i If f ! 5 ' I ' JI :.! 1 4 - a , 1 An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effect of the well knowu remedy, Uybup of Fios, manufactured by the Cauronjrn Kia Sraur Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxatirc and presenting them in the form must refreshing- to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strentlieniu); laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches am) fcven (rently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constiition per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and IhhvcIs, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs nre used, as they are pleasant to tha taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the Caijfoknia Kiq Syrup Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the fu 1 1 name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FRANCISCO. CAL LOUISVILLK. KT. NBW YO&E, N Y For s&le by &11 Druggists. Price i(te. per bottle. THE JOURNAL. New Bern. N. ('., July 12. 1001. New Advantages Offered. French and Herman hsve been added to the course st Bingham School, Meh ane, N. C, for next session, '01-2 will be tangbt without eitrs charge. By ad dressing, I'rincipal (Iray, Mebane, N. C , the beautiful school catalogue for 1SKW will he sent free of charge. Anthracite Milium May Unit. 1'lttstown, l'a., .Inly 8. A general suspension lit the mines throughout the entire anthracite region is possible at the close of the convention of the Unl ted Mine Workers' Union, at Seranton, this week. Chlldrens Slippers at Halt. We are closing out nil our chlldrens Oxfords and slippers at about half price. HARKOOTS. THE MARKETS. The following quotations were receiv ed by J lv Latham it Ho, New Bern, N. V. Nkw York, July 11. Cotton; Open. High. Low. Close July x 21', s ;;u H 24 Aug , 7.7'.! 7 7!i 7.7H Oct T.r.ti 7.iil 7.M Janusry. . 7 Mi 7 li.i 7JS7 Chicago, July 11. Whkat - Open. High. Low. Close July . Htt l Sept R4j fi.' Cohn: Open. High. Low. Close July 4Sj 4!IJ Sept lj SI Ribs:- Open. High. Low. Close July Sept .New York, July 1 1. Stocks; Open. Uigh. Low Close Wo. Ry I'M. ... H4J S3r H-l Con I U S Ho Hy Mo. r V. H. L ... H 12J C. & O Hugar I i:)7j I3j Y. C. ( ' R. I i:t7j LI4J 1.S7J Ht. I" 161 1.1MJ 15B1 Tei I'se . 40 Mt) 40 Am. C. V. - 2 1-1 fprp4Nil Hpots4111 Hales M 000 bales. Futures, July-Aug. 4 8.1, Ort-Nor. 4 1(1 port KKcrirT. bame week Last week last jtar. 48,000 13,4,10 Thl. week. Sat. 1,000 Mob. WiOO B.dOO Tea ftooo 4 3(io Wad. 0000 4.900 Than. 8000 8,000 FrL 7.100 M.500 Tw Great Barrains. Oae p4rc Mack aad oot piece wklU Us ported Organdy, worth 7Se aew at 50c jyard, BARFOOTd CURE YOUR HEADACHE nnd.LaflRIPPE With CAPUDINE ' Jla ki after ffaota hairr, . tSo, r nA 0o. UifX A Cvarj a4 Uta I"Wiw-y, i J Tm t aabf of 4ri Ua t0d fOfi of Joaai eoaaty kava bara armaaUy at work aa4aortng to aar atroag driak aad aaloaaa rtavred from tkalr ahtat, ad lot, after taack pne araaaa, aa4 by 4cf rasa, the object of tkalf work kai at Uu kaca accoaplUh ad. Wa tay "by def re" because tba'. ta taa way tt kaa beea done, and, we dara say Ikat, tkat was the beat, aud ua doobtedly, the oaly way that It could kava toocaas fully brea dona. Wbaa tkb propoaitloa was first Intnv dueed aad pat before the people the majority of taeat were against lu being romoTad. & large per cent, of tbein were BDCoaceraed, 1. t , tbey cared not whether It was taken away or remained. Now these were nea who did not lu dulge In It, and aere rarrly ever brought Liicnial w'lh It, i.r Its influences. Therefore they were not fully aware of Itl evils. I'eruaps tbey did not slop to think, that because lla Intliii uci s never , croaked their thresholds, or loltere.l about tbelr Itedsldea that It didn't any where else. It It very natural to suppose that they didn't, for turely If we wish to know what tr .utile Is, we must first have som- ouraelves," then we know how to sym pathise with others. But however, they did stop to think after a while, and then they realized the ituation and at once began to do some thing toward getting itout of the county These same men stand ready to bely put it out of the State tiever to be returned. Now as Jones has "gone dry" wc are sure that many good results will lie seen. f course, it is not yet far from our doors, but far enough away to give the drinker so much trouble to get It that nine cases out of ten, be will let It alone and spent his money to the benefit of his family, and to his own honor. The best thing about it Is that, It Is away from the lioya and young men of the county who have not yet adopted the habit. It will save many of them, while if It were right here la their very midst, It would be a temptation that they would uot try to resist until It wits too late. Some are very unsalislied now of its being removed, hut when they think over the matter as tbey should, we think that the niotit of them will favor its removal. A. F. M. Married. In this city, July 10th, 1901, Miss Car rie Arnold to M r. H. (1. Uowe, Rev. A. H. Harnley, pastor of the Taliernacle Baptist church, performing the cere mony. Death of S. S. Dutfy. Mr. Samuel S. Puffy died at his home in this city, last Wednesday night, after tome months gradual decline In strength, death resulting largely from old age, Mr. I'uffywas born in the year 182"), la Ireland, coming to this country in KVt, settling first In Onslow county. During the Civil War he entered the army. In the 3ttth Infantry North Caro lina Volunteers, and at the close of the war came to this city, where he has since resided. His wife was Miss Elizabeth Jones, of Carteret county. He leaves three daughters aud three sons. Mrs. I av Id Hill, of Washington, N. ('. Misses Mary and Alice Duffy, anil Jamea tt. Francis S. and Kubert L Duffy, The funeral service will le held this evening at Uve o'clock, at Christ Church. OASTOIIIA. Bun ib. f '! Kintl Vm Haw Hlwap BoufM Big sat uii of Food Value of Vefetables. Tomatoes rouse torpid liver and do the work ordinarily of a doctor's pre scription. I t I uce has a soothing, quieting effect upon the nerves, aad Is an insomnia rem edy. Celery Ii an acknowledged nerve ton ic, and is more and more used in medical prescriptions. Onions are also a tonic for the nerves. Dandelions purify the blood and gen erally are declared In tone np the sys tem. Watercress, which la now at Its best. la a "good, all round" brace up for the system. Potatoes should be eschewed by those who ' have a horror of getting fat," as that la ona penalty of eating them. Hploach has medicinal propertlat and qaalllles equal to the moat Indigo of all blue pi Hi ever made. Parsnips, It la bow contended by aclen tlats, poaaaaa almost the same virtue that are claimed for aaraaparllla. Beeti ara fattening, aad even a moder ately learned maa will eipaad becauaa of tha sagar they contain. Aaparagas Is nVaciout la kidney all aiaaia w aa etiaai mat it sol yet par. hap thoroughly appreciated. Cacuaibers, eaMe from sanbeaia -emit ting properttaa know a to readera of facetlow paragraphs, aoelala aa acid that U halpfal la aoaje cases of dyipep- ala. Oabtaffe la Holtaad la regarded aa oaMthlag of a Mood pwrlfWr, bat the Mtbortty bj Vagwa. la Oeraaaay lu ffloaty la pa rely saaarkraat. PBraWy wilt bmM good dlgwaikw, Ilk ebeaa mm! Bala, bwt a eaatlty la tioaaa of tdlaory aafrlty kaa le he oaeuaai. Tkarata Ilea the Joker. Paatpkla art aa lagredleat I a peg. eal BMdUHae Ual la gwaraataed te eara qalu a tariety f ei1eaat leak tefcelr to, WX Ik world h laerrala U la kaa luau wk do Be WWva i) the kwr. -Whal i Kat . - ; AiotkerCat iaParastU. Try eatMa, mltees as ladlea raraaol radaeed agala lo Btet ,lekf aalllef. , .... . , ; HZT0QT9. CfiOULL S0OETT. AJJ Lfefert lewtskd ft) Meet at Asmarj Taojkarrww Hbrhl For Urri zittaa. All aiagera, ladies aad gaalleora, aseaihara of all tha ckurch choirs la tkls city, aad those who may aot belong lo caolra, ara requested to nteet at tha Natal Keaerve Armory, tomorrow, Krl day Bight, at 8-.TU o'clock, for I be pur pose of orgaatzlog a Choral Society Already about eighty Uve have lpnl fied their intention ot Jolulng the pro poed organlulloB, and there should bn fully one hundred ,irwnt tomorrow night, when the ,urk, s ,,( the ortranl aatlon will Iw slated, and lis future plana outlined. AKnabedraod piano, lostiu R00 has H'lived. whlru will l- i n.e ser vice of the new luu-iml urbaniza tion. Let there K- a full attendance, of all singers, a.ul lt th orKsiil.ai ion lie per fected at once, aud lis future plans he arranged so that the citizens of New Hern may uot have hmg to wail. Iiefore some good muslcsl perloi inancts ran he given. Good News t Their Friends. Word h&s iK-en received that Judge Henry R. Bryan, who Is at Bedford Springs, Pa., for hip health, has greatly improved In health within the past few days. Mr. I. K. Latham, who recently went to Baltimore,, Johns Hopkins Hospital, is reported much Improved lu health. The many friends of these New Her nial) will rejoice at their improved con ditions. Mt. Olive, Tomorrow. Tomorrow, at 8.30 o'clock at the Fair grounds, there will lie a game of base ball lie! ween the Mt. Olive club and the New Hern club. The earlier hour set for the game Is necessary on account of the change in the A. A N. C. schedule, and those who wish to see all the gauto should Ik- on hand promptly at the above hour. The Mt. olive club has played at La ( range and (loldsboro, and the club is reported to put up a good game. All the local ball players are requested to be at the Fair grounds this evening at tl o'clock for practice, and some good practice work'should Im done, prepara tory to the game tomorrow. Believing Dr. Sclh Arnold's Balsam a reliable remedy for all bowel disorders, wc hereby guarautce every 25 cent lottle sold by us to give satisfaction or monay refunded Henry & Co. GRIFT0N. July. 11. Mr. .1. C. Oasklns went to Klnslon Monday on business. Mr. .1. S. Keen Jr. returned Monday from Morehcad City. Messrs. J. C. Oriflln and W. 11 Pat rick went to Klnston Monday on busi ness. llcber (lasklns Is making all kinds of cool I'.rlnks, he is well Died for the business and has a very handsome fonn lain, when you visit (Irtfton don't fall to call on him he will do his liest to please you. Dan Brooks and J. A. Moore went to Dover Sunday, M r. Tom Llnsley of your city was Id town Tuesday. Mrs. .1. S. Keen Jr. returned from Morchead City where she has been for several days enjoying the sea breeze, ar compaincd by her slater, Miss F.nuna Keen. We had a very nice rain Tuesday, the fanners and crops were very glad to Bee It for they were In need of some. We are having lota of drummer In town every day now looking after their trade. Mr. J. U. OrllHn's whlskoy still burnrd Monday night, can't tell whether the still caught lire or what caused It. Mr. O. W. Bummerell i f Klnston was in town Tuesday. Cbl. W. J.Pope was In town today on business. Mr. 0 T. Oar dner returned home to day, be has been down In Georgia for some time. Hollowell It Peterson's Excursion. I Hollowall and Peterson's Grand Ex-1 curslon, Ooldsboro to Morchead, passes New Bern 8.50 o'clock oa the morning of July lStk. Return le- at 7 o'clock on the evening of July 17th. Round trip fare from New Bern only 50c. -Greatly reduced rate at the Atlantic Dotal for the occasloo. Tola la a Irare opportuni ty for a aloe trip at a small coat. No Rise Ball Game. Owing to to continued rainy weal her vae Mt. OMve etab waa telegraphed yes terday, thai tha game set for today woald have to be postponed. Fer days of rata kaa made any ball playing Impossible, except there be a few days elearlng weather, wbaa tha grounds will be dry. Manager Kd Clark will be boas today and If weather perfalu all plsyare ere asked to be out at I p. aa. for prariloa. There le a,feara! dlaappotatauat over tba poetpoaetaent of today ' "Bret GriteXoily KemcabCT." Marshall, N. 0, Jaly . 1101 Maria !! Kq. Nw Bar, M. 0. Myder NnI aava yowf favor of recent dat eowialalag check (or 1 1 tan, hot eoolrlbwtUa fraaa dtrerawt partlee, aoeordlaf lo I let Ibeve la eecloeod, for teed re Sevan la Ike went f port lew of ib state. A Dow M I tbaak foa personally, tad Uroagb yw Ibaotber irfbetora to tkta feed a kladly raited for Mr people. I Ml ear I hey will tret gralefaUy ,h!edeM thee how U theatre their Med. Wkk beet wUbea, I aax, very te- jre..,. J, Q. pamaaanv n4&f Joiyti Snutoi I iSnX. ; -according to progTM. UU day watj Jaly L-Taa raeaal ralaa traNfUdly ewtaWalad hara by a lant crowd of pao- waJooajad ay tha farasera tkraagh Uta Pi ftwai atveral couatlea. .aotiloa, aoaaa wart abort Hoarag4 , I with dry wealaaf. Tkalargaacow "Oaalow," laft Slella , M s w I Proa gwaaraj appaaraM Mr. J. M. la taa Btoralag toel dowa by the Httla wtllfai aad W. D. Ipoek kar tha lal teaBMrFawn. stopping at Hwaaaborojtofcaeeo iroaad Atkta. bb4 all atoug the line u. uka la paaaen-1 Mr, k0j Mrl. W. H Priaa pMt the g.w. arriving B.oe baak about d,y 1m g.r , daagkter aooa, when a sunn uiuu dlaaer wai ) r p Whttford. served including all the good thlnga per-j r. aad Mr Frad (Haklas tpeat laot Ululuf to suc h .K .adons. Soudiy with their daaghwer Mr Ulrtle Alao a big ri-h fry on the sands wlih ' Htreeu of Chip, coffee to uMicb. si.-, vocal and In-j Hr. and ktri. W. D. Ipoek war tha alrumrtiul, the ralber warm. V aotar 8(0 jopl. fotir different , were: E. II K an mi Hern, Aln II Oriental, I " . . n i . i . -ford, of tic- Ii in ii Hauls and I lire, , ,ly was pretty, bull J-idgad there wars ill told, from three or null,-, home of them and two sons of New Mi hell and wife of i county; Joseph Ful ,1 Y ; Mrs R. I. Wil hililrcu ol Portsmouth, Vs.; Mrs Ha Wilhnnis aud Ida Ward, of Wilmington, N C; Misses Kin ma Wefks, laora Jones and Mrs. Dr. (I. N. Kunelt, of I'arlen t count;Mlss Mildred Venters and Mr. Lou Nicholson, of Rlchlamh; Miss Snllle Bryan, Mr. I eb Oillett and others, of Jones county; Dr. K. L, Cox and clerk, J. W. Burton, of Jacksonville, etc Everything passed off very nicely, no rowdyism, or drunkenness, plenty lo eat and drink, cool and nice Ice cream and confections lu plenty. We Judged a large part of them enjoy?d the fresh fish fry heel, from the way they got outside of the big pig fish, crokers and pen Ash, with now and then a huge mullet, inter spersed with crabs and concha. But the most exciting thing to our fancy was the sail boat race, there were S contestants In the race, 4 1st clans and 4 2nd class styled boats, namely, W. W. Dennis, J. E. Klrkman, M. Hatsell, and 1). 11. Ward, first class, and I. M. Willis, W. K. Truckner. E, F. Littleton and (llenn Mattock, second Tlass. The prizes wero three flags, one to the winner of the first class, a beautiful silk flag, and two other nico flags to go to the tlrst and second winners of the sec ond class boats. The wind southwest blowing a stiff breeze, the start wrs from the side of the steamer Fawn at the banks, route up the westward channel to a Btake boat oppo site the maia wharf at Hwansboro, around said stake and back same route lo steamer at banks, distance H miles. Tlio 2nd class bouts were all about the same size 1,1 feet long. The 1st class boats were not even In size nor length. The "Dennis and Klrkman" were of the same length, but the Klrkman was made narrower than the Dennis, being 17 feet In length, the llatscll was 10 feet 4 lucbes in length, about the middle of the Klrkman, the Ward wag only 15 feel (I inches long, but heretofore con sidered a line match for the others though much smaller, the start was in good order, one minute time given each boat lo got out of the way, before an other start was mane. Tbey made the run in about 1 hour and 50 minutes, the Dennis coming in ahead of Klrkman just 50 seconds, while the Halsell and Ward fell behind hImiiiI 3 minutes, the Ward sprang aleak by bursting her partner, and was hindered by having to lie balled on the home ran. In the 2nd class boats, the Willis won first prize by 15 seconds, over Trnckner who took 2nd prize over Littleton, by just 7 seconds while Mattock fell behind 2 minutes. The silk flag was presented to Capt. Dennis by Mr. I. on Nicholson of Rich lands a recent Trinity College graduate, the next one by K. C. Henderson of the Belgrade Courier, to Mr. Isaiah Willis, and the last to Mr, W. E. Trnckner by Mr, E. II. Barnum of New Bern, in very appropriate speeches for the occasion, after wblch a rousing cheer for the win tiers. Then the whistle of the steamer called os to quarters, a homeward bound song soumleil in all our ears anil we ltounded away, all pleased with our day't work, eicepl those who lost In the boat race. By the way, we forgot to lay wa bad ripe watermelons that day. Enlisting- on AlvaradO. Although yesterday was a rainy day, there were a good many applicants on board the Alvarado, seeking to en list. Comparatively few at yet have passed examination. The Alvarado will remain at Bishop's wharf, boors for applicants being from 9 a. m. lo 4 p. m. To Attend Battalion Meetinf. MaU Manly, Lieut. Commanding New Bern Division Naval Reserves; O. D. Bradhtm, Ueat Junior Grade; Bad T. C. Daniels, Lieut. Coaoasader, Second Bat talion, left oa taw aUaater Neva Ii night for Elisabeth City, to attend meeting of the eoniaslseloiied officers of the Becond BatUltoa, whlob Is to be beld today, at aooa. The pnrpoa of tb Bteetlng U to elect a Coamaader, to Sll tb vacancy ceased by tb proosotfoa of W. T. Old to tb captaincy of Ik Mortfc Carollaa Naval Brlcade. 5 , The Division of Krw Rem, Zlltabetk City aad Wladaot cxNaprk tb Beooad Battalloa, North Carotla Naval Re- Trtaitj Collet .'SdtoUnalf Eua tuatlos. TV eaaaal ooaipetlUr aiamlaailoa for ackolarsklpe la TrUIty OoQog will N held at th Uraded dchool oa Warl- )day, Jty 17, at 10, a. w. Thea ( MattaaUoos cover the ealreao reqalra- nti la tko Mhletrt air., for far ther laforwiaUosi aaa Ly L. lleodrea 181 Mktdto ftraat, .. - It la easier U keep well that get D Wilt's Llltl Earff Riser take aew and then, will a) way keep ywr bowel la per feet order. .They ever grip bat promote iy gealle I pork T A. guesii of Mr. and Mrs Willis of Wasp Mr aorl Mrs. J M 'Willis were tht guests of Mr and Mrs. Alonto Miller of Wasp. Mr Henry Jones of Goldeboro Is ris king his uncle Mr F S Ernul of AskiB. Mr. Madison Hartley Is very sick but hoie ha will soon he t etter. Mr. C. P. Fulcher weut to Small last Sunday. Pikk ard Violet. Treaton Items. July 8 Mrs. Cora Klnsey of New Bern Is visiting relatives In Trenton. Misses Nettle Brogden and Bertie Koonce of Trenton are visiting Mr. J. B. Koonce of Raleigh. Mr. K. B. Wlndley and wife of Tren ton are spending some time In Swans- boro. Mr. C. A. Rhodes of Comfort was in Trenton today. Mr. J. H. Bell of Pollockiville was In Trenton today. Mrs. Sue Koonce of Comfort was In Trenton today. Messrs. W. H. Coi and E. L. Hardy went to New Bern Friday and returned Saturday. Master Baxter Benson of Ooldsboro who has Iteen visiting Grenade Koonce will return home this week and O'enade will accompany him. MIsb Tbeo Klnsey of this place Is vis iting her sister, Mrs. Brock of Cypress Creek this week. Mrs. W. II. Rhodes and children arc visiting relatives at Warrington. Miss Maggie Herring of Trenton Is visiting relatives at Clinton. W. MERRITT. July 9. The weather has been very warm and dry, up until today. It hag len raining pretty much all day, which Is very niuch appreciated by the farmers n this section. I believe the farmers have got General Green subdued In this vicinity. Crops arc looking fairly ell. Miss Etta Broadwateis, and her brother Tommy, spent last Sunday with Miss Minnie McCotter of this place. Mr. Henry Belsngia and Miss Emma Uardlson of Arapahoe, spent the day with Miss Alice Cahoon. Mr. Paul Cahoon is expecting to take a trip to your clly soon. Frank. An Eight Foot 'Gater. As the tug Uncle Sam was going tip the Trent river a few days ago, after a raft of logs for the Pine Lumber Com pany, when at 15 mile Tree, Capt. Tom Dixon saw a large alligator fully eight feet in length, coming down the river. Taking a skiff, Capt. Dixon went af ter the 'gater with a pike pole, but It was difficult work In the shallow water and the 'gater escaped. Bad Drinking Water. Every one suffers greatly from the different kinds of water he is compelled to drink, and nothing Is so likely to bring on an at tack of diarrhoea. Pbrbv Dans' Pair Kili.cr Is the only safe, quick and sure care for '.I, cramps and cholera morbus Avoid substitutes, there la bat one Pain Killer. Perry Davis'. Price 2fic. and 50c. A rt Walla. Tb parllameotary ragtoter for 1800 bowed that there wa tbeo only one pot walloper In all England. One lot tb term for the first time mUjrbt easily 1 marine that a pot walloper waa a apectea of Icbtbyoaanm or some oth er reptile of a peat ate. It will be (Ma covered upon Inquiry, however, that tb term "pot walloper" la literally ace who boll a pot aad wa applied t vot er la certain boroogha of England where, before tb paaaag af the form Mil of 1882, tb QuallOcatloa for aCrmgw waa to bar boiled (walloped) bla own pot la . tb pariah for alg moo tha. NEW BERN PRODUCE H ARIEL Jaly It. Vrg,pr dot , ,.lc Chlokaa, old par pat' 80 at 60 yoaag, perpr ...MA 40 Ga, per pair, 80 to 1.00 Pork.per.lb 7 Beef. " 81 ntdea, grapr lb dry, 111 Beeewmi, " .Wtetl Bwaat Potato. Taau, par baak.,,..., 50 ' Bahaaaa" . MtaU Oora.parbaah ..,.; 17, Oate, ' " J ....... .....4 faaaata .M, tot l V W uMrig UonaUH Paarla.". that iimr cur llvar eoturtipallon, l$A dlgsUon, saoaca. dall hoaJsxheV dlnlnaat and ' foul breath T ' TLera aTr u a pQ aoll rhkh acle4 a quickly juv) rntV aaa wiry oon t gripe on bit. U A. uJ 4 hjr ai know ba ' T '- - . Parla lul arvoau EvaTJjjtid -Crawl 0. ix anADitiht StlDSTfTUtE FOR A VIMIO:). Vl(j i rS nian stbkt. I v nxt iOa CKKAA9, ru. L y n rSjw U iia.TAJranYaaT. l caicAo.iu. JJ J Prof. Wb. C. Wobstor, Principal of Webstor'a Muslo fichool, COO Stolnway Hall, 17 East Van Buren street, Chicago, 111., In a rooent letter, cays : "1 have used your medicine and cannot say too much for it. 1 will recommend U to anybody. I keep It In my school In ease of need." A New Man. N. C. May. Oak Ridge Station, Pa, writes: "Mr. L. P. Bailey, whose health waa Impaired and who always telt tired and haggard, by my per- niasloa, began to use Peruna about a month ago, and now he looks like a different man. He says he feels 100 per cent, bet' ler." N.CMay. Those desiring a free book on the cause af nerve weakness, anromia and other levitaliilng diseases should address rhe Poruna Medicine Co., Columbus, )Mo. 8 JUST RECEIVED A Fresh lot Clnwr I Fill Hutlor, Fresh Cltcise, Fancy Cukes and Crackers, autl u Nice Stock of Select Canned (ommIs. We also have a hit of 1'. 1'. (Janiei's I'rick for sale. L. M. Sattei thvvaite & Bro. Phone 169, 61 Broad Street 8 O 5 J. J. TOLSON, Jr., .Broad St Grocer, The FiiMKl t"'i Lagfer. on lap thin week At I. II. IIARICIIT'N, Cor. 8. Front & Hancock SU. ROMULUS A. NUNN, Attorney at Law, NKW BEflN, NORin CAUOL1NA Office: Hnuth Front Street, Opposalte Hotel t'hatlawka. Kotlce of Dissolallon of Co Part nership. Tb eo-partrht heretofore xltlnR betweea E. W. Amatroag and R. I Slmpklns, nadcr the nam and style, of Amstroo ami 8lmpktni, la thl day dlaaolved hy malnal oont. Mr. Stmpkta ha sold his intrreat In aid ev partner. kip I said K. W ,ra- troK, aad aaM B. w. Armstroni; baa Besomerlaltthedchu tml lUIJlltb-e ( Beer tald cA-partierlilp. All the 1i W ttot tb firm In he psld In Mr. Armrironf. V ThU Ilia 10th dsy of July. 171. " - . . - ! X. W. AniHTrtONOr B.l.it.llKlN 'Th hattnee. beretofote itnm end. r tb arm of Anaem-Bitamr- fhrp. klaa, will I future be ot.adoclnl by aia, aad I ask lb coattnard pslrnau of lb rrleail of tb aHof firat, a ' wttl a alt BW palroas, proailslnf to l ny beat aiimttMi 10 laoae ealllat at My Ut, Ko. 7 MUVll Itrad, Wr W Rer. ' , , 1 . lUetfny, , ' -' .X. VT, ARMSTRONG.. Jalf I(Hb,190l, ;. ' , Mr. Charles Newman, 174 Loomis street, Chicago, 111., writes the fol lowing In regard to rerun. Mr. Newman says l " I took one bottle of your wonderful medicine- and havo so Improved that 1 feel like a now person. I amvery thank fal that I got hold of your wonderful remedy. I cannot say too much In your behalf. I had doctored for two years until I felt there was no relief. " My wife has takenone bottle of your grand medicine and It has helped her so much. I find it has improved her health so much that I will recommend it to anyone cheorfuily." Yours gratefully, Charles Newman. Nervous Depression. The month of July is peculiarly tha month ot nervous dlsoases, especially nervous prostration and other depressed statos of tho nervous system. Peoplo who are at ail Inclined to be nervous or suffer from weak nerves And this month especially trying. Sultry heat and electrical disturbances of the atmou phcro is probably the cause of this. Invalids noed to bo particularly care ful during tho month of July to fortify the norvous system by tho use of Peruna. Make a Memorandum id your in i lls In tin- line of trix el his; tlien lirini; it hi-t-e tind the order tilled ,i-,,ni,t lv, deliv ered punctually, iiiininteed to be snti- Lu lory, aud lit tlie 'icst prices fur you. We nre receiving fiesli (;iiods daily. Ain,.ii them :ne tlioso famous star hams and Armours canned anil lanvassed meats in fjreal variety. (iooils delivered 1'roniptly. Very 1,'espeet fully. Phone 137 t Thomas A. Edison s IftUnt Improvement over tltft I'liono Rraih out May 1st, 1001, does away with' the metalic sound HKks every sHa ble very loud and distinct It is woo dnrfully humanlike In Its tones, ami will bring team to your eyes or nmkev you btnghall over. I will be gbid to sliow" ItUryon Price $10 and and np I am also agent for ilia ColumbU Grtplioplionps, - ' 1VJI. T. Ill lilj, Dcaltr In Dtcvoi.M, FiKMaM, flrbaTtao Goona, PnoRooBArim, Job pRianiut, RraoR Btamp, foai Puiftata, Ae l-fj Mldila SI. ItEW MRN, K. C i Important Notice t BCD. QO.p. We. On aeroant ot the ' annnaf repair to, to Bteanier Ketw, alt will be tempora rily withdrawn from eervlc on rWtnr dy Inly 13Ui antll Inrther Mlr. . Dnrlng bet absence the tvmmet Wew beme will salt at o'clock, it.H,n, (m TiMaday ami Friday, wahlnf atopt at . Orient!, ttoanoka Island and Vap Head bottt ways. ' " CEO. nESDtWVJS, At.l'' ' "ew tfm, K.C, July 10, 1001. , tlc z Cy.pc-sla Cziro t -s'. !.3t jrou aaL i jdUow. t. S. Paffy Co. .

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