. J 3 r r :t r H- TBE WEEKLY JOURNAL ItTtJ PuhUahad L Two SactMM, erary Tuae day Md friday, at M attidfc Street, Bern, H. & CHARLES U STEVENS, orroa JU mapmaroa. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Two Month., Ctnta" Threee Months, , Six Momlne, t, no Twelve Month., 1 w ONLY IN ADVANCB Ad erasing rates furnished upon ap plication at the office, or upon inquiry by mall. ryThe Journal U only sent on pay-in-advanoe basis. Subscribers will receive notice of expiration of their sub scriptionn and an immediate response to notice wi.l be appreciated by the JoUBSAL. Entered at the Poetoffice, f?. C. as second-class matter. New Bern Section One, Tuesday. Not. i. 1801 COST OF ONE MUNICIPAL ELECTION. One dollar and eleven cents Is what It costs the city of New York for every vote cast at Its mayoralty election. This Is the amount per voter, that was actually expended by the bureau of elec tions for Oreater New York, the general Items being, rent of voting booths, places for the board of registry to Bit, polling lng places, and cost of collecting the votes. About 676,0OO Is the Bum spent by the bureau of elections .defraying the mayoralty campaign. Of that amountl$350,000 was expended for clerk hire alone. For rent of places for the board of registry to sit, polling booths, cartago and the repairs of the election appurtenances, $121,000 was paid; $30,000 was spent for the printing of the ballots and books for registering; $5,000 went for advertising the official nominations and the various othor mat ters Incidental to the election, regulated by state, county and city laws; $75,000 was spent In miscellaneous rent hire, for extra help and the thousand and one things that become necessary two or three weeks preceding election day. The above sum divldod by the number of votes cast, makes the cost one dollar and eleven cents for each vote. As a tax, the cost of each mayoralty election In Oreater New York, Is a most Important Item to those who must bear the burden of paying for the elections, CITY LIGHTS AND BETTER ROAD WAYS. In less than three weekB, the cltlzenB of New Bern can give expression at the ballot boi on the matter of having a well lighted city, or whether tho pres ent condition of stumbling about the Btreets after sun Bet, Bhall continue. Besides affecting very seriously every material interest of New Bern, this no lights on the public streets at night, the retail business of the city Is Injured by the dark Btreets now prevailing, ander the no light Bystem. With unllghted itreeta, It cannot be expected that people are going to go out at night, unless It is absolutely necessary, and besides the local trade thus cut off, there Is a certain amount of nearby outside city trade which is kept away, becauae of the present unllghted condition of New Bern. And the effect of dark streets upon visitors to this city, and what they may say about a city to out of date as to be without lighted streets cannot but Injure the reputation of the place. Another matter of public Importance, In that of good roadways In this city At the last meeting of the board of Aldermen, the street committee reported that the city's streets were In bad con dllion. The system pursued of filling up hole In the ttraeU by dumping enough oyster shells In each cavity to hide the depres Ion, has not and will not make good or paasabW street, la the sense of the kind of roadway Hew Bern ought to have. The street committee's report does not put the natter loo strongly when It says the streets are In bad condition. And the remedy Is not hard to find fcr potting the streets la food oondl Hon. TOUTH WOT A MATTER OP TEAKS. The nrofrees urtd advaac tat of the Malarial aUassM of Ua free! day akUaksi ha doe a way wtta Ua stage la aua'ij Ufa, f orsMrty aaowa aa aalddlo iff. Too aid old afa, may U iald tone UtrvefUteska U W of thasaeao o4y. a , Ulkiinawlom,r"rt- fattf rwttt Utt 00400 Ma.UpwrJ-taMMtflkioU. bw ttta pMTalloet. Tnon.ao tC&t Wtwt r ta Ue pretest gaaeruloa. It U the la-1 dividual plasticity of the maa that j eoanta. The peraoaal reaourcef olneat to remain freah, to have entrgy, to be oplLmieiic, without the Internal fever of exhaustion. The reckoning of today, 1 seen In England, where the appointment of Lord 6elborne and Mr. Wyndham to the English Ministry la viewed In tunic quarters wllh apprehension, on aocuunl of the youth of these men, both of whom are forty yean of age. lo this country Theodore KooaeM.it, has been held as too young fur 1'rttl dent of the United States, his forty four years being regarded as Insufficient fur maturity of action ueei-ssary in grist affairs of the country And yet the younger Pitt naseliM teen years younger than President Roosevelt when he became Prime Mini.- r of England, and eight years ymingt r than Roosevelt wa. Napolevn he n tie as made Kirsl Consul of France !" life. : However these statistics may appear.; he present age will not alter lis opinion f the youth of Pieslde.it lu.or-n. t Lord ielborne and Mr. Wyndham. The rapid materialistic existence ..1 the present day lias caused the disap pearance of any middle age period. 1 1 e man must have youth or old aire, f.n here can lie noJlialtl.'n; pi " e in lifcU- ween Hie tiope an i woik oij. wur, i. i i. Dd the completed oik, found in o'.d age. If the individual .'choice Uo made to throw away optimistic freshness, and the energy biund 'J execute hL'b deeds, and accept in place of these, clu- bellef, cynicism and the despair of ac complishment, then will old ac come, even though only thirty years have been passed. Is Ib the rejection of these hostages which force old ag;: upou the individual, hat gives place to au Invincible youth, which sees only)alhe sunny side of life and makes thrce'score and tcu no limit to youth, bu rather the period when the accomplishmentjof the heart's desires is ncarlng a complete andwholesome frui tion. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury. as mercury will surely destroy the sense f smell and completely derange the whole system when entering It through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescrip tions from reputable physicians, as the amage they will do la ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. , Cheney & Go., Toledo, (). contains no mercury, and Is taken Internally, asliiig directly upon the blood and mucous Bur- faces of the Bystem, in buying Hall's Catarrh Curo be Bure you get the gen- Ine. It Is taken Internally, and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co., Testlmonialsfrec. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall'sFamllv Pills are the liest. Denmark to Retaliate. Copenhagen, Nov. 14. The Danish Government is considering the most ef fective method of retaliating agaliiBt the United States should the diplomatic representations now being made In bo half of the Danish Chocolate exporters all. When you feel that life Is hardly worth the candle take a dose of Chamber aln's Btomach and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse your Btomacn, lone up your ver and regulate your bowels making you feel like a new man. For sale by t Duffy & Co. The Utah Earthquake. Richfield Utah, Nov. 15 -The damage to property from the recent earthquakes amount to almost one hundred thousand dollars. Scarcely a building In Sevier county escaped damage. Tin- Morman tabernacle was damaged to the eitont of two thousand. A Transport Ashore. Naeasakl, flov. 13, -The United Stales transport Hancock Is asuoro on t sonthslde of the straits of Shlmonoiekl Rhit Is rrnanded on a sandv bottom and Is being assisted off ay a German gun boat. T0U ENOW WHAT YOU ARE TAKING When tou lake Grove's Tasteless Chill Toalc, because the formula is plalnl printed on every bottle showing that It la tltnnlv Iron and uulnlne In a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 50r. Gale otf Newfoundland. Bt. Johns Nov. 15 A terrible gale ban rag loal coUl ,,D0 lMt n,'bl Many fatalities are feared among the Ashing craft. Texas Cottoa DtnMfed. Dallaa, Rot. 15 Ke ports Indicate that taat Bight's heavy froat la aortbera and antral Teiaa did great damage lo the eottoa cop. -I hare aaad Caaaibarlaia'i Oollo, (Jtolm aad Diarrhoea Beaaady tad tad H U U a great BMdldaf," My Nr. K. B PfcippOf PoUart, lik. 11 und m I Wood; flax. 1 eaaaot apeak to high ly of tU" Tall rosady ajwajr wtna O Ootf opbloa. If ot praU. f ttoee mU M fc. tU nkk nm whlak ft affeett trataUM bm4 mmn atU ft ft tarottt tTarrwam. Fef mo U I DkirCC aalfteA&. run nnnncgd Mt m It's th2s at trwa ear yvn will U atwatiert to see aswafaMy It hoaJe mrm. wav: , -a You can burn" yourself with Fire, with l'owder, etc., or you can scald yourself with Steam or Hot Water, hut there is onlv one proper way scald and that is,by,usm Mexican MustanLiniment!1 1 It givca immediate relief. Get a piece of Bolt old I , linen cloth, Baturato it with this liniment and bind loosely upon the -wound. You can have no adequate idea what an excellent remedy this is for a burn until . 3ou have tried it. raf t Am US I Tl D I' you havTa bird afflicted with" Roup or any rUnl lira othor poultry disease use Mexican Mustang Liniment. It is called a btahdaud remedy by poultry breeders, . Argentine Wants American Shoes. Washington, D. 0., Nov. 13 The Ar gentine Republic desires to place a con- ract for an annual supply of 60,000 pairs of shoes In the Lnitcd States, a rlbute not only to the superiority of I'nited States manufactures, but an ex ample of Argentine's wish to cultivate and extend business relations wtth this country. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup for Teething Babies. Price, 10 cts. Cures Wind-Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Gri ping Pains, Sour Stomach, Fever, Chol era Infantum. Dr. Hull's Baby Syrun promotes the digestion and soothes tl) laby. Low Makes an Appointment. New York, Nov. 15 Seth Low today appointed George L. Hives, corporation counsel, to succeed John Whalen. Mr. Rives is known for his devotion to re form ideas and Is high authority In Muni clpal law. Village Blacksmith Saved Little Son's Life. His Mr. II. II. Mack, the well known vl! lage blacksmith at Grahamsvllle, Sulll van Co., N. Y., says: "Our little son, jve years old, has always lieen Bubject to croup, and bo bad have the attacks been that we have feared many times that lie would die. We have had the doctor and used many medicines, but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is now our Bole reliance It Beems lo dissolve the tough mucus and by giving frequent doBcs when the croupy symptoms appear we have found that the dreaded croup Is cured before It gets settled. There Is no danger In giving this remedy for it contains no opium or other Injurious drug and may be given as confidently to a bato as an adult. For Bale by F. H. Duffy fc Co. Snow Storm. Watcrtown, Nov. 14. The'firat storm of the season 1b raging In northern New York. Hnow has fallen steadily for the last eighteen hours. Salvation Oil the Best Liniment. Price, IT, cts; large bottle 35 cts. Great est cure on earth for Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Soreness, Sprains," Backache Stiffness, Cuts, Bruises, Wounds, Swell ings, Burns and Frost Bites. Salvation Oil kills all pain. Porto Rico's Governor Coming Home Han Juan, i It, Nov. 18. (lovernor i Hunt and Mr. Brumbaugh, Commission er of Education, have.lefl for the United .Stales on the steamer Ponce. "Life Renewcr For Ladles. Olivia Peterson, of Coldwater, Mich., writes: "I had not been able to sit tip a half day al a lime for thirteen yean until I used the Mystic Life Renewer. It has cured me of nervous troubles, headache and a very bad stomach. It baa helped me In so many ways, and cured mc of afflictions thai the doctors said could not be cured. The bleaaed Life Uentwrr has done more for me than all the Patent Medicines, Doctors and Christian Hclence treatments com bined. It Is the most wonderful medi cine I ever saw." Hold by T. A. Henry, Druggist, New Bern. Another Bank Robbery. Spring Lake, N. J., Sot. 1 Tba Haw National bank was robbad early this morning. Tha aafe was blow a opea aad over one thousand dollars taken. Chamberlain's Stomach aad Liver Tablets cure btllousaaaa, conallpaUoa aad beadaefca. They are easy to lake aad plaaaaat la affect. For aala by F. t. Daffy 4 Co. Matt Pay the Tax. WasklagVM, Haw. Ifr-Tk OomW- siovat f Iataraal maa Ma lacidal to day Oat bear saaatfectarad la l Ualtad BUaai aad ahlppod t U rUflpplaM to ntrtaot M at Utaraal iwvttM tat Tk rtllaa U a mtml f rtaAered 17 laa Cwimlwloaaf amrai waaka ag. Barm KaxVra at tM m oei u to cure a bum or Awful Work of Storm. London, Nov. 14. An incomplete list of thejpersons who have lost their lives on the coast by drowning during the British storm already aggregates over ISO. Tons of wreckage of unidentified ves sels are still being thrown up. Alto gether it is known that 50 vessels have been wrecked along the British coasts. Thirty-lour of these have been absolute wrecks. The loss of a lifeboat and 11 of its crew near i armoulh ueaos tne usi oi today's vrrecks. TheJIIfeboat was on its way to the rescue of a distressed vessel when it waa Btruck by a great wave and capsized. The crew was imprisoned and only three of them succeeded in es caping, l he dead men leave 44 lamer- lcss children. Tho Norwegian bark Erratic, of Chrlstlansand, was wrecked In the vic inity of rJaltburn and eight members of her crew drowned. From wreckage seen In Belfast lough It 1b supposed that the 59-ton collier White Abbey has been lost and hcrcrew of nine drowned. A Physician Testifies. "1 have taken Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and have never used anything in my life that did mo the good that did," says Oounty Physician Geo. W. Scroggs of Hall County, (is. "ISelng a physician I have prescribed it and found It to give the best results.'' If tho food you eat remains undigested in your stomach it decays there and poisons lbs system. You can prevent this by dieting but that means starvation. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure dleests what you eat. You need Buffer from neither dyspepsia norstarvS' tlod. The worst cases quickly cured. Never falls. F. 8. Duffy. United Daughters of Confederacy WiiJIihotos, N.C.Nov. 14-Both the morning and afternoon sessions of the United Daughters of the Confederacy In session In this city, were taken up to day In hearing reports from the national officers and State presidents. All of them were gratifying and Indicative of a healthy growth of the organization dur ing the past flncal year. The report of tho credentials commit tee received thts,morc!ng'shows that 14S chapters, Including 4.709 members, are represented In the convention. Tonight the local and visiting Daugh ten are guests of the Wilmington Light Infantry al a rocptlon' In; their armory. Will You Sleep Well Tonight? Not If you have a cough that begins to torment you a soon as yon lie down. Tou can conquer the cough with Allen's Lung Balsam, which will relieve the pain In the cheat, tha Irritation Ib the throat and tha hard breathing. Blaoe It contains no opium, this remedy may be given freely to children, and to the most delicate adults. Wants to Bay a County. lULswn, Nov. 18. Aa A she vills maa writes the auditor that he aeaa li the pa pers Dare county Is to be sold; waaU to know If al pabltojaala, what the aasouat of debt Is for which H to to U aold, aleo the acreage of tha eoaaly. The fact It that under a decree of tho Federal Oemit 1.10,000 acres of limber laads ihere art to be aold, as lbs oalooaaa of a loaf Uav bar wax. Life Boat Crew Loat London, Nov, U-Ta Ufa boat which weal to tha aid of a veaaai It diet rasa off Tarmoalk oa pel aad lad laraa oacapaati of tha boat wera as red aad atgbt mlaa- Traced; tt Dawtai Citj. Taaaoavar, Hot. I Olrouard Ootwraajraat tg tetrtrf la tha KloadTka, aa Shot aad kfUad ta Daw Oily Moaday by a but as mad Itotd, aa Ua ratal of a dlaptta ova aslaiaf prop arty.,. ; - - : VW- ! dmiiomi :ruKD: Its AppfHameit to tfee Set mis by the State fcftaxt Free tar Imu la Wllkea. Tat Data Salt lUtt Iiklttt Waa u Char Ue tea. A New aUllraa Tariff. RiLaiaa, Nov. 11 The Bute board of education apportions of the first f 100 000 appropriated by the legialatare to the public schools 18 cents to each child between 6 and tl years. It ws staled sometime ago the second $100,000 caa not be apportioned until January, as re turns must come la. A circular about It was sent oat today. This shows that the report must be tied as to what par tlcular schools need aid to bring them up to 4 months la the year, whether Ike county has reached Its limit In taxation, whether fines and penalties have been paid over, etc. It does not include local taxation. The county superintendent of Wilkes county Informs the State officials that ten or twelve bar rooms In that county do not pay a cent of State or county tax The mailer will be strictly looked Into Such negligence on the part of officials there astonishes those here. It was expected that a suit Involving title to the .land on (whlch the town of Dunn stands would be tried this week In Harnett court but 11 goes over to February. Very few revenue seizures have been made In thlsdlstrlct lately, the officials report. Auditor Dixon says the State pension board will add a few names to the list. there having some been passed on since tho list was printed. He says the contract Is awarded for a central heating plant at the Soldiers' home. The Daughters of the Confed eracy will pay part of It. The last car load of this State's exhlb will be shipped to Charleston Tues day. Secretary Bruner goes there Mon day and Curator Brlmley of the State Museum goes Tuesday. By December 1, the entire exhibit will be Installed. Today J. M. Culp, traffic manager of she Southern railway, was here to see the corporation oommlsslon regarding the new freight and passenger tariff re cently fixed by tho commission un! form oa all the Southern's lines and branches In this State. Mr. Gulp dors not like the tariff In some respects and filed one for the commission to consider The object today was to ariango an en tlrely satisfactory and proper tariff. Attorney General Ullmer Is better. His attack of typhoid fever has been in prog ress three weeks. To show the shortness of the cotton crop in this section, a farmer said yes terday he had picked 6 bales from 30 acres and that perhaps half a tale was left. Your correspondent looked at the cotton. Over half the bolls were killed by frost. SAID TO BE CANDIDATES. Jarvls Scheduled For Congress. Carr For The Senate. Special to Journal. Raleigh, November 15 Claude Ber nard, United States district attorney, gives out tho news that ex-Senator Jar- is Is lo bo a candidate for the nomina tion for Congress In the First Dls- rlct. It Is asserted that Julian S Carr is to be a candidate for the United Btatee Ben ate again. Hester Still LlYlng. Bpeclalilo Journal. FUlbioh, Not. 16 B. A. Hester, shot In the head last night at his farm near here by a negro named Blnton, Is still alive. The name of the negro waa Tom Hlc ton and he was lying In wall for another negro with whom be had quarreled. Be saw some one passing and shot Mr. Hes ter by mistake, tha ball entering tha bead two tnehea above tha left aye. H in ton left at once and la being searched. Weather indfCotton. Bpeclal to Journal. RiLilcn, Nov. 15. The October weather report for this Blate, Issued today, aays the mean temperature was 59.8 degreea, about precisely nor mal. The highest was at Bouthport, the lowest al LlnrlUa. Tha highest on one day was 90, tha lowest li. Tha rainfall waa only 1 .68 lacbaa, or 1.06 below Ue normal. Tha government crop report for this State says the great number of cotton bolls rotted before they saalarod. Terrible Disaster at Sea. Philadelphia, Mot. 14.-A large sUam ship baa been blown to places with all on board. No knowledge of bar M or bar character la to be bad from Oaf- laln Fat laa, of the staaaar SUaka, who saw the disaster. Dyopopsia Curo Dbesta nnit yon cat. Tbla trrwrwaUoa eorrUlna nil d Ua dlffaaUnta aad dlowita all fclada d food. ItflfwalMtMtr4MW4Bm fallatocur. ltaUownyoe) bo aat iba food yoa arani, Tb nsoataaaalUva tioaaaoha aam laJaa tt. y Ita maa l&aoy Uroorana4a of drmaatloa bava baa Cur4nAaTarTkjDf alaa falla4. It pre raw ta ferasaWeaef fMaw lhaLun aca, raiiannc au isra trw aawof, LXaUBgaaniieaanry. llaaaanttotOA r.WM fcr n ixwiw a f i ,a-w lMrl.biMeMakM4MMtkM.M r.a DTjm co. ?aal3. rrr a 90BV jOm KnripT11xtOf EXACT COPT Or WmPBTA W J Tobacco is Selling High. And you will make no mistake in bring ing it to the New Bern Markut. Our buyers are anxious for all grades from scrap to wrapper, and we will see that you get the full worth of your load. LAST PREMIUM SALE OF THE SEASON, THURSDAY, NOV. 2 1st, Premiums are Offered on All Grades, Bring in your tobacco and we will please you with GOOD PRICES. Yours to Pltast, Planters Warehouse Co., J. M. HOWARD, lfamat?er B. CURRIN, Auctionter. just nEiraivEw a Car Load Flout mode froa nrw waaat. If yon wank goorl Bread don't fft.il to glte ub a call and yon will be ture to become our oiBtomer. We alao hare a freeh supply of all kinds of CerflB inch u ITeckni ' Flap Jack Panoaka Flour, Ueckera Prepared aad Old Fashioned Bnckwheat, Shredded Wheat Bin cuitc, Quaker Oat flakes, Patty juin Break faet Food, Kye and Onthara Flonr, Freah Grlta aad Big IToiniiny, Carolina Itioe, Ac. Fox River and Fancy Elgin Hutter ro cciTd freah ererj week, nlo full line of M lice Meatn, Muy ple SyTup, Ac. Yours to Pleao, T. DP-Aa,ESZBK, Jr., WboWaalo and Katall roaar, P1105K 69. Vt. Bra1 A ITtuMdrck . The for oar Carbon and other heatlnf latrraf ar . aiaailad. ar eipectatlooavand ou ituck la arakaai, ,W atpaot e Ucm- , day to bar then In and vlll bo prwpvad HI ar4rt M Tneaday, . r - v.-s . f -- 'C 1 full Uno of Wltooa and eaaadafjllfaUra la took (ran HM to V .(' U Bali; Bcarihgbastors; " rrowplnaM aad laalaiaotloo aatarod oar eaitoaern. ' rsost ; in. IBB TtTlmfttmte ftj CMllrm Tb Kind You Havo Always Bosu Bears the nature of In Use For Over Thirty Years thi aftfmtajn awftV hm m u 1 a M.rfTT aasklll; Hardwaroi.Co.''.. 1