peto mfn MiLl'MK XXIll NEW BERN, CRAVEN lOl'NTY, N. ('.. TIES DAY. MARCH -. l9ul.---KlttT SECTION. M MBEi; "i; Will LIBOR. IIS WORK- UNTIL THURSDIT. aAtti iti'i3ciriiiri(ii(ivrriivirii7iKriiiit4-, FRESH All Bills to Regulate Abandoned and ilK- Legila:ure H.r r..s or luliit Trial of laip.a.'jni-.T.i A. count u( I'ressu: e 1 :4 UD ' Agreement made With Managers 1 CAR LOAD At this season the housekeeper must look specially after the baking powder. As she cannot make good cake with bad eggs, no more can she make cake that is light, delicious and dainty with inferior baking powder. Royal Baking Powder is indispensable for the preparation of the finest food. It imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness and flavor noticed in the finest cake, biscuit, doughnuts, crusts, etc., which expert bakers say is unobtainable by the use of any other leavening agent. The " Roval Faker and Pastry Cook " c mitainitiK o ei Sot) most practical and valuable cooking re ceipts free to every patron. Send postal card with youi full address. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., $1.5 That is the A.ii tnni Revenue Bill is LixpecIeJ to Rais. S w ii hi ji I. mill lii ml is Small. ():ifs lion ir !') Kor the Cmirt. ,Mc Ni'ill H riiyiliv. 'I'll.' Arse mil I! ill. i: i.Kiiin. Mnuu'.i. Tlie no' i-. i of the lniuse l ist ni''i'. in iipnropiiiliiiL; dirccl ly $20,IX.) In tin-, pubiic. school i pve great und i' s ilisf icion. Our; innn iui 1 today he ninlerslo I tli it there wits ! i.).0!)0 ill till' tie:ioiry, hrisill fro n lli Biilo of iwsnip lHtuls and Unit it wai propo-el I i in-! Ihi-i. Tin; St'ilu Treasurer Hiiys thit ihere h bnely $), COO of IhU f I. Tun joint cinrn i f ' e" mi npproprin -1'inii WH in -e"-iu nmil neitly 1 n'cioi.ii l:ii.s in ninj. Tuere iJ H')iii'! liiiTi ii'nrj of op; :n t i iv lint t. rev enue will ir. The pieviuiiii,; n;iii.iou U il w:', I-.' s -ii ' li i pi li1. $ 1, . IMMillO. Tli-J 1 1 x-- - s ; r . l r :t .i( : pi i i-i us whs V I' VI'!' S' ) J. I ' II ! -IS Hi J . C II I . In- r.".i in n I i in iK i! il Tl;-! ll 'l ' i -' l i i vi.Mil Hi -s' Supreme. .' lull lni. It. .:: p: so jii ii i' si; isf 'M'titi . .t h in. :i Irn i "Cil 111! nbnd "IV v i ('.nut 1 i v, iv I' 'I i'p:n: '.id ll- '. Til:' ll! O.l. V j I 1 :i ill i I : ii i the Senalc, li i'. wo ilil n it in tk sit m ft i mi rl i if li iuse ii'l j I :i". i u;i a 'lie 1 1- I i i i r.:i' of ! ni'Vl snid I in V lira if lb Senate ar'iiiient after tli ' .ii".- a - - S ii I'nri h-i'i ' a p i in I 1 who do not I b i ii -t i n y h:iv.' 1 1 1 - i ig be paid ttflcr Ib-'ti'l il'f.s' si-ss-..:; tilde 1, ai iii inb:rs of in' 'o.irtu t t i hits In,. a hen i i no Hi" in peachini-ul or In any wjy, cxc. Ihere Is an exira hi- i I'll--iloutit, il serin i , hi I i lb - i!v'': court of iuip'-ii' liiu nl ' i -.1 time; the p .1 nl b in lis ri.-' pall Norlh ( 'aroliiri ! . an: b llered in great i. i.-u' ers I La;- V say H ho h is i .s'u- 1 in ire r. irr r.-d b inds 111 the pa-t 2 in H.lliH t.'i i'l ere Issued in the 0 ye tn j. -. vi i a i I . ly s llils iho i tli it th'-y nr.- n .-i.- b I ain liable in v cm nii-Mt. Kenator McNeill ni li" d "'s not care atxiul the crilii liin rcc i lin linn an 1 the mailer of pr ilnbi.l in lor Cumber land: anil Ihe people iheie want prohl ililion; that pe' 1 1 Ions for 1 1 w ith 7 VI nalurei ar.- In hi liauli II: lelu me Ihal 1H months hem e I lie people there will vole for high llivnc, which ho rr tfirdi at llir Iruo aolull in of li. qiiei llon The lloiiac committer! rlccldej to fa orahly report Ihe bill fur a new arae Dal, hall of recordt. docirmnl, atorags nil committee bull llnj. The bill for Ihli provlilnl for $l.'),0T) appropriallon , but the ro nmlltee lliinkiat leal Jil, OOUoukIH l ) be npn led In order lo bare an entlrel, ptopi r builillnir L eulenaot Clannca l Sin nlll ion of the Htalt I.lbaarlon hi" rrci lved orderi from the AdJ'itanl (leneral of the army to proceed in Manila Immnllatcly and la aailgDed lo the flrit biliallon of engl neeri A StlTcr Service. NiamiiT Ntw, V.. Mch. 8 Tha Duilnim Hen Aatocla Ion ton'fht In aiifuraieil a m ircin-nl baring for lia porpoM th pri-ciilaliiin of a liiver acr vlo U) 111 lial'Uihip Virginia, tha ron tract for which tin b-en let to Uu yard her. CASTOR I A For IafonU and Chlldxtt. Ill M Tea Han Always Boafhl There are cheap baking powders, made from alum, but Ihey are ex ceedingly harmful to tieallh. Their astringent and cauterizing qualities add a dangeious element to food. 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. LEAVING FOR HOME. Number of I cRlslalors Draw Pay and ;. H.ijivlty ol' House Rciiiiu;. Special i .Ion ni il., Much ! - A idoi'ie- of mem!M of tl i! ! ' t.1 '. ! 1 1 v. ii' In 'it to, lay. There whs it niali f ir pay. It w;is Hie list pay il iy of t'i- 'i 1 da'. 'I loWl! 1 Iij" llW. I'll" Ill-Mi''! ;i w II I ' hcri' Monday. S.-v .' n I v -ti . ri 'mbert o' t !n- Iriuo: an- uiiil'T pied ; lo rt".i ii:! mi ill tli ; Sen Hi", lini-di" , n! I ils worl. Judicial District Bill. Special to Jo mini . . Rai.kiuii, M'lri'li I). -Tin- Jinlu inl l s trict bill passu 1 Ihs Si'nn'-i- lli i nfLrr noon williout nmeiiiliiKi ni . The lihl to gr I'ill t-oiinty p'-i' into niio: lii.r ilinl r it-' fai li-il. Afuinaldo Found Aain. Mimi.i, March M. t'u oiHinn I in 'orinn'ion coiniri; frnin nativi- i-n-ir -cm nay that Airninalil i n in liiilinc; in I lie rroviuci of IhiIii-I-i, on tin- ii'irtlit'ii-tiTii --iait of l-lan I A 'nil lean I roups arc i-'i'.iliii r in thnt H'.-liin ol tin: couiurv . Base Ball at Chapel Hill. ball 1 1 : : Cn ipel Hi tice is now . March : Ha i lieM dal!-, . I'l ! Is the cOaco lb- is an i x pci i. : player. There ur'1 nriny i: 'W nn n m the list ol cilididalei for tin l ",ci s..'iie gi.od I linber ani' oig Ilieiu I in- pil.-h--i -are llatlle, Wilcox, I Ian 1:1 an I C.inidiighaiii who 's a new in in fmn Mebane, and iives promise On March l'i b ihe i. g 1' ir I r i k le ::n practice will begin 1 'lie upplicaiil m . -it wii-k In the i: . i-iiih-iiiiii. tin- ti iM leMii is a new fe ii 1 Cniversilv, but : f a or aii'l inte csi t re I n i . i is g r 1 1 v i d Ihe H i I- if lie ll lb. Bip Trees SliirrcJ I'hilail.'lphia. M irch 11 -An t r.iln. Indeii wilh huge h g foresU of Oregon, over mn ,. Tr i;n h il n- lie feet long, to be w irked inlo st.-lv masti for cllpjier ihlpi, lias j-i .t arrive I here from Ihe l'acitic coasl lo be shipi' 1 , lo I'll the vessels for which they wrc ! purchased. The ilislance covered by the train, which lefl Portland, Oregon, "-is ( weeti ago, Is over 8,100 miles, and the j attempt to bring the huge pinn tree I by rail hai been looked upon with gr . al I ntereit by nutnbnr ihlpperi he. allle "f illroa I Ihe numeroui curves on the cronlng the continent The tllanitler of the lo. a is over js Inchei, and they are itralght iilcli., without a knot or blemish ll c nt flTI per car to bring I In shipment lo the Kill All the ipan now illel In ihlp ping come from Ihe I'aclllc. at lumliei ttlltible for the purpoie became exhaui' ed In llill iccllon long ago UNPOPULAR REVENUE BILL. So Dec lire I llcalcrion. The AIM Rein; Contldcrol- ASUtte fcanklnj Sj tern. Libel Bill Piix-J. Hperlal lo Journal. It il. Ill) ll, March II The Senate l aslopllng lb revtnoc bill at ll came from the iloufe. II urnUraon declared thai It will b th" ai ! unpopular ri ve n il bill thai hii lien pmed In 3D yean. Tha Houm conilderrsl Ihe mrnini art a oil an attempt wai made to aeruio a reaiacaament of property Ihla year but It faltxl utterly, ai did an attempt to alrlka onl lha piorlalon making Ilia cor , poratlon eommltalon a tai aaaeaim-nl j board. Tbi Mil paiasvl providing a fslale hank ayilam. Tba Loido llbal bill, for tb pmtac tloi of waptpr, pwMd wllk a pro Vlaloa Ibal It (kll aH tpplj to ilatlBg Hi. - . (ill r. (I iij the Mill II ne i IT i ! t ,1 liu II (if V ll I t "I e r Slate Ta II our J N ii in I n a I i mi ( iin tl run' it. Specis! in .I i . ii r i, i I liu.i,u.ii Murih 0 -All tin- Mils regulating the employment of lahir iu textile mills were unfavorably reported by tin- J uiliciary t'oiiimiliee to.lay. The aicreeiiient submitted by the mill owners was accepted, ll was dinned by j the chief r.iills of the State and it is be ! lieved thai all the mill will sign within I six ini'Mllis. The agreement is us fol- lows- j Airreemi nt and l'. tition: We. the uii ! .lersiiineii c.ilton mill owners and man Hu'i'is n'ree to ttie tollowni!', laKlngel fect M irrh l, lfJOl. First, Ttiat one week's work shall not exceed HO linum. .-ec' ml, That no child less than Y2 years old shall work in a cotton mill diiriuaf the term of an available public school, rrovided: This sli-tll not apply to children ol widows or physically tlis I able I parent. Provided further: That I I ye in . -ball be the lowest limit at wliicn cliil'iren may ne women unuer any ciicunistani'es. i'hird: That we will co-operate with any fcisible plan to promote the edu c.iiion of the working people in the Stale, and will cheerfully submit to our part of t lie burdens and labors to ad vane.-- the cause of general education. Fourth, "n the basis of the above i.Mi-i-nr.'iits of cotton mill owners ami numbers we hereby petition the Le slatiin: not to pas-i any labor laws al !im s'-ssion of the Legislature. The bill providing for a permanent registration of white voters passe l after i hot pulitical discussion One Uepubli an in I he House and seven Republicans in the Senate vote.l for the bill. Tli- in iciiiiiery bill which has pasied 'In: II inse makes the corporal ion com niisiuii iin; St-ite tax assessment board. Tlie Senate today confirmed a number if nominations by the Governor, among ihi'in I'. I. Travis for chairman of the lYniieirUnry Hoard. Historic Letters Found. K M. M .o , Mich., March S. An ail lograpii letler of lleorge Washington. d-Ue I ITii'i, wn f i-nid am nig sunn' ivas'e paper stock at the Bryant paper iniil t id'iy. Il was written to Captain lames .lamieson, a New York merchant, asliing for boat freight rates on a quau lily of llower. Two copies of the Feder al (laelte and llnltimore Advertiser, over 1 00 years old, and an autograph idler of Hubert Morris, of Philadelphia, lalcl 17u:t, were also found. The waste paoer cum: from rti!!nlc!phia. Their prouiptness and their plcasani elfci Is make DeWitl'a Little Karly Risers I iii'.s'. popular nine pins wnerever un-y arc known They are simply perfect fir Iner and bowel troubles. F. I'ulTy A Co McKinley's Lon? Trip. A s 1 1 1 . . i . i n , March II -The l'resi !. ;i'i I Iin I ' ibim I w ill leave hen M iv 1 lira trip a:rois the continent, i i 1 tli- y will be away six weeks. Th" .vill i: i to California and will return lo w iy "f lb Y-' loWsione National l'irk Isiensi'ly Uic trli i lo alicnd Ihe 1 i in .1 i ii -if ill - Ii it I Ii- s h i ji Ohio a' Sa'i Fi am is, ic Sweating Gold Coins. is, March. 10. By a new electri '.sagang of Frenchmen liHve ifaling Iwigllsh sovereigns in Losi, cal proc been s .1 large in inliers from one eighth lo one lift 1 1 of III lakin nlT coins Hre "ir va n'' Tbe gold hai been so evenly tint the iweated only diic'verable by weigh lug Cpward of i.'iO O'K) light loverigni nib ecte 1 lo lids procen have been Inlercep tcl by banks, and hundreds more are coming In daily. The police ire unable lo delect the iwindlera Wasr Items. We are having lieiutlful weather ii'if, the farmers can gi nVi I llie.r crop.. We are very much please I wltho ir new Hlii-rlfT. Bio. her JHnjT'l will preach al Ma--e donla Silurday nighl lieforn Ihe llilrd Hundar. We hope lo hiro a imk! meeting Mr N K Wlllli l very airk with lagrlppe, hope be will b-'tler In a few day Mr M P Wlllli h iHinn quite lick oil h ligrlppe, gla l tl aay the la c n aleicenl They lhal hare eariped the malady are afrtl l thai ll will call on Ihcm net ' Mr llarray MoLawbnrn dlad Feb 201 b wllb heart dlaaai la bli B1 rear Mr. J. W. Smith baa gone In tba fiiblng bualnaai, hai .built hla new nt out of oat ipllnleri, an! Ii now al work on hla llule ho a l C. J Heath iwai to enjoy tb fln dilrei with th jroang ladla. w tblnk bf tb lime be aitandi aaolbar lobaoro crop, he will b real to baoom a lieoefU. Rm lht fo (H IM orlflatl DaWlu' Wltnh IUI Hlf bta yoi Mk for ll. Tkt mI It t Mrtla nn for all, orN ti4 M dlMMt. F. B. Daffy Co. - I; 1 1 1 1 e. nl I liar!, is i :.i.. Vt..rkn.;.' I.m il s. l i i i c 1 1. 1 - In 1 he l ust I" r lb I. i 1 e ii ' i .1 1 y i ii A .-c:i 11 I...- . . . ; 1. I it pensar.' s v l'.i, , i li t ami htt coinjiirl son, 1 i i 1 re sb To .i I .c i h - IlilMl! ' I ' s iiiiocrlAU !. M , Y cty iint r.mi j! Socur:i (' fo i Life I M hii i ft n Ti.c . I'llHI lITs : I ingi'i:i an I niingt"!! a Mi. List. it j a r : 1 . AM- . !..- f '! I'll in . id W. ni nig ilh, S. sit-in, So i:!i; .r:, Y,. i, AUanlii- an 1 iin, Fikiii mid a I and S.nuhei .i. U'islow, Hlui;n aud Wcslern, I'li.iro; Scot la i I N orih v t'si i i ii , Alli'i!liail ; Frr:l 'i i ' i lit While (I ik Ki-.-er and and V i it! i .i in; Smili 1 1 reen v ille an I Y uic Neck and It and Nor! h e ".nuke, Hilton; Soutiipnit l i n, lliue Kidgc ti'id A t Untie; Piiplin an I ' isloiv, Tn and Cape Feu, U-illifi forlton and Nonhwt'si ei n, Jacks in N.-w liiver iliei, . liarlnlle, :it Hiver ,M iriuii Springs, Mod mi' and Columbia, Tho:!! ado; Asheville and VYt sville and hldor iverviile. liulher- foi. Iton, HicKory Nut Uap and Ashe vill ", Atlantic an I N u i h weslern, K -n ansville Aii -Line. Directly after I h" a Ijournmenl. ol the legislature I Li: newly created Stale Highway Commissi. in will meet lo for um Into plans f. n aiding the counties At this time 1 "i couiilics are m ic i la ui.iug roads, among these being Mecklenburg, Wake. Alnmanci', Durham, (luilford, Kowan, Cabarrus, New Hanover, Hay w (iod, li'inooiiibe, K n-k inghani, Uaston and Anson. A number of counties are now adopting legislation to inaugurate road improvement; among these being (iranvillc, I'erscn,, Wilson, I 'a lawha, I'liion and Lincoln. There is some criticism of ihe fact I tint all of the new directors of the n'U itentinry, appointed Saturday are from east of Raleigh save one. He is from Richmond which is but little west of ; here. Travis of Halifax, Mason of Hyde, D llerryof Wayne, Brown of Columbus anil ( rossland.s of Richmond Hre the ill rectors. The Supreme Court will devote this week to appeals from tin: lith district The do kel is a light one Tin: directors of the insane asylum at Raleigh are here and will tomoi row elect a BUpcnntcn lent. There are live or six a'.pirants. Among these Senator Speight ol Kilgi-C'.mlic is promini nl. I The linircring cough follow ing grippe calls foi One Minute Cough t lire. Fur all throat and lung troubles this is the only haimlcss remedy that gives immedi a'c results 1'revcnts consumption. I S I in IU A Co Book of Capt. Dreyfus. P i':i-, March 10 -Ex-Captal.i Alfred I Ircy f us, spe ik log ab nit bis forlhc un in : b ink, c ii I i 1 U'1 "Five Years of My I. Ic, ' -a d lhat it would deal sclcly with his tir-t trial, his public d"gra laii m and Ins iniri. iii m " ri t on lieviis' l-lan I. 'Ihe R-nne. Irial will u il be d, -cussed until his next vidjiii'-. wh'-riin Die.fuslii tends I . show h i- B"I1S 1 wis Ihe c hi leui i i; ny v.-rdic' ALL OF MARCH. Inr-.i-limcnl Trial l.lkclv to he I'ro InnifcJ. House Continues In session. Spec nl lo Journal. Hsl.'l'.ll, M anJl U -The general be lief Iii lhat lb" house will, nominally al leail. maintain it.i organiallon until Ihe H'inle liulhlii'D the Impcvhmcut matter I ti la ll la thought will take until lbe end of March T he Irialwill be long II cannot be HinHe I Ex-Prcsipcnt Harrison III. Iml, Match H. Ki Preildent Btnjimln llarrlaon la a very ilck man and hii clmeil friend! are alarmed lilt condition Ii more aerlom than ii generally lielirved Deneral llarrlion U troubled with a complication of grip anil Inlercoital neuralgia and there li lome feir lhal i Ihla will develop Into pneumon'a Kitchener Meets Botha. I.uikiz'i Mii.i u. Mirc.h n.-(rn-irl Kttclitncr ht Krnl.l Utneral llotbt ito d)' irmUlloe, totnt hl hlro lo confer wllh lh olhr fra cult. (ifnrl K Itclmnfr and Ocnartl llolbi hil langthjr cnnfrno on Ounhlll Ihla mornlnf Unrl B ith aa aJoot nd (!ntrl Klichnr wn ccompnl.) hy Lit aecretary. txwey Gets His Money. Waibihotoh. Mtrcb AfUr DMrl two ytr of waiting, Adrni al Dawajr rmtlrtd a warraat troia taa Traaaary Dapartwtaat for 170 oa aoooaal of priaa atoaay foaa I lo ba daa al bf laa Ooarl of Olalait, for laa aVwtraatloa of Ua Rpaalak laat la Maalla Uaraof, Hay 1,190a. il I . ll i .Iin i.i.i.. , '.nirl M ci ii i : f 1 m ;ea. h in Mr :lu- li v it. iv m" t i n a I Hi! I i'l-r Hi I h mlun I I I ; e pre-, i-c nl !.iV s s . iT'i-ii 1 i n t b.r li'lle i I. .ue iii : h" 1 1 is!, a - I b , . ; hi - i bill- b.-.-i I'll"'- I'm. I ur II,. iv mid tic p ; in t ica! I)' ill lai.ell I sc-i: i i I lo' --! oil e wc re t-:i : i : i r in.'il I'-d iv ho as lo give he j i'iei and Ibeir co'inst-l and lii II. y hna:ilof managers an.) Ih-ii c. in-: sea:s in the centre The j idges do not r-ii-canv .pii'slion a-, to ihe ruin of the Senate lo sit afu i i!ie ri'irular legHinlive s''S-.ii.r. i nds. as a I'ourl of iiiipeai'li'ueut, or iis r: -b: In be paid aMi ei jri The II ..h- solnli.ui names !4 a day a- the pav, b it ic:i!i.- ii is not limiied. The House will n ! ml j-iurn sine di:' Iml will lake a lev--, m: lii about April 1 When you are liilioii", u-e tin se l i moils llltle pills known as De'A'in's Li' lie Karly Risers to cleanse Ihe liver and bowels. They never gripe. F S. 11. ill s A Co. SURRY COUNTY DISTURbEI). Why They Claim That Guv Ay-u'.; A, pointed the Solicitor. Special to Journal. Rai.kii.ii, March 11. L"'ters lo lay from Surrv eounlv tell of a cical slice of affairs. At the last elect ion Mr lob son was elected s dicilor of the criminal court from that county. He did mil :ip ply for his commission un! il after U"V. Ay cock took olllce. The latter then is sued tho commission, as he did Unit ol Senator Simmons an I those of the Con gressmen, because they were ele. ii . I Now many people in Surry an: rai-ini a row, saying the (iovcrnor nppnoiti d Dohson. NO PURCHASE BY L. & N. A Director of Seaboard Air Line Denies The Humor. Sped ul to .lournal. Hi.ickhi, Marcli 11. A pininin.-i)! .1 rector of the Sfaboanl Air IJnc 1 1m day that I't rumor of ii- p'trcli"'' hy the Louihvillu and NiahIivHIc whi hi founded, and inlimatcd lhal lhe-.- - terns had effected Huh? trallir arraiiL;i' inenta. President Williims nf 1 1 - ea hoard was here jentrrday imd -nid ll e;e was no sale. Utah Legalizes Polygamy. Sai.c I,kk 1 tth, Mir. h 10 'l , r Hon h who 1 -m i re Id d u mn' in i I . in polyani rein! u.iii in Ilii' 'n' a law just p-n-tfd l, i in S- ii,ii'' u'i ii '1"!. lliem iinnni'iilv fmm ptn-si-t il, t i I l.i Kedt ral t-l Utile f r 1 f 1- u'i' ilu '. -ri lion 'f a plu nil inarr.rt,''- Th av.iwed ohjert of ihj a. wlii.'h in passed at th- dir'n'i ;i '.! Hi-- lr u n ( 'Ii u re Ii, i- 1 1 1 nllt i w nn' i in !i i i ;i t: He Vt' i nl H ivc t J 1 v Willi 1 in ni u :. 1 1 Lurhe.l. Vatican Destroys Arms. llnyK, March 1" Ab ,ul I'o I, re. mum, anrienl iind in ii'.' n -v 1" ln denlroyeil in a fuium up ; i iv , m Inn-ted al the Vallcin muii - The lirone and copper tit'ni'' a'f mellcd down, while Ihe nl'-cl '. on!i i.nd lialtierdii are l,rok'-n n , I 1 n "1 Iron. The only armi mill rcu c I l o n :ii I he Vatican are thme of lb, I'iitn,' liuarda. Thut Ihe l'ope altrna', hi. abandonmenl of ail ptnj". u f t i.-iciin Inji temporal power by fun e ; Recruiting Is Slow. WKis(iT'iN. II I , Man h 10 I hen i la a dannroua d.'arl'i of re. rulli for I In i new army, dan((eriin a lo alarm al the War Drparlmenl In the last Iwo monlha only "i.'JVi men have en lilted, and a lhal rati wiiue U-an a ii'ii will I rri,ilr(Kt lo m i ill the force, lo the Irenglh de.lred Fire onl of a! x men arr rej -i lcl for 1 phjralral or othnr ill alillt'e, and inrnf llmea lha prop Tllon la much grealrr kksqs ntinreotL ACXA0CI VMTHUItirJ IY YS81 BSSCtST CTtl KHX7T If WCL Syr aA i 5-now Drift 'tm , S Star and Admiral ' M ki; wii I I 111 1 1 i ' ! If M i w! ,lr ( V.ii, r . McD ANIEL, 'I'hone 91. ...'...X.X.'.X) HACKBURN 'hVrs a few Summer Goods ! lluitliulili V;ish silks- Mi'iccii.i'il Silk cilivl'S (it lb w suit:;! it tii fur silk) in nil mini's. TllcY me Hcall lii's nml ( lii'iii tun. Cull and mt II i huddoeh I loth for Shirt Waists in All Color. (.1 A Ileaill iinl and (heap Line of Mel- ,ij S t"H - lint hing III I he i il y , '.in liiiu li thelll. l.,.,.k :it tlit'in :in,l iti :i ml it I lit-v ,1,. ik .1 nml pri. e iluli'l buy. J; We IlIIVC lb.' I.ari: 4 ( 'lii'apc-,1 Lii f Embroideries Q Laces IN" that was ever ..ITert g l-llle Moil, lav. Don't I5KAUH AM'5 (. AROLINA COUOH tlnii Is l;oiii' lln- i- iiii'liin stops Is lo i. l-impli' lint Si irlllilir. .ni like il tt-ll otlicri-; if iml Kll ii: PrescnplioDs .Should be taken to Bradham's Prescription Pharmacy. U. I, tin1 iH Wri' 'li iiis, jis wt'H ;ls nil the stiiiidanl Jilnitfii prisi iilml fm ri'Kpiialniv (liscnscs. Ynu alwuvs jjet mIi.ii i- picsi lilicil and at tlie LOWEST 1'KIC'K nt .n I l BRADHAM'S Mall ( ) 1 1! c r s Tilled s Health and Happiness .iii' - fri'iu ni tl ti t tin- iihU I 1 i l- i .tt ing gixnl ftMnl. UK ST hciv Our satlifuclnrv tn i i. iui, KItKSM (iKOCKHIKS givi'ina rail find if you iml salistlid ith our kimhIh nntl prict-t it ix Ik'Ciiiim' Tii I lillll'lt In' Hill i tlltl. s v. V 7. TZ. v N rnoNK r.'j. 0 rAjT&v&fifjiSwriAf& O I lioiuo Work tt Hard M 1 1 1'' (, k id Fi.t iri:. U nil In Ll'l i ' III,' , llili jusl i ,i','i ,-, . If 1, l.';lc. Wholesale A Retail Qroeer, 71 Ilrl St. sj)eciallies in e:iiiiine f,.r yuiirself. suil ipilllilV ILiiiiImoh.'sI an. I - il in New Hern, Mill-ell lUlh t hev Forget. 30 COUGHS That Hang On. lircuks tln iii It lll'UHs lllll lion w 1 1 1 1 1 1 l nllell; hell lip Jl I. b I V. lit.' iiilliiiiiniu- fllllSt'S tilt' tlie inllaninia- lliut's all tlii'ic PRICE 25c. If for Conilis, Cnlds, LaGrippe, &c Prescription Pharmacy, New Kern, . s KjitalileiH fnr your faniily you pi it't'S nn' Ki'nri'on anil our all that tine tllelll. Sn if vim tar Vnunt tn Pit hm --KEK, Jr., Wholeaala and Retail Qrocor, (Vr. Ilroad A Hancock Him. Work without GOLD DUST. 30

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