Wlicn ihe' nair f aas awolien gland, aching muacacs Uill Ul txiiui,ikt4iteueiimldii rpi i head way , end far wont trmplomi ill follow unlett the blood M promp lv -gad effectually cleeaaed of thi violent deslrjc-ti-re pouson. S S S u i be only aafe and infallible cure for tlits c.isease, the only antidote for triia specific poison It cure the wont casts thoroughly and permanently. Mg CoHfflftl CtlM la tb (til of in I contracted Blooo BlVC Rl m f SC. " doctor b ihf ir treat meat I iid ne no (rd . I wmi rctttnx worv all tbc j dm- t.i y h ir (.tmt out, ulct ri a pprmrrd in m? I with o"'p-r it.lurtJ splotches and ofietww ores I s:'T,-rc-i vrverely from ihrumatlc ptini in n )-. uili smi 1 arms. Mv condition coald have ' r-i n . v orv . unlv those affliciel t I wu can up irrstaii'1 my suftenag I had a hoot lot all h i tf rrrr being well surala wise liit urn; . fi'ci I haa lit l ( , .' M r 1 1 in any IncuH'i : e A 1 ' f r ta n in; the t . t 1 tn w 1 n-uon a ( lu :.r in p; v t onrli tif'T I w n - ; n-ly tn-vi.- k a:i 1 I drtrr-t-'Miir l t.i (Ti.c S. S. S a thuri-rtftri tri.il. From that t nnc on t he improve ment was rapi.l ; 8. 8 8. seemed to h r the dis ease completely under control; the sore, and ooti Ore from all signajT nf tht? tiisnrdrr I hav ' bee.i stronit ami healthy ever since. L. W. Suitu, Uock Boxtn, Nobtearillc, Iod. I is the only purely vvg i table blood punner known. 1 1 , ooo U offered for proof that it contains a particU of mercury, potash or other mineral poison. Send for our free book on Blood Poison ; it contains valuable information about this disease, with full directions for self treatment. Wo charge nothing for medi cal advice ; cure yourself at home. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, GA. WOOD'S THOROUGH-GROWN Seed Potatoes are selected seed stocks, prown specially for seed purposes, in the best potato districts in this count ry. Our Northern-grown need are grown in Maine and Northern Michigan, while our Early Ohios are grown iu the Ked Kiver Dis trict, famous for its superior seed of this variety. Wood's Second Crop Seed which are in high favor w ith truck ers everywhere, are grown from selected stocks in Eastern Virginia a section noted for producing the liest Second Crop Seed 1'otatoes in this country. Trices quoted on request. T. W, WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. Wood"! Detcrintlve Catalogue tells all about Seed Potatoct, And the Best Saedt for the Farm aud Garden. Writ for It. Mailed tree. ONLY A SMALL SLICE. Different Version From Third Township. Dover HUh School Big; Lumber Cut. Dove Feh 'J "J - The ,1'mtnal is In error in siat iig thai Ihe people are circulating pelillnii In iNo. :t. township to cut a part of Craven Mil also In muting (hut I . in . W M. I'rarcv; wl 1 ln irnilue any h :eli peiitiou In the Legls-1-ituie. T'h j i 11 1 1 j i ii 1 11 n t must not Lave le'rn wll veipe I in 'lie alTuirs of No. 3 Tiiw ne'rp ami wiih the Intentiona of Mi. 1'rir'v. The (m is Ir 1 tie ense are that Uice i-i a snin.1 part of No. :! Towd hIiij Ltiut li4itll tu nnnexeil to Lenoir !o. ami a petition to llinl effect ii being clri'tilato) l ilt not ".'n:i 1 nor very ipic'ly Mini M'. 1'enMe wiil tin! In- askeil to i n roil i. r ii . W h ijie tin n he J.i'irniil :il e i I h v ny clear to ma e tl.ei'j cur ci i im i n a . ariiile heailed, a fclice fro.'h t'riven.a III" fietH in the mutter sie hs ii'.oie ta'e.t. Several of o ir hcili'iori lnvo been down with I Ii cripo1'. Mr W. F. H.ileoi, ii-pr-'ti'i.nf the Journal, w i. h.-.e .i;i. ii-,y ih! we( k. Mr. v. S. Ilium hm lioiwhl a lot from Mr Se'li U i"t ari l will loon commence a ilw. Ming. The I) iver II iir Ii S li ei i pioiesi ing nicely. The i n ! e r m c-l i at exa ninn llons are over aii'l woiit mi lie: t.piiug eiilou iimler g m 1 i en I vw I li"re i ome lalk anion our ueuli'i ri of building a Ui in i'l i '1 o Imol building and hivleg ll leiely or H e fall acnalnn. The i.'o'ilntoro luniber I ' , - iwed Clearly pev. nly tliTMnn I feet of LimbT one day Ul week. '1 ii". U or. nf the largril lumber plnn in the -o rh " Legislature at Raleigh. The fWinalo hill to a.ii.oln' l.isllcn of tbe eaoe In Craven c i nly In. pasted ' III third reading In iln lio n TBenale blil, olT-rel b s.-nator Bngg, to protect the Irrellng piialln In Craven co my, ba. paad Its ihiid reading In the Houe The Fire at Oriental. In additional to the particular pu -llshed In jreUrday' .lot usai., concern ing the Oriental fire, the total lone, fro n tbe fire are placed at f s 0 H On Ibe ttore building occupied hr U L. Thornton, owned by Mr. f. H. Kaeler, lb re waa $1,0 K). Insurance, and Mr. Thornton bad b la atock ptrilally Into red. lilt Maal Itaafai nook. FlrtPaMner What book bat helped yon noil la life? Heoood Pattcnjer Tbe cli rllrer lorj. Tint Paatenijer Tbe r' rllreclorjr t Second PaatengeT-Yf; I'm bill co. Uetor. adet Eroul Gets t Medal. Otdwk O. Xrtsl, now e tlodtnl ll Dtbawal KI mt School, U Oranjt, N. 0, m pt Ut, T. S. krial of tklt eoua f, W0 dl U competitive drill m t autibor of well drllM M"l ' at IM School Wedneada- Ul. AKHUIL TEA Of WolDAAt hnxii Miuluoiry Socl:ty. LaTfC H AlSy Ut.t.-J bl'IU LntertamcJ. Lai night ttiv ADQUli Trl ' 1 c A' jtnaii'i Fore fa Ai i i . . u a t.. a a glren to a lar ft l ml- r . ' . . ! jueali at the ueauufj. I. .. r V 1 vt rt J A M'i I j u - . i. Ki a ireel JuJjtlOt fr.'in 'lie 1 .'.' i u .v r j . en', erery prrS'n 1 e i U' I m.l l.a' s.e. pled t li'j 1 1. w . ii .u I r -till Tile ho i r 3 were r ' 1 ! 'Jii rillrlug lllil ll.hr I'af - . - i innl arrival a-i I I u . ' Al cuslouiit' v . I it"' i - n , ' i ' . the nrl part beiii,' l v e.e 1 to Hie M ii nary iniereaU, nu t Hi niier pm 'o Hie serving of iLe gue- , wrtl, re f. est. ments The m'8io;iary prordin n m i-t ai tractively gottn t.p ti !.-tu yoit-i' ladies in costume, one pe- ' Twentieth Century, the other resenting the style of .Ire s men at 8"ingdo. Korea, the m ling the ilie w r .;i ll 'U that the Tea wu given t.i a il o Miss Carrie. Arendell. repre-!ii tlie Twentieth Century, ami M s-e 1'eirl Powell, Fannie Culler, A H-r 'a I'll leh Janle Stewart, IMieeca S.ie i, Jii:i Btauband Brownie EIana, l i ! Hi- pn i of Korean women, their ilr. ej l.-:i. white, with veils c iverlng Hi- li?-i l, n:i ! falling nearly to the g'ouuil, th.- o- :, open space beluga narr i v ojh-uhu' i the ees. Representing the Twentie1 Ii Miss Arendell read a inej' as to the work which slioul I the coming c ntury. The young ladie.i, in th !! dresses, they sang th- hyuui, the i 'ark ac s." Mrs. L. M. Hendren. the l'i ( 'cut i ' v i .1 I t. r- -' .I i ll c i K inn i 'r-VolU :t' : ,, 1 m. .: the Society, then spoke about th; Mi--sion School and Homo at Sn;!i, l i rea, telling why the mUni i w i i llshed, and slating thu the N irr'i ('a- . Una Conference Society hat givi-n ,i the privilege of naming tliin niH.ii i. and that they had name 1 it in lem ir i the President, Mrs. L-icy A. (' i;i ii i ; ham. Mrj. Ii. I. Willi ith ret 1 :n Liter ' ing letter fro.n M iVilm, w :, Bishop Wilitoi. wu ir m -v ' i bei husband in K Tea th ' le. i i ring especially to S m.; I i i 1 i .i .o sion at that plac; Following this the. repr tit-i:i- 1 ihe Korean worn mi hel l :i e ji'i.i:: i ! guesses werj made as t im i '; was, whii h cauBcd some n.i i rime. ' The dinlog room was Iheu eh . ', and small tables ('ii' k'y arran e', 'eel the gues's were Invited in lo e joy - o.- delicious refreshments, ices, n e ii' in. i ake and coffee. The Korean la ies served at f c t most acceptably and giaciously The dining room wa? a bower o '. mi boo, flowering an 1 fruk plants w.ih colored decorations, which retl . : in--electric 1 ghls, i he oth'T rooitu ' : . tastefully decorate 1 with lamb hi .; . ; plmts. Cunningly decorated receptacle mn placed la various places, ami in i Ii .- thoke w io wished added their ni:t in swell the fund, $IH0. already having in-i n raised, aud it wai hoped that this sum might bo increased lo $'Ju lit 'I'ebi. thrs money goin lo Uie T t in i'.'.b 1 1 1. tury Missionary Fun I The W. F M. S lively of mu . ' v '.a now a niembersliip of cle , I :o' 1 l'i '. b"liii,'. I'rusi lent, Mr-e I, M 11- i 1 . , Vice-I'resid'oii . M r-. ' o-.e g i I .-n I Recording Socrela-y, Mrs. S :l r Corresponding e ietar M's It !' William; Treaiurer, M n. ... II C ler Large Eipicss Shipment of F-ih. The shipm. nt of li'li by ' mi" tin I., press, jesterduy morning uathe i: gehl In some lime t lie listi sh p.n d In : . Irotil, uiuilels, hlcknry mil w.ni sliad Shad coulinii.- hearee in il.e I . al u- n kel and bring big prices for ti.e ear, readily slllng ai fl. 0 P pal r. nal 1 ' as to Sugg's Bui. 1 he bill introduced In the s, a., r ! v Senator Hung "to protect the t'a. ii i.' ; public lo Craven county, relate i" ; Ncuse and Trent river bridges and r. jipiires the County Comrulnl ncM lo ; erect Kales al the draws on thee I bridges. Thli bill has nothing lo ,lo with fishing on Ihe bridge, which ii p" vuled for In Senator Warren's I ill. r liich pol pones the acll in of Ibe I i! I I ' prevent fishing until I tu.1. as alreidi pabliihed. Last Tr. ai motit . Dtugglst I boar you have given Siilnoer up. I'hyalcUn Yet; I turned the rase i in a bill collector The bashful man andih'i rninli.sl fellow are very much ali, Tin y boih think too much of themselves Vessel Movements. The ieh-1 ,nar Harlan W II oni,,a. Capt Houston, from Norfolk, Ya , l, arrived Ihls port Will Room His Business. S I.aval, i nirrrhant. of I iaili, " . I .. rllea: I thought I noulil luir t, ;t up busln.e, after lw,i jesr '!; from general deb. Illy brio. I, I , ') rer work and long boars, hut fo i I '. tie of Electric Billert gtrt m new life I Ce now eat aeytblog, sUep well and feel Ilka working all the lime It s the beat aedlcioe on earth. li t a won Irr (IU.lt4 kmllk ballder foT tired weal), ilckly tad roe do people. Try Ik SelWfaotiot. ruaradeed. Ool; 60e el C B. Br4baVt drog nor. ' - -A Jk Women are Like Flowers. Hh7n.r.:r' -I ! ' s -r r 1 1 -.; kj -.l t i : t-! l.-a . a - - r - d or s .: at 1 . vt; r. a ". si at on ? I :.'t r a.- p..'. :! . ! n -r. v.. a rei d- a! uu: t ! -c lorr.er :h d.caa b x". - iT.ot ciei.v a:e ar. J . J- t. : r body. You may ,:-.:r v-'d in sa-called cures. :: t , ti ).. w you i ..;;1 lifip it - - i:,;; h w rt)iies slcff ti hut v"ii won't b jis ,v -I in H' .nifielll Ffiniilt' k-n-V. . ht ; f it is the one rn e 5 1 -f..- ' ; t -i w ii;i.nl v ii Is. Ilie: '", "i :Klr:,'i' wren It hi:I ' I i r !i: ,: a, I ht'I r IS :: i lit ,t: .1 r ti v; . brad tit-M's I 1 . i i i r - - ; lies t he ihiii, '".i1 .i -.-s. ; r 1 ni it ! i refjtilfirity. ; lies anil i leaiisfs. It klv uriti L-asilv ar.tl .s (L. It i- ; mien alone tode 11 ? ht-althy or 1: ; ."s i t- i. lat r lies at il p. r buttle at ilruK store. S -i j f !- our fren booklet. 1 tif RRDf If ll) Rf GllAIOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. !"ui'prpi.l hy Diekem. "I vi..llv rr, nil In nring Chare s IdekeMS i. .nl s. Ir.l ions trolll bis o,i Miiio- io Sii inway bjill. New Vol eilv. j.;, . il;. ::i :er Ilie close of our civil ;n." said :t woil Know n juil.ir.e. "Tie1 ball . :is ib lively pin Led wirh an iiiuli euro of roll in oil people, by far Ilie 111:1 jor eirt of whom were intense tulniir er.; of lie- man who was lo entertain ll,. in lli.it loriii'm-. 1 vit:i n yoiingsiei then, but was triad to part with .fj io bear li.r aillllor ol '.n iiolas NieUleby' lead bis ov. 11 lines. Hut his appear :t!!i oil the slage, though greeted b. apji'a use. was a disl inet shoe!., so I leu oiiLiily oat of Le: plai; was his eosluiiie w it!i the "Hi', einioiial eveuin;; allire of a entleioan I'e was ei.nl in a short velvet eoat ilia! looked exaellv like a taaiUIll'.' j.li lot. velvet vest to 111:1 i 1 li 1. lid a tlaniim.' red nerklie. Such :t :;a!b r.:i in nal,:y an alnoal and an iuiperi inriire lo ilial f ash i. 11:1 1 ily rial us.-eniblaro. Itut il w as o n IooInc.1 as J:!l I '-rrll! i i. ;t of 10'llillS. and lllheil :iipi:ne ill 1 1 :,,!ei the ivlulilioll. ".Now aila . 1 be new spapers wouM roasi a:;,- loan, bowever fanioiis. for ilar.i. I., r-enr brfore the publie in m: li r:: iies jiie atlire. but I do mil re tall llei! any of lite New" York p-ipi's elili: lnl the (lis! 11 IT llisbed isilol lor l.ii sartorial laxity." Washington Lost. 'I tie ut I. Iietlen I Clilnninnn. To nun 101 lo get a ( 'bina man to ns t.irru a ria--in for 11 1 1 y 1 1 1 i 1 1 ir is fi.lile Oil" il ay w lob- riding a ilmikev linen-, h till eolllllry west of Peking I llolieeil Ilia I the w omen of the n 111 11 1 r v v il lair' - , inoslly fa 1 1 1 1 !'s' wies and damrliie, did not I iml I In-i i- leel. I said I.. I In donkey driver who was ruiiniiig iiIoiil; beside me. "The eolinil V W'ullietl do not bind their feet, do IheyV" "No." Whyr" "Tiiry do not bind their feet." "Why is ii tl.al Ilie Cbluev,. women bill I i heir lerl V" " l ie y bind their feet." "i'.ul w by do they do it ?" "Thai is 1 le i- en.-lom." "Hut why Is ii 1 heir rusloiii ':" "'I'lo :i- l 110 why 110 lea -oil v.hal ever '' A k 1 'old, -'. by did yiir lip.!: ,ot ' '11. I . - heel l.id.lj V" 'My I .. I! e did I ..I ll.li.e lo s. h... I I'.day " ( ir 1 : ; ' 1 i io f a mi: :. "Why Is 11 I : ; the I line e luilld a parrmla L'I 'In ' -h:-:r.'"' :i::d he w ill 1., ..si piol al ly :,ii..u . ; 'I ha 1 is t he w ay lo build 11 p:i-.. da ' l-.i.ie 'l ay h.r Headland . f I : . . 1 . . 1 .1 1 'el. 1 11 in aslniil.iii ;u' Urol a I. nnd Star). iilu, , ii i n on a I .He I .on i -. i i C, ,ii -j a ! li 'a i , a c; one a a I he la ! I., lab. v.iia l" n '. 'In, r ai: I ii". I . -'a: d '!-..- I"-' :. mi lo y '.,i-. i If a l,, w w an '" a Mi .l..l.iisl..i ' I'll I. mi f i l'7.e i -' 1 1 1 1 ," klv I , sp.,!l'h ,1 Sa oi Ii!m i , , , i ii l l in 1 1, i- , , i-1 a Willi a li.i.-i.l L-rin I od y .,ii all fi I a g. Sil Hi 11 m il pp.'l HOI ! II IIS e. r I this o llrsl loll I s!nrl V ,1 y a n v iuiiH I, iiel la a niui I louder tulle sa id "Well I -''..lll'l Ifiv I did gel n plai t I ;; a an ,,ld woman w Id i Lllle p ., I a n. an , s " 1 ! ei i boil w ho lii a rd t he n wai sails:'.,,! S.1IM had lealiv n niik ,M still t idillllhllH III I ll -,:,l, h "lliiis I. si Ina tela." en." b:i Id I be brum lie. "II v. -..eel of Millie lo L-lM' me ll 1 1 Lb: n a oe si i , f She k li" I lo- 'k n ill blue bill Ihe , :uf Is lo I I) ! led JoM I'e Ih'n she wauls t,, noil nor 1,1 yellow hair l ei not K',lng to !ar II around wbcie she r n 11 Ur tow il 'h iiieh LII keep II safely no I III I" I blflidllV Hell in,, lllll. when I '. ,11 lair il d ed s, hi lei for her " - ' Ne ok Mall and Kxpicss I If a mm, nv oinelliU ir nfr. rilon die lo if,, in public h, foi.i.i-s i I 1,1 I f,,i a1! Ihe lie nil things be bas I "''I ' l'i''-"- m Mi year. -At.blsoif I, lobe An IrUh b-ctiircr upon being Intr i) K-ed to-lils nudrii,, snld. 'Lad nii'l sriillelii' n U f,,rc 1 l.et;ln to .i n I wlali to an) a frw wcrda " llb,hln!ld you enjoy yourtelf at Ihe banquet Ittl night f niolih. Vet, Indeed. I tblok I nutl htte etten two hoote niohtt-Thal thowt how llmt mty be codiunu d Our 0Hd In HMd, KetasnSI s ciiiaullse Leteilso Q-stwtasv aear to esat t)rirh tt esMe roU as lte4u-l tore VIEWS OF EDWARD VII. ToM a Magario K:.:er Troubles at Dinners. HE WAS THEN ONLY A PRISOE tli-cl.rej Tkil H. W . Irrrtklr Cured by Long PaacttoB Thmki llurr IttclnK the l'lnrt Spurt In ibr V. urld Him -'aurlti' ilnrrn l i ' . slioollc;: y oc.u i 1 ii . e I ' . MMTlra'l Cap "i-.lird T ' r ". ti tr l i tbf : : s- ' .:i :!,:'. , I In1 in i ' I . l;ti. I . in :i ii .ii - . . 1, .-.l7 It t i : ' . ' : , tjtii-t'ii ;.; ! . ., to la' ti' : ! .i - ' . Ii I. is I n ;. t . ... "s J ; s h. . .Mint.-.. V 1 1 : . i ::,t r, it'vvci w ! . .! Ilih. 1, - . !;, M .j ri i r. j : . . 1 1 if as M-;iti il :it . ...;" 1' ti i , ! writ (! - . I . Miu.' ' - i -; i - i;.' l 1 I : ! i tin i .t ; : rr ci.llsi.l t. ..,! v : s pil.'ti ! v ; ii p:itTs M.. ' .:;n ill- of Mil .J.- i 4i i !::.. 1 1 w ii, r .! I'!:'fk Hum 1. i . : : ' ! vi A. ! h -r I ni;is"r-. s .i 1 1- t.i :; ! nl fc.l .i ii w tut 1- .: 1 I .. i Im.u i i r:i ! I- ;iMn 0Mi.- ; : . in hi" iini:' . - li - In M I '' ni ; , " . j 11 is ti , I Mi: '. . I 'Ui!::r-.s 1 1 1 1 ! - t tivnii' 1 1 ' :i ' i:i't "i I; 1 . r :i i-nl. i 1 hi;s.ji)i's i : : ;i s ,i .1 ;i ! 1 1 -1 . S ui" I. ! i ,i I "W II. I d" ' -i v :,i;t i.ir : -:: 1 '-' :d biL'' a- 1 1 1 n r a- '. a ona r ;r: eel mu's w e; e o . 1 , killllehed lollil !li ;!, - a: :iu' . ill; inquiries a I ii I : p'.lhbe 1 ! : II :n I'.s w bleb the id.sl : ::d alhalillg lo tbc laleiiii ::i 1 ; at the pi .are i.i.l I'. 1 .! :iii:in Ibe hir- i limnev r', er collected lit j w as I i lis t he pi The V, thills. I the 1:11:11 prill HO piil'l;- :.. 1 s held fie in irest nil " olio bail.'!. ! "Yes. that hold the re ibe pl.nee ip'ile err: eel. I eel la ill'y id in Halt respect." s:l d And p' , diu at dinner -. etc.. for the belief! ,.f eliaiil.es. c-pe chilly 'dason:,' , ne . I. always a pleas, l ie to me The only part which I do not lll.e ah:,;',: lile l oecedilcr-i is if the dinner dr".s if , if out to a cotisaleia ble lenmli Tual I do not like, nnd when diail.rr Ol f i : I , nl brine ibe meal ii liloia la-Is iinue than an hour." 1 have n-ail i.iany limes in repor s of it i 11 ii its. ele.. in wheh yniir loyal highness Las brra pnscul," said the intcrv ifini. "ibiii ;.-:i , ere coin niiialv .smiling iluring toe p i eeedins and Scenic, I lo be cllj'.:i;4 Jolll'Self el in i:eb " ",s." leplieil the pi il'ec. a Shilr.' , f w e::i;ii"ss creep:;,;: icf. Ids eves. "I: I Is w here I act. II ,, I., j on I new bo w i tin ibly l,i , 1 1 a::. ! -v I nc ill,,' dmale Ibllglh of Mini' ,, tiles' (Ll'llelM Mild I lie speeches and bow I am all ibe tine I, ei in.: li, ire! away. m w : i:l I i c real ly son y fi.r inc. Hut. I lu re I tiiuMu I say to,, inie Ii en i hat subject." "With regard lo bor e racing and bellinir. your royal highness'" "I Ibiuk riieing is Ibe lines! spur! In the world, nnd 1 only regret thai il should be ha: m, ,1 L ll:- it laonli! i I belting' which goes on I'erson.'illv 1 am siroiirrly adverse lo l!:e praetiee, and I always use what inila, lice I pos s,s. lo discountenance ii aninii lay p, rson.'il friend -, espe, iiilly hen ll Is mad" n r.L'iilar practice ,,f and ilie stakes are large." "There are ma ny who 1 hi ;'. thai y.uir royal hiirliuess has a very eay lite of it mi l thai Ibe baidesi du!i,s which y,,ii have !o perform n t e a iteiidiiiL Hlnte funellolis. etc." "N',,w. here Is some Itif 'ru,a I i,,n foi you." said I he prince. "I . y , ui kn .-.v thai I my self s, c ev rl y h i In I hal is iiildrcsM-il I and in !!:, m : 'ii of j ilis'an. r- die ale Ibe l . p'y ' '. la I: 1 :,, I 1 1 1 a i a 1 1 ' i in ! iimr. n i - , p- n j id by ley srrirlarv's sla'T aa l od ! 11,1. 1 1 . ' : ,-i:p . . ll.-. ,...:., I III. le! j Hal, al pen, -a I tics I,, i ti llf of "1.0, you ta lb:: I -s,,:::e hi w ho . a I Ilie " i 1 r, laiiv, '- He, n. s a: d b, ir - : and I ma! a k- inysel f aw., a, o f .fa ll Is no IL IUM Clod,- , laorni!!--,' . i. li 1. v In n !..- I:i'l -'- if il liaise lliiiligll III Afll , : 11.11 n il .-! l' lerl. f 1-5 C . t - la 111, hi, 1 ! th 'i on t ' can i "' High- sh 1 draw n , ;i 1 w a s feel I, UI ,,r the tl I "lllle resp, lid, n,s-' l.i -, :-. Lis r,,y al I , I. Lis bead end i ill. but be Sil al I ' cue lulu r w il !i t ... in, I reir.iio Ibe L, ,, ps Mi I he en lu p. larro question, nl " Im I Is , . ,.r lie i ei ri al ., : ,1 I" hi -h, I. Id p,-l :if . "lull:, I d I be e, I ' I l ie "Sh""l lug " he l eplieil ; , ., - la 1 1 ly "'I heie Is colh'n,: l!. il III,' ler than a good day h si. -i li ins the only tiling w ill, h ti.i , Il.e ol I of tnynelf and makes me f gel i lis inn a and n sp "ii-ibILl leu of i.v position" Then. I. cue move remark Ihut ibe prince mnde whhh will l-o of Inierest ll Im.-iis mi Uu- America'! cup. for, 1 1 1n ii i kf Ii bl-i rovnl blghncaa haa not taken ii.ueb Interest In yacht racing tlliee he sold 1 tl 1 1 11 li 11 III . he ncnlj cull fease l r ii I 1 there n r- few lb lugs which 1 would like b, li, r than to ere the Amerlia's cup cm,- tiomo again" New Y,,ik orld lire 11 la h 1 1 Tee. T be Si I aid inilrrnil l! to le Ihe flmt In ibis rot, niiv in h!ve a itmiiiii olhelnl In a high p" I Ion. Mlaa J i Carpeiiiii daiighor of Ihe lale A tl i e,i 1 1 1 i f'.r iiriinj yean general pn iK-iii,-! i ng, nl of the rond. la lo sue cis d ll,,- late ll 'J l-nnoi ns as tlsanut lo tin- iireihbnf kilt f'artirn I (r(. H, r,-. ntlal aatoclate of Wr ,nnoI fr mT jMira. n... o...,il.i I,.. mora theaply In Ihe hatewient than In . the garret ? The rent Is higher, es' Vrt- ; lull In the haMneot he , 'etsallth samplet of food! that ait i totted In tbe doorway I Notice. Notice it hereby given that appllce. linn will be made to th Otaeral AtMta bly to rbangt tbe dividing llaebetwee lb Ird and rtb, towilblpe, Crave ooety, M. C. Thl lb Tib, day of Jaaiue 101. Too B, Iron. OTTO'S FOR THE CURE OK ALL Coughs, Colds, OH slDClfilltuODSliilOl. NO REMEDY EQUALS DR. OTTO'S Spruce GumBalsam. A single dose will relieve suffering and its regular use will effect a permanent cure. PRICE, as AND SO CEXTI. WOULD WlID $ t,(,. COO. J Willi lllll .lrl llelrem ii,it le: IWTera fif Muri-lnu A few weeks ago Miss .V a mill girl of I'.riilgoport. i and preity, fell heir lo ? I, first thing discovered was li service ut Hridcepoi l e. a -lUkipiuite lo handle her b !l keil on eoiniiig at the p: -luerease. One letter from ( " I ; i -:i - ' p, n-ail cly in ,r Ihey rale o" fi young physician bo said la- . :is debt and that bis property was i ," gaged. He offered lo 1,1 In r pay b debts. All elderly mini living at I: ' 1' Conn., who signed himself wdh h,- o t In Is offered his hand and bean Iinud and heart of a bo ing faiher , :' -children. "I inn huming for a lady c. respondent with ineans." he "and though 1 am Just now d,,w:i v the grip nnd the ebildri n n , ,1 a;', tlon I inn sure that I should 1 a e man who had inoiiey." A man of TucU iboe. N. Y.. i.i .! " he was n widower with live , , and very lunch wanted a wife v Could "sit 111 III Up ill bll 'illes:- ;!-. a . pe titer." A young lady at Kennel, ia.'.. ,' wrote that she wanted lo be tl: ". . panlon" of n rich woman. "I will ! you do good with your m,,i;, ." enld. An "honest farmer" in I ,ui,,v.-i n. 1" wrote asking Unit she eorrcsp ai l '.. : a farmer boy "-11 years old " II" ; "This may be the beirinniiig , f a I nnd happy life for yoo. who im-i '.-" SURGICAL PHOTOGRAPHS Klperlnieiils Mum Tlinl llpe AIny lie Sliiiixn nn Ilie I tii-.i F.vpcriiiieiiis lal, lv made Ly l'alrchild In the opcrat lug i i.'iii I. IT. of ' lie Albany hospital have pr. e, licit possible to gel II S, lies "f pll"l"g'.. of a surgical operal.on an 1 lioi- i vide lantern slab s a- a ha-K f, r glen I Inst root ion. i ipei a i in I ,.v Albert .ilabucer and I. C ' 1 lollilhl hill e been -li'Ti -- t ull.l ) I graphed ill series, each --I.: ::, l! , el ill h, 11 being i , pi e , ol, , by a p, graph trik.-ii insla uta ne'io-l y and v out III any wa v Intel f, a ii,- w ,,i, opera lion Students of -.nrgeiy lind n dub, i. sei ore sin i--f.'ietoi y iici i a, i ., n .. cat ise during an opera! aa i 1 1 .,- -n: l: are too much a l,s,u I , , i,, 1. . i a:-, aftcrwa i d I he ,,p; oi 1 i:n:!y !- :n men us of a spe, ia I , a l,., ; a : t lllotogl a ph- , a ll I la i , a -! ,, w I u; t hilt any si u, lent , nu . j ed these as a haMs th,- ,;..',:: ,.ni III) illllst Till ed leel lire ill -'- , ll I. rf ll f al r iii. I .,11- lllstinled le, lures lAplal.tl the coininoii opri al ion , aal exceptional and i euia; k i i.i' that roine so rarely as !., n possible lo secure , I : li Ii a n e cry class i an be b,..li i p I. Ise nn I'lfl y -1 n Dnlliir, n Irir. Judge I a loot t ,,f a I pn i a ... I ad . has proved that n man and his wife can live on .YJ a year. 'Ihe Judge I, s. tall, alrong nnd active Mi-- lain, It. who la ten year younger. Las aim,, si a glrllsb cotnpli-loii and ib-s nil the work nbollt tbe home. Judge Ti'leolt haa plenty of money. s ihe ?1 n week dietary regime adlnicd f, Is purely choice, following is w!at ll,e iudgi hat llvisl on for sevirnl , i.. a. In. tlao Mra. 'lab-oil Hrenkfnst iialuoa! ii.uh :.n 1 sugar I 'Inner Iliend. milk nnd sagai Sup(s-r I'oniiii'nl luiish nnd sugar liner or twice a iiion'ti lb," I, tailed by I. lit m nnd f i u ,1 s Un, , ,,(f, e cur, ,,f crri-nl r,t each nunl sal; fles ihe Jndg 1 1 lit wife i-nts less "I walk four or lle miles d id., work about Ibe yard, cm rll ibe wood for u Inter nnd On other things. n the laat ten yeart 1 have made three trip! to Callfornln," an id the Judge JAPANEBD CURB A w tit rv-ana-t Titalttsat, tinal(Uw e tirPTuMToniaa, of CHaiam uTV-e Horn wf I i. A aovwr rsilla Cans for Pllm af fsa.i aasnt-s t4 iniss. It asafcat aa o-Mrallfai sHtkuwtairaar astioaaof tutnllssiM, wklek MssssWisSssanasnlmis,--slia laaaiua a tula, aa in rf. Whs tmstwe ytm tarrlhlt eisaassf w PSM-tt i wHt.asi Pawlaiilst m asspw ft mm. roe aaly aai fn ti.itMittstisl M.asattltaoi.tlus kC kM JAMICtl nil ORTKtTT. tkiln C0NST1PAT10NLT s t iilir a r. sr ai acu KBuirukTim t4 iosr) rtmiritls. - -,. : ,. ta taasv t I lltlly tlatls tot ek.Msasi t M, M r. s. Durrr co DR. At Smith's St ores You Ifill find th? Largest and most Complete line of Trunks, Valises, and Dress Suit Cases in the city. These are just in, all nelt and fresh goods. We can sale you money on them. SMITH'S 61 POLLOCK AND 99 MIDDLE ST. J. A. JONES, I1K0AI1 STIiF.KT. STKYYAKT'S 01.11 SUM), i-.:;.: r;.r " STABLE Exchange . . I.; st liltl Kver Foiinil in 1 lii! Ill SS, Kol ICS W'.-ai.- well pliiiM-il v illi our s.t'.-s of tin- KKNTI'CKY DKI.ICIIT K- tin- past scasi ii mil i iistiiiiiers ai'c tun. Anil if you exii'i l to -c t In in on iuir fliinr ni ask v,,iir iici"li!inr iiliuiit. tlicin. Sold with ' ; all I , e 1 1 , bill k I I li '111. ( 'llr s , ilk is a Well .select l'i I lllle illlll I'll I. 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 , u "H w.tiil Hi lluiilwnio, I ml, linos Miiti-riiil, I'.iinis, Oils, ,i, I. mu le Ha ,cl ii:r 1110 I I 7 O f wiinl in arg;iii!ii'iit nriraisc is nciiliil in nffi-ring ne ,11. 'l'lle Wurlll sic,lks fur 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 sn - v i -S Tile ijuitl -i.nlv in .vnl.-iicc al all linics anil tin- til'iocs tliitt' hat wins ns mure ami ninrc i.ilnms. The i-ichnc h S , g,H- , niiplnl I,, si-. 1 I Lav e just rn-clVi il . ils fnlb.WS .s, u, Ii i very Kritil ii-cse I'm k, I ak. lialiiiiia, liailiiiiglie, I Y. n o I re.un, Asst .'. I I ' ' ne lit ; li In 1 1 all. J. IB. K phonic cm. I TKKN1VITII, BLACKSMITH &WHEELH1GRT, Kanufactnrer of nu taunt nrr r;i; uy. r. ana Hsgglea. VT.go.a. I'.rU, e, ...illt-lilo, and Ml'ST HE PAID. Repairing Hon. n. Hhert Notice. ( ,rp nnw wU1)ld Hugglei, Wagons, Cartt and tray.; JOSKPH KINflEY. kept on hand for ttle. HhotM aoalll front lttraa. Hear lha Hallroaal. T9 Hi WfJM 1T.1S.N , . PJ Whal'i tbe mailer, Bobby T (Ira'ma, ibej'i too many folki abrleg I' me tip. I d g along better 't I only bad jo. 1-ilast Mid- if New Hern. A Iso ;t ( diiijilelc Line cf l?liggie, VVagoi.s V1m's, ( art Wheels, Kir. .1. A. JOMX Broad Street, StevtBrCs Old Stund iil'lccs. S.iv i- Money. (iaskill Hardware Co 7.1 Mumm Br, NEW HE N. N. C. tattltr itViVtwV O I -in. ill net is all any customer nice line of Kancy 1 rncker and Slice, llnvnll Toas-L, Atbfina, Hi si-1 1 it , 'un Suo;r Wafers, ninl many oilier kiwis, too many Init if yon will gay,. m l y,m can nee them ours to Please , awfi-IEIZE, Jr., Wholesale and Retail Qrocer, Vr. II road A Hancock Him. TAXES nVHT UK PAID! .,, . -kTisisr mm i Feb. (it., 1901. Mityriff. Property For Kale. I kav aetwral dee Iraki Bealdewo for wale, ttold tbt) beet teetdtaet) part of tb Cliy. Alto m tabor of good bunding lot la food localltle, , l.i. WeLflSDM ' ' i ' -