Weto 'Mixtmi VOLUME XII1I SIW BERN, CRAVEN COL'NTV, N. I'.. FRIDAY, PtBKlAK. H 4 5 I -LliiM) SEfTluN. ! h (. I, SAVE YOUR SKIN How to Preserve Purify and Beautify the Skin and Complexion. To preserve, purify, and beautify the akin, and preveut pimple. Mutches, blackheads, redness, roughness, vellow, oily, mothy skin, chappiuj;, mid many other forms of skin blemishes, no other skin or complexion soap W for a moment to be. compared with Cuticura Soap, because no oilier soap reaches the cause, viz., the dogged, irritated, or inflamed condition of the I'okks SAVE YOUR HAIR How to Prevent Falling Hair Scalp Humors and Dandruff. Cleanse the scalp and hair thoroughly with a warm shampoo of (iti CURa Soap, rinse with warm water, dry carefully, and apply a liM dres-ine; of Cuticura, purest of emollients, gently rubbed Into the sculp. I hw simple, refreshing, and Inexpensive treatment will clear the scalp ami liaii of crusts, scales, and dandruff, soothe Irritated, Itching surfaced, stimulate the hair follicles, supply the roots with energy and nourishment, and make the hair grow upon a sweet, wholesome, ana healthy scalp, when all else fails. SAVE YOUR RANDS How to Make the Hands Soft and White in a Single Night. Bathe and soak the hands oti retiring in a strong, hot lather of Cuthtra Soap. Dry thoroughly and anoint freely with Cuticura Ointment, the great skin cure and purest of emollients. Wear during the night old, loon kid gloves with the linger ends cut oft". For red, rough, chapped hand-', dry, fissured, itching, feverish palms, shapeless nails, with painful ringer ends, this one night treatment is simply wonderful ami a blessing to all aillicted with sore, chapped, rough, or teuder hands. -Cuticura Comple,e Exfernal and lnternal Treatment tor Ever) Humor, " Consisting of'CuncuRA Soap fibc-), to clttanw the skin of crusts and vuA cA ffil OK scales and soften the thickened cuticle, Crnci'it. Ointment (ftOc), I lie wCl tu instantly allay Itehlno, Inflammation, an. I Irritation, and soothe and bl, aod OtmcuBA Resolvent (60c), to cool and cleanse the blood. A Hinolb Bet is often sufficient to euro thf moat torturing, dlnnrlng, and humillatiuK -Lin, -culp, and blood humors, with loss of hair, when all else falls. Hold throughout the world. I'ottph Dkuo and Ciiem. COjV- Bole l'ros.t Boatnn, Mass. " All about the Sklu, Scalp, uml H:tn," free. .MRU IMPRtSSlOM. lhat I here Will Be Mo Impeach ment of the Two Judfes. It. pi ; iii a nrt U l.Uel). Stat- Lands T r i'paer!' Keipiue Art About Head) V Bond l-ue in I'n. liable. I m . 1 1 - it. K. -!i i' Tlie current im-,.r- - ' u l.i n- m,U is II. at ih.rfe ill be ,') i i.pe.i. (.!! '.ii nf lUiU'es Furthes and lKi'.ik'ln Nniafrw I). mo rats declare the party made a mistake in Marling any pr.n eiimgn Tlie lielief now Is tbore ill I c i rr-u'.ulinn rebuke or reprl UMiid. Thin will probably be diei.ied uigtit, NEW DIVORCE LAW. M LFGISLATURf . Pro M.iCc ;r.c CJ: i- on iuf K;U' Mouse Work is hard Work v. i.uoi:t GOLD i,r; . rlii . DUST. r.'.;i! !ur"v.j !m; tiJaloii iachnicr.!. l:Rl:SH .1 ii.i tlrf- reiiin' from I il I' ' ,i i;. p , i. i 1 1 i i, .i.i Addison Camnnck D:il Mllli' ten le .!! ;.ie.i I tie. le ;rad.--l i .i hi.e I'd !er luii I be p'ltl.'i b y a i e 1 1 1 . i when tlie Judiciary ulilj an a Ijourned sea DISMAL SWAMP CANAL. BILLS INTRODUCED. Reopened To Traffic After Repairs and ! fM L Deefpenlug. j Nokfoi.k Feb. ! - Tlie Dismal Swamp canal was thrown open for business thin i morning February Oil). It was chued ' for repairs on the 7th day of September 1900. The repairs made have been thorough. Especially have, the locks at Deep Creek been made a fealuie. ami their perminencs has brjeri mn li 'd in theh rebuilding. li.-M.les making the canal stronger I linn ever it has been dredged to a depth or ten feel. The leuglh of the Di.-unl Swamp cu ll al from Deep Creek locks to Smith Mills locks is twcntv-lwo ini!e. The i approaches to the canul have also been j dredged to a depfh of nine feel an 1 the canal ii no x opci f t v.'ieH driwing not over ti,;Iit leet nf water. i The further wmk of dispelling and1 wi.teniug the appmn. Ins is being ush- ' ed by the L'niied Slates government, j and il is expected Ihrtt in the ru'.in' of a few weeks frun tweUe l.i fouitei n feut of water v, 1 1 i have bun mined The lowing will b: d..ne by Messrs 1 Hudson ife Uro , of OS HnanoLu avenue,1 Norfolk. I Il ha9 been arranged for to-.v-lxiHts in leave Norfolk for Kli.sbeth i', and from Elizabeth City to Norfolk, in ifien j as may be ueceg?ary to u( cniuiU'idtt'e the j traffic. : And so it may now be sai.l that the ' canal proper Is In IirH-class ciuidiiiiin. j Furthermore, In a very sli:irt time the work of the L'niied States government on the approaches will hr- completed thus giving an "Inland wnierwaj" for vcaaels drawlDg len feel of water. The locks are 2'H) feet long a'id il'J feel wide. EnfUsh Mail In Mourninr Nkw Yoiik, Feb 4 -SUteen h and twelve lmg "f rmiil were n at lilt p')-l Ollici! lo-d-lV. TlinlHS the EnglMi le'ters wee In nm envelops and othor envelops In 1 of black p;er pinne I or iie. n i EoglWb poitlal car l bore the por:i the (Jueen ertg.-d ltb black, and 111 script I ill Victoria t'leUonl" Sch'if.l Amcit.l ments Voted Djwii. Nunil-.r Bills RatincJ Special lo douiii si Uai.kiiiii, N ' . I'. ! 'tv ii bill was int roiluci d in iii-' . :i : day for a geceni! slock ls. i o N. Carolina. A biil was in! ro.l.i-: -d : i allow Si . banks lo Issne. men. v . The Mouse pissed on lit-- li : .'. re?.:ii of the bill for the adopilon of the si:l o amendments bv the State. All In i Amendments were voted do. mi i Thus far at tills session of t'u: l,Cj! tat nrc, 1 S3 bills an 1 IS resolution i hiv. been ia'ilied. Ilr-l in- j'l. of el- t! e , wi'ie nli.ii-y No Liquor on Reservations Wasiii.soto.s, I). C. Feb r - I he general order laiiied by the iVnr )e nient in e.xecM'iou of the pmv!-,io' the Ar.ny Hi oraiii.a:i.ii m l di-cont in u u nee of : In: stile of I and inlox c 1 1 i i lio mrs on ai rtservfiti in and 'W.ny posts Although tne ofler in ikes i.-, -pi i; refen lire to the i;:iiili:y ic .c: v it i oi-. Foil .Monroe. Yn , mil Ye-l I'oiii'. Y., it is slated :il tlie War il. pli .tl.i that nude r the-Iei in i ot i ii 'iv .! be necessary to d'sso i I'hrjj t.i.t h il. all inlosl -a;i:ig li.j'i ir- o-i ill -e seiviitiotis and lhat the ,ti in ilr. ',, at Fort .Monroe and In the hoti 1 si W Fouit will have to In- ciose.l al . nee. ids ol lining pit t es i I hem l i l of In Tho One Day Cold Curo. Kpnnott' Chliilrii l.nxauvr yulii.nf for cold in the head and boic thruat. Childrru lak them like caadjr. Gowns For Wilhclmina. The Hague, Feb. 5. Twenljr-to co tumei rrcelvasi here from Paris for Queen W'llhelmlna Irourteau coil 1 80,000. The wtdding gwn Is of silver, adorn ed wllh fine Uca. The rorssg It sur DOUDtsl with orange flowers extending from the left shouuirr The skirt ends In billow lice. The M-cepllon dreat Is of hlto silk mbrolderad with gold and tilmmod will row-eolorrd moatteline Alolher gown It of white and antique aave, ht skirl Irlmrarsl lih Iilsb point lace spreading not from waist to the boltom of the tklrt. One of tbe prettiest of the collection It a corsage striped with gold Blue pr demlotlee lo re oti of tbe gowns, end It the favorite color nf tbe Queen. Boom more simple gowns will be made It AaitlerdarD. Including onanf,elt elolb, which the lll wear on tbe trior n ll( o( tbe weddlog day before going lo ebercb. CASTOR I A - For lafuU nd CUldrtA. Hi Kiel Yoa Ran Aliaji Boogtl Will Raise The Maine. ( llll Mill. II1.. I'l l.. ,'). ( 'hsllilil'tlaoi t o , Chicago cni.inuiw, -, 1. . e l iin notified that they were the sioe.-s.' I bid lers fi r lai-ln, lil t w.- ' l'i battleship Maine In in Havana hailio:. and also the Stoiiil-li trans;. ori A f..tis.i XII, which 's Ua.'e.l on il,.' s.iore nearby Ihc -M .no- i h. (o!ii( 'ii.y v.n one of 1 bidde r 1 The Chamberlain r. iti.'i t '. raUe botn vessels for the salvage tl.io there Is in them. It covcirin'- to ; a, the Cuiled Sutes (iovernnient ' p." cent. o all personal pruned', Ii tie. restoring ail personal prnp.ot) which Udong to the i tllcers and the irew nf tbe Maine If the contract is fullilled an ambition : cherished for two years by the presi dent of the company, N F, ChamlierUIn 1 will be re allied, as the company was formed expressly for Ibe purp sc According lo Mr Chamlierlain II Is ei peeled that more than f 1 ,000,001 will be ' made In Ihc undertaking. I Queen's Fortune foi England. Lommib, Feb. fl. The latest rumor regarding Queen Victoria ! will is lhat Il kequeilht (700,000 etch to the Duke j of ConnaughU 1'rlnco Cbristlau of ' Hcbletwlg llolileln, 1'rlncrti Louise 1 and I'rlncest Beatrlrss. and Includes liberal Irgaclet for I he D ii bens of Al banr and a number of the late Queen t grandchildren. The bulk of the Q lee i't prlvttn for tune, howeteV, (mi lo Ihe Kln Two small honsei on ihc Osborne estate are given lo Princess llestrice. tomorrow committee sum. The attorney general and Stale super iulendant are investigating the area of the -tate lands which are under the con trol of the board of education. They will edve out a report. The attorney general said today: "You can say from me that I intend to prosecute any and all trespassers upon such lands." Dr W It Capeuart of Avock, owner of the greatest shad fishery, is here. Tie says me seines will be put In about Match 1 Shad are not yet In these waters. The Senate passed a bill providing that oulv practical farmers shall be on thebiard of agriculture. There is a' movement to amend this in the House 'iy adding a provisor that the secretary to the board shall be a practical farmer This amendment is in the Interest of one uiiin and Is uimed at one of the two iiiosi useful of all Slate ollicials, T. K. Iliiiner, the veteran secretary of the board, whom it is no Mattery to term in valuable both to the State at large ami lo the board in particular. Il appears to lie a well assured that ; lie legislature will not make auy issue I Slate bonds foi any purpose. Il is the plan to secure $'J"i,0000 as a l:rct appropriation for the public cliools. There is another election contest ticforc the Senate argument In il was ;icard today. Il is that of Htamly v. Siiinglicld from the iWrd district. The .outesl binges on !il republican voles which were thrown out at one precinct The republicans charge this was by de - it ii ; the democrats that it was by accident. The Republicans in the bouse made some complaint that they did not have ' oroperly large representation on the nrivllcges and election committee ThlB the speaker has remedied. The revenue act is nearly re:idy for submission by the committee. It is pro , posed that railways shall pay a privilege tax, in like proportion as other I corporations. This is yet open. It Is slso proposed to levy a graduated lax on j whiskey distilleries, based on t he i 'amount of corn or other grain they use i ; The bill will get at tax on corporations j I in a more direct way than heretofore, by 1 providing that the treasurer of each cor- i i poration shall pay directly lo the Stale i ' Treasurer a tax graduated by tbe value j f the slock, that is the actual value. It ' s also proposed thai banks shall be as j sessed on a valuation made by the State I Treasurer and auditor and nol by the I . iiiinly commissioners as at present. In I other words ibe act proposes lo get j much more closely and directly al the ; taxes properly due by corporations of i all kinds. The two things nol finally' settled are Ine taxes on bank's anil rail- ways. Hy Friday all will be arranged 1 N-w ..i.t. 11, acK , n I .1.1 I ces-l il i pel -it Sim k Fir!, i.i. 1 1 1 i .-. i ii) to. I iy Cauitnaek was the greatest F.-. .-. .1 nl II know '.-ear' I to Mr on (he nf Ins Ii.i-.IM line I w as a Ki-n t in k ian by hit t h He was a " Ihmi" at Uu ijtant A: Ward smash in I' in the i ar William II Y. suaded him to turn over. C. F. Woerislndfer, a did likewise H it h ma il while a fellow -opera! . 1 1 1 1 t i .ne i f --4, bill later siilerbil: pel and the Ian f. How-' .eai millions by il . lleniv N W..1.N it Im- Smith, refused to mm, and was mi:. I I have b st f:t,0oi).oiiii Mi. Cammack was ipiiet in uiaiin." when doing business, hu'. at times inlhei grulf and positive, lie was a rich man aecr.'lited with being worth from $" -ODO.IIMI lo f 10.000.001), and had always been known as a generous giver. . . i n ' i l.ill, a-. Mil le ft w I. , li, UlL pel pb' H ' . .i !i-in .-.I liiif.i li.-s n::d I l.oi. o.o' .vsy ihn, ami lilip-illtie sevt'l e III ol ii s , input hy or the idge - U II I a 1 er au l e leg'-ial"! .-a -. ii. illlib I .1.1;!- ill this I. .' I.I and la llevi in kitkim: t lie. 11 ' " ' eratirSate eh.n rinati - i - In' heard a single per-.'U nnii'i ;.e:n Innelll . 'The bull, tin ol in.. S- .: Health for .lann iry i there w is small p i Alexander, liuncoinbc uie ihc dn not -'III I" it in .1 .' Ciinli ii "1 ' M r5B hi 5c Per Pound .iiid I 1 1 I : ! l l ; ;l M Butter only 30c Cheese " J5c L. McDANIEL, 1. 71 llru 'IBllOiM & Keluil rocer, St. THE MARKETS. a 1 1 1 in .' IS' ' ' 1 1 a an 1 li.. 'ii ',! deal II- i, 1' or , I h, Fran k tin. nil c.i-e-., 1'aui Kockingliain 10 , in Nance. The di-ea one end of t he Slat 'The annual mi; -lin; The following quotations were receiv-' ers of the North i uroli i sunnier c unp in v was h day. A i per cent ilnred. Iiu-ine-:s his cent in the past '.' year orsj and olliceis were ' It i ( 1 ni in ii 1 by I In new county Seoti.tn.l more cotton, in t ban any ot h"i" c. St ate-i, s'irpas.i n Miss. Auditor Dixon I if grintii:. So has S 1. inissioner of ai ieult il r e J udge Siiiionion of t lie court conlirms ll.e repn 'l ister II iguiie S M irlit involving the right of th ( ommission lo tlx Hie inixiin ii load of fertilizers on the I'aroiina Iral railway at 10 Ions, lie pay- .' tribute to the report of the ina-ti says the rite is propel I .his long liliLMtln.il and mission order holds good all stale. llv Monday the aiguui'Mit cotton mill owneis, thin there no more child labor complain mills will be heaid ll with the Icgislatuie. An invitation was lead m tie- Senate yesterday from (iovernnr liin! Mi- A cock to a reception to be gin-n I'ri l-i night from S to HI n molioii of l.oud n it was nccepleil by a ri-itiL- vole el by J. K Latham A Co, New Ilcin' N C. Nnw York, Feb. 7. Chiton; Open. High. Low. Close j Feb il.llo JS ll.;i.r) y.lio March 'J.2S !l :li !l.2s .: ; May ll.:!i) II HO ):'.' IC-6 Aug. H H'.l 8. Ml) H.s-I H.M7 Sept -. H.4-"i H 4ri H. U M. bt Oct H.21 H.li H.ll) s 111 Whkat: Open. High. Low. Close May 7'Jj 70; 7!n 711 : Am. Tot lib 117j So. Hy Pfd .. 77J 7lii Fed S r44 'ill ' Can. T !"i A. S. & V ."24 'in, . So. Ky. c Jii v.1:;; 1 Hock Is 12S li"n i Mo. 1' 91 Wj I St. P 154 i i ;i W. U 86, " MKT 2H 21 J M K. T. lp) . . . 581 ' J. A. JONES, tiers oi.it stan it. ABLES IIHOAIt SIKI KT, STKW VKT Cotton receipt! weie20 000 bales Spots Futures, Liverpool i 111-32 Sales 801)0 bah s. Mch.-Apr. 5.17, Aug -Sept 1 New Hern Cotton Murkel. (Motion in the local market sold at i.!)0 to 0 2.Y The lax Insurance companies wll practically I be same as al present tlie inclho Is of collection the same. Hot the Baaa Viol Han'i Fun II. A capital story relating to good old times Is still told In tbe Fen distiht of the ensiern counties. As is well known by ninny nnd even now remi iii tiered by some, n tmss viol was often procured to help the cliolrs In pnrlsh chinches One lovely Sunday morning In the smiinier while tlie nnrson was unming Fc.ir-m 11 . i l i m -h a i- liteia.h .. ot li ': t Ihc -toi-.-hn. 1 ,vii en I wis .In .-eJUit" J?ti . H iii.iei-e.i i: .ei ti' v-la:ni . . a & - All the -lilenl -elided fill iliers . .1 t in . , k pr..p,rtio;i to an, no. . . ei, V' , v -, f KP V - hal a ever.' at Lack 7. ' fSf P..ler run- TOBM M, If M jTf r 'l I.;,)-, , ;:l,,l I l' Si, "w r ""' ' V.u-r Kolltlil 111 New Hnni. Al-n :i ( pl. t. II : I --. Ilnlm.:. liil.-..( nil In. 1 . Ilh hv all the : 1 .1. d ol , I i ni a a if- I. iim nf H ii irtri es, Waeoua Itiond SI reet,;stevi art's Old Stand, The following bills hav.- bi du':ed ill the S. nale liy Win r n, P. i h Hi; .' t .n in Craven conn : y. liy .lame-, .. im 1 1" : C' t villi: Hanking and 1 i -1 ' I'"''- '" ' ' ' ml 1 FORTW whs dgsUr of Electric Car Line In Durham. I)i i.usM, Feb, .". Al a meeting of Ihe boaid of cliy aldermen held last night a fraiiehise was granted to Ihc Durhnm I riiclion Company to build an electric i ar lino from Ibe extreme western pnr t Ion of tbe city and from Ihe north to ihc south The company Is backed by Urn. .1. S Carr mil Mr of Ibis city: Mr. A B Southern Rallwaw, and Mr. Samuel Hegester, of Itlchmond. Y'a. Work It j lo begin within tlx months and tbe ays- tern be In opertllon one year from dale VYork will actually begin tome time within the next tlity or ninety days. Between f300,COO and l-'ttO.OOO will be spent In pulling In the system, which i III be double-tracked all over the oily. This morning the ttme company te cured a franchise from the county com mlsnloners In use the county roadt east and veil and to the (trange county line They will run to Chapel Hill. The romptny will put lo a park four or fire mill from I lurham. Camefle About to Retire. Niw Yok, Feb. fl - President Schwab, of Carnegie Ht eel Comdtny, came on from Pittsburg to-day, end bed a conference I hit morning, It wet re Hy I. ) stem : . i j i V pllbl te nnd . .1 In' i - in ; men; - I'.y Speu-M, lo pi-.'.; law . Ily Mollntl, to pin!. millers in Nori h ( a-ol eouimill ei- on man .C a. Ily -lames. In apt i n lb.' Ninth ( lllnllli'l Dumb and II, i: 1 I House bill, lo ext. N 1 would thank the mush-Inns not to I promise and settle tl." tune up during service time. It annoys , up 'i U(. expired me very much. A mnv well be Imngineil. the choir 1 out Ills drow sy discourse nnd bnd nbmit and i reached the middle n big bull miiiinged to escKpc from bis pasture nnd march ed ninjestlcnlly down tbe mud. bellow Ing defiantly s he came. The piusoii, who wns somewhat deaf, henid the hull bellow, but. mistaking the origin of the sound, gravely glnnced toward tbe slncers' Heats nnd Bald In tones of reproof I In I 'a I . . ., i i ..... l.i K II H Wright looaeo greatly aorpuaeu, uui aum noio Andrews, of tbe "'f' . . . very toon, noxvever, mu utiuni'ioa bull gnc another bellow, and then the aggrieved p.nson lieenme desperately Indlgnniit -CnsseH's Magazine. Kin? Resigns as Grand Master. I.nattna F.h A - Kin V.A w ril lias ! .i.J . txJ . L.MU M titilAr nf I Ha ITrM Mt na Thp Iltik ir ..m -ill s. i ,u,e!t authority oo this tobjecl, tayt office In bit tteed. Jordan'! Coofn Balsam. For eouget take iordet'e Cough flul tea. Med eocotdlaf 10 (ormuli of the lelt CoL Jordti. Doe not cootela eey orpblse or chloroform. Oa tlt odIj itDtrU' Protcrtpitoa fkaraary. Oti what may be onntldered tbe blgh- Ibe Mall and Efprett, Il It titled Ibat Mr. Carnegie It aoxlout to retire from active bullous pnriulle, and baa arranged to dn to it tn early date. Wilnul Taffy al MoBorUy't loday. . Tb flaeet Terkeyi oa la Market, lire or d retted, ai Tat Oaki Mu Market. A Moanmln Aeeldeat. A scilons teeinlng ncidilent with n fortunnte termliint Inn Is reported by n western eicbnnge. A innn nnd his wife, while driving along n nionntnln rond In Oregon, met with a curious nilsbnp. The wngon wns overturned, nnd the occupant fell out Tbe woinnn dropped Into the branches of n tree r.o feet Mow. and tbe man went sliding nnd bumping fully 300 feet to the iKittoin of n rnvlne. When he recovered bit eeneet. he wn comparatively unhurt nnd went to hit wle'a rescue, but It wna nn hour lie fore tie could extrlcnte her from where the hung by her skirts 'I I . of I,. A rklla4lkla ttarr. Bnnday Heliool Teecber-Where did the three wlee men come from? Poll Artelpby lwhone family had only recently inoiml to Clili agoi-They came froui ttie east Sunday School Teaeber-And wby were they called "wlee nieiiT Pbtl Adelphy-iciie. ma'am, they went back again.-Philadelphia li time Is now extend. -d I' final reading House bill, to amend r of 18'J.i, for prot' i lion o' logs In Hyde, Onslow and 1 am '. . lies, passed linn I rcadinc In Ihc House the folio. i in.' b I been introduced. Ily Nicholeon, to alhov lb- i if,.i ty lo levy epi cla1 tax Hy Carrawsy, resonilion fr :n of tru.lees of Klnston jraile I n h eicept Ibcm fiom pro. i'lmi ..I .' text book bill Ily Nash, to provide f it atet for r.llabelb Ily By speaker Voore. tn apporll congrctslontl dislrl. t of N o' I lint The tcliool texl book bill ll the Senate nasted Its second readings nillt were Introlnrfd excepting grtd ed tchoolt from tho opertllon of the m l Id Ashevllle, Hlatetvllle, Charlotte, Klotton, Hallsbury tnd Hot Hprlngn On motion of Whllaker of Fortyili all hills were referred to the committee on edu cation. Wednesday of next week tt 18 o'clock tu fixed to consider the bill to provide a permanent roll of regltlered totert on tb State. Ill order to make room for our SPRING GOODS we will sell tor CASH all WINTER goods AT COST. Such as Underwear, Cloth ing, Neckwear, Fancy 3hirts. Dress Goods, Ladies Cloaks and Capes, Blankets, Quilts, and everything in our store that cannot be sold in summer. We will guarantee you A SW IXU OF 25 IMiBt rKNT. on your purchase. Respectfully, uT vJ. Baxter. Ihe pa, ed nnd I ! i r il 1 hart noticed." Mid tb octal pbt loeopher. "that people wbo rwnip abort Ibelr oflgbbora ar lb people wbo ara alwiy fretting brraow tbey 1ib1b tbey ara being tlke4 about by Utlr lthbora."-Cmab ytoM lOwaja. There la alwayt dancer lo otlng coun urfetlt of DeWlll't Wllck Datel HtWe Tbe original la a tela aad certala cur for pile. It It a toothing aad healing i air for toret aad alt tala dlaeat, t. 8 oafff kCo. - ..v-v r; ' New Goods. A lull line ot Hardware, Stoves and Ranges, gate Cooking Utensils, Toilet Sets, Fails and Pans, Furniture Varnish, Stains and Enamel Paints, Oils, and4Varnish lor house cleaning and finish. A lull stock, of Bash, Doors and Blinds and a car load to arrive.Frices Guar anteed. Lime, CementtHair. Crock end Terra Cotta Pipe- Trylour Carbon Roof Palntjlt will take care ot the root and stop the leak. Fine lino Scissors, .Shears, Carvers, Knives and Forks, Butcher Knives, Razors and Pock let Knives. : , Gasklll Hardware Co. 147.

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