V SORES AND ULCERS. Sores and L icer never become chronic onlca the UooU u in ponr condition u aluggish. weak tod enable to throw ofl th pi. : s that accumulate in it. The tystrui iiiusl be relieved of the unhealthy matter through the sure, and great dan get to life would follow should it heal before the blood lias been made pure and healthy and all impurities eliminated from th- 51 s leui. S S.S. begins the cure by first cleans ing aad iuvigorauug the blood, building up the general health ai:d removing frotu in" mhl? 4 OONSTAMT DRAIN effete miner'. UPON THE SYSTEM. Wh-n this has I. ecu accciup ihhed the i..s charge gradually na-c-s, and th; wit ui ulcer hcids. it is the teiali -m i ! ! ;t old ind.i'.i nt sorts to f,ro.v vi"f -c an 1 worse, audi i :t.uii;"..deatr. tin Um I.oc,.l application-. -,.i,.ir jooUung and to -ome eite:.t alleviate pun, cannot eu h tlx it of the In .hie S. S S. dors. a-;d noiualt.t how apparently huptk-ss yui.r condition, even Iho.ig'.i your conslituu.-n has hioki n down, it will bung relief when nothing else can. It supp'.K s the rich, pure tdooo necessary to heal the sore and nourish the debilitated, di eased liodv. Mr. J H Taltirrt. I.uck b x i4S. Winona. Misi , I anyi " " Si i years apo my lcp ?.oin the kn e lu 1 the foot rai one aolld scri- Si-.-nal cai.a,taiia I treated me and I made two tH ; C Hot -rings, I but found no relief. I was induced to 1 1 v s 8 i and it trade n complete cure 1 have leei! a p -feetly well man, ever since " is the only purely veg etable blood purifier known contains no poisonous minerals to ruin the digestion and add to, rather than relieve your suffer ings. If your flesh does not heal readilv when scratched, bruised or cut, vour blood is ill bad condition, and any ordinary sore is apt to become chronic. Send for our free book and write our physicians about jour case. We make uo charge for this service. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLAkTA. GA. LYNCHED AT CARTHAGE. Mob Storm the Jail a;ij Hanp Jame M .riiiiJalc, a White Man. Sp cial lo .1 ournal. Kti.Kion, N. C. Maich u - At three o'clock this inorninc a mob s oimcd the the j iil al 'arihage, Moore county, ar.d took.lnmeri M art indali.1, a white man SO yea old, mid haaged him In the oul (ddris. of town. Six weeks a'o Mi:i I indale outraged a young in irried wuntn who was on her way to (each sc hool and sine: his arrre.sl it has clevel iped tliit he wis guilty o' the same eri n a,' thai l 'i v tni sister of his fe. T!i - ml Ii' I 1 I he irr c isity of the feeling in.aiu t him mid led t" the lynehin, wl,'e!i o-vuned this m ini Ing. Martind'tlii was brought here al the lime of his anest to prevent lynch ing ami remain-d in Ihe Uilehrh j iil for 40 days, Two weeks 111:0 ho whs liken back to Cailliige. LEGALIZED PRIMARY. The Bill SjemilUj to Caucus Last Night ApflliS lo Counties. Special to .loiirnal. 11 ti.Kinii, March H.-- l h r.' I a differ ence of opinion as to whe'her the hill for a legalize-! prim try will pass. Sonii members say it wil ; oihers say il will not. The original bill was fo- (he whole State. The one dra vn lodiy by a com millee of the i a ieus and Milunlll'd lo the c iucu t touiglit provides that Hie law can be applied I i I'ri :ii j . The prim try -plan has so:n warm advocates and some ationg o;ip')iienlH. The com uiUe ooi-iiled of Justice, Craiif utl-1 Ko'lsli-M. T:i ? nils arc thai 1 will nol be passe I. T.,e s -lll ini-Mlt gains' I: is de idedly strong. PARDON BY GOVERNOR. Singular Cae of Io n A'iram In Prison l or loo .l.my Wives. ( Ppeclal to 'ourn il Hai.kio:!, Ma-c h (i.iv Ajcock to day pardoned .1 he. Ahrauu, a white man of Raleigh, wi o was on ler a ven t!Dce of 7 years for big uny The ease was an od-l one. The nitgUlraio who performed Ihe second inari iage eerein n assured AhrAnii lint as thy latter and his wife ha I b-en s rp iraiel 7 years Ii" could of right re-n.arry. VVife No. 1 baa lnee oivalnei a divo ce. The sec ond wife has a youn eldld which b being care I fo- by eliiri'aYe po ple Abramt, as by U v a 1 i I. n I e to re-mury wife N . 2 in t i: ire for her. Bo:rs DmanJ Amnesty. Pretoria. M irvh 7 1'. U dl herj lo Boer circle i lint Ihe lea b ra of Ihe burghem Id the field will ptur. nder with a maj irliy of ihi'ir foil iwcri If assured of ainnuily and silsta:iri In Hsrllng life afrcih, au I If a true pardon It grant ed to the rebels. Ctiarlralotl Nalsl TMllou. Washington, March 6 -Ttie Naral Board, which was appolnlesl ti pro -fad to Charleston, H. C . and look further In to the matter of the pr 1 e to be pa'd for tbe private land Included la tin site for the proposed new naval slatlon al that place, has ma le lis report. Alaah'a rupulall-iw. Washington, I) ('.. Man h n - The, to tal population of Alaska In lUO'l, as shown by the return of the twelfth cen tal, Is 8.1,.V3, as ag.lnil 3'.".' for IHM) Thle I to iDerctisn In ten years of ni, MO, or 07 4 per cent Jllrl f..r ORl.oipl. Macon, Ol.. March 5 --Judge Candler today ordered thai II. 0. Flndall, alleged to be In default at receiver to the aooot of llOfiS, be tent to jail for -coolempt of co irl and there hill ontll tbe fall amount shall bare been paid. I.ltarart fire. Orand It even. Mich , March n.-flre toilght dealrorryl the I'ahllo Idbrmrf bll41ai. lacludlri 8 000 Toleee. The tot) It eellaiitMl al 1OUO0. with la rase of fU.000. Meileak Urer TUU care all ilrer 111 )ht. ' - j GOTEMMEIfT WORK STOPPED. He Appropriations tai H:a Will be bis The killing of the R.ier and UsrlXT Appropriation BUI ll a aerious Oiaaer lo , Ne beru. it means li e (Iik l.ar.r i '. about taeuiy mtu who had good J bs, with pr-ptcnve laves (or twenty more men. If the governauM Work lu ibi SCC'loo had lieen lO.iVlineil M- liu'bank. Assistant I' Civil Engineer, who la la i Large of the f Ternruenl here was eeu yesterday, wbossul '-The turniug riom of tin A ppropria'.ioii bill mem ilie -loppsgc of all work here, au I I He ii.-L'iip"f the boats lu serv.ee I'lieie i-e itie ien Thorn, dredge, t o l i -1 - r -. i. el s me 8iiib.1I craft, The !u 5 . r- je a! pte-enl , up the river, but wi I l- brought lie re , ai.d tied up as soon u I b- a aler in the rivers perm u. lie a -i is low at pr sc I All Ihe men ill be d Bcum.; d, and I shall only keep one man to watch the i property til I ri ion l'oini . ' Notice to Mariners. Ni use Kivt-r, N.u til Carolina Lower lireen Spi'ng Beacon, westerly side of the clmuuel of ihe N'-uu liw r, North Carolina, which was denroyc I by col li-ion of a passing vessel oa .1 uiiiaiy lolil, has been rebuilt an I the tiled white lii;lil lliereon was r : a : ii lil on Kelnuarj 22, Hull. Truck is Uninjured. The recent cold wave with a minimum temperature of 1 7 degrees aVive zero, has not Injured the growing truck in Ih-s vi inl' v. Cabbage look a little yellow fro-n lb cold, and all truck is set hack in growth bin no d imago has been d ine in any of the truck. Legislation at Ralciph. The bill lo incorporate Ihe town of love, Craven county, has passed Hh B'Coud reading in the House. The bill to amviid chapter H I'rivale Laws of ISM, in regard t the chatter ol New Peril, has passed third rinding in House; also bill to prevent live slock fro i running al large in p irlions of raven county, also bill to appoint j t.--tlces of the peace lu Cra-en county. Vessel Movements The schooner Jennie I). II S nerh ill, his cleared from for this port. U, (' I'. ..tin Only a Chimney Tire. X chimney lire In the dwelling lied by Mr. Misc. I'jllersun on Front street brought mil ilie Fiic partnient last night about eig'.l There was no alarm tnn-.d damages. 'clock. New Resilience. Anew ris:dence Is being Capt. .1 J. Lassiler on Mldd near Johnson street, on the lot built li st reel, cenl 1 bought from I'. Orlans. Mr. C W. Mung-r is (hiking repairs to the residence recently purchased from Mr. C. K. Koy, preparatory to mov ing Into ihe house. A considerable amount of rep - i r work Isjbelng don arou id lo vn an I -.evral new dwellings a-c In prospect. Carpen ters are kept tiusv. James Simons Dead. Mr. .1 antes r-imons iliid a I 1 lie home f his falhei-lu-law, Mr. (lid 1,'imli. o . HtirgefS stieet, Tuesday March o al Klin ibeih City. The deceased was only n ars of ag1- and was one of Kh;.ahcth ('It ' m . -1 pop -ilir young meo To Ihe. time connim lion Incapacitated him for work he ' employed aa bookkeeper for Ilie Nt liern branch of lb" Hl i-les limlier C- in p my and held in ilie hlghesi c-ntidem e and eMcem of Ida employers. Hi- leaves a wife, who was Mss Helen I.amb, one chilJ and one brother, Mr. I) M Mnn-n-of Portsmouth, Va , together uitlia liont of friends. His uptiglilcousni ml character, courtesy and engaging iiispo allion made for hbn warm frien Is at KUiabeth ( Hy and In New Ibnilo mourn his demise. The Piano Sale. Fife prominent families In New Kern bought the celebrated Kiuiui i. plan i yesterday. If you are Interested in this mailer of putting ruin I c In Hi houir, It will pay you In come and aeo us Last nlghl we recolved the factory war rants to cover all llio plan is OJhlhlted , they are engrare l on bnk lion I paper and read. "Fully warranfd Bgaiimt any defect Iq workmanship msierlsl or performance." Tbnse warrants are backed by a capital of fire inlllian dol lart The Kimball piano catalogue conlalna ouls of nearly 100 of the leading arllals In tbo world. Call and gel one W. V Ill.OI ST. Southern Mgr. Kimball Co Mr I-MIim Ia.l. Montgomery, Ale., March 0 Hpeaker Kraocls L Peltui, of (he Alabama House of Keprew-ulatlvea. and eon of Pnlled Slates Heoatr.r K, W. Petlua, died at 6 a m froaa ibeunatlsai. Ciam llairasBe's Hpri mm rH.ai. Washington, March 0 -A bollelln U soed by the Census flareaa on cotlna glnalDg shows that the crop of I"f9 was .tlS,t7 eoainerclal hales (balee ai marketed), which la eqolvaUnt to 9.H4V S6I balee of aa arersge weight of MiO ponads Te BVaath strap?' a htaanipalf. Herlla, Mrck7 The Reichstag todaj ladoraasJ alasoMaaaalatoailt the Uadgtl UeaUles reoomaieadaUoa for Iba -uMlabat f orafaaeatal worki lo aaafaelirt armor plat, WOMAN AND FASHION l lul k t oa I u 4U Irr ll T! f un-dt-1 k!,. w ll la of dh'k t . i c t i ' .. u :th i le- t L. ! t ii ad lnoffi1 ijvi.tiit d . : - ur e-1 l.an da i f I't i mhh pa: tern ed paune arranged uu thr p k ; rt lu two deep cimes aud "U Un- Im.I.To !u one The large Rcalloil rv.llur Is also tor dered Willi the-'- palllli f'rap hud la A N KAT CLOTH OS'ITME. rounded out nl the neck, displaying the clieiniselle of tucked white silk mid the blai-k laft'ct.-i crtivat. The high ci'liitine i ol' black tnliVta f.-isleued a iil 1 1- to the left of the center with three sicali pearl buckles. The sleeves, you will notice, arc both new and pret ty and ).i'. e a very stylish air to the boVru Philadelphia Ledger. Simple Dinner lluwna. The excessive simplicity of many of the dinner gowns lias been much ciiti cised. but especially for joiing women the fashion is such a dainty one thai lis popularity is assured for some time. A chni'iiiing gown of this de soi'iption is a cry sheer crape made over white satin, with Iwo liminecs trimmed v.ith lace and insertion. The w.-tNt is id" lace anil insertion, with puliings of the crape around the top of 1 1n- waist. A bell and sasli of panne VI hot in pale yellow Is the only trim inlng on Ihe but an exceei nuidi- of hu e satin folds o waist Is lucl.i of lace so I,. bol.-lo jnel.,-1. a black chllio cow n. A siitiph- gown, lim-ly expensive one. is and net. with bands of n the underskirt. The d iin-l has a deep bertha ng that it looks like a W illi this gown is worn n I ell and sash, the only touch of contrast, inn one. I I.-irper's llaar. most effective I'nrlHliin Winter tiiKtiime. The engraving represents a tiiree (piarter inaiille of black velvet, hall tilling, trimmed with sable .skins Inter- HIjll K VKI.VHT MANTI.I. I.'iced ntid haling a bilge niedlcl col lar of 11- wiiiic fur 'Ihe mantle In lined with white ca'ln. and Ihe iniiu Is of salilc. Paris llernld. For I Itlle linn, l'retl things In the way of cliildren's clothes aie now coining to the fore, i lollies for Utile ouch who w ill nicoin panv their parents In n late winter or i n , 1 y t-prlng trip to tin- south or that will 1,4- worn during the summer. There sre lens-Inn blouses still for the little ones, n li il these lire ninde In nil colors nd In inrlous pretty and strong wash innterlals piijues, linens nnd gnlntea In dllTerent mlors, all white or vrlilte trimmed with colora and each more nt tractive than the other JVxiton newspapers esacrt that the conductor on their locnl traffic llnee are the most cultured ticket (Hillectora to Im- found anywhere. They Inatat that ninny of tbeee Yankee snges apeak aer risl InnKnagea ami curry college diplo mas In their Inside poeketa. Iaar llaanff C-aialcaimwt. Philadelphia. March ft Tbe British steamship Morten has arrived here from Manila with a fall cargo of hemp, the largeel consignment to reach here stace the breaking oat of bosltlltlee In Ihe 1'hlllpplaee. lw OmhUIwUomI. Jeffersoa I lijr. Ma., Marob 1 Tba Ka pre Coart Inday decided that tba bear laspectloa lav eaeerted la 180t la aoaetl- lailoaaJ. It to aetlauled that Iba law will rain $600,000 rateaaa aaaaallf. HUMOR OF THE OUR. iLUpal.rUt l..ili r l -. at-vl Last i li -1 t.-adt- l..s s it- ' was CvUiira ii t . . undvrto-k t- I . i f otie of 'lie , -I j.M: .a w Lu il ere iK'.i - ustoUieiTS at - vi e n-d so easy '" lie ull. -l ..g liy It Ii l.- s and her ::, -.! a frai-l.. :. r i- Lllise of t i " interval of 1m "Wllit a li-l'.iute," she sa;d f "nloailttig her coilccti- : f s ehe hurried back for soun-t h ,i,g plete a partially tilled order "I w nut my boiled bei I " it I radisli foitn-e this time'" In- alh her still more licrcely. She tiodd. d After i : :ii I, -.us atiot la-r trip or suddi nlv ,. oM-d in front of hit i "What is your older, sit '.'" she "I! bring me." he cxi laluic-d. lug ith i rath, "soiue b boil,-. with beef radish miim-!"- 'lih aj tine. IJi-fin n 1- rom Il-e Wo, ol. I thought 1 could "Vour inspiration tun-:" 1 cried, "i : woods" '"Ihe wood!" nit, it nil now. drawn from na i the skies, the 1 po- d the pniiitc coughing slightly. I-'roiii this I richtlv conjectured tl-al lie had in some v. ay become nwnie of the siiuare black bottle in my port i;i.-i n tell 11. It was not the lit- t occasion 1 had for observing Unit the truly artistic .-oi.i is gifted with superior powers of divina tiou. - !elioii .Iouni.il. elopnient. "Vcs; dnt is er n wf ill muscle fer er kid of me llL'e. but dell 1 cum of er alh letlcal faniilec, nit besides I've n tiers taken de best of care of incself!" .New Vol k . cuing .loiirnal. A Itnnli ('oniinic. "Miss Minks," said the proprietor, "do you ktiow anything about the new minister who Is going to h ue i liarge of ihe church In llaveloik street here after'.''' "Vcs," replied tbe shopw ouian. "lie Is a tall, tine looking loan, about 'JH. and In Isn't married." "Miss Minks," said tic- pi,,pil.-tor briskly, m-t s w i 't il Pits 'you may put all tie- new boti bave In tin- front window." A Pellne SlMp. It's ouite likelv that 111V I Ti will leave me (Uite a fortune. d lug. oii know. .S-ss i ill. Isn't that (list i , sing' 'I ess Mr yes; I do feel son fo rohl Jess Nonsense! 1 was s iiip.it h with you. dear. To think ilial ail wealth should conn to ,,u w h, i the allno I'hik d loo kilo ,1, Iphla Pr to do J"' ,,o,. -ss. No I'hiinee. "Is In- so very unpopular! "t up,, pillar'" echoed Mr " liy, I cave know u him t en people he has bad h.-- LlloXWell. , I, II a do ,-niph taken, and not one out ol a 'they really wont ha ve a , a man can't give his p w hat chance Is there for hli Ingtoti Star. Similar- ClDeallo When away. Wash lie gazed at the ludlvldi: il w ho w ii-j a i r-,w del M-- I usk spread ,,er four HeatH hi rullwai uirntid miirmiired you n ipii-stion .' 1 lie lixlli hluiil gi mil I nsHdit. "Hate tbe goie.nmeiit lu speclors eininlned you for trichinosis rittsburg ( 'hronlcle 'I'elegrapli. I'roirl It. "Whnt do you think. Clarice went out and anng nt nn entertnlninent In n pri vate liisnne risyluin " Kid she any whether they showed their lusnnlty much '" Oti. yes; they encored her three times." ridlndelpliln Bulletin. The HUIi-ri-ara. Mm Ijirnli No. I wouldn't listen to a word n gainst my new Duller; he a aa true nnd good as slci-1. Mm. Vnx (who knows his reeonli- My deer, If you feel that way your vnl liable are as cood n stolen 1'hlladel phta rrees O a Black Sheep. Iliitcber-Ig o' mutton? Yea'm. Mr. ! Rlgeur And let It le off a black aheep, If you pleaae. Wt'rv In mourning, you know.- I'blladelpiila Uerord Editor lt4. Philadelphia, Harrh ft -Dr. Richard Jame Dongllaon, an eminent editor and author of many valusble medical works, Is dead at his home here of dmpy and heart fallare, superlndnoed by pnea monla. Iar OMvewttaMi. Columboe. Ohio, Marob 1-Tbe flflb aaaaal eoaraatloa of lb Kalloaal A toejaltoa of Mataal lasaraaoe Coin pea U aoareaed bare today, Womlcrlul lie. WASHINGTON LETTER Prrifdraf r I Li In I L 1 1 1H cviiei-l-mn- ij f Of .a-l.t.l'f I N a i a 1 a ad--... . 1...L.L! Ill lhr T f 1 M i ' ! I ill 111 II I' ll bl isi ti, -ss w, , i-1 I ! , , , - - 1 1 w a iched w ,l h l" ,i i : .' . - .-! ' hoped that it 1 1 1 : i e.,i .- in ' : ' f n most impoi laul f, at i.i i ', t ion at AnuaHilis l-rt-l-eilence AtiuiiiK I iiHi'liinoi. '1 he c,,a, lllliell of W a-;.llvl-.-.. I....I ball I l.e other II, ti, I lie II.'. - - f : , lal p. ecedeii.-e an- si , . il '-.I 1.,,-s, f im, t :ns '1 I,, '- . 'o: - - i .,, bmeti dt i e fainoii I ; ' a il,.- tank as t !a -1- - :.-,'--i , i - ran; 1 or lntai,- , . M l illiain t he coachman t or So ; eta n 1 1 it. l .-1 1 , and took p.eoeileli, , olel Mi 1 ! , : : : ' I! I -i 1 1 ll . the c, arliinali for Se, tda; ;. Id ol. And Mr. .lain,-, i iiinie,, i!. th-- 1 , oachiiian tor s-eiiator i Haul, I pew. collies behind Mr !.! the collchlliall fol S, cletai -, Wlh ll : The men who drive lh- her ,,! all ; Ilie cabinet incliibcts, silialols. lepi, seiilalives and gov, nun, -nt i Hicial- w ere there with the except ion of M r. I William l'.iglin. I he coachman f,,i l.,.i ,l I I'anneefote. the Llitish el:.ba--a,,, I Iw lug to the recent death of tin n i Victoria. Mr. Itlglin was I,,.,-. ,1 ! lot- go the ga.Vetics of the elcllillL; Navy IIitIIk Co lli-i;ul". '1'he medical corps if the t-aty i experiencing considerable (rouble in securing young physicians who are willing to accept appointments as as slstant surgeons. As soon as the applicants learn of I h" prospects for ju', a iicciueiit they r, riy that they prefer to enter the sen i.-o of the iiriny. where there is promt e of a blighter future. An assistant surgeon In the naiy Is a lieul'-nani in the Junior grade. There are al present IT, . ,-aii, , s in the corps, and two more will occur during the year by the ictircnioni of Medical IMiector W. K. s'choti.-ld. senior ollicer of Ihe medical cups, and Medical Director .1. II. Aver--. Singeoii (icnerul Van Iteypeii says it Is inipos siblc to lower the standard, and In ol der to get cllicielll lliell it will lie n, c essary for congress to offer belter in duceiiieiits than exist at present. One on Justice llarlnn. Justice Ilnrlaii of tin- supremo court Is the most democratic of all the Judges, lie will talk to anybody w ho will talk to 1 1 i in anil Is not too dignitied to laugh at a Joke, especially If the Joke be upon himself. One of the best Jokes upon the Judge was the remark of a local lawyer at the Ixiynl Legion liampiet a few nights ngo after Harlan had made a speech. "We have listened to the cloipioiit jus tlce," said the lawyer, "and now that he has Unlsbeil we cannot tell whether bis speech Is an obiter dictum or an obiter drlnkum." The guests around the baiupiel room lnughed heartily, but none more than Justice Harlan, who told the lawyr that If be wasn't careful he would be summoned for contempt. The Illlnd hnplnln. Hev. ..Henry N. Condon, the blind chaplain of the house. Is always led i., the capltol by his wife, .lust before noon each day the venerable pair cm, nlotig Kast Capltol street arm In arm There Is nothing about Mr. ( 011,1,11 to Indicate that lie Is blind, lie Is sprtghl ly despite his age. Mrs. ( 'on, I, 11 is one of tin- sweetest and most biiieioh nt looking women lu ashlngtou Sin- Is a devoted Attendant on her ln;-baiid. who seems perfei tly happi .h-splie his affliction. Thomas L. i'tiruinseed U the onion,- uaine of the betieliclaiy In a p; r. at--pension law that was n-o-i.ih pa-od liy congress and approved hi l'i, -i ! -nt McKlnley. I'riv tile Tin -nips, .-, b n.i pics on the pension 10II for 1- a mouth as "late of Caplain P. T 1!1 more's compniiy. South ('1110'ina volun teers. liorlda Indian war " When Senator Morgan was "p.-aklni; 111 the Kcnate. some one siivvc tcl that a (juorum of the senat iihl lo be present. "Iion't call 11 on my a mi." said Morgau. with a smile. "I al v. a v 1 fed nn If there were n ,pioruin hi the sen Ble when I mil ben- " C A IM Si llol 1 1 I I, Rloodboamda For Itnllttnr Prrvlcr. Illootlhoundfi nre now 11 put of the equipment of tbe Oreeon Short I le The hounds will be kept at 01 tain si-i Hons In 1'tnh. Wyoming nnd Idaho, where their prcHi-nce Is ihoiight lo le moat needed, the character of th,- com try nml the h 11111 1 1 niiniber of I11lml.lt nnts affording eieellent opiort null lea for the operntlonn of tniln robbers The moment Hint word of n train lob tiery reaches the railroad officials- n speclnl engine nnd car containing n ick of bounds will be win lo the scene nt full ss-ed and with nbsolute right of wny The bl'Mslhoiind nm Inl will atop nt nothing until It arrive nt Ihe Kt where the bnndlt were Inat een Kiperlenceil mi-n In cbnige of the dog will put them on the trail Denver Toat. Ctillilra Hnrwd. Tallwton, Oa, March V Three child ren of Let'le Ieonsrd, colored, who live ell miles from this place, perished In a Are that destroyed bar boa Itaaaxl ( t1allTll. WaablBftoB, March 7. BacraUry Hay today received a eablefrasa from Minis ter Oosfcr at rkl itatlag that reporU that Mr. Bqoler. tba aecreUry of iba le- tatloa ftt Ua Uoltad State aaabaaiy, bai . bee rallty of loMlag, waabajod tpoa Waronaatloa. IS GwTLMALA nun M kri t-'rarllu la t ii c t u t r r r tl a us, IiO Spe- V 11 get down All kinds of -ng since dis- Illlielit issues IS, t'llt each liuiti ddlai a nl' prints species lit raii-inu- 111 face value from its 1 hese siiiull notes are pnally as 'soldos.' and who !!,,ni or who guaraliteed 1, 10 nre t w in in v stories 1 alii' to latin. 111. As you iii.iV'tie, they vary ooiishler 11 basing power Some of ecelled by Storekeepers at L- iss 'Jo to 1 , and v ery f re 1 are refused altogether. ., tl still r , duplicate things, h of the departments less In all the others. I, ltiloie 1 fully appi-eclated the intfica- ies if ihe system I was visiting a goil s.Z'sl mining town that happens to be directly on the boundary line be t'et.ii Iwo depail iiients and ordered a bottle of beer at a native restaurant. 'I he pi ice WHS 10 celllS. llllll I pulled out a handful of soldos ami told the pl'i ipiiet ol' lo help himself, lie looked at them scornfully and said they were no g 1, itut, my dear 111:111. ' I pro tested, 1 just bought some cigars with them at a simp not loo vaids from jour door.' 'All, but that was on the oilier side of the street, senor,' he re plied. That is not our department!' I vviltid and gave him a good Cnited Slates doilar "To bridge ova r the 'change' ditlieulty number "I the stores get out small metal tokens about the size of baggage lieeks and stamped Willi the linn name and the deiioiuiiiation nt which they are Issued. Thev are redeemable over (lie counter as long as the store lasts and are really the most trustworthy currency in the country. (Hie Cerrmiu storekeeper has varied the programme slightly by printing small paper notes, lie u-es niaiilla paper and strikes them off 011 a ramshackle hand press In a back room, so. needless to say. they are not very beautiful to look al, but cadi of them bears his signature, and they pass anywhere at par. It's a great eoniitrj lo live In. Any man with a stock of inerehamlise can run n private treasury th pa 1 1 incut as an annex." New Orleans Times Iemoerat. I.oilhtevlty In Knulnnil. "The following facts eoiiseiient upon a wager made by me a year ago may interest some of your readers. The wager was that I should find re corded in veiir obituary columns for tile year P.mhi n dally average of five deaths of pel-sons who had attained the age of so years or upward -In other words .:,i; i f,,i- the year. 1 lind 1.KS2 Instead of I. V.n. 1111 average lather ex ceed, ng sl instead of live. The pro portion of these deaths to the total number ol deaths advertised 1- some vv dial bel vv . 1 11 a lift 1 1 and a sixth The chief Mi alh lallv' occurred In the early months of the year namely, .lannary (o M.i lv far the most falal month was .laiiiiar.v. Strange lo say, the June and July totals exceed those of Iieoemher. thus apparontlj- adding an other nail to the eotlln of the mm dis- credit, a l.ii Times .1 a. lav thai a gn aid" Let en villi- makes hv er in Loudon l.n.ol Shola. The Itiitish and liners nt I'leters hill were crouching behind bowlders scat tered over a wide surface. The mo ment a man on either side emerged from his o r he was at once the tar get of the enemy's bullets. A Hoct, partly, It seem, d. In bravado, made a sudden sally to Join n nelghtsir. An I'.ngbshman, who had long watched the rock and was becoming alck with hope deferred, took aim nnd brought the daring one down. Ho delighted was tie witli his luck thnt he threw himself 1 u his back behind the shallow shelter of Ids bowlder nnd kicked his heels Into the air. lu IiIh transport Ids heel rose above the rock, ns be wns Instantly made aware by a bullet tninsil lug Ids fluttering ankle. Harrrlns " Adriatic. After having been dlsj-ontlnucd for nboiit a century, the ancient nniiunl cereinonv of "marrying" tbe Adriatic will probnbly lie revived In full splen dor next jear. Ill-signs have been drnwn for repro ducing nn exnet model of tbe hnnd aoiiie old world state galley, which wm the Inst used for the ceremony by t lie YenellHii republic 111 17117. ihe 1 1 1 1 m i i i -1 1 ' n 1 1 1 y Is enthunlast lc In suploi t i ug ihe project. KM. a la Aaahr. An Kiigllalininn liss nt Inst succeeded In pliotngrnplilng tiles In amlier. Amber almw ,1, nd black on a photogrniih and under lite i.jlcroscoiie. Ho has dlacov- ered n (liilil Into which he puts tbe dm 1st nnd tin n photographs through It. As some of the files In amlier are of a forgotten type, dating liark to before the flood, tbe results sro Interesting SIDE LIGHTS ON LIFE. All fnmlly tree are more or leea shady. Thnt man I generous lo a fault who never correeta It A double wedding might be properly railed a four in hand tie. It la a poor widow who cao't remarry Illch one are aoon gobbled a p. When a into geti looaawna, ha be gtna to rvallM what poof company ka kiv Chicago New. I f raakford Baoeaga al Um Oaka Mm Market. i After lie Comes: Lc llAs A hrd enough ti::.c us d - tj bci her t-Likl : One -. "t-i-s . do -hr n...t l.a .: ac.: fcc Ssjv si u-. c -t' ' ixpru c he: M.r shouM by lcj-) hcrrscl: wiLh Mother's Friend. u t h 1 t the i.gi ' the muscles are. which lx-ar the strain, the less pa.n there w ill be. It A woman living in I-'ort Wavne. lnd , s.ivs: " Mo'.'vcr s l'ricnd did wonders for me. 1 'raise God for w v,-.:r liniuH-nt." J Kead this from I! unci. Oil ft " Mother's Friend is a Messing to e; a l v. -mcii w lio uudeigo nature's ? J onle.d of childbirth. " Get Mother's Friend at the 5 J drug store. SI per bottle. ft THE BRADFHLD RfGUUTOR CO., X Atlantd, Gd. ft j. Write tor our fri-ill, isl-ateit tmiik, " Betore J Hnl.y Is 11.. rn " da. DR. OTTO'S . rvv cughs anoc FOR THE CURE OF ALL. Coughs, Colds, OB HO REMEDY EQUALS DR. OTTO'S Spruce GumBalsam. A single dose will relieve suffering and iti regular use will effect a permanent cure. riticE, as a.i so cESTe. WOOD'S THOROUGH-GROWN Seed Potatoes are selected setsl stocks, grown specially for seed purposes, in the bent potato districts in this count ry. Our Nortbern-grovv n seed are grown in .Maine and Northern Michigan, while our Karl y Obios are grown in tbe lied Kiver I'is trict, famous for Hh superior seed of this variety. Wood's Second Crop Seed which are in high favor w ith truck ers everywhere, nre grown from selected stocks in Kasteru Virginia a section noted for producing the best Second Crop Seed l'otatoes in this country. Trices quoted on reiiiet. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Ya. Weed's Daocrtptlvc Ctaltw Icllaall about S4 Potato, and Hip Oral Ba for the Prs and Oarooa. W ho- 6 tor It. Mailed tnt. El MM, HKAtigl'AUTK.n-v KOIt HARDWARE And allK inds of BUHDIHS MATERIAL Heating and Cooking Stove and Ilangea, Lime, Cement, Planter, I'iint, O I , Vanish, I'ultT, Saab, Doora, Itlinda, Cutlery and nil tho naefnl article usually found in an Up-to-daU Hardware Store, Lowptl Prlcri. UotUr Howl ChatUwka, NEW IXKIIN. Ti. V. UCipiulltuOUSiptl nrickt Ilrlrk!! KrleUW 7&.0OO Tint aM IlArd Drirk mr mm . a. a . a . - ' ror naja .Dfwp, AppijM j O. L. HAHDISON, Thunnan, K. C