- -1 if "I i HA An Excellent Combination. The plemdint method and brnetteial ffm-U o( the well known remedy, Hi BIT or Km, manufavcturrd bjr the Cai.iforhia Km Sibup (u., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid iaia tire principle!! i( plunta known to he medicinally Uxalivo aiul presenting them iu tin' form mint rcf rcaiiiug to the UuU- ami aoccpUlble U the system. It is the one pt i foct strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, iup : I iiiK eiiia, hcatlm hca ami fever gently j ct prmnMlly and enabling one to over. some l.ublUlal constipation per uaueutlv. Its perfect freedom from every olijc .tionuMe quality and aub btance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the proofs of manufacturing figs are u.sed, as they are pleasant to the ta.ste, but the medicinal timlitienof the remedy are obtained from Henna and other 'aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Fia Srsur Co. only. In order to get Ha beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please rememlerthe full nameof the Company printed on the front of every package CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FKANOIBCO, CAL LOUISVILLE. KT. 1TBW TOM. H. T Poraale by all Druggists Price Mo. per belli. Bat Wtliitr. ltot Hatit Tee, bet reallv bot Cbmpasad wtlk waalear twk a hot, flae! comfort, laea, la arguing Una, ad yom'Q pell tbroaf b victorious For Uataace, wklle joe iwp and pant A ad try ta oaol yourself and can't Wltk soda, cream aad lemonade, Tbe beat at In tht shade J oat calmly ill sad ponder o n TltM earn dctreea, with ) mors On top of them, and su rard 1 be VHalLsr now Is cool Indeed ' Jam Whlloomh Hilev TO TBS CmiLWG. RILL THFS G1KE. THE JOURNAL. New Hern, N. II., .Inly 'J.S, lttOl. SCHLEY ON WAR MEDALS. 8a yu Nation Should Perpetuate Grrnl l:v-iitn of Their llimtury. Iu rvt tw the h'tlcr sriit to Admiral Sohlcy hy Suite Corps Inspector Colo ns. Jjimos S l.oun nt" tlie National Ar my of Spanish War Veterans, at the request of Captain John F. Dwyer of the (.lour, sler naval command of Brooklyn, apprising him of his election as an lioiioiMy niemher, the following was received hy Culoiiel Long the other day: 't.T Y K8T SlXrY-EIOHTH HTBMT, Nr. YtiKK. Jill.tJ My Pear Culoml- It is must ihthult indeed fur Hie to fin. I ui nls wi;!i who h Id t-unvvy to my connadt fl of (In.- (ilt'iu t-stoi Naval command. Nu, 17, SpiiiiiKh War ri.rain of HrooUyn, how &ln rtfiely 1 apprn hilt' the ii-mur tin v hve done me or how liit ply iht ir uit,imni"iii ileotiuD uf nie to honorary nn niia i hin li.n I.-ik hi'd me. ll.e .iiir;n,.t.tti- (jr. ..Mils; ..lit .f i-.jiul ixahisur to the periti of war l..s Urn In nil agr held gaornl, aifl I T - " 1 It in l.il, h-nr to Imvf linn deiined worlliy of tin' K" J' liil nn tioii of hoii orury niend'rt-,ldi in mi irjiiiu!iin uf my Coin radt'S who shaicd fiiiifrllj with mic tho dstnpra of tliat July il.ty In WW ,,ff smtiiu;(i and who en- I'dlt us tn m: f for tlie Idt'W d i ting en.l iiMintry on ttmt hid trvo 8 mm h WH W thi-y did i t lit' d;iy. ml()l, 1 i h- ;i of huh I i-ri bistor y mf ' t i '. I'UTit.i and h.i'-i' JudfC'it-isI he h'r if wroiilit f i No, u n nearly hu Lat and all linoertly j Died at Askin. TLs Aurl i f drslh Lsi ssiD Ullet I be K.-o.c .f r John llartler sud tskm bn I'l.lrt' iih Jmii MsdNou llsillr). Usdlsno s Ihho N.iniulr M, l"Wi sud Id Ut Istlrr p rt of Ibe miaiii.rr .f be J.'iu. 1 I lie Kire ill bspiul i hun li, Sod S9 IspMx-d I V I tit- Kill UI.V'il HriilLn II U All.iiil.in inl linn rer slyer liftu s strict iuenjtr if tl si cbuti b He ws ulrii ken dnwn wllli It pboid ft vrr snd suffered fur slmut .0 d)S, litil ws9 1'illeiil sud ir.liied lo Ibe lssl He died u tbe 1 7 Lb of July Me leaves s wife. Ave cblldreu, an h'i d 'at her slut oiotber, one broiber, Iwo nit lers sud s boat of relsthos to mourn tbelr lo Msihina ARAPAHOE. July 'tl. We ft el very thankful to see s Umiliful moiaiuir, innuethin we have not been arcuato Jietl In for tbe last ihrre weeks This oasl week leaves our uipu lu sotue localities drowoeil out, as bid as tbey buve li li iluilni the at& sous Mr. lioliert l.ee moved In our town last Mouday. We hope that Mr. l.ee will be well pleased with his new home, an ours Is a very healthy little town. Mr. Wm. Messic U teaching the free school at the head of Dswaou's Creek He seems to like our country very well. tiev. Mr. Kuuiley, tbe Methodist Ir cult rider of tbls district was with us Sunday and preached a very Instructive sermon. He Is liked very much by the people. J. II II Vn7 ( Cant 0tay laru ti W Kr penusU y Mac KuacaL Larft Haatacr balac U AlUaJ To atorrov, at Baaafurt, tac bsthi tag of tac suoausseDt lo rpiuat lb memorj and deeds of C'spl. Otvsy Burns will Isks plate Preparalioat for the sveut. undar lac personal direction of Mr Kmuulus A Nuaa, of New Bern, bsve Ix-tn mails with due care, and tbe prnailtr It for tmniense (rslbrrun in 1 sn lmiiili uuvelllng Jutlfre Wsller Clsrk. b.- .elivm Uin alilre st Ibe i'.u vt -Ulni; l"u 1 -nlxhl To morrow, the Ni llfifiu, ' ..m here are exix-tlrd in uv. h " m tier of I stiles sud inllni.t u nli.i m I li t . to witness ibe uuw lllut. Mi l I'lulialil) sfleinaids slieuil s ilmn si tin- Allan-lit- II. .ul st Miirebea.l ll is iiinlaitlol that the A A N. ( upoisl train will lesve st nli;lil lo s i oiuinodaie those who wish to irinsin Thiwe olui; down will lesve beie ou the regular A A N l train arrlviun btiis ftoiii liolilbUoro at VI 40 s in IN MI M0K1AM. lMeil. at ( ik Korcst, m ai Cove, July ltlh, 1101 , at 2 1.1 a m , Mis C. A W elherluiitou, wife of J. T. W etheriupr tou lu ")7lh year, and was hurled st Aslniry Cemetery st 4 o'clock p. ru Hhe was s consisisul member of the Mellm .list Chun li for thirty years, aud Ichvis a husband and four cblldien lo mouru her loss. Two Ixiys, V llliaiu T , and Heilx-rl M .twoglils Mrs J W Stewart and Mrs W. H. Hill, aud seven i;ranil chlhlren She was willing to live or ready lo die, which ever wss her blessed Lord's will. A faithful wife has left us, a loving; mother gone. Walling in heaven lo rect ns when we sre &mnnioned on VOICB Of TEB FEOMJ. FrtntMl LiaUias, Sua ApatxraKC WM Is M alanc r Mi OUvc, TacvUy. Holes uf inc Gaac No rala daaieDt ihe baae bail laUraat la New Ucrn Vrslrrtlay Manager Clark was busy on tbr munda, gttla( I Ken la goqtl order, and !al atght tac busy Manager bad a Imnille of letters from outsride p!art sli asklnir for dales with New Bern Aad amour ibis mall was a- most friendly letter (nun the Manager of tha Fremont club, wbic b tnld of tbe receipt of the tlrkri- rnU st ' p. m , which wera senl, or s irp utetl, from here on Tniirsday. by ire Stunt' ui i i to blame for Ibis delay, Mid ll is li"'. 1 1 i 'r Hern i lull manage men I. Mount ii,it "ll I- here Tuesday, if a me at H.fwi p in . aud as Ml. Olive dr leated the I'si k i lub on lai.t Friday by a score of H to l.tbe club Is jubilant ami looks upon .New Hern as "easy fruit." Aud In tills I'onneclloD, Mananer Clark, reqmtii" that all hall players he out for tomorrow afleruoun at 5 o'clock, In unitiirm, preparetl for active practice work Just what club will play hereon Fri day, la not definitely determined. Tlieie will tie a game, weather permitting Klnslon will play two gsuies here the following week, Tuesday snd Wednes day, July :U)tli and :tlst, sud an iuimeus crowd may be expected to lie out to witness bulb k nines Kiimtou defeated Halifax on Friday, by a score ol 7 to ll. and Is playing great tall. 1 iiirham wants to come here far two gaiiicti, and w ill probably lie accommo dated early In August. The Koanoks Times, of Woldon, N.C publishes Ihe following which is just our sic, and correspondence Is solicited "If there is a base hall club In the Slate, laboring under the impression that Wcldon Is a soft snap, let Ihein come and give us a trial. The manager Informs us that he will accept a challenge from any club in Virginia or North Carolina. If there arc others In South Carolina, who i 'i ti r ' f 'iir rrfi'icnrs tn a i l'lii vi..l Hint natii'iis uniflit ( 111,- fclrttl l-H'lltS of tlnlr ! SI! l.f tl.t' 111'! I'f aillri i.C jil'llilul iHilll uf lllatlllh' .1, .ii I'l-.nt' tli'.ie wli.i nisv . ! . s l-v it. i ,!s of hulif i ll;!,;, I. r i "inil ry. ii Iuti 6ltu'luatly thruusb i f K,rln', tiiv ruuntry first, a 1 1 t-i my li.o; uf liud. Vsrj W. ,S. or iNri khsr to noiULHS. If mi have a poorly, weak child, want to make eyes bright, give Tasteless Chill Tot anil If he does not will refund your n (Irugirlsl. its checks it t :il nil rosy and Its dose of l.aialive I hree times a day, t fat and strong we n y C. D llradham, JACOBS.' KmI Lest. Ml.1. lb H.'h liyc Whiskey U Ihe Failing Vision Inevitable Stranire lo s:iy while all parts of the body is growing, the eyes are going hack, this UiMns at the ldlli year, but does not become niHiilfesl until middle life, at the age of ten tbe eye possesses a uesr point ofClilbren Inches, at ( -0 1 twrnly four Inches, st (W) thirty, .'ij Inches, at ( 40) forty, U Inches At this period the near or close point has receded beyond a comfortable dls tance, because of a flattening of the eye, also a hardening of tho lens and a weak ening of the iiiusi le governing ll, there fore as the power of making tha lens mure convf i l removed and ss ths eye becomes flatter, yon must see Ihst tron bin commences and aid must lie bail from some source. Science snd srl l as lieslowed us with that aid In glasses which ad. I con vsilty lo tha eye and resloies lbs near point to a comfortable distance. You can gel thrm li'lnd correctly hy J O lUiTiK.Jr, Orndusiu Optician. July Clearance Sale. Ifery thing summery ninat go, prices will rlo It, no left overs with us. All while gooda. sl'kn, ribbons, embroider las etc., at from one-third to a half of ragolar prices II A It FOOTS Good Officials for Jones. County, j Kiiitok Jot knaI. The action of the Hoard of Commissioners of Jones county in refusing to grant liquor li cense lo any one to carry on this great curse of a business In this county should be recognized by more than a passing event. Tbe commissioners were petitioned by a large number of the best citizens of the county to refuse to grant license to anyone. We must say that the commissioners acting upon the scale of justice and duly, have done a noble deed and one that shows true manhood, and unbiased action In office. For, If there is any thing that will make a public man shrink from his duly. It Is in connection with making laws to control w hiskey and a sheep killing dog, but I am glad to put in public print the names of Ihe commissioners of Jones county who are J. II. Hell, W. I!, llargell and .1. W Mallard Their actions lu this matter were as valuable and more highly ap predated by the people of Jones county, than by the people of Ihe 1'nited States over Admiral Schley at that noted Hat tie of Santiago, We believe that tbe saving in court coat for one year lo the tax payer of the county, will lie more than four years revenue derived from the sale of liquor license and that the wives and mothers and all true noble and moral mlndi-d men will remember with joy and pride the board of commissioners of Jones county, ) ear 11HII A 1...V llll OK l KACK ASH (looli 11 1. TO Al l. Manmimh. A bad complexion gem rally results from luactiva liver aud Uiwels In all such cases, lie Will's Little Karly (Users produce gratifying results F H Duffy ik Co. Greeting His Friends. Itev. J ohn Stanley Thomas, now liv ing In Suffolk, Va., but really of New Befu, Is iu the city, spending a few days of his v stat Ion here among his old friends, who are very glad to greet hlin. and to learn of his continued and Irs creasing success In his choaeu calling. Principal Graded School Elected. At a mealing of tha Trustees of New Hern Academy held yesterday sfUirnoon, Mr J Paul Spance, of Kllabeth City, was alerted 1'rlnclpal of the whlla gra ded school i remember tho fnmous remark of our . great governor on a certain occasion I when he met the chief executive for our I sister slate, why, we are ready to meet them, loo. In fact, we will meet any club, anywhere and at any time. Popular Younf People Marry. A ripple of excitement passed through this city yesterday morning, when It be lainc known I hat Miss Nets llollon and Mr. l'red II. Whllty were married, and had left on the A. Jt N. C. mull train for Charlotte on Ihelr bridal trip. Itolh young people were well known The Fish editor of the J or una I, ten and popular, and while an engagement leTi H0(-erc apologies to the l'arks Hase between them was generally umb rstooil, ,all (.,H,)( w,(.l paycii lierc i,sl w,l the sudden marriage came as a surprise m.8liav, calling that club from to all except a fuw. Uoldsboro." The l'arks club plays Mr. W hilly called shortly before train j ml) wM1(, lbt, (Joldsboro club plays tune at Miss llollon s home, and at- "((UH compamed by Mr. loin rVehoe and Miss Matlie llreen, they drove to the home of the Itev. II. S. Ilradshaw, and were quietly married. Miss llollon is the youngest daughter of Mrs. W. S. lllounl, aud Mr. Whltty Is the only sou of Mt. and J. ('. Whllty. The tiest wishes of numerous friends go with the young couple. To Be Added To Rain Score. l!n lrJ Yiw flin Always Botjjrjit Bsars the st July Clearance Sale. Tomorrow, Monday, f'arta oar regu lar Jalj llrMitra hal, avfrylUlag la lock t W-aat Ml sosnmery la aow r daesxi for quick, telling BAMFoOTH Ready For Naril Recruits. The ( nitctl males (iunboat Alvarado has retiiiord, and ran be found at lllshop's wharf, whsre all who wish In presaot themselves as recruits for the I'olletl Hlalm navy, ran find tbe proper official Tha Alvarado will be hers this week and than goes lo Washington, N ('. Celery Headache Powders. There Is not any better remedy for headache than these powders. They uever fall to lelleve. Made and sold only at Davis' Prescription Pharmacy. Who Can Answer? Captain W. C. Klvers, West Point, N. V , Is an lions to find the present ail dresB of William K. Van Itokkelen, who graduated at West Point, In 1M4 I His father was Adrian II. Vau llokkelen of Ibis city. He would be glad for the ad dress of any of his relatives K. of H. Lodfe at Dover. Klnslon Free Press, 2"Jnil. Mr. V. A. AIiImiII, of Klntlon, supreme deputy of the K nights of Ilsrmony, In stituted a lodge at Dover on Friday night with HH members. This lodge will In known as Dover IMlge No. f) K. of II. The following officers were duly In stalled: A. S. Dixon, president, 1.. M. Foy, Tlce president; H. N. West, past president; II. I.. Roberts, counselor; J. O. UrlfMn. chaplain: Ueo. 11. W ilson, re cording secretary; J. F Tyndal, financial secretary: W. M. Tyndal. treasurer; L. O Thompson, guard, J. A. Cherry marshal, Dr Hay Pollock, examine". The trustees are Meal. N U Woodard, K ll. Dixon snd F. J. Whlis. After passing Thursday without any j r in, the weather clerk made up for It, by sending heavy showers from Friday a. m. to early Saturday a. in. the total precipitation here amounting to 1 72 inches. Undertaking and Embalming. A'.teutlou Is called to the advertise inent of II. II. Holland, who succeeds to the business of the late Weorgc Hishop. Mr. Holland promises lo give prompt reliable and thorough allenlion to all orders sent him Declared a Bankrupt. At a meeting of the creditors of Mr, H. II. I.oflin, of Klnslon, held here be fore Mr. Ij. .1. Moore, referee In bunk- ruptcy, yesterday afternoon, Mr. Loflln waa declared u bank nipt , and was given ten days to lile a schedule of his assnU Waler Everywhere. The .lot UNO's representative returned last evening from a three days trip through portions of Pamlico. lie foil in I (be fiiriners everywhere greatly distressed by the excessive ralm as creeks were running over, and low lands covered with water Crops are suffering very much from the excessive rslnfall. Perry Davis' Pain Killer Its valuable properties as a speedy cure for pain can not fail to lie generally appreciated, and no family should lie without it In case of accident, or sudden attack of dysentery diarrhoea or cholera morbus. Bold everywhere. Avoid suiMtltutes, there Is but one Pain Killer, Perry Davis' Price 2rc. and .Vk . Ta Cape Otwiy tam. Ed Jo. sjaU Aflat raadiaf ta paper Use otaar aay taw arlieia asadsd Otway Burns Mot Pirate," tkv raadarr woailerad if aay lelelllgaat person coaWI be peisuaded lato hetieviag that aay cl rlli tad (Hal or Goveraanaal. bad aver licensed, or aaavctioad piracy. Tn aaake the slaleatenl that pirates In fested oar ooaet as tats as tha year 1M14 Isf'mpty ridiculous, y sH it ta still more prrpoelerons lo aasert tbat tbe people of North Carolina honored aad elevated lo important official poaltioat, for a period of thirty years, a well kaowa ei pirate when three very North Carolinians bad one hundred years hrfore that time, de clared their eternal hatted for piracy by ruining a t(oernor of the Slate. who was supposed to be on lnllmale terms wilb tbe plraleTeach. Such statements In regard to Captain Otway Burns, Commander of the l:nltrd Stales Private Armed Schooner Suap- Dragon, are without foundation in good judgment or truth, and In view of the misrepresentations referred tn, the grandchildren of Captain Burns are doing tbe proper thing by the Slate as well as lo themselves, In stating tbe true services of Captain Burns. Privateering is expressly recognized In the Untied Slates Conititution which authorized Congress to grant ''Letters of Marque and Reprisal" and li the defense of a weaker nation against an overwhelming Sea-Power. We used It freely In both our wars th Ureal Britain and the Southern Confederacy relied on It Id the late war. The prejudice against it comes from the wealthy commercial element in seaports, who think that wars should be fought out at the risk of the Uvea and limbs of those least Interested poor soldiers and sailors -but tbat property la too sacred to lie ever put In jeopardy. Nothing creates a Peace sentiment In the breasts of that class so quickly, as the Prlva leer who makes them feel something of the horrors of war, through the loss of their property. Burns was not a pirate, but a irallanl. brave man. serving his country under authority conferred uc der the broad seal of the government of those t'niled Stales. The remaraable exploits of the Snap Dragon have been told through Eastern North Carolina for three-quarters of century. The daring of hor brave crew anil courageous commander, as written down day by day, without flourish or or namentation In the plain and simple language of sailor folk in her log book have attracted the attention and kindled the admiration of some of the best men of North Carolina. In commemoration of his services to his country we will uu veil a monument erected to the memory of Otway Hums and a distinguished jurist and historian will set forth In de tail some of his wonderful deeds. rhe unveiling exercises take place at Beaufort, N. C, July 24lh. 4& 11 m. 0'. S Fltill! That h if yea ol&e me. ;o 6 o that it tnkt-s, iiMiu-t to f itly on suci-cs-Im1I Vuii tin tut- an injury, tuiliiillv ui lint: 111 ll, yout ai run n l. I. .in. - whether intt'tl- Ihihk settling Ni I ikk y. fjettli-nit fx. 11 to .!t-llse Hukc .rl y w HACKBURN f 47-49 POLLOCK STREET: OFF on all Suits, Coats and Trousers. Excursion to Washington And Baltimore. The Royal Arcanum. Is a Widows and Orphans Benefit sociation, organized June 23rd, As- 1877 with 0 members. The first assessment called real ized $a,004 OH The membership July 1st, 1101 about 225,000 Benefit certificates July 1st, 1901 about IftflO.OOO.OOO Receipts from assessments since organization about 66,000,000 Paid Widows and Orphans since organization about $63,500,000 Receipts from assessments dur ing 1900 $8,620,5:1(1 DO Paid to w idows aud orphans dur ing m $6,277,06 6 Have now lu Kmergency fund nearly $1,600,000 Net ex Mnse since organization alKint $l,42,t4O0 Just think, a quarter of a million of members, and more than half billion of protection atthe small expense of a trar lion over two per cent. North Carolina has a membership of over 2,000, New Bern Council a membership of 160, and application being pretested at every meeting. Death of Mr. Odell Word was received here yesterday, of the death of Mr. W. E. Odoll, father of Mrs. D F. Jarvls ot this city. Mr Odell's death occurred at (julncy III, on the 19th Inst. Healthful in Summer. Oar Soda Is a beneficial hot weather drink, because ll Is composed maialy of three healthful things Fruit, Cream and Frozen Water. Mr. It. K. Pipkin, of Ooldsboro, Is Kverybody knows that froah frnlt It advertising his big excursion August 6ih , ftHM for yon la summer. It is nature's to Itichmond, Washington aad Balll- ! wty of raring for a man qnder primitive more. Tho fare from Ooldsboro lo j conditions. Why shouldn't it be healtA Hlrhrcond snd return Is $175; from fu Crushed Fruit, Fruit Jnlccs, Fruit Woldshoro to Washington and retarn Is Flavors. CAPUDINE -rot Nervous and 7 1 Sick Headaches. Mack Time Give- Each Stidfit. At tbe Rlaghaaa Hchool, Mahane, North Carolina, laara ire ahoal twelve to Ooldehoro and retara Is $t.80. ' Partlo fieg oa tbls eiraraloa $5 7"; from (loliliboro to Baltimore and return it $7 Vi. la order to give the people along the A A N C. U. It aa oppottoalty la go on tbit eirnrtlon M r. Pipkin will rua aa etlra trala from New Bern, leaving rtew Bern oa Tuesday moralng, August . at S o'clock. Tba fare froaa New Kern Believing Dr. Beth Arnold' Balsam a reliable remedy for all bowel disorders we hereby guarantee every fl cent bottle sold by ns to give aatisfactloa or money refunded. Henry A Co. NEW BERN PRODUCE MARKET, sOtrWata lo verb tsar her Oa Ibis AtMiat. a large aasouat ol time and will at- have ample llaae to visit all public build tevatloa eaa be givea to each Individual. Ingt, parks sad place of leteresl la Ry attdrmtiag, Priaclp! Gray, Mebaae, N C , tbe heaattful srbnsM catalog t for lfXN will ha seal free of charge. It la easier to knew wall tbsa get cared. DeWhf Little Early Jtlerr tavkaai aow aad tbea, will atway keea far boast fc perfect ordef. They aMsrwf gripe Wat bowh aa aaty gtati actio. r.i.Dfro. Rlcbosoad, Wasblagtoa aad Baltimore. Tbeeicarsloa will reach Wasblagtoa Taeedaf algbt aad leave, raluraiag Fri day raoralag ai n o'clock . for fart bar partlmlar see Mr. A. E Plttaaaa at Oaekla Cycle Cotapaey'. Cresm la a delightful means of taking nourishment which, In childhood, all have lived oa. Ice Cruam, ('ream, Egg. and Chocolate. Ice la necessity aowadsys. Ours Is the purest tha market can eapply ns with. W give you a plenty, loo. Skillfully Intermixed, tbeae three mala Ingredients of our healthful end kaap you from drinking too much water, quench thirst aa water will aot, ea ona rage aa appeilu by tbelr geetla aa leaaDoe; and la oa form or aaotbr are helpful to aertt 0. wora-oot people la summer tint. 1)BatAM' rooaraix. Jaly SI. kVgt, per dot -..18c Chicken, old par pair 60 A 00 " young, per pr to aV 40 Geese, per pair SO to 1.00 I'ork.per.lb t 7 Beef. " nidee, greeajper lb " dry, " Beaewai, IX) io W Hweet Povaloea, Tama, parbaab 60 " Bakamat 50 to M Cora, par bulk e"7 1 Oata, " 0 Peaaat 6i to M S0LOBT1LIDKCGOISTS. c:ti rUt ftj Mt. At tie Jtlj aauraicc Sale. Alaalrk aatllaaT arieaa. sretttaa read for Fall Mock, U baby aepe 14o, $1J4 vf tb kW. IoawoVM dlfeatlna fc4tti Km, V orgsady aad , lawa ImpravM tba aptMll aatt gltM fty A Co4 Tttlc. It ro aeed taaUx try oat Ira aad Wlaa. It m aoabfaaUua pajtloahvrly talaaUa la the Irealmea! of debfllly at tad ded with Impovartakmaat IV, lac Damharg $ yard. ; ,tcdk4 tint lystteta. Oaf la Prartp EmroA "OrwamT NmlUUt tloVukt I NDKKWKAi: AT Ct.T. St-ain Uniwci's :il cost. Only ;i few choice of tin' tl.OU ;tnil l.'J") Miluc; The eiitly comer i;ets tho 1 i i 1 , so don't ile'nv Sei I en : N'folijjec i,"ic, 1 it 1 4 1 1 1 Kilislie til ts left, your WQ IS ME! T1HS ! All Summer wear is MARKED WAY J DOWN TO ROCK BOTTOM. t 57 ollocl: Straot- S Vade Mecum Spring, AtlurdlllK mum limn a,1&00 iullonx pvr dny. ANALYSIS (:i!AI I'Ki; I' 1. 6. D1I k 00., tassiiini Snlplinlc Hodiiini Clil. .rule I. M:ii-nesililii rill Inllllle I:'.. (iiiliininClilonile ii H'.'o Ciih iiini Hiilplcitc f'.l Vri'.'l Cnlciinii Hi r;irli..n:ile 11. i Hi Ir. .ii Hi i -in In mate ) '. - Lilliiiini ."Milpliale ' ' " "s Silica '"iJ Organic Matter and Volatile In or;Tini Matter Tulal fir.oi I ." '.MM Above analysis made In mc freedom from siirfa.c water anil n o e large ainoinils ..I Ipbale I ai l.ona'i ! Calcium and Nul.ln I M.iijucm .IAS. M Will i I Ihl.C A nalvi leal b '. Hi. In d. Va.. Sep. 4. 1IHHI. I,;. M:, Iron ( : ) Oil" N:i P S. Clil. .ior l.i, in. i ' i Sli.. a i -i Ca lb. .in. Orju-.i. inalti-i S. CAM, ON : ti I . tl l- (Si :i) (M'; O.V...V. ... K'.'Oi . . . ! I .Cl . . Aiiliydri.il- (Ci .mil Vi.lat.l.' ;! Total fiiaite. ITitilli ;i.ri.4'-'r.' . -1 ..itt j . .:t'.(i'j . iiH . :'.'.M',,;., Tn. r . .iV.:iu fl.'.:l72 . .'..TOfi 10C..01 IK 1 i. .in tl.e .nalysc. of Dr. .las. M. Willi liiM iln fori-iNiing lijMiii-s ate .l.-ilui ltd. THOS. CI AUK F. A. M. Ph. D I'oi.il 1 nnirsity, (jci ninny N..N .ST. P.KX. Wis- 111, 1900. tiotint; re- t tiihi yiiUT the For Setofuht, ( ';itarrh it ltd BlK)il 1 Metises gi-liei'rtllv it is nlnnut it VjiiH-illc. '!'. nint h, in my njnn- . , . :l r.l i.. .1 ..j ,,r ... .. M Ut ul' inn null ll IT I W Hit 111 111 I IU (lll.lllil lll'.l't III. " '" I .t'l" .. oi , N. (', Octohcr Afier quite nn exteinleil evH i ii'nc' of prt'si t i I'in ami Mtilta of various niiucra' wutcrs, 1 unhi'sitat inRly tiinik bent iviioMttoi noil "Imililer up" uf them a! I). V ,'Ul n. DAi;nN, m I) For sale by F. S. DUFFY, Druggist, The Flneni tuililj Lagrer Beer on fnp At li. II. llAIIiniTN, Cor. H. Front 4 Hauwk SU. lARroori, I tam rmttMry ta Vf k UIkin( UtMBUla PtttfU.1 that Umj eve Bver tnml eoaatipfttkif). ba4 diceatioa. dall ItoAdsvr.lv, dlntnaat aad fool breata ? TWa Mver waa a p& told f bIcb avnUd aa quick) a4 f mtbr. aVJ Urr tWt grip. ta Ilt yfjA 7 cvi - j wr ra lull Jl ' : . '.,;':,;: ask, aa m.m. a aV arm A .af . ' . ROMULUS A. NUNN. Attornty at t-aw, mw ns), wmn ahouna CmrwiPonth frmit Itreet, 0.p.wlta HiHalCbaUawka. Fot Salel A brnnottwr HTff4 tbarpw, aaarl new li e '"nt erxvdltion. earrVea nvtM 400 boahe, f ntntfrt. Will aell theap. Am jlllt watf vitsiiveta, will trad lot aaiU)inf waalrmbK aMtsa, Pbarpla, J Darnel, V Dan, R.JC. -a, ., 4 . .;' ' , ; To Catch Fish Hum kind (if an on tilt I nermsa tj Nredn't be embofwt or etpenlva but it almuld be I"kkI. Mnat likelv you know that urh an imtflt ran b iibUln Nl here. Don't mind aayinC rigrit out hmd, trto-thai wa bavv) tlie finest line of Fishing Tackle in tha rlty. W rat aa tin-UMtata line nl Imae Ball aad Sporting Ootids. MeTa 11111, DaWt la Btorin aa, FraaAaat, Irwrtad Gnidi raoaootupmi, ioa PataTtlKa, , BrniK Bfirv, Baut. PaaaaM, 4 ffiu itk SL KEW 1EMI. X. C . -v.-:.',' ' . i : ' , - W...' A 7 ' i ?