peto Befit VOLUME mil. NIW BIRS, CRAVIN COUNTY. N. ( '.. FRIDAY, Ft BttlAKT 15, 19U1. -SECOND SECTION. K MuLK b'.' REMEDIES THE SET 1.95 Consisting of CUTICURA SOAP, to cleanse the skin, CUTICURA OINTMENT, to heal the skin, and CUTICURA RESOLVENT, to cool the blood, is often sufficient to cure the most torturingdis figuring skin, scalp, and blood humors, rashes, itchings, and irritations, with loss of hair, when the best physicians, and all other remedies fail. Millionsof Women UseCuticura Soap Assisted by CUTICURA OINTMENT, tor pnawrTUic. purlfln and beautifying th kin. for cleanaln,- the scalp of crusts, scales ud dandruff and the stopping- ,t fall. Ins hair, for softening, wliltenln and aoothlnc red. rouch and tor hands, in tho form of baths for annoying Irritations, laflammatlona and chadnrs. or too free or of fensive persplrstlvn, la the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative anlltptlc purposes wnlch readtly surreal themselves to women, anl ri.-? dally mothers, and for all the purposes of tha toilet, batb and nursery. No im.'iin! f persuasion run Induce those who have once used It to use iny other, estprlallT for preserving and purifying; the skin, scalp, and hair of Infants and children. '' TICURA SuAP combines dellrste emollient propertlea derived from CL'TU'l'lt v, nt ftrreat skin cure, tvilh the purest of cleansing Ingredients and the most refr. ,hinn uf flower oJurs. No o'.s.t medicated soap ever compounded Is to be eompar.-J !;li It tor preserving, puriljlng and beautifying the akin, scalp, hair, and hands. No t!ier foreign or domestic taiiet soap, however expensive. Is to be compared with It lor alt the purposes of the toilet, bath and nursery. Tbua It combines In ONK S'A1 at ONE PRIC"?, twenty-five cents, the BEST skin and compli'ilon soap aod .i s3ST toilet and baby soap In the world. Sold throughout the world. EXCITIHGCENES. The Impeachment Resolution In troduced in the House. Connor Introduces Ilia Substitute. Allen Support Impeach ment. Stublu Opposes and is Loudly Ap plauded. Interest is Verj (rual. Special to Journal. lUi.Kiiiii Feb. 14. All the Interest al the Capitol today cenlercJ In the pro ceedings of the House. A resolution was Introduced directing tha Attorney General lo proceed against W. II Worth Ex-Slate Treasurer, 'or $H(K), which he pal i tibell Tihli Comniiionur While upon a mandamus by the Supreme Court after an act had been past'd ilcsiprnetj expreily to head oil the Siijireuie Court )d ill is matter. Il is Ibis case wliirb brought about I lie movement for I lie impeachment of Judg es F irches antl DoiicjUs Kbits, It'-; nMienn. one of the nvmbers of the Judiciary Committee, sent for ward the minority report. He t-abl lhal there was nothini; in the evidence or ill the la relating thereto which justified aDy resolution either of impeachment or censure nnd recom mending I hat no action be lakeu In tbe whole matter. Connor, Democrat, one of tbe sub committee of five of the Judiciary Com mittee, offered a substitute for the reso lution of the committee. Tbe substitute simply laid I hit the Supreme court as sumed authority or power not conferred by the constitution and l ists of North Carolina but which were In derogation thereof. Allen of Wayne, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, oflered Ihe follow ing for the majority: "That laid Judges David M Kurches, formerly Assistant Justice, antl It ilien M Douglas, Aasoclule Justice, (of the Bupreme Courl of North Carolina, be Impeached for high dime and misde meanors of office." Several hours of speaking followed Ibe Introduction of the resolution. Al len led In tho nupperl of his resolution Bluhba of Martin, Democrat, epokd for an h tur against Impeaching an I n loudly app autled by the- people who crowded tbe lobby ami tho gillerloa. Grillim of Granville, Democrat spoke lo faror of linpoai tunent. Pcrxins who rati not take nrdlnari pills 11 nd It a ilea-ure to lake DeVS in'. Little E'l Rliwts. 1 hey are tne liei illlle pills ever mtle. F. S I) iffy .t tit Filipinos Seem Belter Disposed. Manila, Kebruary 13 Itacolor and all lb town adlacnt to ihi railroad, hose ntoics are historical on atc niui of Ihe flrrci haltles of tb" atlier ( r I l of tb AtDeri' an ocrtipailon, turned mil to welcome Ibe United Sutrs I'hllipi ln commlssloQ ai It proceeded norihwetd, on lt first trip to orgsnltw 'pruvioclnl (orernmrnla. Al averj ilsilon. (locla dlog the kmlrn, where (be train did not atop, there wrrs butate of music from the nail" band and cb-cri. An InsutK'nl c ilouel, Mmpsoo Tf hi)n, aeven ln- g nt olTWrt and 10 tB, lib 8 I guna, have t irrrn lured un ooodltlonally CASTOR I A Tot LsIuU and ChildrtB. Til Kind Yci Han Alwajs Bccjtt few tht TIMBER TRESPASS. Bill Amended In the Senate. Farmer Bill Passed Practical Special to Journal Hai.eioii, Feb. 13 A lon discussion ensued in tho Senate toda,' upon the bill amending the law In regard lo tres passing on timber lands. The Commit tee offered a substitute on Senator Ward's bill ami the substitute iti' adopted by the Senate. The bill requiring only practical mers to bo eligible to election u Board of Agriculture was ptssed. fai thr Three Prisoners Recaptured. Special to Journal. Rw.ncin, Feb. 13 Thre of the prisoners who cut their way out of Durham jail have been rec ipturetl. MANY PENSION BILLS. One Thousand before The Legislature:. Boards Cf Applications Special to Journal. Kai.f.ioii Feb. Hi. There are atm 1000 special pension bills before Ih leglslatuio today. A number of the" are lor Increase of pension sive one t,, elve soldiers pensions who un let ''e general law are not entitled to them antl tome one without auy merit nt a! Such la thu comment matin by official-. There Is a county pension b eirtl. o' veterans, in eaeli county, w hich passe on applications, antl si nils lh"iii up ! the Stale board. There is a disposition evidently on the part of some legislator to Ignore iheso county boinls. Thi has been tbe case for several je.ns, antl oltirlals say It Is unfortunate. Seaboard Will Pay Ovei charges. Special to Journal. Kalkioii, February 14 The corpora lion commission having won both tin suits, In the State and Federal Couiis. involving fertilizer freight rales on the Seaboard Air. Line, the latter ( onipaev will In a fow days pay Into the Stale Treasury about fl 000 overcharges am this tbe commission will refund to ship pers. This entls a long tight anil a no table case. One Hundred Years Hence. WashiHotoh, D C. Feb lie -An 11 luklratrd official programme wdl be unique f'llure of the coming inaugii'n lion. Among a ntimlier of Inierts'lig arili it a v bli b will be liielinhd will l an arcuunt of the Inaugnratlon of lb year 2001. at which time Ihe author an times I h United Slates will have sr. quired Ihe hole of the Western Hum phtre. Il Is ansumed that the Prrsldrnl. Montreal man. will have 41 Cabinet "embers to apolnl; that tbe Senate will rontlst of 800 members and tl.e limine H 0. ami that Wa-blnvton ' n that tlsj will (ntcilaln 3 OOO.lKMi tl-ll ore, most of horn will vlewlho Inau gural parade from alr-shlpi American Bids Are Lowest. I.ODdoD, Feb 12 A Parliamentary paper, Issued tonlgh'. compiles with the House of Commons' retpiest of Decern her 14 for tb American and British bldt for M bridge no tb I'gan a Railroad. A American company m to erect tb bridge Id 44 week, lb lowel Ksgllsh bid for th deliver of th terUl oa board tblp at lodon wa 60 wak Tka aVaMrleaa eompaev offered to lay dawl tka sDWrll a any British port forrwVw tbaa lb vrg prlc of tb BrllUb eoapaay't delivery la Lo doa. Tba ieMtleaa aotapaij agraad to ib brtd( (ot M par to. aly I0. 0 or Uaa U a?araf tfritUa prtoa lot datlm; U lotdot, ' - WIDE SPREAD- One Case of Small pox in Baptist Female University. Disease llosely buardrd Pupils all Yaciluatrd Jarvis Strongly AirlBt Impeachment. The Arrual K.-miual. For this' ( on list-1. Kibruary la. -Two years ago mui! p'X v discovered here, brought from Norfolk, by negrcme, who ktul ait lat.1 concealed. Negroes from Durbatn have bro'jcbl toe disease agmn. 1 bree of ilirtn are su it with il, 111 ibe I extreme eastern, pari of Ibe cuy. Va'xi j nation beie is quite thorough Tbe one ! esse at ibe liitptiMt Female L'nivcraily la I i uol iu tbe uiaiu liuildlu. I here was a i tu l idiu k . There was a H i ht mi ll ue goaril uf six last uii;bt and J tically ttnitip) 'I mil the srr.ull p"i epl two loilay. No one save tbe physician ilemic there, ant! 1 nit cornpulMH j vacci is allow e.l to enlur or leave the pretnises. I nal ion bf.s 'ten mile it J in i he fiction of All ihe ktu.lenis are vaccinated. The legi-lature was to have attended a con ceil ai tbe I'nlvcrMly Monday but a cauciii rendered oostDOueiuent neces- Ijny. The cause ol tbe disease there ' as brought by one of ihe uegroeB alluded lo as sick. She w as employed i in the school, ' ;he tale b mni of healih is advised of i a bad outbreak of small pox in Greene' i county. It is now In over a tlozen couu- i I ! ties. ; Kx-Gov. .larvis lakes strong grountl j against tbe impeachment of the judges. I lie lakes the view , held by not a few loihcr leaders, that Chief Justice Fur ! dies' oHlce now is a diH'eienl one from ; that he belli when be itBued the manda . I iiius. Then he was associate justice. ; Ihe selection of the State primer is now placed in Ihe bauds of the Stale olliccrs; no longer by tbe legislature. Governor Aycock decides to recom mend the removal of tbe arseDal from tbe cnpitol sipiare and building of a new one ami a hall of records nearby on the lot bought two years ago by the Stute. Il is rumored that if there is impeach ment Jus'ice Furches' Counsel will be Frank I Osborne, Spier Whitaker antl F. II. Husbce, certainly three meu ol very in a i ketl ability. AN AMNESTY BILL. Passed the House. BUI Introduced Pro viding For Compuisory Education. Special to Journal Hai.kkih, Feb 13 -The bill granting smnesly to Republicans antl I'opullslt indicated for violating the election law .vas passed in tilt- House today. A bill was introduced in the House to il iy providing for compulsory education in any county, city or town, upon an ill! i mali ve vote of 1 he majority of the (Ualiticd voters of said place. Committee On Congressional Dis- tricis. Special to Journal. Haif.ioh Feb. 13 This afternoon i the joint committee on Congressional ' listrlou mot, lo arrange the plan for I livitling Ihe Slate Into 10 districts. ; There are 3 or 4 bills before the aom i nittee. It la claimed that two of tliein I make all the dlslriils surely Democratic ! i bough this Is denied by some. American Soldiers Come High. Woshington, Feb. 1 2 The House lo i . y passed the army appropriation bill mil entered upon tbe consideration of be sundry civil bill, Ihe last but one ol he big money bills. The debate on tin irmy bill was confined largely to a bsciission of the question of passing alls to remove the charge of desertion igiiul soldiers antl was made notable iy a statement of Mr. McClellan, of N'W York, comparing the cost of tin- -idler iu Kuropean armies wilh Ihe cost n I he United Stales According to hi ngures. Including the cobi of pensions, lo., each United States soldier Involved an expense of while a German -nl lier costs $227 ami a French soldier (I ;'. Million- of people arc familiar with ')e ill's l.liile Early Kisera and those ho one i hem hod them tn te famou ittle liver pills. Never gripe, F. S In Ty A ( o. APPALACHIAN PARK. cnalc Commlitcc Reports Rill for lis Establishment Washington, D. C , Feb 13-Senator itrverldge, from the Senate t'ommltlee in Forest Iteservsllons reported favor I'.ly Ihe hill aulhorlxlng the eatablish iieut of a national reserve In the Appalachian Mountains within tbe 'talus of Virginia, North t aroftna, So.iih Carolina. (Jenrgla and Alabamt. DULL IN THE SENATE. But Some Fire eiulttd Over tbe 6111 to Employ Couovel. pe lal to Journal. UAi.rioB, Feb 14 - The procedlnt in tbe Senate wer onlnteresllng tod). ? for healed and porly fwdlllcal ll.(osl"n of tb ling bill allowlo ike (iovemor lo employ cohdmI lo kid the Aliornf General la dfdlg lb Democratic lectloa officer of laat year Indlrtfd la th Fdrl Oirt. Tbe bill pd lb Ft, lb IU ptitllcaos aod I'opnlleii Totlag ao. CUaalaa Cooa Oola, bot ar aold, aamd alMo8otl7,i. ; OHll FBI The. Reason For the L nc fi at Asheville. K.Mlll f i.iuuulaury Vacci ai ! u . il. .aril (jfUtt-r May Jim li i - p. ti -ii i ) l or 1 a e bo r u 1 u en I n-u ra ' (T It. ( ipt i. . .1 r rut.: H -'fM r ; '. I Ha: i.- ..i ' cer ol 1 ... . the tb'l ti.i ti. ' Abbe ; 1 . t , -ti I au) lliiiu" m r though: K .- lempH.l in i Socieuiy fpcik n to.!,;) ..!,.:; cliifg "I four a:- r. at I nert rt : . . f.s 1,1 t t I 11 . t-Ul t tiLrr'r ! ;. A lot ( ' ' bu a al . be till ill ' ja;d II l.ritin of Ibe K . State Uoaril uf ll alib ) vaccination in t uttw vaccination in 1 unwell inunu ba prur- tireene county in which there is an oui breali ltv.ii f pec letl t li il linsiiionih tbe ollicers here nt tbe Seaboanl Air-Line woubl rt nr-ve to Hatiilel. bill ailviees are Ibal Ibe inoveiiienl in postponed. The new urintitfeinent for aardin( the public priiiting, that i by a tpcciul biianl, appear lo give general satHfac lion T be Irgi-lature was auxioua lo be ntl of the rec poiidtbility. The reports favorably a bill n j v i 11 g Tarboro a dijpeusary. There in a great movement ft.r a dispensary at CIihi lotte. K' ptesentntive Willaril lias introduced a bill milking ibe tux on'gross receipts of insurance companies i instead of ii per cent. Thus far 300 acts and resoluiiotis of the legislature have been ralilied. Three fourths of Ihe business which the legis latures talie up coultl readily be done by h' county clerks ami the secretary of state; but the legislatures go on in the same old way, learning nothing by ex perience. There arc forty-two committees ill the bouse. The committee work Is much harder than that al the regular sittings of the legislature. A" RALEIGH FIRE. De struction Of HosleryMill. Deficient Water Supply. Special to Journal. Kai-kiom Feb. 14. -At 18 30 o'clock ibis morning the WlUardvilie hosiery mill here was burned, together with a J lot of lumber and a car belonging to the i -Vitbiiard Air-Line. The vlue of the mill plant antl stock therein was about fi.r) (100, on which there is about flH.OOO insurance I n len days Ibe plant would have been Installed In a new building Over 100 persons arc thrown out of mployment- The Are alarm failed lo .oik and t lie water supply was un--alisfactory. The latter was the case almost n year ago, at the tobacco warehouse lire and another Inquiry may result. Like bad dollars, all counterfeits of DeWiti's Witch Iiszel Salve are worth less The original quickly cures piles, sores antl all Bkln diseases. F. S. Duffy ct ( o. BAD IN KANSAS. Wild Scenes at Wrecking: of a Saloon In Wlnfkld. One Women-Crusader Shot Preacher Hits Proprle tor With an Axe. Winkiki ii, Kansas, Feb. 13 A mob if 200 men and women.armed with aies evolvers anil shol guns, today totally lernolisht tl Schmidt's saloon, the finest in the city. Some one fired a doxen -hois from a shol-gun through the front loor that Martcd a general onslaught with rocks ami guns on Ihe window" hiiiI tloors Kimi Denny receiveti a omtol bail iu her li'C and was slightly nurt. After driving 1 lie proprietors from Ihe i.uiltllng through the rear door the mob . realetl havoc right ami .left. Cigar, minors and pictures were -mashed and Ih. s that eotd not be rest bed with aies were shot full of Holes li v. ( harlea Lowtber prevented t'barles Schmidt from entering the place by striking him with an axe, In flicting a scalp wound As be fell to ibr ground Henry Schmidt made a gun play in defence of his brother that near ly cost him his life One of the cru saders, following up the preacher's al tack had raited an ai to strike Henry -kchniltit whrn a companion wrested the weapon from his hands. For lime serious trouble seemed likely. The roayi r called a special meeting of lb council to plan means of quelling disturbance. tb Necley Trial Id Hayana. Havapa. Feb. 18.-Tb tealltnooy al ready aomltted n behalf of lb gov eminent In tbe cas agalnit C. T- W Neeley, tb alleged poatofno mbialr, covers more than i 000 typewritten pages This repree-nts, however, only a Dortlon of tb whole evldaoo lo b preaeeted and wllaessee ar baring miBd dally. i- Tber It lwvi drr la aalng ooi tarfell of DaWlll'i Wllcb Baaal feWlv. Tba orif laa) I a tata aad Mrtala oar for pllaa. Il k a aoolklag aad aaalla talaa lot aoraa aad all ita dlwaaaa. F. REPUBLICANS TO REORGAMZE. P.-iUc:ii McKin ley's l-ua to (.tur-fc I J asl oli.-c Hu.-cn ibe bm-. K;q.. . :bete ub u an polnii a : r ft. .! i. i. t n a-!i li,l It-rui ' tbsl 1 be i tti; et to I tLtiu It t Ibe ft el 1 ; lit L b V e a r 1 1 I 1 1, u 1 1 g 1m tie 111 l'l, e h . rt-a.l v i I pe r t, feilf it lib. It g aliiu to I is spei ially true llice holders in Kaaleru feel tbe wave of e liatije. ..f ! i't t aroliria, v. i lioul LH.K lear al le. lo itil or K1' fessou lor 1 t hat poosesteg ihem. rr'intiiient Republicans in Lastern Caioliua. men who ofien vol f . r Deaio cr;ito locally and on the Slate ticket, but rtho are pronounced on National issues, and alwa)S vote for the Kcpubiican ticket, now declaie that past It. -publican methods are lo be abolisheJ and every encouragement and Inducement is to be beid out lo the whila voteis u become Itepiiblican-. In the change of Federal ollice holders is the move to be made, say these Republicans, antl President McKinlty is to be shown a number of men, high socially and with marked ability, who should be given Federal oflices As noted these men are nolcandnlales for offices, under the accepted term of office seekers. They have voted the National itepubll can ticket in 189B antl 1U00. but did so because they were opposed to liryanism and the Democracy he represented. ! Their candidacy will not be of their ow n i seeking, but their names are to be pre- sented the President and the Republi can leaders in Washington, with the 'claim that the Republican party's inlcr ests will be largely advanced by giving them Federal positions, as wilh these i men in office, It will make a new leatler I ship, and tecure a while following, which never can be done under the old leadership, which no respectable or leading while men would associate wilh ! in any political way. Leading while Republicans in this sec tion recognize and freely admit Ihe weakness of their party iu while nu-u of ability, and the necessity of securing men who have character as busiuess men and are men of ability In their profes sion. The negro Isnot even considered as a voter. As an office holder, under the second McKinley administration, promi nent Republicans say he will be left en ii rely out, nor is there a negro of promi nence who believes his race will gel a single office. The Jouknai. has been shown the names of prominent men of this section who will be presented to President Mc Kiuley for Federal appointments, ami if the policy as outlined above is carried out there will be a great change in politi cal lines In Kastern Carolina among the white voters. The political slogan will be Protection and Expansion, and under such a cry there is expected to be gained a large antl rea teclable following of Ihe business men of Kastern Carolina. New Bernians at Washington. Kalelgh Post Wash i.viton, Feb 12. A delegation from New Hern is here composed of Mayer Ilahn, George (ireen, C. D. Hra.l himand J S Basnighl They were' about the capllol under Ihe escort of 'ongressman Thomas. The delegation' came here In the Interest of the bill to reimburse St. John's Mas"nic Lodge of New Bern $fi,000 for use tluring the war. The bill has passed the House and Ihe delegation was pleaned to learn that whll on their way here a favorable re-, port bad been made on It by tbe Senate Committee on claims II will surely pass the Senate In a few days ami become a law by Match 1st al the latest Mr Thomas, who has done mm h hard work on Ibis bill, Is Juslly proud of bis su cess. The delegation will return borne tomorrow Volunteers Given Preference. Washington, DC, Feb 11 -Sruatoi Kyle has had an Important conference t with the ('resident In reference tn ihe policy of Ibe Administration In nisklng appointments tinder the Ileorganlallon bill recently passed by Congrct. The I'realdenl'a programme In regard lo army appointments Is that noappoillon ment will be observed wilh regard to Slatea. sections or population, i tic I'reeldent said that preference woultl l given In making these appointments lo volunteers who are now servlne In the Philippine, who want commissions, and wbo are qualified otherwise for the dulln of lieutenant. Troops At Tbe Inauguration. Waablngton, I). C. Feb. 14 Lleuten anl Oeoetal Mile baa completexl ar rangement for the participation of L'nlld Htale troop In th Inaugural prd, tnd tb necesaary order were Issued today. All tb available regu lar ta thlt vicinity, number 1000, will b la lln. Il I lo propwaexl to hv o battalion of Porto Hloan nttlv troop la lb partd. provkUd It on be doaa wkbonl grMltip. Tb cdu al Wart Polal aad AaancolU alao will . Try Ua Otk -Mt Mukat'i BrvwkfMt faa. hla laltialfaL - House Work Is Hard Work FRESH LOT I Mt. Aby Bttttet i- I M it 1 1 ,. . 14 . - 1 1. mM I', i fi-l 1 !.! ill.s. 1. 1111.: hs-sli I'm, m Kn -li iik. ,il M.;,l. Ihi il iiml K',iioniii-il li. illl kllnls i iiiiiH-il ' lie 111, s ToUlITt It I - lilltl Sil 1 is lis U 1 1 tiiui jf in I t an r;uii;ii.K lll'itf fl un i IVf tilt a ml! ami pk Phone 91. Js J. A. JONES, It It OA It STREET, STEWART'S OLD STAND, Livery, Feed, Sale and Exehange .'gcHt iil.t Kver Fomiil in New Horn. Also ILtniesH, Ktilics, AVIiin-,J 'art Whceln We arc well pleasi-tl will, mir salt s of tile KF.NTl'CKY DKLIQHT s'l't i IIS the past season nii ciist utieiB me I'm And if you expoct U) ,u so,- tin iii tin mir fl''i id' Hsk your neiglilKir about them. Sold with a (iiiaralit.-o In Iwk tlii ni (nr sta k is u wi'll Helpctctl on and full. Aiivtliing Mm want in HiU'lware, lUiildiliRs Matrrml, I'uintu, Oilg, ill Ills I. urn ami Han ( .i t mil rno v. 147. AT TIIK BOOK STORE Turiier'K 1901 A I in mi hc. To Merrhanla and roelmasters al a lower price than Ihey can be bought of Ibe I'obllsber. liailer the Jeweler baa full line of J.woler U K F.NNKTT. Niw Bin, N. C For Sale 1 30 barrels of North ern grown seed pota toes, . LL STREET , Bellair.N. without GOLD DUST. Hill k, l renin of jm. Whit 1 I. JVaehtn and Apples. K tnnt ( i 1 1 j ' I -i . i prr lli sttii k t.f all kTUlltS Wholesale A Retail 71 Ilr.-'l Hi. I STABLES. Fint i-t a ( omp It t k t f It- lane of Buggies, Wagons J. A. Kroud Street, .IOMfS. Stewart's Old Stand. iiritt-s Save .Money. Gaskill Hardware Co. 7rl Mu.r.i. 8t, NEW BKRN. N. C. P. TltKNWITII, BLCKSHIT5 k WHIELBIGRT. laiifaetarer of Hngglea, Wgi. t'rta, Ac, Repilriig lloe aaJAhart Natlca. Bugglca, Wagons, Cart and Dray kepi on hand for ml. Hate a axsta fro at Mrwot, New litrllallr-KMl, TAXES MUST BE PAID!' All UxM n wwi oollectalln, tnd MUST V.K PAID. Coat tvr now added. ' . , . . , , ..JOSEril KIK8EY, C.,rb.tM9oi. iiheri: -t

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