TOLDHI IU1I. HIW BERN, CRAY IN COUHTT, . C. Till DAT, NOYEMBER 28, 1300 SICOSD SECTION. NUMBER 69. OFFICIAL STATE VOTE. Prohibition Ahead of Hiddle-of-the Roal ropnltst, state Charter. To Petition . " " For Rtftrmatory. Special to Journal. Rai-kior, N. 1'., Not. 81.- This morn log the nliIHn of tlie vote for Presi dential Elector waa completed and I be State Canvassing bosrd gsve ul the fol lowlug figures: For Br) an, Democrat, Elector Over man gelling (be highest vo'e, 157,733. For McKinley, Republican, Elector Price gulling the highest vote. 138,080. For Brkor, Middle-of-lbc-road Popu list, Eleclor Boggs getting tbe highest TOtc, 737. For Woolley, Prohibitionist, Elector Shaver getting tbe highest Tote, 901. One vote was cast direct for G rover Cleveland, in WIIbod county. The Stale charters the Railway Adver-J User an. I Station Indicator Company, with principal offtceJat Rocky Mount; paid up capital $.50 000, with Increase to V00t000 autli .r xed. The pnrpoee of tbe company being to purchase the pat ent held by L. H. Simmons and manu facture, Introduce and operate tbe In vention. Within the past 48 hours tbo leaven on the oak trees have lost all tbclr greenness. Strange to say this change has occurred during the warm weather now prevailing. Manteo lodge, Odd Fellows, of this city, has adopted resolutions appointing a committee to memorialize the legisla ture tnesla'dieh a reformatory for young criminals The other lodges in the Slate are to follow Buit. and it 13 learned that Ibc Masons will tafec up the same movement. Governor-elect Aycock ami many other lawyers went to Oxford to:ly to appear In the f 100,000 libel suit of ltev. T. J.GaUls against president KOgo or Trinity college. Baptists at Richmond. Richmond, V. Nov. 21. Tlio eigh teenth annual session of the Runt hi Congress of America coLvoned yester day afternoon at ll:Si) o'clock at the Fiist Raptist Church. The meeting promises to be one of national interest, as there are now In the Uly representa tives of nearly every State In the Union. The session was opened by an address of welcome by Governor J. Hou Tyler, in which bo welcomed the visitors to Virginia. FIVE DATS OF AWE. Kentucky Hay Rot Give tbe Sultan Many Sleepless Nights. . WnmoTo, Nov: 80. Unless cir cumstances, show the advisability of re taining her longer at Smyrna the baltle blp Kentucky -will remain at that port only five days. This is the Intention of lie Navy De partment. The orders cable 1 to Capt. C. M. Chester, commanding, direct him to stay at Naples five days. It. is be lieved the Kentucky arrived at llat port today. Upon the conclusion of this visit the vessel will proceed to Smyrna, reach ing there, according to the itinerary adopted by tbe department, on Novem ber 27. If the Sultan shows a disposition to meet the American demand 'or the payment of the missionary cMt.s the Kentucky will sail for Port r'aid, en route t0 China, on December J; other wise It Is possible she may rrni iin until the arrival of the Dixie a fen days later. Foieign diplomats hero display consider able Interest In the Kentucky's visit, but they apparantly do not believe It will be fruitful in result. ' Kruger Will Keep Quiet, Paws, Nov. 19 Marseilles is work ing itself into a great excitement regard ing the expected arrival of President Krugcr. The town Is crowded with French, English and American corres pondents. Addresses and festivities by the score are being prepared, but the general impression is that the President will uol listen to any ol tliem, and It is more than likely that lie wi'.l decline to bo present at the baniuct In bis honor, an 1 that hu will be represent!1 1 l-y Dr. Leyds. This reticent-,.! is iiiKpired iiy his desire to Bee the President !' the Kreich Re public before cnminillini! lilms'ilf in any way and also to avol 1 iliili .tilths for the Government of v liicii h in .y have to ask favors. It remains as ci'itain as cvnr that the Government will give no ollirinl conn tenance to Ilk ieceiti n. P.vcn I ho Mar soilU-s town co.iru'.il is hel'l tuV k. NAVT-TARD NEEDS. Annul Report Of Rear-Admlral Endlcott, Chief Of Korean. Washihgtoh, Nov. 20. The annual report of Rear-Admlral Endlcott, Chief of the Bureau of Yards and Docks, sub mits estimates aggregating 1 12,456,390, of which $11,252,540 Is set down for public Improvements. - Tbe Admiral emphasizes tbe Import ance of havjng proper provisions made at an early date for storing at conven ient point along our coast the large number of torpedo boats which are now being completed. Attention Is called to the overtaxed condition of the many navy yards, due to tbe rapid Increase In the navy afloat, and the report earnestly advises an Increase In the shore allot ment that the land establishment may keep np with the growth of the navy on tho seas. Admiral Endlcott states that several of the yards should be considerably in creased in area, and particularly the yard at Norfolk, V. Here Congress has authorized tbe construction of a new drydock, which was desired to be one of the largest class, but the Admiral calls attention to the fact that the only available space for this purpose Is so limited as to preclude the construction ota dock of desirable dimensions. The importance of enlarging tbe na val station at San Juan, Porto Rico, la touched upon. Chief Endlcott says that, the navy yards of tho country generally are now in much better condition to meet a sud den demand such as was thrown upon them by tho Spanish War than they were when that war broke out. The arrangements for the final pur chase from the Spanish Government of tho floating steel dock at Havana were interrupted by the outbreak of yellow fever there, and the final inspections hive been deferred-untll a safer time. RALEIGH. P0LLOCKSVILLE. Iri Railroad Hearing: Postponed Amateuis Cotton Sales at Trenton Wild Hieese Rehear ring. Tbe New Secret) tes Plentiful. liid-Watson Marriage. Soecial to Bari1 nurnci. At L.a I ISH RAi.KUiii, Nov 22 The dale tet for Lake tbe h.-.l hraiing at Ualri.'h if the rail-, Tuc wi-v.l.i- w.i. i.-v-r mi.-r than at way's ioe n: tbe f iw.msj.uuu lax asses-- tU(, Uinc ,r ment esse as Nov. 2D. Today a post-1 Cotton ile T:i ponement was made to the 30 Ii John I lmoulIi Cl lo i , ) iH , , . W. Hirjs laic, o-.e of the attorneys for ! lo y the Slate, says that it Is ihe Sta'es desire I jjr n , Wl., , , 4. to take as much evidence on it" sHe i" , ville and lmiii;iH (l Itaici Decemb.T as It can. Then there may le ,,;k1) glade eolion foi 'J. lio a postponment of lint side until nfu-r ; j jj H, ud. r r-.l irm cl li the adjournment of tli Legisiaiuu-. At liende-so : this eve-ii i' M . au I Mrs. D. Y. Cooper gave a rcceoiion i thelsson, Mr. Sidney Cooper an t In-j Uee?e are very Hlnind.iin in t bride, who was Miss Mary Limum Jack-! Mlg4 Msnie Franks of son of Atlanta. It was one of I'm- J ,eiU fow ,i,y( vUnin,' handsomest social alTairs on "jcor.l at ! relation In this piac-.1 tiii we E House Work Is Hard Work without GOLD DUST. rr,l. i I O'liS ni- v,-ry tine REMOVED ! J.iv from No It .or n'iii . . Wullt! ou ;ii iTinl, eeM doeL? ln,l Tiles h: il :il.: of liiS a ; r.vjr , and e river. Uielilsmls i 'l Is an 1 tli kill -i B. '1 i rr I . TORNADO IN TWO STATES Six Were Killed In Tennessee And Missis sippi. NAsnvn.l.E, Tenn., Nov. 20.- Meager Henderson. Amateurs . re sre lurd at work ro hearsiue "Ksinerahia'' for pre-enlntlon Dec. 11. KeveiiUe ntUa-is made a riid In John ton county last nilit noil captured nn Illicit distillery. Tiny say there are more such dlslillorle.-Ilicie than In any oilier county in the district. As a result f the revival meetings held here last wee! mid ihis week Iiy Kev. Uenrge Mo .v art i-evcral saloon keepers will go out of business January j let. This Infonnaiioii ii given inc by Ilov. Dr T. N. key. editor of the Ual-! elgh Christian Advocato. I Attorney-General Walter l kept at' home by the sickui s of all his children. One has pneumonia, another, typhoid fever and tho third has been sick his ; months. i The farmers In this', s"otion are sow- I Ing an unusually Urire acreage in when'. ! Mr. V. M. Hearsall will he the private j Dr. (). .1. U.Midr Lf. fir a trip lhrough I'.atL.'nS ati t 'I ii ..V Ihi-i in tru ing, lie has h.-e.i sp-'iid.-i ; n-v.thI days in this plaei; doin denial irk. Alls Annio Slu pird a id Miss Ada j Harry are visi'i'ir; a.'- M. K. K. .Sander-j eon's tl:i i week i Mr. Walker ll-.r n L fi for bis home In Wilmington la d Wed. es 1 ly ihe 21st, to atieiii! I lie niarri of h' d fighter, Miss Sue Kidder, to M. 1. i Lovering, o: New Yoi k. Mai ried, at the hom; of M-. E. J. Watson, Ills sister .ilihs lvaih;, lo Mr- W. J.ll.tllof ihis plw,.', lasi Wednesday night, liie l llh. May happinesi atlend their future. .;r l)Q;.;uid liarlier, a ter.a it of Mr. lv. Ij. Il'inghton, lia 1 Ih-: sa i la'afouiinc of losing by lira on a nii'V lie .v j j his barn containing fi tial-'s s -ed cotti n and lo barrels of cirn'i p d- ca t wheel-. 1 ra le ha;i tiecn vciv jriol In our s K Wo liavc roinoifi! In our IbTGTxr IBricls: Store, C'or. ISroal V IlaiuMtck &in.. Where we will la' glad to welcome sll oni old and new patrons Our strict attention to business in the iat is snllicient guaiantce to Ihe trade thai we are always lookirg out for liie l' jt lolereit our Customeis. Our Ktofk of Stnl iiud Fancy GnM-eriot is iinWit. "liiire Shililcs and Sn( in Imck lid fur tin' iioeoin inodiition of our ('on tit ry I riimN, l-'liKK. Yours foi iliiNii.i-M. a TARKER, Jr. 6 mr&r&f&ffuP'ftf&eiS'idr'rfufi secretary and II imer of tjoldslioro lown n,s fali and winie the stenographer to Oovernor Aycock. Mr. Hilary T. li'idsoM, a son of the bite ltev. II T. ii-.iJ-on. c'aiof clerk to Audi B. F. Dixon; Mr. (isorge Norwood of this county, chief clerk to Secretary of Stale Urpan Qrlmcs, and k is said cx SlierifT Arringto:i of Xasli, now l.i the 'tale Agilcnllurnl Department, will be chief clerk In the treasury Labor Com niiHtly Weather Conditions. The low pressure area over the west ycstcrilav baa developed into a storm of considerabla energy central this morn ing In the lake region. It has been fol lowed by colder weather from tho lower Missouri and central Mississippi valleys uorlbward with 7. ro temperatures over the northwesi. Tbo weather has continued generally unsettled with snow in the northwest and rain from the lakes southward lo the Onlf Btates and eastward lo the coast. Cold weather Is tho forecast for to day. HARD TO SETTLE. The Cora Deal la Chicago. Ciiicaoo, Nov. 20. November corn was 3 cents higher f ir a second or two soon after the opening of the market to day than It closed Saturday. It sold at 4:iJ, Saturday's final li;nres having been 1! cents. Qeorgo II. Phillips, a young specula tor, who ciune into prominence only about six months ago, has bought be tween 5,000,000 and (i. 000,000 bushels fur this month's delivery, and tbeiu ate only 1,100,000 bushels of all (trades in Hie Chicago public elcva'ors. not more than one-half of that being of tne quality necessary for delivery on con tracts. Small supplies of eontract corn and not a great deal of any kind have Invited manipulation. The man who controls this month's deal has all the necessary grit for the operation, but whether he can secure the amount of mnn"y necessary to run a i leal which has alrealy led all the mlx- Ing anl cleaning establishments in the reports have been rocoived of a cyclone ! mNsioner Varner nn 1 .Sup .-Intendont i f Chinese Indemnity Perplexes the Quct lion of Agreement., WaMiWGTOM. November 20. The Chinese situation was the main topic un der consideration at, today's Cabinet meeting. Tbo Administration Is not disposed lo join with the other govern rnentt In making demand upon the Chi nete Imperial authorities which the Chi nee Oivcrninont cannot comply llb 80 far at nur O jvernm rni i. advlcd, the foreign Mlukler t. lVln h no i yet agreed upon all p d:iis uuder d cuanlon. Having passed over tbo stago f ro- acrlption trr tbe Chlni o h-alirs ;ho , were responsible for tbn Itoxrr outrages, the forelgu ni'ulileia aiu b Hoed now to be eocated with th difficult anl Jl cf " Indemnities and guar an teea. ' . " , Tbe iiieilonof IntKninlty Ills be lievtd wilIU auioai Ultlliiili task for the mlnMori at I'ekln t" h gr neol on, particularly Ij view of the existence of . a very tlrona; suiple.Ioa of Ibe motives of some of these mlats- which passed through Middle Tennessee about 7 o'clock lo-nlght. Passenger trains on the Louisville anil Nashville system from Tuscumbia and Xew Orleans, due here about 8 o'clock, ran into heaps of debris along tbe road about two milos north of West Harpetl'. i :onduclor A. Merry Held, of tbo Tus eiiinhia train, walked a distance of a mile and a half to a telegraph olfico north of the scene of disturbance and sent to Superintendent Oeddes' office a short message of the genera! situation at the ' scene. The extent of the cyclone and amount of damage, have not been ascertained, as I the wires are down. Two Bpeclal trains have left Nashville over the Louisville and NaBhvllle for the scene, having on board Train Master Howard, several linemen and train dia ! patchers. Memphis, Tbnn , Nov. 20. -A tornado visited Northern Mississippi this after I noon, causing loss of life and much . . i . .. i r .. i .. i country lo attempts at the Improvement P"'!'" "euiage. e,.o.lB num .,u.u,, of Ihe lower erade corn so as lo lit il for ! Tunica oun,y. lurco ne8roC8 werc delivery to Mr. Philips at the high Instruction Toon have not chosen clerks. their price ho has created can only bo proved by the result. He bought the hulk of the corn he hold at belwoen 30 and 117, and as the future price toil .y was 0 over the average of those figures, he h id In sight over $400,000 pro'it, could he Hud a market Tor all he bad at the top of to day's ad vance. Wreck of The Maine. WAiiitNOToie, Nov. 20. -Commaodi r Luclon Young captain of tho port of Havana, has called for proposals for ro, moving tbe wreck of the Maluo from tbe bottom of Havana harbor. Tbe bids will be opened IJyixrnbcr'lrilh, next. Tbo contractor will bo allowod uutll April 1st, next, to remove tbo material, and must engage to ne bo explosives In the removal. killed, Many buildings were razed and I bo damage to crops cannot bo estl I mated. I La Ukanob, Tknn , Nov. 20. A tor ! nado struck this town to-day, causing much damage and killing W. C. Moody ' and two negro women. Kdward Smith the Southern Railway agent was serloue ', ly Injured. The storm made lis appearance shortly ! after mid-day and swept everything In Its path. Eight residences and threr Churches were destroyed. Tho damage to cotton In the boll will be great. Bolh makers and circulators of coun terfeits commit fraud. Ilouesl meu will noi deceive you inio buying worthless counterfoils of DeWilt's Witch Hazel Salve. The original Is infallible for curing piles, sores, ec.en'.a acd all sUiii diseases I''. S DulTy. Will Sell Their Twins. I'i K.VEi.ASii, ()., Nov. 21. Moses I'er lln and wife offer fine healthy twin boys for sale. Tbe first four years of tbeir married life they had three children, one at a time. The following year they had twins, now offered for sale. The father of tho twins put an advertisement in a newspaper, saying that the twins could he adopted, because be was too poor to care for them. When Investigation was made it was found that the father and mother wanted pay for the twins. "Oh, no," said the mother, "we csn't give the twins away. Wo will sell them for ITiO cash, but lf we can't get pay for them wo will keep them ourselves." DOUBT IN CHINA. to I ho high price of lint sid see I cot ton Mi. Kd. L. Arthur, roproicntlng the trroeery firm of S. 1'. McNalrof Wil mington, was in our town this morning soliciting and receiving orders from the merchants. He reports hiving done a good business since 'aking tbe road for a livelihood. jMr, E. T. Bender, chief guide for northern sportsmen in this, Ihe caUern portion of North Carolina, hat a party of three northern sports at his Catfish Lake Lodge where they are having most delightful sport in various ways, they break the monotony by fishing aflcr returning from the chase in the Lake where large ipianlilies of fish arc ea-dl c.a.ighl with tho hoo1. They report having bagged up to this writing, deer, bear, turkeys, duck, brant anil ipiail in such an abundance that it is no sport at all shooting them. The Spring time .seems to have had the effect of concen trating the deer and bear in close prox imity with the lodge and lodgers in by the big gum Bwamp near by. STAB J. A. JONES. IIROAD STREET, STEWART'S ()M STAND, liivery. Feed, Male and sGxC'liUllgC . . i rt7 - J I I: V : ,c556.l.T vi.At'' tts aw riimwm impw ; Lni..fKliii,.l Kvcr Found in New IVm. lI:t!'!lCMS, KoliCK, WIlijIK, ( ill Fincsl SI and Also a t 'oiiiplci L In 1p, Klc. .i Ifk Of Lino of Millies, Wagons A. Itrond SI reel. Stew art's Old Stand ; , Easy White House Wire. ' Watu,0Toii, n.C, November 10 Vp to tho end of JDololier, IIH10, 4.W,;M tnesga hare bete bandied by tusTrtf jraf b an I Cipher Doreaa of Ihe Wblv HoUi. tl wsiorgsolaed at Ibaootbreaa of Ihe Spanish war. " ' " ' . Tentr-flv wires, several of which are duplex!, and 13 telephone eM ' coanecl the bnrtaa wl h tbe depanmen lal Hoc of lb (lovernnenl ana with f omnvrtlal mmpanlw; V Conrral (Ifeely,' thief ilgoal Officer, make special reference In his annual report to "ibis most Lnortsot and roe rote n I 1 bianrh of tbe Uovrrnmrnt r- Ine." which rrldnl McKlnley M . la his annual Bi.e ol I1M "waa In- valanble to Hie r.o-cntlre In dlrrclln the operations of thi amy anl navy.' CASTOR I A Tot Infant and Cl.iMrca. ' YC3 i)Ulr:;iV:' Good Snapshot. Okri.IN, Nov. 10. A Ilrealau merch aof, Kerr Rplodltr, who look an Instan taneoai photograph of the scene ot tbe moment when Helma Bchnapke threw lb bauhsl at the Kaiser In Breslso last Friday, baa tieen requested lo de stroy tbe plclne becanse It would dla plMe the Enipetor. He has compiled with tbe request. V ntztcetothe West. Niw ToBitV.Nn.- 8-flrntral 'Tlla tlafh Ler,'bn amvrtl ir-Uy f row Cuba, wMI Slav In lbl rliy fof three r four day, After reporting at Washlng tia, he will fn to t'meha and take com and of tba Deparlmenl of il.oorl, to whU h be bss Uen aljnd- Was Disappointed In Love. Drookvillb, Ind., Nov. 21.-MIm Phoebe Meeka, the famous recluse, has J'ist died at her borne here, aged elghty-tive. Sixty yeara ago she was disappointed In love, and the made a resolution lo eul herself off from the world. So far as known, from that day she never left hei house, and, notwithstanding there Is s railroad within 100 yards ol bor borne. she absolutely refused to look at the care, Tbe wtndowi and door on the ground floor of tha little brick borne were closed, and lb only communica tion MU Meek held with Ihe outside world during recent yeara waa through a email aperture In on of tbo doors where tha Bcoeasarle. of Ufa were patnetl lo by a woman employed by Ihe recluse. , ' . v an DeWilt's Little Early Hlsers are the best liver pills ever made. Kasy to take and never gripe. F. fi. DulTy. The Tornado. Nasiivii.i.k, Tknn., Nov. 21 The latest reports received from the sections Central and Western Tennessee and Northern Mlsslsdppi which were swept by a tornado yesterday show lhat at least 05 persons were killed an 1 over 7d injured. FRESH LOT I Harvey's Small Sugar 1 Cured Pig Hams The) One) Day Cold Our. CoM I brad an4 aor thraM cmn4 k to. MU'tClMmlalrt L atM Quinine. AawqrS lakaMcawiy, "Viiaerr lor la." 9 ... ,' pprsnitcf AfalaalJo., Mnatl.a, Ki.v,- i J -II. t.n Maratiotn the form of Filipino rhn f, In prtps'vd 10 atari In pmsull of Annlnildo lib 104 pbkd native, suppniled by Auil-ricit ITOOp. J ... . Oihrr Filipinos will I uc In tm pUblti( In tl. tvufniry. Their offer bf not bren fonnllr Mde )-.' bail lht tr rvaily If the aelburltlr will ac rpl Ihelr flr Anlod'lo, Il Is tnppoied. Is In North- 'rn Lrifin. ecordlrg to statimnts I nn ' l y fnrmrr lnutjpni 1-dpfs , 1" In Manila, ronfitmrd from oilier . Past Cotton PIckitr -. , Avurfa, Oa., No. SI. I a eotloa ptrklng oontrsl it Oood Hope, Oe, Irrdav, Warner B Hale fathered 73) pouad of the slaol. Ul friends elalm b has established a record. , . kissua Dnty oa rioor. . Taonaa, Watktncton, Nor. II. Tha nlaa Ooverement will, on Ja. I, pot a duty of 0 cents a barrel oa flour for Siberia. , The object 1 lo mnnnpnllr tbe rspldly growing trade for th H!ack B miller. Tils will be a bard b'nw lo U VlAo Ccs-t mllWn, who bv ba building Hp b't lade, thtoojB Vladlvrnlok lib M'H'ila. The completion of the lana 8ilr!a Una my tut cTmiHit of the ttsn rarlRi; lf-!e wl:h I'. !' part. Demand for Punishment. Too Large Indemnity. Resist Advance. i notch, Nov. 21. These two Important developments occurred to-day In tbe ( hlneso situation: Minister Conger cabled to Secretary Hay, asserting his belief that the pun ishments Imposed by tho recent decree Issued by the I hlneso Qovernment are not sufficient. Tb's opinion Is diamet rically opposed to that onterlalned by the President and secretary of State. Germany baa proposed that as a con dition lo conllnulog ihe negotiations China be compelled to esecate eleven princes and officials responsible for the Cblnete outrages. This condition Is highly nnsnllsfactory to the Admlslstr tlon, -ffbloh Is e i peeled lo take step lo seen re It modlfloatlon. Advices from I'ekln concerning tbe question of the Indemnity which the power will demand of China are dis couraging to the officials here, who ap prehend that serious difference will arl aong tho power rep ding tbe amount of the olal ns to be pretoaied Minister Conger bat been discouraged I th attitude of several pow-, which eeem Inclined loo the Indemnity at aa high a flgore that It It not believed even China, with her eoormou resource will b bl lo meet It. There are other alarming featarue. which indicate lhat Chin may rebel agalmt what the claim lo be eitonloa hou!d Ika power per lit In their ilemtnd. c " Dkkum, Kor. Jl.Connt ton Waldr. see eblei frjtn Pukln lb be ha ad vices from Ooloael Torek Corps show, lag that th tb Chine ganeral II 0, with IO.OoO regular troop and mack ar tilery, I attr Kalgan, prepared to re sist energetically a farther advaao of tbaetpedliloa. 1 Colon! Torek, therefore, wilt awall reinforcement be for ' attempting to proceed. - Wbea you wtnl prompt artlng lllll pills thai ntver gripe ae D Wltt't Utile Early niser. f. 8. Doffy. . Root Likes Cuba. Samiaoo, Cum, Nov. 21. Secretary Ho it and General Wood, with tlie olhei members of Ihelr party, left this morn ing for Guantanamo. The Secretary declines to discuss political quostlous for publication, but says that CubaJs the richest anil pret tiest place he has ever seen. FROM r PUREIN HEALTHFUL!! Whi In Bayboro lop at tha LuptO llotise fol good accommodation COCOA AN D CHOCOLATE - adia m oun rrowt . (Naked) jusl rcccivotl. New ltd Wlmlr Coil l i.sli; Atinorc's Celelinitoil Mince Moat; Ili in's A pii'i' Sattr Kranl. Full line KviijiornLi'tl Fruits; Ontiiio parttl tind I'latii Huck wlicjil, II-iii HilUer 1 IFckor's I'rc- 5 5 a Fancy Elgin Butter, Maple Syrup, New Orleans MoIilshch and Fancy Cane New Car IaJ (Snow Drift, Star and Admiral Flour. The Ileal 5c Cigar sold in tlie ('iiy. A job lot of Good Ciarn, :i for Klc. Try tlielu ! Syrup; 50 J. L. McDANIEL, Ol. 71 'Blione Wholesale A Iletall Krirl HU . .5: FINE MULES JUST ARRIVED ! Two Car JLontU , FINE HORSES f . To a 'Ivv a ool Not, 1st. ' : t 5,000,000 - , v ,A , ' ; (!UUMGEPLAXr, mnt ho old -Jersey and Char lee toa WtkefleM varletiea VFRV LOW. 1.000 Barrel R Ion Smooth Beed Irtkh rottoe. wrtta 10 W. P. BAUUItAK, Proprietor, Cottage drove aad Iloaey PcxlTmch Farm, Washington, n. C. CKOHfl TIKH 1VAI8T11D. , fsrtle who can ent whit oak and ysllow ot hul pin eros lie and de liver urn oa Hen or Trent river, where tie can be lomled on temboa Of barge. Can Bad rash nrkel for am Addr, for partlcolar. F. B no, J?wErn, K, C. i Vtt aim have i mVe price right. Urge lot of nuonir.s and ii a: ii h Aim 6 so: i