TEE WEEKLY JOCRNiL ZitakUib S7 Published la Two Sections, ery Tuea day ud Friday, at M Middle Street, vew Bern,N. C, CHARLES L, STEVENS anrroa 4H9 rxonmoi. 8VBSC1UPTION RATES: Two Month, 85. Cents. Thrw Months, 85 Six Month, W Twelve Months, ,...j.lM " ONLY IN ADVANCE, , - Advertising rates furnished upon ap plication at the office, or upon inquiry by mail. ssrThe Journal is only sent on pay' lulnnM basis. Subscribers will receive notice of expiration of their sub scriptions and an immediate response to notice wu De appreciaiea oj me JOUSBAL. Entered at the Postofflce, New Bern tl. C. as second-class matter. Section One, Tuesday, Jan. H, 1902 THE ISTHMIAN CANAL PROJECT. The building of the Isthmian canal is milter of immense Importance to the South, and Its commercial Interests in the future, hence this project, which is now before Congress, is of Intense in terest snd is being closely watched by the South. The question to decide, as to the available routes for this canal, seems to lie between the NIcaraguan and the fan- Briefly summarize!, the NIcaraguan route Is some 180 miles in length, against 49 miles of the Panama route. In distance from the United States, the NIcaraguan has some 409 miles in its favor, which Is apparently the chief and only Important factor urged in its favor, for in the cost of construction, its greatly added length, other things Wng equal, must far outweieh the distance saved. The fact that the government must pay forty million dollars for the right to the Panama route, gives with this pay ment the effects and work costing four or five times this forty millions. But another phase of this canal quea tion, and a most important one In all fu ture time, is that of the healthfulness of the two routes. ' Dr. George A. Soper, a sanitary spec ialist, has written anjexhaustive article on this question. Dr. Soper's conclusions are that dur Ing the period of construction both routes passing through areas extremely unfavorable to health and there being practically no difference in the nature of the diseases to be anticipated the Panama route would be the more health ful because of its lighter rainfalls; and that all the considerations of soil, topog' raphy and the nature of the engineering work to be done are also in favor of the Panama route. As to comparative healthfulness after construction and un der active operation of the canal this ex pert's conclusions are: "The difficulty of controling health conditions along the line would be great er on the JNIcarauean route. The shorter Panama route would cause passing vessels to be exposed to the possibilities of infection . for a much briefer interval. The danger of the communicating diseases to and from Isthmus is fairly represented by the dif ferences in time which it would take ships to pass from ocean to ocean by the two routes. The likelihood of the canal becoming a disease focus, thus interfering with commerce, by requiring all healthy ports to quarantine against ships passing the Isthmus, is much greater in the case of Nicarauga than Panama. Although the Panama health records' are much darkened by heavy losses of life by disease, this is not to be construed as evidence of the existence of condi tions favorinsr a greater immunity from sickness along the Nicarauga line, litre lives have been lost at -Panama.because most lives have been unnecessarily ex posed. The experience of ranama is to betaken, as a warning of conditions which are liable to be repeated on either route." really deferring, and a continued pro tection for Industries which sell their manufactures at 10 to 40 per cent less ia foreign markets, than the American buyer most pay for the same, is legisla tion of two very different characters. The political cry of "infant Industries must be protected,1 ought not deceive any one, and yet It will unless the peo ple study the question of protection, not for personal benefit, but for community benefit A study of the country, Its "appalling prosperity'' of to dsy, b significant, and demands the care of those in public of fice, lest the present years of fatness find the country unprovided foi years of leanness, that can and most probably will come, through the extravagance of flush times. . Over protection, unnecessary protec tion of Industries, Is Increasing the nam ber of American millionaires, and the drift of the times is too much for the care of those already over protected, In stead of protecting interests which vi tally concern the happiness and prosper Ity of the masses of the people. Mexlc&n .m ""l? ovarem Vcm of Hat M,.v.. i-i-.. '' Hoof tend 8rrirh in kor- mustang UnmentMsuiiauiauk inmu7u. 1 The fsct that the Commission appoint ed to look at both routes, "which favors the Nlcsrsgusn in its report, notes the saving' in distance, for this country's Atlantic and Pacific ports, as the- only point in Its favor, is not an altogether strong argument, when so many other things ought to be considered. ' The single Item of operating expenses, In the two routes, favors the Panama $1,000,000 per year, a saving equal to the interest on $40,000,000. - 4 . RESULTS FROM OYER PROTEC TION. ' The stupendous gifts of American millionaires, made millionaires most .of them through the American system of over protected Industries, their immense money gifts to colleges and charities are beyond the conception In their vastness, of the ordinary citizen whose income ranges along with his expense of living. ' It Is the system of protection which has enabled Andrew Carnegie to pile up several hundred million dollars, so much money that he cannot spend It, or re t o It to any Brrrcc,aD'e extent even dv-t Ji great g'.'ls to various Institu tions.. .. . . ' THE VALUE OF KNOWING. Illustrations are to be seen every day in all kinds of trades, professions snd business pursuits, of the value of educa tion. It is not merely the technical know edge mat is aemanaea or tne man or woman of today, for the technical must have with It the practical, book learning must have added .to It experience to bring forth its needed development. It is the symstematlc training of school and college, which counts so much, if the student will accept the opportunities presented. It Is the knowledge of self.that counts Inspiration, without the genius for work; rarely proves of value. Techni cal learning, without the thought of .the practical application, and the ability to put into execution, is not of the profit ble kind. This age with all Its sapid develop. ment, Is not going forward heedlessly or blindly. Each new invention has been thought out and worked out, and is not the crea tion of an hour, but of the forced thought and effort of days, weeks. years. The present time demands of men and women that they know something, to be of worth to other people, and be of money value, so far as their services are concerned. Every line of business demands thorough knowledge, if the man or wo man employed is to be worth money to the employer. And no line of business is so well learned, that there remains nothing further to learn. When any business is known so well, that nothing more remains to be learned, it Is a good business to leave, for the world Js progressive, and anything which halts Is quickly left behind, in the rush of progress. It is this knowing and still learning, that makes an employe worth money. And It is the application of this know ledge to advance the employer's Inter ests, which means an added value to the employe's services. . . There Is no line of business in which men and women may not ' add to their Value as employes, if they seek to do so. It is to know something, and putting the knowledge Into effect, which means for the person so doing a money worth which ever Increases. Deafness Cannot lie Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. there is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an Inflamed con ditlon of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube gets in flamed you have a rumbling sound or im perfect bearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness Is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken put and this tube restored to Its normal condi tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by ca tarrh, whicli Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. : We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. f ! Hall's Family Pills are the best. i, Pope Hay be Centenarian. : Rome, Jan. 10 Dr." Lapponl, the Pope's physician, says His Holiness has not enjoyed such perfect health In three years. He considers It possible that the Pope may be a centenarian ,; , Heads Should Never Acne. Never endure this trouble. Use at once the remedy that stopped It for Mrs. A Webster, of Winnie? Va.. she writes "Dr. King's , New Life Pills wholly cured me of sick headaches I had suffered from for two years." Cure Head ache, Constipation, Bllloueness. 25c. at C. D. Bradham's drug store. 1 RILEIB A toad under a harrow Buffers ho more than tho faithfht horse that is tortured with Spavins, Swinney, Harness Sores, Sprains, etc. Most horso owners know this and apply tho kind of sympathy that heala, known far and wido as Never fails not even in tho most aggravated cases. Cures caked udder in cows quicker than any known remedy. Hardly a diaeaso peculiar to muscle, skin or joints that cannot bo cured by it. Alexican 3 the bes remedy on the market for mm a a . . . Wind Galls, Sprains and Skin Lumps. iUUStang l-iniment Itkeepshorsesandmulestocondition. Shooting Followed Resignation. Buenos Ayres, Jan. 10 When the resignation of President Acevel of Para guay, was tendered In the Chamber of Deputies a row occurred. Senator Fas- cardo was killed, Senor Caballere. Senators Miguel and Carbalan, and Deputy ( arreras were seriously wound ed. Dr. Bull's Pills lor Liver Ills. One pill a dose. Box, 60 pills, 10 tls. Cure Constipation, Liver Troubles, Bil iousness, Impure Blood, Dyspepsia, Fe male Complaints, Stomach and Bowel Disorders. Dr, Bull's Pills never gripe. Serious Char? es Against Judge. Honolulu, Jan. 10 Charges have been formulated and forwarded Roosevelt asking for the removal of Judge John AV Kalula, Circuit Judge of the Island of Maul. He Is accused of drunkedness on the bench and in other public places, misappropriation of trust funds and bribe taking. HEPBURN CANAL BILL New Century Comfort. Millions are dally, finding a world of comfort in Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It kills pain from Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Bruises; conquers Ulcers, and Fever Bores; cures Eruptions, Bait Rheum Boils and Felons; removes Corns and Warts. Best Pile cure on earth. Only 25c. at C. D. Bradham's drug store. To Supervise Tobacco Under Shade. New Haven, Jan. 8.-G. T. McNess with two assistants will be appointed by the National Qovernment to supervise the raisin? of Sumatra or shade grown tobacco in this State. The Mothei's Favorite. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the mother's favorite. It Is pleasant and safe for children to take and always cures.- It is intended especially fo coughs, colds, croup snd whooping cough, and Is the best medicine made for these diseases. Thereto not the "least danger In giving it to children for it contains no opium or other , injurious ding and may be given as confidently to a babe as to an adult. For Sale by F 8 Duffy & Co. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup for , Teething Babies. ; Price, 10 cts. Cures Wind-Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Gri ping Pains, Sour Stomach, Fever, Chol era Infantum. Dr., Bull's Baby Syrup promotes the digestion end, soothes the baby." ; Schley at White House. Washington, Jsn, 8. There was con siderable comment over the reception accorded Admiral Schley at the diplo matic reception at the White House last night. President Roosevelt greeted him most cordially and Mrs. Roosevelt departed from her : usual custom of merely bowing and extended her bsnd to him. . ... . - - . Only Two Votes Cast Against The Nicar agua Measure. Washington, Jan. 9 The Hepburn NIcaraguan Canal bill passed the House late this afternoon by practically a unan imous vote. Only two members out of 310 voted against It-Messrs. Fletcher (Republican, Minn.) and Lassiter (Dem ocrat, Va.) The opposition to committing the Oov ernment t) the Nlciraguan route at tempted to secure amendments to lodge with the President the discretionary power to purchase and complete the Panama canal, if it could bo purchased for $40,000,000. Tho test can e on the first vote, when the advocates of an al ternative route polled 102 against 110 votes. At each succeeding vote their strength dwindled until Mr. Cannon 111 , under whose leadership the fight was made, was unable to get the ayes and nays oh a motion to recommit. AU other amendments failed and the bill passed exactly as It came from the com mittee. None of the votes, except that on the final passage of the bill was a rec ord vote. Increase In Tobacco Raising in Wale Will Be Large. tThlU Wemsn Pardoned la Mitchell The Bigamist Setaraa. Ma le ale Lodges. Fablle Schools and tke Law. Ssliioh, Jan. 10. Governor Aycock today pardoned CoL Lay, a whits wo man 69 years of age, who was serving a term ot U months in jail at Bakersvllle, Mitchell county, for retslllngliquor without license. She has consumption. Ths sentence Is regarded as s severe one evtn If the aged woman was a persis tent lawbreaker. The bigamist, John. Byrd, was brought here from Richmond this morning. He says he has been married three times. His first wife Is dead. He declares he thought the second one was also dead. The last one Is barely seventeen years of age. The facts are all against Byrd. A charter Is granted by the State to the Cullowhee Copper Co., of Forest Hill, Jackson County, capital $100, 000. Some marriages of persons of marked prominence In society here are to occur in the next 90 days. The Increase In tobacco acreage In this section will be even greater than expec ted. Within the past few days more than 20 farmers from Granville county have gone to Fuquay Springs, In the southern part of this county, to rslse to bacco in the sandy land. Qrand Secretary John C. Drewry of the Grand Lodge of Masons reports that there are now 835 lodges, a gam of five over last year. Two old lodges ceased to exist and seven new ones wss formed There ara 12,100 menjbers, sgalnst 9,800 when he became grand secretary 8 years ago. The revenue from lodges is now $7,647, against $4,7(0 six years ago, and the increase over last year Is $703. The constitution requires thst the pub lie schools shall be kept open 4 months In each-year. In only 87 counties were they open that long last year for whites, and In 30 for negroes. The increase In the term was nearly a week for whites and a week and a half Tor negroes. The $100,000 direct appropriation brought about the increase. Anglo-German Discord. London, Jan. 9. The stinging rebuke administered to Chamberlain by chan cellor Von Bu ow, of the German Relch- stug, has caused Intense and widespread irritation and is greatly Increasing the bittcrnsss of the Anglo German dis- cord. Kentucky's Senator. Frankfort, Ky. Jan. 9 Ex-Governor McCrcary was elected United States Sen ator by Democrats in caucus tonight, Vote was 62 to 37. May Take Croker's Scalp. New York, Jan. 9. Under the direc tion of bis enemies outBide of Tammany Hall, reinforced by his foes within the orgsnizatlon, a campaign will soon be begun, It Is said, for the purpose of driv Ing Richard Croker from his scat of power in the Democratic party. Flans already laid bare are under con sideration by a numerous body of Influen tial Democrats who will hold a meeting within a few days, at which it will be determined whether the attack on Mr. Croker shall be made within the organi zation or from the outside. Not all the leaders in Tammany Hall, despite their silent acquiescence in the management of its affairs, aro friendly to the chief tain, and this spark of unfriendliness needs only a faint breeze of encourage ment to fan it into a flame of revolt. Mr. Croker will leave for Europe about the middle of February, according to his present Intentions. Already he has postponed his departure several times on the advice of his friends who aware that in his absence the storm may break, want him to remain at home to force the fighting. , Hiss Stone Released. : Vienna, Jan. 9 The Allgemelne Zel- tung's Sofia correspondent reports that despite denials; IUs a fact that Miss Stone, Jthe American missionary, ab ducted by brigands, was liberated ten days ago and that the full ransom de manded for her release was paid. The missionary, the correspondent says, em barked at Salonlca. for Genoa, en route for America. " : ' Storey Sea Trip. New York, Jan.- 10 The steamship Kalserin L'aria Theresa, which . arrived Write This Down In the book of memory: "There .Is no such thing as a hamlets cough. Every cough is a warning of a confidence that goes from bad to worse unless it Is rem edied right away. Opium-laden medi cine is a delusion. Allen's Lung Bal sam cures the worst of colds. - It Clears the bronchial passages, so thst the lungs get plenty of air. Why not get a bottle today? , ' . Virginia Suffrage Question. - ' Richmond, Jan. 9 The Constitution al convention took a final vote on the judiciary ordinance of the constitution and It was adopted and referred to the committee on final revision. There was two hours' of filibustering to prevent getting a vote on the question of elec tion of Supreme Court judges by the people and It wss successful. ; The outlook for a speedy' settlement of the suffrage question seems to be growing brighten , . j t Attorneyl General Anderson, on the part of the minority of the suffrage committee, announced that they had determined to withdraw their plan and offer that of Senator Glass as a sub stitute for that of the majority. This brings the fight in the Democratic con ference down to two plans, to which amendments will be offered with the Well Gushing Oil 60 Feet. Galveston, Tex , Jan. 9 Word has been received from the most authentic source that a gusher has been brought In on the Keyser Mound field, 60 miles from Galveston. A gentleman just In from the well says that it Is spoutiug oil 60 feet high, that (Lose in charge of the well cannot control it and that oil Is flowing over the contiguous terrlUr,' The well is operated by the Hogg-Under wood, or Equitable Mining Campany. It is sn eight-inch well and has a depth of 700 feet. From Governor to Prison. Boston, 'Jan, 9. Admitting that his picture was in the rogues' gallery and tbat for a period of years he bad been familiar with the "lowest depths of New York opium joints," yet plesdlng for mercy from the court, Franklin J. Moses once Governor of South Carolina, was sentenced here today to four months' lm prisonment for the larceny of an overcoat. A Brother Tried to Fly. Kingston, Ont., Jan. 9 At a meeting of Free Methodists at Verona, one of the brethren declared he could fly, and proceeded to demonstrate bis power. He launched Into space and his head came In contact with a lsrge coal oil lamp. The lamp fell to the floor and the oil Ignited. - At one time five men and three wo men were on Are, and five out of the eight s were ? seriously burned. The flames spread and caused a panic. Many were Injured In the stampede. Farmers Refuse to SeU Wheat Wichita, Kan., can. 9. With 40.000.. 000 bushels of wheat in the 20 counties surrounding Wichita, the mills of this cty are idle. The farmers are determ ined to keep their wheat for sis: weeks longer, or until the crowinar eron shall be better determined. Offers of 77 cents per bushel were made in vain here to day. AYctfetatkFrvparailonftrAi slmHatlng foe Food andEetfula-tngrl5fcnxi3aill3cjbcs p " 1. t Promotes DigcatIoTlCheer(J tvess and RestjContalns neither Opium.Mofphlna nor MlneraL ISOXXARCOTXO. Aperfect Remedy forCons Bps lion, Sour Stonikh,Diarxhoea Worms onvulsn3,Feverisrr ness and L089 OF SLEEP. facsimile Si'gwahsra of ' i NEW YORK. EXACT COPY Of WRAPPCa 3J W t-4 mm li ' MUkU Forrr?T:tiTv3CliHren. Th3 Kind Ycj Have Ahviiys Comfit Bears the" Sigiiaturo : : oR Use V For" Over Thirty Years TOt TM MaMBT. ffv ARE Yflll mMJ ft ; HEAR NOISES? mm ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE nOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those bora deaf are incurable. - HEAD liOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WIRMAR, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS I Baltwoib, Mi, Vrch so, mm. Grntlemtn . Being- entirely cored of deafness, thanks to year treatment, I will sow give you a iuii msiory 01 my cane, to oe usea ei your Qiicreiioa. About five vrnra am, mv Hoht Mr hrnn tn nnr and thU kral On Vtttin WOrM. ttatll I lost my bearing in this ear entirely. - I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three montha, without an mccesa. conmltea a num ber of phyiidaiia. among othera, the moat eminent ear apeciallat of thla city, who told me that only an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the head noiaca would then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would be loot forew. 1 then aaw rour advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered yOnr treat ment. After I Im.l used it only a (ew daya according to your directkuia, the noises ceased, and to-dny. after fire weeks, my hearing in the dlaeaaed car has been entirely ratored. I thank yoa henrtily "ud ben tc remain Very truly yours, - P. A. WERMAK, 7jc8. Broadway, Baltimore, aid. 1 t)itr treatment dee not interfere with your usual occupation, fcX.-nd YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOKE "'.TtaU !fJTSATiO?iAL AURAL CLINIC, 586 LA SUlt HYE, CHICAGO, ILL. J. A, JONES, r I 1 . - m ......... ... Livery, teed, (P t n at W aSVSFV II. " ft) i .... wtsgg -' r i - 7 JS . )f I ISSwl I i i ft T - at ana. J -Largest and Finest Stock of- ever offered for sale in New Bern. A Car Load of each just received. Also a complete line of Bageies, Waeona. Harness. ItoW Whins. Cart Wheels, Ac. - - , , , Broad Street, Stewart's Old Stand. ' Finds Way to Live Long:. , The startling announcement of a Dis covery that will surely lengtbea life Is made by editor O H Downey, of Chura basco, IntL, "I wish to state," be writes "tbat Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption Is tie most infallible re- view to perfecting them and iben the medy that I have ever known for Coagbs rote will be tskea. Colds and Grip. It's Invaluable topeo-' "" ' V: pie with weak lung. Having this won-1 xi. . derfal medicine no one need dread Pneu- ' Tcart Deficit at Harvard, monla or Consumption. Its relief Is in- Boston, 3nn. 9. The statement of the stant and cure certain." O D Bradham treasurer of Harvard University, Just is- today from Bremen, had a fearful trip, the steamer -Corliacrewlnir her wsy ' euarantees everv EOc and S1.C0 bntiln' sued, showa that the Institution ran hp. TLe protection for American Interests through t- ..'.ouscas. . 'and gives trial bottles free. , bind last year f3C0,00). . Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yea cat. This preparation contains all of thj dlRestanta and digests all kinds ol food. Itgivesinstantreiiefan.l never fails to cure. Itallow3you to ratal tho food you want. Tne most sensitive stomachs can take It. By Its use many thousands of dyspeptic have been curea alter everytning cl?c fynud. It prevents formation of pas on I lies! f m- Qrh. rpliavinry all Hicl.Toj,: cftu. i- Diet Ing u n necessary. Pleasant to tako. K - . -. SA .J J. pN-onrcdonlyliy pvWm kCo.t l,lcio 'i'ii U. buuie couuiius si, ume uu wo, o.tl B 1 flTT I ITfin TTT ;v I T Trm r-T-rn B to Invest on the ground floor with owners,' in a deTeloped free milling gold mine that has produced, and has expended on it : Fifty Thousand Dollars in development on the ledge and a compete fire .tamp mill, with all other necessary machinery ready to run. The Ozark Is not a prospect, but a mine that has produced. We are placing 100,000 shares of development stock at 85o per-share, capital stock 1,000,000 shares (i ur value $1.00 each), fully paid and non-assessable, to further develop and put the property on a pay ing basis. A property lying near the Ozark, with nowhere as good a showing and very little development, sold last week to a Now York syndicate for 1200,01,0. The Ozark will pay dividend, and be worth rar inside of six months. ThU Is Uie best investment for the mony that Las ever been offered to the Investing publie. Do not lose this opportunity. ItwlU never i pear -in. VllT fll rjii t.. , ' w uuuuira, yruspecias, report on naim, i rr-r. m-fs, etc,, f')' t lm F. S. DOTTY & CO.

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