VOLUME mil NEW BERN, CHAVES lOL'MV. .S. l. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY , Mul.--SI.rONb SKlTluV MMBkK M ore IHIairids Red Rough Hands Itching Burning Palms and Painful Finger Ends ONE NIGHT TREATMENT Soak the liands on retiring in a strong, hot, creamy lather of Cutictra Soap. Dry, and anoint freely with Cuticura, the great skin cure and purest of emollients. Wear, during the night, old, loose kid gloves, with the finger ends cut ofi and air-holes cut in the palms. For red, rough, chapped hands, dry, fissured, itching, feverish palms, with shapeless nails and painful finger ends, this treatment is simply wonderful Millionsof Women UseCuticura Soap Assisted by CUTICURA OINTMHNT, for preserving, purifying, and beautl fying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of cruets, scales and dandruff, and tho stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening and soothing red. rouch anil sore hands, In the form of baths for annoying Irritations, in flammation'! and liafinKS. or loo free or offensive perspiration. In the form of washes for ulce rative weaknesses, and for many sanative antiseptic pur poses which readily Mipsest themselves to women, and especially mothers, and for all the purpor.o., of the toilet, bath, and nursery. No amount of persuasion can lndiuv those who have once used them to use any others, especially for preserving and purifying the skin, scalp and hair of Infants and children. Cl'TIiTHA S.P combines delicate emollient properties de rived from OIITirt' 1:a. the great 6kln cure, with the purest of cleansing Ingredients and the mo.-t refreshing of flower odors. No other mrdmileil soap ever compound. 1 h- m ho compared with It for preserving, purifying and beautifying the .skin, scalp, hair and hands. No other foreign or rtomes tlc toilet soap, however expensive. Is to be compared with It for all th purposes of Ihe toilet, hath and nursery. Thus It combines In ONR SOAI at ONE PRICK, viz . TWRNTY-FIVB CENTS, the BEST skin and com plexion soap, the HHST toilet and BEST baby soap In the world. Complete Eiterml nnl Internal Treatment for Every Humor, SI. 25, Consisting of tTTlrt'ltA SOAP .'.Me . to cleans the skin of crusts and sealfa and often the ihl.-k.-t.e-l .mMr; CITU'I'RA OINTMENT S0c.). o Instantly allay Hell ing. Inflamni.vi ,r mil IrrOMInn an.l soothe and heal, and OUTIOTRA KFSI ll. VENT IflOc.). to eo.il an 1 . l-nns- th Hood. A RTNOI.E SET Is often sufficient to euro the moat torturing, .llsli- nrlnsr .-nil l. iimllfattnf akin, acatp an-1 blood humnrs, with l.ua of hair whoa nil - riilli l-i -I 1 throughout the world. RALEIGH. Dr, Klrby's fuuc ii Will b: U Gdldsboro. Wood Wurkinjr at Hitrli Point. Bills In Lcgislalure. Kaimoii, 1'". hruary SO.- I'r found ic gret an.l sympathy are expressed here at the ileilh of Dr. (lenrge L. Kirby, fort) years Mie. siuperii, tendon' of the insane, a-ylutn here. His management, of that insliliitlon was in ali respects llie ablest lti ri r c its history. Ills funeral will be BILL TO FIX R ATES. Flat at Three Gn:s a Mile. l'reJkk Will N.it P.tss. Special to .1 tin n I I! A l.l.H, II . Kil'tu-.ry '' ' I'I-- h - ctiinmiltee nn railways lust evening . n sidered Ihe hill to ubolish i,it -mil i ouil class rates nil railw :iy. i ml i-tal. a Hat rale of 3 cents per mile. i is fleshed by I :ii i v m -. The -.; nv.tlec decided to report a iiitlm1,! ; at lioldsb iro, and an escoit of Sute olll- ! ju-lice. cert, Confederate Veterans and plty sicians will aciMinpsny the remains there. Dr. Ki.hy died from pneumonia anil was CO cars of age. lie was horn in Duplin county, this stale. lie graduated at 1'liiladelplila and took a special course In medicine in Paris, France, Ilejwas surgeon of a North Carolina regiment in Ihe r-infe, Urate service, tlien prac ticed medicine at (lol.li!) '.r ii-itil 1HD2, when Le took charge of Ihe ho-pital here.' There arc now :." wi - working fac toric.i at Ili.'li I'ooil ll i-i liie centre of Hie furui.ure indu: I. lis in I he South. JIo.il of Ihe woo l toin-s 1,-om near Le noir nnd A h lit- v i I It-, but lar'i- cuiilracU for oak lisvelhis wcil; I. ten male in Ar k -nsss. The -alt-of ferlili-r tax l-igsbylhc ag i icu! I u i id lit piti i mi lit is k;. r.e-1 to be riornmi. 1; it li e general i-clu-f that Bales will he very heavy Ibis t-e.ison. '1 he corporation, coinrulsdon Calls for a statement hy batiks up to llio cloaJ of business February 5'h. The joint ub committee on judicial dl .trie-is, composed of Ju.llce, Wnodard, Munition, Allen, Hpalnhour and Shan uonhouse has livid Its tirsl meeting and simply organized anil tnapptd .n it a ayeleui of wor k l1 a m; - bi u v 1 1 he pri vate. Sir. Stutibn' bill I i aim ii. I 'he i on si i tulion so as to appropriate thetaxes o' each race to the educaii-u of its own color was reporttd wnlcul p.i j i lice and will not p. !,i I ill - it i predicted imi.v t! fixes a uniform rate of pat-i-iii-i at II cents per mile, d:in, aw s , wi present rates of first cla-s m . second class wiil not pass. Amendment To Pension Bil Spe lal to Journal. Ku.hiun Keb. l) -ScilHlnr I, today inlroiluced an amendment I ' pension b.ll providing that il tin ! 1 on prop: ri v a:i I I '' : oa fo I no', raise .f.'O-'Hli'U for pen, ion attli.uiil nci i-s-a' y I i n .', !i ' i-I.O'ild la Oil i. I ! . ; 1 1 r i ; i i :'- 111. I iv . I i .li i lln- ttecJ McAi'tli'ii pi ' i -. i ii H i' y a I..: , a spa-.ii-n I- il I Filipinos MaMi.i, 1 A 1 1 lull 'e 1 ecep. i ed atiylhing in v 1 1 plare was beanli'i: htiliiautly iduoiios' population was well eral Harry was m . lieneral MicArtloit llie l llited Sla'es c on ni-s. ihe guests. The i.-c -,..i ..i '.I o'clock. Ther.' w is ,1 i wir-U. The alTa r wa. if joy able and the Filipinos .-, pltrasid at lii-ing hi e ir.it-. I uercr before all i rdn I t !i MacArlhur's la- t an 1 i j, really appi icia'i d. I'.tii. .. w . I i I' '.'III r.. I G01SBL Bic.K io mi Ihe Houe kesum.-s ihe Cons.j;ra t:un of Bills. i x ii 1 1 1 1 r iV 1 1 i iVt 1 1 1 if n V'i t ii iiiiii iiiiiiM FRHSH LOT Prominent and Able Attorneys For and Against impeachment. ii ar;l of Y a IU i n So tip re on l; II I: I I III III 1 II tf. Kill. Ilie-'ea I- ii- i en in- II I i r.-al d So ote ii II on I I.- I . i Faicy K: txm o)flflEffTs3Ro)l o)iyJU Ulsliu Lit k !.-:!, Vu.-U (.i.t ..!.! l'd Moiiiiiiy, jj '.. : .ii-!. I mi.-I 1" . .r-It-r oiilv r. in in U ALi J If: 1 1 1 E J J ii i A I' T.iL IN AUul RA i ION. Man Ti(io;s From Nt rth Carolina (ill lo Wliil lils'lLH U-.ll. l et j; l ; ii W t.l,ll. tu lush I , ,- been rai her U l -u r i i J I d MliC 'I tr I' no.t: -if llo- Wii ut hi, ante c on i. H n cnar on.y lo il ;ys m oe rem iii !,. h. I -,--, ! 11.. !:t-r- .. 1 - hi, ft 1. t-T ,lt 1! !l A f,' ,f Hi t.n I 1 -ill .it. Uv. I Iii-iii n 1 1 1 ii 1 .1 t !o- li-.i.lin biainis lUlK-l 111 .1 te.p I. ..aid t-cl and ri I iii -i itir.i ll-sle.l l.i i ' ' to M I H 1,1 .11 v I I It'll 111- illll'.l t . I " It. Quthric and Osborne Lead r.sch Side. Articles of Impeach ment l'o-Di. Trial w :Ii be Short up A- i i i - iv . n ! , in , lietiio. I ii.si , Ki .g s Moui.ii I IVl'ICOiUS i. !a t.. the ir-. ( .incus on ihe Districts. .Spe. u for tlic pr'.s - 'o J iiinril i , i, F i li' of I to- t , ree IU'-m '.t-l s . in th'- ir.in 'i- v p iny I':, ip. inl. Ihi, hoard A hil! w h, 1 I) 1 1 . i. !m d .: . i 'i y I , sen , i- e v i I enc: t , r oil of ITHIIlliil'l. t h,.- .1. V ice hi!! 'A :n a, .ii in ( l iili -l w as n, a li- li . i 1 1 1 v i r i -1 tor n1 hi: .1 oi :i:( h us icuclad todav on t m ! I o t and ttl. 7t if t !u- N t . -t i .r.,ri-i it-s to In- hud A H?(ail Grocer. I5rf.'i Si. run: V 'Jl I'll:' c.olll-el i ;::i and d- reus.- in li e lial of .Iml'cs Fun-Ins us annoiiticcd this ven loi ms a -.1 rotn; arrni' of i:.m i. 1 1 in ..r imp.' lehnie, and 1) .'o la ilU'. flif ii legal tale nt. The altornevs for the prosecution are Wliliam A. (Intlirir, Tlieodore F. David son. James II. Merriinoti, Charles M. I!it-ti"e and .I.iincs II. I'ou. I'll" counsel for the defense was an oii-iii. -id as follows: Frank 1. Osborne, Kx (Jovi rnor Thomas . I. Jarvis, Charles M Cooke, F. II. Hnsliee, and William I', II num. .1 r. A member of t lo- Board of Managers, sad t i - i tr 1 1 1 that, the articles of iinpeach-nii-nl wiP I t- completed tonight and will he i resenlcl lo the Senate by the Hoard ..1 Managers at one o'clock tomorrow af tci no, , !,"-,! S to iing ..n-rii i ..'lit, He- li, i tie- i ;i-ilauire lie!. liii'ii I !n- n- .ti oi .nji.-s.ioiinl distr: llm H-rill! Uailio I. id ort, id. parsed lo i Willi illt't Ml d o lie til,' I i r i i it , li t'ii"tn! I iT III I l' RALEIGH. Sheriffs Very Slow lo Report, txhlbit Lomin? Back Funeral of Dr. Kirby. Smallpox on Increase. Km.kioii, Feb., 21 -Stale Treasurer I.acy said today that so far only .'14 ! sheiitl's bad made complete tax setlle nients. 4- have paid in part ami 21 have not paid a cent, lie will ln-gin proceed ings in a very soict way against these del:n. icnts. ll'nns that during the ires--in year if J 15, 000 will he tine the public insliliilions, on the present ap portionment and that to mod this there ! is ,,,,lv !,,, , I t It, I OIIO on hand '1 In-llntiM-resolution was pre- , , . !t rday ai'd these aiticli s are ( the exhibit which this Mate sent to Ihe I'ari, exposition and which won .... pared by the Hoard of M anitgers, gi v nit: I he cliai LTes. Tins iiienit.ci also said that the ariicli s vi ill I t- ri-.-id bv Allen of Wayne. Ihe cloiiiinan of tin- 11-, 'inl, and that i In- trial w i! i I it ill M ii re 1 1 1,1 and that he did not ll ink the tlial would occupy over leu dais e vi ll if tin: 1 1 ials of the two judges were sep ti ateil, ot herwise il ouglil not lo ncciijiv inoii- than live days. lie re n. aik'-.l that tin- House had in four days oin In-led its part in the matter. The Mil was pio-scd in the House to , I,, pri-vci,: pri --i-i-ii 1 ion s for alicg' I : 1 1 ,-i.', i la, .t it's or misdemeanors at lb -i ! .ii : in A u gust last . I cing in fact a.i iiiiiii.-sll iiiw. '1 lo- Hi piil, lit ans o,pos,' l ll,, pa, a,'e .if t lie hill Tim Democrat i.' ; "ik. . lei 1 lied Ihat the proposed law oil, I : i 1 1- am net v to two Kepiiblicans u I , re il it. eiant. d to one Duniocrat. Hi put, li an, and I'opiiiisis voiid .1111,1 II, I I. ill I he Keput.li ans and l'opulist prot.- I hi- i III pi ne h llirn I of t 111' j lid gl s pled and i rdeied placed on th.- Ti.i a l' n : u a. many medals, are being returned. They will be given the necessuy attention ami I e reinstalled in llie museum. There an- some loon specimens. Tin-Mate Sunday I-chool conveulion i i i.i si-shoii at High Point. Slate Treas urer li.lt I.acy, its president, was un able to attend il, owing to the great pressure of otlicial work iii'rc. A larto' number of prominent people l.-fl here lo.lay for Hold ilioro, as mem bers of the funeral party with the re mains of lr (ieorge 1,. Kirby. Cov. Ay cock was one of tho honorary pall boa r i rs The Raleigh Academy of Medicine were pres. ut at the railway station in a liodv. All the pub'ic ins iluiions were n-pri -filled. Dr. Murphy of the wcstein hn-pital w -is also a pall b ari-r Dr. Hi haul 11. Lewis, secretary of the State limrd of health, said today sms.ll pox is steadily spreading Th" local .i;hi aiiii-ii , are ineffective, many cases aic c .iic. -i'.i-d, and in a great many cases 1 An important bill was i i ni; I he code r-'eai ,1 I iiuainst homesteads. The revenue bill will he reported . morrow. There has been a gieat light over it in committee. Il was mainly prepared by representative VVillard, who has rinsacked the lax laws of all the States to fiud subjects of taxation and measures of getting taxes. He does mo at all relish the striking o it of taxes, anil said today: "All that is i, ceded is for some one to appear and areiie ngaliiHl a tax and out it cues." '1 he light against the tax of cent per I II6NI cigarettes manufactured and llie J license tax of f,' on all dealers in lli-in i was continued today, the ow ners of the factory at Wilson, the ' anli-trusl" fac tory, h ailing in it There w ill be no dog tsx. A new school law is now being pre pared by the committee on education. MAY PAY THE SENATE. iwe invite your ! inspection! Million" of peop DrH'lM'i I. Inn- Ks who llae I I. fill li till llllle :in r pill" Du(T A . o e all- f H II, I 1 1 s I 'v lti-e-s ned llo in t-. l- ft N.UI k , i : e. il 111, Hearing On Labjr Kill. Hpecisl io -lo iri.a'. K vi il, u 1-V-n ii in. afi.-riii-i tbera waa-tiioibcr lnnrln hy c .inniiitee of llio whole lo regu.ale houra ul labor and chl drem employ menl In factories. A numlier of mill nwueri neru pre sent. Il wat tho aicood hearing. Salvage on tbc Maine. - AVasillHoTON, February 1 -lbs al TSge on the Wali e Is t i pei lid to lie (-nor pj'itli. Id lu hohl, according to tho (lor rnmsnt acbesiulr, Ihrro are no .VK) -0C0 worth of ammunlil'in aid loO ton of coppor and br A hundred englnei art lUirod awty In the liulli of lbs vraicl wbll Ilia amiamrul ami littlni(t are H(uresJ tn be worth ontldorab'e money ereo If tb ntl cinait lx re palrwl Hut Hill l c lollnisncy not anllcl paled by the ornlrarlort. Ths flplo ion on lh Xalne wa tmliUhlpi aod la the bow, end only lo tbt perl of the Teasel mi It nrrrs-d The cnaelroclloB of ballhial will, ih conlrrtjr ba iler, thai off I be low an I the triulp 111 aoat. OLD DAN'S LAST YV.O.l The Tallhl Horse PulleJ Stcimcr 1 1 Blae, Then Dr.irpeJ Dead. Pll II AliKI I'll I A. Feb. ID ll. I Dii. for IH years a lsitllf.il !.ri- l,i,'i-e and Mi, ptl It: of r.nvjne t i.-mpari) No s , .: ' In Ills la-l li in y i atei d I v . II,. I. :i in. i, w ere makl lie a d tfth to a t.l i.' dial i, , ! Iirokeu o:tl Iii a i loltillig sloie on . t I street. Old l.in and his male. Jim. ptill'-d the hlg engine fsler thsn i . . : il reented, and their de; in ai ion h ad i .. n nearly reached, when driv. r If it-. j Kscher not i.'i-d thai D.n w.i al:iikr.: . J i in . !.'! or, onljr w..rki'ij t !i- hr If r I ati'l IliC cl rig of lii'il In- n in 1 I'lilu-r flre rfinipnlc appfd-ii h't!, I pin iprn f or war.l w illi r r - ai d ilantj. (1 nu wlftri nn) i'4 ifu r Klnftllj the ncno ff t lit fl-p wn rr v l tt, tnd Old Dan, panting hix Urmhllnk', ( ff II lo th nTotn r.l - rd. Krunrn tod policemrn lcni (.vrr iho old. Ikitc ' knltnal, h it ihn h ' r I ttr, hd ("ppl 1 A hi tii I k thrown nv. r I'm, n iheflrpmin nf hi cMnpn . wi i hi I known nd Iotp! iltn old f?Iiw 'ntj, , hr tithed itjrir li tviy and .1 ho I In lo llin tin" in ih the fUmc ANTI-TRUST BILL INTHODUChD .i m: u 1 III i ' i 1 I iDt 1 1 n W. , 1 In hn n . i , a l(. . I I I in ' Ml -t r I ' 1 ' V H (' - tc! in Mi-' 'tirc-lh n rm Mid I n'iuii:rnc' from t!i tl I v prmni nrn t I 1 1 1 lli'il In In fa o l 111' I )vui t ul - 1 1 )' Ili'.ci H r 1 1 ili.-ft' i- n i liishifeclion or il n no'. 'mi'Ii. h 1 1 I the d.Hes! sUrts Hain. i nl.- .:iv lo hUiii oul ihr di H,e .!hI -' ciDiilion. MUKDER IN KANSAS. lh ir The is by Legislature Said lo Have the Power to to Make Appropriation as a Court. K.M.Kiiiit, February 20. -The mutter is as yet unsettled as lo whether there sha'l or shall not be an extm nesnion of Ihe legislature. A Tery able lawyer Miys t ti at the legislature can make an appro priation for the pay of the Senate in a high court of impeachment, so llint after the regular session ends, ?lveh:t, tli Senate can continue losilai s 1 h -i court if it has not hy that date conrl'idc.l the trial of judges Kurchci ii'illliij las. The accused Judges did n it sit ..u In bench yesterday or today, nor will tlii-y do bo until llie case is decided. Il Is curieutly reported that ex Allot nev Oenersl Frank I Osborne will be ot our Latest Arrivals in Wash Fahrina for Waists and Snrine: Dresses, Lace and Embroideries, Lawns and Dimities. Every piece bought right and. will be sold right. Those Beautiful "A. F. C. Ginghams tho chief judges nilisi-l for the 1 1 - d 1 li-hl I-, ihg seil erp enillor giling Ihe m g, i ssioliui i,. i, i n 1st- 1 . Ihe l'l (' i V t ,. let t h'fll lave J i . . :i si I ! ll I io I, a! Hin- lid ill ai;-- ii 1 to- I Icino I II. pee !, Ill" ll t . d lio ll i.b I In li. ii :. Ileal. :, I ,t . i : ; I. . -. t :! Kl'ii i -..:, li " i Altai.li on a Joint Results In Killing Bar ,: tender s Wife. I.k v v is wot i ii. Kis. Keb HI. Mrs. Kose Hudson, :f,' of .l-li-i Hudson a er at MilW'.od f itirl-en f this i itv, was sic .1 and I 1 1 in a rail I M Ii GOT THEIR IRISH UP. Members fiom the IimeraM Isle Want lo Speak In native LaiiKuanc. l.o.Mios' Feb H.-Mr Thonois 1 1 i 'on nell, Nsllonallat, meniher for West Ker ry, lo.lay began to address llie II- ti-f io lb- Irish language and I In pe iker called him tn order, reminding him Hi it for Waists are selling very last many beautilul patterns still re main, and the economical.rnother is buying the children's dresses Irom these goods as a matter ot pure economy. O O in nun. I n -1 i U I I ist nig'it I.. No Cigarettes in Teuncssce. Mi'iicni", Ttnu . lit,, il' In i. (c Isls lh. r;.:r I- ta i ! I l.e a lliing .f 1 he , i I in I - ii nesaee rso:n- thru., veara g lh- lieiieral Aafteml.lv pusat 1 hi. if '.j i i re loll. Inn llua wn ill n k.'.l y tn- A in rican Tohac o ( o . coetroll ni: llo- stle ll spent a, -vera! Iho lMaud I ,lde H.i I '"'' Ihree Win- . A S 1 Isoi, I: if 111 1. -.1 I' all, tie , iu I ,- rapp. lat ' it ,1 Ho- CASTOR I A for Uik&U ud Childrtt. Ul M Too Han Aivajs Bon(tit Ptrtlllier Acl Rimilnt ihe s 1: r on Grou Rallroil V irnlnc v pclal In Journal IlaLKton, Febrqarr II. -Ihe ami trosi bill, prepared by rniamltU-, lalroduceal Uxlt. It li Ibe moil trine I Tr prespaml lo tho Si el Tk fertlllier coatrol oct villi be prc. llcllf ! proMol or, wlte t few modi ftcelloae. A oomalttM I p epetlBg ll. liglit as tn Ibe i i n a 1 1 in i ion a- I. alleging il aa in -llrecl i ,o, a:. , n ol the inlrratale coin m-TCe !ms, hut llm TcnncaapA ai I wai eua t ained ef let a prrl.nl A aecond fight was w agd br Ibt rom lilne, lis repreiontatitrea hatrlng tll r irered an irrrgulai Ity in paaalng Ihe lavf ttiroiigh the I.PKl'ltturr, and on their .honing It wai declared Illegal br a K nni i ,lle c mi i 1 hi I'nlted Hlie Hu prcnie ( 'o i ri liaT i g paiaed upon lb fun eral gl. ) i f Ihe acl. the Weneral At etnhlv dii ided to re meet the old law I hn I.I I enl through the lglalature ihe other day The combine yelerf)ejr ,re I in repreaenlaiirra tn reeblp all k- .hI on bond to the fa!lnt or lo olber Sialea The lew will he rlgorouiljr en forced in the I Utory of 'be lions there was no precedent bo peak in anything hut I he i .iii-i -. J gng'' ., n,e 1 t , . I se bis i o'Donnell contlnn 1 Aim,; u o'clock I In Iho Irish langua.-e, g .,!.. .ii.. I f ,r .Irlnba I ilelluhl of ibe Nationalists 1 on Ihe count I i ne npcaaer aevete.) n m o dcal-t Mr O'DonncI reiu i I to In Kngllah and reaaaerled lil ri.lil, a-, the reprracnlatlre of an Irish loiiMHii enry, and a member of a nation still poneseing a languaire of In own lo ad dreaa ln llouae In bin native language. Al tli Is point Ihe Speaker atopped him peremptorily Hceral other Irlh memb.-ia di nounced the limitation to Kngllh Ini poaosl by the Hpeakrr We are constantly receiving New and Seasonable Goods. We invite you to our store, Steamer Forced t Bon Cirfo l.oanon, Feb., 10 lponmlnj ilee.mere eonllnue to report ferfnl atorat apoo the AtUatlo. Tho lArit Keltlo, froea Mw Orleeoe, Tko lot ot Ibo fro tarnlagt of tall Jaaaary It, rla Hotfolk, Jaaiary M, r wtjt ea IUf will u I ftia UrHUo ;.. BM ahaattatl lb rtroaaa Mi. , Ut tol knia4 BMh of kt Hr0. i ..-.I i ei, fVl lt iitl-, to give a algi.al. Iludim jumped from liehlml I'm bar and ((rap pled lib ,ne ol llie men In tho ecrltn mage, a hot gun, whleh one of Ihe men certled, a dlachatged. l lie i -omenta entered llie wall. M ra Hidaon atlracied hy Iho nolee, ran arieainlng Into Ihe room while a mob of men, nioal of whom were maaked, entered In anawrr lo th' algnal In ihe melre that f . Mowed another 1 charge waa fired from the thot-fOD It atrutkMra lluilaon tearing off tbc top of her head William Webb, one of the ; reldera, wai airuck In Ihe eboulder by a tTTolver bullet. Nearly a hundred etaole I were fired lludaon carried hie dylof ! wife Into an adjoining room, and Ihe mob retired without wrecking the "join! " ! HherllT Frerhardt. who went to Mil ' wood, baa aes-ured four prleooera, two of whom are John end Henry Wllaoo ' yotmg farmera Ttiere wera no wooiea I In Ihe mob, whleh wit enmpoewd of fermert Id dlol.e Thara Ii mocb ai iltment today and furlber trouble ll aallclpated. -1 .11 t., peak SUCCESSOkS TO O. HARKS CO. AT XII K BOOK STORE Xuriirr'N 1!M1 Al in iinnr. Tbera la alwayi daarar la ailng cooo tatfelta of DoWtu'i Wltco Daae4 BaWo. Tko orlglaal la aafa aad oanala trara fot Bile, hb I aooUlaf m4 koallai alto lot torn Mi U klm llaooaao. T. I A Brave Confederate Vi. iinaTltR, Va Keb. JO t'aptaln Riuce (tlbaoo, a (allanl (lonfederale anldler and a dl'llnitilatiml rltlrim of Winchester, died here thla morning, aged eereoly one yeari Oncehe iaed (leneral Fllihugh I-e'a cavalry dlrltloo from annihilation ! With a few men, Captain Olhaon waa reconnolle.lng near Brandy rHatWn, when be came npoo a large body of Federal troope r.roealng a elream I.ee'i eaTalry were encamped for tba nlghl a ' I ml la away unprepared for fighting To bo takes try aarprlee meant, practically, aiUrmlaatloo, ao while a eonrter waa ten I to tba OoofodaraM, CapUln Olb- eoa aad alitaao mew held Ike enemy In check for hoar. Nearly all of the llttll OqMd woro klllatt. Ha wat a ooala of OowtroJ Robart K, Loo. Io Mi rrbanla and l'oalmaatera al a lower price than they ran be bought of t he Piihlialirr. Halter the Jeweler hae a full line of Jewiler (i N KNNK.TT, Nkw liana, N C For Sale ! 30 barrels of North ern grown seed pota toes, E. M. STREET. Bellair, N. C. Wtntel I want to boy bollat ao( angle, not loa ibao IS bona powtf. Tko on 1 am alo U ot that itu, bl m taablo lo eat wood m faal M It ka ordered. Apply Shoes, Shoes, Shoes, 3.5 3.BO I iitont Vici Kids, Ic nd Iltttu.it NKW srRINO STYLES. The I'eal ever in teen for than than t".'0. fiuaranliwl equal to any lo.OO Mh. We hare the new ehapoa In lot K Id, mesa Bn( button, anil alan la) Velcmf ( a If, lace and button A Wink la all that la nooaaaary to eonrlnce yon tliat they rannot bo XiiaU ed for leu Uiaa $8.00. SVXRY PAIS 0UAR15 IMtD. J.G.DUNN&CO., Tn Up-lo-tlale Fnrnlshrrj. 87 rou.rc ;r rr: --T. a MOORE'S WOOD TARO, f WalMt Tafy a MotorWy! U4ay,

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