mttkh VOLUME XXIV. NIW BIKJi, CRAY IN COUNTY, N. ('., TLKSDAY, DICIMBIR 31, 1901. -FIRST SECTION, SUM 6 IK C9 , VBRDICT OF CORONER'S JURY. NEGRO LYNCHED Resumed Preaching After Making Money Swindling. MUCH MOIEY people f the day ijtwwwiMA The Au Attendance Association Academies Small. Cotton Mill Men Puz zled. Light Snow Fall. Another Cannon For Mu seum. Pension DU bursement Kalkiuh' December 88. The attend ance at the annual meeting of the Asso ciation of Acedemles la not large. It la now, by last night1 yote lha "Aisocla tlon of Colleges and Academies." There Uaa evident desire ihft, j?ii of U academy men that some at least of the colleges shall raise their standard of re quirements for admission, which If statements be true must be very low In deed. Tho cotton mill men say the condi tions Just now are really puzzling. For some lines of goods there is a great de mand; for others none at all. Forty negroes left the southern part of this county today for Florida. They are to work at saw mills. A little snow fell this morning. The weather Is very unsettled. Assertions are made however that the coldest weather of the winter iB over. February is as a rule tho worst month here. A Spanish 4.7 cannon, one of tho guns of the secondary battery of the Cristobal Colon, has arrived here, to be placed In the Slate museum. It Is some 14 feet In length. The gun will bo placed beside the one brought from Manila by the cruiser Raleigh and presented to this city. The Spaniards threw overboard the breech block of the Cristobal Colon'B gun. Mention has bcon made of the fact that Kcv. T. Bright, a Baptist preacher Is charged with hoinz one of the arch- swindlers of the notorious Amos Owen Cherry Tree Company. .He sold out and resumed his preachlngl after having $9000 out of the nefarious business. The Baptists will now unfrock him. The State mission board has withheld Its allow ancc to all the churches he serves. It Is surmised that he will ondcaror to lu ll uenre, 6ome of his churches to endorse lilm. One hns sent hi an endorsement of Mm. Since last Monday the Slate treasurer has pavd out fin, 068 on account otpiiLr slons. .Slate auditor It F Dixon whose health for a month has not been good, hasgono to Hiaufort for a few days in the hope that the nhH nir will hencfit him. Theolliceis f)r tho North Carolina Ti hi turn A h- in lily for the ensuing year were elirti'd hciu lust night. Kdward Minn of Trinity 1'olWe, Durham. Is president. The place for the neit an nual etsnlon Is nol yet chosen, but will be at the neit meeting. To the retiring Secretary, C. 11. Mebane, a cane waa presented, for his actlvo and zealous work. It Is ml'l thai work on the Kinston & Carolina Kailway, which the Stato has chartered, In to begin In 80 days. Flndlnr In The Cropscy Case topiy. EuzaBETn Ott, N. C , Dec. 27. -Be low li given In full report of the autop sy and verdict of the coroner's jury Tb Autopiy. "Tho remains showed no marks of violence. The garments were removed and bodv fullv eiDosed. Tho euldcrmls , rf fA nH hpftrt tnfrctlipr wliti imlr of seventy j ears head, were peeled off. Tho face and head were swollen and sodden. There were no external marks of violence on head or face. Discoloration of pinkish tinge on front of the head and face with slight bluish discoloration over back of neck and occiput. There wore no marks upon front of neck except as made bs constriction of br collar. "On anterior aspect ofthe body there were bo marks of violence, the top skin wal macerated and slipping In 'places and of a pinkish discoloration. The above state sent holds true in reference to posterior aspect of body. Vaginal examination showed normal condition of a virgin. The body was then laid open freely from clavicle to symphysis pubis, and a full examination waa mado of tho In ternal organs. The uterus, or womb, was of a normal virgin size and con sistency, and upon vertical suction Bhow ed Itself to be entirely empty. The stomach, upon being opened, emitted gas and was found to contain about ten ounces of dark fluid and solid substance; the solid substance presumed to be undi gested food. 'The appearance of stomach and other abdominal organs was normal. The longs were collapsed and free from water. Upon cross section it showed a dark liver color and upon pressure emit ted small bubbles of dark bloody froth. A small section, when dropped Into wa ter, floated. Thore was no fluid found In the pleural cavity and tho pleural membrane appeared to bo normal. The Deribordlal sack was opened; no effu slon. Both right and left SpcU: Term Asked. But Mob Lynches Negro Before TrUi Special lo Journal., Dec. 2. Today, " !'.. rls came here from Jackson, Nor'.h Hampton counly, bringiLg a petition for a special term of court .to try Peter Mitchell, the negro who Christmas Day outraged Mr . Luclmia 1 1 111, nUdv aged ' The Governor ordered a special term ' beginning January '.'(.1th and gave an order to Hanis, bill a few minutes later a telegram was received by Harris, that I a mob last night lynched Mitchell. The Governor thero Upon revoked Un order for the special term. Association ol Academies. Special to Journal. IUi.ruiH, Dec, 2?. The North Caro lina Association of Colleges and Acade mles today elected Its officers. John Graham of Warrenton President, A. F. Sams of Cary, Vlco President, H L. Madison of Cullowhce High School, Secretary and Treasurer. Tho State Literary and Historical So ciety was endorsed. Resolutions of re gret at the illness of State Superintend ent Toon were adopted. Governor Ay cock mado brief talk. GOLD BRICK MEN. Judfc Purncll Dismisses Petition for Their Discbarge. Appeal to Su preme Court. Special to Journal. Km.kiuii, Dec. 2H. Judge Purncll of the Federal Court this afternoon dis missed tho petition for discharge, under habeas corpus, of the proceedings of IJuwley, Harvard and Daley, the gold brick swindlers, who arc convicts In the penitentiary here. Their coueel gave notice of appeal lo the United States Supreme Court from cavities of I l'le Judge's decision, and also that they would apply to Chief Justice Furchcs of North Carolina of the Supreme Court for writ of error to the United States Supreme Court. They say Furchcs will grant this writ. An Evangelist's Story. i i i . .. I i.t.,1 I i suiieieu mi yenia wiui a uiuneioai I or lunir. trouble and tried various romc- die but did not obtain permanent relief heart were laid open and found equally empty and darkly discolored. The heart was normal. Upon the section of tho scalp all around the head one Inch above the. brow there was found on the left side at the junction of Ihe aqucmous portion of the temporal, parietal and frontal a dark discoloration of the muscular sub stances about 3 by 2 inches in extent vniuiy iuie.Ke.img ino um-uiar suo- ,, ,,.. Blance and upon a section of which there i VlJ,lf,h :. wriU,3 U(.v Jfirm,s Klrk. eiuded about half an ounce of 'Hrk mil:, (.vhukcMhI of l!oll; River, III. "1 fluid blood. Tho bone bencalh this con- ( 1,.lV(. m) ll(.siu,iun n recommending It luslon was discolored slightly blue, j (() n1 ;.,llfr0rers from maladies of this There was no other abnormality In a"Y J kiii.t." One Mlnutti C'ougli Cure affords part of the scalp, which was completely j mlm,,liiai. relief for coughs, colds and dissected. j all kiiulti of throat and lung troubles. "There was no fracluro discovered i.t K(ir t.roun i( itj , ,luHnt.(l. Absolutely anypolnLof the cranium. The skull j 8nfl. Very pleasant to take, never falls bone waB sawed through at Iho point of i Hllll is r(..,n.. a f,iv1,iu, witi, u,e children Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Cures a Cough or Cold at once. Conquers ( roup. Whooping Cough aud Meailet Co nub without fall, licit for Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Grip;, Phcumonla, Con sumption and I. ung Affections. Quick, sure nulu. Prlc, 2Ac. Ttmttml. floorer Aren't you nfrnld much can dy will hurt jour complexion? Ethel-Yea You ore, too, ain't yon? -New York Weekly. Distinguished Citizen Gone. Kiiaion, Doc. 30-Wllllam Henry Harrison Cow lot died this afUrnooa at his home near Wllkeiboro. During the Ctvlt War waa the Colon! of the First Worth Carolina cavalry and his promotion lo brigadier gonaralcy wu specially recommended by Oovernor Yaoca. Be aerrtd four terms Id the Untied StaUe (fee f Waa and was a aecretiry of the Worth Carolina Senate and solicitor of this district. His age wu 81 CHURCHMEN. The Htv CberWe T. Wright, wba la In charge of the Kplacopal eborch work among the Indiana at U, U full Wooded MUa He to tba on of the femotea Indiai thltf Whit. Cloud. ird aa web H the dlmt bead U it ntihwa trite Btv. Dr. irne IV CJartu prM -r th. Wartfa ChriaUa odevoe, til aaO for Earof p,rooal effovii W iore nrwl U fl. "UJ I Mini KW idJtiava, tptll, Half, Uottand, Pofcaa m4 algfifc The Bet. Of. Dlet J. Bf. M us UtMrtt. PM .tU rat btted o U 0 tU- etottr maa la the Cfclled Itattm,' Itt rat ! irienMdiMMbNtl lUf as Biaittef for tetratj-it fn. Bvering kit tort rmm twt )m CASTOR I A 7tr UIUU ui ClBfitA. Til lfcit8lF?Ti!r:jit P4asr( circular section mentioned abovo and lifted from the brain. There waa no ef fusion of blood upon the surface of the brain or any evidence that violence had reached Its structure or Iho internal plates of the bony covoring. The brain substance lUelf was In a natural state and showed, tu far as we could soe, no evidence of damage. "The bralu wat removed. While the mcnlages were Intact and the haae of the brain thoroughly lnsected, thero wb i N. no damage lo blood vessel or bony ttruc-1 lure. Ti c odontoid process was in us normal condition and firmly held iti re- ! alrainlr.g ligaments. I (Slgued) 'J H. Wood, M. I)., j "O. Mt'McLLAM, M I) , ! "T FKiBi.Nii, M. 1)." I I d If ( c f 1 1, r I vrdiir I ' J II I )' "Wc, the coroner's Jury, having been dely summoned and sworn by Dr. T Kearlng to Inquire what earned the death of Ella M. Cropsey, do hereby report that from the Investigation made by three physicians of Elizabeth City and from their opinion, and alto from oar person al obeorvatton, that said Rlla M Cropscy came lo her death by being stricken a blow on ibe loft temple and by being drowned In the Pasquotank river. We have not yet Investigated nor beard any alimony touching at ',0 who Inflicted the blow and did Ike drowning. We are ta formed thai on Jetaee Wilcox Is charged with same aad la now In custo dy. We recommend that Investigation at to bit or any ont else's probable guilt be had by On or more magistrates In KllMbelh Oily township, and that said Wllcw bt held lo await said Invettlga lion (Signed) "T. PaARimi, M. I) , "Coroner. "P. h. Bhlp. II. F. Space, Maurice Watteoil, Robert J ktlcholl, J. II Pert bet, J. H.Leroy I'hey like it. F. S. Dully. Walnut Taffy and Walnut Hiitlercups at McSrirley's. THE MARKETS. The fol owing quotations were recoiv wl hy ). K l.iilhain & Co, New Born Nrw Yokk, Dec. 'Ml Co i tun. Open. High. Low. Close Dec H.OO 8.01 January H.ijr, H.U7 M 00 H.OO March 8.14 H 11 8.10 H. 10 May H 21 H 21 8.17 H 17 July H.2,1 8.25 8 20 H.20 Where Are the Funds for State Ex penditure to Come From. Half a Million Dollars Will Needed f,.r l'.i 'J. New Tex tile School Machinery. Ihe Alllnir Officials. I U.u.kii.u, He ;, .'io -Today chief clerk Moody, of ihe Mate treasury, made up a summary of expenditures for l'JOO, and those which under the acts of 1U01 will have lo he made in 1&J2. The result is startling to the otllcials, and they want to know whence the money will cocie to mest Ihe great increase. H'jre arc the figures as prepared, showing the appro priations for various purposes in 1 ;C and those for l'JOJ !'00 llcaf Mute School if 10,000 Wind Institution University Normal and Industrial Collego Agricultural & Mechani cal College Agricultural A; Mechani cal College (colored) Morganton Hospital for Insane Raleigh Hospital for In sane (lolilsboro Hospital for Insane Soldiers Home Dangerous insane and ne gro Nor mill schools Totals $ Net increase of VM2 over 1000 Balance unpaid for l'Jol To be paid in 11103 Increase in pensions Increase in public schools Increase In judiciary Increase in sundries Total Increase to bo met ,r,31.000. The 1 "f act Increase in revenue over 1900 will not be over 70,000, the ofiiclala say. There is thereforo a great problem be fore them. Here is nearly half a million dollars to be met. How shall it be met ? The legislature evidently thought the new revenue act would yield a vast In crease. Tho treasury olllclals say it docs not materialize, Dr. Ocorgo A. Henn, assistant surgeon U. S. A., arrived yesterday from the Philippines, whero he lias boen two vears. 110 made tne I rip arouuu world. Tho machinery Is being Installed l.i the nearly completed textile school building at the agricultural college here. Us value is estimated at f25,O0O and il is a gift to the college. The cost of the building is 25,000. Attorney general Gilmer i-i now able to bit up a little dally and yesterday took several slops. Stato superintendent Toon's heart yestorday suddenly Bhowed signs of weakness, and today its action was not uuu. -jyiii TO'CLEANSE THE SYSTF.Fl I ' Kdcctually yet.gently wbcnjeoslivc or sl:ll, , blllious, to permanently overcome hab Itnal consllr.allon. to awaken the kid- In I ncys and liver to a healthy activity, ! lor ' ' without Irritating or weakening them, "f 11 to dispel headaches, colds, fevers, use Syrup of Figs, made by the California Klg Syrup Co. HALF A BILLION IN DIVIDENDS. lie riayt-d For Ihe Kins. John Philip Sousu and his Lund have been winning laurels In Eurorx-. Their most noteworthy sucoess rv.-viitly was made at Saridrtnghuui, where they played Ix'forv Klnjj Edward and the royal funilly. Tho Victoria medul was pivsente-d by King Edward to tho bandmaster, the Prince of Wale6 per- 'Phone Ol. Chlcago;.Dec. U0. Wiirat: Open. High. I,ow. Close Dec 77J 7R, 77J 7HJ May 814 H2J W H2i Corn: Open. High. Low. Close May 6.H 6i 0.ri 80i Hlb: - Open. High. Iew. Closo Jan BW) 80.') New Tork, Dec. 30. Btcks, - Open. High. Low. Close Sugar UN 1 1 Hi llf 116 Con. T 119 Be Hy m Mi m C. S. L 10 11 10 13 D. .H. 8 4HJ m 421 48 Tex. Pao . HKt 8i A. C. K. . 30 30J V. C C ftt (18J GH Mi Oopasr . 701 70t (Wi Enormous Disbursements This Week. Bow tt Cure Croip. Jfr. B,Qray who II fee aear AaeeoU, Dmeteaa toaaty, H. T, aaya; "Chamber klm'l Ooeuja IUaaedy Utke beat aiedl da i bava tvat aaed. It It a UneehllJ. rea'a naaedr fof troep aad never fall la nre Wbea lvea a eooa a tU akUd becoaee bo arte, or even arte tbe Croapy baa developed, Il will p re veal tM attack. This should be borne Il mit aai 4 bottle of the Cook lUme 4y kept at keaj TAj tot laeiaat aee a oo at tbeee tyasploeai appear, for eak by f.g.Peff aCo, Tbe lepertorlty rf Carollea Coik Cte tlee la Ike atapla, aalaral nm tU vafelellea, of which II ktoapoeeds Ton aaaaot pt a bet let faatll aoh reiedyi If yoa try ft yo tQltlvan aea it bet jo bava t eoefk lo break tp. Bol4 at M eta, u4 paraata by Bradbaa'l rUmacy. W RHHN COTTON MABUKKT. Cvltoa u qaoteilln the locsl market yoitoday at 7 M to 7 75 Bpoia 4 19-11 Halet 11.000 halve, ralaree, Ltao-Jen 4 SI. Apr-May Msy-Jteo 4 51. heal week tM.OO TWe'weelt. Bel.' 3000- kto.' AMO0 Taea. ' Wad. Tbara J frl. netoiMrTa. Hos week last year. MS, 000 17000 W009 KWOO tTOOO IflOOO I7I.0C 'ill' M V'T Nkw York, Dec. 80. Intenpt and divldond disbursements for the January 1 period will this year break all records In point of volume. Tho recorded disbursements of the July period on railway and manufactur ing stock and bonds amounted to f 12;t 1 4,43. From this a conservative esti mate la mado that the payments of the present period at New York alone will fully equal ItM.OOO.OOO. Conservative estimates placo tho Janu ary distributions of Hoston at tSW.OOo, 000 and of Philadelphia at 23,000,(KJO. Considerable payments aro alto made at Baltimore, Chicago and St. Louis. It Is Impossible to make any estimate ol the vast turn which fallt due In the country In general. It 11 I vast sum, possibly 1500,00000. Among the largo payments of Inlcroat are tboae of tho Uovernmenl, cxorediDg $1,100,000, which hare boen anticipated, end following hard upon tbe January period come pension payments of alioul $13,000,000. The Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul road will distribute upward of $8,400, 000 In Interest, the Chicago, Burlington tad (Julncy In eicete of $1,000,000, the Baltimore and Ohio about $3,000,000. Among tne beery dividend payers reckoned at thli perlor art Ibe Chicago and Kortbwestem road, about $1,830,000 tbe Lake Bhore and Mlcfalgeh Southern, $1,71,831; tbe New York Central, above $1,500,000, the Hew York, New Ifavea nd t! art ford, $1,100,000. The Atnalgt mated Copper Company wilt pay, the mm; of 11,(99,000, and the Wealeni Union Telegraph Company $t ,KO,000, . . A a a U ttotlol Dyspepsia Curo ClsU rbt ft Ufa il mKJ 'Mm I J( L I ji -i;s rim.rc w o - v. I j5 5.0C0 10,000 s,;,,lb ..,,,,,,,, , s j m s l.ri'ii t. !: I .!!,!:.. ..t t!n v eltt to 100,000 r.iO.ooii u .., , .. . ;...-i,,!:t ii xiU: i " ,. -- pi . I 1 the King.' -,5,110(1 77,75', Mi.d t'i'-ii Id- ::.:rj. :'v m-iu v..r.l In' ' .1 ''1 11 SMI' Sj.:tiiL'.t IbUllliT,' 45,000 75,000 '''"--' ' !'. ' !! ' H"'' . 10000 n,00o! I"'l('"l!"': ''''!" E !v, ,t 1 up. The tfl l;.-. .. I , . i !c '. -: fi Anieilenn v.r i hvimi Kin - in.-! (! 'Wu- hliigtoii Post 'I 15,000 1J.500 : M;ll.1, ,,,v..v -,-,. kltlK, A j n-r!i!; i-.-pi. -:m! ii - f.. pbiy 'Iliiinln & ,il)-i,l 10 .i.-i,jiio , ..... .. ,1, , j.j, Won I ji: jttml h.' .:.'it i '1"1 ' 1 1 i ' ; ! i . ' He next Clj $ 1SG.U00 ; r.-pi' s! d ' it:, I the 'Coon 100.000 Ihinil.' A! end I!, l.liw- niralii pent Ak : word to j :;!.-. ''I'!. - :'!:ii- Spiineli'd Ittin- i aw; ooo ' "' !"' : i" '"''''i m.-imI up." W ' I':-Hienter H-i-il on Sniini(hy. iJC 100,000' t ,,n,- ...i: the lliriiti r crowd knew W 100.000 1 Thoiiui.s P.nieKett lo - 1. Tho plitys j 10,000 ' wen- oM-r mid the- car Tho jfly 35 000 ' 'dp iis.-m w:i - : . a!.-l, l!dnl.!iu;. perhnps, d:i.V - ii ! v. a; l.novu nn tho r::i:r jii'i; i:n r.;nnio;:T ;-:ie iiiui-n in ri i 1! 1i- liiloi.i mid i;o,o in enii.-atiiring j j Ms n i r 1 1 1 - i i:i ; iiiul i oi:nd fne.". l'er- iii I baps the e. ; ta h -ma n wondered that ' there ii:i n. I ooo ti ii -Hilly nod or re- fi ' spi-, tud h-'v. I'.ir liiio ai.-oiin those l,p!,:;l, ' d ! :;ia! happy New ili : Yoi-k.-r.:. T! fMi-i-r kn.-w the man W i from Main.- : -r,.1. i:d.n.i. d to stop the (8 Iflir near 1'VI I'. ;iin;l Tail; South, for R Mr. Heed do.-; not lll;e t 1 i-o ai-rt.-.l Hi'- iii yond hli ih-l i:ei t ion. ' 'J j lint Willi the ninny diitlon of IiIh fj erow.'rd ear Ihe ..ndiietor missed the AV ..i . i . . ...... . .. . 'ei... .T.- LII.UI.O l') O' l on. ii .ii.-.. i .ii- ..n ut.ii j pas.-.ed the .-" -'i. i v. I.oii th.' ''iiduotor W . not i - il Ihe li;: I:, ."ii i'-a. Iitnjr to ring to ( 'Ihe laoloiiaaa. !!.- Iiiirrl. d to Ihe ex- fa Up, a! it and ,-. .1 hi ; sorrow nt iji I ,,,o ..',.,i. ,. m il... i-i.-l I i,.ee (l '-I '"ii'l veil "a! hl7. v. i:h mo. Kir," I said Mr. -a 1 : !i the : w inVle In IiIh 'A evo u hleh i d to r,i n : i di i r to pro- e; jp. sumpll'. e .- am. ssiii.-ii. must not X- W"f ...... I i.i .... i, . ,.n !l U olll of . .' J djl.'. an. I l'ie ' d. i.!a-" "il ean find J -yiiipalli.v ii"v Is lu i'i" dh tiouai y." - O ri'.i(ii I f.i'rnini.) IntrreBlw. g n ol' tho .ll-en -i. ns mieiit the Q . , f ;,.ri.,:,i! t .v, a. 1 I In; I'liitcd L. i-. 1 il. 1 r. 1 this ,-imn- -w -5 . ui'. , f ! il i-J.amvl ftr niil I'.oh .'. 'm I l.o i-'irly hotrrs P .1 , . o or 11, i,'i,-hiifir Y I n r , r'"; i 1 ''" ' '.it 110 11 iMtrn ;:::,,::;;;:r::;;.;;ir:;: New Shapes j ward H" ' . .i .' i.i'l ' 1 , -1 tit-.-.. 'I he J lirovvriiiii-us '"i- 'ii'l ti..- 1. 11. wal of jei . (In- In , I ! i. 'Imailoii to I...- most li-blisit'le. lad : : mi'i.v pin'I nr- tu he M.iJc j i ""St 1 ill M wV I 1 1 A rnriKlni; Ihmi on n , . ds a l K f.i--t..ry to lj.-r- If 'I!.. -Pi i"" f olla r natlous ! T ,1, 11 ui 1 .-. iriroenT . 1 niiiiij- uiik In 1' . t to tier Wlnhes I i "t I' IH II .'llier e.illll- t ,v no inure dlft,- Of th" fo-idun pri'iu Ihe nH'eniiniit I . would not bo driii 1. 11 hulr liradlli 1 I from tlio path loink.d out nor suffer T O-O TO I L. S DIB'S 1 GROUND MM SALT, I Large lull sacks, Only 80c sack. Stables Free. Mkm. tiawtJiiaiaac Wholesale A Retail roeer, 71 Broad Nt. HACKBURN'S You will find Everything For Housekeepers. And they are Cheap too. 47-49 POLLOCK STREET. T T V I i IU ! For Spring. JUST RECEIVED TO-DAY. i 1 W 0 hate 10m cthing ontirW"new In Soft IlaU, tho Tourist rKd VHlt too ARB UIWQ Wiiiiroi taVa6rra'i,!Taatalei Cb-tll fenl,tifMa.U (onnala ) olJnJr prlaud oa aWy tottla aboWta V L. to alapl; lroa aad qnlntat la a taatalaaa torn. Xo wr o paj. Prlca Mo. . rnnKlni; the ller- If I !. f. olll.l he UI. t 111 11 I and fair .halliv. l id llll,, t.. el-,. . T n-itii th.- iai 1 trh-H. She ned J.'iier thnn they. Ah f r (b.- iittiTanrm Of th" foTltn ir."i Ihe nH'iTiiinnt lould not he driven n halr it breadth from tlio inlh 10i11k.1l out nor nuffer dlrUtUjii tout hint; (juniuiu rlcht ami UiturttU. Hon 1 ml It. ('allnwny. prlWut of th Amnrlran loomnotlta rouii'iny, . u iore thnn thirty jtwri rk at the head f tlio ohorthniid writer of thin rotin- try. Ho kfpt np tfW pmrtw and to 4a y could take o trick at an Ituportant IMlcnment l(fl tKc b- r)f tpnog MtMr. iHltr OAwi ml U. A. R. fionatnr llawtry or VnnAiftA' Vt Ihe aontof aurrltlns hfrlfvf h oHf-' biiil Dmalxnttan' of tli OraM "Atmf i fba ntmMIV "''' ' " t" in 11 ., - n ',, ,1 , ;, ,, , iw;i.n-o' Shape. If you aare about Style ani Nobby 8hap tfr oa ft 1L' rrl . U,.m.iJ.! j .LiiTn "".i.T;'.riio,j m- II x PlctCAui or LzdiesWaiden ?r'-.Tr .' ,H'H('l '11, n'j.,ii.l ant. DtamondjRings iiU'l .it ,mii n:al 1 ill atock aoU al a graal tadootUra CbHataiM Xra, 111 ljl twl T,frMmk afmaMdll at lira J UMl-oU4 ftlaaat lMtBtly ij ailrig-, (, At rrumuM 8.. S-t.. t t 'Il ii f r r i