1 E WEEKLY JOURNAL XitaUa 187 ' FtibUsbad la Two SectwM, every Tne day ud Fridy, at 9C Middle Street, lew Bern, N.C. ' CHARLES L, STEVENS ditoi in raonuxroa. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Two Month,.. 85 Cents. Three Month, 89 " H.V Mnntfca 60 " Twelve) Month, fl-W ONLY IN ADVANCE, Advertising rates furnished upon ap plication at the office, or upon inquiry by mail. HTThe Jochsal is only eent on pay-in-advance basis. Subscribers will receive notice of expiration of their sub scription and an immediate response to notice wil be appreciated by the Journal. Entered at the Postofflce, New Bern N. C. as second-class matter. Section One, Tuesday, Jan. 7, 1902 THE LACK OF LOCAL ADVER TISING. In no way is (allure bo noticeable in any merchant or business house, as In the one which does not advertise. And the same thing can be said of any city which refuses to keep Itself before the public, In making known Its best points, for the attraction of new busi ness, new men and new money. As an advertiser, the City of New Bern has made a complete failure for the past year. Not thatjthls city has remained un noticed In the dailyhappenings, but In the way of offering Inducements to out siders' there has been for months past, and Is today, a complete lack of enter prise in this particular. For years New Bern had Its Annual Fair as an advertisement. Thousands of copies of the Journal were sent out in this and other States, while thousands of other kinds of advertising matter was also sent out. This advertising, supported by a first class Fair, brought thousands of visi tors to New Bern, and gave this city a well earned and worthy publicity. But the Fair Is gone, perhaps unpleas antly remembered by those who gave It their time and money. The Chamber of Commerce of New Bern ? Is there really such an organiza tion ? And If such a one exists, what has It done, or Is it doing? Here is another blank, which like the Fair, leavesj New Bern, as dark In its advertising, as it is without eleetric lights. An indifferent support to one newspa per, is not going to place New Bern's re sources before the outside world. The individual enterprise which places an automiBTraservIce, to run oyer the etfy's poor roadways, is not going tdThelp New Bern's reputation for good roads. And while the city has yoted for elec tric lights, the present gloom Is not in any way lifted, while the advertising apathy of the citizens continue In other ways. Perhaps New Bern has too many nat ural advantages, therefore no necessity exiBts for local advertising. But it must not be forgotten that no matter how many or how valuable may be the resources at this place, they will not be worth one dollar, to this commu nity, while they remain unadvertised and unknown to the outside world. HONESTY NEVER ACCEPTS SECRECY. "It Is my desire," said Mayor Low, of New York on assuming isuming ms omce, "that the newspapers be afforded every opportunity to Inform the public of the acts of my administration. I believe In publicity in regard to municipal affairs, and I wish the representatives of the press to feel that they are at liberty at all times to ask about any matters in which the people of the city may be in terested.? t.e:v,-g Such a sentiment as the above is hot one which calls for any special applause for It la the duty of every public officer to make known every act of his official conduct of his office. ''""-' s- tv, There are laws which require the pub lication in the newspaper of certain municipal and county matters, and on affairs of administrators and executors. But where there are laws demanding publication, there should be other laws of compulsory publicity on many mat ters which are now unknown, and upon which the people ought to be kept in formed,,.:;, y'f-y " ' 1J '-.:' ' ' It is this secrecy which enables mis management of private and publlo af fairs, which remain ' hidden until the scandal breaks bounds, and suffering . follows. . '' No honest official, or administrator of any kind of trust, will ask that hii con duct of affairs given him be held secret, and no publicity glv.nj to his manage ment. -:'-:?'.. :;t'- ,; , Publicity and the opportunity to criti cise, will be found th. greatest safe guard iht people caa bar la the eon- duct of municipal, county and Stat af fairs. . )' ; Honest administrations will never seek secrecy, or need a compulsory pub licity law, but It would be well that such a law should be in effect, for it would prove a cure of many of the Ills which now Infest publlo offices and private trusts. HEROIC TREATMENT NEEDED. The JotmxAL is surprised to see the following expressed sentiment In the Tarboro Southerner. . . "As a New Year suggestion we wonld very respectfully submit to Governor Aycock that other matters besides edu cational snouia receive some enthusias tic attention." Living in this Eastern Carolina such an expression coming from a newspa per, Is more than surprising, for if there Is any condition of the people which needs treatment, and heroic tieatment at that, It Is In the matter of education If the people of North Carolina are to enjoy financial prosperity, an Improved moral and religious state, and be placed In a position to advance socially and commercially, education, more and bet ter education, is the certain means to wards the consummation of these desires Labor Commissioner Varner makes the following In his report. "Table No. 6 shows educational con dltlon good 8 counties, fair 11, arid ?oor in SB; moral condition good in 21 air In 73, poor in 3; financial condition good in 1, lair In 43, poor in S3. A glance at this table shows how de plorable an exhibit it Is. ' Educational condition, moral condi tion, financial condition, all at a low ebb and the second and third conditions due to the Influence of the first. The Raleigh Post In commenting on the above report and the Southerner's statement, well says: 'Is this not a lementable exhibition to be made-in an official report of the edu cational, social and financial condition of the people ? And when we know that education, proper education, such as really builds np mentally, morally, per eically and financially, can only change such conditions thus proclaimed to exist, can our friend, as a true lover of his btate and people as we know him to be, feel justified in condemning, even by in sinuation or implication, any effort, specially by those In authority, to bring about such change in the public minds as will remove such condition of af fairs 1 Education being the basis for all ad vanced civilization, and all the good that follows through an educated, and enlightened class of people, Jiowcah any person hesitate a moment, or refrain from assisting any and everything which is working towards giving the people of North Carolina better and increased ed ucational facilities ? Given education to the youth cf the State; and with the natural resources of the Old North State, every good thing must follow, higher morals, more indus trial activity and prosperity In every degree. The Governor and the Taxpayers may be engaged in a severe struggle to pro mote and achieve educational advance ment in North Carolina, bnt however great the effort, it should not be les sened In a single particular. The case is a hard one, and only through heroic treatment can buccoss be accomplished. Deafness Cannot be Cared by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. there Is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional ' remedies. Deafness is caused by an Inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube gets in flamed you have a rambling sound or im perfect hearing, and when it Is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condi tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by ca tarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free.- F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. " Liberia Wants Gunboat Washington, Jan. 8. Liberia is repre sented by W. B. Matchett, who asks Secretary Long to have Congress trans fer one of the United States gunboats to that government id accordance with a promise made by an set of April, 1888, for the release and relief of Liberia. - : New Century Comfort Millionaire dally; flndlngja world of comfort In Bucklen's'lrnlca Salve. It kills pain from Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Bruises; conquers Ulcers, and Fever Sores; cures Eruptions, Salt Rheum, Bolls and Felons; removes Corns and Warts. Best Pile cure on earth. Only 26c at C. D.JBradham's drug store. - ; , t Favors ReClprocltj. : . New York, Jan.. 8. The Chamber of Commerce has declared Itself in favor of reciprocity, thus disapproving of the action of the late National Convention, Ti- Bull TMllc In t Iwar Vile fe ' SSA UUli 9 11W AVI UTU On pill a dose. Box, 60 pills, 10 eta. Cure Constipation; Liver Troubles, Bil iousness, Impure Blood, Dyspepsia, Fe male Complaints, Stomach and Bowel Disorders. Dr, Bull's Fills never gripe. Mexican 3 .wpft bv M. 4 lit . lnsnaan 1 Hoof, and Bcrntchaa m bor- iYltfetang Linirnentae niaw aadcaMas, r anars try it. A toad under a harrow suffers no moro than the ftuthfiil horse that is tortured with Spavins, Swinney, Harness Sores, Sprains, etc. Most horso owners know this and apply the kind of sympathy that heals, known far and wide as Mexican stang Never fails not even in tlio most aggravated cases. Cures caked udder in cows quicker than any known remedy. Hardly a disease peculiar to muscle, skin or joints that cannot bo cured by it. Mexican i i MUSt-Zing Liniment Miss Stone Well. Washington, Jan. 8. News of Miss Stone's release has not been received at the State Department. The latest In formation Is that she is still a captive and Is well. Giant Nerve Builder. The Mystic Life Renewer Is the most Powerful Nerve Builder known. It ab solutely cures all forms of Nervous Dis eases and Weaknesses no matter how aggravated or how long duration, such as Neuralgia, Nervous Prostration, Ner vous Paroxysms, 8t. Vitus' Dance, Pal pitation of the Heart, Physical and Men tal Weakness, Debility of Old Age, etc Sold by T. A. Henry, Druggist, New Bern. Large Coffee Importations. Washington, Jan. 3. The coffee lm--portatlons of last year's coffee Importa tions wes thelargeBt in the history of the trade. It aggregates over a billion pounds of the value of about seventy million dollars. Justice Harlan 111. Washington, Jan. 1. Justice Harlan, of the Supreme Court, is ill from a re newal of his old attack of heart trouble Russia Orders Engines. Marquette, Mich., Jan. 1 The navy department, of the Russian government has placed a large order here for engines operated by gasoline, for service on the Czar's torpedo boat fleet. Low Becomes Mayor. New Tour, Jan. 1 Mayor Seth Low was inducted into office at noon, with simple ceremonies. Heads Should Never Ache. Never endure this trouble. Use at once the remedy that stopped it for Mrs. N. A. Webster, of Winnie; Vs., the writes "Dr. King's New Life Pills wholly cured me of sick headaches I had suffered from for two years." Cure Head ache, Constipation, Biliousness. 25c at 0. D. Bradham's drug store. Reception at the White House. Washington, Jan. 1 President Roose velt held his first New Year's reception at the White House today surrounded by presldental and cabinet circles. The public were received for three hours. FindsWay to Live Long. The startling announcement of a Dis covery that will surely lengthen life Is made by editor O H Downey, of Churu busco, Ind., "I wish to state," he writes, "that Dr. King's New Discovery lor Consumption Is the most infallible re medy that I have ever known for Coughs Colds and Grip. It's invaluable to peo ple with weak lungs. - Having this won derful medicine no one need dread Pneu monia or Consumption. Its relief is in stant and cure certain.". 0 D Bradham guarantees every 60c and f 1.00 bottle, and gives trial bottles free. Massacred Jews. . YIenns, Jan. 8. A mob headed by three land owners recently massacred fourteen Jews at Zawlsnia, in Gilacta. They dragged their victims oat of their houses and stoned them to death. A rab bi was first killed and two Jewesses last. The property of the Jews wss then barnt. - The Mothers Favorite. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is the mother's favorite. It is pleasant and safe for children to take and always cures. It Is intended especially for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, and is the best medicine made for these diseases. There is not the least danger in giving it to children for it contains no opium or other Injurious ding and may be given as confidently to , a babe as to an adult. f For Sale by F 8 Duffy ft Co. . -." tlio boc-t remody on the market for IrUcepjUorxsundroulesiajndition. n mil (aus, bprainxana biun Lumps. BIG SYNDICATE IN TROUBLE, Everett-Moore Corporation, Controlling Street Railways and Telephone Lines Capitalization of $130, 000,000. Cleveland, Jan. 2. The financial af fairs of the Everett-Moore syndicate, owning or controlling a number of urban and inter-urban electric rail ways, and an extensive system of local and long distance telephone lines In Ohio and Michigan, passed into the control of a committee composed of seven prominent bankers of this city to day. This action was taken, It Is stated, as the result of temporary financial embarrassment on the part of the syndicate, which has for some time paet been affected by the strin gency In the money market. The com mittee chosen has been at work Inves tigating the affairs of the syndicate and expresses the firm belief that the co ncern is entirely solvent and that Its embarrassment will be only temporary. The Everett-Moore syndicate is accred ited with controlling more than 1,200 miles of urban and inter-urban elec tric lines In Ohio and Michigan, with many new extensions still in course of construction. There are Nome Simple Bemedles Indispensable In any family. Among these, the experience of years assures ns should be recorded Painkiller. For both Internal and external applications we have found It of great value; especially can we recommend It for colds, rheuma tism, or fresh wounds and bruises. Christian Era. Avoid substitutes, there is but one Painkiller, Perry Davis'. Price 25c and 5c. Against Merger. St. Paul, Jan. 8. Governor Yanzant returned from the northwestjtoday and says that the Governors of all the North western States are a unit in opposition to the proposed merger of the Northern Pacific and Great Northern Railways. . Dr. Boll's Baby Syrup for Teething Babies. Price, 10 cU. Cures Wind-Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Gri ping Pains, Sour Stomach, Fever, Chol era Infantum. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup promotes the digestion and, soothes the baby. . . -' Firemen Overcome. New York, Jan. 8 Over a score of firemen were overcome by fire which threatened Keith's theatre and the Morton House early this morning. Beat Qut of an Increase of His Pension. A Mexican war veteran and promi nent editor writes: ''Seeing the adver tisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, I am reminded that as a soldier in Mexico in '47 and '48 I contracted Mexican diarrhoea and this remedy has kept me from getting an In crease In my pension for on every re newal a dose of It restores me". It Is unequalled as a quick cure for diarrhoea and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Ft) Duffy ft Co. . v w-.;.y Hundred Drowned by Wreck. Eureka, Cal , Jan. 8. The steamer "Walla Walla," plying - between San Francisco and Northern ports, has been wrecked off Mendocino. One hundred persons were drowned. Sixty pas sengers who were saved have arrived at Eureka. . Hanna Loses His Grip. Columbus, O., Jan. 1 Senator Han as has lost control of " the Senate, It Is doubt ful it be will seoure a place for a single friend In the House. . , Involving Priests. . Chicago, Jan. 1 A meeting of Catho lic laymen was held today, A commit tee ot six were chosen for the purpose of demanding of Martlnelll an investiga tion of the charges involving nineteen priests of this dloceie. The Caledonia Farm Djke was Very Badlj Damaret TTh Laa Grant System s Pttr One. North Carellaa Week. . Pabllc Scheol Warrants Seat Oat Ralegh, Jan. 8. There was a great rush of applications for land grants in December, to the secretary of the State. One third of all the year's applications cam in that month. There are many people In Western North Carolina who make a business of land-hunting, that Is trying to find land not previously en tered, or to which there is any chance of securing a grant Of course some lands are granted over and over again, as the system is a very poor one. It is probable that the editors In this State will agree to attend the Charleston Exposition April 10, which Governor Aycock has set apart for them. A good many preparations will have to be made to properly observe "North Carolina Week" there. Governor Aycock and most of the State officials will attend, and there will be a composlt regiment of troops, but so far la the State there are but few manifestations of any In terest. It is not probable that anything can be done now to repair the ruined dykes at the Caledonia Btate farm on the Roa noke, destroyed twice in 9 months by that most treacherous stream. A long section of the dyke was rebuilt very near the river, opposite a bluff on the other side of the stream. As a result the river was compressed there and the pressure of the water was so enormous as to literally crush the dyko. It was said by superintendent Mann some time ago that tho dyke should be built several hundred feet back of the old line, so as to give the river more room. The enrollment of the institution for the white blind and tho negro deaf mute and blind here Is 360, and today 812 were present. The auditor sent out the warrants to day for the first $100,000 of money for the public schools. The second 100,000 may not be distributed before February Its use will be to bring up all schools to a four month term. Fall River Profits and Losses. Fall River, Mas. Jan. 2 Figures have been prepared, based upon the reports to the St cretary of State, showing the profits and losses of Fall River corpora tions du ring tho year just cloteil. Eight corp n ations have not ycl reported. Nine concerns increased their net in- debtcduces in a year and five Increased their surplus, three decreased their In debtedness and bIx decreased their sur plus. Believes Annexation Certain. Louisville, Ivy., Jan. 2 -Gen. Joseph Wheeler said in an inttuview: "I am convinced that the retention of the Philippines, Guam and Hawaii is ab solutely essential to our commercial de velopment. In the great Occident half of the world's population lives." As to Cuba General Wheeler said: "Cuba will be part of us. The people will eventually realize that all their best Interests demand the union. While I was In Cuba a number of prominent Cubans indicated to me that this senti ment even then generally prevailed." Doctors Cannot Save Sampson. Washington, January 8. Admiral Sampson's malady progresses slowly but verj steadily toward the end. Medi cal science cannot check it. Symptoms of arterial degeneration have appeared, such as is Incident to his malady, inject ing great uncertainty Into the case. Moreover, the patient Is becoming less tractable and responsive to treat ment. Quick Payment Trent Council No. 4 13 Royal Arcanum paid $3,000.00 yesterday to the widow of their late brother, James H. Ylnson. Mr. Ylnson died on December 11th, 1901. - - . : - , The Mall Train Wreckv Washington, Jan. 8 The postal clerks who passed through the railroad wreck atQlenooe, Pa , on the Baltimore ft Ohio railroad last night reported two persons killed and seventeen injured. Practically all the mall on the trains was burned. Caused by Cigarette. ; New York. Jan. 1-MIner's Eighth Avenue Theatre was entirely destroyed by fire early this morning. The audience had been dismissed fifteen mlnntes when the fire started. Many chorous girls were only half Clad when they reached the street. The theatre was entirely con sumed. The origin was due to a chorns girl's cigarette. ' ''1;'' '. Dyspepsia Cure Digests crh&t yoa eat. This Drenaratton contains all of thi diseatants and dlsesta all kinds ot food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows yon to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can takelt. By Its use many thousands of dyspeptics bave been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dietlngnnnecessary. Pleasant to take. II czn't l.c" tzi da yea f3cd Prepared only by E.O. PfiW!TrftOo.,JhlP(! Tli? U. bottle contains 2H Uiues lue 60c. ojki F. S. DUFFY ft CO. x The Kind Yon Ilavo Alws - In me for over 80 ywnv ...... .V VV 1 1 I . II I. .1 All Counterfeits, Imitation and gast good" &r bnt Experiment that trifle with nd endanger the health of Inranta and Childa-4&yerlence gainai Erperlmens. Whaflo CASTORIA CoBtoria la a harmless rabctttote tor Caste OH. Pare, 'goric, Drops and Soothing Byrapa. It to Pleasant. It contains neither Oplam ' Morphine bo other Narootie substance. Its age it ltt guarantee. It destroys Worma and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and 'Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Trouble, cores Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the -Stomach and Bowels, firing healthy and natural sleep. The Children's FaaaceaWXhe Mother's Friend. CENUIHE CASTORIA AVVAY8 j9 Inn tht The Kind You Have Always Bought In. Use For Oyer 30 Years. th ewrt ..wiiit. rf mnmw mwr, mmm . nit. ' are trnwii DEAF? (mmfrr ALL CASKS OF ARE NOW CURADLG by our new invention. Only those ban deal art lncarabla, HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. . A. WIRMAR, OF ALTINIORI, SAYS l - BAtTmoB kfd., Harek m GtnOtmen : Being entirely eared of daefnem Ifcasfcs to year arnat t will V J" a full history of my cam, to beiuedat jour diKreUon. , . . About five years ago my right ear btgaa to staa SM BUS rpt M ttuB VMS. taSB I US my hearing In this ear entirely. I underwent treatment (ot nt,fk. fof thrf berof phyniriaut, among others, tht most eminent ear epetisltst el Ul elty.wh. told m. that omIt an operation could help me, and area that .ny temvorarlly, last (a. aaad ftoatc would then ce.-rne, but the hearing In the affected ear would be tea ntmt, - I then nw your adrertlaement accidentally In a Hew Terk paper, (ad ordered year tltat. ment. Alter I had used It only a few day accordl.ft.ymr direction, tb.nolaaiCf.srd. and to-dar, after (ire weeks, my bearing la the diseased tu ha tallraly tailored. Itbankjoa heartily and beg to remain Very trnly yon ra, . ... . i, WMBAW, ntS. SnUway, Baltimore, UX ' Our ii-oatment ilcea not intorfer with your utual occupation, ' EiSe3ld YC'J m CURE YOURSELF AT HOME -"Sfr INTERMATiGriAL AURAL CLINIC 596 LA SALLE AVEn CHICAGO, ILL . St rmmriiiiinmrmniimiiiuiiaUiiiiaiiTii A CHANCE UJ A LIFE TIL1E to invest on the ground floor with owners, In a developed (roe milling gold mine that has produced, and has expended on U - ' ' .,A"1 ;; ; . . .r , v ' . . ' w Fifty Thousand Dollars in development on the ledge and a complete flro Stamp mill, with all other necessary machinery ready to ran.' ' . . The Ozark la not a prospect, bnt a mine that has prodticed' We are placing 100,000 shares ot development stock at Wo perslmre, capital stock 1,000,000 shares (par value $1.00 each), fully paid and non-assessable, to further develop and put the property on a paying bails. ' A property lying near the Ozark, with nowhere as goodA. showing and very little development, sold last week, to a New Tork syndicate for 1300,000. The Ozark will pay dividends and be worth par inside of six months. This is the best investment for the money that has ever been offered to the Investing publia ' . . -, Do not lose this opportunity. It will never appear again. For further particulars, prospect report on mine, references, ete., ' t ADDRESS Ozark Gold Mining & Milling Co., noscow, 4k LiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimixixxxxxximiiiiTinTi J. .Al. JONES, Livery, teed, (FVi . It oaie ana Exchange -Largest and ever offered for salt In Hew Bern. Also a complete list of Baggies, wan vvneeis, ao. Errl .- b.M, iimim " m. D m i i - Dooght, ad trhloh haa been bM born the signature of and baj been ovule trader bin per ' tonal itryerrUton atnoe tta tn&nej. Altow na toe to deceive ytra In this. ' Qgiatu ot ANY iimn HMIOCOi . WKHTTn. rtftart iBT ieflUIHi PMuttd t M- n IDAHO. tiara y Finest Stock sf- A Car Load of eac!i j n , r r Jtv ' . Tfajoaiy Harness,' Kofccs, VLl. t. " ' . h . F ir' " n r