V TOLOMI IIIII. KIW BIRR, CRAYII COUHTY, N. C, TUISDAY, DICEMBIR 4 1 aim -FIRST SllTIOS. ICMBIE 11 ) PRES1DEHTS mm. Probably Will Isslst on Holdup Philippines. Deasnds Open User la China. Fa vors Ship Subsidies, K action War Tx, Inter-Oernnle Ca nal and Increase Brg alar Xrmj. WatHtiioToH. D. C. December 1 Th President's message bu gone to the printer. In proof it will be revited, and la tome Instance elaborated and added to before It la complete. The following la an outline of what I he President baa decided to recommend. The Philippine lalanda are to be hold by the United State aa a part of I la ter ritory, to be governed along line similar to these laid down for Porto Rico. The need of troopa to maintain order will be discussed freely, and the opinion ex pressed that, although the lime has not jet coma for the creation of a at able form of government still steps lu that direction should be taken. Congress will be asked to pass the Bpooner Mil, giving the President full civil authority, so that an emergency government can be provided and the military force gradually reduced to the limit of a police organization. The treatment of the Philippine question will be extensive and will foreshadow tbo ultimate adoption of a broad colo nial policy. The message will renew the pledge of this country to oppose ill schemes of territorial conquest and will warn the Power that, whatever result may be reached, the United Stales will Insist upon the "open door' in the Orient. There will be no declaration that this country will not occupy a sphere of Influence If that conclusion be inevit able. A promise will be made that the Island of CubeJ to be turned over to the Cu ban a toon. The work of American ofll cers in Cuba will be praised. There will be no distinct declaration aa to the form of government Cuba ought to have but the admission will be made that the people are fast learning the lesson of self-government. In general terms the President will re fer to the work of the Isthmian Canal Commission and commend the con- atruclion of a canal. He will make it plain, however, that the Olayton-Bul-wer treaty must be first repealed or the original Hay-Paiincefote treaty ratified. An argument will be advanced to bow the need of a large army for aomo years to come. The protection of Hawaii, the Philippines, Porto Klco, Cuba and possibly the Isthmian Ca nal will be used to authorize an elastic Increase, of which the mini mum will be 02,000 and the maximum 100,000. Without mentioning the reduction that should be made, the message will -call attention to the fact that the condi tion of the Treasury now Ju.-tilles the tatter of right, but a an act of courtesy. Unless Turkey grant Dr. Norton's exaqualor before Congress meet ths President will declare the relations with Turkey extremely unsatisfactory, owing to bar persistent refusal to pay the mis sionary indemnity and her refusal to permit lb establishment of an Ameri cas Consulate at liar pool. The President will say that ibis coun try has been faithful to the precept of avoiding entangling alliances ss to af fairs not of onr direct concern, and again explain that, as England aud the Boer in the present war did not both ask for mediation, It was impossible for us to interfere. The President has not determined Whether he will recommend the purchase of the Danish West Iudics, although lb belief is thst he will. fiHTIS I MRU i MUCH UNTIL Bill 10 REDUCE, mmmmm.. PLENTY OF GOOD THINGS JUST RECEIVED Verdict Arainst Dr. Kilfo $20,000 Damages. Qjj'Larfe Increase In Banking sources In North Carolina. Introduced by Crumpacker ol In diana Against Southern Representation. lemoval of ome of the burdens of taxation imposed by the Spanish war. Congress will be urged to lake such action aa may be necessary to discrimi nate between what Is useful and what la injurious la business operations. .Much stress will be laid upon the fact that the modus rlvsndt-with Canada Is a leap or say arrangement that doe not prejudice the claim of this oountry to the trying dispute. The President will how that entering Into Ibis modus vl vendl has enabled a tatUfactory adjuat-. meat of other matter in dispute be tween Canada and the Unite I Slate The financial legislation of the last session will be highly commended, bmu attention called to the perpetual tar ing in Interest by refolding the nation al debt into -low Interest-bearing gold bond. It will be claimed that under the operation of th Gold Standard law the actual per capita circulation baa In created far beyond anything of the kind accomplUhed by any previous Adminis tration. Congress will b specifically urged to authorize the laying of a cable connect ing Ibli country with the new posses sion la the Pacific, and extending tblt Una from Manila to Japan. 8hlpplo;obld!e will be recommend ed uader a strong pita for legislation that will build up and foster the Aroerl - Aaa merchant marine. Mo peel Be plan will be suggested. The work of tbe aavy during the past year will be reviewed aail recom- snendaWon sonde .for the Increase in the setabllahment suggested by ttecro ' tary lioag, and aa Increase vU tb en lis lad strength aad officer uv naeeV tba steeds of the ships now nndsr eonstroo- Foreign relation will ba reviewed at . length, showing the country to b at pesos with tba world, aad tha bead glv en to the American position la China and tltewbcra will ba pointed out aa tba iproof that tha United Blataa la now, and will eontlnna to ba, one of tba warld'i power. Y ' Tha valua of tha Pari Exposition 'a mean of Introducing American goaJa abroad and no Urging American trada ' "will be discussed. Tba anmber of award given exhibitor from thl country show 'tba esonllence o! American prodnota aad Invention. Contra will ha asked to authorise th payment of IVOOO aech to tba f sta ll ! of ths Italian kllWd In th w Kitchener In Command. London, Nov. 80. The War Office announces this evening that Lord Roberts handed ovor the command of the British troops In South Africa yes terday to Lord Kitchener. It is further annoutced that the Queen approves Lord Kitchener's promotion to lieutenant-general, with the rank of gen eral, while In command in South Africa A dlapatch from Durban, Natal, states that Lord Roberts Is duo to arrive at Plctcrmarltzburg December 4 and should arrive at Durban December C on his way home. Czar Likely to Recover. St. Petkahduuo, Nov. !). Informa tion received through private source's fully confirms the recent favorable bulletins referring to the Czar'j health. Ue has made such genuine improvement that his condition seem 4 to promise certain recovery. Phillips Now Rests. Cuicaoo, Nov. 30. Successful in his corn corner to the extent of about $300, 000, Geo. II. Phillips, Ibo young bull leader, who until Wednesday was the principal object of attention on the Beard of Trade, has re?olved hereafter to confine his efforts to a straight com mission business. This id what ho said lo-day at leant. For the first time in ten years be has been on 'Change Mr. Phillips was not on the floor to-day. He was in bis of fice, on the socend floor of the Rlalto Building Instead, vleltlpg friends ami opening batches of letters, These came from all sources and contained every thing from a proposal from a young woman in sight to Yorker to stake him in anything' be might undertake, be It another corn corner or a poker game, lie also re ceived offers by the store to back other enterprises. "There is not a more pleased man In Chicago than I," ho Bald. ' Everything I wanted I have accomplished, and now I am contented. But no more corners for ue. Hereafter It Is straight com mission business. A week from to-morrow I will leave for Canada to visit my relatives. It is not that 1 need the rest, for I am anything but worn out; but I haven't ha i a vacation in eight years, and 1 thought it was a good lime now to lake one. "A to who was hack of me In my operations, Daniel IIIII of Morris, who la a wealthy landowner, Is mv partner. One other person was interested. Ills name 1 am not at liberty to tell.' The Casa a Celebrate Oae Aad Argned All the Week. An Appeal Taken by Kllgn to tha Supreme Cenrt Special to Journal. OxroBD, N. C, Dec 1. In the hun dred thousand dollar auit of iter. T. J. Gattis agalnat President Ktlgo of Trinity B. N. Duke and Odell, the jury brought in a verdict of $20,000 damages.. Argument in this well advertised case began last Monday, and speeches were madcNiy twelve lawyers, the length of the longest address being six hours. The jury brought in their verdict this evening. Kilgo lakes an appeal to the Supreme Court. Oxford, N. C, Nov, 30.-At last the argument to the jury in the Gattis-Ktl-go libel suit for $100,000 damages Is at an end. Cyrus B. Watson for the prosecution and Governor Chas. B. Aycock for the defense, each made masterly addresses to the jury to day. Mr. Watson spoke this morning and Mr. Aycock concluded at five o'clock this afternoon. The two speeches were worthy in every way of the two really great lawyers who made them. Judge Hoke will give the case to the jury tomorrow morning at nine o'clock. There is much speculation as to the re sult, though the belief Is hazarded by many that the jury will be unable to agree. Intensity of Interest in the Gattls-Kil go caso is evident as the long trial draws near its end. The scene In the court room is an unusual one, by reason of the presence of a large number of ladies. and this serves to show the excitement prevailing in the community, being but a retlex of the sentiment of the State at large. All persons seem impressed with the solemnity of the occasion, and the case has lost its aspect of a battle of lawyers and legal talent, and ths public Is face to face with the realization that a question of grave import to the parties to the suit Trinity College, the Metho dist Conference and the State Is soon to be decided. The possibility of a mistrial by reason of the illness of one or more jurors, was by no means a pleasing prospect, and it is to be hoped that yesterday, a breathing ap- Dulutli to marry bun ou j fpell has removed these grounds for an offer by a rich New prehension. REVENUE OFFICERS SHOT. An Unavoidable Accident. Farmers Overdoing Farming. United States Court. The One Day Cold Cure. For colds and son throat nw Ktrmott'sChoco- Utef laxative Quinine, liasily taken aa candy and quickly cure. Big Sales in Cotton. Pall River, Mast., Nov. 3J. The Sale In tha print cloth market during tha' week amounted to about 25000 piece all odd. No regular were disposed of during that lime. For the first time in months the silc fur the week exceeded the regular production, a promising sign of the prosperous -..business conditions which are confidently expected by manufacturer. Manufacturer bore say the manner in which printers and converter are talking ha convinced them that there I a good trade in th Booth and Wast, and that the next three week will sea a large Increase In the tale. Buyer will, by thst time, be com" palled to renew their stock, which have of late bten depleted by the converter. The Increase la the price of cotton has given renewed strenth to the print cloth market aud tha production I held on n bait of ft cent for all make. Four Filipinos to Hang. Manila, November 80.- Oeneral Mac- Arthur ha confirmed ' the tonlenco of banging pased upon four native re cently convicted of murder at Llngayen. Tha condemned ware membej of the "Guardln da Honor," a band of alleged nssasslne. whose victim, It I charged, were kidnapped and boloed. They will ba haaged December si ! AGinTaFrobytctians. PntLaDtLFHii, , I. The Commit tee of the Presbyterian General Assem bly having la (barge (be rising of tba twentieth century fund for lb church atatea that tha - entire eipense of tha work neoettsry to tba gathering of thlf food baa been provided for by a gaaar oof friend. -Every dollar contributed to apeolat object or to the general fund by chnrches or Individual will therefore go at directed by the donor. Rai.kiiiii, N. C, Dec. 1. Revenue Collector Duncan has the following tele gram from Deputy Collector R. J. Lewis who by mistake shot two revenue offi cers from Virginia Thursday afternoon: "Shooting scrape in Northampton coun ty, N. C, in which two officers from Virginia were shot, neither fatally wounded. Unavoidable." Lewis told a deputy marshal thsl the officers from Virginia had lost their bearings and came over into North Carolina territory. Collector Duncan aald the accident, though deplorable, was unavoidable. The State charters the Edgemont Company of Durham county, Julian S. Carr and other stockholders, giving It leave to Increase Its capital stock to $1,000,000. It can build and operate factories and other plants. Some farmer are laying that they are afraid the general prosperity now pre vailing among the farmers, certainly the greatest in fifteen year or more, will lead them to buy more land and go In dobt, and will alia cause them to plant too large cropi, and lay thoy iee signs of both these movements. Today the hearing of the railway tax assessment case was continued hero. It Is really amusing to tee the newspaper head Hoe. One paper thn declares that the railway bat proved their contention that tha other property It assessed far bolow it oost on true value; another paper , that the State ha already proved It case against tbe road. Great regret 1 expressed here at the death of A. P. Bryan, one of tbe oldest employee In the Southern Kfpre Company' Service. lie aerved here at year In charge of the Raleigh office. Tbe United State Court begin a term here next Monday. . The docket, though pretty full, I not ao large a usual. Tba November Bulletin of the Agri cultural department will contain th first report of tha work of tbe toll test farm at Red Spring and Tarboro. Scheme to Vote for Butler Baptist Slate Coaveatlott. Propped Exhibit at Bafalo Funeral ef A P. Bryan. Special to Journal. Ralkioh, Dec. 3. The report on tbe National banks In North Carolina shows that their resources aggregate f l!i,362,- 183. The resources in 189S were only $11,863,728. The resources of the Slate, private and saving banks are now $14 - 817,959, which they were ouly 1 $10,526,900. The Increase is remarkably ' great, being of all banks $7,589, .'19 in the two years, of which $4 091 ,0.'iU was of State banks and H,498,4SO of Na'inn- 1 al banks. It Is learned from a Republican high In position that an effort is Ix-ing made to induce Republican inemlcrs of the legislature to vote for Marion Butler for 1 Senator, the Idea being that by bo doing ' It will give him a better chance to make a fight against the scatinir of F. M. Sim-: mons, or will get Simmons seat My in- I formant says he cannot believe that the Republicans will vole for Ituiii r The Federal Court nominally began a term today, but really it begins tomor row. The Baptist State convention which meets here this week will discuss many matters but the chief one will be the raising of a largo fund for the endow ment of its colleges, female university aud schools, along the same line as those which the Presbyterian Synod marked out. The Supreme court will take up the tenth district appeals tomorrow. John K. Cllne of Liucolnlon is the first sheriff to make full pcttlcment of his State taxes, treasurer Worth says. The State charters the Oak Grove Lumber Company of Halifax county and the Sherwood, Bobbin and Shuttle Mfg. Co, of Greensboro. The Secretary of Slate has reprinted tho 68th, N. O. Supreme Court reports. He is reprinting at the rate of 5 reports a year, which is the limit. The State board of agricullure meets Wednesday. "One of the matters it will consider will be the inakiug of an e hlbil at the Pan-American exposition at Buffalo. Secretary Rruner says there is not lime enough to do thi?; that it re quires at least two years. The legisla ture made no appropriation. The board has sofar made none. It requires a long lime to get up a proper agricultu ral exhibit. The funeral of A. 1'. Bryan, who was for 43 years In charge of Ihe Southern express office here was held yesterday. Division Superintendent W. J' Croswcll attended It. Hastia Poe, who has been lit the office 39 years, succeeds Bryan as agent. Bill Introduced in the lioUHr It Would (iive North Carolina Kite I orirrcshmen J Ouly. !Bucb Feel iug is Show n Spi cml to Journal. j Washington, December 3 -A bill was introduced iu the House of Repre sentatives today by Edgar I). Crum packer of I.idiana to reduce the repre sentation in Congress of the Stales of Ijouisiana, Mississippi North and South Carolina. The b:li reduces 1 1 it representation of these four state's thirteen voles. It cuts dow n the repicseiiiation of North Car olina from the present number niiie to five. The liiil is based on the assumption that under tbe Constitutional Amend ment all the negroes in the slate will be excluded from voting, the representa tion of live being for the white voters of the state. Much Indignation is expressed by North Carolinians at the Capital. They declare that the bill is an outrageous Iff ill At J, L, McDamets 71 Broad St. Miuce Meat, (;raiiberriea,f itron, Currants, Raisins, Evaporated Apples and Peaches, New Prune, Soft Shell Almonds, Brazil NuU, Pecans, English Walnuts all new crop, Sweet Mixed Pickles and.Qirkins Sour Picklea, Lemon Flavoring Extinct and Spices, Heiuz's Tomato Catsup, Lea and Pen-in Banoe, Ap ple Butter, Schredded Uocoanut beat quality 5c package, Cook J ing Butter and Cotto'ene, Fresh Elgin Butter and Buckwheat, Fancy Cream Cheese 15c lb., Macaroni, Small Pig Hams, Can ned Goods of all kinds, Queen Olives and numerous other good things just received. Wholesale A Retail Grocer, 5 f f iff niiffnf -m n 'Phone 91. 71 Br64 Hi. Father Tiber Overflows. When you need a soothing anil heal ing antiseptic application for any pur pose, use the original De Will's Witch Hazel Salve, a well known cure for piles and skin diseases, it heals sores with out h aving a scar. Beware of counter f its. F. S. Duffy ,fc Co. Bolomen Surrender. Manila, Dec. Twelve hundred Itoloincn enti led Vigan, Island of Luzon and Miii-ndereil to Captain Green, of 1 th': Thirty-third Infantry. This is the largest number of men who have yet surrendered in Luzon at one time. , General Tlnio hail been keeping a swarm of bolomen along the mountains and they have impoverished tho food - sr. ppliiv. KRUGER'S LAST HOPE. RuJcly Crushed by Germany. France j Continuetu Sympathize. Bmu. in, Dec. !2 - Mr. .(ruger has abandoned his proposed visit to Berlin , ow ing to the receipt of an ollicial in timation that Emperor William regrets that in consequence of previous arrange ments lie will be unable to receive him. 1 The lioer statesman, therefore, will 1 proceed direct from Cologne for Hollanu. He telegraphed to t Ida effect this aflet -' noon. ! The Cologne Gazette, In an Inspire c oni 111 1 1 11 i 1 1 11 e, says: "Mr. Kruger's vis! ' is not agreeable to (lermany, his aim be I ing to obtain intervention in South Africa. It would be a grave political mistake, it would lie even a great crime, to allow him to entertain even a spark Kniviu v nu i 1 U. PARKER,M s s We have removed to our ISTew , IBricli: Store, Cor. Ilroad & Hancock Sts., Where we will be glad to welcome all our old and new patron. Our strict attention to business in the past Is sufficient guarantee to the trade that we are always looking out for tbe Best Interest our Customeis. Our Stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries Is Complete. tiiy-Large Stables and Sheds in back lot for the accom modiition of our Country Friends, FREE. Yours for Business, r t o r 1 . 1 m 1 1 of hope that Gem-any will render him Rome, Dec. 2, Owing to rains which 1 ' ,.1 f.lln th Til,pr !, llood. ""V Poetical support. ed tbe country near Its mouth. The rise In tho river exceeds that of 1870, but the damage has been limited by the recently constructed dykes at the lowest points: The Pantheon and the Korum, the neighboring streets,, and a pari of tbe hospital San Splrlto are Inundated. The surrounding country and the Protestant cemetery outside 8t. Paul's gate are also submerged. Hailroad service is greatly retarded. When tbe stomach is tired out it must havo a rest, but we can't live without food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ' digests what you eat" so that you can cat all the good food you want while It Is restoring tbe digestive organs to health, It Is the only preparation that digests all kinds of food. V. a. Duffy 4. Co. This declaration Is accompanied with reproaches, Mr. Kruger being charged with "having encouraged a useless guerrilla warfare and having disregrad e I Germany's advice when be still might have followed it. The press generally Btrikes tbe 1 ame Hole. Paiuh, Dec. 8. Kmperor William's re fusal lo receive Mr. Kruger has caused general suprlse here. Most of tbe morn ing papers make it an excise for artic les hympathizing with the Boer states man and condemning the Kaiser Some of the papers publish the Kais er's famous telegram of lHUu to Mr. Kruger side by side with that of yeslei day. Tho Inlransiijeant and other Nii'lonnli't ora'is comnien' with their customary violence. Dress Goods Specials. NEW ARRIVALS I IT GOc YARD All wool Venetians, 36 inches wide, in Blue, Castor, Garnet and Grey, a beautiful cloth for tailor made suits and very much under price. AT 98c YAHD 54 inch Ladies Cloth, au All Wool Cloth and worth $1.25 yard. AT $1.50 YARD Novelties in Black Skirt Patterns, very rich and in exclusive designs SPECIAL NOTICE ! The Silk Velour aud other Dress Trimmings that have been so long delayed in coming have at last arrived. Vandalism at Pekin. I UaM . t, fi. (. -U CaS I I I I., H K. 1.' 'i I I Why Japs like Eorlaod. St. Paol, December 1 1: Winnipeg dispatch ayi Tb Jtpaotee Print) Komara, n routs home frota the Parte Exposition, w luttrvUwed hare. ' Be said: "The French are not ready to 0ht anybody . nay more than Spain wan. Their nraay Is very rotten, so far ne I east ndfa. In ease of Wr England can always conat opon Japan, baennteonr Inlerette nre Identical aad beonnae we know that EnglUknten always "win I the end, ' They may bo beaten and beaten, and nil other people say," 'JCnf land Is no good,' hut we notion they never care to take k hand la the ft, and by and by tbe XnIIhaaa note out on top. Tbal'e why we like Eng Hi !p Is needed al once when a pcrsnu't llfo W In d.mger. A neglicled cough or cold may foon become serious and j should 1m: stopped at oner. O ic Minule Tiuhtain, Dec 8. Protests have been ! Vmn T,l'lklr ore. coughs and forwarded to Field Mar.h.l Count von I '"1,U hnA Uie wor" rMt "'l;r""l'i -Walder.ee by the representative, of lhc chill., grippe and other throat and lung , . .. ' , . ! trim Wen. K. ri. Dully Ai Co. powers BgaiDBl wie remuvai Ul aa.ruutmi- Ical Instruments from the observatory at I'ekln. Most of Ibe principal Instruments have been prepared for sblpmcut and labeled for Derlln or I'arli. selves do not protest, because, as mem ber of LI Uunj Chang staff put It, tbelr objection would be useless, and whatever they lay or do in th way of protests elicit only uncivil treatment. The observatory I recognised a cue of Ibe most I merest lag aad historic sights in Pekln. Most of the Instru ntente nre over 15 year old. Many of the are Bagnlfioeot bronses, and al though not of modern type, can still be (or tbe purpose of astronomical observation. ' The flrst locomotive since the siege of tbe legation Wgan ran yesterday from Tlrwuln to Pekln. Tbe line will nm be Opened fur general use until about ! eembertoV " ' " !" G. A. BARFOOT, 43 Pollock Street. CASTOR I A for IaftvnU tad CUldrss, - Til thl Tea RaTi A!n E::;M CfhAtWOof Congress In Session. Wasiiimitok, Dec. :ird. KeT ressloos The Chinese Ihem- of Congress have opr ned more quietly than that which ivrncncj to-day. Ad vance knoAlen.lgo of lh (sol that ad journment was to liumedia.ely follow ifco opening of lh" station In honor of Ibe memory of thn late Henalor Davis, of Minnesota and jrar, of Iowa, lerved lo leaeD attendance both on tb floor of the II loso and Hcnsto nd In tb galler ! nd conarqu'nlly lo lesjo inter! In lb short proceedings. t'onr,ioslonal Interest H strongly ren- teml In the Isthmian Canal question. Tbe announcement that th Canal Com mission bad et out of Its report Its original rcoemntendatlon In favor of tbe Nicaragua route, and left It to Congress to decide between (bat end tbe Pnnastn route, front tbe facte and tgnren pre sented. Is taken to preeage n light, which ntsr esse scandal before it Is edded. The lobbyists nre also credited with pushing forward tbe Ship Bnbaldy bill, whkb I likely .to be tbe bill (rest fought measure of thn session, for (he pnrpose et displacing the Mlcnrsgnn Csnnlblll, which by resolution adopted by tbe Ben at the )t session, should be takn ap We do more than do the Boys, we Dress ihem. Those of you Who know the Boys' Clothing Section.'1' know the Neatness, the Ratines of the Boys Suits wb sell. And never before were we ' so well prepared to clothe the little man in a manner to his liking. )',, U; A word about the' Prices, from $2.50i1to!$So50: in two'and three piece. Cults. " - 99 m$e Street Opp. P ' t C "Orleans rtoti tbla to ba dona not aa n land." ; on Wednesday ot tbts week.