TUB WEEKLY: JOURNAL Pnblihd ta fw geebeoa, ewery Twee Ujr kd KnJay, at W Middle ftiM, new Bora, H.Gk CHAKIE5 L. SThVENS KDrro His rmorkiiTOc SURSORlrTloN RATES.: Two Month - t-uu. T irwe Month, Bix Month. 0 Twelve Month, 11.00 .' )N LY IN APVAMK. Ailverlinin tkUw lurouihed ujk-ii -pliralioD at the office, or upon iiki'ihn by mail. Urix" JoI'RNal is only wnl on p-in-wlvfiiico rami. Surarilern receive notii of t'xpiriiliiin of their -iK tcrii tion ami sn immeiliitte n;.in. t" nourr w..l iippricuiU'd l.y tin JoUHtiAU Kntrnii nt tli- I'listotllee, Ni w Hitii A. C. an second -class matter. Section Oar. Tuesday. MJ SI. AN OMINOUS LABOR SITUA TION. TI.e threatened strike of the mm liiii ltils hnd metalworkers i f the lountn, which involves hundreds of ilioii-ni'.U of laborers, the trouble with the bricklayers In New York t'iiy, which if they strike, affects fi"u 100,0 JO to 200,000 men, all has a v ry ominous outlook, and endangers the present prosperous business condition of the country. Various are the causes which bring about a contlict between capital and la bor. Local friction Is easily engendered, and the labor leader wants to show his power by making capital feel that it must treat with labor, through his personality. The great consolidations of the vuil ouh manufactures, and formation of mammoth trusts throughout the "iin li y, has had the effect of alarming the labor unions, which realize that their closer union is necossary, in order for self-preservation. Immense fortunes iuickly made arc antagonistic to material and Industrial progress among the people, and quickly breeds dissatisfaction among tho-e who may have lent their toil and effort, at perhaps poor recompense, lo as.-Ui in making prosperous limes, in which fortunes for others arc easily anil qtili li ly made It will be the part of wisdom for capi tal to interfere and make a'1 possible conciliations, so that the threatened s'rlke may be prevented, anil to settle all differences so that there may be no c.on llict between the working man and lii employer in the near future. Patched up truces between labor and capital are not settlements, and makes rupture possible at any time, and so keeps business unsettled. A strike at this time would be dc plorable, and every effort shouid bi em ployed to avert it. THE LAW AND DEADLY WEAPONS. The killing of an Innocent woman, the wounding of another equally guiltless woman, and the jeopardizing of a mini her of olher lives on Thursday night, near the Kalr grounds, is tho result of carrying concealed weapons, the tlagrant abuse of the law which prohibits the carrying of fire arms about the per son. It is on just such occasions as Thurs day night, when a life pays the for fell for the violation of law, that a commu nlty Is aroused, and Ibe full danger Is realized. In this day, lo a civilized community, there ! no warrant to permit the carry ing for even an boar, any deadly weapon aboDl tbe peraon of any one. Tba tiro when a weapon li needed for tolf-preaerralloD, ao aaldom arise that there can be no excate for carrying one. Tbera may be periods when local dis orders nay demand a committee to carry (tint to preaerve law and order, but It li only at rare timet when a pistol It a neceatary article lo be carried about Hie peraon. Bat however itrtct tbe law, In lUclf. may be at lo carry 1st; eoacealad weap on a, a ileal tot) tQtborlllea give cloae head to lU enforcement, lit violation be come May, and only wbea toma tuitilen ardor It coeamltlad. or Ibroaf b eere Ihibbbi eoeM eerU damage It done, It It real lead tkat weapoae off twelve la the iHfht at laa taw arc Mag carried aboel, aadangerlai tl peaoa and Urea In a Mnaaalty. ; At ta laa eilaor. U Taaradar alfht'l tragedy, ike) law WlU at lead to (Mr oat la dea laatn. ." ' lei U U aot aoa(a Uat aoaaa erlate Mat ba eowiwilued la rder Ual tha autoofitlee that! raailaa Uat a law aa Wa rlnlaud. ta4 ike ofTtilart a a at b tfyea taaUkweat. ,' Carrynf ceneealed weapoaa U aot intMtii ta taoaf aarrrla la, avt to laaocrat ewieMeia, aad taa law aoM a ta t a forced taal la laaoeeat ataider It tale froai laa vkilaver oi taa law, wao atiooUi be bvU lo pa; ihe (all prnaltj, htfOffc ihey kivt 0..riilui,llj f rB.'angcrtag life VIRTUE OF THE DOLLAR MAKER. I li.irle M. rvhoats niaii r ( Ihe j gieal Met I Trupt. boc Miinrv U re- j I'uiu-d to lie one milltoii dollar a yi-hr, j is It fun- tlie public m the evp i, nt of the triumph of it iii -e1 uc' ion ver tdu- catifii Mr Schwab' p,Mt,n -ti-nif t be, ' tin pi .lifci l.iin-e,f rt- t:,e i 1! rt r nil in, ttial lhc aih'Hnthey a w i ll t -m : 'h 1 .-rhoul life are 1m:iii ft! ui-'s in Mfe tiiis f-ucics tietin; in Mr ScIiwhi.'s imi , niation ihe iraiiiliij; '. mam dolln t Tt.e in'vldusl -rit , i pt i iini'irilv, d thU steei ihHrisi'ei lot- nai'irl!y lurnid I his bead. He at tributes lo himseif vtr- tues slid chni.ol .eewhy oitnrs linll , not fu'i w In I i- i .iur-e of lite. Mid 'tliereb vquiie Hit smiir virtue , Mi S, hwab -how- I i- inii.irno'e wh n ' tic -eeks iiimUc tht' "iilii of the cim.ii ! t ry all strive for the Mullsr to the ex , lu-iiin of all els j It is Impossible that every man shall j Ik.' h niilllonsire, ;i- 1-, pictured by lhc , lel manager, -i n '. yet till-" man wmild advocate a course for the young man to follow, which means only the pursuit of the dollar without anything else to fall hack upon If failure is made. If eveiy young man should lay aside the pursuit knowledge, -i g 'lined through public ',,, ,d mid college, snd go out into the world to seek only the dollar, the successful ones i-' the very most must be t'niitcd. But In the pursuit of knowledge, how evi r sevire the course of study may be, there is success for all It may not be th it the student i I . lie able to satisfy his gross nature us Mr Schwab can, through the abilit y of his dollar, but the student can see and en joy a thousand things in life, which are Invisible to Mr. Schwab, pleasures which his dollar can not give If education and its value to every one was not so Iniperlshably fastened upon t he people of this country, there might be much harm done by such public: talks as Mi Schwab's, who advocates as lit tle education as possible for business men. What is needed today, is not such public advocates nl the virtu i of the ib.llar maker, but advocates of educa tion, and the value of lives which arc not given for self alone, a.- is the money maker's. Mr. Schwab may imagine that the virtue of money making, and Its success, makes him an authority, anil a safe adviser ot the youth of the country. As to money gelling, lie may lie an authority In his own line, but could another person, to say nothing of the thousands lie would lnlluence, follow his methods to the same success r Mr. Schwab eihiblls himself as a linlshed aitisl in dollar getting, but as an adviser of the youth, proves by his talk lo know nothing of the real value of life, its Hiiii., hopes or pons! hi 1 i tics STTK lit ' HI lo, ( I I V oh Tol.Klio, I l.i us I'm mi, ) KinNh J (,'iiKNNhi lnilies oath that lie Is senior partner of the firm of K. ,1. Ciii.NRV it Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, County and Stab' afore said, and that said linn will pay the mini id t.K llt.Muih.ii l)oiiii- for cricli'aud every case of CaTahiui thai cannot lie cured lp the use of II all's ClTAHUII I ll.'HK. FRANK J CHKNKY. Swom to liefore me and subscribed In my presence, this (ith day of locem-l-r, A. D. IMHfi. i , A W (JI.KASON, Hal Notahv Pi-iii i . I ) IUil' Catarrh Cure la taken Inter mlly, and ai ls directly on the blood and mucous torfacea of the systeir fiend for testimonial, free K. J. CHKNEY A Co., Toledo, O Hold by Druggist. 75c Hall'iiFamllv Pills are the beat. Mur Troup Kor All' New York. May 17. -The Ninth regiment marie I for Albany tbli morn ing Old Soldier's Experience. M. M. Autiln, a civil war veteran, of Winchester, Ind , writet: "My wife wat irk a long time In tplte of good doe tor' treat men I, but wm wholly cared by I)r Klng't New Life Pllle, which worked wonder for ber health.'' They alwayt do. Try them. Only 15c at C. D. Bradbaaa't drag tore. UMIwi am try Qrmf : London, May 11 Andrew Carnegie gate ont hundred tbowtaad poandt to attabllta dUrtrlot libraries la Olaagow. CAR U DINE UEADACDE & LA GRIPPE. -; : ' v ' , ' t . -, tt : . !,, ai 4 Wrottla, ' tot Mia bjr C D. Bradbaa aadJQ. . A. DargeU. " . Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yoa eat. This p re para t km contains all of tha tligestanu and (litre U all kinds of food. 1 1 give I nstaut relief aod never fails to cure. It allows you to eat air the fond you want. Tbe most sensitive stomachs can take It. by Its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the sloru ich, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. t can't help but do you good eVpanslonlyby K- O. DlWrTT ( W. Oh (- 1 lie $1. Untie cuulalu St Utiles 11k- 30c Ultt K S Ol'FFY & CO. Vestal Vlr1. Ovid tells us that the first temple of I Testa nt Rome w as constructed of wat- tied walls and roofed with thatch, like : the primitive huts of the Inhabitants. It was little other than a circular cov ! end fireplace and was tended by tho J unmarried girls of the Infant couimu , nlty. It served as the public hearth j of Rome, and on It glowed, uuextln ! guKhed throughout the year, the sa , cred fin1 which whs supposed to have ' been brought from Troy and the con I ttnuance of which was thought to lie linked with the fortunes of tlo city. The name Vesta Is believed to be de rived from the same root ns the San skrit was, which moons "to dwell, to Inhabit," and shows that she was the goddess of home, and home hnd the hearth as Its focus. A town, a state, Is but a large family, and what the do mestic hearth was to the houso that, the temple of the perpetual fire, be came to the city. Every town hnd Its vesta, or common hearth, and the col onles derived their fire from the moth' or hearth. Should a vestal maiden nllow the sa cred fire to become extinguished she was beaten by tho grand pontiff till her blood flowed, and the new Are was solemnly rekindled by nibbing togeth er of dry wood or by focusing of sun's rays. The circular form and domed roof of the temple of Vesta were sur vlvnls of the prehistoric huts of the aborigines, which were Invariably round. -Cornhlll Magazine. Fought For His Life. "My father and sister both died of Consumption," writes J. T. Woatlicrwax of Wyandotte, Mich , "andsl was saved from the same frightful fate only by Dr. King's New Discovery. An attack of I'neumonla left an obsllnatc cough and very severe lunc trouble, which an excellent doctor could not help, butji few months' use ofthis wonderful medi cine made me as well as ever audi gained much In weight." Infallible for Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung trouble, (itiarantecd bottles fiOo and fl.l Oat C. I). ltradham's drug store. Trial bottle free. 1 1 i k Strike of Itrlcklnyflrs in New York. New York, May 17. Fifteen thousand htlcklayers struck today. The Union championed the cause of eighty brick layers, who demanded that they lie paid four forty a day for three weeks they were compolled to lay off at the Stokes apartment house, their places having been taken by roofer9. DeWltt'e Uttle Karly Risers search the remotest parts of lhc bowels and re move the impurities speedily with no discomfort. They aro famous for their elllcacy. Easy lo take, never gripe. KN DulTy A Co. TrAury Nurlllll SlrMillly liniwlnK. Washington, I). C , May ltl. The ac cumulation of tho surplus In Ibe Treas ury Is going on at a rate which Is prov ing somewhat surprising to the experts of (he Department. "1 have tieen tuffering from Dyspepsia r ihe past twenty years and have lieen unable after trying all preparations and physicians to get any relief After tak ing one bottle of Kodol Dynpcpala Cure I fouud relief and am now In better health than I have been for twenty yean I can not praise Kodol Dynpepala Cure too highly." thut writes Mn. C VY Roberts, North Creek, Ark F H Duffy & Co. Htrtk Thrtn1 at Wuhll n. Washington, May 10 -Owing to a controversy about summer uniform which thou Id ooet the employees eilra, fourteen motortnen and conductor on the Klectrlc Traction Company, threat ened to itrlke. It Strcd His Lf j. P A. Dan forth, lott LaUranga, Ua., suffered for all monlbt with a frightful running tore on hit leg; bat write thai Docklea't Arnica Salve wholly cured h In Ave day. Tor Ulcer, Wowadt, PI lea, It't the beet talve In the world. Care guaranteed. OalytXc. Rola by O. D. Br ad ham,' dmggUt Me4i4 at La Norfolk Va., May 17-Moaroe Lawk who wm to have bawa aaagad here today for murder, wae greeted a tvta today tbroogh tba effort of Joaa Oray, ah f rlaad, who begged aiaaey froea door lo door to pay the coal of taa Court of Ap peal If people oaly knew what . wa kaow aboai Kadol Dyapapala Core, It wow Id ba eet ta aeariy awwry hewtekold a taata ar few peopla who 4o aot awffar frota a faallag of fallawa aftar awUag, belck lag, fletaWaoa, aoar atmaaca wf wr braeb, aaated bf Indlgettloa a dyp 1a. A prtparattM, a Kodol Dy pcpeU Oar, which, With ao aid froea lb (toiaacfc, win rjlgeet yoar food, ear lainly eaat aelp bat 4e yew good, t Doff A ra. f y. Siprtme Court Still fcas Tlurtj Cases lo Settle. ! Weatera I slna Trlrgrtah 1 Tai' Aaesitii'-l -arrrn la t'at ll rrier. Recure Hrrakrr la Nuu ber Apaliraals to I'rartire Mrdl- ! ciae RaLEioii 1h 17 State labor cni mtaaioner rin r. a meralier of the Stale pre a-soi inii' ii. says an uiiUS'inliy large numl r of its nirmliers will go to the Pan- American exposition. Mr. Varner wtil go tn Si I,ouU tie 1 1 j week lo attend the annual convention of labor coniniisl"iiers Never Is fore as so much land pre-J pared In this k it .n or cotton. I'lntit Ingfm even nt cmiig on actively To-! day many (aimers wcr- at work alonir this line Special otlicers Walcott Lay and A 1) Davis are inspecting Ihe revenue co' leclort' ollice here The Weslcrn I nion telegraph con -pany and the corporation commission agreed, a i slated some time ugo, in a compromise, regarding the 1h, assess meui, by which t he company olleif its s ill and pays taxes op a basis of fiMoO, (XKI. The papers arc all signed. The cluck to cover the back taxes, about 4,000, Is expected In a day or two. This Is of the last special lax cases to be ad ju -ted. lhc commissioner of agriculture I' greatly pleased at news he today re ceived from cattle quarantine Inspectors on duty in the far western countits One of these reports the cattle ticks, which cause the splenic fever, to be completely stamped out In Mason and Cherokee counties. The commissioner says that if the ticks can thus be exter minated In the mountain Counties they can in the piedmont counties and also in the central and eastern counties where ever there is the stock law and thus relieve the entire State from the greet burden of the quarantine. The comment one hears here regard Ing the pitching of Sutch of the Raleigh base ball team is that lie ought to be dropped and lhat he ought no lo have been signed. The Supreme Court has yet about :!!) cases lo dispose of. A few came over from the last term, the most important of these lieing the Coley case This is the one in which the court below gave Samuel Coley damages against the Southern lailway for the loss of an arm. There ate ninety seven applicants for license to practice medicine now up for examination liefore the Slate bo:ml of medical examiners. This Im a record breaker. A Great Transportation System. St. Pari., Minn , May 17. The Pion eer Press today sayt-: Plans for a I ransportallon system com pletely ercln ling the globe are credited to Prcsidont .lames .1. Hill, of the Great Northern, and ,J Plerpont Morgan, of New Yon. It Is stated that but a link lo the chain Is lacking, and that befoie Mr. Morgan's return from Kurope within a week or two it will be sup piled. The great factors In the new system are the Ureal North, the Great Northern Steamship Company, Mr Hill's Trans Pacillc line, soon to be In operation, and the Iifyland lines, recently pur chated by Mr Morgan. The acquisition of these lines and one missing link, a line between Alexandria, Egypt, and Hong Kong, China, la said lo havt lioen Mr. Morgan's special purpose in visiting Euroe Educational Bequests. Special to .Ion i mil Ralkkhi, .May 17 -Tho will of lhc late Mrs. Virginia Swepson was Opened here today She left at tn estate valued at $150,000 Among the hcpicst were $2A,000 lo the Baptlft Female 1'nlversllj; ill, MM) to Wake Fnrrst College, and $10,X) to the Thorn tlllo Bapllut Orphanage. Fiti-John Porter Very I1L Moaairrown, N. J , May 18. Oen. PlU-Jobn Porter it very 111. He hat been tuffering for tbe latl threo year with chronic dlalwtet. Recently tbe dlaeete baa taken a serlout turn, and ll It feared that ho may die at almoel any time. Dr. 0. H. Wlllli, hi attending physician, doee not hold out any hop for bit recovery. FLoaaacs, 8. C. Nov. M, 1000. I wat A rat advlted by oar family phy tci.n la CharVaeton lo ate TEETII'NA with on r baby whea the w at but a very ynaag Infaat, a a preventive of oollc and lo warm tad twee lea the; aiomtct Later It waa aeefat la teething trouble, tad It effect ha been fooad to be ao vary beacfldal and ao free from tba danger that ar ooaaaquaai epoa lb at of drop aad aoothlag tyre pa, that wa have eoeae la regard II, aftar aaa with lb re ehlldraa, a 6a af lh aaoaaetUat whea there It i aw aaby la the houae aad aatll the tawUblaf troaalot art aver and we take pUaaar la raooaaaaaadlag h l r frleada laetead of Um horrid ttaff that to ataay teopla to kaep laetr beWee qle1. UaMwaiXM. Ana. (Mgr. Ia0y Tim aad W4ly Tttaet BWiasMk ! oat. ' " ' , . W)Utoa,0. Maylt-A ftwaowaaad aanhaaak ahock wat fall her early lata aaernltf. taa Iret dlttarbaaca waa of acmeteaC fare Id awabaw attay awraftMaadwae followed ylw hard trwaaon of earth Uat dNplarwd feral- tara.' ' " ' ' '. WaijiBl Taffy at VSU)tUf toly. CREATLT WPROYEB. Is Report of An McKlBieyt CaadiOaa. SUU la Critical Coaditlaa. special t Joeraai. a.n Kaicisco, May 17 The t ele ment ia given out, that Mr. MeKialey W greatiy Improved, ibe rhan for lb belief last B'ghl, Ca, Dilating May 16 This m ntng, shorily before 1wn, shr sanli raptdlv under lh first of a stole of sinking spelts. Bud tl aa fcanu she nnM dlt before rwlorallve could tie adiu'nistrre!, Imi she rrstMinded 1. 1 li e K!Werlul heart stimulant given her and during the day Improvwi to ich an extent that hope of her recovery slight though il was. revlteil Her l'fr bungs by h ihread She has lakiu ro solid food (dure reaching hire on Sunday, and the phvslclans do not la -litve she could suivive another sinking spell. She sutlers liule ami l-ers up bravely Dnt ing her periods of consciousness her mind has been clear. The President Is i unsteady at her bedside, and although worn by Ms long vigil, is standing the strsln with remarkable fortitude. A little afler noon there was a false repori that Mrs, McKlnley had died, and tlurs began lo drop lo half-mast all over Ihe city ll was soon learnod that tills as incorrect ami gradually ihe digs were restored to ihelr former positions lf the cud should come tiie President and his party will be ready lo slarl ba k 111 ii hours. The train which brougl t them here will lie U9ed on the return nip, and all arrangements have 1 ecn made lo go back by the shortest route the Central and Union Pacilic to Chica go and llience by way of the Pennsyl vania road to Washington. If Mrs Mc Klnley improves it is not believed that she will be able to travel before A week from the coming Monday. Kills a Hypnotized Subject Woonsoeket, H. I , May 16 During an exhibition of hypnotism given by Prof Frank Karnsworlh and wife, of Kitohbiirg, at tho opera house tonight, one of the subjects. Thomas Bolton, alsoof Kilehburg, was killed. Mr. Bolton was resting between two chairs with a (100 pound stone on his body, A local blacksmith, Clifford Trask, attempted to break the stone with a sledge hammer. The cluiir on which Bolton's head rested, gave w ay and the subject fell lo the llooi, the stone crushing his head, lie died shortly af let wards, Jacksonville Quiet. ,)nckson ille, Kla., May Hi Tho end ing of the martial law regime today was not accompanied by disorder and I lie city remains quiet While the (dvil authorities have re sumed their usual f unctions troops will be kept in the city for the present to perform police duties and withdrawal when It begins will be gradual. The number of people fed by the commissary today was 2.2H 4. The Kind's UIcIImIk) . London, May Id. King Kdwitnl, whose blrthdaj is on November !lth, has decided that his biilhday shall be cele brated on May twenty fourth annually. This perpetuates (Jueen Victoria's birth day and gives an impetus lo (he colonial movement to establish Ibis date as em pire day. The Albany Stilkt. Albany, N Y., May 10 The strike situation Is unchanged. The military has Ihe situation pretty well tinier con trol, (lovemor Odell's presence has a Balutary effect. The leaders of Ihe strikers are told that all lawlessness will revert to their damage. CI iiia'h Kiliwurlal V 'mil. Washington, D. C, May !,r .V cable gn"n from H(iccial Commissioner Rock hill, at Pi klu, mentions the receipt by 'ie Ministers of the response of the Ch lese Knvoys of Ihe demands for Indemnity, The Chinese represent Dial an annual payment of 910,000,000 is tiie full extcul of their power to pay on I n ilc or ally account. I'll!. rd UucU Ham's Ool.t New York, May 1-Chas F. (lore, a smeller employed In the Culled States Assay Oftloe, wat held In I'hOO bail on a charge ol stealing a lump of gold valued at (100 from the Aaaay Oftlce. Small xount of gold btve been missed from the oftlce for tome time pail. rMinutr-0Bfiral Will Himj. Knoxvllle, Tenn., May 16-U. Clay Kvtut, Commletloner of Penalont, eayt In regard to tba report that he It to succeed Pottruatter Oeneral Chariot Kraory Bmltb: 'There It potltlvely nothing In lb report. Mr. Smith It a a popular official and will remain la hit prevent position." Five BtHtoM Ua la rive. Bt Petersburg, Mty 15-81 1 hundred and fifty-two bouse. Including 100 hope, bar been destroyed by Ar at Brett, ta the provlaoe of Waraaw. Tba loot I gl vea at $3,800000. Tre.ye Aal amWe. Albany, W. Y, May pa-ta Second ReglaMal whoee erttory It la Troy aad a ear taa tow a aaj beea ordered to re port her for etrlka dety. ' Th order wee teal aafaaoaaaa of tha threaten ing aepact of tfca iltaalloa aad taa eoapeay being detanaiaed to raa Uetr can aedef arotaeilo at preaeat which la avalltbla. Bloodaaad la ttpectad. CWtataad) Ohio May U.-Mayor ThoeaM L. iohaeoa aaaoaaoadhl ep. potttlcw ta oh a IL hfcUaa for tha Ualted fltataa flwnator. Thlt and hit aa aoaacetaeat taal hie choloa for foiled State fleaatof la Job 0. Leata, of Cole i He, ha teed tha greateel po litical torprlt. Every on bellerea that (he auyof hal mat a frleveai error la in lornlng Lent. i Xf at v XWcetatik Preparaiionfbr As similating tt food and Getfuta tmg bSlonaiteaBtlBotrscr Promotes DigestionJCfaeerfu rss and Rest Con tains neither Opeum,Mort4une nortutcral. 1SOT N ARC OTIC . br-JtMa ffurtifli Mr- ameTHaVM Aperfect Remedy forronsHpa rton , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish ncss and LOS9 OP SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. fxact cnpvriF wBiPorD U ! UUUll!JlMEl5iyjQ L ME 2Qc Gauze Doors ami Windows. New Stock, Wire Cloth lor nttinj? up old ones, Wire Paint to make old new, Furniture Varnish, O. Var nish StaiDS for house and kitchen iurniture. Ice Cream Freezers, Water "Coolers, Dangles Oil Stove, Agateware, Tinware and a full line Cooking Stoves. Our stock of Paints, Oils and Enamels are complete, A selected stock oi Hardware and Building. material. Our prices are the lowest; Goods sold as rnnrasAnted. - ar- m H10NE 147. tyviyvLXtyvLXivyviyvtyv iyvvnrtyv Prices that cannot ignored We carry tho 'Monlnj niory" Java and Mocha Coffe for 20c lb. One of tho TtEST COKFEKS wo ever hanJlisd.V'; , Altto hate a lot of TAN0LEFOOT FLY rAt'Efl which , we cell for 40c per loi containing SS double ahwta. " ''' f i. We hnve complete line tf Cmnl ana Iloltlcd Ooode which e are wiling almoat at coat V'' Give u a call, we gonr aht afttialartiorh ; ' - , ' 'l "... . ', . WhoUtala and Relall Oroccr, . - , PKOSI CD. Cor. Hrond rinncork fiiw. BIKE Forlnfinti and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought IBears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years VMS OIWTAU eOMMMT. NtW VOWfl OVTT At M a W yi'i w I; W. SMALLWOOD, Hardware, Paints and Oils, NEW Bl'WV, N. C AT RETAIL Pk. (Jaski.l Hardware U). m m m mm m 78 Mmni.1 ?T, . NEW BIUH. X. 0. be t ; , t Vt V

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