i 4 An Excellent ()mi.nativ: The pleasant ir effect-, f tli- v. UumI Hil l i I! . Stkip ir FuH. iianufa. t CAi.iM:i.vi. 1 h. v. ki the valuenf . .! T t i. u:; tin tivo pr lUMpU f pi.:liL I Uietlii .n;ii . l.i.ai:u-tilt-Ill i() tin- f- -I'l.i i: .-t iv: . . istliei'iif jHTln-t --, ' J. tivc, cli-an'i'r T : i - - Mt . , Ui H'l i I Utf C 'I1 -, lu-.i'liu in - pvnl 1 v y.-f p: imp' ! v an-i i i 'Vt-rr. niu- li.tl'it n:il rn ' maiit-ntlv It-. "-rt evrrv 'I ijo-'t i. mi. 1 1 'If' stance, ami n act in n v ! i 1 1 o n w ith. l li ver ami 1 v. or irritating tli laxative. In t'.r pr- --s are used ; 1 1 -taMr. lui tin- til- renu-.lv :ire !.t other ;ir -I'.iat ,f ir'iit' know n to tin' I i.; i:N i Co. only. h eiT :s to av.ua nn r, ! . i1- I'fiii.'.nl" v t Iu i i !ui in t ' . "ii. ; print. .1 on tin- front of rvi . p:i-.-. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP C( FK ANClHft" ( A t. I.OUISVIL!. For '.riii' 1 V :i ' 1 KJ XE'.V THE JOURNAL NewUern. N. ('., March 1J. 1!01. At Trent Warehouse. Merchants are limlin the new Tn 1.1 river A. A N. ('. Wareiu'tue very en venient for the receiving an.) shipi'ii'-' of frieht. The hii; lhor is well lill- i with all kinds of goods. The Imsiiic. tirras have each a section, willi I'.i name of the lirm irinted on a heir !, where their freight is depoiitcl an 1 1 !i ample floor space makes this feasible The draymen appreciate the ch.ui.'i from the inconvenient and danijcrou-lv located old warehouse. One of tlie-.n aaid, "this warehouse h-nl oni;hti -r' been more'n lifty years ao " Wind and Rain Storm. The wind blew lieicely from the -'.lii and southeast, all day Sundny. and Sim day nilil there w .is a rain stmni. tiinc being a lull about midnight, wiiliinoii rain and wind about :i a. in. Supt. (irant of the Telephone ; I A change was busy getting his iri straightened out yesterday, there brii.g little actual damage. Mr. K. I. Williams, repotted hut L a electric line wires down. More About Pianos. If you buy the best in-! riinu-nt in id you will never have to apo'.oL'ic to t In musician who si's d - n to Hy j"ir pian". Kimball iunhaser- sic sp-m-d this mortitication "Comparisons ar lious" but sunn times necessary, read the following "The announcement thai the t'hiem.'o Musical College whii h has heiet.if .te used the Sleinway piano will heii ali exclusively use the Kimball piano i. n recognition of the wonderful artl-ii-development of the Wi-t. that mei .l-iiion- than passing notice. Chii :u-o Musical Tini'-s The Chicago Musical Coll. ;e with its two thousand pupils is tin one of the most diHtingui I'lTLresI Hill ',ed Mu-i.hI Ii-i is t !i i l r Institutions in America. Here is letter. Cnn a..o. Ill, .lune j; I 'lis l)i ar Sir. This Institution Is fu sh rd throughout with Kimball 1'iano- io. other piano being used, and we can cm this Instrument our un.iialilied endot-c tnent I)r Zeigfehl oui President was. I., r man of the jury of award- Hi the Wm . K&ir and had an oppor'.uniiy of eianiin lng every InHtriiment exhibited. This, with his eierlence in the musical w.-i Id for more lluui it'i vnr -. led him to si- lect Kimball ri.mos for the college For school purposes and for con.'-rt use they have given us perfect satisf.o tlon. They are equally perfoet in ton. action, and durability, and to any contemplating the purchase of apian... we highly rec.com mend the Kimball Very respectfully yours, dm aoo Mi sti Ai. Coi. i.e.. r, (Signed) W. K. X.legfeld, MKr We have one more of those eleg mt T,V 00 Klmballi In Krench Walnut, it will go at 27.00. A magnificent colonial caae In Hurl Walnut $4W00 will go at 00. An antique oak of lieautlful dmign $moo will go at $H07 .00. Now la tbe time to tare all agents and middle mens profits Terms (100 per year Ho, us re piano I0.(X) and up Open until nine o'clock In the evening W. V. HlOl !T Ko Adv Mgr Corner Broad and Hancock streets. J. J. Bailer baa Just received a fine Hast of lb Roaatrv Roller Trsy trunks from I to IS dollar. CURE YOUR HEADACHE and LaGRIPPE With CAPUDINE Ha W4 aftar affteto wkairrw. , . U, Me) e4 tOe. rorSbT A NO DAMAGE HERE. Truck L'nioturcJ In Ttm tum.i r Ai v. iLmm.fnn. 1 rut ker - r t c r l Lc - r . j Al W1.Q..L lerrL lhiiibc Hi i U I u 11 1 1 ! ' Mi. 1 r 1 ' lh kt- r wa -in A i 1 tl:. ' ' :. ! M : K ' ,l...u I j. . ..: :. v 1 ' ' ' M: "'I j K.-i:i t.n.l rl n ; i II.- I i y. ' ' ' j j h 1 1 1 . v :. - .hi, :- ; . ; . .' Harwell. O A. fil T O TT T A. , Bi oat u m of Hoard of liducatwn Tl,.- rriil r l.'iiirnl:"!) w i I In- 'I'm 'H.jm i4.(H).i h Mimiii; In- - i, 'I he I li n: r in i- ,ii'l w ii f I h - ' II. i 1 M - iN- 1 fi- ret ' hi n 1 urn -1 i ,i ! ' m t).- -rliou! , ! Id' I v ; . ye fir Progress (in Shops. I In1 ulster- Ii n vp !n;i Ih- 1 ! he r "f on i h- hi I till n fntinlry m iln- A ,1 N ( " I IniiMT fur t li- i o.i nee 1 1 n r inx nit in yratfT'Uy I h ne il.l ,f vt I. tin- ' f HI'll )1 I mriipnlfr J i )nyrl liri k Uyiru' -nli'ip. It Im-i ii lt , J i i 1 brick fr f-ir nf tin hut work UhA ri-u rr of mimim rr itiw Mm Ih'hI H'it In lu ' it) i rl r free i :i if , 1 IlH'il AU'l n f 1 1 r. c the upper portion of the ws.ls Shad Were Plentiful. There was a good supply of had In the market yesterday and prices w.re lower Hoe shad were .piotcd at I f it apiece and ?"k-i a pair Burk. were i(Uotd at 20cl aplere Tbe weather is stormy for fisherman but a good msny boats were at the dork. The Weather. an1 fool ( thf wralltrr Fair fore- east. Tba rainfall Hnnday night was .9:1 Inches The temperature yesterday was. minimum til degrees. BEST OF ALL To cleans lha system la a gentle and troly btaalclal saaaser, vtwn lha Hprlng tiast) ensaaa, h tnsa and parfaet nwSf, lynp ol ni. Roy um a nltt. XaafaUr4 bf tb Callforala rtg Bjnp Co. Owly, Md for aale by all trvffWU, M M aaata pt beat la. bealh of Mrs. La Mi- 1.. -. II -. !:. I .,- I - ;. , Msi. i I : ii-i .' - :;.-, . . j.- In : I i-: -u .1' 'i fr. :i; V: -n ' ,rv M K , h II. -. a: M- '. k an 111,, i '' . id! in I V (.I1 1 i - I --H lei I M: lUrgelt :. . w sr- .. a--. ! j a i - . i v mil, 'i i . ;-. d an I b-i I in m i llirll.ls S:i,- i a- a ,-:ua:i ,i,r H i i-'la1 I S'UTi! !;l!li! l.K" 'I'T '. -r a ' 11 1 air and a". 1'n!. ii-!i ,wn-i.u . !-,ii- : i 1 v ii-n s; v in ' i - i and 1. i-. -1 ' j in iirnr-. ' Mi- llar, ! .. - -li Ml I 1 1 argel! .-I !hi- i i i i . a ; ; . U ii.-i M i Mom .- 1 . i I . -1 , an i , . -i.---i- - M I'.i-a a an-! M -s i m i t lie,- t r Low Tide Causes Delay. A very low I '-ic in N ii-c im-i w raUM-d M'-ti-l day Ir. lb-- - isi,Ll wind. ' sic. mi . N:' 1--' W --n. :t;i ,l;:i! b, low the !.ri I - ab.- li live . .-I,.. a:. ! as in .t I, .-a-,-l ! . r -1 I I 1 1 I .... 1 : - In-! 1 1 -te uner n t ,n b, i li.:1 a , i ; , , ,,,-io, ; Slhill ilv. Ciir h,1 Contini'.1,! I: Tin- inei-tiiig I i nijbi in , '. 1 1-r . ; i ; r. and it be I M-s IV, i v ci i w In . ha - i n lc res- , , : bis t - - - n a'l-1 .,!;.,:: i! :. a i ' , toattclil I rhe Quaker Hridcje Road. ,,i ti,,. :1 A iiiail--- !ha- t:,,' !: n'n .'I I...;. . " "'ci.-i k iner e could 1 i. i.- I . a i. n'-i;.' l ',- - ' v : " C'.n-lition ..: I b.- 1 :,rr l!r:-lg- ! ! : " -I'bis i oa 1 sun- 1 1 ,, n i ;, " lit I r ' - 1 fi',:nN,. r.t'ni.'ii !n. 1' nil r ,a ;, - , Hum Br-uicli in :i.(., . nTi 1" , .j-j .1 ,in-s ,-,ci ni , ii ' t ' in- i i 1 ; -- i i i cany llnj. i-....- u, v.-.v :,.,,,, w . . I I Ii i' I ' ni ' , 1 - oil a ' . '. t , in , - : ! l.nglii ' Tl.i- load w i- I. !.V 'b- ' i-,' -. ! ' I i in. ,i ov.-i "in. .- -in: ic- ol .Ion.' , . : j I Insi.iw l-'i'.in L' i ov.-r in ; ! -.- w i - i the road v. t.-nt 1 i. i . I-. ' .;t , Branch. .r-i;ijt li- !.- I ? Win:. -1 . . : 1 riv.T. is a'., ir 1U in i. - Ti..- i,-a I - : 1 aiua- C. ncrt - New Iter n w : 1 ii i i. a -ids. I .:,.- j open an i in- l.ak-, and tin- Half i :. -:, ..! Mr- tlie coil.ii y. aii'l i! : ' i - :' - i 1 . in ii e M r A l! travelied ill- m u: v in'!.- ar-, i n I ... w ay ,,f Tr, u" 'ii. -" 1 1, a- : : : - i ,',-!!- i (IV -h'.rtrr Io i.-a ii j ,,.. ' 1 : 1 - ' o w , o 1 1 1 ' V : - k.-.-p :. ..' 1 1 ol ! II' V .'l I 11 1 , . - , I,' J .1 '- ' , , I i, art I b-i' I, i !.,- n 'i ! , - I ! l u d , i i 1 1 1 is e en I t.. .1 t In- loa ! be ' ( ,4 abandoned I; i- :l,...:gl,: lb it n 1 ! j bv t be luel . ban: - b- Ie v. . 1 , I 1 . ! . . I ,, .Lines r, .ii nt a i: Ir ,r in-- ; , h-' ; u;- - , I , iH; road, if .lt to I belli m i In- i .- h ' !';!' THET PROTEST WGHTILT. Pcopic on fcnMtl Creek Stirred I'p o.ausc lcrrlveJ of Tbclr Hcmo FtetUaf. rt'plr t lu do a -1y in '"' wriiibl.iig, ihev may wake up anJ l i ilu where ibey art at, perha.pi iho i:!telii a. -rue olbcr couoly or some: biuti they Lve dune all lbeir luci L&s f.i McdIt become unlawful, all from s -iiir Ntli in tKnlueeil . f w liu h '.lev have u ttie Legislature pievious knowl- r '.t I'd t re is buy amount of secret I. -;:. iL:? x-ssiuo, mil only io this ( : .4ii county but other places A !;. . i ' 1 1 iv! tin-? t)r u It) lliuitll :i pr 1 muf l tia K. kin lu-'iit 1, ... !-d.-i- utlr : it M ,. l.-l.l ,1 . When t!:c ' S Sie ;!(,il,-il dortll tbe Ilsll do n ' k'' i tiiis pa-t of the i reek where it is : an, '.. or hi least few of them Ofien Ibeie are lifty boats in the stream. The : -b are eauirbt in scoop nets and are id ,1 ov.n for surnu er use I tie pco e Miicit sled are largely in Pamlico , .ntv. a good many being in Crsvt u ' , n : , ho we er A hi ! has been introduced in the o'.i-e "io alio., timber to be tloatcd in :o:,d creek." and this is taken to mean ,1 the law, hut as usual people nan- to guess at the intent of hills in li, ,, luce, I A meeting of those interested whs held at My lupin and Mr. W. II. ' h i n-li ti i st appointed to come to New ilein and telegiaph the Senators of Craven and Pamlico county to hold up be bill until they could be beard mini Ir Whitehurst has done so and pi,' csis against the measure have gone on. Prospects For Shad. 1 be receipts of shad in this market ire not large, wi'h the local deman I good. I he demand for shad, locally, and from points in this Mate makes Jimpos si tilt- any shipments north, as prices arc as high here as in New York. Ihe Wilmington Messenger says. ' I be shad can h w hich has been very ck'Aaid up to v it lun a week, Is now , leasing steadily. The fishermen ai bringing in from LTiiiO to 2,0ou shad lav now Small Guano Factory Fire pink caught in the wood wo i k guano r I lie rv vi- i -ives ol Meadows -lerdav morning and an alarm i u ni, d in from box la al l' The small blac was so,,n i , I , , ; 1 1 1 y small damage n ii 1: - Board of Education. gular m-'cting of the Hoard ,f Kd'.i. ali.oi of Craven coiiuly will be held 1 In- Hoard has ab ml i to be ap Hi med among Ihe school districts. Represents the Prudential. Mt. W. i! Allen, (ieneral Agent foi i-: ern Carol i n a, of I he Prudential I nsu r .inpan y , is in I h- city, and w ill .. Ilice w ithin a few lavs. Allen and child arc here will en Hop Wah Explains. W ah, the w.-ll known 'hine-r 1 1 !suii.lr riuiii of New Bern, continues his business Ht tbe obi stand on Pollock I reel It appears that a new ( lunaman oiui' to tovy a nrnl proposes to open i mi MnMlr street He has taken WhIi'h nuinr hti'l tin' reil IIo Wah s thai il it for the p'lrpov of eet iiiu' irti'lf by so -loin ami he liopt liis s will not Ih ilereivci) Judge Bryan is Out ftirncin r , f Juilne Henry U M r an 1 III? clad t nft i r h turn out Htfai ii , uj onfiiu'moril .use Th- .lii'lifp will Hunn br hir In enter ' i ( ii li it i I11 I nl du I iff fhc Piano Sale. Wr nrr ratrfnl to the manv fsinilirH In New Hern who livr honon! n with I lir i r ( i m ti i It'iiri m l palrunax1' lne nir -hhr 'f a piano Wat' h ihr column of ihr Journal 1 hit week, wr have more tn uy about our jtUnnn, In the oraniirne ihr f will ('ntinue from nine In llie rnr)rnlnf( uniM tilnr in the evening W. F IlLi.I'M, houlbern Minagtr. Klmtjall Company. NEW BLRN PRODUCE MARKET. Mi rrh 13 13 to 13 ' liU kent. prr pair I luikryi, lUr. prr Ih I ilrMel( per lb . j rr4 jver pair, . SO A M . 7 18 . 6 A 10 M0 to 1.00 . . ft, A 7 .OAS Pork, irr lb !Uf. II hlrt, prtv n, r lb . " nry. " IWswai, Hweet potatoes, Yams, per bosb Bahama " .10 A 13 2a .10 BO to l" 47, A 49 j Corn, par bush i Oats. " M I'esnnta fi?J t U Seed Irish Potatoes I To Pwnr llie belt resulU you snnat plant Ibe beat sUx k of Irish ToUUm that nan he bought. We think w Iwve this when we idler one car td Bwees A Rons ArlsU.k Cimntr. Main Choir Ksvrly Ritm. There are ttntf WiUr.l We iW. rrffar few haaxtrad harreU iA Cholew ITome Orrrwa fjkrty Rnaw, Ud hum ann w nn twiaa. Unr pHea am n Mnaotlo. f J. E. UUaui a Co, ST. JOHN'S LODGE BILL. I lacUcnu of It Passafc La tbe Saitc--Capt. Inux's Story The Con trary. The debate il '.be line! .a'et -ru -ale on Ihe bin ' r ;bt ap roprlailou of KkaX) to M J.-ll Lodge of Sn Be n contains n.: v :u'.. reel lug points u given In the Cnngrvwional lircimd of March 4iL A in.ii.:t of Senators to- k part in Hit pr aeediugs vrnicn wereio a Unit M,c- fo Senator M bill wLU'h b. of UJ i.i 4:i Set Is arose a ed to Ibe bid tbt-ll a-sked l the "Won e. A Publn t he an ii Ir statements, -u;i age Oil I States'' ainl 1 that should ' gave ('apt .1 : order LnCer called up tbe ., -1 1 be 1! ou se by v , le . 1. n!gc ,,f Massachi. ! b ,i l.e bad ol j-i : f inner occasion and i v spaper arli, it- from v b -i-n I. ei lit'., d 1 :,e Ms ri-tarv lia i on sinrd some r.-n .mi :i:g the bio ' an - ullage on I . . i.'iis of tbe I'uiul public corruption u ii p".bi isbed " an l x as uuihoritv ti s n- t g li I follows. I Capt. Knox was commissary of pris j oners at New Bern, entering the cil I with the Federal troops Man h 14, lli.'. ! He claims that the day at er the occupti ;tion of New Bern he hunted up the I Hull .,,,1 I fl.Ul it l,u,l lu.r. entered and some lodge furnituie and the jewels removed and that he placed a guard to pre-.eiil further depredations Capt. Knox timber claims that the Opera House was only usgd for a few months as a hospital and he then organ i -d a lodiie of Masons in the Army, having a dispensation from the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, thai they kept the hall in good repair from money de rived from renting tho theatre to a troupe of minstrels, made up of iuarter mastcr's clerks anil thai Ihe tnion Tro ips left the building in better repairs than Ihey found il. A Is, i thai he re turned the jewels in person, aft -r the war, having sent them North for sife Keeping, for which his portrait was or.leied hung in the Lodge room, as the ' savior of the lodge." Capt Knox ulso claimed that the hall had been used for a factory for Confederate clothing and cart r idge making Senator Lodge stated that the above was the reason for his opposing the bill and had a number of letters read to sus tai ii t lie s lateral n's SiMoii u Butler then spoke in defense of tbe lull and said that he did m l see why Capt. Knox had felt it his duly to be so in-lustriou-.i against the bill, that he w as mistaken in his stall inents, and as good i:,i n as Knox state 1 facts to the i con rat , thill t bi.buiii!ing ivn occu pied as a ho-ipilal from March 1 I. IMi'J to A pi il 1-i, isi'i.1, and I hut the ollicial rc- p.nt r r . ,m alll lavils stalc.l llm': All Ihe seats in Ibe Lodge were re-inoM-d. ai! tbe scenes and curtains ic niovcd, that the theatre was dismantled and the sea's and furniture removed and the entire building used as a hospital for four years and the expensively dc oraled rooms much damaged. Senator Butler I hen read Hie alli lavil of Col. John 1). Whitfonl, u.-ing Ihe following well mer ited language ol Col. Whitfonl: "Any man who has ever lived in Nortb Carolina knows there is Inot a a man In tin- ( ni'.ed Stales of higher character Iban Col .lohh 1). Whitford. He would n-'l s..ear to a lie for all of Massachusetts hiuI North Caiolina put together, lie is a man of greatabilily and high clnira, lei, and a man who has been honored by ib-- people of his Stati on nianv oc, a-i i:si from his early youth up to his ..! I ag- Col. Whilfonl uys "Thai prior to tin- war he was chair man of the 'iiiil. ling committee of .St. John's Lodge, i bat as such chairman he imported seen,- patiileis. decorators, and fresco painiers t , nnpiove and decorate the lodge buildiiii.-. that lie also pur chased i ,.-t!y . baudelieis, mirrors. gralcs. do ,r frame- and orchestra seals for said Inn .linn, that ssi I building was ery hands .me and eipensively lilted up and decorate I, un ie b mg used al least f.VM) worth of gold '.er, that Ihe original eipenie Inc .rre i in ti curat ing ami ui ting up the lodge loom, theatre and pub hall w, ab.n it fr..((00." The atll davit of Y M Patie, a northern soldier, was also lead and tes'.iuiony shown thai none of Ihr fiirmtn-i- wis ever restored to the lodge Senator Butler then sabl lhal ('apt. Knox mad.- h y real d being restored and hi al of the jewels utiiiww tu re alored Jewel in the Senate saying that their value was less than IV Old mem bers recall thai among other things, three silver candle slicks were not seen again Senilor (ialllnger made Inijulry of Ihe re of the building and Senator Aldricb isbl that It aermod Inc .ncelvable that . , . ,w. , . . , . . . . . , I i.tsi c ou lei uv piigui 101 un uiiuuu. in a building In a small town In North Carolina. To this Senator Teller ri plied "Il li not at all. In those days, when times were flush, I hare" know n gentle men connected with such associations who look great pride In Ibem and who gave many thousand dollars for Ihe pur pose of decorating and fitting op hall of this character." Senator Jones of Arkansas laid: "Tba Senator will allow m to suggest that laera ware many wealthy men In tbit com m u n 1 1 y at Ibat time. Aa has beeb aaid. Il Ii a lodga over bondrad year old, and It wa aearly a boadrad year old al tba lias tbe properly wa taken. Tbey took great prW In tbelr lodge, and It Is on of Iba aoet dleUnguUhad lodgM snywber la Uat actkoa of lb oooatry " Benator DatWr rartaaed lb caa aid aald. Mr. Praaldaat, Ihht fa a aeiatl Iblng Tba lodfa a 011 from Iti boll. line for aearl four rear. Il la on of the first Ud; la Ib Biala, la ail- tear aver ilao 1771 It I a bwlg altb a loaf llaa of dlatlafaUhad axa, aad .1 . . . I J - iysriBWat aoo grn pvwi tbalr tod a rooaa. ' -W bar paid vUkla Ib last ill '.'.-, Bte-t hverv cotton niantor writt' torourvuluatde 1 1 1 it - painjihlrt, "Cotton (' It j-, s, lit free. 1 hanit ar. 1 .1 '. ;r- I.IKM .V K M I 1 1 K K i, j Ni months claims running from ".il.i"liIo l"(0,(Xil to Masonic lodges an 1 Odd Fellows' lodges In various Stales whose buildings were used by Ihe I nited States army during Ike war. Two cases on the calendar, one just uliuu- and Br other below proposed to pay for build ings used as hospital during tbe ii-il war, running up to tremendous amounts and here is but a little pittance- 1 d . not care to discuss it Lirthrr '' After considerable debate bctwein Senator Tell-r and Lodge, the latter moved to refer tue hill to the Couit of Claims. This would b ivo virtually defeated the bill. The President an nounied ttat the "noes fcemed to Inn-tit." Senator Lodge then demanded Ihe roll call and his motion was deflated b aoleof2So Ihe l.iil was then read a third time and pass. d. As already told Ihe bill w as in t sign el by the President as i' w as laken for granted would be the case. Persona! effort was made by Senator Lodge and others who went to President MeKinley and reiiiested him not Io sign the hill Being at the clo.-e of a ses ion with much business Io be disposed of, Ihi elTort was successful and the much desired appropriation failed. Pearls Fpund in Vermont. Everalit) is talking abouV the 'V.raaffiMountain Pearls." Dimu kjitw that they cure liver troublt constipation, bad digestion, nausea, dull headache, dizziness and foul breath ? There never was a pill sold which acted so quickly and gently, aWJ they don't gripe one bit. Ajlfial is aJl we ask - we Know wnaiyme re- ! be. . ' C. ! Blt.M HI A M COVE. I. P. I pock loses His Homo by Fire Help WoulJ he AprrecialeJ. Private Sehool. Parsonage Ahotit llnisheJ ( o i S r rVatch II. While Mr. J V. Ip.'i k mh 10 miles In th- country Saliinlay n.ght bis house was burned up an I eyerything l-e had was deslroyed Mr. I pock is a hard working man and is a good neighbor. He has a wife and three chUdre i and he was left without anything at al' Mr. T. li Inock. Mr I.idio l'.wi 11 and Mr. ti. W. Ileliruhl s;u-nl I Si ,- diyin I lover vesterda v . Mr. .1. L. Hobinsoii sp-nt the da. out on Neuse road yesterday. Miss Jevle Prescoil win Inn been leaching school here Ibis winter is vi-di ing al M r. )d Druid's. In the tire of Saturday ul;bl Mr Will ter Ipock and Mr 1,,-m ( liay lost every thing they had also. All people arc replete I win f..el di--, to leave posed to help Mr. lpoik any it at the Jim KNAi. i I'l e. Arn thing Ihev can give will be gladly received. Mr Willie McCoy and wife spent Sun day In Jones c.ouulv. We have a private school ln ic now. Miss Bertha Tucker ..IN.- Brn Is j teacher and has about i'. si liobu and . Is going tn teach - or 4 in -nths. Tbe Mtlhodlat parsonage Is nearly tin Ished and Hev. I)u llvil rupcc'.s to move In in almul a week ij. ii. iai::i.s DIAl.KH Horses & Mules Just rei eived s,,r and Mules. A g- F.lr.ifJ. :pply si II., I w n v s I liainl. I all or write () I) NIF.I.U, . I aiali. o County. Bl 1 so in N C. For Sale ! 30 barrels of North ern grown seed pota toes, E. M. STREET, Bellair, N. C NOTICE! I Nolle I hereby given to all perions , tbal da bill for lb sum of f U given at by Basal I A Mar.La, of Washing too, Horlb Carolina, baa been loal or nbplaeadi aaid do bill I dated Wasb- Infloa, J. C, and all p- aooa ar farther aotlflad that salJ dua bill ba he aaid bf atld AiaaM A Mc- laa la fall aad ibat lbt are ao longer HaWa for lb payawat of lha9 to aa rwrao, or aaf part thereof, aad . 1 a . L k . J.I. ! .1 n I All should , I ! tratt'M Iftirc i i in . -. r fot by as (Wgaod) B f. Dihim, - KLLOCXSTILLE. Nt Skavj ip Treat Wtct. Dr. Wti tet ter A SoUlCft aUttkt. MLfUXKi and Cluft kUcL. P..LI..K asMi.i a. Marck 11.-Navs la very 'scarce litis week aa Ike people are l all al Louie baid al work on IbeJr farms We hare bad 11 of Ibe finest days ev r seen id any March, and but little ro'u weail.er up-to-date. Why the .had are so slow Id making iheir run up ihe river Trent is a m;s lery to tbe locttl n.hermen, not one have el teeu csugbl near bele Wr had a vt-ii si our ,,,1tce Ibis m irn ing (. , n !'. L W Wnid b bai bre, connu-d to Ul-. h ni-.. (or ibe Inst Ut, .lav- U'r weie .trv gis l to see hint a, much tnp.-,cd 11 p- l!i-- pili,. Weaiher ina Htrengibeu and restore hie to In.- f run i Ii, si, li II ," Ait-x II. W hile our repreeul4 r 1 e made a licit home last 8lu nNy an Sunday I ui left for lUlt-Igh t-aily Mon day a . ni. Dr. o J. Bender led for Painll. i, coumy ibis uioruing where he goes I, tiil an engagement to do dental work. Mr. J B Bender returned home from a weeks visit to his old home iu Onflow county last Friday. While viailinr Jai ksonville on Monday the sth he ba the plea. ure of seeing Mr. L'lde Cana da) who is a son of Mr Henry Canada; Clyde lias been In the I' S. Army for'. eats, he told of his vu;jti and th. numerous battles he was in, he hm th mark of ,ri b diets rtc.-ived in Ihe ibili pines an I ' n an war. Mr. td-.nr Kdpatriik of Qulnerli Patcouini i here sludyln; Telegrauy and also L-s !. !. . Id C. White of Vance ;i . gressing llnely unde boro, t h till- skd.la .Lull's . t !i Mis .! ' visiting b. Mrs. .1. '. Mr Al. i away in i.ianagement of Mr II. 11. s-l of Belalr i. l.ojl enls this week, Mr. and . ,rd. I'.arrui who has been b graph service for tbe ii home visllluj his ast " II: ' mot tic i . l'he l ew rder i f Buffaloes was en joy ed hi re last Saturday, Ihe boya bad plenty of fun fooling the uususplclous few. K'even cents and no chiue back i. all they gel. Misses Berlie Koonceand E-sic Muny of Trenton are visiiing relallvi s in this place. Thbv'.llige is now known by the boye as a "man Io v n" as there Is not a single giil within the incorporate limits and but a very few in the neighborhood. A nice place for 15 or 2) prelty girls to coin.'r M F M !1 mien's new storehouse st !'.: c is neariug completion h iv 1 be ,ii I an ornamunt to that pail of :h" '.own win n completed. VIG0E3E1 Easflv. Qolckly, Pernaneolly Rest arid Ifit VlulltT. Nerroat Debtlitr. Iniomntii. For Sale by K. n71 fJ CHESTER "NEW RIVAL" FACTORY No block powder nhellaoa th nwrtctt compar with th "NEW RIVAL" In uni formity and tronf ihootlng qualltU. 5ur Hrt mnd waterproof. Qet th genuine. WINCHESTER REPEATKB ARMS CO. Since the First . . . ROCHESTER LAMP wa mad there have born many" like" or "a good " It placed o poo the market-Homo wrn e.en said to Be " lmproveo.enu ' on IL One by oae tl..- .'all by the wavstde, for iperlenoe prove thai tlmre la ouly one lamp tbatl rteilj better, and w make that, too. The NEW ROCHESTER la It wo embody all that I raallf worth having In a Urn p. both a. to quality and style. Doot foimt, trerg "" A'v HurkriUr hmm Ihm uaws is Ihm Immm. We caa flU every lamp want. No matter whether too want a nw lamp or stove i nl.l on repaired or r finished, ivim mounted or other m, Veof lamp transformed Into a Ntw H.M IIK.HTKR, wo can tlolU IM. aa aoad you literature on lbeub)ect. THE ROCHESTER LAMP n' ii Vh1 irSiS -SrSiViVn1 Fo Consisting of Lace and Satin Stripe Lawns, Dimities, Figured and Dotted Swiss, Etc We arc M,i,iiiK a TrPtly Ud-.f lYrvalri in HhkIiI nml S,,ring I'ntt"nig. JiihI diK-nml and put on aale Nfl I.inru ami 0)ttn Skirtinga. 0 urinHli Amerkao rrinta in imall fljftmw ami atrip., t.-ry lliliig f..r mmll tlilldrpua drac. and litlle b.T. w.UU, at .V yanl. The NcM Val cA. VARFOOT, 43 Pollock Street. j , I G. CiTBlKJKB LAXE. Bf Tswacca Urn &Uf an trip m ! TaloL AlBMl IM Raav DraB- mcrv TkaJ.icasiL rrprtoi,vi was beie TMiarday tit 8ih, and did soa.e ork for tba paper, bwddea sweurwd tk aer Ticea of ronr bumble aervaol (or a resrn- lar corrwpondeiit We Lope for a pleas ant ae4Ualnlsuc K-t N. A shelly g.e. l Hsllsvllle tniai We nolle, in e'ai l ew tobicxi barns OlDg up ."-ollirb,l) ILll.ks Wtilo'the lobaec plant, p- dn p-1 ' money In lb.- happy i of It, we b, pt Mr. Cn.i. man n , , i, Tt'e'e hi - O.ip" i, I M 1. B. 1'a.lr.c h. .ui' asiu ten v. Also -g.-t-lng ill 'an ii , passed Mr ,,i U. have 1 cu:i v i !e- i i .5' s, ia . all fioni "vri..' Your scribe, Mr I ) B'.rw and Mr. Louis, have si-ei.l i he w liner wilh ly- .ihoid fever, aud are j isl 'creeping out" again. Schnapps and Mahogany tobacco weie we'd represeuicl heie jesierday. Drum mers are quite pi ulifiii, Ihey will grow o Is? a nuisance let, I feat. Church al Union Chapel tomorrow, llev. Mr Suiton, pasm-. Ye s-.-ril7 wan' s to b o; so n . service ,o ihe world, if any one w i I 1.-11 him iow Wh wdl t ike Hie task ? We will not till up ihe paper wilh this .led of news, so will close wi:h the romi-e to do belter nett time, as we ml) had a moments noli e. f ClltllK. JACKSONVILLE. Persomls from Onslow's county Seat. fllsslonary Meeting; Elects President. Jacksonville, M.irch 11 -Mi-s Mills, of Wilming on, who has been visiting Vrs. Morton, r.turned home today. Mr Patterson of S (.' spent Saturday and Sunday in own midst Mr. Trolman of Va. has accepted a position with the Jacksonville lumber Co Mr. Joe Bell, who has been on a visit to his mother, at Washington, N. C , ret irned home today. Cur regular missionary meellrg "va held last evening and unanimously elected Mrs. Dr. Cox as President. Mr K-rr, who has been to Wilming ton on a shorl business trip, rilutned home toilsy. J. J. Baxter is showing a beautiful liniof Clil'iin, N ck-wsr, St -aw hats etc for K u'er. V MAGNETIC NERVINE B'-.M wt.Ii ft WrMifa J n ar 1 1. to t cli Fnl.ln l.;inni p-vtl h'.l Wnxtlnv lieai and all Wedlmesnei rfflanl itm n -i t ,-'v r InU-f t'et. 91 pr boi,6lorC5. Mall-d Io cnyeddrtts t.i ia.ipt t( tnt. Vt lauM MtMlldu Co., bu rul, Hlnu. H. DUFFY A CO. LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS Kc Hiten, Conn. C0.,M fltTV Jl a 1 I. Ladies Waists Laces bate arrived.