OX THE COAST. A Itui riy un ft Ftorkia A saw txsaiaJ Hravcr. Tk tL&il Ih tall, fcrvestvaii. An Excellent Combination. Tlir pl.-a.sant method and brnencial esflevts of (lie well known remedy, TBU I' or Fir.a, manufacturi-d by the CAuroaKiA Svkup Co , illuatrate the valueof obtaining tin- lWjuiil laxa ti?e principlrs of plants knoiiu tolas medicinally laxative and prrentiog them in the f"rin moxt rrf rc&hinjf to the taste ami acceptable to tin' system. It is the our percot strtnjrthening Un live, cleansing tho system effectually, dispelling .ulda, headachc-n and fevers gently yet promptly anil enabling one lo overcome naoic-uai coiiBupni.iuuj.er- HTleot freedom from objectionable quality and sub- bowK5 tes tciHAkrrts. ml. I oanently every stance, and its acting on the kidneys. liver and bowels, without weakening or irritatinir them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing flfTH are used, as they are pleasant to ths ta.Ht.it, liut the medicinal qualithasof the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Fie Stbcp Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AN FRANCISCO. CA.L LOUISVILLK. KY MSW TORI. M T. For sale by all Druggists Price 60c. per bettle. CU.CU. THE JOURNAL. New Bern. N. C, Aug. !. 101. CONFEDERATE REUNION. To be Held at W rishtsvllcl, From August 14th to 17th. The following general ord t dative to the ftBHcmhlini; of the I'nltetl Con federate Veterans of the State in annual reunion at W rtijlitsville lias lieen inaucd at headquarter!) by (Icneral Carr: Headquarters N. C. Division, lulled Confederate Veterans, Durham, N. C. July '27lli, 11WH. General Order. No. l.V 1. A reunion of the North Carolina Division of the I nited Confederate Veterans will be held at Wriijlitsville, N ('. beginning on t he afternoon of Wecliics day, tljfi 1 Itli day of August, HMI1, and rinsing mi the 17lh. at which will be held the annual elertion of Division and Hrigad'.' Commanders, lo-wil A Major General and four ltrigadicr Generals. Inly those will be entitled to vote at this elertion who arr duly accredited delegates from ramps which are reported by Adjutant (ieneral Moorman as hav ing paid their clues. The attention of ramp commanders is especially called to tills, and they will at once see that their ramp dues arc paid, as required by the constitution of the I nitrd Confederate Veterans. '. Governor Aycock lias kindly given the use of the lents and camp ecpiippage of the Slate (luard nl A' righuvllle, which will accommodate about one thousand persons. Kach lent is eight feet square ami has a plank tloor and two blankets, and there are co'iklng stoves and utensils sufficient Cots may be rented for the oci asion by those de airing them. There are a number ot hotels and hoarding houses which ofTei reduced rates for those who may noi wish to occ upy quarters in the camp Kaoh camp, or delegation, must provide Its rations either by carrying them in rooking them in camp. t. All cx-d'infedrrate soldiers In North Carolina of good stamllng an cordially Invited lo this reunion, whether or not they are inchiImts of any camp or association In order, however, to ex elude un worthy persons, every veteran is required to carry with him a certificate from his camp commander, or from the clerk of the Superior court of Ids muni) In which there is no camp, certifying thai he Is a veteran In good standing. A strict compll.'inre with this will lie re quired. No veteran without this certifi cate will he admitted to the privileges of the camp. 4. All the railroads In the State hsve kindly given s rate of one rents mile In each direction for this ocesalon. Tickets will lie on sale on the 12th i:!th and 14lh of August, and srt good for one continuous passage nn til tbe 24th. The agent at any ststlon will give theeiact pric e of s ticket from his station on application. This rsle I" given to all visitors as well si the veterans. 6. A full attendance of veterans n urged anil ss msny ss practicable are re xuested In wear their uniforms This may h the last oporlunlty for msny to attend a re-unlon and meet their old csjursiles, so Tally up. II. A. IxiKOON, Ailjt (.en snd Chief of Staff By O der of Ms), dsn. .1 . Csrr. Swaasboro, itgul 7 Mr. J Powers of Wllsaluf loa. Is vislitag lows lata weak Mcaaert ?raak Wkluy sad brother. Kd, axsrebanta of Pollen kivitle. were in our plaae laal rk (or srTrral days, pleas ps snaking, i Messrs Joh,Hursl sad Slarkev Kr I Tin of Belgrade, were vhdiors hrr for several dsys ttaU, aad lal week I Messrs. J. ('. Kulfocd of hVLui. nd, ! aad d B. Arthur of W iliulinMiu, twoj young and gind hndilug Jrumiuer twa. J were in low n yestrrdsy callow no our suerchsnU. Mrs. U S Gllison snd three elul.lreii of i.oepo, up A hile-aa rl.tr. are 1u our j town now, vUllluK. Mi Kdwsnl ItiMl wiu of h'.mle li.u.-a county, wu ill our place last Saturday ' Friend Kd Is s prominent farmer ,r ttnti I county suet reports larry crops in low nelfthl or hood e lc-ept lu' s and sw eel polal oes, a lilt le la' r I y go.il coll on ,,n ' y lie say Hie mosquitoes air u iri' ic - i ui uch so 'lint he h It k ft ' an ti'ia supply of to U-ll- on Land for hi os. tays i hey aclunlli ifiwcs oc t-iie lie si rapf I loiii I t'f t-llt. on hi calilr tie was h le biMioc lll ll- alc t.roiighl a load of line home made poik whic h he- 'old for lo cent pi-r pmin.l ! I lial -how s a good fl llli r . j Ml Matlie Mootc wein lo i he Siralis visit Iiil' last wet k . ('apt. Iau V nrd and c n w of 10 men I. Ii yesterday for 1'uiila (loads, Kla., to eugage in the fish business They will le gone about s nion'ln. This sciila went with them lo Morehesd City, where they took the train, via. Char lotle, N. ('., and Jacksonville, Kla. An other crew of 'JO men leaves here next Monday for the same destination. Another Jiig banks parly, at nighs, came off at and from this place last Friday night to Kogue banks. i'apt. W II. Duffy and mate, (1. W. Littleton, in their liirge double-barreled ' Sharpie,' carried shout !"() persons clown to see the moon rise, and go surf bathing. Many ladles and gentlemen from different counties participated. RefresnicnU were served, music anil dancing on the beach, snd courting ami promenading were some of the many amusements. "Walter" was the chief cook anil bottle washer of the occasion, The party in part were M issue Minnie Maidcs of Joues, Maude Sanders, Julia Knnett and Izora Jones of Carteret, Bedle, Daisy and Achlic Marine of New Ulver, Ons low, and Ola Marker and Lyclia Weeks of Stella Among the stags were, Char lie Darker, Jack Sanders ami I.ycurgus Humphrey of Carteret county. Leb Ulllett of Jones county. They reported a high old time all ntght long on the beach among the tens of millions sand flics anil mosquitoes. Ai riving at the wharf here, aJioul sunrise, one married lady said she was 2M pounds lighter when she got back, than she was when she left home to go on the trip. But the strangest yet, was the boys said the pests didn't bite them, because they had something lietter lo work on. Schooners, Prince, Heveredge, MasU r, and McCulloch, Hrluk, Master, cleared this week loaded with lumlier for Ihe northern markets. oli, for s rail road and a hotel. When III we get them, ever V Hope so, one if not both. I here seems to lie a secret project on hand or foot one, as we slvlv hear of a stock company trying to organize for the purpose. Messrs. J. K l'rettynian, J. M. Jones, J. A. Plttman W, N. Dennis, ( It. Kra.elle. W.N Marine and others, we hear are some ol the projectors. Don't lie secret iu It men, let It come, nobody cares Jacob. Hew ever. WUi k; a &.r i f efretty Casc. Wheat taw low 1 1 percuxl bappaei, Ikal wllk IJetUg la Iter hoi ua Bra would play ball aad wta truss. Dtirkaja ll was s good daal of a Oelltej gasaer, It struck otu, & aasisls, 1 put oui eD dy calch. To I act record is lo t- atldctsl hravy aad time I j Lin a; Hit ki '!il bremgkt la runs Niw Hera mnwl in tl.r rersi Inu og, lore runs, aa I Ml ihre mru oie !.- Durham KsWlhelr lli-i m.l ..c. 1 1 ore In Ibe foartk, I runs luadc omi In Ihe sixth Ibere wan ue m ' reecnei t over Dteruasn'a pht ler leleH klinf a run ner near the home pla1.- cit lice run '"ca ceiuiiled for New II. ri, in ,,c I e .ee.l almlt.t ultlleil doari, 1 Ite m veil lh a aa in a i ae I 1 1 . a re i el 1 I I tiler base rileltl'.ll In lira e hut I el liatlc' e leaiie e f i it -, 1 1, a a- losl hv lltke oiets. IcalllK IS' oi 'lanes The eighth was a rrenar kahie oie and showtxl up Ihe lieauiii.il n, l in I Hui in CitmET. ham. lo see lirii.lren mule' a i lid on a clev er oil ! : . ,e lUle.1 W lie II I l.-lllg e il right Winch a lake i r , r tlirow caUkrlil 11 ii iren u i Itrysic forced Nlc-v.n. i t ? V llli no oeils atnl Hire, li . . e. . Ii. W as S quick l ill n I o -tile ml I A 1 cleinillit e alcle le alo.oe Ulnlll Mis k) C'll'Ver i iilHV io 111- 8C1I the llel.llle.' I.y llillliaiei i rtl ll.illiieeO lie IlltllV I" lie I lee UllcSt eVfrT gooel ball hilling hy ii am got . ere H( l.i I. i. long lione. atnl - . .n l . Iia ... Il oe i I he leeeii seen he-ie- The Imivh played bill Weill iIoaii lie-tore lii-nvy New Hern I he follow lug U the score ami mary. NK II m i h K il r o Woodell, r f . . 5 '- II Bryan, - b 4 J X 1 yeltlg, p 'i 1 '2 1 Jordan, :t b .41 .' Moore, If :t II u 1 Neal, ss 4 (I 1 u Stevenson, 1 Ii . 4 II 1 (i Darling, c 'J 1 1 14 llendreii, c f ... .4 (I 1 Total :'.'i T IU '27 HI III AM A II l( II I' ll ( e raves, s. s 4 1 1 2 Surles, c 4 1 1 e" Keith, lb 4 (I (I :i Meachain, h 4 d 1 4 Mangiim, p 4 (I ( d Sugg8.:ib 4 (l (i r Hoon, c. f 'J (1 c '2 Smith, 1. f :t (I 1 il Norton, r. f :t (I " 1 Total :I2 '.' 4 ai UttimlH tkc TowaUir feoanli. tun tort layrsVfciiKais Caiklxu's buy. fcooic are kasy McaerU Elver, near Beaufort. tng 8. Wesukssr it very favorable for cotton which Is looking much teller, but corn Is very sorry. The blight Is is la the fmlt treea, causing unatalurvd fralt to fall coo liatally Tbe road sapervisors met Salnrdsy, aad appointed new overseers. County eomisylaaloaers, and rbsirman of ttffc Board of Sapervtaeira of Heaufort Tews ship saei Monday to decide what disposi tion lo make of the turnpike road con nectlng Merrimon with Heaufort Town ahlp. The education a Ixcard also met Mon day, Dr. Mason, In the chstr Beaufort is on the up frailest prsenl A new canning fac i rv Is Iming ere'lel snd seversldwrlliiie:. I lie owners elng Messrs. C.P. Dev. Hal teller, Will Pierce, Ed Skarron anl others Hev. Jnhn Sewel iliscoiulnueil hla series of Dieetiog al the Academy Sou day night with but Utile success, we sre sorry to say. Mr K. W. tiulhrte, Superintendent of the free Will' Baptist Sunday School, celebrated Sunday teefore last as Child ren's Day. Seveial of the scholars did creellt to themselves in their recitations. MisaK iliert Nelson being one of the ii ii in I n- r lo eicel. Miss Kols-rt acaslreases ttn (,'ou federate annually at Beaufort, not only the veterans hut hundreds of people gladly welcome her upon the stage on Memorial Day. Mr. Sol Willis Is building him a nice sharpie. Kverybody Js busy except those too lsy to work. S. Of tit 0. 8. Tmitry tw lit PiruA. Mitt. MARS ! BATUEDAY, MONDAY AND TTJE8DAY, Angust 10th, 12th, and 13th. Our Annual lock Jit iit n no umi at nsiicl, juiJ caiTv K' nts cxrrr from one teinHi Ui nnotlici, tn it Su miner (iouaie lieiuie lakiu ttur aiiUusu iitvciiUav We li:eVe hud it ery jiniKjxi'ou- ilwi nml :ire il l a ruike- riit- reduiliviiis, the equal of which un other teue the rt-s fnt time Hu hen.' if you would secure ilu- U the M-a: cm a we never close out all III Ve'illil.fg' nflei tHfjf teeirgaiiis t.l at of READ WHAT WE OFFER Believing Dr. Setu Arnold's Balsam a reliable remedy for all bowel disorders, we hereby guarantee every 25 cent bottle sold by us to give satisfaction or nionay refunded. Henry & Co. Attention Veterans. No Don't Hear The Noises. Iks clasa rooms sre separate from mou other sl It ngham School near Mibane, N. C. Hence the neoessarr noises of one sre not beard at the others aad do not Interfere, with them. By ad drwM'lf Principal Oray, Mebane, N. C , tkaf brmitiful stbooI ratalof for 1 will U tenl free of rbarg. CAPUD1NE -roi Nerojs and ; ' Sch He&dzdxs. SOLD IT ALL DRCC GISTS. Ileaeliuarters Camp New Bern lltl'J I nited Confederate Veterans. ('oniradcf A reunion of the North Carolina Division L'. C. V. will Ik-at Wrlghtaville from the 14lh to the 17th of August 1901. At which will be held the annual election of Division and Bri gade c ommanders. Gov. Aycoek hss tendered the use of the tents anil ramp eotilnage of the State Guards to the Veterans. Kach camp will have to pro vide lis own rations, either by carrying them, nr by cooking them In csmp The railroad fare Is one cent per mile In each direction. Comrades: It Is the desire of Gen F M. Psrker, Commander of the 3d Brl gade lo which our camp belongs, to have esch camp well represented, anil I s Commander of camp New Bern, earnest ly request Ihst as many as can, will go It Is a cheap trip, and I in sure II will prove a very pleasant and enjoyable one From New Bern to Wilmington Is 89 miles, then a short distance to Wrights Title. Comrades: A special meeting of the csmp Is called to meet at tbe office of S II. Hlreel on Saturday Aug. 10th sill o'clock a. m. for Ibe purpose of electing Delegates and Alternates in represent our camp said re a nine and to attend 10 sncb other hualneee as may come be fore the ramp My order of K. n Jonas, Commaae'er J. f ( I.AII, Adjt. O Basal Iks apeiast sf A ! aSW ! TW AfWtfa BSSfS) At Ike Jaty earaice Sale. Al qilek aollleg prWwe, getting ready for Fall stock, Vt baby cape 14a, 11,00 ksrHea beU to. Re ffMtdy w hni ow eV, 10e IIasabBrg 63 yrd. BARfOOTS. cou nAiucn rowEs. An abMtweMly ascamUsw, MlaeUllag, ktiatlv trleeu oi T$ Byrwo with X 4 :i '2 11 I) II I 1 :t 1 0 1 0 0 II 1 1 II v 11 7 Score by innings. New Bern :! 0 (I ' 0 T 1 0 x 7 Durham II II II 2 II 0 II II 0 -2 Summary I wo base hlls, llendren. Base on balls, oil Mangiim 2. lilt by lilclied ball, Darling, Bryan, Boon. Stolen liases, Wixxlell, Graves, Surles, Boon, Smith. Struck out by (letttg 14, by Mangiim f. Passed ball, Surles. Double plays, Suggs and Keith, Graves, Meacham and Keith Left on bases, Durham 4, New Bern 7. Time of game :40. l inplrc Mr. Stevens. Scorer J. K Khcru. It ASK HITS. (Jctilg was Ihe hero of the day, and a couple of enthusiasts came down out of tbe grand stand al the close of the game and each presented the pitcher with a V. Stevenson's li rst base play was good. He took care of everything coming his way. A nice purse was presented to Darling by his numerous friends, when he came wn lown after yesterday's game, a mark of appreciation for his line work behind tbe bat. With two sore hands he caught a great game. Too much "dumb" base running, said a ball crank In the grand staud, yesterday, speaking of New Bern. Tbe Durham clnb left for Kinston last night to plsy two games In that city. All the club members expressed themselves greatly pleased with their visit here, and treatment received while In this city. e Important to Hunters. A Uiglstiiie enactment passed hy the last Slat 'i Legislature, In regard to hunt ing In Craven county, Is of importance to hunters, anil lliey should not be Igno rant of II The following Is the act which Is now a law: A Act m I'iiKvii.nt IIi niino on Laniis IN CltAVKN Ool'NTV Wll'HOl'T Con sKM OK OWNKIl OK LiANH. "The General Assembly of North Car olina do enact: Section 1st, That it shall be unlawful for anyone to hunt on any land or lands in Craven county with gun, dog or otherwise without the writ ten consent of the owner of the lands or lands. "Section 2nd, Every person violating this Act shall lie guilty of a misdemean or, and upon conviction shall be fined not less than $.r(.00, nor more than t'i."i (HI, or imprisonment not more than 20 days. "Section Mril, This Act shall lie in force from and after Its ratification. "In the General Assembly read three times and ratified the Hist day of Janu ary, 1901. (). (). Buck, Beirne, Ark , says: "1 was troubled with constipation until I bought Dd Witt's Idttc Karly liiscrs. Since then hrve lieen entirely cured of my old com plaint. I recommend them." Y. S. Duffy Jt Co. Br . Uewoltya elonlaa. . Llewellyn Jordan, Medical Eaarak ner of U. 8. Treasury Department, grad uate of Colombia College, and whs served three years at West Point, has tbe following to say of reruns: 'Allow m to express ay grtitu4 to yoa for the benem amnvec rroa your wonderful remody. One tbor mouth bm brought forth a rar ehng sussf 1 mow ooaukHr mtym m wU mat after mtoatba ot tuttorlag. FmHom Buttormrt, Parana will cure you. " Catarrh U a systemic disease r nrablo only by systemic treatment. A remedy that cores catarrh most aim dlroetly at tbe depressed nerve centers. This li whatPerunadoea. Pernnalmmediatel Invigorates the nerre-eentere which give vitality to the maooue membranes Than catarrh disappears. Then catarrh Is permanently cured. Peruna ouree catarrh wherever locat ed. Peruna Is not a guess nor an experi mentit Is an absolute loienttno eer tainty. Peruna has no substitutes n rivals. Insist upon having Peruna, A free book written by Or. hmrtman, on the aubfectot catarrh la Ha different phmmea and atagea, will be tent tree tt any addreaj by Tbe Peruna Medlclnt Co., Columbua, Ohio. Underwear, I.HH' Silk Lust T, liic lli'll. II Uil.Uil YesU, L.dieis tMutifiil (i:,:i itv -jV Vim', 1 A II, S lI:m(loln L'ililx'll VrM l.V Sunlit v ( 'Ilillll'l'II.S Illcli a ;,iti..- Vl'St. Ilic; nock ;lti'l sllort sieves Chililf.'iis .Swiss hil'lird st 10c ill:llily. ( UllcJivns D. ibv KiliU'ii est. III) sIl'i'Vl'-!, I, 'if Illl.llilV. Metis Fine li:illi ioiin slm l - mil Diuwi is Mens ('(initit'il Kirviti;in Shiits and Dniweis These ttvn ;iiv spU'lldiil tallies. Mi l-i ii' s Li.H i il,. ii ( ..I' ll . f. I 'J.'.e K tllllllrl ;H,- c I'l-ll 1 'lice- 'illlsl-cirt lill'i-S if ; ta n Si i tin nn I 1'hIIihJ Sm iss Beki'ade mm A buggy How many a buggy Load. will hold has. Ice n an uncertain iuestion but ll has lieen settled, A '"iggy of ordinary size, without a lop, will hold eight persons. This was shown by a buggy that stopped nn l'ollock In front of the Tost office. The horse seemed to need a little rest as might be supposed for on the seal were a man and woman and two girls. In the space In fron I of the seat were two small boys, while standing on the back a I In and holding cm lo the seat were two more boys. Besides Ihe family of eight, s dog occupied a spare corner. A good deal of attention was attracted to the out tit. TIm-Great Military, Literary, Scientif ic, Normal and Commercial School of KaMrn North Carolina. Male and Female. Incorporated. It prepares foi Colleire. Business. Life. Buildings an I-irire. Commodious. Modern. The School is Non-sectarian, but Positively Christ ian the Bible is a text book. Its aim is always to have trained, expr rieneeel nml well uiialitied corps ol Teachers. Board i-heap and good. 1 to $S month Literary course from $ 1 l" H Music ' '! Normal course $15 session Business College course-. Stenographic $20 Commercial f-W Military l)i ill and Pi'iiniiianship free No incidentals Next session begins Sept. 2nd. Kev. D. B. Simpson, R A., B. S.. A l'bD.. Trim ipal. Literary and Normal. For further information address. F. C. IIF.NDKKSON, I'rest, Bki.ukadk, N. C. ISC lite I Ic Hosiery. Mens LnIc Sox, fast idiu k, -2.V itlillitv lsr, : l'etiis fur Ladie s c'cjiinlcss I lose, special alitc, 7r, o pairs tor Ladies lUack I.isJ" (itiac ruh iltTalily Kntirc line nl Fancy Hum lor Hits sale only, I )it H jmirs tor Kntil'e lino "I a"" FalK'V Hose Mh- lli jiilj tdi-wmr Nhlrt H nisi ."( c Waist- :'Sc : T5c WaistK 5V; I. ( it W. list-j Tor Highci (iratlt 'aist in iiri-rtion. 1 titty Oxlrl TUh. : I tW siZCS '.I t 11, ctl.50 (rfHile at Sle Cllll ll'll''' uf '.'Sc. l,nlies 4(nrd TIom I Few small si.i's in lis, "Jls, and i!s, Ladies 0 fords $'2.00 and :.0 iU ility, not latest stylew al. 5(h'. i'niaiiioii SfiiseOxrorsI I A few sizes of 1 "id Invw, Selliy i'V Cei's make in d:iin ('iiininiiii seiui- styles at, 1.1 II. 2 nr All Wash (inods arc stuc k is lilit luit prici low oil all qualilii'S. way lnwi , very All Liirht Caliciicf 4, nr All ,'itv :tc' till-. Wii.il i ll', lark ( iivnailiiir, ;is i- and 'JSc. Mens All style., not a Linen (Inllars, several I sizes. ! lor '-'."ic. (iiuhanis 1 m-;i til i In I This jiriee ine.'iules the and 10c orades. .Style Lie, I'-Mc Prices are for these 3 days only ami 67 Pollock Street. The Fluent uality Lager Beer on tap thisweek At I. II. IIABICIIT'N, ('nr. S Front & IIaeock SU. The Parks club best LaGrsntfo al La Ursuie, 2:1 to 2. and the Fori Bun club tt to 3. Tbe Parks club will probablv play hare i.(iId and they will receive a good reception. Tbe club plays good ball. If the action of our bowels Is Dot easy anil regular serious rompllcaltoos moat be tho Una) result. DeWlll's Little Early Itiaers will remove tbla danger Safe, pleasant and effective. K. S. Daffy A Co. DIED. In this rlljr Aofust slh. 11)01. Mary Winona, Infant (laughter of Mr. and Mrs II. W. Willis, agnl 2 years & months anil 2fl days. The fnneral service will he held this morirlog at 10 o'clock from the residence of her parent No. 71 Melcalf street. Farmers provide yonraelf with Paln K liter at this c icon of ihe yesr, when colic, cholera morluiK, dysentery, diar rhoes, ifcc, may H'cable your lianda use It In every case of the kind, but I suro that you trust to no olher remedy but the old, lon tried I'erry Davis l'aln- Klller which neve r failed Avoid sulwtl- tules, there la bin one l'aln killer, Perry Davis'. Price LTm: and .'.0c. NEW BERN PRODUCE MARKET. August g. Eggs, per dor. 12c Chickens, old per pair fiOABOl " young, per pr 2A A 40 Oeese, per pair, M0 to 1.00 Pork,per,Ib , 4 7 Beef. " s; Hides, green Jper lb 4 dry, " 9.111 Breswsi, " 20 lo 89 Aweet Potatoea, Tains, per hush AO nahamas - SO to M Corn, per bnsh 70 Oats, " i 40 Pesntls M, to 66 TRENTON High School. Begins the next terra, September Jnd, 1901. Prepares for College and Business life. A teacher of military tactics added this term. Several places fpr boardlnf? with ample accommodations for girls and boys at lowoat rates. Enrollment lfWI, boarders 60. Stress laid upon thor- L . e C . . .. nnr.n .1 r 1 .nel r i UUgU irSIUIUfi;, .l eiriee ui.vi . ... ... liglous life. For circulars and catalogue apply to, W. II. RHODE-, Prln. Trentpn, N. 0. We liavc- scild lots id lh .se .0.) Sliiits which have been re-dnce-cl lo t.r 75c. hut thwie are Von wiinl i lev. he ,1 lift. nriri ;ed to knmv l.ou n.any Seiye ( nal w haw sci'.cl at To. It you want otn Vise' Vim to call at olic i-. Straw II its .ire aim est lu-iii" iv.'ii aw.iy. All thing AT COST. VI hat most people wsol Is sosaetblng mild and gentle, when 1st aeed of pbyslc. Cbamberlolo's Htomwr.h aad Liver Tablet i fill (he Mil to a dot. Tkey sre easy lo take and pleasant In effect, for sal by T. 8. Daffy A Co. ROMULUS A. NUN IN. Attorney at Law, NEW I1EUN, NOKTH CAKOLINA Office: Hmrth Front Btroet, Opnsiibi HoUl CliatUwka. I 4) (1 a - .6.DU& JII'iH VIAlt, 57 olloclr Street. House Work is Hard Work without Q0LD DUST. Bids Wanted. Tk County Conralssloners will rc elvs bid for the nail ten days for the repairs of Bacbalor creek brldg on tb Wssbloglon road. Tb contract will l awsrded lo th lowest W ider. All Mil moat h sealed and sent to J. J. lis tier. Commissioner la charge of said bridge. Tb Com biImIods- reserve the right lo ull .11 UI. illa.A.ee l.kl- In July aetraacc Stic mtU WJ( w, M j , tUt mhti ry thing nmmerj mmat go, prW wJt, fmnl a (kMB wtfc pM and pHtV a. i . a m . " rat Una X.KJOVtH, Ckatraaa Board County CownnlMloMra, Aagaat ?ta, ItOl. s o is mm ss will do II, no Wft over with a. All walla goods, silks, riahoae, aatbrairWr ra ie at froes oa-talrJ to a half of agat ar rioas. BARefOOTH. For any case ot CIIirl.N AN1 FI2VH that cannot be cured by just m nnw Thai ka loaf baaa assdsd, Laiatlrt --- rtiltl Toattea eaaISIl iLei Iro.! raiat thaw d'ersssslag taa (Uat; Itv aa4qalafM. PUcaaaal U uka aa4 a erk W ttfandesd If taf do ant ear, aara, nr toale. Mo, at Bradkaa'a llOalBradaaat'irbaramr. d TUrmatf, ' ... i UNIVERSITY CO LLECEl of MpnmifiF - a atra mm aksv w a aja ti aru t ar a arUCINLtCHTIITIiy-TlallataCr. itraMCMiaav ktfTMooa, tumra TS. rreuCW. -when used strictly by directions. The onlfc combined Chill .and Fever Tt-eatment on the market. The Hlvor and' Sidneys stomach blood, brain and nervous system treated separately WHEELER'S T0NI0 will cure . ' . . . . i ; Intermitcnt, .Biliousjaiid Cqntiniied:f Dier. The Best Tonic. ; Qreat Appetizer." A logical preset;. Hon, scien tifically compounded. Contains no poison.' For sale At retail by C; D. 35radham, and at wholesale by Chas. BHolllstor. . ' : .