tba frost, tad la bov kaovm e every city, towa end hamlet ia tba country. Its alauachcat fricada arc tboae wh have kaioara it loatst and have witaeaeed its wooderfui curative power ia their ewa families or jsvji$ their friend and ecouaicUncr. Grateful pabrsU ia all prU of lb country Ull ol thru rratoratioai to health and happUMae, aad the tcadnrta y ol the it the B.i(bel evidence of the medicine's worth. S. S. 8. i more popular today thaa ever ia its history do cither remedy etaada ao high, haa ever given aurh perfect aatiafactioa or ia ao reliable ia the cure ol Cancer, Khenmatiam, Catarrh, Coetagiotie Blood Poiaon, Scrofula, Eteoia, Paoriaaia, Salt Rheum, Acne, or aay li 1 nam that criginatea ia the blond. Bring strictly a vegetable preparation, yoa will find h agrees with ytm much better than a drug atore concoctiuii or any of the widely advertised potash and mercury remediea, which affect the bunt, tuiuclea ana stomach, causing . - RhcumaUam or Dvapepeia. If too DOU't Cxpmrlmmnt bave never tried a S. S . you will be , surpriaed at the immediate good effect, JfJi V Sm Sm Oi fr ao sooner doe it get into the circulation thaa the appetite increases; you grow stronger, and gradually but surely it drives out the poisons and rebtorea the blood to a healthy condition. If there is a sore or ulcer on the body, it begins to heal around the edges, the dis charge finally ceases anil the place gets well ; muscular and bode pains vanish, and the sain is relieved of all itching, irritating eruptions. Nervous, run down and anaemic people will find S. S. S. just the medicine they need, for blood poverty and illy nourished nerves are responsible for their condition. For old people and children S. 8. 8. hus uo equal; being free from all minerals, it does not nauseate or have any injurious effect whatever, and keeps the blood in good condition, thus fortifying against disease. Experience teaches what is good and what is not good; this applies particularly to medicine, aad 8. S. 3., a remedy that has retained the confidence of the people for nearly 50 years, must have merit it CURBS, ia tha secret ol its success, W hen you call lor a. . S. don't be persuaded to accept something else there is no substitute for 8. 8. S. It is the only guaranteed purely vegetable blood purifier, and the safest and best for all blood and skin troubles. Do not let them force an inferior mineral remedy on you because there is a larger profit in it. II you have any blood or skin dis ease, don't hesitate to write us about it ; our physicians will carefully consider your case and advise you without charge. Book on Blood and Skin Diseases free, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, OA. AT BAYBORO. The Reunion of Veterans. Revival Meet ings. Going to Wrlffhtsvllle. Aug. fl. The reunion of the old Con federate soldier here yesterday was a grand success, mid enjoyed by all who attended, the full proceedings will lie se6t you for publication Ir. Plxon the orator, meeting with varlcJua obsta cles In his way In reaching here was equal to I lie occasion, surmounted them all, and arrived Hiifi-ly and enlerlalned the audience with a gtanil and noble ad deeas an "eye welter" to the old "Vets" and the audience generally. The revival meeting of lb-v Mr. Jen kins t the M. K. Church l Mill golnp on, with a fairly good attendance, and Considerable interest Is iimnlfesle.l. On next Sunday Key. Mr Taylor Mission ary RaptUt will hre,in n revival meeting at the liitpt Ul Cliurr.ii heic, ami Vi lli con tinue it for the week. Some of the old Confederate Veterans will go to WrlglitavlHf: to the teunlon from the llth lo IT1I1 when they expect to meet many of their old comrades and have a good time. All of them who pos sibly cun go should do so, it will lie the lust opportunity llfnl many of them. will ever have to meet togctlo r on this e nth The rates are cheap, It will cost but lit tle slid all ouuht to try and meet. l'"lve (.) ineinliers of 1I1U camp have passed away him e the hist reunion last August, being one Iwellth of the strength of the camp. They can't lie old Veterans here much louger, so make good of every op portunity that is offered. Lowered the Bell. The bell of the First llaptlst church was ycsteiday lowered from the church tower. It Is badly cracked anil It Is the Intention to replace It with a new and somewhat larger Udl. The hell has the following lettering around the upper part, "10. Force, New York, 18:10." Mothers who have always so dreaded the apptoach of hot weather when they bave a teething balie, should not foiget that TKKrilINA counteracts and over comes tlio effects of hoi weather on children, keeps them In healthy condi tion anil makes teething easy. TEETH INA costs only 25 cents per hoi at drug gists; or mall 2.1 cents to C. J. Moffett, M. )., St. Louis, Mo. Illsaart ft4llaln. New York, August 8. - It Is divulged today that policeman lllssert, who was convicted of extortion and Is awaiting sentence, and had not been sentenced, hid squealed on Captain Diamond, and the latter' conviction It expected from Lisseit's confession. Thf Air Hhlp Wrsckad. Pari, August 8 -M. Han to Dumonl, the aeronaut, thi morning again at tempted lo circle the Eiffel lower. He iucceeded In rounding the tower with difficulty. The balloon was then unable to make headway agaloal a strong wind. Il fell near a bona and waa wrecked, suspending the aeronaut la midair. Firemen with ladders rtacuad Ihimonl uninjured. hraldad la DratM. New York, Aug, 7. -Margaret Te!- gollie, a two year old child, dlad this Loralng In a New York hospital: 8ha waa scalded by upsetting coffee, fJlattOM lo Marry. London, Aug, 7, -The ogagrsaeot It aaoooDcfd of Higbl lion, lierbarl Olad Itooa, jonngeal ton of tba " lata W. E. Qladslona, and I be daughter of Right Hon. Blr Richard Pal. T Sae Her CWI4. Froa, frightful dlsflgaraaieat Mr. NaaaUOalU(ar, of UOrMga, Ga., ap plied Doekten! Aralr Salva to graat km ob her bead aad faoa, aad write iu quk-k ear iceedH all btr kope. It work wnrnUr la Horea, Bralaaa, Bkl Eruptloas, Cots, Barn, ftcaldi aad flbM Ito. Cr guaranteed by 0. D. Bradkaat, amggU'. , rail a th Traoae. Kw Totk. Alt. 7.-WM1 rrod- Isc Usasltrta of Br las IntMit kosa 0 Wt Wity Hlalk atreM, lr, tsdss d tkM krrrt. no swsy of ta sUsimat aad nil ulu n York CtsUat Rsllro4 track, iklrly-lr ft Ulo. llsadrad llBf4 U to Ware Ue public f of aaaay years, fxosa a maiH besrU aiag, hbas trail tly wusxcd its wav to Mr. Royall's Severe Loss. August Oth, about 2 o'clock at night, my store was struck by lightning and burned down. I was not able to save anything. Mydwelllug was only about 30 feet from the store anil It was all I could do to save that, by throwing water Los of stock and fixtures was ajmut three hundred dollar. I lost my mule in the spring, and what myself, wife and chllifron have worked hard and accuma lated In the last four yoara Is all lost. So I humbly ask the citizens of New Bern to coutrilmto a little lo my distress any one feeling disposed to give a little can hand It over to Messrs. fl. II. liob erts, K. U. Jones, K. lHric.li, J. A.Jones, E. 8. Street, J. S. (Urrctf, Mark Disos wny. (Sentlemen you will please, let my trouble he known ami use your Influence for my releif and oblige, your humble servant. T- I! Hov.M.i.. Y.x Kn,J "ui Hitra Always Bough! Illiullitif For Water For Nrw York. New York, August S -A score of en gineers are employed by the New York Department of Water Supply working throughout the Calskill Mountains sur veying various watersheds In Ulster, Oreene and Delaware counties, and staking out the most avnilnMn sites for the construction of immense riser voirs. AiitlclMlt Troulilr. Washington, August H. J. Edwards Simmons, President of the Panama Kallrnad, telegraphed the Stale depart ment today that he anticipated trouble along the line of his road. The govern ment will probably send a warship from the Pacific station either the Iowa, Philadelphia or Wisconsin. Mow Did She Know lie fat the shore) Tula ocoitn breeze Is nwful damp. It makes a fellow mustache very salty. She (nbacnt minded) Yes, I noticed that-Philadelphia Record. All aa It SaoaM Be. lie Dnrllnrr. 1 feel as though svere made for one another. She And the money for both f as has already been made by pa. Isn't It lovely. Boston Transcript Th Pmaaious. We soy of a man who baa no will mastery, "He la ruled by his passions." They govern him, not be them. Centu- nea ago an Aran wrote, "las8lon Is a tyrant wblcb slay those whom It gov erns." It Is like fire, wblcb once tbor oughly kindled can scarcely be quench ed, or like the torrent, which wben It Is swollen can no longer be restrained with Its banks. Call him not a primmer who baa been put In fetters by bit en emy, out rather blm whose own pas sion overpower blm to destruction. A Puiln. ribbette Bo you do not bellev la th tBiractpatloo of woman? Ilurton-Well, It la Just here. Mao hi th superior being. But bow Is be go ing to show bis Kipenortty If woman U bk KjualJ Tbaf s what I want to know. Poaton Transcript Irish Wvanaa Rtotlaa. Los don. Aug. 7. A dispatch from Tlpparary, capital of the county of the saas aaaaa In Ireland, sty the harvest wo ibm tr paradlag through th town blades' by a bellman, la stint against lb of harvesting macblnsry, asd damaadlng lid wag. Raqarsltlons kxv bees aal out for titrs police. Dm War mt CUrka. Cbkafo, Aug. 7. A photoitraphlc ebwk reoordlsf apparatus thai is pre pared partly by laotricliy, u been In mtd by Tbotau Jasatn, calf clerk at U Halloaal Baak of la llepuWIc, Ts hacks oaa a pboio(rtpb4 t Ut rata f XOfCC as hoar asd lb spparaius Is spetM W do lb work of Bis etrk. Loadoa, Aag. 7-IIbj Edward,Unaa AWttadrs, Prlae VlotorU sad Prise NtoUlasof Ore,ko ittk(ttof tkalr")!,-wtllsUrt ff UoaaW TtAj to kltead lb foarlNnloM lp f rrdarfck to b kld U Ik pmac of Ik fajolly Mtt Batdty, UAH' 3mm t, i sis-.,.! I? , y a! Jif!OR BaLat.h KtslrkktM Is iValloWtd. baat. Mtddla atraat. - . CCJUCSSIOTEKS PROCEEMJGS. At Atfist Reettax. Jiry tur Scplcatxrr Term Sspcrtor Loan. Coast; Treasurer Report. The K..n1 met AuiuM 5iL i 10S0 o'rkrk a m , A the t ourt H. u la New Uern It Icing the rrgu ti nin: log of taid Board. Preseal, Commissioner J 'Bit Hn:ti Waibw .rlh, Kulcher aiid Ho,: Onltreti iLlt a lr y of ', ! n -upon the pro.rny wltlilu tl.i fe 1,. . trUl In Mo. o low ui.ni. ! 1 tel. - ; poe In rcorilnce will, t h- i- , i the fence i oiiimUsloiuTB ' i. sni 1 irdered that Mr. Kit i I M. Law h 1 1. be and U hereby releaveil of po . Ui f-' the year 1901, on acecutil "f iiif'.m:: and disability Ordered that the lax ' , ,, .1 Is hereliy sulhoriied U' luiiml tin for 1900 of those who have not pal 1 and who hsvo removed from ( raven count) N. C, under soc. U09J of the Code It appearing to the satisfaction of the Board that John 1) Dlnklns having mo cured license lo sell liquor at No. 4 Middle Btreet. aud since having obtained said license has died, aud ids uxoniuu having sold his said business to Tlionut. 0 Howard who is now coudm ting aid business under his own license by per mission of the chairman of this Hoard, and T. C. Howard having already ob talned license from the Board to con duct business at No. 08 Middle street from the Hoard, hut desiring to carry on business at both places, and the sheriff having been paid for the sl months by said Dlnklns for said license as required by law. It is thereupon ordered, upon the surrender of said license, so isbiicd lo said Dlnklns, the she HIT is instructed to mark the same cancelled, nnd lo Laue to said Howard a substitute license therefor. On motion of Commissioner liaxlei, Messrs. Asn Jours and K. K. Mryan weic elected cotton weighers for the city of New Horn for 2 years, upon their giving a good and HUllleient In. nd a.", icipiiied by law. Ordered bv the Hoard Unit the eleih of this Hoard be and is hereby instructed to notify M r. Geo. Dees of GrnnUhoiii 'amlico count y appear before this Hoaid and show cause why lie has not listed his property in No. " township. Craven county, for the years 10(M) and 1!HH. Hoard took recess until o'clock. Hoard met at 3 o'clock p. 111.. An;;, otli 1901 pursuant to recess. Present, Commissioners Jones, Havtcr Wood and Fulcher. Ordered thai the properly of W. Y. 'eel in No. 1 towsship be reduced from ")0 acres, Hill's Neck etH) to fr0 011 ac count of error. Ordered that Naomi Saadi be given license from Aug. 1st 1001 to May Hist, 1902 lo peddle 011 foot In Craven county upon payment of the proper tax In the sheriff for that period. Ordered that K. I). Wolhurington of Tuscarora he ri quested In come before this Hoard at its meeting In September and show cause why he listed his real proporty In No. !) township. It now ap pearing that he has no real property in said township and clerk so notify him The Board proceeded to draw a jury to servo during a term of the Superior Court to be held on the 2nd Monday after the first Monday in September. It being the lfi th day of September No. 1 township. Hardy Whiiford, Haron Forest, K. II. Asklns. No. 5 township. .1. h. Taylor, .). I!. Howen. No. fi township. E. (i. Weeks, .1.1!. Williams, W. 11. White, A. D. Hooks. N. 8 township. 1). M. Huberts, Job E. Hawk, John Suter, E. K. Bishop, Kicd Hardlson, Bam'l Parsons, W. J. Lucas. No. 9 township. M. W. Carmine. Sml. Week. No. t township. Sidney Lane, Henry McLawliorn, W. K. Hiown, George N Fulcher. No. 2 townBhlp Lcary Dixon. No. 8 township.-- . 1). Lane No. 0 township. J, T. Boyd. D w Whltford, E. II. Tolson. No. 7 township. --John S Hardlson, J. H. Hasnlght No. 8 township. T. W. Dewey, J. N. I Pate, J. H. Stevenson, Rudolph l lrich, Furney Uaskill. No. 9 township. O. H. Wctherlngton Joe J. Lewis. Ordered that '75 acres of land values! at 1:100 listed to F. U. Fulcher In No. 8 townsblp be ktrlckoa ftom Hi list on ao- count of error and tai.'on same b re funded he having paid ttic same. The tald 75 acre being s part of 220 acres of land given In by O-vP. Fulcher and las paid ob same. '' Ordered that roll! proporty of D. Oongdon A Uo In city of New Bciu lie raised from $12,000 to 20,0U0 for lax of 1000 on anootlnf of clerical error. It having boon Maeaeed at fa0,000 by the aaaeaaen In IKiW and decreased through clerical error in .1M0-M U,000, Al o clerk be and l directed to raise said raloatloB to $20,000 for year of 100l and to nollfr Pf W4 Lumbci 1 Co, lDe preaenl owntrra, to thai effect. Hoard took race until 10 o'clock on Aug Bib. Board net at 10 o'clock oo Aug th 1001. Preaenl Ooumlaalonen Jonea, Baiter, Wood, WtoVworth and Fulcher. Oa' motlM of . Commlaaloaer Wads worth, Ikat ta eoaapllaaot with lb pe tition frbaa Ho. 1 .lowaablp aaklnf that o Hcmm ba -ntatad, to Mil liquor U Wo. 1 UwmWId, It la berati ordered by tb Hoard Ibat no llcenM ba (ranted to all lln.aof.lB ald tonhlp for , t oatbaaadlni Dae. tin, 1W1." tbe ali Cos. totaaloMn JoniputrlJfloorlJ Wad- on aaa raicuar itin aye. ' . Tb rUi aioaUil Milt war al- I . Ordered Ikat tba aalarf af Krai fain la tlluau for keeper of noon It L uxl U hereby increased to :0 ik l t l. t-ftoBio Aafaat l.t ,1. ol.cn at-irtoa aa !.."'. OIL 'u ration for 1 M rloa U . U-t KLid Dlftft' prcM-Btr It Its. .. nil. I tl M M :l K-.lrt- IMII.I.-I AC t Ol I !l U.dH-rls I KM K Ml. I I KM I M. tl A'U' iii imi riMi 11 1 -. A He 1.1. in On in- 'ononis liomr l.i ipi ii ten cusiodv tim-. -d ( inner ill instruct' imin: l.-ir:-. I to ' r I. in'P t lie In- county ,:e -,iit!i!.le e CHIC Mild cioiiily uti . the State keeper tor siili ji ct to Mt t lie lioine if the itiMiuie til lin y i nn l ho-pltil nnd li same, who will mini e.ll Hi .'ill I'll..- I the ..riieli llolli'- ( )n mot! d t lie impel li.tendent of t he Delner of thrt 'iiilrpendrncr. ' nowd-dn H. rovviiiti-hleld of ltoston If; 11 iiiini who i . -i-.ipjinj; n prominent niche before tin si- ilnyB. I!y 11. lied the lnv- reason ol his n:. inu lie Hon . iiiiiiietitor .. Ji; h..!,.i of 1I1 t'i -1 1 1 lug the . nn tin-' . ci.;. I'l owilllisllield h:i ; won for hloi- ii ;i iMiking wu!i the f. -lelho.il of Allie; i' all .' 1 1 ' ! 1 1 i 1 ' g CX-p.-!-:-: Till' I'.oslon defendel . I lili petlileliee. Is n iiineiiillei'iit sp, . iii!.-ii of the ship builder's art. She v. Ill prove a worthv .-onipellliir loi' the lleri.-liulf Ooimti tutioii inn!, should :l me out victo rious npainst h,. 1 : 1 1 1 , r . will give Up ton iitid his Shntnioi-k 11 nil the excite ment they tiro likely to . up- for. ( 'i.iwiiiii.shield is a graduate of Har vard university, lialnu been a member cf the class of '!. His father had mapped out ii'tinutleal designiiic carei r for him. i 'rownlnshlelil hiicktctl ilo n lmmedhitelv to hard work. Tho lirst DOWDOTN B. CKOWNWHHIKI.IV oonts he designed were. Tory small, but lie gradually went from one cla-.s ty nnottxT. Alter successfully phiiinln;f n myriad of 22 and US footers he tae iklv'il :." and lo footers. The deslguln,' of the !Kl foot Independence was the climax of Ids enrecr. loslgnor ( 'rowiilusbleld Is nn t in nllj Vci-v s.-ine-ullie as to the show ilic of ih.J Jlmlcpoiideni-e In Uie coining trials with tlK r.eltnont syndicate craft, while ho knows full well the wonderful ability of Mat HerresliofT In bringing out . up winners, yel the liostoulan lias not a Iinrtlcle of doubt that his creation will prove the swifter. The American liublle Is awaiting w !;h much Interest the outcome of the pi -.- pnrntory necs. The deciding of the Ana rlcnn defender will. In fact, attract as' mticli attention us the actual Inter natluna races with the British rucer. Daffy f;lnr Abroad. (rtlitir Duffy of Ceorgutown unlvt sltyi iHilder of the KngllHli 100 yard i haitiploiiHhlp, It Is announced, will vln It Kitgland this yenr to try for Hint title nguln. lie will travel at the pipeline of IiIh ttnlverslty, where a inovomcnt lm U-en tartel to Btipidy him with fund for the trlj). The challenge cup which Duffy wort Uiat July nrrlved lit Washington a few Uy ago, nnd Its iippcnrnnca In tho Coleman museum caused such n furore niiiong tho HtudentH that It wan decided Duffy ahould receive another try for It Thin cup wna pnHentiil to tho Knp IlnirAniPtcur Athletic nnoc1ntlon by II. II. Prlnoo II anna n In 1ST I and l valued at 100 (tulncaa. It I a porH;tlial chal luuge trophy and can bo held only for one year, but. the nfhleto wtnolusjt three tlmea In aticceaalon rreelvva duplicate. " . o. Otily thrta men bnvo ever won dupll i-atea-W. P. Phillips, Lonfjbrr AUdrt le club, 1KS0, 1KH1 nnd 1S2; 9, It. Cowlg. Tendon Athletic club, 1853. 1W4 and lH8o, and C. A, Bradley, Lon don Athletic club, im, MUX 1HM and 1HU6. The naniea of all the wlnoera arc tuublajoocd on tha original, auumfl whom are three Atnerltatii, Trwl Wmf-' In.. Manhattan AUiletle .club, 1HS8; i; IU Carey f tbe aanta clan, IttOl, aod mtry, im. - : ii . ' " Clodcl Dyspepsia Curo jiTj, , .i,ljnwi wtsaia j via veie. . , f 01 tin Itoiii d 'ui ou rneii l 'll 1-1 M I lliKl N ( lei k H.eird ( '-.iiiiiiissi. n- NAVAL FO0DST0BS. vvT -JACKV uETS TO EAT IN UNCI 'J V 3 , i. liurrlmt N u A lllkrr . I li I 1 .0 ,rdi.. in . tl 1 1 r r I' r& lit W urlS. 19 iu Han :.t- Bv-r(ft' uii- !.:.! te- aiiK-tltc i f 11 r-'-u v fti-ajvl t'.r iiiit i-.t.s nn of t.'.i- most 11 !inre .'irll. luali I f'Hl ';je sutistant'.ul t-- In- til Matlou.-d .hllilc Ulld ' lew Hi abt 1 I t:aiL' ! V tiltii N t: eal.le -t kiuil All 11 1 al veiiiM-ls Bh- !! Kiinf ii-mii'-i nr I- 1 r 1u.11 k uin iiiiicc' ! T 1 I -t? plil- 1 f ' "I t li- ...1 li II- ..1 k. . I'll in it 1 1 1 ' 1 1 i . i - i.i t.oi j- ; .I . limit' 's' lira l.i : t -l . b. f In. l I t.n K ' . .il.- t1. " ; : I . .aim. d ft lilts mid i . n table- ill riel tti l.-uy:.- 'iiiMntlTI and mu-t ctsitj . i. list nut.- the main part dally uuii.i'S With th, s.- staple I.I.I. J Ligiir, . a r of 10- if thH us a basl.-i uuih i appctlzlhK i ..iiit'lhatloi.8 .nn be made. At ea flesh iinut ami vegetables are not to be liail, but while tn port or within reach ut a iii.irkct the t. m y r. uulal ions reunite tho lssii uue.' oti certain days of these desirable additions to the food .supply In the olden days no fresh niont was Included In the navy ration, and "jaeky" was couipelleil to Hiibslst largely on corned beef, known In the snllor vernacular as "salt horse," owing to the fact thut Rome unscrupulous contractor at one time lung ngu passed off horseflesh for beef In a navy supply. The barrel In which the salt meat Is kept Is to this dny known us the "hnrnesH cask." The enlisted men nre divided into messes consisting of from 18 to 24 men each. Kvery month the mess elects one of lis number to the position of cii terer, and he looks after all matters cu linary during his term. To him the dal ly allowances of staple foods nre issued ea. li morning by one of the paymas ter's nn n, known as the "Jack of tho dust." presumably from his handling Hour. Tlie ship's cooks then prepare the supplies for the talde. Hnch mess is usually allowed from four to six commuted unions -that Ik, the caterer Is given 'he value of such rations In cash nnd Is thus provided with n fund of li nn .V'K'. to if.M per month with wh'. li to buy fruits, vegetables, tlsh, h'.iiti i- ;ind other items which are not lui Iu. led 111 the list of articles furnished by tiie );.c, ei'itiiteiit . To furnish the tabic still further It Is customary for each man to " 'i-1 1 1 j In" u dollar or two eai !i month out of his own pocket. The old time shellbacks looked with glee upon a plum dull dinner, but such il.-iitiliis as that seem eotnnionpliico to the new stylo navy men, who on holi days nnd frequently on Sundays bnvo ileliiacles like roust turkey with cran berry sauce, celery, oranges, bulimias and e en ice creitin. If "Jaeky" has one failing in the commissariat line. It in his craving fo: des of any constituency or nationality lie will eat them on nay occasion and ! In any place, 'i n - ship's cook, If he he ambitious, takis advantage, of thlH and j makes up a tempting array of pies , from material.; which he puf'tinscs I from the paymaster and retails them to i thesaileis. ! The government docs not discrlml- ! liil'e In the allow anee for food supplies In the navy as belwi-ti otlieer and en- listed man that is, It did not up to a i year or two a.o. when every man In the ship. Iioiii Ihe adiulial down to a Co:'. 1 In i -. er. i cool v ed oil cents ca.-h day. Mow the disci Imliiatliin Is that the coal beaver continues to draw hl-i ltd cents. Willie the admiral and al! other otlicers except the gunner, i-.-iipeiitei', pharma cist, chief iiiiicldiilsts and the naval cadets receive absolutely nothing for their subsistence oil board ship. Many win. visit na;il vessel.-, and ate enter tained at dinner or lunch. -on nre heard lo remark that the gov eminent pro vides cry good living for Its ollicers, not thinking thut the entire cost of the repast Iiiih come out of the officers' own pockets. Tlie cost of an otlicer s living on one of our vessels varies considerably. In n port w here much entertaining has to he done and where there are high j priced mini, els the mess bill, as It Is j (ailed, sometimes runs as high as $.'13 or flu a month for each olllcer and is rarely less than .-LVi a month. This rep- I resents merely tho actual cost of the j food and the Incidental expenses of the i mess, ns the government furnishes all servants, crockery, fuel nnd table linen. In i oulicet Ion with this subject It may be Interesting to Hole that the cap tain of n war vessel does not cat with the other ollicers, but has a scparntti establishment for himself ami Is pro vldisl with n cook and a steward whoso only duties are to wait on him. On Ihigslilps the admiral also eats alone. The waidroom mess usually Includes oil ollicelM alsive the grade of ensign iliul mi most vessels consists of from IU to Jo on inborn. Junior officer, and naval cadets constitute nnotlu-r mess, know n as the moorage mess ('. A. Mc- Alllstcr In Saturday Kvenlng I'ost. A ( nrtoos Ta. There Ih a curious coinhlnntlou trt In West Ktockbrlilge, Mass, It la pri marily a ninple which measure, a foot from the ground. I'.! feet U Inches In (Ireilllifel idee rifteeii fift from the groiiTi.i there are one or Iwo lurch llitir a grow ing. nn I higher up arc currant nnd raspberry bn-lies which Ik'ii r frail each yenr It Is not mated whether the ugnr mr.de from It Rii hns a rn beny l'iiv r. or tbe birch bnrk a cur rant color ami tnte, or Ihe berrle n ph y I nig of bin h. It I very old and bld fair to mand for ninny yenra looger. Ilia iwaaarr All la a Baark. The IniMjilrcHu' little boy la being atreniiouNly brought up "by hand." "Why, mum." iho anld despairingly. "If I pounoVil i ,nt boy black and blue I couldn't learn him bla mnnoora. Here, Wllllpf" to the nrchln, who waa looking cooftiaedly at aotne perm lea Rttrea him by tho mlstrpes. "What do yoo aay tbe lady T Willie looked troubled. ,Tbea, "lea, ma'am t no, tna'atn; peaao, fanfe yoo, estqaa me." be aald brrathleaaly, re meniherlnc an hla "mannenT at once, IM occaaloo vWetitly being (reat, hints FOR FARMERS T In la GaUn . Cati.ei rat'. U(;e either 1 day or tw a'.if t! -. i- i- ta . atta:rM the .-. .1 odor wh'H - i. t'n.nktns tbey htiw .v.. w red sw-1 witi 1. the stLlkson 1 -:'jl Lt r. e...-it i, aiid a;r tuive fr. e ncii-ss (.hiLer tti oiiiyu t--d -.1 'e li- - t t :.r Mink is J ;,.t Jut beioW t . -...' ,1 it w i.t 11 a tturd of the i,.p.vlt-s i.ac cra ked oprii, II :.. alters not how grtt-u Uie s'.iwk may li. Sp.-t an t.ic het-il heads one detp on lulli fiui..e .. n d.y ulr) loft Carrot mil nin rettiain -.at h-uttcr than seed ft soy "'L.r egiialh- wtthout wast- in: I'h - wale tK-glns n the outi-r row m nl l.iad It lis.- up and A.- ialMtt Mini leijuln-H two titt:i.. it 1" to allow us in!. ; - 1 1 l t --en each as It I. t:.. i.l.J. it . I it.rai-ldiig the - .1 ;it tin tline ut gather ::i' '!.. i-iit!!'- muss of shouts i :iit. ad of eiich ludU Ul- . -ai.il p olT . a. Map uf Soils. a r . 1- going t" have a soil 111 be a Wonder It will be f -i kind entirely new and the farmer wherever he Is i' V ill iMo o determine Just whut cro z hi in tlie largest returns tn I'litUiil In colors, It will con- 1. :.' '.Ill v v.-v information In the clearest and st ei.sdy comprehended manner lui- i.nat le. The map Is to cover the whole of the t'tdb .l States and will lo on such a -i ah- that every ten acre patch will bo ' opr. seated by om-eighth of nn Inch -;: 1' it each farmer will be able pi. l lire fi chart of his own nelghbor n a larger Reale, so that he can ;in anno iiis planting In accordance with the suggcRtioiiH which It conveys. Tliu work is done by townships to start with, and these are put together to make counties, which are finally assem bled to form complete maps of states. Applm For Hornea. In nn Ohio paper we find a state ment from a fanner who says that one season colts died without apparent cause until pout mortem examination showed stomach and Intestines to be Idled with worms, says The American Agriculturist. In the fail a mess of sweet apples was given to those left alive, and the next day worms were passed In considerable numbers, and as the apples were continued In the feed the colts grewlnto thrifty yearlings that finally sold at good prices. Although we never had occasion to try this rem edy, we do not doubt that It Is il good one, nor do we doubt that beets or mangels and perhaps other roots would have cipially good results. j The llcHxIrtn Fly. I A correspondent of Tho National Stockman tells how he avoids trouble 1 from the Hessian In his wheattlelds. I lie prepares his ground for Rowing and then walls until be sees the fly about. Then be drills In his wheat. As the flies j all swarm at once and only last four I days they have all perished before his wheat is up, and he suffers no damage and averages much better crops than 1 his neighbors. We do not know wheth j er tills habit of all coming out at once j and perishing In four dnys Is true ; every w in to or peculiar to tliem In Ohio. W e never saw or heard It mentioned before, but if true It should be general ly known. Profll In Horse Breeding. At the meeting of tlie Texas Live Stock association nwhile ago It was J said that there were ;1,000.K)0 less horses Iu the United States now than In jsun, nnd yet there were 1,000,000 ' nun.. In use, the shrinkage being most ! ly in the herds that then ran wild on ' the plains. There Is a greatly Increased ! use of hyrses In this country and a de mand for large numbers from abroad, and it will take six years to begin to have a supply to equal the demand, : even If It docs not largely Increase : within that time. If this Is correct, ! there should be n profit In brrs-dlng horses at almost liny time for years to j come, Incrcnae In Farming-. i The Unltid States census for 1000 , shows that In the pust ten years tho I number of farms In the United States j has Increased from 4,.r(KI,000 to n,700, ; 000. a gain of over L'll per cent; IVJO.OOO more farms nre worked by their own- i ers, and there are (00,000 moro tenant farmers. The Increase In tenant farm ing has Iksii the largest In Uie eastern and middle states, which we take to In dicate that In those sections moro I yonng men are taking up farming and ! putting the capital they have Into stock I nnd tools Instead of Into land that they I h ue not thecnpltnl to work properly. To irt Hid ol llirri lolT. Sheep nre very fund of Ihe oxeye ih. Isles fit! er ns insturnire or hay nnd III eat them so closely as to kill them out In some parts of Kngland Hier how the seed of them to make a sln-cp pasture. TIiohc who have field where tin y pieinll might do well to inMiire tin n- with a beep one or two cnnona, tin ii plow up nnd aow the aecd of let ter grass. We bave cradlcati-d I hem by two seasons of llbernl manuring, keep ing the laud In hood crops nnd then re seeding, but thr.i would come In agnln ps noon the land became oor agala. Kla4aa (s Aalaaala Para. People are IcnrulfiR that kindness to animal pny and that common brutali ty Ih largely disappearing. Precept up on precept usually failed, bnt wben tha argument was directed to Ihe pocket conviction followed. Itrela Far ReTB. A aucreaaful wpalem feeder (iTea hla hoga a mean of beets each day wben feeding corn. Aa a conaeqtienca tbe swine alwaya weigh kearrWr than they look. Psssaa a I Cast .aaea te teelaaeV A certain number eX peaaants ta tba wilder and remoter dattrVrta t treUnd still wear aonejhlna Ilk ft aaOooal eoatnma. , About Loaft VUsk pWtrty of tha laaar are to be aaea tn rureeaue red bettlcoau that trturts loved to o , bring Into tbetr aketcbea of Irish Ufa. I A sprtnklina; of the old high bau may ; be area. Tha older flsbermea areaf them, bat tbe yoimrer arhool ebon aoob antlDaUd beadrvae, aa tha Cngllsh, peaaant of today doea tba sioock freck, 1 XdoO Kxpraaa. . .. . , Women are Like FfniVATC H-althy andstranj lUnCI 3. lhty blossom and ILjrt.. Sickly, they wither and die. Every woman ought to look well ar.JleeJwtil If iherrigbt and duty, but she might aa well try lo put out a I re w ith oil as to be healthy and at tractive w.th disease corioding the org:.s thi make her a womin. Upoa the. i hci;ri depends her health. If there la Uilianuiiatiun or weakening dra.n or suffering at the monthly period, attend to it at once. Don't delay. You're one step nearer the grave every day you put tt off. Women can stand a great deal, but they cannot live forever with disease dragging at the most delicate and vital organs in their body. You may have been deceived in so-called cures. We d..n't e how you could help it tliere ia b much worthietiH stun on The market. Hut you won't be dia appniolcd ia Tlradfleld' Female Reg ulator. W believe it i& tbe one medi cine on earth for womanly ilia. Thtrt is na mui h difference between tt and other 8i.-e.lled remediea as there ia between right and wronr. Bradfield's Femal RbRulaior fcootliea the pain, stopa the di aina, promote regularity, fitrenrthens, purine and cleabaes. It does all this quickly and easily and naturally. It is for women alone to de cide whether they will be healthy or sick. Bradneld's Regulator lies at band. 1 1 per bottte at drug store. Smis fbr oar ft bookM. TltC frRADflFLD REGULATOR CO.. Atlawta, Ga. OTTO'S FOR THE CURE or .AXtL. Coughs, Colds, OB NO REUEDY EQUALS DR. OTTO'S Spruce GumBalsam. A aingle doae will relieve auf f erlng and ita regular uae will effect a permanent cure. rmiCaV M A9 M OalaTTa. am MARSHALLBERG, N. C. A College Preparatory School for young men and l&omen. Under the Auspices of the Methodi Fpisi -opal Church. A Chrb.tiMii home located in one of the healthiest sections of the 8tate. A full corps of competent teachers. Itiiildiiig-. newly repaired and fur lushed. 1 he neighborhood absolutely free from the ordinary evil of town life. In addition ta the regular course, Iliisiness Department has been added, which includes Telegraphy, Typewrit ing, Stenojfraphy and Hook-keeping. Kali Term begins Kept. 2nd. For further Particulars address, HKV. O. M. LEV 1ST ER, Prest, Mnsiiit.uiKH), N. O Seven Springs High School. Hp lend id Lbcatlon. Large and Coaa modioli Buildings. Drinking .Water Excellent. Flrat-cbua work In ali departments. Roard and tuition rates very low. For fnrtber Information address, K. A. BtMPITNa, Principal. ' ' Bttm BniMoa, H. 0. department: :: OF PHARMACY. till DR. ncimentConsnmption Era Academy . . Family of Nina. 83 8todea,a. ' - Well Iqnlpped taboratorlefr . V Tbomngh Work., ;, Kr. .' tuinoif $. oniEit txrtssts low. i Fall term fceglne; fVpUmbor 8th, 1901. Addreaa,- ' ' ' V ; f, t, TlSAfcLP, FretUcnt, 1 ' ' " ' - Charcl e:.I, It. C.