r - " -t - 71 faat t Clamm - at a 4 M eP 1 Sort and LToer avr became chrocU tuUees the blood iia poo ouad; uua u aluggiah, twk ed utU to thaow od tb ami that mcbbuK ia H. Tb tytUm muat b itlarcd of IM unhealthy matter through theaora, and graatdanget to life would foUov abould U heal beior the blood hat beea made par and healthy aad all impolitic t limnmed from the jra tarn. &S.S. begins the curt by nrttcleana lug aad invigorating U blood, building op the general heeJii aad removing from nZT A OOMSTAMTDRJUII effrtuvu. VPOM THE SYSTOL Whea thit haa been accomp'.ithed tb Uia charge gradually ccaaea. and tb toe at tricetbcel. It u tbe tendency of these old indolent aorta to grow worn aad worae. aad eventually to destroy the bones. Local application, while eoothing and to aom a teat alleviate paia, cannot reach tb eeai of the trouble. S. 8. S. doe, and no matte bow apparently hopeleat your condition, even though your constitution baa broken down, it will bring relief when nothing elae can. It euppUee the rich, para blood aeeeanary to heal jib aor and aoariah the debilitated, diaad body. air. I. a TUMrt, Look box tti. Wtaoaa. . I. B. Talbot, Leak Boa au. Wtaoaa. Miea, v4 year lay tea (rasa tbekaeet x ni m moklA eoce. aevenl TaiciM tlx foot treated m aud I on bat foand aa fall ellef. I waeiaaaceatotn 8. aTV. aadMseadeaeomplcteean. 1 km beta a at la the Only Purely vee etabl blood purifier known contain no poitoaou nunerala to ruin tba dimatina nnA add to, rather than relirra your offer ing. iU your flesh does not heal readily when ecratcbed, bruiand or cut, tout blood is in bad condition, and any ordinary ant is apt to become chronic . Send for our free book and write our pbyaidans shout your case We make no Charge for this eerrice. , th; twin tnam to. Atlanta, a. . Waning of the UoaevaooD. "What did you see la me to Induce yoa to marry mrT" she asked "Nothing," he replied. "What r she cried, indignantly. "Oh, It Isn't your fault," he replied. Soothingly, "I evidently had visions and I ought to have consulted an oculist st the limp." Mont be Kept Secret. Publisher This story of yours Is splendid. Don't nse a nom deplume. Publish over your own name. It will make you famous. Author It's money I'm after, not fame. Publisher But you'll get Just as much money In either case. AuBhor No, I - won't. If I publish over my own name my wlfe'll get it. e The Bequest. I don't think old Squeezlt got much out of life ho lived poor. Tes, but he died rich, and thick of the satisfaction his relatives will get, Tba Prima Requisite. Mr. Flightle Mere talent Is not sppre elated nowadays. Oh, if I only bad a tot'eh of real genius Wife Oenlus Isn't what you need. Kb? What, then T Horse sense. When other fall, take Roberta' Taste less Chill Tonic. It cures chills, fevers malaria and general bad health. 25c. A red cross on tbe label assures you of tbe pure, high-class material that makes Roberta' a success. Don't take a substt tute. K. Davis. F. 8. Duffy & Co , 0. D. Bradham. Tba Autocrat. Idiot Verily, it has come to be 'The Anloorat of lbs Break fast Table." Bur Boarder What has T Idiot The Pruni. I Reavmt why yoa should use B bert : Tasteless Chill Tonic: composed of pars frt ingredients, pleaaan test to take, end ears when others fall. It Is master of y ChlUs, favors and all other malarial dis orders. Me. No cure, no pay. D. B Davis, . B. Duffy; (fe, 0. D. Bradbaa J a irut fnL ". v v - 2 She Great feat, yoa mean, oounl. Be Ah I sen you climbed htm more as - "TIoIdlof to . the; persuasion of my VeaiT a WIUHW VUIII IVUIW mm yifw . nooans . ana loana n wm no i nw ea " w. n. uornrsw, amoaviu. n Aagnst 14, 1890, Price Uc Get the kind vltk rad eross oa labal. J). R. Dayis, F. S. Duffy Co., a D, Bradham. A LHtt Maw ta Tmytmg, Waggs Old Bostam paid mo aa slee- tloa bat of 19 le-dsy. Wlgfs Oo whin, that's prompt for aim, yoo'rs Iscky to gat it at alLv Bo be bet oa Bryaa, ah f , - Waggs Roi Oa Oasceck against Gar ,-field. .. v - ' - ; , - , KUlloai WYCTAw-aT. - ' Ms certainly gratifying to the public to knov of one coacera which la aot . frsld 10 be generous. The proprietors of Dr. Ring's Kw Discovery for Coa- umplloa, Congbs and CoUls, bar give ''. away over lea million Irlal botl'a.t an .have th satisfaction of knowing it has , a red thousands of hopeless eaaea. Asthma, Broacbltla, La Grippe and all Throat, ' Cheat aad Lang disease ar 'surely eared by II. Call on 0. D. Brad bum, lrnrrft, and let fre trial bot- at guaraiAd. T U'uon who think b I at 10 asually thinks at 40 what I used to U. ageald m aa he Bom pnpt gain rfpotaiioa for ctavernea wba tbey are simply disa greeable. FRODCCE TEX0W7I AW AT. , . y Eudrecs as Theuaad af facksrts . v. Every . leaf .. -. Fret Usforsaailoa which we deese trmatwanlif ws fed coaSdeat la aaaett lag that (roes 160,000 to 810,000 packages of Florida prodae are thrown away ia New York City every year.- This b aot all actaalty damped. Hot la damped, eoM pays pari of IU cbargas, aoaas pays the charge; bat all of It brlag the grower nothing, sad Is thrown sway so far sa he la concern. That number of packages, at 400 to ihr car, would make 879 carloads, representing probably the yield uf M0 acre. Oa each acre is ex pended sav . $90 worth of fertiliser; a tout of 110,000. hted lalor, era toe, aa otocb more Grand total, $ 20,000 on the wrong stilt of the ledger, io nay nothing of (he relarns that ought to hare been raaalved. This deplorable result l" brought aout partly by Indifferent aor' lug and packing of ladifferent p-oilnoe, but chiefly by lndlaerlorinate shlppli lo one center, producing congestion and a diseased market. To the avert, e Flor ida sbtpper the city of New York boxes tba compass of American markets. While venting denunciations upon the trusts, syndicates and corporate rapaci ties of the metropolis, he confidingly commits all his produce to this depraved city in the childlike belief that its vast appetite haa stomach for it all and will oar for it all. The authority above re ferred to Is of the opinion that one-half the produce of Florida shipped out of the Slate is consigned to Now York. Tba result Is. at certain seasons the side walks and warehouses are cumbered with accumulated vegetables, often heated and leaking, and the garbage carts and dumping scows are as active as the dead wagons In a pestilence. This might seem lo be, on the part of the shippers, an act of Increditable folly, but it ia only the result of ignor ance. They limply do not know that everybody else Is shippmg to New York. There Is no headquarters to steer the consignments There Is no power on earth that can prevent every grower In Florida from shipping to New York today and to Philadelphia tomoi row. These facts Illuminate lib a calcium llgl.t the v necessity of organization among the growers of Florida to regu late the distribution, as the pineapple growers hsve done from the beginning. Until such time ss they shell have learned wisdom and perfected an organ ization for this purpose, there Is a con- ibutary measure of relief that might be adopted, which is the diversion of a per' centage of the shipments to markets in the Sonlb. The awakening -prosperity of this section has created a demand for and the means to purchase more luxu rles- Factory operatives and other ar llsans are the best patrons of the mar ket, according to their means, generally oendine all their earnings. It is a fact that Southern towns today pay higher prlces, proportionately, for Florida produce thap Northern towns, simply because they do not receive a suffi cient supply. This -anomaly should be removed. . For Instance, Boston quotes Florida orange 1.80 to $3.85; New York, $2 75 to $3.23; Richmond, $3 to $3.50; Jack sonville, $8.85 to $3 50; Atlsnta, $3 25 to $3.50; New York, cucumbers, fancy. ija to $1.50; other grades, 80c to $1; Atlanta, $1 to $1.25; New York, peppers, 25o to 75c per barrel; Atlanta, 50 to 75c per orate. If Atlanta, as shown by tbe quotations, bas a scarcity, other leu im portant cities in the South doubtless have still greater. It I true the charges to Bouthern points, by lb single package, are higher than the carload rate to New York. But e higher charge, which leave the grower something, is better than a lower charge which leaves him nothing The axorete rateon pineapples, per 100 pound, from VTlWs vllie lo Atlanta, is $1 10, Chatlanajgki $1.50; Birmingham, $1.50. VegeKtoles, per 100 pounds, from . "... . : Gainesville Vo Atlanta, $1; Birmingham, $Lt& Chattanooga, $1.85. . Orange, per! 80-pound bot, Plant City to Atlanta, 85 cents; Birmingham, 80 eenU; Chilian oo ga, M cents; Asbevtlle, $130. W do not, by any mean, advise an Indiscriminate diversion of shipments from Nov York lo Southern markets. Whtt w do advise I that-our reader should carefully lavesllgat the ltua tlos, writ to responsible house lo dlf- fereat eJUe and ascertain what can be don, To all subscriber tending a few stamp ve will furnish list of bouse in almeel ' any towa to which Ftoridiao would be likely to consign. W would guarantee nothing; we would simply furnish the addreetef of booses which have the best local reputation.-Florida Time Union."' . X ; lyLiite Tibacco Sale. The' floor of the rUuter Tobacco Warehouse was covered yesterday with pile of tobacco. " ' 1 ; It wa Frealom day Mle, . aad tb farmer bringing tobacco took wy good saoaey from tbe tale of their product, end auny ' haadaom tad - fal trlidea, Which were, glvea U prc- mlama, . : '; Ta price realised from the (ale, were m-rfecttv ailfaotorr la orery - la- sUBce. t ' " I Superior Conn Proceellnn. The eNll docket caaMof the Fell term of lb Bnperlur Court of Ortrea ooaaty ware tried yselerday, the follow ing being lh result. Meadows Vs. Tiadale, eoatlBUad. Cobea tl. death, cooUnosd. . Wbev. Cot, eontlnued." ' Baaonck . Keaaedy, ludgateat for plalatllT. Buttaa Ta. Gilbert, Milled. Wlggln v. Wlggln. divorce,- Jodgv mal for platBlIff. va ra In Psyboro tv-p at th Lupto II I t tiA aommoiUt'oo. &OTIJL The School Several lev asila Uga. lass Rev rTedacti. Tie ruaduv nm. Novessoar 17. Mr. R.A. Iticbardaoa veal to New Bar yeaurday aad rata read this aaora- lag. Messrs. L. O. Terrell, Jew Evans aad Henry Dangbarty went to Elaatoa this morning to sell eottoa. Near fifty bales wars shipped from here to Klastoa yes terday. ' - Tba Dover High School continues to improve. There are alxiy-ain enrolled aidaewonee cornier la everv week Kverything bids fair for this school to bo pertnaaeat and contlaes to grow. Arrangements are being made to com mence work oa eevcral new dwelllnr within a few days. Two of tbem will be bollt oa Main Street. We go forward gradually and surely. Mr. L, C. Hasaengall's baby died Mon day morning about eight o'clock and was buried today In the Evan's grave yard. The little one suffered for sever al days before it died. We extend our condolence to the bereaved family and trust tbey may meet the precious little one in heaven. Mr. Levi Ferrel Is credited with the statement that Mr. F. H. Dawson made sweet potatoes in the Outlaw Swamp as large as pumpkins and Mr. J. B. Qrifflo made pumpklna so large that he had to split them before he could haul tbem home. Mr. Ferrel Is general Bupertn tendent of, this farm which contains some of the best laud in Eastern North Carolina, Tbe Qoldsboro Lumber Company has completed the band saw mill and will commence work this morning. It seems to be very conveniently arranged. Turkeys are coming In pretty plenti ful and our citizens are preparing to feast during the holidays. Eggs are scarce here and are selling at twenty cents per dozen. Mr. W. H. West Is haying a very neat dwelling built about three miles from here where he Intends to take his lovely bride and start out for self In the farm ing and dairy business. Bow Weather Work Woaaer. Not tbe least mysterious of all the wonders of tbe earth 1 the extraor dinary cleverness of Dame Nature as a carver and designer. Her tools are air, rain, rivers, springs and frost. Any one who has ever seen tbe mar velous Queen Bess rock on the North Oornlsh coast, that wonderful present ment of the great Queen Elizabeth, who Is seated so grandly upon the sands, must have asked himself th question as to how such a tKing could have been accomplished. Continuous trickling of water wears away the face of the rock. Haphaz ard It was until at last a weird pat tern Is formed that sometimes resem bles a man's face, sometimes an anl- I inal. All over the world Nature haa placed her picture gallery and her col lection of statuary, tbe biggest free ahow In the world. Another work of Nature's that very often result In extraordinary changes being effected Is a landslip. And landslips have arisen from the tiniest possible causes. A little un derground flow of water had gradually undermined a hill or cliff until at hut the earth became like a hollow nut Then the soil became top heavy. The ea beat against Its foundations, and millions of ton of earth were flung Into the sea, which prove the axiom that tbe tiniest beginning often pro duce the mightiest ends. SeleettMW Qlaaswar. To select glass with discretion tt 1 necessary to Understand somewhat of it manufacture and to recall the prop erties of tbe chemicals of which it is composed. These materia la are chiefly soda, potash, Una, alumina and oxide of lead. Tbe quality of the glass to be manufactured depends upon 'the amount of the basic material united with tbe silica or sand. Tb beet glass la made with lead, which gives to It luster, fusibility and high refractory power. It is often called flint glass to distinguish It from lime glass, which Is much cheaper and of a decidedly green' lab tint Flint glass la that which hi most gen erally aaed for cutting and polishing. It may be picked out by tbe clear, bell like tone which It (ends forth when struck. Tbit teat may be made without any danger of breaking tbe glass If It be held firmly In one band while tb upper part or edge la sharply struck with a pencil or other instrument, tbe only care requisite being to eee tbet tbe glass doe not touch any object when It is rtmck, since If there be room for It to vibrate glass will never break. Harper' Basar. A aieaa' m a iiaar. First Beggar Why didn't yon tackle that lady 7 She might have given yoa something. . - - . . Second Beggar I let ber go because I, nod era land my bnelnei better than yon. I never ak a woman tor any thing when b la alone, but when two Woman are together yon can get money from both, beca use each one n afraid tbe other will think ber ttlngy If eho refuse. Tble profreetoa haa to etodled, Inst like aay other, If yoa ex pert to make a aucceea of It See?- Hei-Um Life. : .; Tb v ' The Grand Duke of Muhlenberg wa one day gambling at tb Doberan table and wa betting on tbe earn numbers aa a rich master potter who (toed next lo him. w , . - Both having lost their soeoey, tb grand duke Inquired, "WetL potter. what shall we do totr "Ob," replied the matter potter, your blglioea will screw up lb tax. aud I (ball tTiake pola." ' ' ' Re T1a la m lew. II ftlintdlyi Now that w ar en grd 11 prveame 1 may may k Is too mock I plea, mayn't IT he (encouratiniiyi Tea, Indeed. Has Ibr nit of your time, dr, There' to (riling bow lung as ngr Bient will lt nowailajt, roo know- Firs Elurlf.. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yoa cat It aTtlflcUUy digests u food aad aids Nature la etreng ibetUnf aa4 racon atrocUnf ibej exbaustod dlgosUve or gans. It UlheUtst disco vereddlgeab aat And toala No other frfeparauoa caa approach It ia efficiency, it in stantly relieve tod permanently cores Dyspepsia, Indigestion,. Heartburn, Flatulence. Soar Stomacb, Nausea, Bick Headache, (HstnlglaXrampeeod ail other results of imperfect digestion. Prtoe.anatL UmabweoaaalaaluttaM asllssas Mookauaboaaaraaaaaiaaiaiianrre Pfwaara ay L C OaaflTT A CO. Cbtceg. r . DUFFY PREMIUMS AWARDED By The New Bern Fair Association Their Mlh, Exhibition Held Hot. 12 tr, 1900. DEPARTMENT I. Cla I---I.lre Game. at Best pair Double Rail, Carter Ti dale $2 00 4 00 2 00 7") 50 1 Oil 60 50 2-5 1 00 50 1 00 Best pair 6 u miner Ducks, John Dunn Best Loon, C. E. Hancock Best Qray Squirrel, R. L. Daniels, Merrit, N. C. Second best, do -Best Fox Squirrel, Wm. F. Ward Second best, do Best gray rabbit, W. T. Pi ice Second best, do, W. A. Smiih Best coon, Cennle Hcnuett Second best, do, Mtrcus Dill Best oppoauni W. T. Price Secend best do, Hatn'l. Dunsou, James Cily Best flying tquirrc), JameB Duffy Clatts II. Ieul Game. Best woodcock, Carler Tiedale, (J premium) But pair English Salpe, Willie Harris Best Double Rail, T. B. L'aue Best Single Rail, D. L Ilensley, (J premium) Best pair Meadow Larks, D. L. Hensley Best pair BhulTcr Ducks, D. L. HenBley Best pair Mnlliird Ducks, I). L. Hensley Best black Ducks, D. L. Hcusley, 50 1 00 1 0J 1 50 1 00 SO 1 25 1 2T 63 1 50 1 00 25 2 00 2 00 50 2 00 (T premium) Best pair Blucwing Teal, D. Hensley Best pair Coots, do Second best, do Ii. Best pair Spoonbill, do Beat pair Summer Ducks, T B. Lane Second bett do, L. D. Hensley Best pair Bitrons, do Best Loon, T. P. Williams 1 00 Best Fox Squirrel, T. B. Lane 50 DEPARTMENT II. Clam II Fish and Oynter. Largest sturgeon, F. Oaakill & Co. r oo Best display ciabs, Geo. N. Ives & Co. 500 75 00 5 00 Best collection fish, do Best bushel clams, do Second do John Stanley 2 50 Best bushel oysters, Fair Associa tion ;1000 7 50 6 00 25 00 8econd best, do Third best, do Best display oysters, do DEPARTMENT III. Field aud Garden Gropi. Best display, W. H. Bray 75 00 Best bale cotton, Graham Richard son, 500 1.00 10 00 Best stalk cottcn, W. H. Bray Best 20 lbs lemon wrappers, E. J. Hester, Best bushel wheat, (white) nV.1I. Bray, 1 00 1 00 Best bushel wheat, (red) do Best display of wheat do Best S bushels white corn in ear, 2 00 do Best 1 bushels yellow corn in ear, do Beat 9 bushels tweet corn In etr, do Best 0 stalks, ear attached, do, Beat IS etr white corn, do Beit 12 ears yellow corn, do Best display corn, do Best bushel etrly oatt, do Best bushel while oats, do, Best bushel black oat, do Best buthel winter oats, do Best buthel rutt-proof oatt, do Best display of oats, do Best sheaf of winter rye, W F. Crocket, Beat display of rye, do Beat sheaf upland rloe, do Best bal of pea vine bay, do Best bal native grass, do Best bal timothy hay, W. H. Bray Beit buthel black -eyed pea, W. F Crock tt. 1 00 100 Beat bethel elay pea, do 100 Best bushel whit pea, do Best bushel speckled peat, W 100 IL Price, Beat bushel black peas, W. n. Bray too 'too too Beat Vflthl anknova n,do Beat buthel whlppoorwtn, do Bt I beahels large peaawte, do Beat I bushel small peeaett, do " Bt buthel V. Q Oerata ttUlstt. . dO : . 1 '.'; 100 Best oaart oollard teed, w. T. , Crocket,' ' ; ; ,;.. , ,i. trjp Best quart cabbago seed, If. EL Bry, " . . , ; ' ' Beat quart taratp teed, V , ( , Beat display of d, do ' Betl bushel while laxalpe W. F. Crorkeit, 1 , .: " . ' Best bushel perple top taralp, 4 Best bushel Mock beet, V. D. ; Bray, Best bushel sagar beets, do , IVst celery, do ' llt tftff plaat, W. , Crockttt, ' Bft cal.beg, Vf . 11. Bray, rjt collacds, to salsify, W. F. Crockett Beat parsnip, do Beat aqeath. W. H Bray Beat carrot, do Fatspkiat. do Bunch braii, do Cacumbert, do Artichoke, do lUdUh, do Kale. W F Crockett Red fepper, W H Bray Ked twert p4aluei, 1o While tweet potatoes, W F Crock -et( Yellow seet poi , do r t ) potatoes, tied l;:i . do Irlab polaloea, whilr. W II I ray IrUb polloe, F.ri)' Itose, W F (.'rockeit While firld besns. do Red onions, do While onions, W il llr.y Yellow onions, do Single pumpkin. W F C rockeil Kutabagas, do Full grown snap 'jeans, W H Buy Lotluce, do 1 00 1 00 l ob 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 on 2 (A) V. C IlRinii W F UroLkelt DKPAKTMKNl IV. tlorse'a and Callle. licBt brood mare, 4 rears old or over, R P Williams Itcsl entire coli.l jear old, Joseph Kinsey IteHt brood mare, 4 years old or over, T W Dewey IJest filly, 1 year old, Joseph Kin sey 10 00 500 10 00 5 00 5 00 1 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 500 5 00 Bent btallion, 2 ears old J A Jones Hesl leinn, W F Crockrll ilest pair mared nr geldiugs lo WHgon, do Best jack, 3 years or over, D W Whit ford Best mule, 'A jCAra or over, Joseph Kir. sry Best pair mule", broken, do Best pony. Wright Mooro IIKI'AIITMKNT V. Best bull (ilolstino Friesian) 3 yrs or over, W M Beunenger Be9t bull, llolslinc Friesinn, 2 yis old, do Best bull, Holstinc Friciian, 1 yr old, do Ilest cow, llolslinc Friesian, 3 yrs old, do Best Heifer, Holsline Friesian, 2 year old, do Best Heifer, Holsline Friesian, 1 year old, do Best herd, Holstino Friesian, do 5 00 5 00 ?00 5 00 5 00 3 00 500 5 00 5 00 liest bull, Jersey, 2 yean or over, V V Croekett Rest cow, Jersey, 3 years old or over, do Best heifer, Jersey. 2 yrs old, do Best beifer, Jersey, 1 year old, do 5 00 300 500 800 5 00 500 300 Best herd, Jersy, do Best bull, Ayshire, 1 yr old, V M Benncnger Best cow, Grades, 3 years old or over, do Best heifer, Grades. 2 yra old, do Best heifer, Grades, 1 year old, W F Crockett Best bull, Sweepstakes, dairy bleed, V M Uennengcr Best bull, Sweepsleaks, beef breed do Best cow, Sweepstakes, dairy breed, do Best cow, Sweepstakes, beef breed do Fattest beef animal, do 5 00 r,co 5 00 5 00 5 00 200 8 00 200 Best buck goat, R P Williams Best boar, W F Crockett Best sow, W F Crocket Best sow and litter, do 8 00 Best boar, Duroc Jersey, W M Bennenger 300 800 Best sow, Duroc Jersy, do Best boar, Sweepsleaks, W F Crocket 200 Best bow, Sweepstakes, W M Ben nenger 2 00 Best herd, 8wecpstakes, W r Crockett 200 Best sow and litter, Sweepslakel do (Continued on 4tb, page.) 300 it very much liko the blossom ing of a flower. IU lieatity and perfection depends entirely upon the care bestowed upon it parent. F.xpectant mothers should have the,tenderet caro. They kbould be spared all worry and auxioty. Thuy should cut nletitv of rood nourishing food and take gcntleeserciMHt Thit will jro a long way toward preserv ing their health and their beauty a well aa that of tbe little on to conse. But to ne niKwiuiaiy rn of a abort, and painless labuf they stiouiu ue loo I Friend too tnrlar1yartaieili goeia. tlo TalUateHeat1wkieli la I Ve amlll eiiereellr. It .Irvmrtk end vlenr la I He tMeetae 4 Metreet ellet ikedleeeoit'Wiao (we lcr, whirh om m4 te Wnh m abenletel Beeeeury. . w ae Moiker'e rrleaa I 4 (her I M aner rhevr, - ' ' ' IM MmhH'a Frl4 at th drag Mere, el pmr hmtli e. .',: m Husrmt nUATM ca. - ATLANTA. OA. tHMUitaM."elMa ' 100 100 00 101 100 1 00 1 00 1 00 100 T7 A Baby's 200 I ' 100 I aoo I too I 100 I 100 100 - Russell Houso. i co WMlt In P.oufort b tnr end ttnp loo 1C0 lb ltnexll' House. First ( la Hoard. A h"m for trave'tng peopla. Fishing 100 and honllnr nt- ;U 1 arm IIJ day or ft-w per week O A. BUF?ELL Trop 1 00 100 is loo I S -x ."S y LJ THIS BEST Dashing Pouta Fits Ihe Cue. Paiienl What would you recom m nd for somnambulism, doctor ? Doctor Well, you might try Insom nia. Grounds f.r (he Opinion. Miss Wumugham She links I'm too mussnary. Mr. Hokeby How's dal? Miss Wufnngham -Well, I done ad vised her not to marry a man what ain't got a cent an no prospec of a job. Old Flame. Pearl You say he is an old flame? K'joy Yes; he ia always smoking aad goes out every night. Sometime. Tommy, how do you explain that pait of the verse which says 'as a fool dleth'? How does a fool die? He dyes his whiskers, Ma'am. Siilcus lie is always talking about his ancestors. Cynicus ll,s too bad they can't retail ale. KIght In Their Line. Mermaid What luck First we are in ! Second Mermaid What is il dear? First Mermaid A ship loaded with rainy day skirts bas just sunk. The Satisfaoilon In it. 1 wonder why Kaleacre puis all his savings under bis pillow every night? Reckon he wants people to know that lie bas enough money to retire on. Warned. Once when Mrs. Kendal was taking the role of Galatea In Dublin she bad n amusing experience. Pygmalion, It will le remembered, had a jealous wife. During the temporary absence of that lady Oalntea was about to throw herself Into the arms of Pygma lion when an old dame In the audience cried warnlugly: "Don't do It, darllntl His wife's Just pone out, and shure It'll be like ber to be Usteniu at the key- bole." The Other W7. He Bertba, 1 aiu going to ask you a question, a question which will have a lusting effect upon my life aa you an swer It Bertba. dear, will you be a sister to me V She Charley. I can't do that, but 1 Will be your wife. Boaton TranBcrtpt W1 (3 mini ii ii zvs tWUUUb L COUGH SYRUP fS Bore Lungv Gnppe,Pneu monla and Bronchitis in a few days. Why then risk OonsampUon, a alow, euro death? Get Dr. Bull' Cough Syrup. Price, 25c Don't be imposed upon. Renue the dealer's wibetltatc ; it U aot t rooa mvii m. Beiratlea OH a Acties Pi ltCU. E.W. Smallwood DEALER IM GENERAL HARDWARE, And all Kinds of BUILDING SUTffiliL Wire Netting, Screen Door ant Window. O LACIER REFRIGERATORS Which are the best. Tbey have but fee equals and No Superiors. Ice Cream Freeter. Water Cooler Michigan Stove and Bangea. Faint. Under Hotel Chattawka, NEW I1E11N. N. Attention a Sportsmen:! Wt call roar 'atteelloa to oar of Loaded Bbell havt Ueaa la Staoko- Urn, Batl-teokltt aad Black Powder, with prloa a tow a eaa be bed where. We lo hvtalolot of teg Coata, Lfgli, Shell Bella, Cm. A aloe little Sporting Rifle, riet II abort or loag eartrlga, for 1 lioaniag iipiw, ". . . ii- V a ry. I IlllWltMlisniwinii mw ligaraa. Tour irtty, at J.C.VJhiUy Tcw Ilrr:!, TI, C . ea a w a . u,.aftu.lbl l Think Twice lifiri ioi pit tOBitttnf. iiti fear st tekif vkick foi boi ifltllaj. YOU RUN NO RISK WHIN YOU.TAJCB IMPROVED. Cures Chills. Fever, and all Malarial Diseases. Superior to ill So-called TistelesiTonlci Each Dose contain the same pro portion of medicine. No shaking of the bottle required. Formula) on the package. Cure guaranteed. PRICE 60 CENTS All Dnigglsti Should Han It II Stock THEY HAVE ARRIVED! The Handsome st and Rst Line of Heating Stores, Both Woodjand Coal ever shown in tho city. We are also agenta forjthe well known High Grade Cooking Stoven, such asj The Excelsior, Elmo, Farmer Girl, Farmer Boy, O. K. King and O. K. Queen. All of which we guarantee to give per fect satisfaction. If you are in need of anything In the Hardware Line or Sash, Doors and Blindt, Lime, Cement or Nails give us a call and we CAN AND WILL SAVE YOU MONEY: Yours for Business, 1. H. CUTLER H'DVf'F CO Notice ! The Oldest and Moat Reliable Firm.' Now Running, aad Delivering Nice Stove Wood, Ash, Oak and Fin to your door every day. t i A Special Lot of Red Heart. Head Made Shlaile J oat Reoeivedi Brick aad Lathes, Pott for fencing. Tar aad Lhne. Coautryatea be an re ana tee at before you ll your cattle aad pork a I ev' opened a market. . , No? my friend eotne get the Bl Pork aad Beet Bleak at ', , i .. 1 BIG HILL. Kar CI Liae aay Deal After Dark Una ear- J II ! - VlU .V )-r Veal September light Tall over- 00. eoat I frequently very comfortable la i ""Ifww lmn.i Don't erder e our lt-t aw. -loth eal Inlo be for eoa oveltle In nt'n, Purtflnla, Tl- d'ltki i4 other Its for t! An1 u and Winter of !' 1. (If tni "i r t and ft I tnut instrh n !rll t. I I WOtk-b' f tlx-y ae. M e . CO

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