d -'i t i i fBtWEEKLY JOURNAL Bitakliaae 187; Published in Two Sections, trwy To day and Friday, at 90 Kiddle Street, new Bern, N. C CHARLES L 5TEVEN3 BDROS aim FBOFBTJROB. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Two Month, M Cento. ThreM Months, J5 " Six Months, W ' Twelve Months, 11.00 ONLY IN ADVANC& Advertising rates furnished upon ap plication at the office, or upon inquiry by mail. MPTke Journal Is onlv sent on pay In-advance basis. Subscribers will receive notice of expiration of their sub scription and an immediate response to Journal. Entered at the Postofflce, Kew Bern rT. C. as second-class matter. Section Two, Friday Jan. 10, 1902 MODERATE MEANS AND HIGH OFFICE. Each year seems to show more and more, that the man of moderate means cannot accept a high public office, State or National, at the hands of the peo ple. The salaries paid Congressmen, Sena tors, Governors, Cabinet Officers, and even the President of the country, once looked large and more than amply suffi cient for every personal want, with something to be saved from a term of office. But that was a score or mors years ago. Today, these salaries are trifling in amount, compared with the official and social obligations that must be met, particularly the latter. On this subject the Boston Post says: "According to the gossip of Washing ton Secretary Gage has spent $100,000 over and above his salary of $8,000 a year as Secretary of the Treasury upon living expenses while holding that office According to the same authority Attorney-General Knox, the 'trust lawyer,' began his service by buying a house for $140,000 and bringing on a team of horses that cost $12,000. It is now tat tled that Mrs Shaw, whose husband has been called to take the place left vacant by Secretary Gage, gays: 'Mr. Shaw told me ;Senator Allison assured hira we would be able to go out in society all that is necessary on $5,000 a year more than his salary, and I guess we can stand that for a few years.' Governor Shaw is credited with a fortune of about $1,5000,000 gained in legitimate busi ness." According to this it must be the mil lionaire who can accept a cabinet posi tion, hence the President's advisers must be drawn exclusively from the rich class, It is Indeed unfortunate that the man with ability and address, but without ample fortunate, is practically barred from important positions. Even in North Carolina, there are men who would hardly accept public of fice, because the position means giving up a good business or fine profession which is more than sufficient for their present social obligations, while the pay from the public office would not be enough to meet their new social require ments. There Is no question but that both bta!6 and Nation are requiring too much "social" measure, as a requirement for Its public men, and making less the qualifications of ability and personal address. THIRTY YEARS AFTER THE CRIME. Outside of all sentiment and political extravagance, it Is amusing to note how fallen from Its high estate, Is the Crime of '73. As an article which has done great service In political campaigns, in this country, year. after year, the Crime of '73, has become sacred to man; , and to think that it must be put away, to do no further service, to be absent from the stump and the banquet hall, to be no longer sung in joyous chorus In parades, Is really saddening. v United States ; Treasurer Roberts In his annual statement of the world's money supply, presents some facts, """which show the Improbability of any double monetary standard for this coun try, in the near or distant future. The large increase In coin, and the small increase in paper money, is not v ' ble, the uncovered paper amounting to about 1700,000,000, or about 80 per cent. The total stock of money on January v . 1st 1901, was 111,800,000.000. of which 18,700,000,000 was in coin, only about 8 per cent ot the balance being in paper. In contrast to this showing is that of 1878, when nearly 60 percent of the , world's money was in uncovered paper. The change for the better in the mon etary situation since 1878," makes the alleged crime of that year in this coun try sppear ridiculous, although it has done good political service for many ; years. . , . j ' ' " THE STATE'S WHITE ELEPHANT. The showing of the losses- mads by last week's flood la the Roanoke rim and the breaking of the dykes on the Bute's farm, with loss of property and crops, is another serious matter for the State's finances. Last May the freshet in the Roanoke caused a loss to the State farm ot some $25,000. and this added to last week's j loss with labor of repairing the damage done in May, will amount to $70,000. While these flood losses are severe, the report that the lowlands, some 2,500 acres, are to be abandoned, means an ad ditional loss In the future. This entire fsrm business of th State with the employment of convicts to cul tivate and raise crops, seems to prove It self a burden for the State, and conse quently a financial load to be put npon the tax payer. This Halifax farm purchase In the be ginning was reported as being1 a "job," and the present exhibit makes It appear so. This farm bought by the State for $60, 000, the purchase price was further added to by expenditures of $50,000. And now it is said the directors would gladly accept $50,000 for the farm, thus showing how false was the story that the farm would easily bring $100,000, al though sold to the State for $60,000. It may prove a good thing for the State to abandon its lowlands, but it might prove still better to go out of the farming business, and get what it can L for the entire farm Judging from all accounts the State has a white elephant on its hands, in the Halifax farm, and one which it might be a good thing to get rid of at once, for as a revenue producer it seems to be a com plete failure. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they eannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. there Is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an Inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube gets In flamed you have a rumbling sound or im perfect bearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condi tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by ca tarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Sold to No Trust New York, Jan. 7 Ex-Governor Hogg, of Texas, admitted to day of dis posing of part of the property of the Hogg-Skayne Syndicate, but neither dl rectly nor indirectly to any trust. Small Pox Epidemic. Jersey City, Jan. 7 The smallpox scare has clogged the wheels of justice in Hudson county. There will be no more trials until the dangerous spread is over. The county jail, where the disease broke out is still qaarantlned. A Prominent Woman Speaks. Prof. Roxa Tyler, of Chicago, Vice President Illinois Woman's Alliance, in speaking of Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy, says: "I suffered with a severe cold this winter which threatened to run in to pneumonia. I tried different remedies but I teemed to grow worse and the medicine upset my stomach. A friend advised me to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and I found it was pleasant to take and it relieved me at once. I am now entirely recovered, saved a doctor's bill, time and suffering, and I will never be without this splendid medicine again.' For sale by F 8 Duffy & Co. Robbers Got $70,000. St. Lonls, Mo., Jan 7 The National Stock Yards Bank, at-East St. Lonls, 111, was robbed this morning. The loss may reach $70,000. The robbers bound and gagged the watchman, then prosecuted their work leisurely. - ;Cninese Court Returns to Pekln. Pekln, January 7 The imperial cor tege entered the Forbidden City this afternoon. It was the most brUlant scene In Pekin's history. The proces sion constated of one thousand gorgeous ly attired noblemen mounted on capari soned horses. The Emperor and Em press Dowager, and Princeton were borne in yellow chairs. Cheroot Factory Burned. Richmond, jan 7 The big cigarette and cheroot factory of Alexander Cam eron A Vo' was destroyed by fire and two upper floors of the wing adjoining and owned i by Cameron & Cameron were burned. .The loss is about $100, 000. About 800 employees will be thrown out of employment. Y: ; FindsJWaf to Live Long. r '. The startling announcement of a Dis covery that will sorely lengthen life . is made by editor O H Downey, of Churn busoo, Ind., "I wish to state," he writes 'that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption Is the most Infallible re medy that I hsye ever known for Coughs Colds and Grip. It's invaluable to peo ple with weak lungs. Having this won derful medicine no one need dread Pneu monia or Consumption. Its relief Is in stant and cure certain. O D Bradham guarantees every 50o and $1X0 bottle,' and giroi trial bottles free. JHexIrun A toad under a harrow Buffers no moro than tho faithful horso that is tortured with Spavins, Swinney, Harness Sores, Sprains, etc. Most horse owners know this and apply tho kind of sympathy that hould, known far and wido as Mustang Liinlment.' Never fails not even in tho most aggravated cases. Cures caked udder in cows quicker than any known remedy. Hardly a disease peculiar to muscle, ekin or joints that cannot bo cured by it. JVlexiCcin '3 trj0 1 remedy on the market for mm j. . . Wind Galls, Sprains and Skin Lump, ill U Stat! g Liniment It keeps horsea and mule in condition. Long Will Resign. Washington, Jan. 7 Secretary of the Navy Long, it Is said, will for personal' April or May. The probabilities are that President Roosevelt will offer the portfolio to cither Governor W. Mur- day purchasedhe interest of his asso ray Crane of Massachusetts or ex-Gov-' elate, Frank H. Cooper, In the depart ernor Lloyd Lowndes of Maryland. Dr. Bull's Pills lor Unr Ills. One pill a dose. Box, 50 pills, 10 cts. Cure Constipation, Liver Troubles, Bil iousness, Impure Blood, Dyspepsia, Fe male Complaints, Stomach and Bowel Disorders. Dr. Bull's Pills never gripe. Cuban Revenue. Washington, Jan. 7 The Department made a statement today showing the the total revenues of Cuba for the fisc il year ending November 30th as $14,800,- 000, which compares with $14,500,000 on the previous year. Beat Out of an Increase of His Pension. A Mexican war veteran and promi nent editor writes: "Seeing the adver tisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, I am reminded that as a soldier in Mexico in '47 and '48 I contracted Mexican diarrhoea and this remedy has kept me from getting an In crease in my pension for on every re newal a dose of it restores me". It is unequalled as a quick cure for diarrhoea and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by F ri Duffy & Co. The Dispute Aggravated. Buenos Ayres, Jan. 4. The dispute with Chill Is again aggravated, owing to the alleged unfairness of the Chilian dip lomats, during the negotiations. The people applaud the attitude of the Gov ernment. Will Teach English. Mexico City, Jan 4. The Department of Public Instruction has suppressed the study of Latin in the great prepara tory school in this city, where young men are prepared for professional ca reers, and replaced it with English. New Century Comfort. Millions are dallyfindlng'a world of comfort In Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It kills pain from Burns, tfcalds, Cuts, Brakes; conquers Ulcers, and Fever Sores; cures Eruptions, Salt Rheum, Boils and Felons; removes Corns and Warts. Best Pile cure on earth. Only 25c at C. D. Bradham's drug store. Big Prizes For Airships. St. Louis, Jan. 4. At a meeting of the executive committee ot the World's Fair Association this afternoon it was decided to hold an aerial tournament In 1903, at which cash prizes aggregating between $210,000 and $200,000 will be awarded for the most perfect airship. Carnegie's Gift. - Washington, Jan. 4. Andrew Carne gie's $10,000,000 donation to the United States government for educational pur poses will be handled by an incorporated organization known as the Carnegie In stitution, which was organized at the State Department. ' Gen. Toon Examined! Raleigh, January 7. Today the phy sicians made a special examination of the lungs of. Gen. Toon, State superin tendent of public instruction. Gen. Toon says his left lung has not healed. . Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup for Teething Babie?. Price, l(cta. Cures Wind-Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Gri ping Pains, Soar Stomach, Fever, Chol era Infantum. Dr. Bull's Baby Pyrun promotes, the digestion and soothes the baby. 'V ' l.C J LjCCC3 v 1130 ' t:3$l Wfcat you ttzt wfll fwxBrr mimn ty rJ tutu adeatUe. farmr try it. SIEGEL BUYS COOPER OUT. pays $r5000() p, In(erest , Big Chicago House. New Yokk, Jan. 6 Henry Hegel to ment siore in Chicago which for 15 years they have conducted under the firm name of Slegol, Cooper & Co. The price paid for the Interest was more than $750,000. The purchase places Mr. Slegel in control of a store in Chicago and another in New York. It Is his intention to erect another in this city, and when that Is completed he will control a chain of three great depart ment stores and a large share of the trade in the two business centers. Mr. Siegel to night said bo would nuke no material change In the conduct of tho Chicago business except to prasscile it with more vigor. Big Railroad Deal. Parkehsiiuro, W. Va., Jan. 0 The West Virginia Central and Pittsburg railway has been sold to Pennsylvania railroad interests for $17,000,000. It was to have been part of Wabash's through line to the Seaboard. The Pennsylvania Railroad now has every road and every coal field In this State. The Mothers Favorite. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is mother's favorite. It Is pleasant the and safe for children to take and cures. It Ib intended especially fo coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, and is the best medicine made for these diseases. There is not the leaBt danger in giving it to children for It contains no opium or other Injurious ding and may be given as confidently to a babe as to an adult. For Sale by F 8 Duffy & Co. End ot "Hole jn the Wall." Chetekni, Wyo., Jan. 6. The cele brated "Holef-ln-the-Wall" will in a short time be only a remembrance. The "Hole" has been the refuge of ont laws from Arizona, Utah, Montana, Colorado and Wyoming, and was practi cally inaccessible. It lies in the south western part of Johnson county, and directly in the line of a county road which is soon to be built. The "Hole-ln-the-Wall" is not wide enough to allow the passage of the road and dynamite will be brought into use to widen the fissure in the reddish sand stone cliffs. The "Hole" is the only en trance from the south to the beautiful and rich valley and must be used to pre vent a day's detour. Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured in 3 Days. Marlon L. Hill, of Lebanon, Ind., says: "My wife had Inflammatory Rheu matism in every muscle and joint; her suffering was terrible and her body and face were swollen aLnost beyond recog nition; bad been in bed for six weeks and had eight physicians, but received no benefit until she tried the Mystic Care for Rheumatism. It gave imme diate relief and she was able to walk about in three days. I am sore it saved her lire." Sold by, T. A. Henry, Drug gist, Kew Bern. The Capt. Carter Case. Washington, Jan. 6-The Supreme Court today affirmed the decision of the United States Court of the Southern District of New York, refusing habeas corpus to Green and the Gaynors, who sought by that means to avoid removal to Georgia for trial on a charge ot conspiracy with Capt. Carter to defraud the Government in connection with the harbor improve ments at Savannah. Salvation OO the pest Liniment. Prlce,;15 cts; (large bottle acts Great est cure on t anh for Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Soreness, Sprains, Backache' Stiffness, Cuts, Bruises, Woinda, Bwe'l lngs, Barns and FrostBltes.Q Sa'vatioa Oil kills all pain. "L1BDB LOST. Penitentiary Directors fleet and Decide Not U Rebuild Dykes. Scene at State Farss. Weald Be Said Cheap. Mr. Drewryte Wed. A Heavy Ceirt Docket. IUlsigh, Jan. 7 The penitentiary dlreco rate met at the State farm yester day In special sesdoa, to consider the loss by last week's flood la the Roanoke and the breaking of the dykes. It found that the dykes were as badly broken as they were by the Msy freshet; that the loss to the crops is only almost $1,000, while last May It was about $23 000.; that the labor of 100 convicts for the past S or 4 months In rebuilding the dyke was all wasted; that notwithstand ing all these losses the directors express the belief that the penitentiary will meet its expenses during the fiscal year which will end April 1. The dykes will not be rebuilt. The sentiment of the board Is to cultivate the uplands. This will be the course pursued. There are now two camps of convicts, of 250 on this farm. They will be consolidated in one camp. It will require all this force to cultivate the 4,000 acres of uplands, Theie are 2,000 acres subject to overflow at any time and 1,000 acres subject to overflow only at extreme high water. The scene presented by the farm since the breaking of the dykes is one of devastation. Hundreds of acres are four feet deep in sand. In other places great holes are torn In the earth. The largest trees are torn up and felled here and there in wild confusion. An Idea of the size of the dyke and of the labor and cost may be had from the statement that it Is 50 feet wide at the bottom, 12 feet wide at the top and is 36 feet In height. The washout is '00 feet in length. The total length of the dyke is about three miles. The .total loss to crops and labor by the May flood and that of last week is $70,000 and this, the directors assure your correspondent, Is a very low esti mate. If the farm could be sold for 50,- COD (the State paid $60,000 and spent $30,000 on it) it would be disposed of in s minute. So says one of the directors. When the State bought the farm inter ested personages made the assertion that it would bring $100,000, and the late di rectorate kepi up thU illusion. The new directorate sees what a fake the state ment was and would be glad to sell at half that figure. The State got a gold brick, it appears. It is not the first one worked off on it John C. Drewry of FU1 -ih, grand sec retary of the (JraMil L.-nle of . Masons, will be married on the 22nd inst'inl lo Mrs. Kittle Wharton, daughter of Mr and Mr?. L. linuka Holt of Alamance county. They will be at home here af ter February 4th. Judge Edward Hatch of the New York Supreme Court Is here and will lecture Thursday evening at the Olivia Haney free library for the benefit of the library fund The docket of t!ie criminal court In session hore is luo hoiviest on record. There are 139 cases. Only one is a cap ital case, the defendant being one Perry, charged with murder near Wakefield. I'eoplo llelieve hi it. It his been cyni cally s id that any thing ran le sold l y a'vertising nowa days. This is not so. Many liniments have been advertised but only one Per ry Davis' Painkiller has stood the test of sixty years' use. Today its popularity Is greater than ever and Is based not upon what anybody says but upon what the remedy does. There is but one Pain killer, Perry Davis'. Governor Issues Reprieve. Raleigh, N. C. January 7. Governor Aycock today commuted the death sen tence of Drew Vaughan, colored, to life imprisonment in the penitentiary at hard labor. Vaughan was to have been hanged at Winton, Hertford connty, to morrow. He was convicted of the mur der of John Barton, another negro. The Governor had twice respited him. His Excellency says the evidence was en tirely circumstantial, and was so unsat isfactory to his mind that he could not permit Vaughn to be hanged. All of the Jury asked for commutation. IXodol Dyspepsia Cure Qlgesta what you eat Love Finds a Way. Roanokb, Vk, Jam 6. James Holt, of Holt's Mountain, N. O., a venerable and well-to-do farmer, who has rerched the ripe old age of 88 years, and Miss Jennie Thompson, a maiden lady of the same neighborhood, who has reached the age of 83 years, eloped to Prices Postofflce la Pittsylvania county, Virginia, where they were married this morning. The oouple stated today that the fami ly of the bride objected on account of her age. , -. ' ' Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat This preparation contains all of tbi dlceatants and digests all kinds ol food. Itglveslnstantrellef anj never falls to cure. It allows you to eat all the food yon want. The mostsensltlve stomaens can tane it. ny iu use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after every thing else falle.l. It prevents formation or gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after catlna Dietlngunnecessaiy. Pleasant to take. but o you csoaS Prppardoniyby E.O. nnWrrrftPo. .(JhlcaR llu? Si. bottle contalas tt times Uio iuu. ait .. F. 8. DtJFJT CO. M.4 IAiaA.)sJ.3kvTfclNsafcia The Kind Yon Have Always In nee for Over SO jean, All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are bat Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against xperiment What lo CAST OBIA Costoria la a harmless' sabftlttrte for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Boo thing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narootio substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and WIno Colic. It relieves Teething; Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bean the The Kind Ton Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Tft eT T. TT MIMI TT. Hwm WTT. ARE fH YOU JmM h deaf? mmm ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born deaf are Incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAR, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS I Bavtikokb, Md., March jo, not. Gtnlltwun : Beta entirely eared of deaf nc. thanks to roar treatment, t will now sir yoa full history of my case, to be used at your discretion. ADOlll V my henrtng About five years ago my right ear began to I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for tare in ints ear cnureiy. her of physicians, anions; others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told me thst only n:i operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the bead noises would then cease, but the henriuc in the affected ear would be lost forever. I tu mi snw your advertisement accidentally merit. .',!" I Kid i'""tl it only a few days according to roar directions, the noises ceased, and to-driv. 7 live wtcks. i:-.v heariuff in the diseased ear haa been entirely restored. Ithankvoa hemt'iiy 'ind hts tc ruuain Very truly Tours. P. A.. WERMAN, 7jo 8, Broadway, Baltimore, aid. f'ir (rcattnciU doe not interfere with your usual occupation, YCU 0&8 CURE YOURSELF AT HOME ''5S2tart Ktf E.ATiSKAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SAIL? AVE., CHICAGO, ILL 3 iiimiiiiiniiiiiimmmiiiiiiiiwiiiwnwfi A CHANCE IE to invest on the ground floor with owners, in deteloped free milling gold mine that has produced, and has expended On U Fifty Thousand Dollars in development on the ledge sad a complete Are stomp mill, with all , other necessary machinery ready to ran. - ,.;.:' - - The Ozark is not a prospect, but mine that has produced. We are placing 100,000 shares of development stock st We per share, capital stock 1,000,000 shares (par value $1.00 each), fnlly paid and non-assessable, to further develop and put the property on a paying basis. . A property lying near the Ocark, with nowhere as good a showing and very little development, sold last week to a New Tork syndicate for $200,000. The Ozark will pay dividends and be worth par inside of six months. , This is the best Investment for the monsy that has ever ' been offered to the Investing public. Do not lose this opportunity. It will never appear again. ' Tor further particulars, proipectas, report on mine, references, ete., ' ADDRESS, Ozark Gold Mining ' & Milling Co., ; noscow, IDAHO. 73 LilllllllUIIIIIIIUmUIinilTTTTlTTTTTTTTTTTTl J. A. JOKES, Un, Feed, F-!L-II Salejand Exchange Ja. fir-'' Largest and Finest Stock of HORSES and IvdITJXjSS ever offered for sals In New Born. A Car Load of eaoh just received. Also a complete liis of Bsggles, Wsjoas, IlarneBS, Robes, Whips. Cart Wheels, &. A' Boujriit, and which Las bea baa bona tha ariirnatiir n - ana has been made under hla pecw f-f'AM onalflrtpeiTlaion aince Its infancy. ABoWDo one to deceive tou In this. Signature of AMY HEAD NOISES? HARD HEARING ting, and this kept on getting worse, until I lost months, without nvnccea consulted a num. in a New York caper, and ordered vour treat- A LIFE TRIE l ' arsr v aw i - w awar T .v TrfTf'r'TrTi' thy