treated bymanv physi cians, but got no better until I used Lemon F.liiir. I am now healthy and vigorous. C. H Baldwin, No. OS Alexander St., Atlanta, Ga. Mnzley'H Lemon Hot Iropw. Cures all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness. Sore throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage and all throat and lung diseases. Elegant re liable. 'JV at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. II Morley, Atlanta, Ga- A soft answer may turn away but sometimes it comes hard. wrath OAHTOIIIA. Bean tbe K0 Haw Mwrs Boiljjlt Footprint of Time. TheBe proverbs are queer things. We hear about footprints in tbe sands of lini'i, and we are also told that time Hies. .Now, If the latter is correci, where do the footprints come from. Hot h makers and circulators of coun terfeits commit fraud. Honest men will not deceive you into buying worthless counterfeits of DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. Tbe original Is Infallible for curing piles, sores, eczema and all akin disease. F. S. Duffy. Helen Keller. Helen Keller, deaf, dumb and blind, has been elected vice president of th freshmen class of Radcllffe College, at Cambridge, Mass. When yoo waul prompt acting little pills that never gripe use DeWltt's Little Early Riser. F. 8. Duffy. Cold Eaoa(-h. My dear madam your husband it (of fering from a nervoo affection. What ba wants I a cold doache. Very wall, doctor, I shall writ to mamma to com at once. Great Lack of An Editor. 'For two year all efforts to core Ec zema la the pal at of b aandt failed, write Editor H.K. Lester, of Byracnee, Kaa., "then I a wholly eared by Bocklen s Arnica Balrr." U'i tba world' best for Eraptloaa, Bor aad all akla dUeaea. Oaljiloo at 0. D. Bradbaaa . Clerk-Parhapa yoa'd Ilka, to look at aoa good a HtiJe aora tptlr tba - Shopper Mot aeceaatrlly, but I woold Ilka to look at torn of better quality. ' ; , ; . .,?., . Tbera la ao pleasure la lit If yoa drrtd going to tbajubU to rl aad eao'l rest at alght oa aceoant of ladlgetttoa. Henry WllJIatns, of Poonsvllle, Ind ay he taffered Ibet wr for years, till b commenced tbe ae of Kodol Dyspep sia Cure, and adds, "Now I eta ( any I thing ! Ilk and alt I want and sleep i mndly rrery n!etil. Kodol Dysptp- .-ti ..,1 ii'I' il WUII JOItM. A, P. rT. . RALEIGH. Fakirs Hooey Hakiafr Scberac Ice aad Saev. Fopaiii art bead. Bcr- . aarit Frobaeke Saccca- . ... sor. . Special to JoaraaL RaLKiea, November U. Tbe sals ef farllUaer tai lags for the fall season ha practically cooed. Secret ary Braeer ot the agricultural department aya It ia aboet 10 per cent greater than It was last autumn. The agricultural department i edrietd that certain persons ant operating ia the sectloa of the Slate west of. Charlotte, selling to (armers formula fur snaking fertiliser at $3 per each formal. An Investigation of the methods of these fakir will be made The department gives formula free of aay cost. It ta learned from Dr 11. Abbott otthe 1st, dlslrloi that IsaaC'Meektas who claimed lobe the real Republican nomi nee for Congress, carried two counties, Pasquotank .aad Perquimans, -and got alout Hi per cent of the Republican and Populist To'e, Dr. Alexander getting the other th ee fourths. The meeting of tbe Democratic State Executive Committee which is ta be held here on th: evening of the 2!th, Instant will be specially interesting. Next Suaday Re. George Stuart, the Ten tee se evangelist wi',1 begin a revi val here at Edenlon Street M. E. cLurch. He is now in the western part of the State. There was a bllz.ard here for a while la-t eight, and for a minute or two snow fell This morning tberj was ice, the first of the season. The drop in the tem perature a-t temarkable. It is mid that attorney general Walser wi ose terui expires In January, is to be Supreme Court reporter, to succeed the late Ralph P. Buxton of Fayette villc A Republican intimates that Charles A. Cook of Warren county may succeed Claude Bernard as United States district attorney It was Cook's purpose, early in the year, to leave this State an 1 go to the far northwest The l'opuiisl leaders are saying that I heir party in this Slate Mill have to hold an early conference to decide whether they shall get together on a l 1: j or disband. I he party h virtually lead no. Senator Butler, who was Its life and soul, is sayitu tint h ! will re- tiro from p iltttcs and practic law at Ralcinh A negro convict from TjtjII was placed in the penitentiary au night, to serve ,i ears for killtur hH wif '. His lefi ncj van ilint th i ir ed t run away, he caught her, she fell, bis foot slipped and he fell upon her, breaking her back. h sheriff ho brought him says there is thought to be truth in his version of the affair. The negroes do not appear to care at ail about the Ion of llieir right to vole. Want to Oust Croker. Nkw Yoiik, Nov. S. Kncoursged by the simill pluralii v Taininauy was able to roll up for the Democratic ticket on Tuesday the anti 1h in in any element in t ie party has begun discussing means lor dilvlng Richard Croker out of pow er at the muoiciiial lection next year. There was much speculation as to what the Democratic politicians would do. The statement was made by a man of long standing in 1 amniany Hall that a new County Demociaiy would be form ed here within tdxty ds. Ma said that the men Interested in ihc movement had loen in doubt whet her to try to ov r tbrow Mr. Croker thiough a new organ ization or through the preBcnt Tammany organization. It had Ix-en found, he said, that many of the present Tammany le ulers are anxious to send Croker to tbe rear, but find themrelves unable to enter upon tbe project This situation has convinced the sntl ( roker Democrats that I heir lute t pb.n is to oigsi ie a new County Democracy. Dewey's Gifts. Washikoton, Nov. 8. Admiral Dew. ey ha removed his collection of gifts, which bare occupied the most promi nent place in the hall of American hit lory in the National Museam, to bit borne, ia Rhode liland tvenue. Tbe col lection bat as.umed very large propor tions, representing thousands of dollars In money value, sud Is almost daily added to by some admirer of lae great sailor. Occupy a New Post. Special to Journal. WatiiiHOTON, Nov. 0 It U reported that Pension Commissioner, Henry Clay Brant of Ten n ease will be made Pott masltr Oeoeral. South AXrittn Flfht. Special to Journal. Loanoii. Nor, l.-Ool Leralll tut- prised Roar Commando oae taoasaad trog la Orange - Hirer Colony.- The Boars lost ti killed, SO wonaded, Ore aaanoaand AO wsgoa. , Vri. Legtlli aad alerta othtri of tbe Brttlia ; war killed. ; , r , - Lut 01 the Crew. Atut. Oa.". Nor. 8-Jrry Lyack, aged tavtoly two, lb last sorrlrlag BMiabrr of lb crw of lb Confedertt battleship Alabama, died at bl restiUaee ia Jaaiaa Park to-lay. , , , ;'. Ways Ml Keani Committee. special to Jooraal, ' W.tmaaToa. Nor. S.-Th Ooortv. lonl Wyt aod Msn Committee will J meet ih tea dsyt tnd will prrpefe a bill .rpraU om of th wir Ur. Tb atrf of Inctfs.Ing lb army It on Loadred tbouttal will U gtvra I apxciai cuntuierttlo i well a asvsl loerrss and tncmurm for th later- oceanlo csaal, Tb Wsr Drpurtmcnl hat jr rd s lan for j army nf 8 0 j0 . - Shopping in faris. It Um la Drewkaeika, Aaaatwfsj eVeaerfcms) to a, . Shopping as Faria haa Irs drawbacks, aeeordiaa to the twpart ef a woman wh haa tried ir.. -At cm." aa aaid, -I catt ed, aa a matter of course, for aa In tar prater. Bet a railroaded sac eroead froat aa coaster ta another with each speed and bad aaca aa Imperative fase- I lua el ananttudnf the price I at ant pay taat it too waat uttte avane l baa ox ut com pa raliy rila of Knock and Asaerr aa aaaacy away (rasa eoe. Uewever, after twjiux a few aeeh staple article a ribbon I hea t appwiate evea la my coarasioa that t was paying two price for everything, and I dismissed Mr. Uuide and brgaa to paddle my owa canoe.' . ' "I got aa rrry well, too, with the dap per little clerks. They had uo one at hand. I snppo, ro give them the (rp a to how much additional they must charge me, and I exit thiuirs, 1 thiuk, for the market price. The freemasonry ot shop ping operated too. I understood when the salesman spread out his hands and talked volubly about aa 'occasiuu' that be was discoursing oh a 'hargniu,' and I am sure 1 ahouhf hare understood him if he had railed It a tsa tain' er even used the fijsn lurijruitge, , "rreseutly, howerer, I met a poser.. A pretty contrivance of. knotted ropes, tei minating in balls of aomething in dull black, studded with silver nails, struck my rye. Was It a -Birdie ? I f so, bow pretty it would be with a dark red tea gown! I questioned the clerk. lie shook his head. He culled his fellow salesman. No one km'w what I wanted. Finally I mustered up my French nnd managed to say. Me ue compreheud pas,' with what 1 fear was a villainous accent. "Instantly the clerk was all smiles. He seised the girdle (?) and draped It nrouud tbe arm of a fellow snlesmuu, standing off to observe the effect. My face must have reflected my astonishment. Trying again, I ventured, 'Pour hommef- Then all the nearby clerks hurst into a laugh at the diHcomtiture of their mate, and the poor fellow looked around for a fresh il lustration, lie espied n number of whip inshes hanging down from the wall like a beaded portiere, and, dividing them in half, ho slipped my so called, girdle around the group, holding the two ends in his hand. The article I hr.d seen in fancy adorning my tea gown proved to be designed for holding linrk .the folds of the draperies." Denver Republican. THE TWELVE APOSTLES. An tneldrnt Wlileh TiM'.olu s the Need or Sunday Scliooi. At a di'i::ei party in WashiMgton, coujiosed ot i oniiucnt men, one of them remarked tlmt he once snt in the t'nion Lviiue iluo ;A New York with Iluscoe Conkliuu'. CIuiit A. Arthur and sev eral other .ii-iin;;uU!ied gen i leiueti. who hud ben ej.efuliy educated ill religious families. ;u;.l t'ni'l none of them was able to i.unie the twelve n (Mths. 'Thi:l' easy." .:;id a senator hr.nshly, beginning. "M.-itiln .'. M:irk, I, like and John, bless ihe Led that 1 lie on; 'mil, tbe two -I . i : ... m's, Jude. lliiiiii'.bas' And there he stopped w ith some embar rassment. . "Timothy." suggested n mnjor general, who is a vestryman in au Kpiscopnl church. "Nonsense." miswercd a si iintnr. "Tim othy was ;i disi ipic i.f Paul's. He wasn't one of the twelve :iinstli's." "Nioodeyn.s." suggested cue cf the eonipany. "Jeinninli," suggest! d the tliird. ".ludns v. :is one of (be :ip:stlc;," nn'k ly came fn ui :i voiee in the coiner. '"I'll be Mnmcd if he was! lie was a disciple," ci'itnc Ine curt u ply. "Weren't 1 lit- diseiples uml the npoa tles the snine thini;?" inipMted thi-Jiieik voice, getting n hc.ile L- ider. Rnrtholoinew was sni:esied and ac cepted by several. "What's the ntrtter with Peter?" ex claimed tt:e Modest young n.eiiil.i r of tile diploinulic cm pn, who lind hi'tierto l( en silent. "Mow many dues tint make?" sonu biMly s.skei!, mid they eounti d n n ten for Mlrc, n ith us ninny more d uilitrul. "Let's l;n;k iu the Itilile," somebody suggested, and the good lunik was over hauled iu n in. 'lhen the eiieyclnpeilia wus nppialeil to, but It un not entirely satiKfucloiy, for it includid Thomas and Anilieu iu the list, and the justice of the supreme court and two of the sena tors weri' positive Hint Andiew wns not an apostle. All of whhh tenehes the grcnt usefulness nnd need uf Sunday schools. Chicago Itecord. Exchanging Co 'J rtesie. Spei lal to Journal, Washixotox, Nov. 8. W. J. Bryan hat telegraphed to Pretldent Mckinley: "At the close of another Presidential campaign It Is my lot to congratulate you on a second victory." Pretldent McKlnley replied: "I ac knowledge with cordial thanks your met tage of t ongratalatlon and extend you my good withet. ' Revenf e by a Priest. Special to Journal. Londoh, Nor, 0. At Cracow, tbe Poland city, a I 'athollc priest who hr-d a gradge against a path nt In Ihe city hos pital blew op tbe building with dyna mite. - Fir hundred patients tad forty doctors were la the building,. Th tail wing of .lb hosplul wti destroyed, four doctors were killed aod fifty patients la. Jared. Th peopt gathered from, all tide, caught th priest, unfrocked aod thro lynched blm. - Fire In Mississippi. ; ., Special to Jouroil. ,; r Saw OnuiAai, Not. 0.. Bilotl, the famoa tummer and winter retort On the Golf of Mtiico we entirely detlroed by Are today aad tba Br I still rsglng Tb lot It at lratt on mlllloe dollar. Many rich people of Ntw Orleaa bal homes Ibtre. DWIU't Little Early Rlsert ar lb best llrrr plllt tvr mad. Easy to take aad aevtr gripe, r. 8. PoITy, , - Alaraalna " ' "Maody", attd Ibo old f rohVmta, ' 1 ant afraid that boy of oar U goln' to be poet." . . , , 'lie ain't wilt nubia b U r" asktd tba old lady la alarm. "No. k slat ftilt nothln' yet, but 1 nolle h It doln lett an' ) work tvrty day, aa' dota' It raretrtser. ' lefermellt.fi. Antlnut His 1er No, )"it h M jni.r I 1 In 1st Vat MulUr tint rrU'rd 10 i JIsu l mill ti.t'itr b- w r j. V" f ow roiVe 11 n ! rr t -'.. : $ ' ti XVctetable Preparalion for As similating fJKFoodaixlBeuia bJig uStofflKteaMBcweisof Promotes DigeattonrtwrfLir- rncssandRest.Contarns rrfhef OpanTi,Morp lune' nor HuitxaL H6 ' Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa tion, Saur StOuTkh,Diarrhoca WonrvsX)nvulsfjnsJ'everisiV ness and Loss or Sleep. Fax Simla Signature of . XEVV YDHK, - EXACT COPY OT WRArftR. . A LITTLE DOES MUCH. Booxa, Iowa, bee. U. Mo tonirae eaa tell what I have endnred In tbe past ten years with my monthly sick -neia. While suderisi aetold sgoay, a friend called and reeommended Wine of Oanlul. I adiit for a boltle, sod Oh I what relief. After th flrat doe I began to feel better and have had ao pain slnoe. BUtS. QBACB LastPHEKB. Wine of Cardul not only cures but rfacts AT ONCE. Here is a cm of ten years' standing, and yet one single dose made the sufferer feel better, and stopped the pain. Tbe Wine goes straight to the seat of the trouble. It acts directly upon the menstrual and genital organs. Its actlonJs not violent, and it does not fore a result It simply gives Nature that little, assistance that the sufferer's system ladts. . A single disorder, fat tbe feminine organs spreads' many disorders aU over the body, and when the Wipe cures the source, afl the other ills vanish as a matter of course. A woman can be her own" physician and cure herself at home. Local ex- sminations are largely things of the Utltr tltUHT itPUTeUBT. rnr aitTtm te i a Mm nmnlilii. .n. rl.l dtrecUoiis, sddren, (trine OTraMoine, U4U.1 ! J.hcrj tfmt, T.aiTT00li MiviHrui, VI Druggists sell Large Bottles for $1.00. LaVflJ Kiih. A BRA.ND NEW SHOW I SATURDAY LvJiyj FIllST REANOIV Australian Triple Railroad Sh&&si M ; 9Iammilli !Xeiigrie a Ilonian Ilppfsdrajumn "1 he Khoda Roral Show! iu rood,-Biir and rr0ra,.' Worca Fn on innn' ' - mm: . mj i i i a a . f r- liar i.. . - . j , ti. ii m i n TheWorlVd GBASDIif ind BIsT .MUX 111 CRT m'mtnflJjr. Trntrd Eihibltloa enllralr different from t t' In roo lii tt m nil -00 will be ennvlaced If yoa ee tb B f rrtlloa, U.l thoet are a all silk. Read th spe:lsl fralare: . Prof, Bfrrli md Hi C3 BubUM Tnlord Horifi. ':' Tnf. Khirna ifld llll flrfir ntnrnf nf Pfinirh DUmi - - - - " ' f - - - ' - wv,wvMVM.VI hhiiii eiHi i. ' The H9fM r-ack BUIa- Posy. y'V.". txii: Tizcrivr.ori i:ovfi Tba Foaaleat Of alti'loaa Male Ilnrdl KMnt. r A TROt'PI Or TRAIXID PEUFOKMISG I LtTU NTS. - d Msnsg TlMer no Oibfr llril-Ciais r c r f : : ti ml r e r fo r m a s cr 9 -r S.4i - i.Mt.. 1, . 1 l ' t r.f ti I 'u r; e.,B ( !o i fiortcirori Tr r s r r k isu, t ..r. n,.,.,,. ,.:. ,!,., 1 1 sud 1 1 o'i-Ii.i k t !: i' t- f r f ' t . . ft r 'f t ' t ' . r ' I i I I ' ' 1 1 ! Uf'li , ( t 1 , 1 A , , , 1 I L ae a. vJ L U ! rorIr,f--fP.- ! r V.'.rti. Ifo Kind Yen l!:vo Alvays Bcjjhi .. 01- x , t i" I" Use For.; Over Thirty-Years -4 m .II I VMracimv eeMesnv. acw fona emr past the obnoxious custom is no longer necessary. Wine of Cardul b the only- perfectly safe and sure vegetable wine made to-day for . the curt of " female troubles ". IN AMEUIC1 ;l.v? xvwitm -sm- i i . i m i- - I , r v 1 . ... . , t 1 i t r P. :!.