I IT wtmm win VOLUME XXIV. NKW BIKM, CHAVIH CUUMTT-. N. ('., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1901.. SfCONU SU'TIU.V iNcnc r F LEADER" nd " REPEATER" SMOKELE3U 'bwDER SHOTQUN SHILlV re used by the- heM :.hutr. ii iu country because they are so accurate uniform and reliable. Allihc u.-i i'sihampionsbipsand records ha?e been won and nude ty Wincluier :.n lis. Shoot them sod you'll shoot well.l y SJE DBYTHE QE31 i.HOTS. SOLD EVERYWHKRB PRlllllI GUNS Witt Improvement SurpriMng to Physicians. TAKES SOLID FOOD. the President's Condition r-urthcr Im proves. DiDfCrJ PSSSCJ Prose uiluo ofDolgftsi , Sept. 12. A iiothf r Decrease in Number of Penitentiary Convicts. Governor and Treasurer to Address (ire at leathering. lan-eroas ( onrirt at Lar&e. To Pro mote Apple (nltore. leer for Pnllen. Park. Kai.eiuh, flepl. 11. (iovernor Ajcock and Treasurer Lacy will tomorrow ad drees an educational rally at Roger X Roads, la Nash County, fourteen wiles from a railway. It la expected that at least 3000 people will be present. Secretary Bruner of the agricultural department la at Buffalo, attending Ike annual meeting of the National I'omo logleal Society. lie Is working earnestly to promote apple-growing in this Stale ami to I, nve the pplemlid fruit in the mountain counties properly gathered, ui, kul ami shipped. Photographs of triiila, iiiliiiirahl colored, have been mnilc fur lite at the ( hatleslon Ki position an! aflcrwaidN in llie Slntc Museum here. The iiiitir Hlirt were all wken In the Museum. The new cloi in it ry at llie Soldiers lliiine is In he healed witli hoi nlr The bosiillal Ih In he Mmin healed. If the Si ale does nut put in the heating plant at the hospital the North Carolina di- vl.-i"ii of the ! mi!f liters of the Confeder acy will do it. .lulian S. Carr has lent to the park commission lu re a couple of deer, which have Ik"mi placed in specially prepared nmii lcrs at Pullen park. I he (leer arc full grow n and particularly line sped UH'IIS. George Mien la elected chairman of the hoard of directors of the blind Insti tution here, succeeding T. It. Womack, resigned. Th w iius hall at the In Sllllltloii ii to lie riunplrliil by th.' cm of September. Ihe Institution opens Sept. IH, and will have more pupils, than ever lielnre. Four convict wire brought to the penitentiary yesterday from Itowan couuly. One of them escaped 28 years ago from a gang at work at Hound Kuob, when the Stale was building the Westi rn Omollim railway. The arri vals of convicts arc how considerably fewer than the dbcharges' Hence the number In the peniteullary is steadily de cHnlii;;. There are now only 772 Slate convicts, but Utile over half the number 14 vears airo. The irreateBl numliir was 1 , 154 Kcv John llusko Is appointed arch deacon of this Protestant Episcopal dio cese and will come hero In October The largest excursion of the year nassed here today on the Southern rail way, from Charlotte b Norfolk. Thero wcro 22 curs. Of these 7 started from Charlotte, II were added at Salisbury and flat Oreensb'ir.i. On the train there were l.'iOO people The negro female convict who mailo her esrane from the penitentiary In men's clothing lias not liecn heard from She is from l.-nolr county and will probably make her way there. She la a ilauKerous criminal and Is used to man's clothing, which she has worn during much of her lift When you want a pleasant physic try the new remedy, Cbamlterlaln' Stomach and Uver Tablets They are easy to take and nliasant In effect. Price, 20 caola. Sample free at K. S. Duffy & Co'a. drug store. PHENOMENAL RAINFALL. BETTER FOR CROPS. Crops. Weather Helps all Cultivated Weekly Bulletin Report. For week ending Monday, Septemlier 1801. The weather during the week was a vast Improvement over that which has prevailed during the put month. To heavy rains and deficient Insolation suc ceeded clear days, cool nights, and abundant sunshine. The favorable con ditions are shown by the beneficial ef fects on all classes of cultivated crops. The temperature averaged about 2 dally above the normal, while the rain fall was deficient by about 0.15 inch for the same time. Cotton Improved somewhat, but it is feared that the evil effects of previous bad weather cannot bo offset. The bolls are scattering and the fields are very weedy. Plants are red and shedding is still going on. Picking has begun to a limited eitcnt. Corn is a fair crop on uplands. Young corn has Improved and altogether the outlook is more promis ing. The good weather has been ex tremely favorable for the cutting and curing of tobacco. Almost the entire crop has been housed, the weed licing bright 6t light. The weather has lieen most favorable for the saving of hay anil fodder and the work has been rushed. Some fodder is affected with the dry rot, but reports are generally favorable. Wheat threshing Is about over. Land is being prepared for sowing as rapidly as the condition of the soil will permit. Soniu oats have been sown during the week. Turnips aio coming up to a good stand; much is being sown. The reports concerning peanuts are not altogether satisfactory, Ihe plants in places grow ing too tall and not spreading out enough. Field peas are growing finely and it Is Baid that in some localities the yield will be the finest made in years. Sweet potatoes are doing well and are most promising. Late cabbage ate not plentiful. The prospi eta for fruit have sumev. hat Improved. Iiirections for Colic in Morses" Con tents of small txiltle of Pkiiky Davis' Pain-Kim. Kit in quart bottle, add pint warm or cold water, sweeten with mo lasses, shake well until all mixed, and drench well. Qlve about half at once, then balance in 10 or IS minutes, if first dose la not sufficient This will be found a never-failing remedy. Avoid substitu tes, there Is but one Pain-Klllcr, Perry Davis'. Price 25c and 50c. Dressing of Wound Aids the Pro blent. Stomach tros Accus tomed to Inrreased Nnnr Ishiuent Mrs Mckin ley's Visits Special to Journal. Bufkai.o, September 11. The I'resl dent awoke this morning, having passed a comfortable night. The dressing of the wound was fol lowed by decided benefit to the patient, his stomach accepting without any dls agrecbleness the beef juice glyen him, It being taken with a relish. The later report In the evening, uoted that the President continued to gain, the Wound exhibiting more healthy signs, while the amount of nourishment was Increased as the patient's stomach liecame better accustomed to it. The President's pulse lias varied, ranging at about 110, with bis tempera ture about 100. Buffalo, Sept. 10. No one has yet been allowed to sec him except Mrs. Mc Klnley, Secretary Cortclyou and the physicians. Kven Mrs, McKlnly goes to his room only once a day, and then re mains but a short time. Today she did uot see the President until after return ing from her usual drive, and then she sat beside his lied only a few minutes. When Mrs. McKlnlcy visits the Presi dent little Is said by either of them. Sit ting beside his bed, the devoted and courageous wife holds her husband's hand, and in silence for the most part they passed the minutes allowed them to be together. In a few days, if the President's pies- ent convalescence continues, it will be posslblo for a few of his most intimate friends to sec him. Mrs. McKinley will be allowed to visit him at more frequent intervals, and gradually he will be brought back into touch with the world's doings. During the visits of Mrs. McKinley to the President's bedside there has been no discussion of the attempted assassi nation. Mrs. McKinlcy is In possession of all the facts connected with it. Soon after t lie President was taken from the Exposition grounds to Hie Milburn resi dence Dr. Uixey told her all about the details. The news was broken as gent ly as possible, but no effort was made to conceal the main facts. The strength, courage and cheerful ness of Mrs. McKinley continue to be the marvel of those who know her liest, but they have feared she would by this time break down under the strain. Yet she seems stronger and never has lieen more self-contained and cheerful than when she visited the President this afternoon. 1 bat For Aurusl 1091 Excecdi All Rcc ords. Acrafcd 12 It Inches For Slate. Uai kioii, Sept. 12 In the course of an In lei view I mlay with weather observer Von Hi r mann Miine aionlblaft facta were in italnnl ifi-arillng the Augtiat rain fall In North Carolina. The rainfall averaged 12 IH Inche for the Htalf. This' U the highest ever reemded for sny son lb la any )er since 171 when the taking of observation brgsn. ' j ' Th nearest approach to It was la September ll.t. whee 10 Inches fell, la ihavtnonnlala district lbs Anguat raln fall wa henosrasJ. At two stations, Flat Hock In llomlersoa count), and Highland. Macon oonnly, over 80 tocbfK Ml, and at seven stations Aver 10 Indira lUIn fell at some places H ont of the HI days la to) at averar rainfall for the State dating May, J nor. July and August was n b- thsn M Inches. Tbl also on -fe wore Ihsii a record breaker. CASTOR I A for lalaaU tad ChlUrrt. fitlH Yob Bart All iji Ecttfi TRENTON. Septcm bcr 12. Miss Ora Credle who is visiting In New Bern was In Trenton Sunday. Misses Helen and Isabel Brogdon of Trenton ate. visiting relatives In Klns- lon. Messrs. Murray Whilaker and John Barker left for Trinity College Monday morning. Mr. S. Barker is building a fine bouse on Jones street which will lie a great Improvement to that part of the town. Mia Annie Rhodes left for Greensboro Female College Tuesday morning. Miss Cattle Koonce left Ibis morning for the Normal College at Greensboro, N. C. Mrs. J. C. McDanlel bas returned borne from a long visit to relative near Vance bo ro Mlsa Clara Simmons of Catharine Lake la vlilllng Mr. J. A. Smith, of Trenton. Dr. Banders of Hogue Sound made a short visit to his daughter, Mr. K.J'. Koonca, Sunday and Monday. Messrs. T. W. Brogdon snd W II. Hay wood of Klnston soent the day In Tren tin Sunday. Ml Dora Taylor who has been visit ing her many friends snd reistlves at Bowdeas and Ooldihoro returned last Monday. Mrs. S. K. Brown went to Pollocks vllle Saturday and returned Monday. Mlasas Cattle and lass Koonoe Want to I oilockavllla Saturday and retimed i Bnaday p. m. WK r. I.v, ITHIIHCf wool in B.1QHOD Tuesday felornlag the same day. MUa Kate Prllcbelt will have lbs opening of ber nllllasry the IMh of October. Dt. H. K. Konnoa of Potlockavlllc, was la Traatoa Taaaday, - ,w Miss Sarah Ilerrltagt, who anenl th samsaar at aer old kome In Klchlands ha rein mad to at lead school agala. Wa art glad loss Mr. Daa Dlioa back la Traaloa again. He Is clerking for Mr, F. P. Koonce. Mr. Una Hammond left (or tha Uni versity at Chapol Ulll, Monday mora 1. Mr. Dock Cot want to Klnstoa Wed nesday tad rata read tk aasae day. Hi - M W. TO CLEANSE THE SYSTEM F.fTcclually yet gently when costive or blllious, to permanently overcome hab itual constipation, to awaken the kid neys and liver to a hoalthy activity, without Irritating or weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds, fevers, use Syrup of Figs, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. A Blf Jewel Robbery. London, Sept 11 The Marquis of Anglesey was robbed of jewels valued at TO,OO0 ($150,01!')), which were taken from a room at Walslngbam House while he was at the thcalro last even-Ing. iii ki a i.i i, Sept. 12. Another quiet night, and the President's Improvement ' showed further progress today, a little s'llld food beinir given hlro. which was Ifiken ml h relish Buffalo, Sept 11. The danger in the President from two sourcis was pro nounced over tonight. T he rents in the stomach, caused by! the perforatum of the second bullet, are j now considered healed by the physicians l'r McBurney pointed to the fact that the beef juice fed to the President last ulght was readily digested as proof of this. Sufficient lime has also elapsed to warrant the doctors in staling that the danger of Inflammation where the bullet lodged has disappeared. Il is believed i that the ball has now become encysted In the muscles tf the back, and unless its locSAlon should prove troublesome later there will never be any necessity for removing It. Dr. Mann, speaking in regard to this, said he knew a man who lived for years with a bullet In the mus cles of his heart. The attention oL the physicians is now mainly directed to the care and treatment of the wound caused by the incision made in the abdomen when the operation was performed. This wound is progressing satisfactorily. Another milestone passed on the road to recovery was the discontinuance by the doctors of ihe figures showing respi ration variations. The President now breathes deeply and normally, and the addition of the respiration record to the bulletin was considered valueless. MraMcKinlcy still displays the same fortitude she has shown since the trag edy occurred. She went out for a drive again today and appeared bright Jand cheerful. The President's wife spent over an hour with him in the course of the day. Bi'KFAl.o, N. V,, September 11. Sec retary of War Klihu Boot, after a con ference with the other members of the President's Cabinet who are here and af ter talking with District Attorney Pen ney, who has charge of the prosecution of Czolgosz, outlined for the lirst time today the method of procedure which will be followed In the punishment of Ihe President's assailant. "The prosecution will take the usual couise," saiil Mr. Ko it. "The man will be indicted by the regn'ar grand jury i and will be tried at a special term of the State Supreme (Jourt. An extraordinary ! grand jury will not lie drawn. 'If there should be extraditions from other States these also will follow the usual method of procedure. T his is to say, the prisoners will be first Indicted and then a request w '1 be made upon the authorities of the State in which they may be to bring them here for trial. 0 course, C.olgosz will not be present ed for indictment until the full extent of the President's injury Is known." if the prosecution shall be for conspir acy with F.mma Goldman or any oilier person the State would be confronted with the fact that conspiracy is only a misdemeanor under the New York laws, and Us punishment Is not cuiiimensurate with the crime in this case On the other hand, assault with Intent to kill is a felony, anil as such is much more se rious than conspiracy. The physical presence ol Emma Goldman at the com mission of the crime Is not essential to make her a party to It If there Is oilier evidence that she actually brought It about. lira CATTIE With Tuberculosis OrJ.rcJ Killed Al kJlcifrh. WHY SUFFER FROM Grippe anJ ,i:l Mandamus Airumst lUi.ouul. tor Tax Afiessiiieiit I iv. i-i. r. i - Hecel pts Peuiiili A I Ml in e nt. Few Keieiiiii-Seizure!- Hai ku ii. N (' epteinb. i 12 Pin board of director- of the In-aiic Asylum here met to day and ordered that li'ill of the herd of cattle le killed About 40 are infected Willi tubcrculiMs A new stable for cattle will be built. The answer of the Corporation Com mission to the application for mandamus to force il to this year assess for taxa tion railway franchises will not be made until the return of the summons. No body save perhaps the two men who started this proceeding take it seriously. The Attorney Ganeral smiled to day as he remarked the case amounted to nothing. One of the foremost attorneys here sayB nobody here, bas taken the matter seriously, and that the legisla ture, the (iovernor and the Corporation Commission knew perfectly well what they were doing about the whole matter of not having an assessment of railway t property this year, save ot course roll ing stock. The sheriff of this county says there ' will be only a half crop of cotton and I corn. j At Rogers' Cross Uoads, In Nash j county, where Gov. Aycock and Trcap , urer Lacy at an educational rally today, barbecue was served to several thousand persons. Auditor Dixon spoke today at Smithlicld, Johnston county at the Con federate Veterans reunion, i The State auditor's book show that ! the treasury's receipts from the general ! fund during Aut'ttst were $17M,W. I'n- der the new revenue act there was re ! ccived during the month from the prop orty tax on domestic corporations $-1,-! 452 The poll tax for pensions this year is 12 cents, last year it wa; 1 cents. The weeding out of persons not tied to receive pensions continues. ! State board has nearly a third of the ap plications out of the way. In Lenoir county (K were approved, Id lejectcd Johnston 711 accepted, 11 r Hyde 2li accepted, 21 rejected accepted, 50 rejected, j Comparatively few revenue seizures ! arc now being made. Il is claimed by the olliclals that nioonshiiiing Is decrcas- Ing. The council of State will meet tomor row and will take up the matter of the enforcement of the oyster lax law and of the protection of the State timber trees in the eastern counties, on the swamp lands. The attorney general's work will be along the line decided on by the governor and council of Slate. CZAR MEETS KAISER. j Hfa CHILLS. FEVERS NIGHT SWEATS . ten enti-Thc iii jeclcd; in Halifax 77 un bangway il. Km William Shi Darling, 1012 Howard St., Port Huron, Mich., writes- "I have tried many pills and laxatives but DcWitt's Little Early Ulcrs are far the beat pills I have ever used." They never gripe. K. S Duffy. Fires Ready to Lighted. Joi.ikt, III., Sept. 11 An attempt ill bo made to. reopen the Illinois Stool Mills here Friday morning, Scplomtier 13, cither with or without the consent of the Amslgamalod Association. This fact was made plain at a protracted meeting of the striker to day. Two of the bead anerlnlindanU of the mill were permitted to addre the aesalon Ccntfef GUM BRANCH ft. W Pursell, Klnteravtlle, Pa, ay be suffered 35 years with pile snd could obtsln no relief nnlll DeW ill's Witch Usui Halve eflsctod a permanent cure. Counterfeit are worthless. F 8. Ifc.ffy. September 10 Owing to from home our Items will woek. There Is a plucky colored woman near here. She shot a licar twice mme lime since, but not being a good marksman bruin went his way. Look out for about a baker's dozen of our Ixiys wllh tobacco this week They arc going to try your market, do your licst for them and they will go again Two of our boy made a trip to More head last week and report a good lime. They were J T Barlicr and W. A New bold. We notice some are lieglnning to pick colton. Your scribe went Saturday lat in a picnic at Tuckshoe, and aloppod over un til church Sonday nd of coarse herd a good sermon, for H. W . Snmrell did the preaching. Mrs. Htwctt nd Ml Lacy llawklnt were guet of Mia F.llen Barber, laat Sunday, of course both were gladly wel flata yM a saaaa of fallaea la iba ra- gtoaofyotir siomark after MliiJr irk an yea will U U tofltad ky asltg Ckata. bffUla'a lUMaiack tad Lim Tablet They also ear batching aa4 armr stoav act). Thay rtfalaia Uw bovels too. rrlos, M cant. Hold by jr. B,' Duffy Co. x Ultimatnm Expires Today. Losikik, Sept. 11. A dlspstrh to the Times from Madrid says: if'Tka tlma Atad by Spain for Ilia re laa of taa Byaalsk boy asd girl- p t tired by Moorish Ulbas expires Beptern b 11. Itji tiU . OtavnU Mtsa wlatat a ettoatlo.. Uraf lb tribes art !fl rtWItoBjbtit law Madrid Oovam 1nt a (aVpoa1 to grant lt,dtaaad tog i fctMf thrr rcte, comptatatlon Is oask and ba-panlskiiraM f Iks tribes.. -r - . , rJB la kefUraiUUt oUsan powtsa aaip. portf f)stn'l'ettTa)si4lTut.faIlInd net tafsattAtv ftpMlskrtr yVT 1 sent U) Moorish wtrV 1 jC'mha other forms jf maladies when you i an be cured by Roberts' Chill Tonic The worU Joes nut conUiu a better remedy. kLuiy wonderful cures made by it. as cents a bottle Money refunJeJ if it fails to do the work. Delight ful to take. Local Druggists. I FULTON MARKET Oemed Fancy Ovum Cliecsr, Fum y Elgin BtiUtM', Portsmouth Corned Mullets, Ficslt Ciinni'il (iorxh. Sweet .Mixed ami Ciii iiiiiltci' I'irklcs and liuked Ilrinz licalis. Tomulti Catsup ami Wimhi'stt'i llll'Slic S;U'llilll'H. Wliolo Ch1 Fish. Anthiiio in Cmccrii's you may want. J. L. McDANIEL, 5 'lhoiie 91. lite Sinter, Imported and Wholesale A Retail Grocer, 71 roa Ht. 1 2th ANNUAL elerad Fais? Cl the Oriental Industrial Ntoek, Fruit and Agricultural Awtociation AT NEW ItEIlN, X. SEPTEMBER 16th to 20th, 1901. Kxrtusiniis from Is Ly niilroiiil uiiil WilmiiiKtiin, Louts. i;;ileigli, VViisliington and other The Leading Base Ball Clubs :ii ii l lli-s ll IV llillt. ils ol- Statc will roiniete for prizes. (Jrrinun Thurs- Mlhty Monarchs hmhra of a Yacht. 1 1 K I . A , 1'lUHv.iA, Si pttnilM r peror Nlchohm and KinpiTor met nciir llela today Tin; (iernian Imperial yai-ht Ilohcnol lern, llyiiiK the (ii'niian ami I(uHnlan Hlandards at the main, widiomi'd the Russian Imperial yai lit Sundart with an Imperial Halule, which the Standart returned, both crews dressini; shin, while ' the bands played the Itui-hbiu and Her man national anthems. ; Count l'latcii, the Kaiser's aide, went my abaence i on board Ihe Standart to uscort the Czar Ik- late thia wno went on lioard the llolicnoMern. The Kaiser reeelvnd his Imperial visitor at the gangway, where the two mon arch embraced. They then Inspectod the guard of honor together, after which tbey retired to the ipiarlcr dii k, where they remained In animated conversation until luncheon Al the tablo the Csr sal on the right of the Kaiser and (irand Duke Alnls on the left. The luncheon party Included Count Lamadorff, the Kusslan Foreign Minister, Count Ton Buelow, the tier man Imperial Chancellor, Count von Eulenbura. IUron Froilerli ks, Count von Scblleffen, Admiral ton llo(Tnin and Admiral Ton Tlrj'l'-- I Just a luncheon ended llela was sighted. The (lrrmn itiai!ron was drawn np In double lino, the vesneU ; lielng decorttol wllh bunting and the crews manning their Ides The llohon rollrrn. with Ihe two Fmperor on the ' brldLT. stcameil lowly lictween the J V Tlie I .ardent attrinlaiire of c. c i:.cil, T nt) y M. W. previous year expwted. I'. HOI.LKY, Pkksiiikvt. W. I.AWHKNCK, Secretart. At the Planters Warehouse. ACTUAL C C ll'OCK C. J. HEATH, r.s lbs. Jlc. 1M lba. a 8Jc. ir, " i7c :to " 88c. 1'.' " " K 112 " " 10C HI ' " HJc. 1(12 " " 13c. L. F. AVKHV H. I). WILLIH 17M lbs OH 12ic 4(1 Ilia. llie. 72 " " l.'iic 87 " " 2c. 7', " " 20c. f2 " " 27c. I). J FL I.CIIKIt W. M. FLLCHER. ',2 lbs (ii 22c. IH His. 44 3Hc r,l " " 2Uc. 44 " - 44c. 2 - ' .-tc K'i " " 15fc, "I " " 4(V. 4 " " lKJc. T U. KlMl'Kl.NH H. F. FULCHKR. 112 I lis it ate- "2 lbs. 4 11c. " " 40c. H8 " - 17c. i; " " 2.'ic M " " 0c. i:ic is " - c. MUS. MOLI.IK IPOCK RIMMONfl A MAT it llx. (ft 12(c 0N lbs. at 10e. 'IX " VHr fA ' 11.60. 41 " " 12c. 110 ' ' 15.00. r. " " av:. " n.oo. h " ' 41c. I 42 " " 8.J5. -1 a fat UUlsg'aara-faa aqta,- karat. Ktlds. tiles rt weasel an4.sta la D wntv ,wuesCaiAi.sitjL:Ms4 Aotklag aad ke!tg rswsxly for all ikla affsclloas. ' Acpt only the ftaatna. ? S Duffy. corned, bill Mls Lucy especially by one 1 llnea, followed by the rUandart amlbrri of our boy There are moir ople battling flh I this season than ever knows, sad noes slonslly s drummer comes along. "IXatrscted mectln" with Iks nsgroos tbay seem to be hsrlng s "Wg ssaetln". j Ws would llks to hsTa a position a I trarslllng salassaaa for a wholesale ! bones, as the Morsnoas "woaV glva ns say work, of course ws are a Hula hard on them, but not half as bard as I'sal would hsrs been were ht bars, for ba ssyt ka did not suffsr such to atlst for aa koar. If lba Nw Ilara merckanla rs fiult skarp perkaps oor tobacco boys will bring bom soms goodl. There Is soma Sat Mahogany going from Mr. Jna Rtlli'. Do yrwr bast for klm, Toort In a good knaiot wltk Ika roL lockiYflbj Bta with to aasna. Octm BTIICK, CRICK. Bo!l4 ksrd prtaaed btkk la say quantity yo mtf wtak al Moort't Wood Xtfd. enrorl. Tim yachts anchored at the beads of the rerpecllre lines, after which the admiral of the squadron wont on board the llnbenrollern and were pre cntod to thr Crar Nccro Will Die. Klnston Free I'rea 19th. Dare Mitchell, the colored man who was shot here Snnday night, ha taken a tarn for Ibe worse and will In all proba bility die sometime today or tonight. The man Is dying from stksnstlon daa to lack of trained nnrslng. lis bad ral lied front lbs Aperstloa and was doing alealr antll rastaeday afternoon, when pa grrw woraa. Oaa trouble la ba kss kad low an say Ttaltars wka ont of Idle cariosity ooatlnaad to crowd aroaad klat, onaUwry to tkt lattrwetloas of tht pkytteitat, - - - Ctcdcl Djtpcpsla Czvo C!tU what fm tst Bring us your tobacco we will please you. Planters Warehouse Co., J. M. HOWAED, Manaicer. S LAXATTVB TASTELESS I nHILL TONIC. 1 u I X. cjaina al tMila. Owmiii. sav tRAUNaSf B I'HABIMACV is apHy 4 aa a t'mmr Owly aM a White AaUjLogaJ Wnntrd. lOlacbas sadap la dtasaatar' It, 14, and II fast long. To ba atrmlgkt tad alear of aasoaad kaart aad ttasoaal knots) and'satakts. kaoU to Ik log Tar task, at loading; 11.000 M alt ttmf. v ' r.s.noAO, Ksw Bern, N. C To the Public 1 Afbtr thank for pftitt jpaUOoitg wo Jwlre to anncmnce that , on and after 8ptmbct it 190U tit. J 1. Hut (whom you all know) will bo fount at mt office to-'weleomo hU kvjitijr frlttidA, aSatlrtg tn 4 mlttod "to ftW 'Iho K)ld 'Beliall. frmH. which WU1 crmtlnti unilor Uu ttjrU ot , , ' Tourg tuirrrilj, i 's 1 ' t r i i 'i "

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