A STILL RAIDED. Two hundred bushels of po- THE ARIZONA KICKER. MANY HOMES HADE HAPPY. r liu c-ir Mcwport anJ bestnj.TcJ with tatoes renii'tf 'i.;.'llV ('"UndS Llt. rr,m the 1 nmrntv rf -art, I . r 1-. I r, ,m rHMtllM ... r.. Hr'ri.,,e I'epu'.y Coltoctort '? rSOll I :.!t PERUIJA'S t.'l. Lj ,1 ailtltY i Wr John Agut n n t&bea ua lu tw- a t - r. - 1. lc: ni aine.l bere , , ., ri., t tL, st.it. uieU that btr but.und , . ,. . v . ii rrti.r:. ! to the sou, . , , ... , , , . ;. ..inpauy lth lcpu Vi w.i. dtu.. l.vU kllles.1 b) a It-ar oh b.'.'j ; 1 .,i tbta district the , ii' S- the IkIk-w.:. I rop will Noitn vitsi-k ti e other day We du to v WORK. . -5! . '.u.- by ibt )th tltnt 1LlTrtUl.1i!. lie I. hi :. 1 erLpry ,(;;urt ts-ttl.- I .M.'.e hr:. a . l n . nli-n t ly ly n. .), ,u 1 vt !,. n 1, . -! but we 11. t-i 1. t l !l.-s star ! ... u: w 1 :ii i.iiili 1 wtti "r, .ir"l" p-..i!f : ... il' C rr-ae -; . ' I' . till mn .1 .v 11 ; r 1. HiL , U.r . te -si atsii All Hr.. i ii.. us !. f. 1 ...f 1 11 fur a I. il t b.l.i pi . i,t , '; . . . . . ' tie I. 1 r 1 : - .1 mi v :-,!.- I, t i -. 1 - t. An K.l!nl ( 'oil! Itiiiiil ion. :-1 ki ! MISSED THE JL'GULAk. !cri IjrJcr : i .a'e. V.TV.: i iiV"KMi f I n' . I .mi fr. .lit ft ' I- CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. L AN h HAN' . ISC'. I .. ' :.:u i ;'. i v n;:v v N r K..r .' " ' '- ' ' THE JOURNAL Now Bern, X. ('.. r'eb V l'l. IN AND ABOUT NEW BERN. Late Happenings Dealing With Matters Of Local Interest. lUin andwarruer is. the forecast f..i todav. Hie maximum temperature vestcnlm I3'"'"''1 -i'H. li.1 wa.s 5:! degrees, l lie minimum -1 do irecs j 1 Tli,. steam yac ht '-Ibcy" left this purl : yesterday for M.irehea.l City, en r"",' i " "orsctown. S C ; .Squire Tisdale yenttmlsy married 1 Duffy Lauirhinirhouso anil Len I. an caster, both "f snccboro l'iie are heinj ilriven at the Trent liver A. A N C. warehouse, in the north en.l of the slip l:i these a dock wil: be built about 15 feet whle ami feet hunt for the liandlinn of freight. I lie lot , a. Ij, lining the hou.e cm Mi ! i!ie street near .loliu-.n lately snid b I'. I Irlans tu I . M. 1 i.H-kliani, has, ben snhl by Mr I Man to i apt .1 .1 l-a-siler who will bnilil a residence ;ip,vi i : Mi .1 A .Mea. ows i- havina Mn'.'c -built on S.iulh Front slicel. in the rem of the noli oil:..- of K II A .1. A )m!l. I". Tin- b:ii.,!lll- will I. Ure enoiiL'h for private use ami for a. ! eomiiio.lati.il. of the horses used by the hrm. i The laying of sh.-ii r..ck on the rut a dmnu.d roa.l I. an .mijrcie.l as far a- the railroad dossing. The mail ha- been thoroughly "ne ,,T,-r by the rn!i- i , ami Inn a ii .."I iiirlai e nionl of the wn helrg rou'li only where the fresh in i ' lerlal i beintr un'.naileil. Work in . i . ,ir r-n i n K al a al ifn,'toi v rate on ihe new carpenter hoH hi. 1 foumlry of the A .V N ! railroa.l I le brlek work i up ari'l about hail ol the roof timbers are in place The Mrue lure prefect an imposing apn arane. While the carpenter simp is beini; re burlt, the new paint "In p i-.beini use I in part for repair ork AcciJcnt to Mr. Miller. M r ' . i Miller. ell know, n a:, ' 'or mer; v of l!o- . i' e.J mn I::-;.' :. Ho. k Moun i , mi t w :i h .,uit e a H.-rloii-ai.i.lci.t at lliat plai e ,aar .-.alur.la. Mi. Mo.er was inn s.o ti' a -liay ai, r sever ly bruise,! an 1 a i.li i ul ill h - h. -K't 1 he a'.i'Mi'! n pn si la u i. i,.os that the Inj inei nr. not of 11 rn.us int ne, ami it 1. h..p". that M Mill, r will so,,n l.e entirely reeuv. rt'l Effect of Competent Supervision. The rrablence of Mm Annie Unlet c.n inumrroni airem 11 prmci....... ....... plete.1 ami atvmt ready for occupancy T'' eiterlor pretentt a hamiUome ao 1 , pearance and the Interior no liim o. 1 TKI. I..,l.,.r,, .lr,.. l..r lh.,II wlllll can b (1od In remodelllnn an old bnlbl ln, unrlor thu hamU of a competent architect Tbe work la of great credit to Mr Herbert Hlmpaon the architect. The new arrangement of the roomt la ad mlrable Tbe Interior decoration an, I papering la Dfarlnjr completion Try the Oak Meat Market's Breakfaat Racoa. Il la dallfhlful Winking and Rradlng. Tb oflcnar Ihelida are cloaerf In read ln lb worn for the eye. With candle light tbe eyea blink AS, timet a minute, with gaa 8, with ion I 10, with electric CURE YOUR HEADACHE and LaORIPPE With CAPUDINE K W afwr wbaUrer. 1 ory ud DtV ITurm7. A:.f. : A1' r - Mil-. Ii 'A ii tin !.. lid , !.. 1: t i,e -bo; i hk in.' . .New li I In il .iauis 1 1 1 - ' j 1 iift. r Ilii' -li,.,,!-:- , , uf h r , , H, .... , . bain " O ?3 T: C fWra Real Tea" Grow crs. 1:, ,i,-...M, vi,,.r; '. , was Ill'ldo "!' 'h' 1 ov I ro i n - il' h ' 'ill II a :, . .ri -nb -1 a '! mi : ; , lb. re 1 1 s, .-n.-. 1 i. i' I :. ' ll' a ' .: ;; an, l , 1 1 , ' ' ' .-..: ,.:i il..- I - .-.i ; i Hen iv l It; . :.' 1 -' ;il ; -n t.i , : ' ,.,,;,,, !. i N. .. ''' "-''' - i... u-f ' v ', i ..-'..;.!.-; v '!. v w. m- . h. i. Mr- N.- v '( '. n' o 1 lonp PI.kSONAL I'ARAtiKAl'liS. Mr T W. 1 1 1 !a-t Hi ' I ' M r. taey A jjrhei;!N i j., n, ( ( . Mi 1 1 Mr.ik- i. i : 'i y I . " M 1 W ,v,, In- .in M M r I 1 I., n 1 fltive ol 1' 1' I ! renowne, I'nb':-!,. will " pioi'l a f. a ila patrons f.f his li r m ,.,,, ,,,. ,,r ,,,,!, literature whi, h was never ,.. ...m : as 11 o w Ivp ..!. V ,11 p' , Ihi l,K ' p t.s) 1 i.iiv t 1 ., t yon tin 1 e n v , 1. 'i ' it over ..... ', v 11; I o ll.le v. ill. il..- . ".. 1 1111 imp.." .it...- I.. ) ,. 1 nln nvr 1 ikI I. I- it .1 p-r.n ; ."i .i.e pr. 1,11 1 i time. An hi-.. 1. il I"' After II.P lfjilenll..n. "I nnde- "lnii.1." "n.d ll.. I. .rl "that the .lefii nlter'a i,i. tti .d alni,le." ' ery' anid the bunk .,11,, -ml ' il, aiih. "He Juat look th.- iii-.i.. ' ' I' ,k When a man rim, In up in lo i. tn.: tri and l..k d-ov n up n i'.. p,. i- throng, he haa nutbvd las n-. fain.. 'kleafO Newt. There are nrrr i1'' 'lanri, i r.u. In in the liaman body, nf n'n.l, ih, Ik i of m j krep about 1U0 In prime onditlan bf pruper uav. THE HODERM WAT. Commenrla Itaelf to the well Informed, to do pleeaanlly and uffectoally what wai forBerl y dooe Id tbe crmieat man er ad dlaajreeably at well. To eUM ih yttoa) aad break op cold a, keadacbta, aad fettrt wltkoal plaMMt kfWt effect, m lb dellgblf al Hql4 UU rwMdy. lyrnp of rig. M xU by CUrora ri irop Co, 1 Hi: li('tlllMj Nr.'.i ii ... l-!r. a l "... ! '" ' a k in - . , W r , J I A t lunee I-or a Hustler. ..it . 'or one of 1 , , ,r,.r vr.M,-u to make I " I 1. 1 M"I)tl,h. le. N-a k Thin M oiiliA 1 hi' 1 1 v i lie I't'iuiT M a; a 1 , ' . , une -lai dir. I jl alf : . : , 1 r.e w oil, I It wants ! : . ,, ,11:1 y anil will ise j r y t , I lie richt person u ; i-oinu.issi(ns to its r. is a present w ort h he price of the l'ni,iic -vitv subs ril.t r that is .c ' , S' lirat i ve l.ei ier ad I l,e I u-.j'ir Monthly .,: :! . , New York st,- 1 :m ll-'t t rlke o 1 dinan : n , et-ure to lake DeWitt's 1 , I ;-. r s I liev are ! he best . in m 1 1c F S DulTv A Co. Imrmvement on Hancock Street. 1 in- p i opt r! v on Hancock street, on ,i.i .a-; side.-; the street in the Idea k o .i :!:.-.!. po, up on which have stood '.,i i.cMmi oil and very dilapidated ' u l irnis hi,- been suld by T A l.nen W A M, lot, h 1 In ,-id bril liiiL's arc now bein lorn 1 n ami in their places Mr. Mcintosh m1. Lav e erected two residences. The 1 an- of k. od depth and th" new r I::. will ureally improve that part ! I he -1 II et . He Didn't Mean To. Mr-. N i'.i hi of Kan-as am! her hatch ' 'a u ' in town a st'-rday. but t here - i 1 y pane of i;!aM inisninr from 1 1 a e - -alooii ou M id. lie stieet 1 his is -. A happen.- 1 . '' . i Urv an of the police force was li ' -n tbe iron rari ,,utsj,.!,j tl1() wjM a .;,, n w i, ah a ere s, me sinal ! board -1 .. . - pp.- I arid i.tbcer llryan sudden .--o 1 a, k w -ir ,1 I In, ,,it:li I he window i . i-.ii.e -a a- t rol.i n out but no injurv a : a,- t,, the o!li, cr, u . -r to his coa'. i t t !..- i.i iinet upon hi head 1 lad d, ,1 ,ai s all i ountei feits o i. ;;; . Witi li llari alveare w..rtli 1--- 'I 1 , innal -piicklv cures pile-, - -i .d h 1 sl-.in diseases F. S the Tho One Day Cold Cure). Nulice. 1 1 hi- II ,ar ! ot I 1 r . . lor. of the New ' I'.era 11. it', lli.' ua! l....ia A a oif.n ' a i ec , s -,-d the s.-i, n I h 1 7 . aerie of , . . II . biers ,r -a, ne will he pan! on pre. ni ai ion of t .e.r erl i ricales to me al I he Nati . ri n 1 Hank of New Ikrrn on or all, r i'ebraniy Mlh 1!XH J It. H. Ca.hrrwt, Kcc'y ami Ttfa Itradliam " I'lme ( ata-rh Core will un- i l p that ' id hurt noa of youra, anil ..... y.,,1 only lOr. Kvrry bottl In H rial an teed. If jou don't llkf It, hrln(r It hack and el your money refunded. He member tir at Hradham't Safety, I Accuracy. Ferr preaerlptlon dlpeneed by ut n aorarefully checked that mlalakea are Imp'.aalble, either In componndlni; or delUery ur atock of preacrlptlon drnga ehemlraU and iTDthetlc rerotdlei l choice and frmh, enabllna; ot to Oil at once nearly eTcry preacrlptlon wiltleo. Inrerecaaea where we do not bar lb article ordered, we Immediately eooMlt the preacrlblna; phyalclao. W poel - lltely will not take tbe reaposilblllty of changing any prescription. Tbe beet department of oar pharmacy la tbe Pr- acrlptlon Departmenl. tod we pride onr. aeltee pon the eioellent reealu ob- lalocdby patleat aad pbyalclaa whoa a. ng or eopo..de Walatftayoa lo b, lDIToar.k.r.Ubeflll. Cor.., Pollock A Middle B... Slr.isnrlns llir Karth. ; I,..;,. I. .: . a i - - - f . .iisian; rf : -, I i 1 ,-l 'r. f u. ai ly -, , -, ,, i,r ; - ii.l r sue,-,.. ,, , hi I i 1... a- .: a t ! ra' I I. I la 1 . i ;,. I I i ::l : - d.a Irr I l.r -o.j , ,..r !- 7 ::: .', b - and il . , j. -b- ;.. p. ! 7 vn mil.-s ;, - ami v !.!. r - Ir,' I I - a s 1 , -, , .' j 1 'I brf : : ia i I lli. a : i, I a,,-:, - H u:er,- , be put up at I I a. , - -I i ' , r i. -1 1. ,n f i on, the (. villainous ! : ; n ..f .b.ula I point. S,e llial the . i c.l ral b'T '. 1 1 ii Sunset On flu Neuse. lrop the ilay u, ; ; '..,r lei -I As htr uiaulk ! s au 1 dip-, 'A hei e 1 tie i; I U 1; - , 1 a ii - ' n ' I Iv isscd t he 1 i v c: s ; . , r. ; v, ,,(,, low l,n:.k. !!, !. 1, t'nti the Mil .: . s- 1 ,k n-uo. Siveiir ;.';.'. io. n';, -liainsl the iiiii-.m:.: o .- An I l.e I, e siu-'ke from '. 1 1'er ; lie river, ei n- a',o As if t.ol I 1,'W sw ,.tu; , , t'limbll.L' low I V u ;. to ( . Fa li'- I!,, That 1, 1 av upon her t..,r,'.o -ios- lip- .-ive po ... Ti,.-n a d 1' s ness sh rouis 1 be 1 u l- i .1 h mi pal in lier I reast J , n s M i 'ii v I; i o i i i OF OLDER DA IE. Canntin on Pollock Street mil P'rum Snap Jr.isn, Of Revolu'l.'s.ti v lime. Ihe !. cannon al ;ii" no: i h-ca-t p. .. I .-t . i v ra.ta nn . up li is t. . in- i la comer. d I'olloek am! M i I. lie si re. t - rue tiaublr of . -a il i.a t ion. but it w ill l. u'.v',!,! not re., s f the -napdrne.u, ' ami: - 1:11 '!',n""rs " ,. ,, . I sale from bulb-is. M. gi ah. t a I o:.a l.urns, as is t o,. iinpesnorij line t 1 1 ay 1! 10,. ot I tie Hal of ls;J, ,. the Kevoiul ion arv War and were on .-:ie of the vessels of John Wright Sitiilev. The-e cannons were capture I Ir .in the Uiitish. and the . rin non next to the Kpisr.ijml oh arch yard fence had the name "l.ady III. s. intori" 11), on tin- lire. r'i hut the n uile has been oin rniai .lolin W r i -tit 'I ''U-c, s , tombstone is tiie white lo the c-i-t , of the rritr in the chuicli ard and recor.ls mat , ,uc.i m i.r., ai;e. 1,1 years When alt.-i V llurn-. son of t'a,t Iltway H, nils of I lie S uap.li :n;on fame was here several m uilhs h' i. he made a prop.- -ilion to lav,1 (lies.. mu. and one at In, k-on illc, Oaslow c inniv. mount- j "Your Midas ton, b would tinu n liv ed in the Court II e proii-t N iu t Ids ; lod s fi in :.. L-old " ,,ln- ,.,! I... il,..i ,,,,,.1,1 M.r l..!f ! 'I'hell I l;l I' t; lad hoist iToa -i l l-rtloit the expense o ,-t.-. :in a Inn i.'-ni- monument, in ariv -nm up lo if . nun Mr. Burns a; 'pea - - t - have I h urh' t ioit these guns were ,- l wth Ihc tirstorv of hi- l', ii. i r h- r A Few Laws of Health. Makeyoursc'1 j it adi-h doii'- "ln il tu l ll ' is w ; . 1 ;.. I han a Hi I a ; es.pie bhower I 1 w hi, li 1- auother way o' ,i,n'l tiylo d, too many thiioi a. ii ol, l,. li nds He ware of th. ! i . a,- pan. Conaider a pr ; , ; ' ,...,ked piece ,d meat a more ai i all the "b 11, c-' Kemember 1 1. tnger. Never forj.-t ' tlahli enlevement than h . r 1.1 1,-' t f r is a ,-criv I lj r i c li T,-i;- '!, ., f.ol. ii iilo Iv l '-'ai- .Mil 1 I on v i lie.- ' i ro( net 1 1 n i: I lug firs o la- I ii'io.l. w h"l. - .ie f r n W maki i. a i-yi'-r cl. 1 . , I e . I I , Ml f p, , , , . (p best D.n.'i .o k v . , 1 water lbs' a , , tl in n n u. ,1. " v.--, ..... ,,, t1Prceljr ttivi il.i.o and fotm Is Uiunced out d u.em I Carolina Coiih Cure l Ihc only Cough remedy fully Ruaianleed. No tilns lo It nlber, o a h ly a Ixitt'e for 'ii rl il Mradham'a lreacr Iptlon Thar ma y and if not found entirely antlifac tory return the empty holile aD'l your money will he refundel. We make It and K'urnnlee It, and you take no chancra In buying it Conlajni no In jurious drugi and children alrtioat "Cry for It." Hold only at Ilradham Celery Headache Powders. There li not any better remwly for headache than Ihcie powdera They never fall to lelleie Made and old only at Dairla' P tacrlpll ,n Pharmacy. NEW BERN PRODUCE MARKET. Fetuoarj 8. tart, per dot 11 fbdrkene per pair ... 43 ft M j Tarkeya, lire, per lb 71 1 dreeed, per lb t 10 Oeeae per pair SO to 1.00 pfk p.rD &i M Xirt. ' . . 8 A Hide, jrren, per lb 8 eV i tJ ' lOaVlt ' Breewai . .- M 8wt Po'atoea, Taae, p baab. M . ......40 C: .,U . .1 I... 1,1 . ... .I.- ' ' II. I 1 ' . 1 11 .! p i 1 , . i". :r ,.i 111 .d. i I , . . 1 1 r I 1. !' We 111!, I t- t llOVV I.. Ill t 1.1 '!. 1. 11 tt.:i.l.. lb, i wi- : , - bo.-t i 'i ii , s, ,i. ii . i.i. ii.. hard f. . lilt's ju:-t Ollehed inn oUt and 1 1 111 H US II II S . ,,f ,'ir Te;is subs, ril,, -i s st. p . d il,. . k,. . . , la-t I. I,,,, .ins,, v , re fi,s ,i to (. b n, i. , M. .. .. nii-l i. :i w r ! 1 .11! :i r n to .i.-a,. - i.' tin a- p. I.-. Lilt vm- . a., t ;; . t,.. , fa I : '. !! We ba .' Hot il'.ll;; HI pa t , 'liar ... ,ii- I n :. ,. iiloi l .li-t i. , ' ra- to pi. I. a 1 ii-- ! An it. hi in our ,-., iiiniis la-t , . .1, ' .'tai.-d tl.r,; Mrs i;. m ral !... ..f i;o i n, . 1 . 1 1 was toirneilv n bail. I fc:il m I,.. ' .-list. I I : 1, a w as .. i tier, a-.- b.-r 1 i-illl pi. .ii;.. In re at h Hue. but. ll- she and h,T bilsliali.l ba . , lil-.l io,r..:is ..bp . ti. i,s. w c iiiaia In::1 1 b- tip d .,n and t n : - t that she w a b ad i,:: liuh ins .1 of a ballet .rii l j .lor i row h-y of tl,e U..y ill l'oio : i r-o-in :-' id ,,t . . . b to put up a . mil cr I'll I.-, t 1 .in; an. I I I. . I u an oc , bind bis bar ihc oth.-f day It bad m t I b. en n, ph.. ,-minut. s i , ;, i .a'i a 1. , rt I la. Il w . i r sll - I 1 11' a 1 t ll, 1! I . t, , t, d in hits and w as 1 ' it . I . ,.,. -.. Snxilimt "Wluitl ('.'ltinral iiitaiuV" ci-ieil lire borifdrf who wa tin,.- months iu n: -rrais "i d i.alhrr rat -rnuliM." Tin landlady smiled . i m I; "Wrll. Mi. Sl,,,;l." s,r said ,;, her chilliest lours, "ii serins to ii,., ti.ai I'm doini; all Hint can be rpr, i, ,1 v b.-ii I i furnish t ,u our I, ,,a i d w it I. out ..:.; IM.,1S,. .,',,,' M.M ,,nil ,,, .,;,,. , , Ponrd into .rov.lii-r." i b e land I la.n lr:lirr. - - - - - - I I ..lie 1. 1 ll it . 'l our 1. 1 ll n . Here the f. Ih.w b.,; i..w . . . f toe. "Your 1'rleinMiip is piirc c,,',l'" be Cl'ir.l. I wnniK his bund. "In, n't mention it.' I protest, at. . . 1 1 1 na I. I'oKtet III Spilt fi f flir H(l:r. Collect..: I am af.aid I,, .', mil -dun in pri son to Mr, i ; ; in:, j , Had v..- tlot bi t Irr I..I W aid it bv l,,a il ; Manatrr Ye-, l ot i. : n ! . i t' ! is tl.r only in - tain . w 1.. . , r v i' ' Violate our lir.lt... Tost No V. ll j Ohio State Joiiinal I'r.i I t I . "'l b.' v ela im iu Ito- r , ,n t b :' ' a i: :" . a of t hr si rrt rar . - CiHI,. !. : - . .11 - p 1, sr ,-ra I la ll na ia i w.iiil. r if tbos, f, -, ,, i ., i . . ... hnvr to sp, a k sri.aal lal.ca. - a or, Irr to liiidrrslaml ll.ri,, "- t i. claud l'luiu 1 1. ah-r. v o danger-in a fafe linn : anil it Is al nys a safe thlnn to have Anway 8 Croup yrup where you can put your hand on it at nk'ht Don't wait for your child to ra t the Croup and then end for il, an hours dr! iy i n bo dauci run- '-'V at llra.lhaiii's I'ha-ma. y Pearls Fpund In Verfawnt. Evervofre ia talking abotV the Gratfl Mountain I'earla. DidXpu w that they cure liver troulilt constipation, bad digestion, nausea, dull headache, dizziness anil foul breath ? There never was a pill Bold ivhich acted o quickly and cently, aad they don't gripe one bit. (fial ial.we aak-we know whatXhe re- y, f Bult vSy be. C. I . U ll A I HAM. fPOR f 8ALE.IS To HomeMekers atnd Investors ON EASY TCRMS. ot. and "honae. at Lambert. Point, the lodu.trlal aubnrhof Norfolk. Virginia. Fire large factorlea, and the N. W. Kail road abop., gle employment lo a large nr.mbr of men and women and are conat.nlly calling for additional handa. Two electric car line, afford trimpor- latloo to all point. In tbe city for a fare f"t- Valaea of pfoparly la Ihla aectlon are eoaataatly ad fencing aad offer opporlu- alllea for profitable. InTealmeoti. Norfolk Cooty;l. growing rapldlrt IU populatloa, with tbe oltle. of Norfolk aad PorUajoolb embraced lit ll, wa t.y ore... of mnfi,T eea.a. ..f lJ0 U il 4,8 'i' ...... i fof prlo tarau, ale, Appl; to , MtrrnV Jb CXI. 140 rVUla St. 'NORFOLK, V. yli. ANli'iS. KINSEY, OFELK, MICUIOAy. Mrs. Ma i- aret i;-usey, Kik, Oeseasee couaty, Mich., writes to Dr. Htrtmatl, as i. 11. .v. - : I .-. ii v. .: i and think I will Deed no more medicine. I feel 60 well,n6Vll my .Id c i.i; are )toin, hk h were many. I often did not know which way to turtr. No oi.e k: what I sufTeriai. For forty-aloe years I Buffered but now I am cur . .1, f..r v i.n b I thank Dr. Hart man for bis advice and good treatment. I keep !' ruiia in tin bouse all the time and shall never be without it. 'My !:u;bxnd had a coufli for nine years. He took Pervna and It helped int.). flj looks quite yovng. He works hard every day and s getting f."i He takes Pcruna three times a day. You don't know "iovv ibti.ikf-jl f feci toward you; I never think of you but to thank you l"J i. 'ii Jo .ill I can for you." Coiir re -ni"."i .1. 11. IUui.'' id, of Ala ba n.i, .ri' ot the '..' '. i.i 'uenttal mem- l et s of the 1 louse c f Ucp r e ae n t a Utcs, ia a letter written from Washington, D. ('., giv"s bia en- ' (lor.seiuciit to the r.-at catarrh .'.'.v, I'.'runa, re'f V1K-f P;, i s : " Your -e. M .11 f' i l'cruna i.i one of 'the be s t medi- Hon. !. I r.ra-i 1 ever trici. a " i mi fami! y - : !i,,t:t yo'.-.' ,a :n.:' k'. ole reia i s ; nit- a 'i.i a catarrh euro 1 tt.-r.'' 1 F- fltfckly. I'.ir by K. S. r 11 - s.--1 ' '-r jS , '. lAglHGHESTEro) W FACTORY LOADED "'Hew Rival," "Leader," and "Repeater I:,.., I ,...;. i.-.v::, tip t ike i-o ntu-n, and you will get the bettphells that money can buy ALU DEALERS KEEP THEM. f'VT'yj.y vf."TltrTlV''TH'l'llHlllt' i H i- ; 'I 5 .rf j2i Vt!U" ft ;) llr-i r.K LAMI ivoi nvi'S thcro ifivt- Imii b"V 4-. J ,i i pa! us" it plarcil nthni ttii- n.arkci. I'-omio If "1 ,! Ik " improvn. rnti ' oji il. 'n ly ono jaj 1 . i in -!. f-r ri n in)viw ttiat t -r id iti.7mf av i ;ti iu ,vi-'l- lLiU;r, uud wj uiuko that, loo, ifftyfj' mm Ir The3W ROCHESTER rwilly Mirt!i ';. i.. Dim t ro:u:t, vrry yt-Htnuo . ntr on ihv i fimp. i . .tic. No matter w.t-ili-r v.i.iit I ! (.r,r repaired nr r -ihii i, " - f lump (rin-fnrini il infon N Till: ROCHLSTER LAMP CO. DON'T WAIT TO SEE IT ADVERTISED Hut COM K ANYTIUK and jon i VARIED ! HOESES Q.l "CJX.E.S, niiy uo HU( prit n. Also I uggief, WiiffO"'. Carl, ( art W bwU, llarntM, rA cnn fnun( ; the SUte. Kvery al OrARANIEEO. ; ReBpwIfu'l.T. ZJ A ZJAT fA CaOA ilAilyi KJ aJVi W4 iiK1 NEW UK II IV, IV. C. .Tliliuir rt, ra " "TT1 1 THE m Z a- I DH0I QXflRF I DUUl OlUIlaU wat i TlirtlOr N 1UWI ' AlltianB. To MetchtnU ud po,,.t,r. at lower prka tbaa lha eaa be boafbt of pu,(,lMi . 7 , , ! haHartbaiawaUf kaa a fafl !! Jewel. . 0. . K5RITT, Hsw DIM, V. U There la but a single medicine which ia a radical specific for catarrh. It li Peruna, which has stood a halt century test. It has cured thousands of cases of catarrh. Ninety times In a hundred, those who have bn cured of catarrh by Peruna thought they had some other disease." The romedy to cure catarrh must be able to reach the mucous membranes, and this is exactly what Peruna does. Peruna operates at the fountain head. Peruna produces normal, clean and vig orous mucous membranes. Catarrh can not remain iu the system if Peruna la used according to diroctioni. Address Tho Feruna Mediclns Com pany, Columbus, Ohio, for a free book ua catarrh. MAGNETIC NERVINE Permanent ly Restored. frUZA. ZT, 'iT'tr, A,(irv"' Johnny. irtmmi:-:m. ra.nn Mumorr, and alt j 't7'ff .1:1 1 all UnkrrMntH t'Mi' fr-.n frly or tutor . f 1 r"' h'.tnrS. fil'd 10 anjpGflrtjSi on receipt ol pnc. IH rTY .V CO. SHOTGUN SKELLSJ Ll li.ivint; in a Kinp, .Li.vM.. NEW YORK. TrtyVri mill find the MO'iFBT nd MOST Aifortiutnt of For Sale ! 30 barrels of North ern grown seed pota toes, E. M. STREET. Eellalr, N. C. Ou'r Cold In Haad. rMt . .ieliM Uaeit owtM mtf H take aa4 ewek wiMwUH W4 eaa awe