KEXTWEErS RACE KEET. An Excellent Combination. The pleo.sant method an.l "wncii-.-ial effects of the well knovwi remedy. Brsur of Floe, roaniifaetrir.i! i-y th Calitousia Via Svkup t ' , illu-'n-.-.-the valuecf oltir.ini,' th. liquid 'ax-i-tire principles of rdmiL-s known t. t. medic iniilly laxative and presexiti-? them in tliu form most ref re ,liin, t . tJ. taste nrid acwptal.le to Uh pi. !' Is the one perfect Ktrenjjtheninjj lax ; tiro, vieausiitff the system elf. t-.i.ili . dispelling colds, lie-iulaches nn.i f. r- i gvntly yet promptly and t naidin mi to overcome habitual constipation imt manently. Its perfect freedom from every oljectionatle quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver nnd bowels, without weakening or irritating; them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing 6e are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualitiesof the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Fio Kyhup Co. only. In order to pet its lienefieinl effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOtJIBVtLLE, BTT. NSW YORK, N Y &rua)e by all Druggists. Price COe. per bottlo. THE JOURNAL. New Bern. N. C, May 21. 1101. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. J, B. liender, of I'ollockaville, wit here last night. Mr. .1. 1! Harvey of Vancelioro, was In New Bern yesterday. .Mrs. D W. Roberts and child, arc vi. lliiif; friends in Wilmington Mr C. 1 Water came down from Raleigh lat night, on a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson of Jacksonville, are visitors In the city. Miss Julia Davis went to Richland.; yesterday to visit her sister. Mrs. VV'. II. Franck. J. T rlcholroff and J. T. Brady of Newark, N. .1 , are registered at the Chaltawka It Muller, a popular trav eler of New York, Is a guest of the Chattawka. K. W. Sometvilie and .1. W. Wood of Wilmington are registered with the Chattawka. Joseph P. (hilly, the clothing and gents furnishing goods man, of Kakigh, Is at the Chattawka. Mrs. II L. 1'aylor and diiughter, Mar garet, of Ahbeysvlllc, S. C , arc in the city, visiting relatives. Mr. C. J Iiivenlmrk, rrpresenllng the News-Observer, was here last night, on his way to Pamlico court. Mr. Joseph K. Snelllngs of l'orts moiith, Va., arrived here Sunday, on a weeks visit with relatives. Mr. Tuns W. Davis, a former New Bernian, but now with the Wilmington Star, Is visiting In the city Kev. A. H. llarnly. pastor of the Tah ernacle Baptist church, went to Swans boro ycBtenlay, to hold a series of meet ings. H. B Bretninerman, of I'iUshurir, 1'h , Is In the city. In Interest of his commis sion house, is registered at the (Jim' tawka Fine New Beans. The Journal has received some line samples of beans grown by local gard ener. Saturday, Mr. Abnor 1'arln brought gome from his garilen meas uring 11 Inches In length, and Monday Mr H. II. Tooker sent in iome mean nrlng 4 Inches. Fine New Show Cases. Th'j Simmons A Hollowell Company has placed some "ne new show esses In their store on Pollock street, which are most attractive and serviceable. WHEN MATURE Needs assistance It may be best to render It promptly, but one should remember to dm even the most perfect remedies only when needed. The liest and most sim ple and gentle remedy Is the Hyrap of Klgs, mannfactureil by the California FlgByrup Co. You hate them ? Do yon have hfuUiche The Bnmlay morning kind" The ink or nervous kind ' ! yon want to get well Cola Headache Powders will relieve yon. If notlymir money back. Many times headaches come from disordered stom ach. There are ingredients In Cola Headache powders that will stimulate , and tnrmaae the seeretions of the stom ftch aad that okl headache will paaa off. Oaty Iwa eentaat Bradliare's Prescription PhamaT. CURE YOUR HEADACHE and LaORIPPE With CAPUDINE Ko tad after fTaett wralerer. f -, S"o anl r.'Kv. F Bal bf T A ! '. 1 I a a" I'LuniSfT, BEAUTIFULLY FRESElfTETx The Caatara of 6rU the Sacracni lev By Local l.kau Every Seal oa lu mala floor of ibe Opera aoosc was occupied lat nlghl, lot Oflca-k n DetDf Ibe piet-entaliou . f the beautif il ram ml !n leu (od of 1ivM the Shepherd Boy The .inrltig f lhe leailletf parti as well sjs the rboruse wtre r. :r. an 1 the cost imice u s ft-muie The iji'ipr.rt rh'osiil t's (precia tion by fr .(Uent apiiln.isc, nnd 'hf !)) a oit. M'-. J L. S.i' a "el Mi-cirplis K - ree-: . d - mo- h.-in.N ni. ih of l! . -rti from !:.,v,n fit i .1- The catl has been p u lu i - l.c-i ri". ! ' i. a i 1 k i.i w " t o a I- i i . 1 i i - hi I t.i- I mi 1 si h i ' . 'nj : i ;n t'.. ' 'l 11 I - mi.! -I- A i I h f K i ruck Oj j!:U:u!in. N i '!- v -"l l'i 1. .1 1 io i" ( sl.l.iii 7"h I in f 1 tin A. K Vol N.. A I n Notice to all Ex-Confederate Soldiers. The new petifton law passe-l by llic ticneral Asvenibly at 1 In' session 1!H! pnvnUs peusioii.. fur nil Bol-.liera oi sailors who served In i lie late war lie tween thi' Stales snd to widows who were msrrli-d before 1 lie 1st day of April IH(V to said soldiers or sailors and have not remarried since bis death. Ap plications for pensions must tie made in person, to the t'oiinty Board of Pensions ou or before the 1st Monday in July 19t'l . This applies to all wli i are now draw ing pensions, as well as lo those who desire to he placed on the list. No one will be allowed pensions who docs not tile his or her application according lo law. No deserter will be allowed a pension. Blank npplicm inns can be had by applying lo tin. undersigned, at his ollb c In Hie Court 11 uise at Bujlioin, N . V. Hauls. Register of Deeds Pamlico Couniv Mr. McClurc's Improvement. Mr U W. MrCluir has been at St. Vincents Hospital, Norfolk, Va, fur four weeks, receiving ircatmenl for n penillclti.s His friends will be gia-1 to know thai his condition is constantly improving, and that he will be free from icciiricnt attacks',!! this tori ible disease. Mr. W .1 liaxter of North Brook, N. C says he suffered with piles for tiltcen years. He tried ninny remedies with no results until he used DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve and that pilcklycurcd him V S DulTy V Co Late Kinston Harpenintjs. Krce I'ress, 'Jllth Lightning damaged Hie telephone sys tem in Kinston Saturday night tothc ex tent of about $tib Kev. W. .1 Moore went to New Bern Saturday ami tilled Kev W. 11. Frost's pulpit llieie yesterday, both morning and evening, returning home today. Lightning struck and scl on lire In three places the A. N. C. fi eight de pot Saturday nlghl. The lire was quickly extingvished The damage was slight Ttie Baptist Sunday school of Kinston will run its annual cxi ursion about June I Jib, via New I It r n lo Wilkinson's Point ou the sound Leaving Kinston at H 111 a. in. arrive a! New Bern about in "'(lock and tio.-ird sleamer at once fur Wilkinson's Point, 2'i miles down the sound. M a-ter Jasper Krl.elle of nrnrmds ville, happened to a painful accident in Kinston yesterday He was visiting at Mr. J B. Cummlngs', and about noon w&b riding one of Mr Cummlngs' hors es. He managed to fall oil the anlniml In some way ami was struck on the head by one of lis hoofs, which rut an ugly gash on the boy's head The place had to be sewed up You sre much more liable to disease when your liver ami Ixiwels do not set properly Ik'WItt's Utile Karly Hlsers remove the cause of disease V S Duffy Sl Co. ATTENTION COMRADES. Delegates anj Alternates Appointed lo Represent Camp New Kern. Hiving been empowered to sppolnt delegates and skernales, lo represent Camp New Bern, No. 11(12 N. C. Veter ans, al the annual reunion nf United Confederals Veterans at Momphls Tenn., Msy 2H-20 and SOth 1001. The following are hereby appointed delegates Col. James A. ilryao, Maj Orshsni Dsvrs, Oapt Mall Manly. I.I John W. Wooten, Hardy II Iane, John P. Hall. Alternates Ll. Daniel Line. Lt. W. C. Brower, Lt Ju A Hmllb, A. I) Rawlea, Jnbo T lleatb, James II Hanlsr, K. It Jones. UtyDOIBOl Commander Miss Nannie Rtreel. hivtag bean Ucted ipoaanr for Camp New Darn, has as lac ted the following yoong ladle her nalds of honor. Mis Clyde Ba(oi: Ml Mary Job; Mis Bulla Roberta, Mis Margaret l)r;sat MUm Kabaeca 8uM. Xm IN 1m In tfwtif tH 0f spring line of "Lyea Brand, egttgae thirl r for sale, also B hamlsora lln ef paaU, Clothing, I bote bat ftp. J. J Csiter. CT.afa.fl'POXl.X.A. Every cotton planter should write foroarvaluablo illustratetl pamphlet, "Cotton Culture." It is sent free. ,J UiUiMi ami addfeu I. otkMAN K.U Works, v) n ARAPAHOE. 4lay 'ill -Drummers sre becoming loo numerous lo mention, Individually there were four here one day last week Mr Henry Keel of Keclslioro was In town on business Friday. The farmers are very busy now cut tiug cabbages and picking peas. Our oldest people say the most dama ging rain Ihcy ever saw fell last Tuesday Irish potatoes were washed bare and many sweet potatoes were washed oul of I he ridges. After an Interesting debate Fiiday ulght tiie Society adjournod to meet September 1:1th. This society ha been very helpful and instructive through school term. Messrs. Lon and Ben Johnson of Oriental were here Sunday. Kev. Mr. Riiinley preached here Sat urday nlghl and Sunday. His lasl ser mon was especially interesting. Elder Dolly was glailly welcomed al the Baptist church Sunday night. He held a seiies of meetings here last sum mer. The Sunday School children are prac ticing twice a week on the "Children's Day'' exercises for 1st Sunday in June. The Academy will give the lirst of its annual entertainments at the closing of the school term Wednesday night, '".Hh Inst. The exercises will lie followed by a box supper, the proceeds of which will he for eipilpplng the building. Any young lady who will is invited to bring a basket. Admission is free. GEDDY. (leddy, May 1H Weather continues very line. Mr. Thomas Kicks of Franklinlon was in oui midst Wednesday. Last Friday there was a raltle snake killed in Mrs. Maithu Anderson's yard, he had 4 rattles and a button. Mr. Hugh Pate Is still on the mend. Mr. Freeman Gasklns and Mr. William Sumnierell are going to have hla cotton put In for him today. Kev. Lander of Grifton will hold his regular appointment at Lane's Chapel on the :trd Sunday In May. Miss Ada Oasklns who has lieen very 111 is on the mend. Mr. Freeman Oasklns and Mr. Jobble Holmes have made s Hying trip to your city today. Mr. Isaac Mltche'1 has a son that weighs !:! lbs and he Is not quite- four years old C. V K. Death of Mrs. Brewer. On Saturday May IHth, Mrs. Brewer, aged HO years, died at the homo of her daughter, Mr;. Nelson, al Hog Island, in lids county. The deceased was the mothor of ex County Commissioner W. C. Brewer. The burial took place on Monday, at the old family burying ground near Chip, N. C. Kev. M. 8. Spear, pastor of the Christian church, of this city, con ducting the funeral services. Peas a Total Loss. Hackburn & Willett had a large lot of peas picked on their farm, on Saturday, eipceting lo sell them lo the Canning factory, here, as the peas were spotted by the hall and therefore would not do to ship After the peas were picked, ll was onnJ thai lliey were rotten, and worth less This involve a double loss upon Hackburn A. Willett. as they lose both Ihelr crop, and the money paid ont for picking the peas. Pnttinf in New Cross Tics. The Atlantic Coast Lin baa been put ting In new cross tie between Wllmlng ton and New Bern Tbc number to be renewed will be 87.- 000. Local Base Ball Matters, Tb New Bern club will ant go in Cbocowlnlly, as Manager Bryan ex pected, aa several member Co Id not get way. Effort ar sow being made lo hart fame arranged betweea ulna from Klnstoa and Bcaafort and the home club, this week. Oceai View Hotel ftanel The Ooeaa TWw HouL oa Wright rllle baach, sear Wltmlaglfla, wa baraed tat BaUirday itghl lth lb pa vtlloa, bath hoe tad twe or Urea Mall balldtafa adjolalaf. The hoiet wm aaorieeplad, bet we foriUhed k)d alaot la reiadiaae for the tamsaef oa. ft m twaea bf the Oeeaa VWw Oompaay, 8. A. Schhiea, prealdeat, 4 m tallied at I7.S00 with lasaraaee for twe-lhlrd Ue ralee. " Mr. Schloea any the hotel win be rebel!, at care tad tm a ealargad scale. Il la ii kaowi Im f be) Ira ecenrrtd, Tfciee bays rTagrajB of latercsuag Kaccs. Future luce Meets. Col U. V Horloo lias arranged td program for ut iLiet days Big Race Meet al the rVr Orounda. May th an 1 Slat and June !(. and the copy is In ibe hands of the printer nnd will bt aia- tt public in s iU or too There lll ' fouj'acte tiie first day Thursday, Mai ilh, and Ihree nn carli of the two diys folioalng Most o' tin- is-"' s will Ik- fur running horse am! ;!' 'll pr -ve .-f sixil Inter st in I.- ; o " I ht-re t:i t c one ra in ilh i , s..t, sj .., i: r v, , w ! be lutin lu ' 11-11 l'i-, Ol.i ;.: wiil U e,, I, s , : I l.i i ' I ' v 1 ... !! H,i is i . , . ' M. i . ,t .. ,1 I' In ll.l i ,. ' I I.- I . I i ! I- I I I to sc.- i' t ... i , vt :, . ,i 1 1 s v . . Bern pirn -i .. -i -i . r i i " t ' ' I ol. 1 1 , r 1 i : . in ni .) . .,.! I- Alrea-tt ' hi' it -ion, kvhiiiiiIi, 0111111 bla, Aigi.fa. i . Knox v. i:e, l'i Ashevillc, N i .. are on llic I iieuii, ai d it is propos'd :o ioiii 'iel- it wiih Nov Bern ami Norfolk On this circuit, Ihi race meets will ta in Winter and caily Spring i aeh year, as at that time of the year, promn.ciii northern horsemen will si nd ihcii stables Son lb, and eu ler t he circui -, I inis assuring the Idlest of lace meets al inch city on the circuit. Col. Hortou says he has received the greatest encouragement here, and al most considers New Bern as certain to go on the circuit. II is hard to lully estimate the ad vantages which will come from these winter raco meets in New Bern, ll would attract attention to this city and those who come would find what n licaiiliful city It is, and no doubt thus bring a large number of visitors here to iniike this their resilience during each winter Will Attend the Banquet. Colonel T. W. Dewey and Colonel Thus, (i Ilyman, left yesterday after noon lo attend the Annual ltumpict of the Noith Carolina Society of New York which will tie held at the Waldorf As toria, on Monday nichl, May 2oih. Al this baniiiet Coventor Aycock will speak on the topic, "Hew the South is Performing the New Duties Devolved upon her as the result of the changed conditions brought about by the war." An Aged Colored Man. There is now living at Long I'oint plantation. Jones county, a colored man who claims, andean prove his claim, that he was born In 17SII.'' The name of this very aged colored man Is Israel Jones, and w hen seen last week by a .Ioi iinai. representative was well and contented, thanking the Lord for the blessings given him Israel's only real attllction senu to he blindness. He talks with a good deal of intelligence in what he says. He was born at the hammocks below Swausboro, Onslow county. In 17MI). Was a ilave, belonging lo the Edward Starkey Edate, r.nd came into the pos session of the Edward Starkey Jones family, from whom he took his name of Jones. Riverdalc Sunday School Picnic. The Klverdalc Sunday School will have its annual picnic excursion neit Thursday May 2rd, going to Morehead City for the day. The train will leave New Bern at 7 a. m and returning leaves Morehead City at 4 p in. Have you seen the latest in collars for ladles and men, they are beauties, get one "sud you will lie In It." Kor sale by. J. J Baxter. Pulling For Wilmint.on. There was disappointment here last night among the local base ball cranks over the defeat of the Wilmington club by Raleigh yesterday. Every New Bernian Is eager for Wll mlngton to win, and there Is constant Inquiry at the Joiih.nai. office each night to learn whst the score Is. The "pull' here Is for Wilmington lo win in the Virginia-Carolina League. Pamlico Co., Snperior Court. The Spring term of the Snperior Court of Pamlico county convenes al Bsyboro, tomorrow, Ills Honor Judge Oliver II Allen, presiding. A numlter of llic New Bern bar alll go down to Bayboro, today. The trial of th election case promises In he the most interesting on Ibe docket Opera Bouse, Tuesday Night. The Alvlno Brsilon Comedy Company with ihelr tinging, dancing and mas! rsl speclaltle will lie al lb Opera Honte oa next Toeadsy nlghl. Heat can be reserved Tuoadsy morn Ingat Bradhwn' Prices IV M. and .15 cent. OLD 5IQMT. The lovltbl result nf ag 1 falling vlsloa aad a gradual receslon of lb aear point, (called Presbyopia) which must be brought back clnee ennngh to give a large irtlnal Image, so a lo main tain sharp rUloa, an lost yon do, train I the retail, eaeslig Inflammation, bar ing to hold paper Hula farther away, headache aad aearalgla aad Marring of tbeprlal, aklaf yna reel oar er every few momaau by looking away. , Sdeaee ha fortaaalely famished Qi with Ibe ateeMof briogleg back .the Mar pofat to aoea forte hie distance by the proper wwi bw. TbUtroable begtea at about theaga of (tn) year, aad lha Jogr Ua aid aetaaaa baa ao kladly give a la denied, for lb take of foolish pride, per h spa, lb sore lb y I tid aad eoaaaaaatly lajared, mklg It Utf bard to fit eoj forubly a pair of 1cm. Com to J. 0. Da(TBH,Jk. ! Ho Fuss No Muss Hail Storm In Pitt County. ( King's Wwkly 17ih. j A severe wind, rain and hail storm . struck Die lower" part of the county I Tuesday, about 11 a. m. Its path ws from a Utile south nf Aydcu U Greene county by Ciifton where il struck, fri.ll trees were stripped, crops of all kinds completely destroyed and many windows shstteied Neat Aydun Mr. W. F. Hurt and Mr. Jesse Hart suffered must. The ground ws completely coveted with hail and in n'aces it was drifted eighteen inches deep. Lots of the pieces weic as large us hen cl'l's and some even larger. flic oldest Inhabitant said there had been no sin-h a hall storm in lifly-two years. 1 n 1 he Oi ni(iidsvilie section the hail wacveie. Messrs.!'. M. ami T. E. Hiiokci were over there and came home atlcr the stnrin was over they say that eveiyihing ii ruine.l mid that in some places on the road the hail was so deep that it ciime up to the axles ol Die buggy Mr. T. E. Hooker said lie had never seen anvlliiiiL' like it and if he had been by himself he would not have told about It for fear the people would think lie was simply lying. In the section struck by the hall all crops that were up will have to he planted again. A Splendid Entertainment in Aid of a Most Worthy Cause. The great iuterest which le being manl fested In Die perpetuation of ''The Ne Bern Fair" by those outside of our City Isstrlkingly illustrated by ihc gcmn -vis proposition of .Mr. Hcury Bio. ml ot Wiison, N. I'., to deliver here on llic 22ud in.-d, for the benetit of the "Fait Association, his brilliant lecture oi monologue on ' Beyond the Alps lle. Italy " Mr Blonn1 Is well and favorably known throughout North Carolina, and as a Lecturer has established a re putation of the highest order. His magnificent attainments, inexhauslablo fund of wit anil humor, an.l tine powers of mimicry, easily pUce him am ing the foremost ami neist p.ipular speakers of the day. Dr. T. N. ivy, Die accom plished editor of the Kalcigh Christian Advorate say0; "I consider IIury Blount a m is', remark able genUis, for he is not only a huni'irlst of th" high order, but he Is an actor aud mmlr ant an otnlor of tinesl powers I have beard Ids brll lianl Monologue, and was charm id with the purity of lis serulmeiils, the loftiness of lis alms, the beauty of ex pression and the impresslveness of de livery, for it wsi Die creation of a poet and the emlnatlon of an orator." f'ltr I mlr Military Krort. Albany, N. Y , May 17. -Under Die escort of the Twcnty-'hlrd regiment cars were taken nut this morning. The streets are crowded, but the mob ap peared awed by yesterday's shooting. Pearls Fpund In Vertapnt. Evorvprfo is talking abotV the "GraaffiMountaln rearlfl." Didou jijtfw" that they cure liver troubwk corwtipntion, bod digoetion, naasoa, dull headache, diabena and foul breath ? Trxira never tva a pill sold whiih ru led m quickly ar.d Rentl, aV 1 lice don't prijie opp lit. AJfial s k-' " -vV wo I. row vJut i nv C. D. BRAOHAM. NEW BERN PRODUCE MARKET. May a1. 10c ... m&? 748 .... 8AI0 . SOtolOO 6 A T 846 4 ..411 ... M to tt Kggs, ner dot Chicken, per pair ... . Turkey, live, per Hi " dreeeed, per lb. Gee, per pair Pork, Beaf, " nide, fraaaper lb " dry, ..... Beetf, " Pwaet Pevalota, Tas, per bash M M - iUbamaa " 80toU Cora, par beih....v ........ C7 OaU, . ........ ,..(. 1A Paaaai ,,. !, loM ROMULUS A. NUNN, ' , Attorney at Lw, Offleae Hoelh Trent BlrS. 0l'tOillv Hotel Chattawka, M&tcft S torts the Me&I UJLiVJ FLAME cm rni NOH ESTER J "NEW RIVAL " FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS No Mack powder shells on the market compart wtth the ' NfiW RIVAL " In uol lormlty and ctroim shooting qualities. Sure lira and waterproof. Oct the genuine. WIMCK'STER F.EPEATI33 ARMS CO. iThe Lamp of The thnt GTor.i't flare up r.t smoke, cr rau.n you to . ld larjiuago; iho l.imp that l. : ;,ni.d uhen ytin (ret it and utays good ; tnc U.'.ip tt....t never willingly part with, once you have it; lat's ' Other lamps may he offered V"U as " jupt itoikI " thc-y may lie. in soino rcajifets, h::t fur ;H aionnd rri.ini-,e:;s, there's oiiiy one. To nuke mire ihe l.tnip otlenxl ynu is fennine, loiik for the namuon it; every lievv RcohflStor lamp hai it. W'c make oil stoves too. Just a pood as die lamps: ill fai t, anything In oil or gas hjtlurcs. Tub Rochester Lamp Co.. 38 Park Place and 3S ViUIUIUuUlUUUUUUulllullUilU LADIES WHITE EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES. .". I i ?:".(, il (ill, x y, and iL.'ill imi Ii. .Mm Ni-w I. incn fur kiits, (.'(iiiii'.-i in ltcniliful Sii'ipi'i an.l t-'ulid I.nicl Culor, I' J.ic ai'l. G. cA. BARFOOT, 43 Pollock Street Dobbin fc Terrall, At Tucker's Store, 123-125 Fayttleville St , knlclnh, N. C. OUR WASHABLE FABRICS in all Cool Summer Fabrics We iilfi-r (lie In rg.-st variety nf atylt'H for waiots or iall dreaavii. it nn other tin' In there urn li a rertainty of frolti-tg what is inont ! mriing an well aa com fnrUilile for mrnnier. Hntint. k. Hiniitiea, Hwiaaoa, Pllaaoa, Plumi'U', rreiu'li MnlU, Finn and Miner Lawn, all f the almvo In Ktrla, Flor I, Uetimrtrir and 8rrill Pattema, arnne Sweet and Dainty, ntlien 4n OorjtHi eflorU. All are atylialu fhir Irest enunael la tluim. Will Mnd r-.iiiple. DOBBIN dt FERRALLaj THE JFIlf KNT In the Hint. . ftrm Fino Oltl WbUkey inch m Old Charter, for family twc. HaUcU Key Wett aKara.'cnll for Ibcm. L. 11. IIAI'.iaiT, Cor. 8 FrrmtA Ilav "V FU Lager Beer BLUE If your dealer dtcs not keep idem, write lo I h e nearest uency of STANDARD OIL CO. dsn Haven, Corn. Steady Habitsl Barclay St, New York. LAWN The Tlioroulihrril JACK "IUiuk Hiimlj", I years old, 15 ll;Hlil llih. lie Im a aon of tli noted Tcunc- Jack, IkdicocK ', tliat meijihi-d n .. t- ulrt-.L ll-...l bliwk, with whiU- )inM, Imi extra lObglh of boly, K'1 h'n, fine r.iipy JiicV, cll nhflpd liejd pad inn, gmut Inrne Ikiium. ho hand aoiucr tir morn Mtytiali Jack Can ' found In North Carolina. ! 1..1..1. il rt litMfinlionu y)i) w t. i. iMvtiaiii'ovsiv, Or J. II. 8TKVENSON, , ' IttiXAin, N. C. Hello, 'Old Pumpkin! lliw yrrtir Janmlie t Why diKi'l ynn p) tn radltam' andrntalwitnt hla aaU-Piliim Ltrer nil and take Uiem arrwrdlntf to dlrwrtlofts and (ft Wei ney win iwitrtie yimr aprvKKS eure your Jatlitdlre and beat 4 alltlieae tnlU i t a wU a ealomrl and are t Imily harm !. no mrnry or anything in aalirMB. TaVe tliMn nd y.l ill et well. Yott rvd litem, and Kt tttem f. t 2"c a Hi. (3 Uu'iliuUlllluUk fob mm rvf ' mwawnna-f'ie'rtj. C )

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