VOLUME IXIV. 'NIW BERN, CHAVES I'OUNT.', . C. TUISUA,. MA 'I, I9ul. -FIR.T SEITIOS. KtailSElt 13 'if ; Light,Sweet Wholesome Bread OOO COID WEiTHfR. Charlotte Only, Makts, Demonstra tion Ovci Mecklenburg Day. H aiiot,' : fl.ii: .1s free Au W 11 11 K; 1 th I K..: U.iiii. . ( I .( .HI mol 1 '.: .! . t::r. o; t:.. are more easily, speedily, certainly mak.de with KM S'mt.ltUlM "I. gns )n!iH:,. tMuniij; a day, h ra! id N. . i ..r Male Hill kI.cIU. M-ttlllC i Ai i'fi. a;. ...ic, u. ii. .iturh day ; mi-. hor;:e ..( ... small -riit '.ij In trli-t. each iufiilr of Uif dedication AlllcrlcUU fdllllle, eonslSt- WHY SUFFER FROM Delicious Pastry EOYA BAKING POWDER. v Its great usefulness and superiority have made the Royal Baking Powder one of the most popular of household articles, and it is declared by expert cooks indispensable in the preparation of the finest and most wholesome food. The " Royal Raker and Pastry Cook" containing over Hoo most practical and valuable cooking receipts free to every jxitron. Send postal card, with your full address. There are cheap baking pow ders, made from alum, but they are exceedingly harmful to health. Their astringent and cauterizing qualities add a dangerous element to food. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK- ALBANY STRIKE ENDED. No Suit as Yet Against Martin's Bondsmen. Only 4! Slici in Have Mnile Full SoltlementK. Three Cnxes Small 1'ox Among Negroes at Oborlin. Mrs. Swep win's Requests. Uiilelgh, N. 0, May 18. As yet no unit has liocn brought upon Iho bonds given by W. II. Martin, the defaulting ex-e.lcrk In tho Stale treasury. Ex-treasurer Woith, when asked why no suit had been brought replied I hat It was lo calise no report had yet been liled by the legislative committee. It seems ihat tills report In being waited for. Up to thin dale t'J of the 97 sheriffs have iiiado complete settlements o taxes duo t lie Slate for lam year. Nothing has been heard for Rome time regarding tho alleged discovery t hut the last revenue act was of no effect because Its amendments Imd uol tiecn voted on three several limes. It was a short-lived s nsallou. The corporation commission devoted fevernl bouts today to a conference wllh the list takers and assessois of this coimiy, ai which the latter were fully Instituted regarding their dunes under the new revenue act. The commencement exercises of t he State, Normal and Industrial College at drcensboro began today, wlih the Alum nao reunion and banquet. Several Ital clgh people are atleudlng. Mrs. Aycock will receive at the execu tive mansion Tuesday afternoon, In compliment 10 her sister, Mrs. Andersou of Wlhon. One of tho matters most talked ol among tho farmers now Is the exceeding lateness of tho crops. Some of them art this earlv nrcdlellnc that It will he a bad crop year. Three cases of smallpox havo U-eu found among negroo In Ohcilin, anil the lick havo Nth isken u the et house. A while man l: Italelgh Is otiaranllncd and n-'- r iimiil In his honae and hi ilore lias In eu closed. About $20,000 h lo Oil date been raised for the Mclbodlal orphanage here. July 8ih lUltlgh people air to vole on . Ihc Ikfiie of IW.OOO of tntl Improve ment bonds. It la aald hanlly any voir will h fast In opposition In the Isrne A slated last night the late Mrs flwepaon of Kalrlgh boiinesilied the Hap list female I'nlveraily here Il also to get a iblr I of the te ldu- of her .!( afier the Various hroiieets are paid. Il U Paid Ihe residue alll'approsl mate IflO.IKTO. and If correct this will Hire tho University JMhi more. Wake Fmealoollefe by h)Bft or a lt part f the residue will get something Tie tn.ooi). Sctllcnu-nt Effected Between pany and Employes. Special to Journal, Albany, N. V, May IK -The strike of the United Tracton employes ended today, u settlement belnit arranged between the the Company and lis em ployes. All the street car lines were in opori lion at noon. Albany, N. Y . May 17 Two dead one dying and sixteen aufl'oiing from njiirlea mnro or leas severe, is the no ord today of the casualties resulting from the strike of United Ti act inn Company employees in this city. Of the three men who wero wounded by tlie lire of the nalloJjnl gunrdsmen yesler lay Wlllhiin Walsh and Leroy Smitii arc dead, while William liooney s wound is not dmigerou.i. William Marshall, the non-union motorinan, whose skull was fractured by stones thrown by the mob thai attacked a car lie was taking out of tho baru Tuesday, cannot rocover. Mr. Smlili died this morning. He Is prominent in business political and social life lieic and was llie the presiding ollleer at the last session of tho American Whist Congress. A drenching rain succeeding a wsrin, humid (lay, made It unpleasant foi the military guarding the oily tonight, but had the effect of clearing the street corners of crowds. Thero was no repetition today of tin scenes of disorder and tirbuleuce that have marked the olher days of the strike. There was the same Imposing show of military strength and In nil ! afternoon G'K) additional troops of the Ninth Regiment of New York, were added lo the already large force uow on iuty here. Two olumonls seemed to contribute to tho quietness lhal pre vailed, ono of general anticipation of a settlement ol the slike ami iho other a fueling of sobriety that succeeded the anger and Indignation over the Killing ot Wllllsm Walsh and LcUoy Smith Miite l'eiinnt Crop Hrin? Les ill in i: -lim ' - I 'tlk of r penier Strike (.ra sltother t iik I'll i in-' i s (i ' A -cock Need of Ue furmatury. i n.M.l.ii.n, May 'JO. The Stale holiday 1 ' wa ol. soived here only by the closlun of the cupilol and. the, hanks and the dis play of tne Ibigb on ihe capitol Cl.ar I lotto it steins was tin ouly place wheie j llieie was a demonsirallou. ! it was bo cool today that there were j fiiea and overcoats woie worn. Many I of i tic farmers ale quite blue at the p rot pec I. The wheat crop in this county looks lomarkably well. It Is the largest crop planted in many years, and the wealhi r favors it. i A chillier for a new lodge of Mason at Roanoke Rapids is asked for. ! Insurance commissioupr Young went to Grceusboro today lo con ler with the olticers of the newly chartered life Insur ance company. Mr. U'lierry. director of the peniten tiary, was here today on business con neeted with the sale of the peanut crop The Dav administration made a con-! i inict with a Raleigh firm for the sale of ' ! the whole crop, making the estimate i that it was 00,000 bushels and was worth i $4-t,0')il Mr. O'Berry said today. "Our , eah uhuioii was thai it would not bring j over fl'.I.OOO, and now it looks like fiV i 000. These penitentiary estimates made ; ' I . .1 . 11. I ... I .. I.,. !. ......... I.i, n, . oy ine iay ainiiiiiisiianoii ; Car Com. i tliully less every time it is looked al.", ' The estimates of the retired admlnlstra- ! Uiou evidently are held in but small , value. There is Rome talk here about a threatened strike of carpenters. A car- J pouter said such a strike In this stale; would out no lien re, as negro labor would j be employed, and also people secured : from farms to do such work. Many! farmers have enough knowledge of j oaipentiy to mako them available. (Irass is giving the farmers a good deal of trouble. There appears to !o plenty of negro labor for present farms needs, though In the towns negro labor particular Cooks and house servants is rapidly getting scarcer. (iov. Aycock will return from New York tomorrow, and tomorrow evening will speak at the commencement of the Slate Normal and Industrial College of Greensboro. Thursday lie will speak at Dunn, where a reception la to be given in his hnor. Thursday he will speak at Berlej Creek Acadc:ny, In Harnett county, one of the largest primary schools In the State. The State superintendent of public Instruction today received a latter from the register of deeds of Montgomery county, saying that in the jail at Troy Ms a i:) year old boy Tor stealing his father's money and making an attempt i get lo away, that the boy Is bright and ! canjprohably lie reformed, that lie must be sent to a place from which he can't get away Dedication Day of the Great Six Months' Festival, Wonderful Beauty of the Completed Work. Color, Urnlptnrr, Klrrtrlellj, Foam tains, Flower nod FeMlvr Archl-iMlnrf-Tlic Most neaatifal Bipo- ttlon Ever Created A Trlamah of Artistic Endeavor A Manmoth Htaovr In Which the Practical Side la a Well Cared Fur a the Artis tic Feature. Itt FFALO, Mny 'Jo -The dedication of the I'nn Ariiorlonn Exposition today was performed In a manner boflttlng the great occasion, n large attendance testifying to the widespread Interest in the mammoth enterprise. Fully 300, 000 people were on hand to take part War Ended In Luzon. Special to Journal. Washington, May if -Word has lieen received from Manila, that the Insur gent Uenoral Lacuna, and bis entire army hea surrendered lo the Ameri cans. Tbti will end Ibe war In the Island of Luzon. aadfakatraaaya toaa tluTVallac Is (as throat. Rilclfn Defeats Wllmlortoo. Special lo Journal. Wsi.Hi kotos, May Ift.Tbe la I game between Raleigh nd WHIb10 we na today by lb Benlnr, by Ibe cine score nf I to . This live Wllmlngtot (oar oat ot lot at (listed With Raleigh Ihfl a S w - Mrs. Gage Dead. Wasiiihotok, May 17. Mrs. (Isge, wife of HocroUry, Lymsn J. Oage, of the Treasury Department, died at brr residence here this evening. Heart (rouble, the result of gtlp com plleallona, was the Immediate cause of death. Mrs. Oage waa a native of Al bany, N. T., aoil (4 year of . Bbe was mat rlcd lo mceiolary Oage lu Den ver, Col., la 1891. There weio bo chll- draw finis their ealn. The renalnt will be Interred In Idxe Dill eemetery, near Chleago. tearing Ihivf realilenoe In Washing toe ttecretkry and Mrs. Oaf havt tekso quite so active part la social life a Ibe capital. Mr. Oage vu pmpably clnaet lo Mrs. McKlaley I has any other of lb ladlee of the Cabinet. C ASTOR I A Far loftuiU hi CUldrei. tts Vrt Yea Km Alt ap rr the f r.R'-u ef I V... To be Tiken to Canto. 0 Special lo J oo rial. Iai FlaRCtKO. Hay f0 Mrs. Me KlnWysphlcl report tbsteho Is snaktsg MllsrV-tory prog reaa, Tk plea la for Mrs. McKlaley to go to Csetoa, O ta recti peraw, aa too at aba la . ahw lo travel. , ' ' " Tbe)est II qeaitlty and mm la quality t1crlb DeWJt ft Unit Early niawa, the fsmout fills for coostlpattna, ti 4 ltTr enn'tUtnls. T S l'f m Co, Mrs. McKinley Better. San Framisco, May 17. President McKlaley described the marked Improve menl in Mrs. McKlnley's condition to day as a transformation. But, perhaps, even the President of the United Stales may over state the case in his olatlon at the prospect of his wlfo.s recovery. Certain, il ta, however, lhat Mrs Mc Klnley's condition last night Improved to an extent thai fairly nonplussed the doc tois, brightened the anxious and devoted tiusband and filled the city with Joy and thanksgiving The linking spoil lhat was feared in the early hours before the dawn did not come. Thero was a slight tendency Id that direction, but lhat was all. Ibe physicians were so favorably Improased with their patient's condition at tho early morning consultation that tbey Is sued a bulletin announcing Ibal Mrs McKinley bed paaaed a good night, and informed the public lhat there would not lie another consultation until even ing This reassuring news, posted at all ihe newspaper offices, was received with nVllgbl by the people Death of Capt James Erin. Cdalsto, 8. C.. May 17 -Captalo James Evans, one of the oldest pilots at ibis port asd a survivor of Ibe Confeder al cruiser Alabama, died al bla borne her today. He we an experienced navi gator, and while serving on the Homier and afterwards on the Alabama under Admiral rteeamae, on of his chief dull was to glv In advanoe the aatfoaallty of say appro acklag veaeeU BoO- Admi ral Hemes and UeeUesnl Hlnoialr I their published work refer to Xvsns tillable sarvtoa. II we on f lb OfBoer picked ap by ths Segllah yacht Deerbousd ot Chnrhonrg when the Aln- beasn wa Itek by tha Kearearga. Ot ralaraad to tho Ooofnderney and we eervleg at e of lb nval bslleriee oa t be leasee river when Rlchavwd u tv toasted. ' Will PssUre WarWal taw. r . Albaar.H. Y M l..-Owl aonSVcu bet tea aoldlera aadttrihra H H rrod that aaartlal law wilt N dtar4 la lb "tat rapltal tfty aadtt military Btrf4.' Tba ttrlkt tyntfatbl tart ty It It their tar to shoot aow tad trt arming. DIKJCCTOHOENEHAL WILLIAM I. lirflHASAS. In the grand event. The day was iniide a civic holiday, and there wiih u gen eral oiitpoiirliig of people from cities and towns within 200 miles of llufTiilo, both In the United States nnd Canada, by way of the 20 or more great Hues of railway which center In this city. The city was astir ut an early hour to witness or participate In the pro glainnie. Mr. Ixmla L. Habeock wiih chief initrshul, and the programme con sisted of pnrades, ceremonies In the Temple of Music nnd special outdoor features. There wire two separate nnd distinct pnrnilPBcn Exposition pa inde and ft ooucesslniiiinlres' pnrinlc, leuvltiu the City Hall at 10 a. m. The r.xposltlon parade consisted of tlw United States troops In this city, the Mexican National Hand, n detach merit of nil arms of the Mexican nriny and other foreign troops In the city, tho Fourth Brigade, N. G. S. N. V.. all under the eoniniiind of General S M Welch, eooortlng carriages coiitnliilng tile Kxposltloii ofTU-lals nnd tlK'lr spe cially Invited guests. Tlie parude of the coneessloIinnlreH was participated In by nil the eouees Hlouiinlres. It wag accoiiipanled by IS bands and wns two miles In length, showing tlio wonderful features and In teresting people of the Midway. Tho ctM-eiuonleH at the grounds con sisted, first, of a grand night of carrier pigeon freed on tho Ksplnimde and conveying the news of tho dedication of the Exposition to the world. The In vited guests then proceeded to the Temple of Music, where the following proKiammo iu curried out uuder the direction of the Hon. John G. Mllhurn. president of the I'nn American Exposi tion: Hoar hr the btnljrlnl nrtimmt hand, uimIm th 4lre-tton al rnlnx t aix-ltillL Opnln( prsrr J the Hlfhl tUi O. II. FowWr, I bUhop ol the at. . churrh Ailttraa bjr bU bcatx Cvend Mthl, marui ol the rilr af Bulj. fotm rllB lor the oocsaoa bj Hobtrt Cm roo Rnfers. BilTe Liherlsa." Warm. t7 Butllo Orphras sad Orchestrm, John Lund conductor. ArtdiM li It Una rtirodw Roownlt, lr pmloVot of tha I'nilKt tltiaa sliate. Mdna hj Brmtor 1 1 Mir Ckbot Lodf ol pchuaKU. ISeai wrtltes for th ocraaloa br rredertr Aloif Addrrai br the linn. Tiraorhf U Woodnia. Ueulrnsnl fnvrrn at tl,r SXats of rttv Tirk. "Arortlra," I j Uml, Tpheua M audttaea. BenrJIrtlna I; H lllxbt Rt allium D. Walker, biakop ol rrlrr Ke York. At nooo there was an iblbition of adi-ntlflc kltellylim by Mr. E. I. Ilora- tneu. ecleotllic kite expert of New Tork. and his staff of kltefllera. This rooalstrd of tandem kite tnd Eddy war kite, uaM-ndlng tb American flag and discharging Am erica 0 II aa lo lb form of psrachot, other eup- portlng a grrat ben pet beatiing the word "Welcome." with other bearing different flaare and strentvern nt various IreighU. There ware leo flown tan dems of natal block hit and koeJ kite with flag od a tandetn of yacht or thlp kite. At tb clone of tb Crreneoole la tb Teoiple of Moelc there wta a great dla ptay at flay flrtworha, loclodlaa a grajrd telrrte at 123 tstrtal gnuxa fired Iron atecl auortam. lb ajscvwt of ft Urg IS foot ga ttalrootvC A Wtter d with tb ota of wo of tb rn- AnterVtn coentrW nod nniTytnt tb tag f tb toootryi aalot aa th autea, 0 majBBoth raoaM report rch4 ea for aavrh attUof th Colon, Bred aiBQttaaoMlyi aitgnLBoeet dla-plty af Jtrataeno dtytglrt flrowurta, rwlaauked la toklejr rroca Japrtete booioei orteo tal kit dispUy, rxhJWtlng 150 klaM, whir k wUt.kt) Alrolared rnav lug of Issi lare gun cottmi rockets. The completed Expuaithm Is a dis tinct trl.:in; li m cuiiit it - wnys Nev er befori I.:i - ttiere . n Kie li an ef fort put f' .'li to iri ... ilit, decora tive i-Be-t Thest- nr. t. I.. se. ii In ttie s li. no '.i i' :il urra i g. ne ill f the buildings arouiitl spa. Unit courts, tl.e glow of color cpoTi all the liulli'.Uigs, the play of fountains and enseuih s, the profusion of blossoming flowers, the generous use of Intricate molded orna ments upon the buildings, the gnat numla-r of sculptured groups by fa- ( mous American sculptors nnd nt night j tho softly diffused yet brilliant lighting 1 effects produced by means of more ; than 300.U00 liien ndesci nt electric lamps uon buildings and throughout j the grounds. The grounds of the Exposition com- j prise some 850 aeree, very accessible tiy steam and electric Hues from all parts of Buffalo. When It is recalled that It was only tlie 4th day of hist , Juno that the first piece of timber was raised aloft us the beginning of whet Is now a niagiilliccnt Exposition city, one can but marvel nt the executive i force which hns brought this work to Its present stute of completeness. The cost of the Exposition us It now appears Is approximately $10,0o0,ooi, exclusive of exhibits. Of this sum thn Midway represents an expenditure of about $:i,(M0,iHKi. Nothing seems to have been forgotten In perfecting the plan, and there Is every convenience for the visitor nnd an abundance for III in to examine nnd enjoy. The admis sion price Is the same as usual at expo sitions, hnlf a dollar, but It entitles one to a full day at the most beautiful fes tival of Ihe hind that has ever been brought Into existence. No pen will lie so prcsumpt nous as to attempt to describe llie architectural and color bounty of the 1 'it is -American Exposi tion, it Is a magnificent, an extiuvn ganl. dream brought to a harmonious uuil beautiful realization. The triumph of the architect, the eolorlst, the huul Bcae architect, the sculptor nnd the electrician Is complete. There lire about loll buildings In the Exposition plot, of all sizes and de : script Ions, and an abundance for every ' one to see, no mutter how long ho may I choose lo remain. The most novel ex ; liiblts perhaps ure to be found in the ; Electricity building, for In that partle- nlar sell lice wonderful strides have i been made within the lust few yours. Notably among these Is the transforin j or plant, where 5,000 horsepower Is re I cotved from Niagara Calls by cable nt ! a pressure of 11,000 volts and stepped down to 1.S00 volts. This power Is used for lighting the vast Exposition area. A daylight brilliancy will per vade tlie Exposition until 11 o'clock each night. Tlie exhibit of Street Kali way appliances Is also of a very com pleto and Interesting character. Tho exhibit Hindu by Thomas A. Edison, showing tho development of ninny of Ills Important Inventions, eoiistltutos another attructlve feature. Denionstra Hons nru to be made of Windows Te legraphy nnd the X Kays. In the con ter of the Mnchlnery and Trunsporta tlon building Is n working exhibit of a largo number of Pumping Engines These supply the water for the various fountain fontuics of tin- Exposition. Among those water displays Is n enft cade In the southern face of the Elec tric Tower, from which there Is n flow of 3o,000 gnllons of water t minute, making a beautiful vellllke entnrnct 70 feet high. Upon this cataract electric lights of many colors will lie thrown from nn Invisible source, producing an enchanting picture. One of tlie iiiimt Imposing buildings of the Exposition is tlie groat Stadium. This la more than 00 firt high nnd Is so huge as to Inclose a quarter mile track. The Rents are nrrangod In the form of a vast nniphlthouter, nnd the capacity Is sufficient for 12.iK)mKc1n tora. This Is to tie the scene of very Interesting events dally throughout the Exposition. The Midway Is enld to be the grent et that hna over been organized for any eipoeltlon. The Midway proper -rTAm j. ,ri I Chill Tome I V-Wvs Aa. j-tl-i CHILLS, FEVERS NIGHT SWEATS Grippe and all other forms of maladies when you can be cured by Roberts' Chill Tonic The worlj does not contain a better remedy. Many wonderful cures made by it. S cents a bottle. Money refunded it it foils to do the work. Delight ful to take. Local Druggists a Hams cut. And a nice lot Small Sugar Cured Pig Hams to .u st iik( i:ivi:i Also i. FRESH fin in 5 llllist Idllllet 4 y- 5 lnt Fancy Cakes and ('racU'ts STPAWBIERRIES iLccivcd fioin W. H. White- I )i spi-t tf ttlly solicit your jmt- l'l v Yours to I'lciisc. McDANiEL, Wlioltmale A Retail Grocer, 'I'lione !1. 71 I.rtiii Nt. I 2NT6t3.ee ll o o I icsicctfiilly iinlily tlie jmlilif that I will dose; my place 4 ol Imsincss ((;oiiitiiciicinoj Mmnlay May 1.!Ui) every evening 4 (except Saturday) at T::io o'eloek during tlie summer months, 4 in inilei to ejvc my clerks a little n creation, and would earn- 4jV istly ask tlie co-oieiation of the jmlilie in general. Very Kesjiectfully, I J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St Grocer, Phone 137. 0oooo4cecoo 5 Xiee lot of Pig IlaniN, Rreakfaftt Rneon q 3J and Itig Hams to Slice on hand. Heinz Mustard Dressing, Prepared O O O Mustard. Horse Hadish. llaked Iieans witli or without tomato sauce, Pit kles sweet and sour, 1'rosorvod (linger, Lea & Perrins Sauce, Pine Label Ketchup, and many other nice tilings too numerous to mention in su. h a small spat e. DON'T FOHOKT OUR CHICKENS. L. M. Satterthwaite & Bro. o Phone 169, 61 Broad Street, o 00003CCC00 o o o G 0 on n ! V ransniKirr omi a mt-ncRK. 1 rVOOO feet long, that giving more than t mil of frontage opon this sin gulsr tborouabfar. There are about 40 sbowa. every on of tbetn pcaee Ing special merit and aelecled from Urge oainber offered. There has been great rivalry among show people to secure space upon tb U Id way, and It baa been allotted with grant rare and with tba positive aaeurence that every feature would be of a character to corn taaAd popular Itvtereet. It may be aaVd of tb whole Eipo attic that ta trery tVpartOMOt It hj a roaupact yet cotnptet prtwptanow af Tweatleth Cwntary etvUltatioa tt tb Weetecn World. "Oar llttl airl wtt aaooatdoot from alrttpWlloa durtag aiuddea and tar rfbV attack of croup, ' I qilckly aactrwd a hottVa al Ott Mlaat Conga far, glr lug Mr thr dra. .Tk eroup wta muter d tad mt llttl dtrllar tponrllly reeotMad.'' 8 write A, I Bpaff nrd, Chester, W Ich. F B Duffy 4 Co, lore Bargains We have a few broken nizo In Negligee BhirU wblch we carried over from last swirton, which we now offer jou at lent than acttirtl cost. Your choioe now for Trite last summer waa 11.00 and ll.'io. We have only a very few of each size, no wc ad viae an early call ao an to fact the U'st selection of pattcrna. IUnnetnbcr, lona than ooat-7Se.' ' ffl 6G3, Vkreau tsan . "-. q , t tlST IPolloclr Stxcot. flhell 1.1 me for flair. ror Ilrnl. .l r sr. I My lata residence, roraer !''" ' ItlAa.De.tae Hh.n Una eanarlall I "d few Streets, rooms. trowm of P...,u. 1100 Pr r I Z ton, lOo per tack. I r:-.. I . j ' 0E0. K. IVE3 4 PON.